Below is a listing of all postcodes in the state of Queensland (QLD), Australia.
ID | Postcode | Locality | State | Longitude | Latitude | Category | Type | SA3 | SA3 Name | SA4 | SA4 Name | Region | Status | Lat (Google) | Long (Google) | SA1 CODE 2021 | SA1 NAME 2021 | SA2 CODE 2021 | SA2 NAME 2021 | SA3 CODE 2021 | SA3 NAME 2021 | SA4 CODE 2021 | SA4 NAME 2021 | RA 2016 | RA 2021 | RA 2021 Name | MMM 2015 | MMM 2019 | CED | Altitude | Charge Zone | PHN Code | PHN Name | LGA Region | LGA Code | Electorate | Electorate Rating | State Electoral Code | State Electroal Name |
23984 | 2406 | MUNGINDI | QLD | 148.7670014 | -28.95352658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.9041572 | 149.0408494 | 30701117406 | Weengallon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Parkes | 168.702056884766 | N2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Parkes | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
8525 | 4000 | BRISBANE | QLD | 153.022126 | -27.468391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4660994 | 153.023588 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8526 | 4000 | BRISBANE ADELAIDE STREET | QLD | 153.022126 | -27.468391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4666186 | 153.027371 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
21016 | 4000 | BRISBANE CITY | QLD | 153.0251227 | -27.46977074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4698 | 153.025 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8527 | 4000 | BRISBANE CITY DC | QLD | 153.022126 | -27.468391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4679 | 153.028 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8528 | 4000 | BRISBANE GPO | QLD | 153.022126 | -27.468391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4679 | 153.028 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8529 | 4000 | BRISBANE-CITY | QLD | 153.022126 | -27.468391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4698 | 153.025 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8530 | 4000 | PARLIAMENT HOUSE | QLD | 153.022126 | -27.468391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4754 | 153.027 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8531 | 4000 | PETRIE TERRACE | QLD | 153.022126 | -27.468391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4626 | 153.013 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8532 | 4000 | SPRING HILL | QLD | 153.022126 | -27.468391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.46 | 153.026 | 30501111115 | Spring Hill (Qld) | 305011111 | Spring Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 15.0615396499634 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8533 | 4001 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
8534 | 4001 | CENTRAL PLAZA | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.46706 | 153.029112 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | | | Ipswich | 33960 | Griffith | | | |
8535 | 4001 | RIVERSIDE CENTRE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.4671 | 153.0303389 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | | | Ipswich | 33960 | Griffith | | | |
8536 | 4001 | WATERFRONT PLACE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.4699784 | 153.0304818 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | | | Ipswich | 33960 | Griffith | | | |
8537 | 4002 | BRISBANE ALBERT STREET BC | QLD | 153.027 | -27.4693 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.4726 | 153.028 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 12.0578346252441 | Q1 | | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
24124 | 4002 | CITY EAST | QLD | 153.027 | -27.4693 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.4726 | 153.028 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 12.0578346252441 | | | | Brisbane | 31000 | | | | |
8260 | 4002 | WINTERGARDEN | QLD | 153.027 | -27.4693 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.4693 | 153.027 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 12.0578346252441 | Q1 | | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
8261 | 4003 | GEORGE STREET | QLD | 152.348462 | -24.872431 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.4709825 | 153.0235766 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 13.8969326019287 | Q1 | | | Bundaberg | 31820 | Griffith | | | |
8262 | 4004 | SPRING HILL | QLD | 149.316593 | -24.045265 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.46 | 153.026 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 196.405517578125 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Woorabinda | 37550 | Griffith | | | |
8263 | 4005 | NEW FARM | QLD | 153.045194 | -27.470078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.468 | 153.048 | 30503112832 | Teneriffe | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 20.9041080474854 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
21017 | 4005 | TENERIFFE | QLD | 153.0483096 | -27.4561168 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4564 | 153.049 | 30503112832 | Teneriffe | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 20.9041080474854 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8264 | 4006 | BOWEN BRIDGE | QLD | 153.175242 | -27.36618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4432 | 153.038 | 30503112847 | Bowen Hills | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8265 | 4006 | BOWEN HILLS | QLD | 153.175242 | -27.36618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.443194 | 153.038389 | 30503112847 | Bowen Hills | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8266 | 4006 | BRISBANE EXHIBITION | QLD | 153.175242 | -27.36618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4508 | 153.033 | 30503112847 | Bowen Hills | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8267 | 4006 | FORTITUDE VALLEY | QLD | 153.175242 | -27.36618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4565 | 153.0345 | 30503112847 | Bowen Hills | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8268 | 4006 | FORTITUDE VALLEY BC | QLD | 153.175242 | -27.36618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4562 | 153.035 | 30503112847 | Bowen Hills | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8269 | 4006 | HERSTON | QLD | 153.175242 | -27.36618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4451489 | 153.0206887 | 30503112847 | Bowen Hills | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8270 | 4006 | MAYNE | QLD | 153.175242 | -27.36618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4448 | 153.037 | 30503112847 | Bowen Hills | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8271 | 4006 | NEWSTEAD | QLD | 153.175242 | -27.36618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4476365 | 153.0456652 | 30503112847 | Bowen Hills | 305031128 | Newstead - Bowen Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8272 | 4007 | ASCOT | QLD | 153.061914 | -27.436088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.431944 | 153.065 | 30503112511 | Hendra | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 32.3893508911133 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | | | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8273 | 4007 | BRISBANE AIRPORT | QLD | 153.061914 | -27.436088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4367 | 153.065 | 30503112511 | Hendra | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 32.3893508911133 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | | | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8274 | 4007 | DOOMBEN | QLD | 153.061914 | -27.436088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4286 | 153.074 | 30503112511 | Hendra | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 32.3893508911133 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | | | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8275 | 4007 | HAMILTON | QLD | 153.061914 | -27.436088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.437 | 153.059 | 30503112511 | Hendra | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 32.3893508911133 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | | | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8276 | 4007 | HAMILTON CENTRAL | QLD | 153.061914 | -27.436088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.437 | 153.059 | 30503112511 | Hendra | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 32.3893508911133 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | | | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8277 | 4007 | WHINSTANES | QLD | 153.061914 | -27.436088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4381 | 153.082 | 30503112511 | Hendra | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 32.3893508911133 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | | | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
21018 | 4008 | BRISBANE AIRPORT | QLD | 153.1132012 | -27.38837225 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3941 | 153.115 | 30203103708 | Pinkenba | 302031037 | Eagle Farm - Pinkenba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8278 | 4008 | BULWER ISLAND | QLD | 153.14232 | -27.399839 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4176 | 153.13 | 30203103708 | Pinkenba | 302031037 | Eagle Farm - Pinkenba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8279 | 4008 | MEEANDAH | QLD | 153.14232 | -27.399839 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4304 | 153.109 | 30203103708 | Pinkenba | 302031037 | Eagle Farm - Pinkenba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8280 | 4008 | MYRTLETOWN | QLD | 153.14232 | -27.399839 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4004 | 153.132 | 30203103708 | Pinkenba | 302031037 | Eagle Farm - Pinkenba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8281 | 4008 | PINKENBA | QLD | 153.14232 | -27.399839 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.433333 | 153.116667 | 30203103708 | Pinkenba | 302031037 | Eagle Farm - Pinkenba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8282 | 4009 | EAGLE FARM | QLD | 153.105247 | -27.405747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4330179 | 153.0829858 | 30203103708 | Pinkenba | 302031037 | Eagle Farm - Pinkenba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8283 | 4009 | EAGLE FARM BC | QLD | 153.105247 | -27.405747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4333 | 153.083 | 30203103708 | Pinkenba | 302031037 | Eagle Farm - Pinkenba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8284 | 4010 | ALBION | QLD | 153.04354 | -27.433237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4307455 | 153.0427215 | 30503113008 | Windsor (Qld) | 305031130 | Windsor | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8285 | 4010 | ALBION BC | QLD | 153.04354 | -27.433237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4305 | 153.046 | 30503113008 | Windsor (Qld) | 305031130 | Windsor | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8286 | 4010 | ALBION DC | QLD | 153.04354 | -27.433237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4319 | 153.046 | 30503113008 | Windsor (Qld) | 305031130 | Windsor | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8287 | 4010 | BREAKFAST CREEK | QLD | 153.04354 | -27.433237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4407 | 153.046 | 30503113008 | Windsor (Qld) | 305031130 | Windsor | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8288 | 4011 | CLAYFIELD | QLD | 153.059749 | -27.419484 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4159369 | 153.0583828 | 30503113107 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8289 | 4011 | EAGLE JUNCTION | QLD | 153.059749 | -27.419484 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4151 | 153.05 | 30503113107 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8290 | 4011 | HENDRA | QLD | 153.059749 | -27.419484 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4192349 | 153.0736864 | 30503113107 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30019 | Clayfield |
8291 | 4012 | NUNDAH | QLD | 153.05355 | -27.399335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4034491 | 153.0604371 | 30503112505 | Nundah | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 20.5725536346436 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8292 | 4012 | TOOMBUL | QLD | 153.05355 | -27.399335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4100303 | 153.0621163 | 30503112505 | Nundah | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 20.5725536346436 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8293 | 4012 | WAVELL HEIGHTS | QLD | 153.05355 | -27.399335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.393 | 153.048 | 30503112505 | Nundah | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 20.5725536346436 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8294 | 4012 | WAVELL HEIGHTS NORTH | QLD | 153.05355 | -27.399335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.389668 | 153.049219 | 30503112505 | Nundah | 305031125 | Hendra | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 20.5725536346436 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8295 | 4013 | NORTHGATE | QLD | 153.074982 | -27.397055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3944936 | 153.0706888 | 30203104004 | Nundah | 302031040 | Nundah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30067 | Nudgee |
8296 | 4013 | NORTHGATE MC | QLD | 153.074982 | -27.397055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3945 | 153.071 | 30203104004 | Nundah | 302031040 | Nundah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30067 | Nudgee |
8297 | 4014 | BANYO | QLD | 153.084784 | -27.373947 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3796668 | 153.0812456 | 30203103933 | Nudgee | 302031039 | Nudgee - Banyo | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30067 | Nudgee |
8298 | 4014 | NUDGEE | QLD | 153.084784 | -27.373947 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.371 | 153.09 | 30203103933 | Nudgee | 302031039 | Nudgee - Banyo | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30067 | Nudgee |
8299 | 4014 | NUDGEE BEACH | QLD | 153.084784 | -27.373947 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.354 | 153.101 | 30203103933 | Nudgee | 302031039 | Nudgee - Banyo | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30067 | Nudgee |
8300 | 4014 | VIRGINIA | QLD | 153.084784 | -27.373947 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.376 | 153.065 | 30203103933 | Nudgee | 302031039 | Nudgee - Banyo | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30067 | Nudgee |
8301 | 4014 | VIRGINIA BC | QLD | 153.084784 | -27.373947 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3699 | 153.06 | 30203103933 | Nudgee | 302031039 | Nudgee - Banyo | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30067 | Nudgee |
8302 | 4014 | VIRGINIA DC | QLD | 153.084784 | -27.373947 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3699 | 153.06 | 30203103933 | Nudgee | 302031039 | Nudgee - Banyo | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30067 | Nudgee |
8303 | 4017 | BRACKEN RIDGE | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3237467 | 153.0266071 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8304 | 4017 | BRIGHTON | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.299 | 153.057 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8305 | 4017 | BRIGHTON EVENTIDE | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.297931 | 153.061821 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8306 | 4017 | BRIGHTON NATHAN STREET | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3031821 | 153.0537419 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8307 | 4017 | DEAGON | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.328 | 153.06 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8308 | 4017 | NASHVILLE | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3075 | 153.05 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8309 | 4017 | SANDGATE | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3238 | 153.071 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8310 | 4017 | SANDGATE DC | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.319 | 153.069 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8311 | 4017 | SHORNCLIFFE | QLD | 153.047339 | -27.318074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.327 | 153.079 | 30204104419 | Sandgate (Qld) | 302041044 | Sandgate - Shorncliffe | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8312 | 4018 | FITZGIBBON | QLD | 153.031804 | -27.349074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.35 | 153.033333 | 30204104547 | Taigum | 302041045 | Taigum - Fitzgibbon | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8313 | 4018 | TAIGUM | QLD | 153.031804 | -27.349074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.35 | 153.05 | 30204104547 | Taigum | 302041045 | Taigum - Fitzgibbon | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8314 | 4019 | CLONTARF | QLD | 153.088498 | -27.248337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2463 | 153.0827 | 31305138036 | Margate (Qld) | 313051380 | Rothwell - Kippa-Ring | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 13.9671468734741 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8315 | 4019 | CLONTARF BEACH | QLD | 153.088498 | -27.248337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2609399 | 153.0814995 | 31305138036 | Margate (Qld) | 313051380 | Rothwell - Kippa-Ring | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 13.9671468734741 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8316 | 4019 | CLONTARF DC | QLD | 153.088498 | -27.248337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2572 | 153.086 | 31305138036 | Margate (Qld) | 313051380 | Rothwell - Kippa-Ring | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 13.9671468734741 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8317 | 4019 | HUMPYBONG | QLD | 153.088498 | -27.248337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2461 | 153.109 | 31305138036 | Margate (Qld) | 313051380 | Rothwell - Kippa-Ring | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 13.9671468734741 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8318 | 4019 | MARGATE | QLD | 153.088498 | -27.248337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.243 | 153.1025 | 31305138036 | Margate (Qld) | 313051380 | Rothwell - Kippa-Ring | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 13.9671468734741 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8319 | 4019 | MARGATE BEACH | QLD | 153.088498 | -27.248337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.24468 | 153.1116804 | 31305138036 | Margate (Qld) | 313051380 | Rothwell - Kippa-Ring | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 13.9671468734741 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8320 | 4019 | SCOTTS POINT | QLD | 153.088498 | -27.248337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2522 | 153.11 | 31305138036 | Margate (Qld) | 313051380 | Rothwell - Kippa-Ring | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 13.9671468734741 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8321 | 4019 | WOODY POINT | QLD | 153.088498 | -27.248337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2544 | 153.1016 | 31305138036 | Margate (Qld) | 313051380 | Rothwell - Kippa-Ring | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 13.9671468734741 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
21019 | 4020 | NEWPORT | QLD | 153.0900858 | -27.21066448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31305 | Redcliffe | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2105 | 153.09 | 31305157536 | Scarborough (Qld) | 313051575 | Scarborough - Newport | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 2.65513157844544 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8322 | 4020 | REDCLIFFE | QLD | 153.106378 | -27.214362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31305 | Redcliffe | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2258 | 153.1063 | 31305157536 | Scarborough (Qld) | 313051575 | Scarborough - Newport | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 2.65513157844544 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8323 | 4020 | REDCLIFFE NORTH | QLD | 153.106378 | -27.214362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31305 | Redcliffe | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2171856 | 153.1121882 | 31305157536 | Scarborough (Qld) | 313051575 | Scarborough - Newport | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 2.65513157844544 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8324 | 4020 | SCARBOROUGH | QLD | 153.106378 | -27.214362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31305 | Redcliffe | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2047 | 153.1102 | 31305157536 | Scarborough (Qld) | 313051575 | Scarborough - Newport | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 2.65513157844544 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8325 | 4021 | KIPPA-RING | QLD | 153.07529 | -27.220098 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31305 | Redcliffe | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.223156 | 153.0824656 | 31305157516 | Newport (Qld) | 313051575 | Scarborough - Newport | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8326 | 4022 | ROTHWELL | QLD | 153.046414 | -27.211886 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31305 | Redcliffe | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2144286 | 153.0527075 | 31305157520 | Rothwell | 313051575 | Scarborough - Newport | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 7.93153858184815 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30062 | Murrumba |
8327 | 4025 | BULWER | QLD | 153.393497 | -27.162277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.075278 | 153.369167 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Bonner | 90.5207290649414 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8328 | 4025 | CAPE MORETON | QLD | 153.393497 | -27.162277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0333333 | 153.4666667 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Bonner | 90.5207290649414 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8329 | 4025 | COWAN COWAN | QLD | 153.393497 | -27.162277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1248195 | 153.367143 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Bonner | 90.5207290649414 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8330 | 4025 | KOORINGAL | QLD | 153.393497 | -27.162277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3548073 | 153.425744 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Bonner | 90.5207290649414 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
21020 | 4025 | MORETON ISLAND | QLD | 153.4064315 | -27.14790891 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3463 | 153.424 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Bonner | 106.154853820801 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8331 | 4025 | TANGALOOMA | QLD | 153.393497 | -27.162277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.178901 | 153.3730896 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 7 | Bonner | 90.5207290649414 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30071 | Redcliffe |
8332 | 4029 | ROYAL BRISBANE HOSPITAL | QLD | 153.026443 | -27.449336 | LVR | LVR | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4469767 | 153.0284688 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | 27.9921741485596 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | | | |
8333 | 4030 | EILDON HILL | QLD | 153.029681 | -27.42687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4307 | 153.025 | 30503113130 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8334 | 4030 | KALINGA | QLD | 153.029681 | -27.42687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4104 | 153.048 | 30503113130 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8335 | 4030 | LUTWYCHE | QLD | 153.029681 | -27.42687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.423 | 153.034 | 30503113130 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8336 | 4030 | WINDSOR | QLD | 153.029681 | -27.42687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4326765 | 153.0320137 | 30503113130 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8337 | 4030 | WOOLOOWIN | QLD | 153.029681 | -27.42687 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4223358 | 153.0410636 | 30503113130 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8338 | 4031 | GLEN KEDRON | QLD | 153.030695 | -27.408542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4074 | 153.036 | 30503113122 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8339 | 4031 | GORDON PARK | QLD | 153.030695 | -27.408542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.416 | 153.027 | 30503113122 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8340 | 4031 | KEDRON | QLD | 153.030695 | -27.408542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30503 | Brisbane Inner - North | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4000075 | 153.031578 | 30503113122 | Wooloowin | 305031131 | Wooloowin - Lutwyche | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8341 | 4032 | CHERMSIDE | QLD | 153.019449 | -27.385605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30202 | Chermside | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3859344 | 153.0294751 | 30202103311 | Stafford Heights | 302021033 | Stafford Heights | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8342 | 4032 | CHERMSIDE BC | QLD | 153.019449 | -27.385605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30202 | Chermside | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.383 | 153.032 | 30202103311 | Stafford Heights | 302021033 | Stafford Heights | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8343 | 4032 | CHERMSIDE CENTRE | QLD | 153.019449 | -27.385605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30202 | Chermside | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3830356 | 153.0320692 | 30202103311 | Stafford Heights | 302021033 | Stafford Heights | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8344 | 4032 | CHERMSIDE SOUTH | QLD | 153.019449 | -27.385605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30202 | Chermside | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3909055 | 153.0317458 | 30202103311 | Stafford Heights | 302021033 | Stafford Heights | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8345 | 4032 | CHERMSIDE WEST | QLD | 153.019449 | -27.385605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30202 | Chermside | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.381389 | 153.012222 | 30202103311 | Stafford Heights | 302021033 | Stafford Heights | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8346 | 4032 | CRAIGSLEA | QLD | 153.019449 | -27.385605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30202 | Chermside | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3825 | 153.015 | 30202103311 | Stafford Heights | 302021033 | Stafford Heights | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Lilley | Inner Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8347 | 4034 | ASPLEY | QLD | 153.040051 | -27.354711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3639 | 153.0157 | 30204104622 | Zillmere | 302041046 | Zillmere | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8348 | 4034 | BOONDALL | QLD | 153.040051 | -27.354711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3533586 | 153.0606302 | 30204104622 | Zillmere | 302041046 | Zillmere | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8349 | 4034 | CARSELDINE | QLD | 153.040051 | -27.354711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3459018 | 153.0124899 | 30204104622 | Zillmere | 302041046 | Zillmere | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8350 | 4034 | GEEBUNG | QLD | 153.040051 | -27.354711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.371 | 153.048 | 30204104622 | Zillmere | 302041046 | Zillmere | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8351 | 4034 | ZILLMERE | QLD | 153.040051 | -27.354711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.358333 | 153.05 | 30204104622 | Zillmere | 302041046 | Zillmere | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8352 | 4035 | ALBANY CREEK | QLD | 152.979085 | -27.356025 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.346944 | 152.968056 | 31401138243 | Albany Creek | 314011382 | Albany Creek | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30025 | Everton |
8353 | 4035 | BRIDGEMAN DOWNS | QLD | 152.979085 | -27.356025 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.355 | 152.9942 | 31401138243 | Albany Creek | 314011382 | Albany Creek | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30025 | Everton |
8354 | 4035 | CASHS CROSSING | QLD | 152.979085 | -27.356025 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3425 | 152.962 | 31401138243 | Albany Creek | 314011382 | Albany Creek | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30025 | Everton |
8355 | 4036 | BALD HILLS | QLD | 153.008731 | -27.314022 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30204 | Sandgate | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3138088 | 153.0088712 | 30201102230 | Bald Hills (Qld) | 302011022 | Bald Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | 14.0017538070679 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30074 | Sandgate |
8356 | 4037 | EATONS HILL | QLD | 152.936519 | -27.341128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3392025 | 152.9353024 | 31401138520 | Eatons Hill | 314011385 | Eatons Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30025 | Everton |
8357 | 4051 | ALDERLEY | QLD | 153.000297 | -27.427508 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.423889 | 153.005 | 30504113224 | Enoggera | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8358 | 4051 | ENOGGERA | QLD | 153.000297 | -27.427508 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.428 | 152.978 | 30504113224 | Enoggera | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8359 | 4051 | GAYTHORNE | QLD | 153.000297 | -27.427508 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.418 | 152.983 | 30504113224 | Enoggera | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8360 | 4051 | GRANGE | QLD | 153.000297 | -27.427508 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.423 | 153.015 | 30504113224 | Enoggera | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8361 | 4051 | NEWMARKET | QLD | 153.000297 | -27.427508 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.435 | 153.009 | 30504113224 | Enoggera | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8362 | 4051 | THE GRANGE | QLD | 153.000297 | -27.427508 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.423 | 153.015 | 30504113224 | Enoggera | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8363 | 4051 | WILSTON | QLD | 153.000297 | -27.427508 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.435 | 153.021 | 30504113224 | Enoggera | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8364 | 4053 | BROOKSIDE CENTRE | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4092923 | 152.9792074 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8365 | 4053 | EVERTON HILLS | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.391389 | 152.971944 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8366 | 4053 | EVERTON PARK | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.398056 | 152.988889 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8367 | 4053 | MCDOWALL | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.386944 | 152.99 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8368 | 4053 | MITCHELTON | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.41 | 152.973056 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8369 | 4053 | OXFORD PARK | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4047 | 152.969 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8370 | 4053 | SOMERSET HILLS | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3977 | 153.019 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8371 | 4053 | STAFFORD | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4119 | 153.0102 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8372 | 4053 | STAFFORD BC | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4185 | 153.014 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8373 | 4053 | STAFFORD CITY | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4119 | 153.01 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8374 | 4053 | STAFFORD DC | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4185 | 153.014 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8375 | 4053 | STAFFORD HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.98725 | -27.399573 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.396 | 153.011 | 31401138648 | Everton Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lilley | 49.7047233581543 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30080 | Stafford |
8376 | 4054 | ARANA HILLS | QLD | 152.956014 | -27.409817 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3975 | 152.959444 | 31401138659 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8377 | 4054 | GROVELY | QLD | 152.956014 | -27.409817 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4008 | 152.961 | 31401138659 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8378 | 4054 | KEPERRA | QLD | 152.956014 | -27.409817 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.411944 | 152.955 | 31401138659 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8379 | 4055 | BUNYA | QLD | 152.92424 | -27.393676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.369722 | 152.937778 | 31401138664 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 70.6456680297852 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8380 | 4055 | FERNY GROVE | QLD | 152.92424 | -27.393676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.403056 | 152.928056 | 31401138664 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 70.6456680297852 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8381 | 4055 | FERNY HILLS | QLD | 152.92424 | -27.393676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.39 | 152.933 | 31401138664 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 70.6456680297852 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8382 | 4055 | FERNY HILLS DC | QLD | 152.92424 | -27.393676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4003 | 152.938 | 31401138664 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 70.6456680297852 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8383 | 4055 | KEDRON UPPER | QLD | 152.92424 | -27.393676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4 | 153.032 | 31401138664 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 70.6456680297852 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8384 | 4055 | UPPER KEDRON | QLD | 152.92424 | -27.393676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.418889 | 152.918889 | 31401138664 | Ferny Hills | 314011386 | The Hills District | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 70.6456680297852 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8385 | 4059 | BALLYMORE | QLD | 153.008893 | -27.452067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4456 | 153.014 | 30504113615 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8386 | 4059 | ITHACA | QLD | 153.008893 | -27.452067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4525 | 153.004 | 30504113615 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8387 | 4059 | KELVIN GROVE | QLD | 153.008893 | -27.452067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4515704 | 153.0059279 | 30504113615 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8388 | 4059 | KELVIN GROVE BC | QLD | 153.008893 | -27.452067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4513 | 153.015 | 30504113615 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8389 | 4059 | KELVIN GROVE DC | QLD | 153.008893 | -27.452067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4513 | 153.015 | 30504113615 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8390 | 4059 | NORMANBY | QLD | 153.008893 | -27.452067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4568 | 153.015 | 30504113615 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8391 | 4059 | RED HILL | QLD | 153.008893 | -27.452067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4525313 | 153.0044563 | 30504113615 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Brisbane | Inner Metropolitan | 30052 | McConnel |
8392 | 4060 | ASHGROVE | QLD | 152.985176 | -27.445107 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4412376 | 152.9823835 | 30504113231 | Ashgrove | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | -3492 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
22824 | 4060 | ASHGROVE EAST | QLD | 152.982 | -27.4412 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.4412 | 152.982 | 30504113231 | Ashgrove | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | -3492 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8393 | 4060 | ASHGROVE WEST | QLD | 152.985176 | -27.445107 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4488388 | 152.9784382 | 30504113231 | Ashgrove | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | -3492 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8394 | 4060 | DORRINGTON | QLD | 152.985176 | -27.445107 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4379 | 152.99 | 30504113231 | Ashgrove | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | -3492 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8395 | 4060 | ST JOHNS WOOD | QLD | 152.985176 | -27.445107 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4459 | 152.972 | 30504113231 | Ashgrove | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | -3492 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8396 | 4061 | THE GAP | QLD | 152.944258 | -27.45085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4401591 | 152.9382447 | 30504113216 | The Gap (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041132 | Ashgrove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30026 | Ferny Grove |
8397 | 4064 | BAROONA | QLD | 152.999039 | -27.464676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4662 | 152.997 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8398 | 4064 | MILTON | QLD | 152.999039 | -27.464676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.46778 | 153.00667 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8122 | 4064 | MILTON BC | QLD | 152.999039 | -27.464676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4678 | 153.007 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8123 | 4064 | PADDINGTON | QLD | 152.999039 | -27.464676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.461667 | 153.0025 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8124 | 4064 | ROSALIE | QLD | 152.999039 | -27.464676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4659 | 152.997 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Brisbane | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8125 | 4065 | BARDON | QLD | 152.975992 | -27.462504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.461705 | 152.9764978 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8126 | 4065 | BARDON WEST | QLD | 152.975992 | -27.462504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4617 | 152.976 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8127 | 4065 | JUBILEE | QLD | 152.975992 | -27.462504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4526 | 152.989 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8128 | 4065 | RAINWORTH | QLD | 152.975992 | -27.462504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4617 | 152.976 | 30504113602 | Red Hill (Brisbane - Qld) | 305041136 | Red Hill (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8129 | 4066 | AUCHENFLOWER | QLD | 152.964146 | -27.479866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.475556 | 152.991667 | 30504113733 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8130 | 4066 | MOUNT COOT-THA | QLD | 152.964146 | -27.479866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.46877 | 152.9427532 | 30504113733 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8131 | 4066 | STUARTHOLME | QLD | 152.964146 | -27.479866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4686 | 152.974 | 30504113733 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8132 | 4066 | TOOWONG | QLD | 152.964146 | -27.479866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4842895 | 152.9837482 | 30504113733 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8133 | 4066 | TOOWONG BC | QLD | 152.964146 | -27.479866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4871 | 152.992 | 30504113733 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8134 | 4066 | TOOWONG DC | QLD | 152.964146 | -27.479866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4871 | 152.992 | 30504113733 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8135 | 4066 | TORWOOD | QLD | 152.964146 | -27.479866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4699 | 152.999 | 30504113733 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8136 | 4067 | IRONSIDE | QLD | 153.005045 | -27.500518 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30403 | Sherwood - Indooroopilly | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4987 | 152.996 | 30403109623 | St Lucia | 304031096 | St Lucia | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8137 | 4067 | ST LUCIA | QLD | 153.005045 | -27.500518 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30403 | Sherwood - Indooroopilly | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4991588 | 153.0000416 | 30403109623 | St Lucia | 304031096 | St Lucia | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8138 | 4067 | ST LUCIA SOUTH | QLD | 153.005045 | -27.500518 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30403 | Sherwood - Indooroopilly | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.501517 | 153.006885 | 30403109623 | St Lucia | 304031096 | St Lucia | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30048 | Maiwar |
8139 | 4068 | CHELMER | QLD | 152.976926 | -27.506907 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5163 | 152.9759 | 30504113715 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8140 | 4068 | INDOOROOPILLY | QLD | 152.976926 | -27.506907 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5020067 | 152.9758891 | 30504113715 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8141 | 4068 | INDOOROOPILLY CENTRE | QLD | 152.976926 | -27.506907 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5001761 | 152.9721547 | 30504113715 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8142 | 4068 | LONG POCKET | QLD | 152.976926 | -27.506907 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5097 | 152.996 | 30504113715 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8143 | 4068 | TARINGA | QLD | 152.976926 | -27.506907 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4938096 | 152.980912 | 30504113715 | Toowong | 305041137 | Toowong | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8144 | 4069 | BROOKFIELD | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4919 | 152.8979 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8145 | 4069 | CHAPEL HILL | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.50093 | 152.94685 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8146 | 4069 | FIG TREE POCKET | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.531716 | 152.968225 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8147 | 4069 | KENMORE | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.519 | 152.9375 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8148 | 4069 | KENMORE DC | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5059 | 152.939 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8149 | 4069 | KENMORE EAST | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.519 | 152.9375 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8150 | 4069 | KENMORE HILLS | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5 | 152.933333 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8151 | 4069 | LONE PINE | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5338 | 152.969 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8152 | 4069 | PINJARRA HILLS | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5390935 | 152.9058822 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8153 | 4069 | PULLENVALE | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5171 | 152.8914 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8154 | 4069 | UPPER BROOKFIELD | QLD | 152.898911 | -27.502784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.477778 | 152.868889 | 30402109112 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 103.188949584961 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8155 | 4070 | ANSTEAD | QLD | 152.871141 | -27.559944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.544722 | 152.866111 | 30402109111 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 34.7962646484375 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8156 | 4070 | BELLBOWRIE | QLD | 152.871141 | -27.559944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.566667 | 152.883333 | 30402109111 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 34.7962646484375 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8157 | 4070 | MOGGILL | QLD | 152.871141 | -27.559944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.583333 | 152.866667 | 30402109111 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 34.7962646484375 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8158 | 4070 | PRIORS POCKET | QLD | 152.871141 | -27.559944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5845 | 152.889 | 30402109111 | Pullenvale | 304021091 | Pinjarra Hills - Pullenvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 34.7962646484375 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30056 | Moggill |
8159 | 4072 | UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND | QLD | 152.330088 | -27.548962 | LVR | LVR | 30403 | Sherwood - Indooroopilly | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4975028 | 153.0136905 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Ryan | 92.8310775756836 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Griffith | | | |
8160 | 4073 | SEVENTEEN MILE ROCKS | QLD | 152.951385 | -27.549179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30401 | Centenary | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.551 | 152.959 | 30401108425 | Seventeen Mile Rocks | 304011084 | Seventeen Mile Rocks - Sinnamon Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8161 | 4073 | SINNAMON PARK | QLD | 152.951385 | -27.549179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30401 | Centenary | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5406 | 152.9519 | 30401108425 | Seventeen Mile Rocks | 304011084 | Seventeen Mile Rocks - Sinnamon Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8162 | 4074 | JAMBOREE HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.921521 | -27.554082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.557147 | 152.9338313 | 31001127106 | Sumner | 310011271 | Darra - Sumner | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8163 | 4074 | JINDALEE | QLD | 152.921521 | -27.554082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5373 | 152.9354 | 31001127106 | Sumner | 310011271 | Darra - Sumner | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8164 | 4074 | MIDDLE PARK | QLD | 152.921521 | -27.554082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5536336 | 152.9235338 | 31001127106 | Sumner | 310011271 | Darra - Sumner | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8165 | 4074 | MOUNT OMMANEY | QLD | 152.921521 | -27.554082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.545278 | 152.931389 | 31001127106 | Sumner | 310011271 | Darra - Sumner | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8166 | 4074 | RIVERHILLS | QLD | 152.921521 | -27.554082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5604 | 152.909 | 31001127106 | Sumner | 310011271 | Darra - Sumner | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8167 | 4074 | SUMNER | QLD | 152.921521 | -27.554082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.566667 | 152.933333 | 31001127106 | Sumner | 310011271 | Darra - Sumner | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8168 | 4074 | SUMNER PARK BC | QLD | 152.921521 | -27.554082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.565 | 152.933 | 31001127106 | Sumner | 310011271 | Darra - Sumner | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8169 | 4074 | WESTLAKE | QLD | 152.921521 | -27.554082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.55 | 152.916667 | 31001127106 | Sumner | 310011271 | Darra - Sumner | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8170 | 4075 | CORINDA | QLD | 152.975619 | -27.552135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5442725 | 152.9823835 | 31001127517 | Oxley (Qld) | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8171 | 4075 | GRACEVILLE | QLD | 152.975619 | -27.552135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.520922 | 152.980912 | 31001127517 | Oxley (Qld) | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8172 | 4075 | GRACEVILLE EAST | QLD | 152.975619 | -27.552135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.520922 | 152.980912 | 31001127517 | Oxley (Qld) | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8173 | 4075 | OXLEY | QLD | 152.975619 | -27.552135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.55341 | 152.9727693 | 31001127517 | Oxley (Qld) | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8174 | 4075 | SHERWOOD | QLD | 152.975619 | -27.552135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.531389 | 152.98 | 31001127517 | Oxley (Qld) | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8175 | 4076 | DARRA | QLD | 152.921067 | -27.584561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5660241 | 152.9532121 | 31001127613 | Wacol | 310011276 | Wacol | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 32.4945297241211 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8176 | 4076 | WACOL | QLD | 152.921067 | -27.584561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.588756 | 152.9254168 | 31001127613 | Wacol | 310011276 | Wacol | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 32.4945297241211 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8177 | 4076 | WACOL EAST IMMIGRATION CENTRE | QLD | 152.921067 | -27.584561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5888 | 152.925 | 31001127613 | Wacol | 310011276 | Wacol | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 32.4945297241211 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30058 | Mount Ommaney |
8178 | 4077 | DOOLANDELLA | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616667 | 152.983333 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8179 | 4077 | DURACK | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.583333 | 152.983333 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8180 | 4077 | INALA | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5856 | 152.9754 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8181 | 4077 | INALA EAST | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5856 | 152.9754 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8182 | 4077 | INALA HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5971811 | 152.9830926 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8183 | 4077 | INALA WEST | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5952 | 152.979 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8184 | 4077 | RICHLANDS | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5868982 | 152.9529566 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8185 | 4077 | RICHLANDS BC | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5799 | 152.951 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8186 | 4077 | RICHLANDS DC | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5846 | 152.945 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8187 | 4077 | SERVICETON | QLD | 152.967822 | -27.605551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5941 | 152.976 | 31001156451 | Inala | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 53.3439559936523 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30036 | Inala |
8188 | 4078 | ELLEN GROVE | QLD | 152.950579 | -27.612653 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616667 | 152.95 | 31001156457 | Forest Lake | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 44.1481895446777 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
8189 | 4078 | FOREST LAKE | QLD | 152.950579 | -27.612653 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616667 | 152.966667 | 31001156457 | Forest Lake | 310011564 | Forest Lake - Ellen Grove | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 44.1481895446777 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
8190 | 4101 | HIGHGATE HILL | QLD | 153.009661 | -27.484254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30501 | Brisbane Inner | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.487 | 153.019 | 30501111239 | West End (Brisbane - Qld) | 305011112 | West End | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 26.5628871917725 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8191 | 4101 | MATER HILL | QLD | 153.009661 | -27.484254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30501 | Brisbane Inner | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.485 | 153.028 | 30501111239 | West End (Brisbane - Qld) | 305011112 | West End | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 26.5628871917725 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8192 | 4101 | MATER HOSPITAL | QLD | 153.009661 | -27.484254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30501 | Brisbane Inner | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4852 | 153.028 | 30501111239 | West End (Brisbane - Qld) | 305011112 | West End | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 26.5628871917725 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8193 | 4101 | SOUTH BANK | QLD | 153.009661 | -27.484254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30501 | Brisbane Inner | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4799 | 153.012 | 30501111239 | West End (Brisbane - Qld) | 305011112 | West End | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 26.5628871917725 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8194 | 4101 | SOUTH BRISBANE | QLD | 153.009661 | -27.484254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30501 | Brisbane Inner | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.47665 | 153.01667 | 30501111239 | West End (Brisbane - Qld) | 305011112 | West End | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 26.5628871917725 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8195 | 4101 | SOUTH BRISBANE BC | QLD | 153.009661 | -27.484254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30501 | Brisbane Inner | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4766 | 153.017 | 30501111239 | West End (Brisbane - Qld) | 305011112 | West End | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 26.5628871917725 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8196 | 4101 | WEST END | QLD | 153.009661 | -27.484254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30501 | Brisbane Inner | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4802 | 153.0122 | 30501111239 | West End (Brisbane - Qld) | 305011112 | West End | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 26.5628871917725 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8197 | 4102 | BURANDA | QLD | 153.0328 | -27.495458 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4934521 | 153.040522 | 30502111506 | Woolloongabba | 305021115 | East Brisbane | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8198 | 4102 | DUTTON PARK | QLD | 153.0328 | -27.495458 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.494167 | 153.025833 | 30502111506 | Woolloongabba | 305021115 | East Brisbane | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8199 | 4102 | PRINCESS ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL | QLD | 153.0328 | -27.495458 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.499 | 153.033 | 30502111506 | Woolloongabba | 305021115 | East Brisbane | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8200 | 4102 | WOOLLOONGABBA | QLD | 153.0328 | -27.495458 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4856 | 153.0291 | 30502111506 | Woolloongabba | 305021115 | East Brisbane | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8201 | 4103 | ANNERLEY | QLD | 153.028768 | -27.512175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5138962 | 153.0309346 | 30304107103 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8202 | 4103 | ANNERLEY DC | QLD | 153.028768 | -27.512175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5121 | 153.031 | 30304107103 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8203 | 4103 | FAIRFIELD | QLD | 153.028768 | -27.512175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5065 | 153.0247 | 30304107103 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8204 | 4103 | FAIRFIELD GARDENS | QLD | 153.028768 | -27.512175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5089965 | 153.0259502 | 30304107103 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8205 | 4103 | THOMPSON ESTATE | QLD | 153.028768 | -27.512175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.507 | 153.042 | 30304107103 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8206 | 4104 | YERONGA | QLD | 153.011535 | -27.515758 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30302 | Holland Park - Yeronga | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5140455 | 153.0149526 | 30302105930 | Yeronga | 303021059 | Yeronga | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 20.0768928527832 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
8207 | 4104 | YERONGA WEST | QLD | 153.011535 | -27.515758 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30302 | Holland Park - Yeronga | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5186 | 153.014 | 30302105930 | Yeronga | 303021059 | Yeronga | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 20.0768928527832 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
8208 | 4105 | CLIFTON HILL | QLD | 153.018893 | -27.534438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30305 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5234 | 153.027 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 19.7394485473633 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8209 | 4105 | MOOROOKA | QLD | 153.018893 | -27.534438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30305 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.535 | 153.026 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 19.7394485473633 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8210 | 4105 | MOORVALE | QLD | 153.018893 | -27.534438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30305 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.533 | 153.024 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 19.7394485473633 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8211 | 4105 | TENNYSON | QLD | 153.018893 | -27.534438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30305 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5262737 | 153.0000416 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 19.7394485473633 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8212 | 4105 | YEERONGPILLY | QLD | 153.018893 | -27.534438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30305 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.53 | 153.012 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 19.7394485473633 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8213 | 4106 | BRISBANE MARKET | QLD | 153.004615 | -27.552137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30403 | Sherwood - Indooroopilly | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5368394 | 153.0020535 | 30305107632 | Rocklea (Qld) | 303051076 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8214 | 4106 | ROCKLEA | QLD | 153.004615 | -27.552137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30403 | Sherwood - Indooroopilly | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5533851 | 153.0000416 | 30305107632 | Rocklea (Qld) | 303051076 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8215 | 4106 | ROCKLEA DC | QLD | 153.004615 | -27.552137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30403 | Sherwood - Indooroopilly | 304 | Brisbane - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5365 | 153.001 | 30305107632 | Rocklea (Qld) | 303051076 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8216 | 4107 | SALISBURY | QLD | 153.030643 | -27.552052 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30305 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5499147 | 153.0353622 | 30304107019 | Salisbury (Qld) | 303041070 | Salisbury - Nathan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8217 | 4107 | SALISBURY EAST | QLD | 153.030643 | -27.552052 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30305 | Rocklea - Acacia Ridge | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5499147 | 153.0353622 | 30304107019 | Salisbury (Qld) | 303041070 | Salisbury - Nathan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8218 | 4108 | ARCHERFIELD | QLD | 153.020197 | -27.568359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.568333 | 153.024167 | 30306107909 | Sunnybank | 303061079 | Sunnybank | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
21021 | 4108 | ARCHERFIELD BC | QLD | 145.7740021 | -19.7061005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5675 | 153.022 | 30306107909 | Sunnybank | 303061079 | Sunnybank | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8219 | 4108 | COOPERS PLAINS | QLD | 153.020197 | -27.568359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5703 | 153.0372 | 30306107909 | Sunnybank | 303061079 | Sunnybank | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8220 | 4109 | ALTANDI | QLD | 153.057452 | -27.57925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5837 | 153.066 | 30306108039 | Sunnybank Hills | 303061080 | Sunnybank Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 50.4108428955078 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8221 | 4109 | BANOON | QLD | 153.057452 | -27.57925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5767 | 153.047 | 30306108039 | Sunnybank Hills | 303061080 | Sunnybank Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 50.4108428955078 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8222 | 4109 | MACGREGOR | QLD | 153.057452 | -27.57925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5619323 | 153.0745918 | 30306108039 | Sunnybank Hills | 303061080 | Sunnybank Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 50.4108428955078 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8223 | 4109 | ROBERTSON | QLD | 153.057452 | -27.57925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5657 | 153.0572 | 30306108039 | Sunnybank Hills | 303061080 | Sunnybank Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 50.4108428955078 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8224 | 4109 | SUNNYBANK | QLD | 153.057452 | -27.57925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.579 | 153.059 | 30306108039 | Sunnybank Hills | 303061080 | Sunnybank Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 50.4108428955078 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8225 | 4109 | SUNNYBANK HILLS | QLD | 153.057452 | -27.57925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6 | 153.05 | 30306108039 | Sunnybank Hills | 303061080 | Sunnybank Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 50.4108428955078 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8226 | 4109 | SUNNYBANK SOUTH | QLD | 153.057452 | -27.57925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.589488 | 153.061057 | 30306108039 | Sunnybank Hills | 303061080 | Sunnybank Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 50.4108428955078 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8227 | 4110 | ACACIA RIDGE | QLD | 153.009526 | -27.612178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.583333 | 153.033333 | 31001127513 | Willawong | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8228 | 4110 | ACACIA RIDGE BC | QLD | 153.009526 | -27.612178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5833 | 153.033 | 31001127513 | Willawong | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8229 | 4110 | ACACIA RIDGE DC | QLD | 153.009526 | -27.612178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.59 | 153.028 | 31001127513 | Willawong | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8230 | 4110 | HEATHWOOD | QLD | 153.009526 | -27.612178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.633333 | 152.983333 | 31001127513 | Willawong | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
21022 | 4110 | HEATHWOOD DF | QLD | 145.7740021 | -19.7061005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6333 | 152.983 | 31001127513 | Willawong | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8231 | 4110 | LARAPINTA | QLD | 153.009526 | -27.612178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.633333 | 153 | 31001127513 | Willawong | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8232 | 4110 | PALLARA | QLD | 153.009526 | -27.612178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.616667 | 153.016667 | 31001127513 | Willawong | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8233 | 4110 | WILLAWONG | QLD | 153.009526 | -27.612178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31001 | Forest Lake - Oxley | 310 | Ipswich | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6 | 153 | 31001127513 | Willawong | 310011275 | Oxley (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8234 | 4111 | GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY | QLD | 153.052226 | -27.550643 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5515 | 153.056 | 30304107008 | Nathan | 303041070 | Salisbury - Nathan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8235 | 4111 | NATHAN | QLD | 153.052226 | -27.550643 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5515001 | 153.0559687 | 30304107008 | Nathan | 303041070 | Salisbury - Nathan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8236 | 4112 | KURABY | QLD | 153.087839 | -27.611129 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.605579 | 153.0942431 | 30306107821 | Runcorn | 303061078 | Runcorn | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 56.8634986877441 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30081 | Stretton |
8237 | 4113 | EIGHT MILE PLAINS | QLD | 153.077926 | -27.590722 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5758579 | 153.0921619 | 30306107832 | Runcorn | 303061078 | Runcorn | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 55.7950592041016 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8238 | 4113 | FRUITGROVE | QLD | 153.077926 | -27.590722 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5981 | 153.08 | 30306107832 | Runcorn | 303061078 | Runcorn | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 55.7950592041016 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8239 | 4113 | RUNCORN | QLD | 153.077926 | -27.590722 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5964733 | 153.0765771 | 30306107832 | Runcorn | 303061078 | Runcorn | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | 55.7950592041016 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30085 | Toohey |
8240 | 4114 | KINGSTON | QLD | 153.110764 | -27.652812 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.65 | 153.116667 | 31106133631 | Woodridge (Qld) | 311061336 | Woodridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8241 | 4114 | LOGAN CENTRAL | QLD | 153.110764 | -27.652812 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.642222 | 153.106944 | 31106133631 | Woodridge (Qld) | 311061336 | Woodridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8242 | 4114 | LOGAN CITY BC | QLD | 153.110764 | -27.652812 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6427 | 153.104 | 31106133631 | Woodridge (Qld) | 311061336 | Woodridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8243 | 4114 | LOGAN CITY DC | QLD | 153.110764 | -27.652812 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6427 | 153.104 | 31106133631 | Woodridge (Qld) | 311061336 | Woodridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8244 | 4114 | TRINDER PARK | QLD | 153.110764 | -27.652812 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6278 | 153.094 | 31106133631 | Woodridge (Qld) | 311061336 | Woodridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8245 | 4114 | WOODRIDGE | QLD | 153.110764 | -27.652812 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.633333 | 153.1 | 31106133631 | Woodridge (Qld) | 311061336 | Woodridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8246 | 4114 | WOODRIDGE EAST | QLD | 153.110764 | -27.652812 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6333 | 153.1 | 31106133631 | Woodridge (Qld) | 311061336 | Woodridge | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8247 | 4115 | ALGESTER | QLD | 153.022499 | -27.643845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.611389 | 153.033611 | 30305107532 | Parkinson | 303051075 | Parkinson - Drewvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30001 | Algester |
8248 | 4115 | PARKINSON | QLD | 153.022499 | -27.643845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6365455 | 153.0299969 | 30305107532 | Parkinson | 303051075 | Parkinson - Drewvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30001 | Algester |
8249 | 4116 | CALAMVALE | QLD | 153.050793 | -27.633988 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.623889 | 153.05 | 30305107534 | Drewvale | 303051075 | Parkinson - Drewvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30081 | Stretton |
8250 | 4116 | DREWVALE | QLD | 153.050793 | -27.633988 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.65 | 153.05 | 30305107534 | Drewvale | 303051075 | Parkinson - Drewvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30081 | Stretton |
8251 | 4116 | STRETTON | QLD | 153.050793 | -27.633988 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30306 | Sunnybank | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.623333 | 153.067778 | 30305107534 | Drewvale | 303051075 | Parkinson - Drewvale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30081 | Stretton |
8252 | 4117 | BERRINBA | QLD | 153.08304 | -27.644688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.656122 | 153.0765771 | 31106133103 | Berrinba | 311061331 | Logan Central | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8253 | 4117 | KARAWATHA | QLD | 153.08304 | -27.644688 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.633333 | 153.083333 | 31106133103 | Berrinba | 311061331 | Logan Central | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8254 | 4118 | BROWNS PLAINS | QLD | 153.027323 | -27.673806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6620444 | 153.0530248 | 31103131935 | Heritage Park | 311031319 | Regents Park - Heritage Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 59.5979919433594 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30093 | Woodridge |
8255 | 4118 | BROWNS PLAINS BC | QLD | 153.027323 | -27.673806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6633 | 153.043 | 31103131935 | Heritage Park | 311031319 | Regents Park - Heritage Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 59.5979919433594 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30093 | Woodridge |
8256 | 4118 | BROWNSLEIGH | QLD | 153.027323 | -27.673806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.675 | 153.05 | 31103131935 | Heritage Park | 311031319 | Regents Park - Heritage Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 59.5979919433594 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30093 | Woodridge |
8257 | 4118 | FORESTDALE | QLD | 153.027323 | -27.673806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.663611 | 153.0025 | 31103131935 | Heritage Park | 311031319 | Regents Park - Heritage Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 59.5979919433594 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30093 | Woodridge |
8258 | 4118 | HERITAGE PARK | QLD | 153.027323 | -27.673806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.68 | 153.06 | 31103131935 | Heritage Park | 311031319 | Regents Park - Heritage Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 59.5979919433594 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30093 | Woodridge |
8259 | 4118 | HILLCREST | QLD | 153.027323 | -27.673806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6625397 | 153.0294751 | 31103131935 | Heritage Park | 311031319 | Regents Park - Heritage Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 59.5979919433594 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30093 | Woodridge |
7984 | 4118 | REGENTS PARK | QLD | 153.027323 | -27.673806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.676111 | 153.042222 | 31103131935 | Heritage Park | 311031319 | Regents Park - Heritage Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 59.5979919433594 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30093 | Woodridge |
7985 | 4119 | UNDERWOOD | QLD | 153.109769 | -27.611502 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6092593 | 153.1119105 | 31106133513 | Underwood (Qld) | 311061335 | Underwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 49.3396492004395 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
7986 | 4120 | GREENSLOPES | QLD | 153.044217 | -27.508707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5096657 | 153.0528149 | 30302105703 | Holland Park West | 303021057 | Holland Park West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 11.2550535202026 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
7987 | 4120 | LORETO HILL | QLD | 153.044217 | -27.508707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0118 | 111.348 | 30302105703 | Holland Park West | 303021057 | Holland Park West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 11.2550535202026 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
7988 | 4120 | STONES CORNER | QLD | 153.044217 | -27.508707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.498707 | 153.0466779 | 30302105703 | Holland Park West | 303021057 | Holland Park West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 11.2550535202026 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
7989 | 4121 | EKIBIN | QLD | 153.053952 | -27.526966 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.516 | 153.04 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
7990 | 4121 | HOLLAND PARK | QLD | 153.053952 | -27.526966 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.517 | 153.067 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
7991 | 4121 | HOLLAND PARK EAST | QLD | 153.053952 | -27.526966 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.517 | 153.067 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
7992 | 4121 | HOLLAND PARK WEST | QLD | 153.053952 | -27.526966 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5228673 | 153.0603204 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
7993 | 4121 | MOUNT THOMPSON | QLD | 153.053952 | -27.526966 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5268 | 153.077 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
7994 | 4121 | TARRAGINDI | QLD | 153.053952 | -27.526966 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5242309 | 153.0464228 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
7995 | 4121 | WELLERS HILL | QLD | 153.053952 | -27.526966 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.519509 | 153.049927 | 30304107122 | Tarragindi | 303041071 | Tarragindi | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moreton | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Moreton | Inner Metropolitan | 30054 | Miller |
7996 | 4122 | MANSFIELD | QLD | 153.088155 | -27.543316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.533333 | 153.1 | 30303106625 | Wishart (Qld) | 303031066 | Wishart | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
7997 | 4122 | MANSFIELD BC | QLD | 153.088155 | -27.543316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5309 | 153.102 | 30303106625 | Wishart (Qld) | 303031066 | Wishart | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
7998 | 4122 | MANSFIELD DC | QLD | 153.088155 | -27.543316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5308 | 153.102 | 30303106625 | Wishart (Qld) | 303031066 | Wishart | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
7999 | 4122 | MOUNT GRAVATT | QLD | 153.088155 | -27.543316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5364014 | 153.0671385 | 30303106625 | Wishart (Qld) | 303031066 | Wishart | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8000 | 4122 | MOUNT GRAVATT EAST | QLD | 153.088155 | -27.543316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.532 | 153.084 | 30303106625 | Wishart (Qld) | 303031066 | Wishart | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8001 | 4122 | UPPER MOUNT GRAVATT | QLD | 153.088155 | -27.543316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.555278 | 153.079722 | 30303106625 | Wishart (Qld) | 303031066 | Wishart | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8002 | 4122 | UPPER MOUNT GRAVATT BC | QLD | 153.088155 | -27.543316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5644 | 153.083 | 30303106625 | Wishart (Qld) | 303031066 | Wishart | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8003 | 4122 | WISHART | QLD | 153.088155 | -27.543316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5546578 | 153.0998273 | 30303106625 | Wishart (Qld) | 303031066 | Wishart | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8004 | 4123 | PRIESTS GULLY | QLD | 153.116151 | -27.583528 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5924 | 153.143 | 31106133240 | Rochedale South | 311061332 | Rochedale South - Priestdale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8005 | 4123 | ROCHEDALE | QLD | 153.116151 | -27.583528 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.56924 | 153.1164813 | 31106133240 | Rochedale South | 311061332 | Rochedale South - Priestdale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8006 | 4123 | ROCHEDALE SOUTH | QLD | 153.116151 | -27.583528 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5969738 | 153.1326618 | 31106133240 | Rochedale South | 311061332 | Rochedale South - Priestdale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8007 | 4124 | BORONIA HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.967761 | -27.701681 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6833333 | 153.0166667 | 31104156921 | Greenbank | 311041569 | Greenbank - North Maclean | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 73.9836196899414 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
8008 | 4124 | GREENBANK | QLD | 152.967761 | -27.701681 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.683333 | 152.983333 | 31104156921 | Greenbank | 311041569 | Greenbank - North Maclean | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 73.9836196899414 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
8009 | 4124 | LYONS | QLD | 152.967761 | -27.701681 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7553066 | 152.8893351 | 31104156921 | Greenbank | 311041569 | Greenbank - North Maclean | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Wright | 73.9836196899414 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
8010 | 4124 | NEW BEITH | QLD | 152.967761 | -27.701681 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7439509 | 152.9545996 | 31104156921 | Greenbank | 311041569 | Greenbank - North Maclean | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 73.9836196899414 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
21023 | 4124 | SILVERBARK RIDGE | QLD | 152.9264476 | -27.78983267 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7879 | 152.928 | 31104156921 | Greenbank | 311041569 | Greenbank - North Maclean | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Wright | 73.9836196899414 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
8011 | 4125 | MUNRUBEN | QLD | 153.04108 | -27.730432 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.75 | 153.033333 | 31103131814 | Munruben | 311031318 | Munruben - Park Ridge South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Forde | 44.0122680664063 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
8012 | 4125 | PARK RIDGE | QLD | 153.04108 | -27.730432 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7 | 153.066667 | 31103131814 | Munruben | 311031318 | Munruben - Park Ridge South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 44.0122680664063 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
8013 | 4125 | PARK RIDGE SOUTH | QLD | 153.04108 | -27.730432 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31103 | Browns Plains | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7249919 | 153.0559687 | 31103131814 | Munruben | 311031318 | Munruben - Park Ridge South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 44.0122680664063 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
8014 | 4127 | CHATSWOOD HILLS | QLD | 153.142035 | -27.629474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6346 | 153.145 | 31106133422 | Springwood (Qld) | 311061334 | Springwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 35.4821929931641 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8015 | 4127 | DAISY HILL | QLD | 153.142035 | -27.629474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6361016 | 153.1548339 | 31106133422 | Springwood (Qld) | 311061334 | Springwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 35.4821929931641 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8016 | 4127 | PRIESTDALE | QLD | 153.142035 | -27.629474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6094353 | 153.1649214 | 31106133422 | Springwood (Qld) | 311061334 | Springwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 35.4821929931641 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8017 | 4127 | SLACKS CREEK | QLD | 153.142035 | -27.629474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6396346 | 153.1266005 | 31106133422 | Springwood (Qld) | 311061334 | Springwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 35.4821929931641 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8018 | 4127 | SPRINGWOOD | QLD | 153.142035 | -27.629474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6158977 | 153.1374713 | 31106133422 | Springwood (Qld) | 311061334 | Springwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 35.4821929931641 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8019 | 4127 | SPRINGWOOD BC | QLD | 153.142035 | -27.629474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6159 | 153.137 | 31106133422 | Springwood (Qld) | 311061334 | Springwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | 35.4821929931641 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8020 | 4128 | KIMBERLEY PARK | QLD | 153.174214 | -27.652403 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6465 | 153.187 | 31106132905 | Shailer Park | 311061329 | Daisy Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8021 | 4128 | LOGAN HYPERDOME BC | QLD | 153.174214 | -27.652403 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6589 | 153.172 | 31106132905 | Shailer Park | 311061329 | Daisy Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8022 | 4128 | SHAILER PARK | QLD | 153.174214 | -27.652403 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.650829 | 153.1835047 | 31106132905 | Shailer Park | 311061329 | Daisy Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8023 | 4128 | TANAH MERAH | QLD | 153.174214 | -27.652403 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6778649 | 153.1748412 | 31106132905 | Shailer Park | 311061329 | Daisy Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8024 | 4129 | LOGANDALE | QLD | 153.186817 | -27.681519 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6734 | 153.211 | 31105132527 | Loganholme | 311051325 | Loganholme - Tanah Merah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8025 | 4129 | LOGANHOLME | QLD | 153.186817 | -27.681519 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6848624 | 153.1884859 | 31105132527 | Loganholme | 311051325 | Loganholme - Tanah Merah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8026 | 4129 | LOGANHOLME BC | QLD | 153.186817 | -27.681519 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6589 | 153.172 | 31105132527 | Loganholme | 311051325 | Loganholme - Tanah Merah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8027 | 4129 | LOGANHOLME DC | QLD | 153.186817 | -27.681519 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6849 | 153.188 | 31105132527 | Loganholme | 311051325 | Loganholme - Tanah Merah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8028 | 4130 | CARBROOK | QLD | 153.24333 | -27.669244 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.687086 | 153.276025 | 31105132527 | Loganholme | 311051325 | Loganholme - Tanah Merah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 3.97474646568298 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8029 | 4130 | CORNUBIA | QLD | 153.24333 | -27.669244 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.65 | 153.2 | 31105132527 | Loganholme | 311051325 | Loganholme - Tanah Merah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 3.97474646568298 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8030 | 4131 | LOGANLEA | QLD | 153.136072 | -27.669913 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.676389 | 153.130833 | 31106133025 | Marsden | 311061330 | Kingston (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8031 | 4131 | MEADOWBROOK | QLD | 153.136072 | -27.669913 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.666667 | 153.15 | 31106133025 | Marsden | 311061330 | Kingston (Qld) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8032 | 4132 | CRESTMEAD | QLD | 153.084397 | -27.681063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.689722 | 153.088056 | 31103131745 | Marsden | 311031317 | Marsden | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8033 | 4132 | CRESTMEAD DC | QLD | 153.084397 | -27.681063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6891 | 153.077 | 31103131745 | Marsden | 311031317 | Marsden | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8034 | 4132 | MARSDEN | QLD | 153.084397 | -27.681063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.67595 | 153.100906 | 31103131745 | Marsden | 311031317 | Marsden | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8035 | 4132 | MARSDEN POSTAL DEPOT | QLD | 153.084397 | -27.681063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31106 | Springwood - Kingston | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6788 | 153.116 | 31103131745 | Marsden | 311031317 | Marsden | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Rankin | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Rankin | Outer Metropolitan | 30093 | Woodridge |
8036 | 4133 | CHAMBERS FLAT | QLD | 153.102664 | -27.723837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7534 | 153.091 | 31105132815 | Waterford West | 311051328 | Waterford West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 43.1444931030273 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8037 | 4133 | LOGAN RESERVE | QLD | 153.102664 | -27.723837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.703333 | 153.110833 | 31105132815 | Waterford West | 311051328 | Waterford West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 43.1444931030273 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8038 | 4133 | WATERFORD | QLD | 153.102664 | -27.723837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7108 | 153.1469 | 31105132815 | Waterford West | 311051328 | Waterford West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 43.1444931030273 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8039 | 4133 | WATERFORD WEST | QLD | 153.102664 | -27.723837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.691111 | 153.127778 | 31105132815 | Waterford West | 311051328 | Waterford West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 43.1444931030273 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8040 | 4151 | COORPAROO | QLD | 153.058605 | -27.500807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5009968 | 153.0619877 | 30302105615 | Holland Park | 303021056 | Holland Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 42.3607559204102 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30030 | Greenslopes |
8041 | 4151 | COORPAROO BC | QLD | 153.058605 | -27.500807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4924 | 153.048 | 30302105615 | Holland Park | 303021056 | Holland Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 42.3607559204102 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30030 | Greenslopes |
8042 | 4151 | COORPAROO DC | QLD | 153.058605 | -27.500807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4985 | 153.053 | 30302105615 | Holland Park | 303021056 | Holland Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 42.3607559204102 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30030 | Greenslopes |
8043 | 4152 | CAMP HILL | QLD | 153.096812 | -27.501349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.501 | 153.079 | 30502111804 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8044 | 4152 | CARINA | QLD | 153.096812 | -27.501349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.485833 | 153.1 | 30502111804 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8045 | 4152 | CARINA HEIGHTS | QLD | 153.096812 | -27.501349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.507 | 153.093 | 30502111804 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8046 | 4152 | CARINA NORTH | QLD | 153.096812 | -27.501349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4879 | 153.088 | 30502111804 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8047 | 4152 | CARINDALE | QLD | 153.096812 | -27.501349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5198367 | 153.1125044 | 30502111804 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8048 | 4152 | WHITES HILL | QLD | 153.096812 | -27.501349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5098 | 153.082 | 30502111804 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8049 | 4153 | BELMONT | QLD | 153.131429 | -27.510035 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30301 | Carindale | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.511066 | 153.1354693 | 30101100221 | Belmont (Qld) | 301011002 | Belmont - Gumdale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 25.7674503326416 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30018 | Chatsworth |
8050 | 4153 | BELMONT HEIGHTS | QLD | 153.131429 | -27.510035 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30301 | Carindale | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4862 | 153.127 | 30101100221 | Belmont (Qld) | 301011002 | Belmont - Gumdale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 25.7674503326416 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30018 | Chatsworth |
8051 | 4154 | GUMDALE | QLD | 153.158727 | -27.49069 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4942399 | 153.1590306 | 30103101925 | Wakerley | 301031019 | Wakerley | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30018 | Chatsworth |
8052 | 4154 | RANSOME | QLD | 153.158727 | -27.49069 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.483333 | 153.183333 | 30103101925 | Wakerley | 301031019 | Wakerley | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30018 | Chatsworth |
8053 | 4154 | WAKERLEY | QLD | 153.158727 | -27.49069 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.483333 | 153.166667 | 30103101925 | Wakerley | 301031019 | Wakerley | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30018 | Chatsworth |
8054 | 4155 | CHANDLER | QLD | 153.156446 | -27.5181 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30101 | Capalaba | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5139687 | 153.1559725 | 30101100217 | Chandler (Qld) | 301011002 | Belmont - Gumdale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30018 | Chatsworth |
8055 | 4156 | BURBANK | QLD | 153.154177 | -27.558858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30303 | Mt Gravatt | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.559 | 153.163 | 30303106416 | Mackenzie (Brisbane - Qld) | 303031064 | Rochedale - Burbank | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8056 | 4156 | MACKENZIE | QLD | 153.154177 | -27.558858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30303 | Mt Gravatt | 303 | Brisbane - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.544722 | 153.121389 | 30303106416 | Mackenzie (Brisbane - Qld) | 303031064 | Rochedale - Burbank | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30049 | Mansfield |
8057 | 4157 | CAPALABA | QLD | 153.207096 | -27.568178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.522994 | 153.1927 | 30102101112 | Sheldon | 301021011 | Sheldon - Mount Cotton | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 49.0024719238281 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8058 | 4157 | CAPALABA BC | QLD | 153.207096 | -27.568178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.523 | 153.193 | 30102101112 | Sheldon | 301021011 | Sheldon - Mount Cotton | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 49.0024719238281 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8059 | 4157 | CAPALABA DC | QLD | 153.207096 | -27.568178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5238 | 153.19 | 30102101112 | Sheldon | 301021011 | Sheldon - Mount Cotton | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 49.0024719238281 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8060 | 4157 | CAPALABA WEST | QLD | 153.207096 | -27.568178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.522994 | 153.1927 | 30102101112 | Sheldon | 301021011 | Sheldon - Mount Cotton | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 49.0024719238281 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8061 | 4157 | SHELDON | QLD | 153.207096 | -27.568178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.582 | 153.1979 | 30102101112 | Sheldon | 301021011 | Sheldon - Mount Cotton | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 49.0024719238281 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8062 | 4158 | THORNESIDE | QLD | 153.1998 | -27.487689 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30101 | Capalaba | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4864891 | 153.2002692 | 30101100510 | Thorneside | 301011005 | Thorneside | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 5.41675758361816 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30017 | Capalaba |
8063 | 4159 | BIRKDALE | QLD | 153.209624 | -27.502289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30101 | Capalaba | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4880371 | 153.2208914 | 30101100406 | Birkdale | 301011004 | Capalaba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8064 | 4160 | EROBIN | QLD | 153.243312 | -27.506409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.533 | 153.281 | 30102100815 | Ormiston | 301021008 | Ormiston | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8065 | 4160 | ORMISTON | QLD | 153.243312 | -27.506409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.512 | 153.254 | 30102100815 | Ormiston | 301021008 | Ormiston | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8066 | 4160 | WELLINGTON POINT | QLD | 153.243312 | -27.506409 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.487 | 153.239 | 30102100815 | Ormiston | 301021008 | Ormiston | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8067 | 4161 | ALEXANDRA HILLS | QLD | 153.226864 | -27.533407 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.522958 | 153.220588 | 30101100406 | Birkdale | 301011004 | Capalaba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 59.3085479736328 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30017 | Capalaba |
8068 | 4163 | CLEVELAND | QLD | 153.26571 | -27.535216 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5334347 | 153.2667742 | 30102100813 | Ormiston | 301021008 | Ormiston | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8069 | 4163 | CLEVELAND DC | QLD | 153.26571 | -27.535216 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5254 | 153.269 | 30102100813 | Ormiston | 301021008 | Ormiston | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8070 | 4164 | PINKLANDS | QLD | 153.260833 | -27.569965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5674 | 153.275 | 30102101252 | Thornlands | 301021012 | Thornlands | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 27.2300930023193 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8071 | 4164 | THORNLANDS | QLD | 153.260833 | -27.569965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5671583 | 153.2621415 | 30102101252 | Thornlands | 301021012 | Thornlands | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 27.2300930023193 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8072 | 4165 | MOUNT COTTON | QLD | 153.263801 | -27.623975 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6166667 | 153.2166667 | 30102101339 | Victoria Point (Qld) | 301021013 | Victoria Point | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 31.5798606872559 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8073 | 4165 | POINT HALLORAN | QLD | 153.263801 | -27.623975 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5689 | 153.296 | 30102101339 | Victoria Point (Qld) | 301021013 | Victoria Point | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 31.5798606872559 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8074 | 4165 | POINT TALBURPIN | QLD | 153.263801 | -27.623975 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6415 | 153.313 | 30102101339 | Victoria Point (Qld) | 301021013 | Victoria Point | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 31.5798606872559 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8075 | 4165 | REDLAND BAY | QLD | 153.263801 | -27.623975 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6371881 | 153.2857165 | 30102101339 | Victoria Point (Qld) | 301021013 | Victoria Point | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 31.5798606872559 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8076 | 4165 | VICTORIA POINT | QLD | 153.263801 | -27.623975 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.583333 | 153.3 | 30102101339 | Victoria Point (Qld) | 301021013 | Victoria Point | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 31.5798606872559 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8077 | 4165 | VICTORIA POINT WEST | QLD | 153.263801 | -27.623975 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5893177 | 153.2813887 | 30102101339 | Victoria Point (Qld) | 301021013 | Victoria Point | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Bowman | 31.5798606872559 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30079 | Springwood |
8078 | 4169 | EAST BRISBANE | QLD | 153.040982 | -27.484177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.482 | 153.051 | 30502111518 | East Brisbane | 305021115 | East Brisbane | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 7.86057901382446 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8079 | 4169 | KANGAROO POINT | QLD | 153.040982 | -27.484177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.466667 | 153.033333 | 30502111518 | East Brisbane | 305021115 | East Brisbane | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 7.86057901382446 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8080 | 4169 | STANLEY BRIDGE | QLD | 153.040982 | -27.484177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.488 | 153.049 | 30502111518 | East Brisbane | 305021115 | East Brisbane | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 7.86057901382446 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30076 | South Brisbane |
8081 | 4170 | CANNON HILL | QLD | 153.074231 | -27.470778 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.473 | 153.097 | 30502111815 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 16.4535827636719 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30030 | Greenslopes |
8082 | 4170 | COLMSLIE | QLD | 153.074231 | -27.470778 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4529 | 153.089 | 30502111815 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 16.4535827636719 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30030 | Greenslopes |
8083 | 4170 | MORNINGSIDE | QLD | 153.074231 | -27.470778 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.462 | 153.075 | 30502111815 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 16.4535827636719 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30030 | Greenslopes |
8084 | 4170 | NORMAN PARK | QLD | 153.074231 | -27.470778 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.479 | 153.062 | 30502111815 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 16.4535827636719 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30030 | Greenslopes |
8085 | 4170 | SEVEN HILLS | QLD | 153.074231 | -27.470778 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.479167 | 153.075 | 30502111815 | Norman Park | 305021118 | Norman Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 16.4535827636719 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30030 | Greenslopes |
8086 | 4171 | BALMORAL | QLD | 153.06036 | -27.456031 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.453889 | 153.066944 | 30502111728 | Morningside | 305021117 | Morningside - Seven Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 5.30151748657227 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30008 | Bulimba |
8087 | 4171 | BULIMBA | QLD | 153.06036 | -27.456031 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.45 | 153.058 | 30502111728 | Morningside | 305021117 | Morningside - Seven Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 5.30151748657227 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30008 | Bulimba |
8088 | 4171 | GALLOWAYS HILL | QLD | 142.417 | -10.7833 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -10.7833 | 142.417 | 30502111728 | Morningside | 305021117 | Morningside - Seven Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 5 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 7 | 7 | Griffith | 5.30151748657227 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30008 | Bulimba |
8089 | 4171 | HAWTHORNE | QLD | 153.06036 | -27.456031 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.467 | 153.058 | 30502111728 | Morningside | 305021117 | Morningside - Seven Hills | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Griffith | 5.30151748657227 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30008 | Bulimba |
8090 | 4172 | MURARRIE | QLD | 153.103331 | -27.458767 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30502 | Brisbane Inner - East | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.452781 | 153.1030766 | 30301104803 | Murarrie | 303011048 | Cannon Hill | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 23.9625396728516 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | Inner Metropolitan | 30008 | Bulimba |
8091 | 4173 | TINGALPA | QLD | 153.120634 | -27.475814 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4718491 | 153.1295793 | 30103101912 | Wakerley | 301031019 | Wakerley | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 5.91726112365723 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30045 | Lytton |
8092 | 4173 | TINGALPA BC | QLD | 153.120634 | -27.475814 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4736 | 153.114 | 30103101912 | Wakerley | 301031019 | Wakerley | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 5.91726112365723 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30045 | Lytton |
8093 | 4173 | TINGALPA DC | QLD | 153.120634 | -27.475814 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4736 | 153.114 | 30103101912 | Wakerley | 301031019 | Wakerley | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 5.91726112365723 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30045 | Lytton |
8094 | 4174 | DOBOY | QLD | 153.129424 | -27.450089 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4459 | 153.112 | 30103102137 | Hemmant | 301031021 | Wynnum West - Hemmant | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30045 | Lytton |
8095 | 4174 | HEMMANT | QLD | 153.129424 | -27.450089 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4447063 | 153.1295793 | 30103102137 | Hemmant | 301031021 | Wynnum West - Hemmant | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30045 | Lytton |
8096 | 4178 | LINDUM | QLD | 153.232567 | -27.425651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4424 | 153.144 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 33 | Remote Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 1.04629838466644 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8097 | 4178 | LYTTON | QLD | 153.232567 | -27.425651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.416667 | 153.166667 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 33 | Remote Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 1.04629838466644 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
21024 | 4178 | PORT OF BRISBANE | QLD | 153.1782025 | -27.39000408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3807264 | 153.1640009 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 33 | Remote Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 1.04629838466644 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8098 | 4178 | WYNNUM | QLD | 153.232567 | -27.425651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.443694 | 153.173618 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 33 | Remote Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 1.04629838466644 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8099 | 4178 | WYNNUM CENTRAL | QLD | 153.232567 | -27.425651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4454 | 153.17 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 33 | Remote Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 1.04629838466644 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8100 | 4178 | WYNNUM NORTH | QLD | 153.232567 | -27.425651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.43268 | 153.160866 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 33 | Remote Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 1.04629838466644 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8101 | 4178 | WYNNUM PLAZA | QLD | 153.232567 | -27.425651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4567725 | 153.1546538 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 33 | Remote Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 1.04629838466644 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8102 | 4178 | WYNNUM WEST | QLD | 153.232567 | -27.425651 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.45 | 153.15 | 31305157401 | Moreton Island | 313051574 | Moreton Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 33 | Remote Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | 1.04629838466644 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8103 | 4179 | LOTA | QLD | 153.234041 | -27.390823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.466667 | 153.183333 | 30103102007 | Manly West | 301031020 | Wynnum | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30045 | Lytton |
8104 | 4179 | MANLY | QLD | 153.234041 | -27.390823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.45 | 153.183333 | 30103102007 | Manly West | 301031020 | Wynnum | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30045 | Lytton |
8105 | 4179 | MANLY WEST | QLD | 153.234041 | -27.390823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30103 | Wynnum - Manly | 301 | Brisbane - East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.466667 | 153.166667 | 30103102007 | Manly West | 301031020 | Wynnum | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bonner | | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Brisbane | 31000 | Bonner | Outer Metropolitan | 30045 | Lytton |
8106 | 4183 | AMITY | QLD | 153.451696 | -27.545157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3972508 | 153.4537599 | 30102155008 | Point Lookout | 301021550 | North Stradbroke Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 120.314910888672 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Gold Coast | 33430 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8107 | 4183 | AMITY POINT | QLD | 153.451696 | -27.545157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3972508 | 153.4537599 | 30102155008 | Point Lookout | 301021550 | North Stradbroke Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 120.314910888672 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Gold Coast | 33430 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8108 | 4183 | DUNWICH | QLD | 153.451696 | -27.545157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5 | 153.4 | 30102155008 | Point Lookout | 301021550 | North Stradbroke Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 120.314910888672 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Gold Coast | 33430 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
21025 | 4183 | NORTH STRADBROKE ISLAND | QLD | 153.4519079 | -27.55442784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5323174 | 153.4626077 | 30102155008 | Point Lookout | 301021550 | North Stradbroke Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 120.314910888672 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Gold Coast | 33430 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8109 | 4183 | POINT LOOKOUT | QLD | 153.451696 | -27.545157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4346508 | 153.5304523 | 30102155008 | Point Lookout | 301021550 | North Stradbroke Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 120.314910888672 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Gold Coast | 33430 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30068 | Oodgeroo |
8110 | 4184 | COOCHIEMUDLO ISLAND | QLD | 153.384655 | -27.676499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5692306 | 153.3314001 | 30102155126 | Macleay Island | 301021551 | Southern Moreton Bay Islands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 9.30673789978027 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8111 | 4184 | KARRAGARRA ISLAND | QLD | 153.384655 | -27.676499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.637184 | 153.3718169 | 30102155126 | Macleay Island | 301021551 | Southern Moreton Bay Islands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 9.30673789978027 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8112 | 4184 | LAMB ISLAND | QLD | 153.384655 | -27.676499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6261767 | 153.3770931 | 30102155126 | Macleay Island | 301021551 | Southern Moreton Bay Islands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 9.30673789978027 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8113 | 4184 | MACLEAY ISLAND | QLD | 153.384655 | -27.676499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.612 | 153.355 | 30102155126 | Macleay Island | 301021551 | Southern Moreton Bay Islands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Bowman | 9.30673789978027 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8114 | 4184 | PEEL ISLAND | QLD | 153.384655 | -27.676499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5005735 | 153.3476127 | 30102155126 | Macleay Island | 301021551 | Southern Moreton Bay Islands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Bowman | 9.30673789978027 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8115 | 4184 | PERULPA ISLAND | QLD | 153.384655 | -27.676499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6119085 | 153.3704597 | 30102155126 | Macleay Island | 301021551 | Southern Moreton Bay Islands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Bowman | 9.30673789978027 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8116 | 4184 | RUSSELL ISLAND | QLD | 153.384655 | -27.676499 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30102 | Cleveland - Stradbroke | 301 | Brisbane - East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6705144 | 153.3831175 | 30102155126 | Macleay Island | 301021551 | Southern Moreton Bay Islands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Bowman | 9.30673789978027 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Redland | 36250 | Bowman | Outer Metropolitan | 30072 | Redlands |
8117 | 4205 | BETHANIA | QLD | 153.156289 | -27.687389 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6895821 | 153.1590306 | 31105132336 | Bethania | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 13.935022354126 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30091 | Waterford |
8118 | 4207 | ALBERTON | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7069 | 153.2689 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
8119 | 4207 | BAHRS SCRUB | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.733333 | 153.166667 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
8120 | 4207 | BANNOCKBURN | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.76 | 153.192222 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
8121 | 4207 | BEENLEIGH | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7150151 | 153.1939492 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12039 | 4207 | BELIVAH | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.758611 | 153.175 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12040 | 4207 | BUCCAN | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.75 | 153.133333 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12041 | 4207 | CABBAGE TREE POINT | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7391 | 153.346 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12042 | 4207 | CEDAR CREEK | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.826944 | 153.181389 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12043 | 4207 | EAGLEBY | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7025667 | 153.2130659 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12044 | 4207 | EDENS LANDING | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7028823 | 153.1708123 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12045 | 4207 | HOLMVIEW | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.714167 | 153.17 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
21026 | 4207 | KAIRABAH | QLD | 153.1375013 | -27.83587263 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.84 | 153.134 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12046 | 4207 | LOGAN VILLAGE | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7764789 | 153.1207447 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12047 | 4207 | LUSCOMBE | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.789167 | 153.202222 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12048 | 4207 | MOUNT WARREN PARK | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7319336 | 153.206161 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12049 | 4207 | STAPYLTON | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7295742 | 153.2388459 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12050 | 4207 | STEIGLITZ | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.744167 | 153.353056 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12051 | 4207 | WINDAROO | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7457528 | 153.1943775 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12052 | 4207 | WOLFFDENE | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.780556 | 153.174167 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12053 | 4207 | WOONGOOLBA | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7275 | 153.314722 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12054 | 4207 | YARRABILBA | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8023105 | 153.1086208 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12055 | 4207 | YATALA | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7508081 | 153.2174661 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12056 | 4207 | YATALA DC | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7582 | 153.239 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12057 | 4207 | YELLOW WOOD | QLD | 153.204523 | -27.733991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31105 | Loganlea - Carbrook | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7279 | 153.237 | 31105132316 | Edens Landing | 311051323 | Bethania - Waterford | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 42.1273002624512 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30046 | Macalister |
12058 | 4208 | BURNSIDE | QLD | 153.27631 | -27.767029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7434 | 153.261 | 30907155814 | Kingsholme | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 2.41985487937927 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30022 | Coomera |
12059 | 4208 | GILBERTON | QLD | 153.27631 | -27.767029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.742222 | 153.273611 | 30907155814 | Kingsholme | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 2.41985487937927 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30022 | Coomera |
12060 | 4208 | HALFWAY CREEK | QLD | 153.27631 | -27.767029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7633 | 153.239 | 30907155814 | Kingsholme | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 2.41985487937927 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30022 | Coomera |
12061 | 4208 | JACOBS WELL | QLD | 153.27631 | -27.767029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.786249 | 153.3595349 | 30907155814 | Kingsholme | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 2.41985487937927 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30022 | Coomera |
12062 | 4208 | KINGSHOLME | QLD | 153.27631 | -27.767029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.823056 | 153.235 | 30907155814 | Kingsholme | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 2.41985487937927 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30022 | Coomera |
12063 | 4208 | NORWELL | QLD | 153.27631 | -27.767029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.776944 | 153.3125 | 30907155814 | Kingsholme | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 2.41985487937927 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30022 | Coomera |
12064 | 4208 | ORMEAU | QLD | 153.27631 | -27.767029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7831901 | 153.2638599 | 30907155814 | Kingsholme | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 2.41985487937927 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30022 | Coomera |
12065 | 4208 | ORMEAU HILLS | QLD | 153.27631 | -27.767029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.798889 | 153.236389 | 30907155814 | Kingsholme | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 2.41985487937927 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30022 | Coomera |
12066 | 4209 | CANOWINDRA | QLD | 153.392892 | -27.805498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8007 | 153.267 | 30907155818 | Willow Vale (Qld) | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 15.6148223876953 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12067 | 4209 | COOMERA | QLD | 153.392892 | -27.805498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.846439 | 153.343953 | 30907155818 | Willow Vale (Qld) | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 15.6148223876953 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12068 | 4209 | PIMPAMA | QLD | 153.392892 | -27.805498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8221642 | 153.3053934 | 30907155818 | Willow Vale (Qld) | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 15.6148223876953 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12069 | 4209 | UPPER COOMERA | QLD | 153.392892 | -27.805498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.880133 | 153.2831941 | 30907155818 | Willow Vale (Qld) | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 15.6148223876953 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12070 | 4209 | WILLOW VALE | QLD | 153.392892 | -27.805498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.842778 | 153.264722 | 30907155818 | Willow Vale (Qld) | 309071558 | Willow Vale - Pimpama (West) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Forde | 15.6148223876953 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Forde | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12071 | 4210 | GUANABA | QLD | 153.279483 | -27.932207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.933333 | 153.233333 | 30907155627 | Maudsland | 309071556 | Upper Coomera (South) - Wongawallan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12072 | 4210 | MAUDSLAND | QLD | 153.279483 | -27.932207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.933611 | 153.280556 | 30907155627 | Maudsland | 309071556 | Upper Coomera (South) - Wongawallan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12073 | 4210 | OXENFORD | QLD | 153.279483 | -27.932207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9047053 | 153.305558 | 30907155627 | Maudsland | 309071556 | Upper Coomera (South) - Wongawallan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12074 | 4210 | STUDIO VILLAGE | QLD | 153.279483 | -27.932207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9183334 | 153.3162043 | 30907155627 | Maudsland | 309071556 | Upper Coomera (South) - Wongawallan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12075 | 4210 | WONGAWALLAN | QLD | 153.279483 | -27.932207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.888056 | 153.2375 | 30907155627 | Maudsland | 309071556 | Upper Coomera (South) - Wongawallan | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Fadden | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12076 | 4211 | ADVANCETOWN | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0315826 | 153.2767456 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12077 | 4211 | BEECHMONT | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.126 | 153.188 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12078 | 4211 | BINNA BURRA | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1949198 | 153.1892081 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12079 | 4211 | CARRARA | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0211196 | 153.3618544 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12080 | 4211 | CLAGIRABA | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9961942 | 153.2385691 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12081 | 4211 | GAVEN | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9531124 | 153.3381685 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12082 | 4211 | GILSTON | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.03 | 153.309722 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12083 | 4211 | HIGHLAND PARK | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.014167 | 153.334167 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12084 | 4211 | LATIMER | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0563 | 153.337 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12085 | 4211 | LOWER BEECHMONT | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.047 | 153.247 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12086 | 4211 | MOUNT NATHAN | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.963 | 153.274 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12087 | 4211 | NATURAL BRIDGE | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2267151 | 153.2377179 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12088 | 4211 | NERANG | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.995556 | 153.322222 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12089 | 4211 | NERANG BC | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28 | 153.342 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12090 | 4211 | NERANG DC | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28 | 153.342 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12091 | 4211 | NUMINBAH VALLEY | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.141128 | 153.224031 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12093 | 4211 | PACIFIC PINES | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9466 | 153.3256 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12094 | 4211 | PINDARI HILLS | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9956 | 153.322 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12095 | 4211 | SOUTHERN LAMINGTON | QLD | 153.241258 | -28.035453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.302846 | 153.1008215 | 30906124944 | Pacific Pines | 309061249 | Pacific Pines - Gaven | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Moncrieff | 489.443603515625 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30083 | Theodore |
12096 | 4212 | BOYKAMBIL | QLD | 153.360694 | -27.869823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8733 | 153.378 | 30907125341 | Hope Island | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 3.35163116455078 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12097 | 4212 | HELENSVALE | QLD | 153.360694 | -27.869823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9159865 | 153.3345536 | 30907125341 | Hope Island | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 3.35163116455078 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
21027 | 4212 | HELENSVALE TOWN CENTRE | QLD | 153.339891 | -27.926161 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9159865 | 153.3345536 | 30907125341 | Hope Island | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 4.11930799484253 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12098 | 4212 | HOPE ISLAND | QLD | 153.360694 | -27.869823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8669 | 153.362 | 30907125341 | Hope Island | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 3.35163116455078 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12099 | 4212 | MONTEREY KEYS | QLD | 153.360694 | -27.869823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8873 | 153.336 | 30907125341 | Hope Island | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 3.35163116455078 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12100 | 4212 | SANCTUARY COVE | QLD | 153.360694 | -27.869823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8525659 | 153.3614427 | 30907125341 | Hope Island | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 3.35163116455078 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12101 | 4212 | SANTA BARBARA | QLD | 153.360694 | -27.869823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8562 | 153.351 | 30907125341 | Hope Island | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 3.35163116455078 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30083 | Theodore |
12102 | 4213 | AUSTINVILLE | QLD | 153.318916 | -28.110164 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30906 | Nerang | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.159167 | 153.309722 | 30906125017 | Tallai | 309061250 | Worongary - Tallai | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 45.2755012512207 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
12103 | 4213 | BONOGIN | QLD | 153.318916 | -28.110164 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30906 | Nerang | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.142169 | 153.334753 | 30906125017 | Tallai | 309061250 | Worongary - Tallai | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 45.2755012512207 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
12104 | 4213 | MUDGEERABA | QLD | 153.318916 | -28.110164 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30906 | Nerang | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0905164 | 153.3662878 | 30906125017 | Tallai | 309061250 | Worongary - Tallai | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 45.2755012512207 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
21028 | 4213 | NERANWOOD | QLD | 153.3119304 | -28.11809588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30906 | Nerang | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1169 | 153.312 | 30906125017 | Tallai | 309061250 | Worongary - Tallai | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 121.723861694336 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
12105 | 4213 | SPRINGBROOK | QLD | 153.318916 | -28.110164 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30906 | Nerang | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.183333 | 153.283333 | 30906125017 | Tallai | 309061250 | Worongary - Tallai | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Wright | 45.2755012512207 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
12106 | 4213 | TALLAI | QLD | 153.318916 | -28.110164 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30906 | Nerang | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.067778 | 153.33 | 30906125017 | Tallai | 309061250 | Worongary - Tallai | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 45.2755012512207 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
12107 | 4213 | WORONGARY | QLD | 153.318916 | -28.110164 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30906 | Nerang | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0441995 | 153.3387693 | 30906125017 | Tallai | 309061250 | Worongary - Tallai | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 45.2755012512207 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
12108 | 4214 | ARUNDEL | QLD | 153.365576 | -27.967005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9361398 | 153.3603181 | 30909126518 | Parkwood (Qld) | 309091265 | Parkwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 23.2600536346436 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12109 | 4214 | ARUNDEL BC | QLD | 153.365576 | -27.967005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9346 | 153.38 | 30909126518 | Parkwood (Qld) | 309091265 | Parkwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 23.2600536346436 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12110 | 4214 | ARUNDEL DC | QLD | 153.365576 | -27.967005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9346 | 153.38 | 30909126518 | Parkwood (Qld) | 309091265 | Parkwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 23.2600536346436 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12111 | 4214 | ASHMORE | QLD | 153.365576 | -27.967005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.986389 | 153.382222 | 30909126518 | Parkwood (Qld) | 309091265 | Parkwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 23.2600536346436 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12112 | 4214 | ASHMORE CITY | QLD | 153.365576 | -27.967005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.986389 | 153.382222 | 30909126518 | Parkwood (Qld) | 309091265 | Parkwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 23.2600536346436 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12113 | 4214 | MOLENDINAR | QLD | 153.365576 | -27.967005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9744307 | 153.3589977 | 30909126518 | Parkwood (Qld) | 309091265 | Parkwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 23.2600536346436 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12114 | 4214 | PARKWOOD | QLD | 153.365576 | -27.967005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9548392 | 153.3653005 | 30909126518 | Parkwood (Qld) | 309091265 | Parkwood | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 23.2600536346436 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12115 | 4215 | AUSTRALIA FAIR | QLD | 153.397952 | -27.967134 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.968589 | 153.41551 | 30909154141 | Southport (Qld) | 309091541 | Southport - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12116 | 4215 | CHIRN PARK | QLD | 153.397952 | -27.967134 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9554 | 153.4 | 30909154141 | Southport (Qld) | 309091541 | Southport - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12117 | 4215 | KEEBRA PARK | QLD | 153.397952 | -27.967134 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9848 | 153.4 | 30909154141 | Southport (Qld) | 309091541 | Southport - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12118 | 4215 | LABRADOR | QLD | 153.397952 | -27.967134 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.948009 | 153.3977316 | 30909154141 | Southport (Qld) | 309091541 | Southport - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12119 | 4215 | SOUTHPORT | QLD | 153.397952 | -27.967134 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.965505 | 153.4036287 | 30909154141 | Southport (Qld) | 309091541 | Southport - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12120 | 4215 | SOUTHPORT BC | QLD | 153.397952 | -27.967134 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9681 | 153.411 | 30909154141 | Southport (Qld) | 309091541 | Southport - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12121 | 4215 | SOUTHPORT PARK | QLD | 153.397952 | -27.967134 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9854426 | 153.4101407 | 30909154141 | Southport (Qld) | 309091541 | Southport - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12122 | 4215 | SUNDALE | QLD | 153.397952 | -27.967134 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30909 | Southport | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9741 | 153.42 | 30909154141 | Southport (Qld) | 309091541 | Southport - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30078 | Southport |
12123 | 4216 | ANGLERS PARADISE | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9155 | 153.398 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12124 | 4216 | BIGGERA WATERS | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9308 | 153.3961 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12125 | 4216 | COOMBABAH | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9033495 | 153.3825669 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12126 | 4216 | CURRIGEE | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8645 | 153.424 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 6 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12127 | 4216 | HOLLYWELL | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8970798 | 153.4006801 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12128 | 4216 | PARADISE POINT | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.883333 | 153.4 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 6 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12129 | 4216 | PARADISE POINT KEYS | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8833 | 153.4 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 6 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12130 | 4216 | RUNAWAY BAY | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9154592 | 153.3977316 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12131 | 4216 | SOUTH STRADBROKE | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8245245 | 153.4127991 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 6 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12132 | 4216 | SOVEREIGN ISLANDS | QLD | 153.419405 | -27.839347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.874 | 153.406 | 30907125323 | South Stradbroke | 309071253 | Hope Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fadden | 19.0447311401367 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Fadden | Outer Metropolitan | 30006 | Broadwater |
12133 | 4217 | BENOWA | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0073194 | 153.3829896 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12134 | 4217 | BUNDALL | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.012 | 153.405 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12135 | 4217 | BUNDALL BC | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0032 | 153.412 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12136 | 4217 | BUNDALL DC | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0032 | 153.412 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12137 | 4217 | CHEVRON ISLAND | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9973446 | 153.4198464 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12138 | 4217 | GOLD COAST MC | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0021 | 153.427 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12139 | 4217 | ISLE OF CAPRI | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0110137 | 153.4242895 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12140 | 4217 | MAIN BEACH | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.963 | 153.426 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12141 | 4217 | PARADISE ISLAND | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0063 | 153.426 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12142 | 4217 | PARADISE WATERS | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9843 | 153.424 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12143 | 4217 | SORRENTO | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.012 | 153.405 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12144 | 4217 | SURFERS PARADISE | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28 | 153.416667 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12145 | 4217 | THE SPIT | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9353 | 153.433 | 30910156227 | Surfers Paradise | 309101562 | Surfers Paradise - South | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12146 | 4218 | BROADBEACH | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.030833 | 153.431944 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12147 | 4218 | BROADBEACH WATERS | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0293767 | 153.4100467 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12148 | 4218 | CYPRESS GARDENS | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0317 | 153.403 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12149 | 4218 | FLORIDA GARDENS | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0173 | 153.429 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12150 | 4218 | MERMAID BEACH | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.044 | 153.437 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12151 | 4218 | MERMAID KEYS | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0442 | 153.408 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12152 | 4218 | MERMAID WATERS | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.047778 | 153.421667 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12153 | 4218 | MIAMI KEYS | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0287 | 153.426 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12154 | 4218 | MOANA PARK | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0263 | 153.415 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12155 | 4218 | NOBBY BEACH | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0534335 | 153.4410418 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12156 | 4218 | PACIFIC FAIR | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.036401 | 153.4280222 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12157 | 4218 | Q SUPERCENTRE | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0455677 | 153.4078964 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12158 | 4218 | RIALTO | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0397 | 153.421 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12159 | 4218 | RIO VISTA | QLD | 153.41692 | -28.037627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0381 | 153.415 | 30901122830 | Mermaid Waters | 309011228 | Mermaid Waters | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
12160 | 4219 | WEST BURLEIGH | QLD | 153.434197 | -28.111748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30902 | Coolangatta | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.112159 | 153.441475 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Mcpherson | | Q1 | | | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | | | |
12161 | 4220 | BURLEIGH BC | QLD | 153.434406 | -28.084952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0995 | 153.424 | 30908126219 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 3.69124341011047 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30053 | Mermaid Beach |
12162 | 4220 | BURLEIGH DC | QLD | 153.434406 | -28.084952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1077 | 153.424 | 30908126219 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 3.69124341011047 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30053 | Mermaid Beach |
12163 | 4220 | BURLEIGH HEADS | QLD | 153.434406 | -28.084952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0963527 | 153.4331163 | 30908126219 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 3.69124341011047 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30053 | Mermaid Beach |
12164 | 4220 | BURLEIGH TOWN | QLD | 153.434406 | -28.084952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0963527 | 153.4331163 | 30908126219 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 3.69124341011047 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30053 | Mermaid Beach |
12165 | 4220 | BURLEIGH WATERS | QLD | 153.434406 | -28.084952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.088 | 153.436 | 30908126219 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 3.69124341011047 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30053 | Mermaid Beach |
12166 | 4220 | MIAMI | QLD | 153.434406 | -28.084952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.067222 | 153.436944 | 30908126219 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 3.69124341011047 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30053 | Mermaid Beach |
12167 | 4220 | TALLY VALLEY | QLD | 153.434406 | -28.084952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0964 | 153.433 | 30908126219 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 3.69124341011047 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30053 | Mermaid Beach |
12168 | 4221 | ELANORA | QLD | 153.45837 | -28.127323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.133 | 153.45 | 30902123438 | Palm Beach (Qld) | 309021234 | Palm Beach | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 39.973705291748 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
12169 | 4221 | PALM BEACH | QLD | 153.45837 | -28.127323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1222606 | 153.4694515 | 30902123438 | Palm Beach (Qld) | 309021234 | Palm Beach | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 39.973705291748 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
41 | 4222 | GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY | QLD | 153.052226 | -27.550643 | | | 30304 | Nathan | 303 | Brisbane - South | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.9639 | 153.381 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Brisbane | 31000 | McPherson | | | |
12170 | 4223 | CURRUMBIN | QLD | 153.415088 | -28.19076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.136 | 153.483 | 30905124315 | Currumbin Valley | 309051243 | Currumbin Valley - Tallebudgera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 22.8903751373291 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
12171 | 4223 | CURRUMBIN DC | QLD | 153.415088 | -28.19076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1356 | 153.489 | 30905124315 | Currumbin Valley | 309051243 | Currumbin Valley - Tallebudgera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 22.8903751373291 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
12172 | 4223 | CURRUMBIN VALLEY | QLD | 153.415088 | -28.19076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.17 | 153.434167 | 30905124315 | Currumbin Valley | 309051243 | Currumbin Valley - Tallebudgera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 22.8903751373291 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
12173 | 4223 | CURRUMBIN WATERS | QLD | 153.415088 | -28.19076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.158 | 153.469 | 30905124315 | Currumbin Valley | 309051243 | Currumbin Valley - Tallebudgera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 22.8903751373291 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
12174 | 4224 | TUGUN | QLD | 153.489332 | -28.150224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30902 | Coolangatta | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1469507 | 153.4919105 | 30902123129 | Tugun | 309021231 | Currumbin - Tugun | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 10.0801181793213 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
12175 | 4224 | TUGUN HEIGHTS | QLD | 153.489332 | -28.150224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30902 | Coolangatta | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1495763 | 153.4980858 | 30902123129 | Tugun | 309021231 | Currumbin - Tugun | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 10.0801181793213 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
12176 | 4225 | BILINGA | QLD | 153.517333 | -28.168787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30902 | Coolangatta | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.16 | 153.51 | 30902123113 | Bilinga | 309021231 | Currumbin - Tugun | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 2.99802160263061 | N2 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
23918 | 4225 | COOLANGATTA | QLD | 153.5333293 | -28.16997138 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30902 | Coolangatta | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -28.16 | 153.51 | 30902123113 | Bilinga | 309021231 | Currumbin - Tugun | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 21.0769329071045 | N2 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
11900 | 4225 | GREENMOUNT | QLD | 153.517333 | -28.168787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30902 | Coolangatta | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.164 | 153.548 | 30902123113 | Bilinga | 309021231 | Currumbin - Tugun | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 2.99802160263061 | N2 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
11901 | 4225 | KIRRA | QLD | 153.517333 | -28.168787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30902 | Coolangatta | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1674 | 153.531 | 30902123113 | Bilinga | 309021231 | Currumbin - Tugun | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 2.99802160263061 | N2 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
11902 | 4225 | RAINBOW BAY | QLD | 153.517333 | -28.168787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30902 | Coolangatta | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1635 | 153.546 | 30902123113 | Bilinga | 309021231 | Currumbin - Tugun | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 2.99802160263061 | N2 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30024 | Currumbin |
11903 | 4226 | CLEAR ISLAND WATERS | QLD | 153.40282 | -28.06794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.042 | 153.398 | 30908156019 | Robina | 309081560 | Robina - West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 18.9377193450928 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
11904 | 4226 | KERRYDALE | QLD | 153.40282 | -28.06794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0741 | 153.389 | 30908156019 | Robina | 309081560 | Robina - West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 18.9377193450928 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
11905 | 4226 | MERRIMAC | QLD | 153.40282 | -28.06794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0515648 | 153.3741449 | 30908156019 | Robina | 309081560 | Robina - West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 18.9377193450928 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
11906 | 4226 | ROBINA | QLD | 153.40282 | -28.06794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0648601 | 153.3859379 | 30908156019 | Robina | 309081560 | Robina - West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 18.9377193450928 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
11907 | 4226 | ROBINA DC | QLD | 153.40282 | -28.06794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0778 | 153.385 | 30908156019 | Robina | 309081560 | Robina - West | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 18.9377193450928 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Moncrieff | Provincial | 30082 | Surfers Paradise |
11908 | 4227 | REEDY CREEK | QLD | 153.410392 | -28.101892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.114444 | 153.403333 | 30908126241 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 16.6790885925293 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
11909 | 4227 | VARSITY LAKES | QLD | 153.410392 | -28.101892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0845516 | 153.4166514 | 30908126241 | Varsity Lakes | 309081262 | Varsity Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | 16.6790885925293 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
11910 | 4228 | INGLESIDE | QLD | 153.37739 | -28.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1669 | 153.381 | 30905124318 | Tallebudgera | 309051243 | Currumbin Valley - Tallebudgera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
11911 | 4228 | TALLEBUDGERA | QLD | 153.37739 | -28.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.148889 | 153.418056 | 30905124318 | Tallebudgera | 309051243 | Currumbin Valley - Tallebudgera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
11912 | 4228 | TALLEBUDGERA VALLEY | QLD | 153.37739 | -28.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30905 | Mudgeeraba - Tallebudgera | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.183889 | 153.366944 | 30905124318 | Tallebudgera | 309051243 | Currumbin Valley - Tallebudgera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | McPherson | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | Provincial | 30059 | Mudgeeraba |
11913 | 4229 | BOND UNIVERSITY | QLD | 153.413136 | -28.077892 | LVR | LVR | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0730934 | 153.4166377 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | McPherson | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | | | |
11914 | 4230 | ROBINA TOWN CENTRE | QLD | 153.38531 | -28.077467 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30908 | Robina | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.077581 | 153.3852008 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | McPherson | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | | | |
11915 | 4270 | TAMBORINE | QLD | 153.135566 | -27.862349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8856135 | 153.1236742 | 31104157125 | Yarrabilba | 311041571 | Yarrabilba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11916 | 4270 | TAMBORINE VILLAGE | QLD | 153.135566 | -27.862349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8856 | 153.124 | 31104157125 | Yarrabilba | 311041571 | Yarrabilba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11917 | 4271 | EAGLE HEIGHTS | QLD | 153.201472 | -27.91838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9225896 | 153.209072 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Wright | | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Gold Coast | 33430 | Wright | Rural | | |
11918 | 4272 | MOUNT TAMBORINE | QLD | 153.183429 | -27.960815 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30904 | Gold Coast Hinterland | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9496437 | 153.1973233 | 30904124239 | Tamborine Mountain | 309041242 | Tamborine - Canungra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 471.698791503906 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11919 | 4272 | NORTH TAMBORINE | QLD | 153.183429 | -27.960815 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30904 | Gold Coast Hinterland | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9249062 | 153.1853684 | 30904124239 | Tamborine Mountain | 309041242 | Tamborine - Canungra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 471.698791503906 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
21029 | 4272 | TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN | QLD | 153.1936491 | -27.94216485 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30904 | Gold Coast Hinterland | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9496437 | 153.1973233 | 30904124239 | Tamborine Mountain | 309041242 | Tamborine - Canungra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 535.681701660156 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11920 | 4275 | BENOBBLE | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -27.9879503 | 153.1598684 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11921 | 4275 | BIDDADDABA | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -27.9954703 | 153.1135658 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11922 | 4275 | BLOOMFLEET | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.038 | 153.18 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11923 | 4275 | BOYLAND | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -27.938889 | 153.13 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11924 | 4275 | CANUNGRA | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.0171604 | 153.1647202 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11925 | 4275 | FERNY GLEN | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.0722121 | 153.161976 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11926 | 4275 | FLYING FOX | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.0963409 | 153.1737578 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11927 | 4275 | ILLINBAH | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.128333 | 153.152222 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11928 | 4275 | LAMINGTON NATIONAL PARK | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.2166667 | 153.15 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
24002 | 4275 | O’REILLY | QLD | 153.162089 | -27.995053 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -27.9879503 | 153.1598684 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Wright | 85.6471633911133 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
24125 | 4275 | O'REILLY | QLD | 153.1281 | -28.2096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -27.9879503 | 153.1598684 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | | | | Scenic Rim | 36510 | | | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11929 | 4275 | O'REILLYS | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.2342 | 153.136 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11930 | 4275 | SARABAH | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.092615 | 153.1129728 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11931 | 4275 | WITHEREN | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.03639 | 153.17973 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11932 | 4275 | WONGLEPONG | QLD | 153.134987 | -28.111411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R2 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -27.9692 | 153.1613 | 31101130540 | Tabragalba | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Wright | 806.964782714844 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
21030 | 4280 | FLAGSTONE | QLD | 152.9484212 | -27.8104018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8091 | 152.956 | 31104157038 | Jimboomba | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 37.5638732910156 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
21031 | 4280 | GLENLOGAN | QLD | 153.001567 | -27.83399703 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8319 | 153.005 | 31104157038 | Jimboomba | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 41.4889640808105 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
11933 | 4280 | JIMBOOMBA | QLD | 153.048563 | -27.81609 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8315901 | 153.02832 | 31104157038 | Jimboomba | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 37.5638732910156 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
11934 | 4280 | MACLEAN | QLD | 153.048563 | -27.81609 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.78 | 153.01 | 31104157038 | Jimboomba | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 37.5638732910156 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
11935 | 4280 | NORTH MACLEAN | QLD | 153.048563 | -27.81609 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.766111 | 152.997778 | 31104157038 | Jimboomba | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 37.5638732910156 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
21032 | 4280 | RIVERBEND | QLD | 152.9705973 | -27.82897413 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8206 | 152.981 | 31104157038 | Jimboomba | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 37.5638732910156 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
11936 | 4280 | SOUTH MACLEAN | QLD | 153.048563 | -27.81609 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7898088 | 152.9811964 | 31104157038 | Jimboomba | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wright | 37.5638732910156 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
11937 | 4280 | STOCKLEIGH | QLD | 153.048563 | -27.81609 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.766667 | 153.066667 | 31104157038 | Jimboomba | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 37.5638732910156 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30044 | Logan |
11938 | 4285 | ALLENVIEW | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8908235 | 152.9353282 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11939 | 4285 | BEAUDESERT | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9881559 | 153.0018911 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11940 | 4285 | BIRNAM | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.95 | 153.066667 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11941 | 4285 | BROMELTON | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9734158 | 152.9706263 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11942 | 4285 | CAINBABLE | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1258207 | 153.0813642 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11943 | 4285 | CEDAR GROVE | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8590524 | 152.9750343 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11944 | 4285 | CEDAR VALE | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.879722 | 153.014722 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11945 | 4285 | CHINGHEE CREEK | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2732552 | 152.9870673 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11946 | 4285 | CHRISTMAS CREEK | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1667693 | 152.9901087 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11947 | 4285 | CRYNA | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0349739 | 152.9853264 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11948 | 4285 | DARLINGTON | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2422237 | 153.0596901 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
21033 | 4285 | FLINDERS LAKES | QLD | 152.8889732 | -27.82923633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8309 | 152.901 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Wright | 62.8519287109375 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11949 | 4285 | GLENEAGLE | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9367891 | 152.9558991 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11950 | 4285 | HILLVIEW | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.216389 | 153.006389 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11951 | 4285 | ILBOGAN | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.015 | 152.968 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11952 | 4285 | INNISPLAIN | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1857865 | 152.9095595 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11953 | 4285 | JOSEPHVILLE | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.011944 | 152.922222 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11954 | 4285 | KAGARU | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8572534 | 152.9364058 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11955 | 4285 | KERRY | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.100376 | 153.0228522 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11956 | 4285 | KNAPP CREEK | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1248424 | 152.8306375 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11957 | 4285 | KOORALBYN | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.084 | 152.842 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11958 | 4285 | LAMINGTON | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2886426 | 153.03757 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11959 | 4285 | LARAVALE | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0893662 | 152.9389802 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
21034 | 4285 | MONARCH GLEN | QLD | 152.917364 | -27.81431835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8263 | 152.925 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11960 | 4285 | MOUNT GIPPS | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3104259 | 152.9942407 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11961 | 4285 | MUNDOOLUN | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.894167 | 153.070833 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11962 | 4285 | NINDOOINBAH | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0606166 | 153.0522888 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11963 | 4285 | OAKY CREEK | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1952764 | 152.9478073 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11964 | 4285 | TABOOBA | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1338638 | 152.9639912 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11965 | 4285 | TABRAGALBA | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9837308 | 153.0606108 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11966 | 4285 | TAMROOKUM | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1230864 | 152.9180175 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11967 | 4285 | TAMROOKUM CREEK | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1780379 | 152.8807471 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11968 | 4285 | UNDULLAH | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8900533 | 152.8370373 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11969 | 4285 | VERESDALE | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9089 | 152.978 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11970 | 4285 | VERESDALE SCRUB | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9201 | 153.0131 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11971 | 4285 | WOODHILL | QLD | 152.975131 | -28.056979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31104 | Jimboomba | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.885 | 152.973056 | 31104157041 | Woodhill (Qld) | 311041570 | Jimboomba - Glenlogan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 92.2155685424805 | Q1 | PHN303 | Gold Coast | Logan | 34590 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11972 | 4287 | BARNEY VIEW | QLD | 152.822971 | -28.259143 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2375 | 152.764444 | 31101130529 | Palen Creek | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 117.432693481445 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11973 | 4287 | MOUNT BARNEY | QLD | 152.822971 | -28.259143 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2294979 | 152.7483378 | 31101130529 | Palen Creek | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 117.432693481445 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11974 | 4287 | MOUNT LINDESAY | QLD | 152.822971 | -28.259143 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3488782 | 152.7349619 | 31101130529 | Palen Creek | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 117.432693481445 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11975 | 4287 | PALEN CREEK | QLD | 152.822971 | -28.259143 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2693626 | 152.8158087 | 31101130529 | Palen Creek | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 117.432693481445 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11976 | 4287 | RATHDOWNEY | QLD | 152.822971 | -28.259143 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2109509 | 152.8566126 | 31101130529 | Palen Creek | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 117.432693481445 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11977 | 4287 | RUNNING CREEK | QLD | 152.822971 | -28.259143 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31101 | Beaudesert | 311 | Logan - Beaudesert | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3018962 | 152.9095595 | 31101130529 | Palen Creek | 311011305 | Beaudesert | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 117.432693481445 | Q1 | PHN302 | Brisbane South | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11978 | 4300 | AUGUSTINE HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.669167 | 152.893611 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11979 | 4300 | BELLBIRD PARK | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6383213 | 152.888232 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11980 | 4300 | BROOKWATER | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.661111 | 152.898611 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11981 | 4300 | CAMIRA | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.634492 | 152.916039 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11982 | 4300 | CAROLE PARK | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616667 | 152.933333 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11983 | 4300 | GAILES | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.610747 | 152.915839 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11984 | 4300 | GOODNA | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6167 | 152.9 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11985 | 4300 | GOODNA DC | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6093 | 152.896 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11986 | 4300 | GOODNA EAST | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6167 | 152.9 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11987 | 4300 | OPOSSUM CREEK | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6648 | 152.907 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
21035 | 4300 | SPRING MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.8810374 | -27.70564619 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6454 | 152.909 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 130.033447265625 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11988 | 4300 | SPRINGFIELD | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.65 | 152.9 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
21036 | 4300 | SPRINGFIELD CENTRAL | QLD | 152.9036083 | -27.68100428 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6854 | 152.906 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11989 | 4300 | SPRINGFIELD LAKES | QLD | 152.884999 | -27.682273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.683333 | 152.916667 | 31004156618 | Bellbird Park | 310041566 | Bellbird Park | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Oxley | 47.6106414794922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30039 | Jordan |
11990 | 4301 | COLLINGWOOD PARK | QLD | 152.858086 | -27.629394 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616667 | 152.85 | 31004130259 | Redbank Plains | 310041302 | Redbank Plains | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 44.3377914428711 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30010 | Bundamba |
11991 | 4301 | GREENWOOD VILLAGE | QLD | 152.858086 | -27.629394 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6427 | 152.836 | 31004130259 | Redbank Plains | 310041302 | Redbank Plains | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 44.3377914428711 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30010 | Bundamba |
11992 | 4301 | REDBANK | QLD | 152.858086 | -27.629394 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6 | 152.866667 | 31004130259 | Redbank Plains | 310041302 | Redbank Plains | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 44.3377914428711 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30010 | Bundamba |
11993 | 4301 | REDBANK PLAINS | QLD | 152.858086 | -27.629394 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.65 | 152.85 | 31004130259 | Redbank Plains | 310041302 | Redbank Plains | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 44.3377914428711 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Oxley | Outer Metropolitan | 30010 | Bundamba |
11994 | 4303 | DINMORE | QLD | 152.840187 | -27.604588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6 | 152.833333 | 31004130101 | New Chum | 310041301 | New Chum | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 73.1556549072266 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30010 | Bundamba |
11995 | 4303 | NEW CHUM | QLD | 152.840187 | -27.604588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616667 | 152.833333 | 31004130101 | New Chum | 310041301 | New Chum | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 73.1556549072266 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30010 | Bundamba |
11996 | 4303 | RIVERVIEW | QLD | 152.840187 | -27.604588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31004 | Springfield - Redbank | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.592778 | 152.8475 | 31004130101 | New Chum | 310041301 | New Chum | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 73.1556549072266 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30010 | Bundamba |
11997 | 4304 | BLACKSTONE | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6305539 | 152.800004 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
11998 | 4304 | BOOVAL | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.614358 | 152.788861 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
11999 | 4304 | BOOVAL BC | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6166 | 152.789 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
12000 | 4304 | BOOVAL DC | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6166 | 152.789 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
12001 | 4304 | BOOVAL FAIR | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6159398 | 152.7900807 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
12002 | 4304 | BUNDAMBA | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6 | 152.816667 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
12003 | 4304 | EBBW VALE | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.608447 | 152.8235277 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
12004 | 4304 | NORTH BOOVAL | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5978733 | 152.7926534 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
12005 | 4304 | SILKSTONE | QLD | 152.80457 | -27.620656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.622778 | 152.79 | 31003128746 | Booval | 310031287 | Ipswich - East | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 18.1522216796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Blair | Provincial | 30037 | Ipswich |
12006 | 4305 | BASIN POCKET | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.601 | 152.7718 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12007 | 4305 | BRASSALL | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.591 | 152.735 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12008 | 4305 | BRASSALL HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.591 | 152.735 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12009 | 4305 | BREMER | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6416907 | 152.7527805 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12010 | 4305 | CHURCHILL | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.635278 | 152.751111 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12011 | 4305 | COALFALLS | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6062583 | 152.7426763 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12012 | 4305 | EAST IPSWICH | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.609346 | 152.776483 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12013 | 4305 | EASTERN HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.625833 | 152.774444 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12014 | 4305 | FLINDERS VIEW | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.65 | 152.783333 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12015 | 4305 | IPSWICH | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.623 | 152.76 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12016 | 4305 | LEICHHARDT | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616667 | 152.733333 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12017 | 4305 | LIMESTONE RIDGES | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.834444 | 152.728333 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12018 | 4305 | MOORES POCKET | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6 | 152.783333 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12019 | 4305 | NEWTOWN | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616423 | 152.7779529 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12020 | 4305 | NORTH IPSWICH | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5839665 | 152.758844 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12021 | 4305 | NORTH TIVOLI | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.583333 | 152.783333 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12022 | 4305 | ONE MILE | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.633333 | 152.733333 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12023 | 4305 | RACEVIEW | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.633333 | 152.783333 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12024 | 4305 | RAYMONDS HILL | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6373 | 152.768 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12025 | 4305 | SADLIERS CROSSING | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6122923 | 152.7456158 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12026 | 4305 | TIVOLI | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5876923 | 152.776483 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12027 | 4305 | WEST IPSWICH | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.616667 | 152.75 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12028 | 4305 | WOODEND | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6 | 152.75 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12029 | 4305 | WULKURAKA | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.6102239 | 152.7294491 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12030 | 4305 | YAMANTO | QLD | 152.753696 | -27.627522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31003 | Ipswich Inner | 310 | Ipswich | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.65 | 152.733333 | 31003129403 | Raceview | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 35.1628074645996 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12031 | 4306 | AMBERLEY | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.633333 | 152.7 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12032 | 4306 | AVOCA VALE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.756828 | 152.2351757 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12033 | 4306 | BANKS CREEK | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4126335 | 152.7254758 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12034 | 4306 | BARELLAN POINT | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5721669 | 152.8441133 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12035 | 4306 | BELLHAVEN | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5224 | 152.685 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12036 | 4306 | BENARKIN | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.886944 | 152.137778 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12037 | 4306 | BENARKIN NORTH | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.8516635 | 152.151274 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
12038 | 4306 | BLACKBUTT | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.883333 | 152.1 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9807 | 4306 | BLACKBUTT NORTH | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.8658073 | 152.1161127 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9808 | 4306 | BLACKBUTT SOUTH | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.9005845 | 152.105606 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9809 | 4306 | BLACKSOIL | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5781877 | 152.7059363 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9810 | 4306 | BLACKWALL | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.547 | 152.781 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9811 | 4306 | BORALLON | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5 | 152.7 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9812 | 4306 | CHERRY CREEK | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.9124302 | 152.1118951 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9813 | 4306 | CHUWAR | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.563889 | 152.779167 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9814 | 4306 | COLINTON | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.960029 | 152.301518 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9815 | 4306 | DEEBING HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.683333 | 152.766667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9816 | 4306 | DUNDAS | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3391912 | 152.6669993 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9817 | 4306 | ENGLAND CREEK | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4181734 | 152.6656057 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11769 | 4306 | FAIRNEY VIEW | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.483333 | 152.65 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11770 | 4306 | FERNVALE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4595799 | 152.663801 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11771 | 4306 | FOREST GLADE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5224 | 152.685 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11772 | 4306 | GLAMORGAN VALE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5 | 152.616667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11773 | 4306 | GOOGA CREEK | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.9722302 | 152.0670448 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11774 | 4306 | GOOLMAN | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7366992 | 152.7520728 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11775 | 4306 | HAIGSLEA | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.566667 | 152.633333 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11776 | 4306 | HARLIN | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -27.5224191 | 152.6853649 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11777 | 4306 | HOLTS HILL | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5165 | 152.823 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11778 | 4306 | IRONBARK | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.555278 | 152.674722 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11779 | 4306 | KARALEE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.566667 | 152.816667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11780 | 4306 | KARANA DOWNS | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.55 | 152.822222 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11781 | 4306 | KARRABIN | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6045 | 152.7099 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11782 | 4306 | KHOLO | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.524 | 152.764 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11783 | 4306 | LAKE MANCHESTER | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4887166 | 152.7452483 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11784 | 4306 | LARK HILL | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5220435 | 152.5942884 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11785 | 4306 | LINVILLE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.8391364 | 152.2754914 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11786 | 4306 | LOAMSIDE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6689 | 152.741 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11787 | 4306 | MONSILDALE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7088 | 152.402 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11788 | 4306 | MOORE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.8960612 | 152.2982186 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11789 | 4306 | MOUNT BINGA | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.9936626 | 151.9894089 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11790 | 4306 | MOUNT CROSBY | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.54 | 152.804 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11791 | 4306 | MOUNT MARROW | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6 | 152.616667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11792 | 4306 | MOUNT STANLEY | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.6625853 | 152.1996574 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11793 | 4306 | MUIRLEA | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.566667 | 152.733333 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11794 | 4306 | NUKKU | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.8424129 | 152.0690585 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11795 | 4306 | PEAK CROSSING | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.789167 | 152.755278 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11796 | 4306 | PINE MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.533333 | 152.716667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11797 | 4306 | PURGA | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6603 | 152.7163 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11798 | 4306 | RIPLEY | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.666667 | 152.783333 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11799 | 4306 | SOUTH RIPLEY | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7121431 | 152.814706 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11800 | 4306 | SPLIT YARD CREEK | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3810392 | 152.6447793 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11801 | 4306 | SWANBANK | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.666667 | 152.816667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11802 | 4306 | TAROMEO | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.8269614 | 152.1195944 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11803 | 4306 | TEELAH | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Removed 15-Nov-2020 | -26.7989823 | 152.0806962 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11804 | 4306 | THAGOONA | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.633333 | 152.633333 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11805 | 4306 | VERNOR | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.466667 | 152.616667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11806 | 4306 | WALLOON | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6027375 | 152.6636522 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11807 | 4306 | WANORA | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.516667 | 152.666667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
21037 | 4306 | WASHPOOL | QLD | 152.7654284 | -27.83879693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8307 | 152.752 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 89.7615051269531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11808 | 4306 | WEST AMBERLEY | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6333 | 152.7 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
21038 | 4306 | WHITE ROCK | QLD | 152.8491674 | -27.69435236 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.680475 | 152.8345742 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11809 | 4306 | WILLOWBANK | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.683333 | 152.666667 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11810 | 4306 | WIVENHOE | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4241 | 152.619 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11811 | 4306 | WIVENHOE POCKET | QLD | 152.725408 | -27.480898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.431944 | 152.618056 | 31003129436 | Ripley | 310031294 | Ripley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 127.840393066406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11812 | 4307 | COLEYVILLE | QLD | 152.592399 | -27.851804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7918968 | 152.5796026 | 31002128212 | Mutdapilly | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11813 | 4307 | HARRISVILLE | QLD | 152.592399 | -27.851804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.811667 | 152.668889 | 31002128212 | Mutdapilly | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11814 | 4307 | MUTDAPILLY | QLD | 152.592399 | -27.851804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.742222 | 152.664167 | 31002128212 | Mutdapilly | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11815 | 4307 | RADFORD | QLD | 152.592399 | -27.851804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8518249 | 152.6324767 | 31002128212 | Mutdapilly | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11816 | 4307 | SILVERDALE | QLD | 152.592399 | -27.851804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.909828 | 152.6038348 | 31002128212 | Mutdapilly | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11817 | 4307 | WARRILL VIEW | QLD | 152.592399 | -27.851804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8258347 | 152.6214601 | 31002128212 | Mutdapilly | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11818 | 4307 | WILSONS PLAINS | QLD | 152.592399 | -27.851804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8460425 | 152.6559808 | 31002128212 | Mutdapilly | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Ipswich | 33960 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11819 | 4309 | ARATULA | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.981389 | 152.548611 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11820 | 4309 | CHARLWOOD | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.007859 | 152.5796026 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11821 | 4309 | CLUMBER | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0432243 | 152.4850996 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11822 | 4309 | FASSIFERN | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9584816 | 152.588414 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11823 | 4309 | FASSIFERN VALLEY | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9763911 | 152.6089753 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11824 | 4309 | FRAZERVIEW | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.949825 | 152.5718921 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11825 | 4309 | KALBAR | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.933333 | 152.616667 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11826 | 4309 | KENTS LAGOON | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8950371 | 152.6324767 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11827 | 4309 | KULGUN | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9300271 | 152.6824263 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11828 | 4309 | MILORA | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8535684 | 152.6912422 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11829 | 4309 | MOOGERAH | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0812684 | 152.5135302 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11830 | 4309 | MORWINCHA | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9680148 | 152.5825397 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11831 | 4309 | MOUNT EDWARDS | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0151932 | 152.5384882 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11832 | 4309 | MUNBILLA | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8743 | 152.66 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11833 | 4309 | OBUM OBUM | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9216709 | 152.6559808 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11834 | 4309 | TAROME | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9890382 | 152.4771806 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11835 | 4309 | TEVIOTVILLE | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9483036 | 152.6794877 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11836 | 4309 | WASHPOOL | QLD | 152.523366 | -27.98728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8307457 | 152.7522298 | 31002127734 | Aratula (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 147.749893188477 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11837 | 4310 | ALLANDALE | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9860989 | 152.7331232 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11838 | 4310 | ANTHONY | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8751832 | 152.6912422 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11839 | 4310 | BLANTYRE | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9030169 | 152.6824263 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11840 | 4310 | BOONAH | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9926605 | 152.6905879 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11841 | 4310 | BUNBURRA | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0521343 | 152.6758146 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11842 | 4310 | BUNJURGEN | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.043682 | 152.6207256 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11843 | 4310 | BURNETT CREEK | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.239131 | 152.5564747 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11844 | 4310 | CANNON CREEK | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0725093 | 152.7331232 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11845 | 4310 | CARNEYS CREEK | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1924724 | 152.5436411 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11846 | 4310 | COOCHIN | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1183647 | 152.6449629 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11847 | 4310 | COULSON | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9516941 | 152.7206315 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11848 | 4310 | CROFTBY | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1321886 | 152.6214601 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11849 | 4310 | DUGANDAN | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.021389 | 152.677778 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11850 | 4310 | FRENCHES CREEK | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0246181 | 152.6324767 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11851 | 4310 | HOYA | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9699066 | 152.6794877 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11852 | 4310 | KENTS POCKET | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9898018 | 152.658919 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11853 | 4310 | LAKE MOOGERAH | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0455 | 152.541 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11854 | 4310 | MAROON | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1672351 | 152.6922284 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11855 | 4310 | MAROON DAM | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2023 | 152.647 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11856 | 4310 | MILBONG | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8827043 | 152.7265099 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11857 | 4310 | MILFORD | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0314552 | 152.7147533 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11858 | 4310 | MOUNT ALFORD | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0680769 | 152.6047064 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11859 | 4310 | MOUNT FRENCH | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.000505 | 152.6207256 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11860 | 4310 | ROADVALE | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.916667 | 152.7 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11861 | 4310 | TEMPLIN | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9731555 | 152.6442284 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11862 | 4310 | WALLACES CREEK | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0620479 | 152.6559808 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11863 | 4310 | WOOLOOMAN | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8761834 | 152.7625186 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11864 | 4310 | WYARALONG | QLD | 152.600598 | -28.121399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9388249 | 152.772134 | 31002127735 | Boonah (Qld) | 310021277 | Boonah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 186.901245117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
11865 | 4311 | ATKINSONS DAM | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.431667 | 152.450833 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11866 | 4311 | BRIGHTVIEW | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5082737 | 152.491511 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11867 | 4311 | BUARABA | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3517626 | 152.3711857 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11868 | 4311 | BUARABA SOUTH | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4164889 | 152.2332548 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11869 | 4311 | CHURCHABLE | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4224796 | 152.3682506 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11870 | 4311 | CLARENDON | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.438994 | 152.515747 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11871 | 4311 | COOLANA | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.517778 | 152.55 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11872 | 4311 | COOMINYA | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.391944 | 152.5 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
22873 | 4311 | LAKE WIVENHOE | QLD | 152.427 | -27.4026 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -27.4026 | 152.427 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | -3492 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11873 | 4311 | LOCKYER WATERS | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4582888 | 152.4093285 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11874 | 4311 | LOWOOD | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4714454 | 152.5730262 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11875 | 4311 | MINDEN | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.55 | 152.533333 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11876 | 4311 | MOUNT TARAMPA | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4625167 | 152.4797685 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11877 | 4311 | PATRICK ESTATE | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4242462 | 152.5796026 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11878 | 4311 | PRENZLAU | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.533333 | 152.516667 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11879 | 4311 | RIFLE RANGE | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.45 | 152.533333 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11880 | 4311 | TARAMPA | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.486389 | 152.547222 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11881 | 4311 | WIVENHOE HILL | QLD | 152.438771 | -27.418572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3716375 | 152.5352765 | 31701145122 | White Mountain | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 63 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
11882 | 4312 | BRYDEN | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2436131 | 152.5709752 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11883 | 4312 | CABOONBAH | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1549521 | 152.4709621 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11884 | 4312 | COAL CREEK | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1748538 | 152.4511245 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11885 | 4312 | CROSSDALE | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.199662 | 152.5304735 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11886 | 4312 | ESK | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.233333 | 152.416667 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11887 | 4312 | ESKDALE | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1866342 | 152.2530953 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11888 | 4312 | GLEN ESK | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2552987 | 152.4687606 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11889 | 4312 | MOOMBRA | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2695361 | 152.4962428 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11890 | 4312 | MOUNT BYRON | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1479369 | 152.6464319 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11891 | 4312 | MOUNT HALLEN | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3193772 | 152.3917226 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11892 | 4312 | MURRUMBA | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2041085 | 152.4623372 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11893 | 4312 | REDBANK CREEK | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2636263 | 152.3532853 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11894 | 4312 | SOMERSET DAM | QLD | 152.482636 | -27.256065 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1189444 | 152.5514151 | 31002127814 | Mount Byron | 310021278 | Esk | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11895 | 4313 | BIARRA | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1719816 | 152.3631164 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11896 | 4313 | BRAEMORE | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0421887 | 152.3858543 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11897 | 4313 | COOEEIMBARDI | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.104894 | 152.5070452 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11898 | 4313 | CRESSBROOK | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0737847 | 152.4328056 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
11899 | 4313 | FULHAM | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0581691 | 152.4565675 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9669 | 4313 | GREGORS CREEK | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9988619 | 152.3953904 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9670 | 4313 | IVORY CREEK | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0567365 | 152.3330956 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9671 | 4313 | LOWER CRESSBROOK | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0767123 | 152.4610554 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9672 | 4313 | MOUNT BEPPO | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.123056 | 152.434444 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9673 | 4313 | OTTABA | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1480396 | 152.3968575 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9674 | 4313 | SCRUB CREEK | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0421044 | 152.4165516 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9675 | 4313 | TOOGOOLAWAH | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.083333 | 152.383333 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9676 | 4313 | YIMBUN | QLD | 152.321536 | -27.089517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0284731 | 152.3594493 | 31303137014 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 216.115081787109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21039 | 4314 | AVOCA VALE | QLD | 152.2258022 | -26.73342733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.7568 | 152.235 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 342.461822509766 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16676 | 4314 | BENARKIN | QLD | 152.1391 | -26.8824 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.8869 | 152.138 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 439.039642333984 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
21040 | 4314 | BENARKIN NORTH | QLD | 152.1505357 | -26.85210016 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.8517 | 152.151 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 394.736785888672 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16678 | 4314 | BLACKBUTT | QLD | 152.1011 | -26.883 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.8833 | 152.1 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 394.736785888672 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
21041 | 4314 | BLACKBUTT NORTH | QLD | 152.1163598 | -26.86769039 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.8658 | 152.116 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 419.011383056641 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
21042 | 4314 | BLACKBUTT SOUTH | QLD | 152.0833751 | -26.90734563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.9006 | 152.106 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 492.270721435547 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
21043 | 4314 | CHERRY CREEK | QLD | 152.1150297 | -26.92847151 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.9124 | 152.112 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 436.998718261719 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16682 | 4314 | COLINTON | QLD | 152.221 | -26.9662 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.96 | 152.302 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 394.736785888672 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16683 | 4314 | GILLA | QLD | 152.0092 | -26.9019 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Added 23-Nov-2018 | -26.8703 | 152.056 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 403.845581054688 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
21044 | 4314 | GOOGA CREEK | QLD | 152.054265 | -26.96546369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.9722 | 152.067 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 500.656982421875 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16685 | 4314 | HARLIN | QLD | 152.3502 | -26.9666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.9745 | 152.325 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 102.414443969727 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16686 | 4314 | LINVILLE | QLD | 152.237 | -26.8097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.8391 | 152.275 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 220.301986694336 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16687 | 4314 | MOORE | QLD | 152.2625 | -26.8816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.8961 | 152.298 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 394.736785888672 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
21045 | 4314 | MOUNT BINGA | QLD | 151.9393226 | -27.00654199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.9937 | 151.989 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 394.736785888672 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
21046 | 4314 | MOUNT STANLEY | QLD | 152.2017374 | -26.58605216 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.6626 | 152.2 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 394.736785888672 | Q2 | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16690 | 4314 | NUKKU | QLD | 152.0625 | -26.8488 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.8424 | 152.069 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 338.631408691406 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16691 | 4314 | TAROMEO | QLD | 152.1247 | -26.8294 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.827 | 152.12 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 394.736785888672 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
16692 | 4314 | TEELAH | QLD | 152.0973 | -26.7728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -26.799 | 152.081 | 31902150920 | Blackbutt South | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 394.736785888672 | Q2 | PHN304 | | Toowoomba | 36910 | Wright | | 30063 | Nanango |
9677 | 4340 | ASHWELL | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.628456 | 152.560103 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9678 | 4340 | CALVERT | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6729137 | 152.5032543 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9679 | 4340 | EBENEZER | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.683333 | 152.616667 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9680 | 4340 | GRANDCHESTER | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.666667 | 152.466667 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9681 | 4340 | JEEBROPILLY | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.65 | 152.65 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9682 | 4340 | LANEFIELD | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6505372 | 152.5502343 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9683 | 4340 | LOWER MOUNT WALKER | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7170154 | 152.5326155 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9684 | 4340 | MERRYVALE | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8000102 | 152.491511 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9685 | 4340 | MOORANG | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9022713 | 152.4823371 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9686 | 4340 | MOUNT FORBES | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.732082 | 152.6031004 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9687 | 4340 | MOUNT MORT | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7937854 | 152.4373245 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9688 | 4340 | MOUNT WALKER | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7767 | 152.5571 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9689 | 4340 | MOUNT WALKER WEST | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7640518 | 152.5186343 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9690 | 4340 | ROSEVALE | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8522163 | 152.481861 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9691 | 4340 | ROSEWOOD | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6387496 | 152.5928676 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9692 | 4340 | TALLEGALLA | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.583333 | 152.55 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9693 | 4340 | THE BLUFF | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.616667 | 152.533333 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9694 | 4340 | WOOLSHED | QLD | 152.472702 | -27.803453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5775684 | 152.5102934 | 31002128243 | Rosewood (Qld) | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Wright | Rural | 30075 | Scenic Rim |
9695 | 4341 | BLENHEIM | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.653889 | 152.313056 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9696 | 4341 | HATTON VALE | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.566667 | 152.483333 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9697 | 4341 | KENSINGTON GROVE | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.538201 | 152.4797685 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9698 | 4341 | KENTVILLE | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4824171 | 152.4210667 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9699 | 4341 | LAIDLEY | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6411714 | 152.4102687 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9700 | 4341 | LAIDLEY CREEK WEST | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.665073 | 152.353582 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9701 | 4341 | LAIDLEY HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6318792 | 152.362383 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9702 | 4341 | LAIDLEY NORTH | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6095677 | 152.4093285 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9703 | 4341 | LAIDLEY SOUTH | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6693211 | 152.3858543 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9704 | 4341 | MOUNT BERRYMAN | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7212387 | 152.3273296 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9705 | 4341 | MULGOWIE | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7249038 | 152.3682506 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9706 | 4341 | PLAINLAND | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.58382 | 152.4151975 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9707 | 4341 | REGENCY DOWNS | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5389684 | 152.4328056 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9708 | 4341 | SUMMERHOLM | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.59388 | 152.4621561 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9709 | 4341 | THORNTON | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.81611 | 152.368984 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9710 | 4341 | TOWNSON | QLD | 152.396656 | -27.68768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8709182 | 152.3792527 | 31002128059 | Laidley North | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 269.578674316406 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9711 | 4342 | CROWLEY VALE | QLD | 152.377687 | -27.543847 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5480002 | 152.3741183 | 31002128050 | Glenore Grove | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9712 | 4342 | FOREST HILL | QLD | 152.377687 | -27.543847 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.583333 | 152.35 | 31002128050 | Glenore Grove | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9713 | 4342 | GLEN CAIRN | QLD | 152.377687 | -27.543847 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6135047 | 152.3271815 | 31002128050 | Glenore Grove | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9714 | 4342 | GLENORE GROVE | QLD | 152.377687 | -27.543847 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5231355 | 152.4093285 | 31002128050 | Glenore Grove | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9715 | 4342 | LOCKROSE | QLD | 152.377687 | -27.543847 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.493056 | 152.461111 | 31002128050 | Glenore Grove | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9716 | 4342 | LYNFORD | QLD | 152.377687 | -27.543847 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.474549 | 152.4474803 | 31002128050 | Glenore Grove | 310021280 | Lockyer Valley - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9717 | 4343 | ADARE | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5112736 | 152.3037176 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9718 | 4343 | BLACK DUCK CREEK | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8268013 | 152.1681217 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9719 | 4343 | CAFFEY | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7015289 | 152.2192204 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9720 | 4343 | COLLEGE VIEW | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5570926 | 152.353582 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9721 | 4343 | EAST HALDON | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8340079 | 152.2067767 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9722 | 4343 | FORDSDALE | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7111589 | 152.1413842 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9723 | 4343 | GATTON | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5635802 | 152.2799793 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9724 | 4343 | INGOLDSBY | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6984666 | 152.2505679 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9725 | 4343 | JUNCTION VIEW | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.813203 | 152.1664133 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9726 | 4343 | LAKE CLARENDON | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5213576 | 152.3506485 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9727 | 4343 | LAWES | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5699561 | 152.3169196 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9728 | 4343 | LEFTHAND BRANCH | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7644809 | 152.2484115 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9729 | 4343 | LOWER TENTHILL | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.605556 | 152.239167 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9730 | 4343 | MORTON VALE | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4856892 | 152.3858543 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9731 | 4343 | MOUNT SYLVIA | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7257552 | 152.2194183 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9732 | 4343 | PLACID HILLS | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5629486 | 152.2304117 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9733 | 4343 | RINGWOOD | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5218416 | 152.22748 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9734 | 4343 | ROCKSIDE | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7031477 | 152.2859216 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9735 | 4343 | ROPELEY | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6548153 | 152.2685271 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9736 | 4343 | SPRING CREEK | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4556451 | 152.3213153 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9737 | 4343 | UPPER TENTHILL | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6513308 | 152.22748 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9738 | 4343 | VINEGAR HILL | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5006344 | 152.2494733 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9739 | 4343 | WOODBINE | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7782854 | 152.1903823 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9740 | 4343 | WOODLANDS | QLD | 152.224616 | -27.656074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6033892 | 152.2802565 | 31701145132 | Adare | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wright | 143.105087280273 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9741 | 4344 | CARPENDALE | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5862798 | 152.151274 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9742 | 4344 | EGYPT | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6628556 | 152.1113518 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9743 | 4344 | FLAGSTONE CREEK | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6128374 | 152.0904786 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9744 | 4344 | HELIDON | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.55 | 152.125556 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9745 | 4344 | HELIDON SPA | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5519936 | 152.0926756 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
21047 | 4344 | IREDALE | QLD | 152.105857 | -27.581256 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5828 | 152.11 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 178.886093139648 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9746 | 4344 | LILYDALE | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6160901 | 152.1395528 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9747 | 4344 | LOCKYER | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5179079 | 152.0769306 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9748 | 4344 | ROCKMOUNT | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.685638 | 152.0289715 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9749 | 4344 | SEVENTEEN MILE | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4916194 | 152.1662939 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9750 | 4344 | SILVER PINCH | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6115 | 152.036 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9751 | 4344 | SILVER RIDGE | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6062598 | 152.0077418 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9752 | 4344 | STOCKYARD | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6493845 | 152.0556952 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9753 | 4344 | UPPER FLAGSTONE | QLD | 152.060385 | -27.572999 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6325 | 152.001389 | 31701145135 | Upper Flagstone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wright | 248.084655761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9754 | 4345 | GATTON COLLEGE | QLD | 152.336382 | -27.549094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.547269 | 152.340238 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 4 | 4 | Wright | 90.1220855712891 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | | | |
9755 | 4346 | MARBURG | QLD | 152.588235 | -27.56237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5659238 | 152.5941917 | 31002128222 | Woolshed | 310021282 | Rosewood | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Blair | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30043 | Lockyer |
9756 | 4347 | GRANTHAM | QLD | 152.142704 | -27.655062 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.583333 | 152.2 | 31701145129 | Mount Whitestone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 287.422332763672 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9757 | 4347 | MA MA CREEK | QLD | 152.142704 | -27.655062 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6287 | 152.1903 | 31701145129 | Mount Whitestone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 287.422332763672 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9758 | 4347 | MOUNT WHITESTONE | QLD | 152.142704 | -27.655062 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6654131 | 152.1609424 | 31701145129 | Mount Whitestone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 287.422332763672 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9759 | 4347 | VERADILLA | QLD | 152.142704 | -27.655062 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5912729 | 152.1904935 | 31701145129 | Mount Whitestone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 287.422332763672 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9760 | 4347 | WINWILL | QLD | 152.142704 | -27.655062 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6075 | 152.209167 | 31701145129 | Mount Whitestone | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wright | 287.422332763672 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9761 | 4350 | ATHOL | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.6274394 | 151.7699978 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9762 | 4350 | BLUE MOUNTAIN HEIGHTS | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.499 | 151.951 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9763 | 4350 | CARRINGTON | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.544 | 151.888 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9764 | 4350 | CENTENARY HEIGHTS | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.586 | 151.962 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9765 | 4350 | CHARLTON | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5166099 | 151.8533542 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9766 | 4350 | CLIFFORD GARDENS | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5644444 | 151.9322222 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9767 | 4350 | COTSWOLD HILLS | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.523 | 151.893 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9768 | 4350 | CRANLEY | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.512 | 151.926 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9769 | 4350 | DARLING HEIGHTS | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.606 | 151.923 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9770 | 4350 | DRAYTON | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.6 | 151.906 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9771 | 4350 | DRAYTON NORTH | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.6 | 151.906 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9772 | 4350 | EAST TOOWOOMBA | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.562 | 151.969 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9773 | 4350 | EASTLAKE | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5565 | 151.953 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9774 | 4350 | FINNIE | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.632 | 151.884 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9775 | 4350 | GLENVALE | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.567 | 151.897 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9776 | 4350 | GLENVALE PARK | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5663 | 151.885 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9777 | 4350 | GOWRIE | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5537 | 151.949 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9778 | 4350 | GOWRIE MOUNTAIN | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5130773 | 151.8219081 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9779 | 4350 | HARLAXTON | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.531 | 151.955 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9780 | 4350 | HARRISTOWN | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.578 | 151.926 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9781 | 4350 | KEARNEYS SPRING | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.604 | 151.941 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9782 | 4350 | MACDONALDTOWN | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5887 | 151.93 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9783 | 4350 | MIDDLE RIDGE | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.608 | 151.969 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9784 | 4350 | MOUNT KYNOCH | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.51 | 151.948 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9785 | 4350 | MOUNT LOFTY | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.537 | 151.984 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9786 | 4350 | MOUNT RASCAL | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.632 | 151.918 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9787 | 4350 | NEWTOWN | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.554 | 151.93 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9788 | 4350 | NORTH TOOWOOMBA | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.546 | 151.954 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9789 | 4350 | NORTHLANDS | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5439556 | 151.961227 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
24126 | 4350 | NORTHPOINT | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.6274394 | 151.7699978 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | | | | Toowoomba | 36910 | | | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9790 | 4350 | PICNIC POINT | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5799 | 151.986 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9791 | 4350 | PRINCE HENRY HEIGHTS | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.553 | 151.994 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9792 | 4350 | RANGEVILLE | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.585 | 151.991 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9793 | 4350 | REDWOOD | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.568 | 151.989 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9794 | 4350 | ROCKVILLE | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.536 | 151.939 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9795 | 4350 | SOUTH TOOWOOMBA | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.576 | 151.954 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9796 | 4350 | SOUTHTOWN | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5805 | 151.964 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9797 | 4350 | TOOWOOMBA | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5564884 | 151.9533185 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9798 | 4350 | TOOWOOMBA BC | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5602 | 151.948 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9799 | 4350 | TOOWOOMBA CITY | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5598212 | 151.9506696 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9800 | 4350 | TOOWOOMBA DC | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5602 | 151.948 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9801 | 4350 | TOOWOOMBA EAST | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.562 | 151.969 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9802 | 4350 | TOOWOOMBA SOUTH | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.576 | 151.954 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9803 | 4350 | TOOWOOMBA VILLAGE FAIR | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5617947 | 151.9516286 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9804 | 4350 | TOOWOOMBA WEST | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.5818986 | 151.9395012 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9805 | 4350 | TOP CAMP | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.632 | 151.934 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9806 | 4350 | TORRINGTON | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.538 | 151.885 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9527 | 4350 | WELLCAMP | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.557056 | 151.8587627 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9528 | 4350 | WESTBROOK | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.60753 | 151.8292206 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9529 | 4350 | WILSONTON | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.54 | 151.918 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
21048 | 4350 | WILSONTON HEIGHTS | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.532 | 151.926 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9530 | 4350 | WYALLA PLAZA | QLD | 151.852689 | -27.576308 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -27.553289 | 151.9201763 | 31701145941 | Cranley | 317011459 | Wilsonton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 492.842315673828 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30087 | Toowoomba South |
9531 | 4352 | AMIENS | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5887 | 151.809 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9532 | 4352 | BALLARD | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5123237 | 151.9707789 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9533 | 4352 | BAPAUME | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5724524 | 151.846772 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9534 | 4352 | BIRNAM | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.491 | 151.927 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9535 | 4352 | BLANCHVIEW | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.578611 | 152.034167 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9536 | 4352 | BRANCHVIEW | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6161463 | 151.3486146 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9537 | 4352 | CABARLAH | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.433333 | 152 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9538 | 4352 | CAWDOR | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4660029 | 151.9082158 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9539 | 4352 | CEMENT MILLS | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3406439 | 151.5062076 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9540 | 4352 | COALBANK | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1186219 | 151.8493317 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9541 | 4352 | CONDAMINE PLAINS | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.673449 | 151.2616147 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9542 | 4352 | CUTELLA | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4475691 | 151.811671 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9543 | 4352 | DERRYMORE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5979612 | 152.0608207 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9544 | 4352 | DJUAN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.191131 | 151.9224826 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9545 | 4352 | DOCTOR CREEK | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1818257 | 151.795951 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9546 | 4352 | EVERGREEN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1575272 | 151.7308927 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9547 | 4352 | FIFTEEN MILE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4251366 | 152.05904 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9548 | 4352 | GEHAM | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3864 | 152.009 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9549 | 4352 | GLENCOE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.45 | 151.866667 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9550 | 4352 | GORE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2996875 | 151.3571689 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9551 | 4352 | GOWRIE JUNCTION | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.491944 | 151.888889 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9552 | 4352 | GOWRIE LITTLE PLAIN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4337153 | 151.846772 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9553 | 4352 | GRAPE TREE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3231 | 152.089 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
21049 | 4352 | GRAPETREE | QLD | 152.0967829 | -27.32404593 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3230605 | 152.0887586 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 582.378112792969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9554 | 4352 | GROOMSVILLE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3524636 | 151.9320739 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9555 | 4352 | HAMPTON | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3553 | 152.066 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9556 | 4352 | HIGHFIELDS | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.46407 | 151.9473531 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9557 | 4352 | HIGHGROVE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1304948 | 151.7661118 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9558 | 4352 | HODGSON VALE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.665 | 151.951 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9559 | 4352 | IREDALE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5827695 | 152.1102532 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9560 | 4352 | KARARA | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2010728 | 151.5800387 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9561 | 4352 | KLEINTON | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.416667 | 151.95 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9562 | 4352 | KULPI | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1905056 | 151.7223054 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9563 | 4352 | KURROWAH | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7171333 | 151.1060479 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9564 | 4352 | LILYVALE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4313937 | 151.8731024 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9565 | 4352 | LYRA | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8259008 | 151.8507945 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9566 | 4352 | MACLAGAN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0652563 | 151.6600147 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9567 | 4352 | MALLING | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0858207 | 151.5847851 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9568 | 4352 | MERINGANDAN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4126176 | 151.9228485 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9569 | 4352 | MERINGANDAN WEST | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4152917 | 151.8885932 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9570 | 4352 | MERRITTS CREEK | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3559193 | 152.0340963 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9571 | 4352 | MOUNT LUKE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3874919 | 152.042882 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9572 | 4352 | MUNIGANEEN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3845466 | 151.8635947 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9573 | 4352 | MURPHYS CREEK | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.466667 | 152.033333 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9574 | 4352 | NARKO | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1028037 | 151.7023918 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9575 | 4352 | NORTH MACLAGAN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0195347 | 151.7053826 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9576 | 4352 | NUTGROVE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0483524 | 151.7462413 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9577 | 4352 | OMAN AMA | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3919504 | 151.3060762 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9578 | 4352 | PALM TREE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4004 | 152.118 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
21050 | 4352 | PALMTREE | QLD | 152.1480255 | -27.40527861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4004481 | 152.1183101 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 671.695617675781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9579 | 4352 | PAMPAS | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7856886 | 151.4088951 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9580 | 4352 | PECHEY | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2995574 | 152.0556952 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9581 | 4352 | PERANGA | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1282997 | 151.6680509 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9582 | 4352 | PERSEVERANCE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.366667 | 152.1 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9583 | 4352 | POSTMANS RIDGE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5335724 | 152.0575257 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9584 | 4352 | POZIERES | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5348559 | 151.8701766 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9585 | 4352 | PRESTON | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.665 | 151.968 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9586 | 4352 | RAMSAY | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7296213 | 151.9931021 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9587 | 4352 | RANGEMORE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0116773 | 151.686778 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9588 | 4352 | RAVENSBOURNE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3560974 | 152.1655879 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9589 | 4352 | SEVERNLEA | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7020041 | 151.9228485 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
21051 | 4352 | SILVER RIDGE | QLD | 152.0419329 | -27.61100437 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6063 | 152.008 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 381.8251953125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9590 | 4352 | SPRING BLUFF | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.462 | 151.979 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9591 | 4352 | ST AUBYN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0770424 | 151.8939502 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9592 | 4352 | THORNVILLE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0545765 | 151.8141726 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9593 | 4352 | TOOWOOMBA MC | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5598 | 151.951 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9594 | 4352 | TUMMAVILLE | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9056001 | 151.4063188 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9595 | 4352 | UMBIRAM | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6577198 | 151.7670738 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9596 | 4352 | UPPER LOCKYER | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4847421 | 152.0809582 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
21052 | 4352 | VALE VIEW | QLD | 151.8985186 | -27.66060764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.661 | 151.904 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 576.051452636719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9597 | 4352 | WHICHELLO | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2925546 | 151.9890764 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9598 | 4352 | WHITE MOUNTAIN | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4339978 | 152.1003656 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9599 | 4352 | WITHCOTT | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.55 | 152.016667 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9600 | 4352 | WOODLEIGH | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0862184 | 151.674261 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9601 | 4352 | WOOLMER | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4523952 | 151.9199218 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9602 | 4352 | WUTUL | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0177016 | 151.813417 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9603 | 4352 | WYREEMA | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.65 | 151.866667 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9604 | 4352 | YALANGUR | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4103764 | 151.8416527 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9605 | 4352 | YANDILLA | QLD | 151.94182 | -27.627661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8480819 | 151.3301694 | 31701145818 | Gowrie Junction | 317011458 | Toowoomba - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 643.622253417969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Wright | Rural | 30086 | Toowoomba North |
9606 | 4353 | BERGEN | QLD | 151.904578 | -27.256984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.277131 | 151.8932186 | 30702117919 | Kilbirnie | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 589.539306640625 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9607 | 4353 | EAST COOYAR | QLD | 151.904578 | -27.256984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0250333 | 151.8749311 | 30702117919 | Kilbirnie | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 589.539306640625 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9608 | 4353 | HADEN | QLD | 151.904578 | -27.256984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.224 | 151.883 | 30702117919 | Kilbirnie | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 589.539306640625 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
23981 | 4353 | MOUNT DARRY | QLD | 151.904578 | -27.256984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.277131 | 151.8932186 | 30702117919 | Kilbirnie | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 589.539306640625 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9609 | 4354 | DOUGLAS | QLD | 151.887919 | -27.343884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3199034 | 151.9148004 | 30702117919 | Kilbirnie | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9610 | 4354 | GOOMBUNGEE | QLD | 151.887919 | -27.343884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3042139 | 151.8489661 | 30702117919 | Kilbirnie | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9611 | 4354 | KILBIRNIE | QLD | 151.887919 | -27.343884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2576602 | 151.8270268 | 30702117919 | Kilbirnie | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9612 | 4355 | ANDURAMBA | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1511748 | 152.1062248 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
21053 | 4355 | CRESSBROOK CREEK | QLD | 152.1679737 | -27.2412582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2272808 | 152.1225086 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9613 | 4355 | CROWS NEST | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.266667 | 152.05 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9614 | 4355 | EMU CREEK | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0858228 | 151.9923702 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9615 | 4355 | GENAVEN | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1569 | 151.973 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
21054 | 4355 | GLENAVEN | QLD | 151.973148 | -27.17812344 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1569 | 151.973 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9616 | 4355 | GLENHAVEN | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1569 | 151.973 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9617 | 4355 | JONES GULLY | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1874773 | 152.0146961 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9618 | 4355 | MOUNTAIN CAMP | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2048237 | 152.0340963 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9619 | 4355 | NUKINENDA | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.123 | 152.095 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9620 | 4355 | PIERCE CREEK | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1482 | 152.026 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
21055 | 4355 | PIERCES CREEK | QLD | 152.0374295 | -27.1640073 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1604868 | 152.0318999 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9621 | 4355 | PINELANDS | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2296129 | 151.9989579 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9622 | 4355 | PLAINBY | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2637974 | 151.9715108 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9623 | 4355 | SYLVIA VALE | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0783 | 151.972 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9624 | 4355 | THE BLUFF | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1967123 | 152.1395825 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9625 | 4355 | UPPER PINELANDS | QLD | 152.008635 | -27.18463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2130389 | 151.9645081 | 30702117912 | Thornville | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 371.581420898438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9626 | 4356 | BONGEEN | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5368918 | 151.4392319 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9627 | 4356 | BROXBURN | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.716667 | 151.683333 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9628 | 4356 | EVANSLEA | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5453699 | 151.4891536 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9629 | 4356 | IRONGATE | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6240002 | 151.5362324 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9630 | 4356 | KINCORA | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.832985 | 151.557039 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9631 | 4356 | LINTHORPE | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5639862 | 151.6804276 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9632 | 4356 | MOTLEY | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5403079 | 151.6099796 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9633 | 4356 | MOUNT TYSON | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.574722 | 151.568333 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9634 | 4356 | NORTH BRANCH | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8455556 | 151.6373692 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9635 | 4356 | NORWIN | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5148864 | 151.3904094 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9636 | 4356 | PITTSWORTH | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.716667 | 151.633333 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9637 | 4356 | PURRAWUNDA | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.516667 | 151.616667 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9638 | 4356 | ROSSVALE | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6453936 | 151.5887425 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9639 | 4356 | SCRUBBY MOUNTAIN | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7837892 | 151.5785783 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9640 | 4356 | SPRINGSIDE | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6778371 | 151.5944408 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9641 | 4356 | ST HELENS | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6818407 | 151.4822389 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9642 | 4356 | STONELEIGH | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6689593 | 151.619109 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9643 | 4356 | YARRANLEA | QLD | 151.550271 | -27.663074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7161051 | 151.5639751 | 30702118217 | Pittsworth | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9644 | 4357 | BRINGALILY | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1236609 | 151.1907438 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9645 | 4357 | BULLI CREEK | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0040731 | 150.8573883 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9646 | 4357 | CANNING CREEK | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2273759 | 151.1614227 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9647 | 4357 | CAPTAINS MOUNTAIN | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9394836 | 151.1625319 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9648 | 4357 | CLONTARF | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9717375 | 151.2279511 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9649 | 4357 | CONDAMINE FARMS | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8975564 | 150.9496784 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9650 | 4357 | CYPRESS GARDENS | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9802862 | 151.0296696 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9651 | 4357 | DOMVILLE | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9282493 | 151.2795404 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9652 | 4357 | FOREST RIDGE | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9609136 | 151.0267589 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9653 | 4357 | GRAYS GATE | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9580684 | 151.3031604 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9654 | 4357 | KOOROONGARRA | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0927861 | 151.2630722 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9655 | 4357 | LAVELLE | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9773505 | 151.2695567 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9656 | 4357 | LEMONTREE | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7923726 | 151.2987866 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9657 | 4357 | MILLMERRAN | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8793294 | 151.2658303 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9658 | 4357 | MILLMERRAN DOWNS | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9882945 | 151.0646032 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9659 | 4357 | MILLMERRAN WOODS | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0132335 | 151.0609016 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9660 | 4357 | MILLWOOD | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9973201 | 151.2231066 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9661 | 4357 | MOUNT EMLYN | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.028687 | 151.274551 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9662 | 4357 | PUNCHS CREEK | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0004081 | 151.3803454 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9663 | 4357 | ROCKY CREEK | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9947385 | 151.3302255 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9664 | 4357 | STONEHENGE | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1032 | 151.386 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9665 | 4357 | THE PINES | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9742655 | 150.9685549 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9666 | 4357 | TURALLIN | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8274821 | 151.211337 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9667 | 4357 | WATTLE RIDGE | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0020943 | 150.9802614 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9668 | 4357 | WESTERN CREEK | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9213588 | 150.8430735 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9384 | 4357 | WOONDUL | QLD | 151.103872 | -27.957654 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0859859 | 151.0343249 | 30702118109 | Western Creek (Qld) | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9385 | 4358 | CAMBOOYA | QLD | 151.859857 | -27.7283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7118398 | 151.8570111 | 31701144527 | Cambooya | 317011445 | Cambooya - Wyreema | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9386 | 4358 | FELTON | QLD | 151.859857 | -27.7283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7758029 | 151.7904676 | 31701144527 | Cambooya | 317011445 | Cambooya - Wyreema | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9387 | 4358 | FELTON EAST | QLD | 151.859857 | -27.7283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.801 | 151.771 | 31701144527 | Cambooya | 317011445 | Cambooya - Wyreema | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9388 | 4358 | FELTON SOUTH | QLD | 151.859857 | -27.7283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8929074 | 151.7053148 | 31701144527 | Cambooya | 317011445 | Cambooya - Wyreema | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
21056 | 4358 | RAMSAY | QLD | 151.9878913 | -27.72378158 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7296 | 151.993 | 31701144527 | Cambooya | 317011445 | Cambooya - Wyreema | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9389 | 4358 | VALE VIEW | QLD | 151.859857 | -27.7283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.661 | 151.904 | 31701144527 | Cambooya | 317011445 | Cambooya - Wyreema | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9390 | 4359 | ASCOT | QLD | 152.03681 | -27.794456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8175 | 151.967 | 31701145130 | Woodbine (Qld) | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 542.385986328125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9391 | 4359 | BUDGEE | QLD | 152.03681 | -27.794456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.802707 | 151.9934681 | 31701145130 | Woodbine (Qld) | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 542.385986328125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
21057 | 4359 | EAST GREENMOUNT | QLD | 151.9520167 | -27.7732073 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7833 | 151.95 | 31701145130 | Woodbine (Qld) | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 523.846130371094 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9392 | 4359 | GREENMOUNT | QLD | 152.03681 | -27.794456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.783333 | 151.9 | 31701145130 | Woodbine (Qld) | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 542.385986328125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9393 | 4359 | GREENMOUNT EAST | QLD | 152.03681 | -27.794456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.783333 | 151.95 | 31701145130 | Woodbine (Qld) | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 542.385986328125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9394 | 4359 | HIRSTGLEN | QLD | 152.03681 | -27.794456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8267887 | 152.1080559 | 31701145130 | Woodbine (Qld) | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 542.385986328125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9395 | 4359 | WEST HALDON | QLD | 152.03681 | -27.794456 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8056968 | 152.1054924 | 31701145130 | Woodbine (Qld) | 317011451 | Lockyer Valley - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 542.385986328125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Lockyer Valley | 34580 | Wright | Rural | 30043 | Lockyer |
9396 | 4360 | NOBBY | QLD | 151.907036 | -27.853801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8545522 | 151.9028584 | 30703118407 | Nobby | 307031184 | Clifton - Greenmount | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 498.617492675781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30020 | Condamine |
9397 | 4361 | BACK PLAINS | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8833816 | 151.7787703 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9398 | 4361 | CLIFTON | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9373092 | 151.9166011 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9399 | 4361 | ELLANGOWAN | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9157943 | 151.7297936 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9400 | 4361 | ELPHINSTONE | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9738326 | 151.8899267 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9401 | 4361 | HEADINGTON HILL | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9105634 | 152.0114019 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9402 | 4361 | KINGS CREEK | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9084565 | 151.9002291 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9403 | 4361 | MANAPOURI | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8545675 | 151.995298 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9404 | 4361 | MISSEN FLAT | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9003923 | 151.9812083 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9405 | 4361 | MOUNT MOLAR | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8923533 | 151.8526229 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9406 | 4361 | NEVILTON | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8831085 | 151.9737064 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9407 | 4361 | PILTON | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8837217 | 152.0368264 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9408 | 4361 | RYEFORD | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9297463 | 151.8182519 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9409 | 4361 | SANDY CAMP | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9632987 | 151.8533923 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9410 | 4361 | SPRING CREEK | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9513746 | 151.9982371 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9411 | 4361 | UPPER PILTON | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9133797 | 152.0978022 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9412 | 4361 | VICTORIA HILL | QLD | 151.948279 | -27.965214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0119382 | 151.8173022 | 30703118605 | Spring Creek (Toowoomba - Qld) | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9413 | 4362 | ALLORA | QLD | 151.841358 | -28.050522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.033333 | 151.983333 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.072387695313 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21058 | 4362 | BERAT | QLD | 152.0668027 | -28.05152165 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.0335028 | 152.0567935 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.072387695313 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9414 | 4362 | DEUCHAR | QLD | 151.841358 | -28.050522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.0998581 | 151.9404093 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.072387695313 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21059 | 4362 | ELLINTHORP | QLD | 151.917399 | -28.04817678 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.0496546 | 151.9199218 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 456.139892578125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
23938 | 4362 | FOREST SPRINGS | QLD | 152.0664781 | -28.00513317 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.033333 | 151.983333 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 507.216949462891 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9415 | 4362 | GOOMBURRA | QLD | 151.841358 | -28.050522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.9907614 | 152.2795234 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.072387695313 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21060 | 4362 | HENDON | QLD | 151.9622403 | -28.07397446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.066667 | 151.95 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.072387695313 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9416 | 4362 | MOUNT MARSHALL | QLD | 151.841358 | -28.050522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.0723272 | 152.0377569 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.072387695313 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
24005 | 4362 | OLD TALGAI | QLD | 151.982723 | -28.035848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.033333 | 151.983333 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 472.045989990234 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21061 | 4362 | TALGAI | QLD | 151.8857142 | -28.03874008 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.0471969 | 151.8694452 | 30703118607 | Toolburra | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.072387695313 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9417 | 4363 | SOUTHBROOK | QLD | 151.739695 | -27.676647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6834647 | 151.7155622 | 30702118204 | Southbrook | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 516.557006835938 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9418 | 4364 | BROOKSTEAD | QLD | 151.396183 | -27.710492 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7569394 | 151.4513347 | 30702118211 | Kincora | 307021182 | Pittsworth | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 378.451080322266 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9419 | 4365 | LEYBURN | QLD | 151.597527 | -28.017149 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0364199 | 151.5836897 | 30703118612 | Leyburn | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21062 | 4370 | ALLAN | QLD | 151.9514612 | -28.195678 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1883924 | 151.9521174 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 468.928680419922 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21063 | 4370 | BONY MOUNTAIN | QLD | 151.8402136 | -28.0937094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1264539 | 151.8332183 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21064 | 4370 | CANNINGVALE | QLD | 152.072553 | -28.24850774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2465548 | 152.0692416 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 468.163787841797 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21065 | 4370 | CHERRY GULLY | QLD | 152.0584895 | -28.41854798 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4066441 | 152.0627661 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 712.197021484375 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9420 | 4370 | CLINTONVALE | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0969288 | 152.1305029 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9421 | 4370 | CUNNINGHAM | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1760091 | 151.8270268 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21066 | 4370 | DANDEROO | QLD | 152.2310658 | -28.25277507 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2504511 | 152.2333433 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9422 | 4370 | ELBOW VALLEY | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3905551 | 152.134425 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9423 | 4370 | FREESTONE | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1422116 | 152.1476111 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9424 | 4370 | GLADFIELD | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.071801 | 152.1945024 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21067 | 4370 | GLENGALLAN | QLD | 152.0647857 | -28.10636825 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0974904 | 152.0787613 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9425 | 4370 | GLENNIE HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2011 | 152.029 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21068 | 4370 | GREYMARE | QLD | 151.7279735 | -28.24435175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2190716 | 151.7601293 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9426 | 4370 | JUNABEE | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2488036 | 152.1586001 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21069 | 4370 | LESLIE | QLD | 151.9287826 | -28.17681515 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1595284 | 151.9006401 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 445.894866943359 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21070 | 4370 | LESLIE DAM | QLD | 151.8967785 | -28.25002969 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1934286 | 151.9189815 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21071 | 4370 | LOCH LOMOND | QLD | 152.1853857 | -28.33082119 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3089258 | 152.1783821 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9427 | 4370 | MARYVALE | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0779723 | 152.2488748 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21072 | 4370 | MASSIE | QLD | 151.9309278 | -28.13428928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1418063 | 151.9206535 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21073 | 4370 | MONTROSE | QLD | 151.7789577 | -28.15632114 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1564128 | 151.778968 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21074 | 4370 | MORGAN PARK | QLD | 152.0430222 | -28.26058742 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2628599 | 152.0458106 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21075 | 4370 | MOUNT COLLIERY | QLD | 152.3653431 | -28.25143782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2877659 | 152.2839221 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 978.105590820313 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21076 | 4370 | MOUNT STURT | QLD | 152.207833 | -28.17189648 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1721 | 152.207 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 679.06787109375 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21077 | 4370 | MOUNT TABOR | QLD | 152.0609203 | -28.21250204 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2109835 | 152.0663126 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9428 | 4370 | MURRAYS BRIDGE | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3318415 | 152.1300299 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21078 | 4370 | NORTH BRANCH | QLD | 152.3175407 | -28.0205272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.030755 | 152.2749463 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9429 | 4370 | PRATTEN | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0838263 | 151.7791358 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21079 | 4370 | RODGERS CREEK | QLD | 151.8326766 | -28.22233044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1868133 | 151.7970353 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 490.017761230469 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21080 | 4370 | ROSEHILL | QLD | 151.9971528 | -28.18270629 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1772867 | 151.9989579 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9430 | 4370 | ROSENTHAL | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2621 | 151.97 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21081 | 4370 | ROSENTHAL HEIGHTS | QLD | 151.97053 | -28.25219048 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2620931 | 151.9696811 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 515.857604980469 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21082 | 4370 | SILVERWOOD | QLD | 152.0084397 | -28.35451428 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3333546 | 152.0216506 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 547.844421386719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21083 | 4370 | SLADEVALE | QLD | 152.0850862 | -28.16696646 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1590757 | 152.0868168 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21084 | 4370 | SWAN CREEK | QLD | 152.1415476 | -28.19754633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.193 | 152.141 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 478.653259277344 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21085 | 4370 | THANE | QLD | 151.707006 | -28.15692001 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1610575 | 151.7124648 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21086 | 4370 | THANES CREEK | QLD | 151.6791543 | -28.10347197 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1224879 | 151.6865637 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 443.573425292969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21087 | 4370 | THE GLEN | QLD | 151.9173558 | -28.35672171 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3604537 | 151.9143079 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21088 | 4370 | THE HERMITAGE | QLD | 152.0942372 | -28.20564803 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2113269 | 152.1043938 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 480.095581054688 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21089 | 4370 | TOOLBURRA | QLD | 151.9649109 | -28.16725871 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1693211 | 151.9660219 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 440.509002685547 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21090 | 4370 | TREGONY | QLD | 152.3603826 | -28.06617998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0621345 | 152.3517181 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21091 | 4370 | UPPER FREESTONE | QLD | 152.2153751 | -28.1252221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1432307 | 152.2058607 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 580.539672851563 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21092 | 4370 | UPPER WHEATVALE | QLD | 151.8749916 | -28.14100682 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1405799 | 151.8818801 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9431 | 4370 | WARWICK | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2157285 | 152.0281701 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9432 | 4370 | WARWICK DC | QLD | 152.055174 | -28.259764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2347 | 152.045 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21093 | 4370 | WHEATVALE | QLD | 151.8681429 | -28.16457339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1613028 | 151.8694452 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 440.399627685547 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21094 | 4370 | WILDASH | QLD | 152.0626574 | -28.33634415 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3461115 | 152.032266 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 518.127014160156 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21095 | 4370 | WILLOWVALE | QLD | 152.0255225 | -28.13498323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1239736 | 152.0552338 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 535.365844726563 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21096 | 4370 | WIYARRA | QLD | 152.1988742 | -28.27772038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2690959 | 152.1988991 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21097 | 4370 | WOMINA | QLD | 152.0406741 | -28.18048116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1769005 | 152.0458106 | 30703118944 | Womina | 307031189 | Warwick | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 488.901672363281 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9433 | 4371 | EMU VALE | QLD | 152.234242 | -28.199024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2284001 | 152.2418579 | 30703118514 | Yangan | 307031185 | Southern Downs - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9434 | 4371 | SWANFELS | QLD | 152.234242 | -28.199024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1736253 | 152.2663279 | 30703118514 | Yangan | 307031185 | Southern Downs - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9435 | 4371 | YANGAN | QLD | 152.234242 | -28.199024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1976 | 152.208 | 30703118514 | Yangan | 307031185 | Southern Downs - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9436 | 4372 | TANNYMOREL | QLD | 152.233089 | -28.303067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2914624 | 152.2476363 | 30703118511 | Wiyarra | 307031185 | Southern Downs - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 503.166046142578 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9437 | 4373 | KILLARNEY | QLD | 152.305204 | -28.349373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.333333 | 152.3 | 30703118509 | Killarney (Qld) | 307031185 | Southern Downs - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 771.366271972656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21098 | 4373 | THE FALLS | QLD | 152.3836665 | -28.31602867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3228143 | 152.3656835 | 30703118509 | Killarney (Qld) | 307031185 | Southern Downs - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 946.85205078125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21099 | 4373 | THE HEAD | QLD | 152.4411132 | -28.26428492 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31002 | Ipswich Hinterland | 310 | Ipswich | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2686797 | 152.4383195 | 30703118509 | Killarney (Qld) | 307031185 | Southern Downs - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 771.366271972656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Scenic Rim | 36510 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9438 | 4374 | DALVEEN | QLD | 151.744738 | -28.463902 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.486 | 151.971 | 30703118610 | Thane | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 740.570922851563 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
24007 | 4374 | PALGRAVE | QLD | 151.7856881 | -28.35569278 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.486 | 151.971 | 30703118610 | Thane | 307031186 | Southern Downs - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 698.643371582031 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9439 | 4375 | COTTONVALE | QLD | 151.875003 | -28.516957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.519717 | 151.9489674 | 30703118805 | Pozieres | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 914.159362792969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21100 | 4375 | FLEURBAIX | QLD | 151.9153278 | -28.52776721 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5259392 | 151.9140687 | 30703118805 | Pozieres | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 914.159362792969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9440 | 4376 | THULIMBAH | QLD | 151.933783 | -28.541494 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5513492 | 151.9490005 | 30703118810 | Thulimbah | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 894.3115234375 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21101 | 4377 | GLEN NIVEN | QLD | 151.9729641 | -28.58716707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5906079 | 151.9755361 | 30703118811 | The Summit | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 887.053344726563 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9441 | 4377 | THE SUMMIT | QLD | 151.918897 | -28.571936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5801242 | 151.9287019 | 30703118811 | The Summit | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 859.709350585938 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9442 | 4378 | APPLETHORPE | QLD | 151.955491 | -28.613948 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6167522 | 151.9666314 | 30703118812 | Applethorpe | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 880.407043457031 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21103 | 4380 | AMIENS | QLD | 151.8126377 | -28.60158006 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.5887 | 151.809 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21105 | 4380 | BROADWATER | QLD | 151.8743463 | -28.6615014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.6486446 | 151.8760283 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21106 | 4380 | CANNON CREEK | QLD | 151.8740451 | -28.60575342 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.6098455 | 151.8701766 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21107 | 4380 | DALCOUTH | QLD | 151.9892621 | -28.66065376 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.6575316 | 151.9872466 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21108 | 4380 | DIAMONDVALE | QLD | 151.9625837 | -28.66238701 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.665 | 151.961 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 862.071960449219 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9443 | 4380 | EUKEY | QLD | 151.675437 | -28.664595 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.7877864 | 151.9769999 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21109 | 4380 | GLENLYON | QLD | 151.4470343 | -28.90901091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.9718036 | 151.4456396 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
23944 | 4380 | GOLDFIELDS | QLD | 151.7143861 | -28.48651883 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.5887 | 151.809 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 681.732849121094 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9444 | 4380 | GREENLANDS | QLD | 151.675437 | -28.664595 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.6456136 | 151.8266568 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21110 | 4380 | KYOOMBA | QLD | 151.9851642 | -28.69490029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.6896755 | 151.9872466 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21112 | 4380 | MOUNT TULLY | QLD | 151.9463969 | -28.7427235 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.7500976 | 151.9462633 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 991.612121582031 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21113 | 4380 | NUNDUBBERMERE | QLD | 151.7611772 | -28.72462596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.7106651 | 151.7802324 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 881.689025878906 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
24008 | 4380 | PASSCHENDAELE | QLD | 151.903705 | -28.614072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.5887 | 151.809 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 900.532775878906 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21114 | 4380 | PIKEDALE | QLD | 151.6579904 | -28.63119612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.630403 | 151.7224123 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 636.441467285156 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21115 | 4380 | PIKES CREEK | QLD | 151.5429848 | -28.72479196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.7248 | 151.543 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 613.004272460938 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21117 | 4380 | SEVERNLEA | QLD | 151.9150596 | -28.70390012 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.702 | 151.923 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 799.292541503906 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21118 | 4380 | SPRINGDALE | QLD | 151.565695 | -28.81188447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.7918152 | 151.607008 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9445 | 4380 | STANTHORPE | QLD | 151.675437 | -28.664595 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.6599726 | 151.9375602 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 816.402282714844 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21119 | 4380 | STORM KING | QLD | 151.9796679 | -28.72705422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.7298983 | 151.9755361 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 907.371337890625 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21120 | 4380 | SUGARLOAF | QLD | 152.0307843 | -28.71018007 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.6940676 | 152.0244559 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 911.388916015625 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21121 | 4380 | THORNDALE | QLD | 151.8568697 | -28.70398259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -28.7035784 | 151.8584739 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 927.07470703125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21123 | 4381 | FLETCHER | QLD | 151.8704639 | -28.77023423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7704 | 151.87 | 30703118808 | Fletcher (Qld) | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9446 | 4381 | GLEN APLIN | QLD | 151.839611 | -28.743816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7342933 | 151.8760283 | 30703118808 | Fletcher (Qld) | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9447 | 4382 | BALLANDEAN | QLD | 151.847374 | -28.845315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.801 | 151.843 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 713 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21124 | 4382 | GIRRAWEEN | QLD | 151.9652734 | -28.85046843 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.8504891 | 151.9653297 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 1058.13452148438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21125 | 4382 | LYRA | QLD | 151.8630528 | -28.8307278 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.8259 | 151.851 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 713 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
21126 | 4382 | SOMME | QLD | 151.7986913 | -28.76968123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.7881335 | 151.815327 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 795.743591308594 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
24127 | 4382 | SUNDOWN | QLD | 151.6717 | -28.8531 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.801 | 151.843 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 614.333190917969 | | | | Southern Downs | 36660 | | | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9448 | 4382 | WYBERBA | QLD | 151.847374 | -28.845315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -28.8487837 | 151.8884637 | 30703118814 | Wyberba | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 713 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Southern Downs | 36660 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9449 | 4383 | WALLANGARRA | QLD | 151.948363 | -28.904615 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30703 | Granite Belt | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8996313 | 151.9498509 | 30703118816 | Wallangarra | 307031188 | Stanthorpe Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Tenterfield | 17400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9450 | 4384 | LIMEVALE | QLD | 151.183208 | -28.728006 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7213662 | 151.1859873 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 317.408386230469 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9451 | 4385 | BEEBO | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7192981 | 150.9667363 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9452 | 4385 | BONSHAW | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.976139 | 151.2883341 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9453 | 4385 | GLENARBON | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8427232 | 151.0707902 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9454 | 4385 | MAIDENHEAD | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.1192871 | 151.3914005 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9455 | 4385 | RIVERTON | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.0990093 | 151.4606938 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9456 | 4385 | SILVER SPUR | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8360333 | 151.2623434 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9457 | 4385 | SMITHLEA | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8427232 | 151.0707902 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9458 | 4385 | TEXAS | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7192981 | 150.9667363 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9459 | 4385 | WATSONS CROSSING | QLD | 151.24801 | -28.777563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -29.0827825 | 151.2907545 | 30701117413 | Texas (Qld) | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 272.653442382813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Inverell | 14220 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9460 | 4387 | BRUSH CREEK | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6267375 | 151.1378688 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9461 | 4387 | BYBERA | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.273612 | 150.9338697 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9462 | 4387 | COOLMUNDA | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.47548 | 151.2131906 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9463 | 4387 | GREENUP | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6184145 | 151.2983593 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9464 | 4387 | INGLEWOOD | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4152771 | 151.0667869 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9465 | 4387 | MOSQUITO CREEK | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2561263 | 151.3023994 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9466 | 4387 | TERRICA | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5025559 | 151.487763 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9467 | 4387 | WARROO | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6327883 | 151.4158603 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9468 | 4387 | WHETSTONE | QLD | 150.967836 | -28.341631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.57314 | 150.8453083 | 30701117412 | Watsons Crossing | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9469 | 4388 | KURUMBUL | QLD | 150.646259 | -28.508802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5531459 | 150.4590999 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9470 | 4388 | YELARBON | QLD | 150.646259 | -28.508802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5823659 | 150.748672 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9471 | 4390 | BILLA BILLA | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1460065 | 150.3020125 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9472 | 4390 | CALINGUNEE | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0532866 | 150.1485284 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9473 | 4390 | CALLANDOON | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5022004 | 150.116342 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9474 | 4390 | GOODAR | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4774847 | 150.2454525 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9475 | 4390 | GOONDIWINDI | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5387064 | 150.2982881 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9476 | 4390 | KINDON | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0793547 | 150.7396449 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9477 | 4390 | LUNDAVRA | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0667369 | 150.0192273 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9478 | 4390 | WONDALLI | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3751007 | 150.5923132 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9479 | 4390 | WYAGA | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1927519 | 150.632919 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9480 | 4390 | YAGABURNE | QLD | 150.321016 | -28.228906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0811781 | 150.5157785 | 30701117410 | Yelarbon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9481 | 4400 | KINGSTHORPE | QLD | 151.856298 | -27.4855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31701 | Toowoomba | 317 | Toowoomba | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4750785 | 151.8213116 | 31701144920 | Kingsthorpe | 317011449 | Gowrie (Qld) | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 486.623962402344 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9482 | 4401 | ACLAND | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3121579 | 151.6592842 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9483 | 4401 | AUBIGNY | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.523056 | 151.646111 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9484 | 4401 | BALGOWAN | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2470458 | 151.6830286 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9485 | 4401 | BIDDESTON | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.570556 | 151.751389 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9486 | 4401 | BOODUA | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3961181 | 151.8326239 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9487 | 4401 | DEVON PARK | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3539224 | 151.6870472 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9488 | 4401 | GREENWOOD | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3309283 | 151.729431 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9489 | 4401 | HIGHLAND PLAINS | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2807157 | 151.7645153 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9490 | 4401 | KELVINHAUGH | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3985505 | 151.7718503 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
23967 | 4401 | KINGS SIDING | QLD | 151.691102 | -27.303702 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3121579 | 151.6592842 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9491 | 4401 | MOUNT IRVING | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.5088306 | 151.587706 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9492 | 4401 | MULDU | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2826954 | 151.6913161 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9493 | 4401 | OAKEY | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.4441771 | 151.722869 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9494 | 4401 | ROSALIE PLAINS | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1979658 | 151.6848552 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9495 | 4401 | SABINE | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3516617 | 151.7181033 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9496 | 4401 | SILVERLEIGH | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3104069 | 151.7453173 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9497 | 4401 | YARGULLEN | QLD | 151.703647 | -27.473135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.4960238 | 151.6118054 | 30702118020 | Yargullen | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 442.919738769531 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9498 | 4402 | COOYAR | QLD | 151.803967 | -26.978981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9935232 | 151.7886398 | 30702117920 | Woodleigh (Qld) | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 485.518402099609 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9499 | 4402 | KOORALGIN | QLD | 151.803967 | -26.978981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9264493 | 151.9246776 | 30702117920 | Woodleigh (Qld) | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 485.518402099609 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9500 | 4402 | UPPER COOYAR CREEK | QLD | 151.803967 | -26.978981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9787766 | 151.761739 | 30702117920 | Woodleigh (Qld) | 307021179 | Crows Nest - Rosalie | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 485.518402099609 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
9501 | 4403 | BRYMAROO | QLD | 151.596963 | -27.320633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2226793 | 151.6256824 | 30702118022 | West Prairie | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 434.756896972656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9502 | 4403 | JONDARYAN | QLD | 151.596963 | -27.320633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.371 | 151.592 | 30702118022 | West Prairie | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 434.756896972656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9503 | 4403 | MALU | QLD | 151.596963 | -27.320633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2941619 | 151.5928177 | 30702118022 | West Prairie | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 434.756896972656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9504 | 4403 | MOUNT MORIAH | QLD | 151.596963 | -27.320633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4756584 | 151.4858019 | 30702118022 | West Prairie | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 434.756896972656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9505 | 4403 | QUINALOW | QLD | 151.596963 | -27.320633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1589929 | 151.6483264 | 30702118022 | West Prairie | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 434.756896972656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9506 | 4403 | WEST PRAIRIE | QLD | 151.596963 | -27.320633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4725453 | 151.3673222 | 30702118022 | West Prairie | 307021180 | Jondaryan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 434.756896972656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Groom | Provincial | 30020 | Condamine |
9507 | 4404 | BOWENVILLE | QLD | 151.480666 | -27.33128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2573694 | 151.5022905 | 30702118385 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 365.609252929688 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9508 | 4404 | FORMARTIN | QLD | 151.480666 | -27.33128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3991267 | 151.5240052 | 30702118385 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 365.609252929688 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9509 | 4404 | IRVINGDALE | QLD | 151.480666 | -27.33128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3446354 | 151.4668962 | 30702118385 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 365.609252929688 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9510 | 4404 | WAINUI | QLD | 151.480666 | -27.33128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3272145 | 151.4610586 | 30702118385 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Groom | 365.609252929688 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23896 | 4405 | BEELBEE | QLD | 151.396625 | -27.192428 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1711282 | 151.4315094 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 360.079772949219 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9511 | 4405 | BLAXLAND | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1711282 | 151.4315094 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9512 | 4405 | BRAEMAR FOREST | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2137 | 150.796 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9513 | 4405 | BROADWATER | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3504 | 151.097 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9514 | 4405 | BUNYA MOUNTAINS | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8844751 | 151.5971993 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9515 | 4405 | DAANDINE | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0645 | 151 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9516 | 4405 | DALBY | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1944226 | 151.2659802 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21129 | 4405 | DUCKLO | QLD | 151.0351483 | -27.27643644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2935298 | 150.98265 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 335 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9517 | 4405 | GRASSDALE | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.4131282 | 151.1392401 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21130 | 4405 | KUMBARILLA | QLD | 150.8985785 | -27.26215846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2935 | 150.947 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9518 | 4405 | KUPUNN | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2294 | 151.101 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9519 | 4405 | MALAKOFF | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0391 | 151.377 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21131 | 4405 | MARMADUA | QLD | 150.7147545 | -27.46226247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.4622429 | 150.7147713 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21132 | 4405 | MOWBULLAN | QLD | 151.6086995 | -26.89905554 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8997 | 151.61 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23986 | 4405 | NANDI | QLD | 151.1471821 | -27.28411015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1711282 | 151.4315094 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 338 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9520 | 4405 | PIRRINUAN | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0657256 | 151.2652586 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9521 | 4405 | RANGES BRIDGE | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1299945 | 151.1115836 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24023 | 4405 | SPRINGVALE | QLD | 151.1919554 | -27.35294921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1711282 | 151.4315094 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 343.138977050781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9522 | 4405 | ST RUTH | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.313024 | 151.2736399 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9523 | 4405 | TIPTON | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.4913934 | 151.2396281 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9524 | 4405 | WERANGA | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2672049 | 150.7090909 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9525 | 4405 | YAMSION | QLD | 150.910979 | -27.316799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.982 | 151.582 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 361.543273925781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9526 | 4406 | BOONDANDILLA | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.9220272 | 150.6047121 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23952 | 4406 | HALLIFORD | QLD | 150.596584 | -27.894641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.9220272 | 150.6047121 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 305.573120117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9241 | 4406 | HANNAFORD | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.341889 | 150.0623652 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9242 | 4406 | JIMBOUR | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.962681 | 151.217407 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23961 | 4406 | JIMBOUR EAST | QLD | 150.596584 | -27.894641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.9220272 | 150.6047121 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 305.573120117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23962 | 4406 | JIMBOUR WEST | QLD | 150.596584 | -27.894641 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.9220272 | 150.6047121 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 305.573120117188 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9243 | 4406 | KAIMKILLENBUN | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0553773 | 151.4326038 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9244 | 4406 | KOGAN | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1136543 | 150.8936497 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9245 | 4406 | MACALISTER | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9881689 | 151.158162 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21133 | 4406 | MOOLA | QLD | 151.5475694 | -27.03692819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.043 | 151.485 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9246 | 4406 | MOONIE | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.7169588 | 150.3700296 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21134 | 4406 | SOUTHWOOD | QLD | 150.004975 | -27.84190417 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.8436446 | 150.0031434 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 246.988296508789 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9247 | 4406 | THE GUMS | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3361197 | 150.1940706 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9248 | 4406 | WEIR RIVER | QLD | 151.433657 | -27.064207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.7125848 | 150.6481723 | 30702118393 | Kaimkillenbun | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 390.274475097656 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9249 | 4407 | CATTLE CREEK | QLD | 150.961981 | -27.563685 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6762483 | 150.7990338 | 30702118111 | Kurrowah | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9250 | 4407 | CECIL PLAINS | QLD | 150.961981 | -27.563685 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.533333 | 151.2 | 30702118111 | Kurrowah | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9251 | 4407 | DUNMORE | QLD | 150.961981 | -27.563685 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6618164 | 150.9554504 | 30702118111 | Kurrowah | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9252 | 4407 | NANGWEE | QLD | 150.961981 | -27.563685 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5700485 | 151.278737 | 30702118111 | Kurrowah | 307021181 | Millmerran | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Toowoomba | 36910 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9253 | 4408 | BELL | QLD | 151.426657 | -26.851248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9304715 | 151.4504787 | 30702118399 | Bell (Qld) | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 437.944030761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23919 | 4408 | COORANGA | QLD | 151.3258313 | -26.80464815 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9304715 | 151.4504787 | 30702118399 | Bell (Qld) | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 437.944030761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9254 | 4408 | COORANGA NORTH | QLD | 151.426657 | -26.851248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7705 | 151.409 | 30702118399 | Bell (Qld) | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 437.944030761719 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23906 | 4410 | BURRA BURRI | QLD | 151.109816 | -26.781197 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.783333 | 151.1 | 30702118398 | Jandowae | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 360.020874023438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23928 | 4410 | DARR CREEK | QLD | 151.109816 | -26.781197 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.783333 | 151.1 | 30702118398 | Jandowae | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 360.020874023438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23929 | 4410 | DIAMONDY | QLD | 151.109816 | -26.781197 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.783333 | 151.1 | 30702118398 | Jandowae | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 360.020874023438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9255 | 4410 | JANDOWAE | QLD | 151.083543 | -26.731753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.783333 | 151.1 | 30702118398 | Jandowae | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 360.020874023438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23963 | 4410 | JINGHI | QLD | 151.0907973 | -26.64219923 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.783333 | 151.1 | 30702118398 | Jandowae | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 391.763031005859 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23971 | 4410 | LANGLANDS | QLD | 151.109816 | -26.781197 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.783333 | 151.1 | 30702118398 | Jandowae | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 360.020874023438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
24033 | 4411 | TUCKERANG | QLD | 150.9766972 | -26.79458248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9234031 | 150.9434612 | 30702118397 | Tuckerang | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 329.9697265625 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9256 | 4411 | WARRA | QLD | 150.812644 | -27.013381 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30702 | Darling Downs - East | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9234031 | 150.9434612 | 30702118397 | Tuckerang | 307021183 | Wambo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 362.262481689453 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9257 | 4412 | BRIGALOW | QLD | 150.807058 | -26.827837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9142824 | 150.7911697 | 30701117216 | Wychie | 307011172 | Chinchilla | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 319.881958007813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
24046 | 4412 | WYCHIE | QLD | 150.790571 | -26.843852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9142824 | 150.7911697 | 30701117216 | Wychie | 307011172 | Chinchilla | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 319.881958007813 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23889 | 4413 | AUBURN | QLD | 150.545144 | -26.706834 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 357.964691162109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9258 | 4413 | BAKING BOARD | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23893 | 4413 | BARAKULA | QLD | 150.6022055 | -26.33662328 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 368.234985351563 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23900 | 4413 | BLACKSWAMP | QLD | 150.5283778 | -26.56584719 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 365.209716796875 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9259 | 4413 | BOONARGA | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8342005 | 150.7406823 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9260 | 4413 | BURNCLUITH | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.6185695 | 150.7129512 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23909 | 4413 | CADARGA | QLD | 150.545144 | -26.706834 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 357.964691162109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21135 | 4413 | CAMEBY | QLD | 150.4704649 | -26.63319425 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.6791 | 150.453 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9261 | 4413 | CANAGA | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.6763408 | 150.9181315 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21136 | 4413 | CHANCES PLAIN | QLD | 150.7457441 | -26.7374198 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7183242 | 150.6800474 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9262 | 4413 | CHANCES PLAINS | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7183 | 150.68 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9263 | 4413 | CHINCHILLA | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7553996 | 150.6284922 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21137 | 4413 | CROSSROADS | QLD | 150.4984777 | -26.88698375 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9009 | 150.498 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9264 | 4413 | DURAH | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.3094502 | 150.9392457 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23936 | 4413 | FAIRYLAND | QLD | 150.9334459 | -26.52199335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 357.904724121094 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23946 | 4413 | GOOMBI | QLD | 150.4115722 | -26.72372314 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 326.037261962891 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23949 | 4413 | GREENSWAMP | QLD | 150.460173 | -26.79706142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.859588623047 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9265 | 4413 | HOPELAND | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8475882 | 150.7496024 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23969 | 4413 | KRAGRA | QLD | 150.545144 | -26.706834 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 357.964691162109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9266 | 4413 | MONTROSE | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0023355 | 150.6530235 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24128 | 4413 | PELICAN | QLD | 150.8514 | -26.6179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 323.057067871094 | | | | Western Downs | 37310 | | | 30090 | Warrego |
24129 | 4413 | RED HILL | QLD | 150.6479 | -26.6451 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 340.166687011719 | | | | Western Downs | 37310 | | | 30090 | Warrego |
24017 | 4413 | RYWUNG | QLD | 150.4823404 | -26.71959845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 347.21142578125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24027 | 4413 | SUJEEWONG | QLD | 150.545144 | -26.706834 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7019937 | 150.6121804 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 357.964691162109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9267 | 4413 | WIEAMBILLA | QLD | 150.638563 | -26.360226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0365413 | 150.4841538 | 30701117807 | Wieambilla | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 322.012939453125 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9268 | 4415 | BOORTKOI | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5325 | 150.383 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9269 | 4415 | COLUMBOOLA | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5918074 | 150.346462 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9270 | 4415 | DALWOGAN | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.571329 | 150.150533 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
21138 | 4415 | DALWOGON | QLD | 150.0870042 | -26.57325726 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6195 | 150.174 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 319.957611083984 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9271 | 4415 | GURULMUNDI | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4063366 | 150.1315065 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9272 | 4415 | HOOKSWOOD | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5586431 | 150.2442592 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9273 | 4415 | KOWGURAN | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.479319 | 150.1774298 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9274 | 4415 | MILES | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.658333 | 150.187222 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9275 | 4415 | MYALL PARK | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5808153 | 150.1811058 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9276 | 4415 | PELHAM | QLD | 150.205114 | -26.627339 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2918473 | 150.2878451 | 30701117510 | Roche Creek | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 307.077972412109 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9277 | 4416 | BARRAMORNIE | QLD | 149.798038 | -26.995752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0696947 | 150.0948046 | 30701117512 | Yulabilla | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 286.084686279297 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9278 | 4416 | CONDAMINE | QLD | 149.798038 | -26.995752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9282743 | 150.1318588 | 30701117512 | Yulabilla | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 286.084686279297 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9279 | 4416 | MORABY | QLD | 149.798038 | -26.995752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8877513 | 149.7386474 | 30701117512 | Yulabilla | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 286.084686279297 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9280 | 4416 | NANGRAM | QLD | 149.798038 | -26.995752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8376429 | 150.3051276 | 30701117512 | Yulabilla | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 286.084686279297 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9281 | 4416 | PINE HILLS | QLD | 149.798038 | -26.995752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8961646 | 149.9392671 | 30701117512 | Yulabilla | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 286.084686279297 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9282 | 4416 | SUNNYSIDE | QLD | 149.798038 | -26.995752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0622134 | 149.933335 | 30701117512 | Yulabilla | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 286.084686279297 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9283 | 4416 | YULABILLA | QLD | 149.798038 | -26.995752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0271282 | 149.7992081 | 30701117512 | Yulabilla | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 286.084686279297 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9284 | 4417 | NOORINDOO | QLD | 149.070172 | -27.348199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0756515 | 149.0791268 | 30701117711 | Tingun | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 347.385101318359 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9285 | 4417 | OBERINA | QLD | 149.070172 | -27.348199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0170899 | 148.8875543 | 30701117711 | Tingun | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 347.385101318359 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9286 | 4417 | PARKNOOK | QLD | 149.070172 | -27.348199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3946593 | 149.1704371 | 30701117711 | Tingun | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 347.385101318359 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9287 | 4417 | SURAT | QLD | 149.070172 | -27.348199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1558287 | 149.0611322 | 30701117711 | Tingun | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 347.385101318359 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9288 | 4417 | WARKON | QLD | 149.070172 | -27.348199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9278997 | 149.4219283 | 30701117711 | Tingun | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 347.385101318359 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9289 | 4417 | WELLESLEY | QLD | 149.070172 | -27.348199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1905968 | 149.0541027 | 30701117711 | Tingun | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 347.385101318359 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9290 | 4417 | WERIBONE | QLD | 149.070172 | -27.348199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2032643 | 148.8697044 | 30701117711 | Tingun | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 347.385101318359 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9291 | 4418 | GULUGUBA | QLD | 150.143323 | -26.290166 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2422842 | 150.0953406 | 30701117513 | Woleebee | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23903 | 4419 | BUNDI | QLD | 149.5515967 | -26.14972587 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.6847416 | 150.2808291 | 30804152803 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.701446533203 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23905 | 4419 | BUNGABAN | QLD | 150.1961669 | -25.90298001 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.6847416 | 150.2808291 | 30804152803 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 291.2255859375 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9292 | 4419 | COCKATOO | QLD | 149.782504 | -26.07176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.6847416 | 150.2808291 | 30804152803 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 348.291809082031 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9293 | 4419 | GROSMONT | QLD | 149.782504 | -26.07176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.9449775 | 149.8947169 | 30804152803 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 348.291809082031 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
24015 | 4419 | ROCHE CREEK | QLD | 150.28164 | -25.72569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.6847416 | 150.2808291 | 30804152803 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 258.379211425781 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9294 | 4419 | WANDOAN | QLD | 149.782504 | -26.07176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.1237625 | 149.9641724 | 30804152803 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 348.291809082031 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
24043 | 4419 | WOLEEBEE | QLD | 149.934875 | -26.32673679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.6847416 | 150.2808291 | 30804152803 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 348.291809082031 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23895 | 4420 | BAROONDAH | QLD | 149.525293 | -25.494713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5026235 | 149.5374693 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 219.008850097656 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9295 | 4420 | BROADMERE | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5026235 | 149.5374693 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9296 | 4420 | COORADA | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -24.9809491 | 149.5249795 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23935 | 4420 | EUROMBAH | QLD | 149.525293 | -25.494713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5026235 | 149.5374693 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 219.008850097656 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9297 | 4420 | GHINGHINDA | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.2513747 | 149.7906539 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
24050 | 4420 | GLEBE | QLD | 150.1588 | -25.5615 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5026235 | 149.5374693 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 254.235122680664 | | | | Western Downs | 37310 | | | 30015 | Callide |
9298 | 4420 | GLENHAUGHTON | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.2867383 | 149.2833462 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9299 | 4420 | GWAMBEGWINE | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.3094417 | 149.6543916 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9300 | 4420 | HORNET BANK | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.7826605 | 149.4778095 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
24051 | 4420 | KINNOUL | QLD | 149.5208 | -25.6768 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5026235 | 149.5374693 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 262.057495117188 | | | | Western Downs | 37310 | | | 30015 | Callide |
9301 | 4420 | PEEK-A-DOO | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.7369397 | 149.7538442 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9302 | 4420 | SPRING CREEK | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.4635809 | 150.0337893 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9303 | 4420 | TAROOM | QLD | 149.547307 | -25.382928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.640556 | 149.798333 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 356.926086425781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
24035 | 4420 | WAIKOLA | QLD | 149.525293 | -25.494713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5026235 | 149.5374693 | 30804152817 | Taroom | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 219.008850097656 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
9304 | 4421 | GORANBA | QLD | 150.444304 | -27.324371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2328996 | 150.6234289 | 30701117814 | Weranga | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9305 | 4421 | TARA | QLD | 150.444304 | -27.324371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2768311 | 150.4574273 | 30701117814 | Weranga | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21139 | 4422 | COOMRITH | QLD | 149.5902729 | -27.57379527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4918663 | 149.6423869 | 30701117812 | Meandarra | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 289.343658447266 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21140 | 4422 | FLINTON | QLD | 149.5622122 | -27.85752038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.8640304 | 149.5684842 | 30701117812 | Meandarra | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 225.868347167969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21141 | 4422 | INGLESTONE | QLD | 149.7908446 | -27.62267496 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.578048 | 149.7576598 | 30701117812 | Meandarra | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 225.868347167969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9306 | 4422 | MEANDARRA | QLD | 149.709428 | -27.68195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3045262 | 149.8869041 | 30701117812 | Meandarra | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 225.868347167969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21142 | 4422 | WESTMAR | QLD | 149.7572563 | -27.88867614 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9179247 | 149.7160981 | 30701117812 | Meandarra | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 225.868347167969 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9307 | 4423 | COOMRITH | QLD | 149.525379 | -27.383801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4919 | 149.642 | 30701117812 | Meandarra | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9308 | 4423 | GLENMORGAN | QLD | 149.525379 | -27.383801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2481459 | 149.6765989 | 30701117812 | Meandarra | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9309 | 4423 | TEELBA | QLD | 149.525379 | -27.383801 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5254069 | 149.3682856 | 30701117812 | Meandarra | 307011178 | Tara | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9310 | 4424 | DRILLHAM | QLD | 149.960268 | -26.598388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6404156 | 149.983677 | 30701117511 | Pine Hills | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 5 | Maranoa | 349 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9311 | 4424 | DRILLHAM SOUTH | QLD | 149.960268 | -26.598388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7349432 | 149.9627277 | 30701117511 | Pine Hills | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 349 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9312 | 4424 | GLENAUBYN | QLD | 149.960268 | -26.598388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4512439 | 149.8788441 | 30701117511 | Pine Hills | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 5 | Maranoa | 349 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9313 | 4425 | BOGANDILLA | QLD | 149.773144 | -26.649074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4844107 | 149.7748167 | 30701117511 | Pine Hills | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 5 | Maranoa | 311.099334716797 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9314 | 4425 | DULACCA | QLD | 149.773144 | -26.649074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6473792 | 149.7702692 | 30701117511 | Pine Hills | 307011175 | Miles - Wandoan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 311.099334716797 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9315 | 4426 | JACKSON | QLD | 149.590426 | -26.539914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6440948 | 149.6248521 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9316 | 4426 | JACKSON NORTH | QLD | 149.590426 | -26.539914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4435818 | 149.6553639 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9317 | 4426 | JACKSON SOUTH | QLD | 149.590426 | -26.539914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7277967 | 149.5633131 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9318 | 4427 | CLIFFORD | QLD | 149.381938 | -26.75002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1538671 | 149.3936683 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 340.993316650391 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9319 | 4427 | YULEBA | QLD | 149.381938 | -26.75002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6167554 | 149.3841005 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 340.993316650391 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9320 | 4427 | YULEBA NORTH | QLD | 149.381938 | -26.75002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4599493 | 149.4632907 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 340.993316650391 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9321 | 4427 | YULEBA SOUTH | QLD | 149.381938 | -26.75002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7333747 | 149.3968075 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 340.993316650391 | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9322 | 4428 | PICKANJINNIE | QLD | 149.206489 | -26.40373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4621844 | 149.0961138 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9323 | 4428 | WALLUMBILLA | QLD | 149.206489 | -26.40373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5801535 | 149.1881542 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9324 | 4428 | WALLUMBILLA NORTH | QLD | 149.206489 | -26.40373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4720438 | 149.1758241 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9325 | 4428 | WALLUMBILLA SOUTH | QLD | 149.206489 | -26.40373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5967201 | 149.1107664 | 30701117707 | Yuleba South | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Western Downs | 37310 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23887 | 4454 | ARCADIA VALLEY | QLD | 148.672028 | -25.724492 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5822287 | 148.6984192 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 393.005035400391 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9326 | 4454 | BAFFLE WEST | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5822287 | 148.6984192 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9327 | 4454 | BEILBA | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.6404499 | 148.8541568 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9328 | 4454 | DURHAM DOWNS | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.114282 | 149.0612693 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9329 | 4454 | HIGHLAND PLAINS | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.8691087 | 148.7531909 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9330 | 4454 | HUTTON CREEK | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.6868466 | 148.4095162 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9331 | 4454 | INJUNE | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.8457513 | 148.5640243 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24052 | 4454 | MOUNT HOWE | QLD | 148.1883 | -25.2589 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.5822287 | 148.6984192 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | | | | Banana | 30370 | | | 30090 | Warrego |
9332 | 4454 | MOUNT HUTTON | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.9101731 | 148.3423178 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9333 | 4454 | PONY HILLS | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.9113416 | 149.0293216 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9334 | 4454 | SIMMIE | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.734613 | 148.6116516 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9335 | 4454 | UPPER DAWSON | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.389559 | 148.6133984 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9336 | 4454 | WESTGROVE | QLD | 148.589834 | -25.55725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.4403107 | 148.4404737 | 30804152809 | Kinnoul | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 530.197814941406 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9337 | 4455 | ANGELLALA | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.409 | 146.891 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 5 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9338 | 4455 | BALLAROO | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.1543367 | 148.5593586 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9339 | 4455 | BLYTHDALE | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5778524 | 148.9556736 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9340 | 4455 | BUNGEWORGORAI | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4489726 | 148.6176068 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9341 | 4455 | BUNGIL | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6232311 | 148.8053393 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9342 | 4455 | BYMOUNT | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0942782 | 148.6231781 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9343 | 4455 | CORNWALL | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0816891 | 148.4418038 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9344 | 4455 | DARGAL ROAD | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.55162 | 148.7201967 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9345 | 4455 | EUMAMURRIN | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1676821 | 148.8109217 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9346 | 4455 | EUTHULLA | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5270268 | 148.7524176 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9347 | 4455 | GUNNEWIN | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9872016 | 148.5543598 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9348 | 4455 | HODGSON | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5639797 | 148.6431784 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9349 | 4455 | MOOGA | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3425738 | 149.0195047 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9350 | 4455 | MOUNT ABUNDANCE | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5861654 | 148.5244634 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9351 | 4455 | MOUNT BINDANGO | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5793334 | 148.5679147 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9352 | 4455 | ORALLO | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3050988 | 148.5434511 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9353 | 4455 | ORANGE HILL | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.511245 | 148.7953167 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9354 | 4455 | ROMA | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5694477 | 148.7837619 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9355 | 4455 | TINGUN | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7482832 | 148.9145193 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9356 | 4455 | WYCOMBE | QLD | 148.690231 | -26.73282 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5032276 | 148.6026428 | 30701117721 | Westgrove | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 298.646942138672 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9357 | 4461 | MUCKADILLA | QLD | 148.293883 | -26.663912 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6483957 | 148.3602816 | 30701117701 | Muckadilla | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 399.672149658203 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9358 | 4462 | AMBY | QLD | 148.190376 | -26.509225 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.5487224 | 148.1880262 | 30701117714 | Eurella | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 371.145629882813 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23934 | 4462 | EURELLA | QLD | 148.186897 | -26.549209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.5487224 | 148.1880262 | 30701117714 | Eurella | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 351.810699462891 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24036 | 4462 | WALHALLOW | QLD | 148.2478725 | -26.35135957 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.5487224 | 148.1880262 | 30701117714 | Eurella | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 409.458160400391 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24053 | 4465 | BARGUNYAH | QLD | 147.4539 | -27.2188 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.142422 | 148.0382688 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 290.097015380859 | | | | Maranoa | 34860 | | | 30090 | Warrego |
9359 | 4465 | DUNKELD | QLD | 147.921117 | -26.33317 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.142422 | 148.0382688 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 302.244903564453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21143 | 4465 | FORESTVALE | QLD | 147.8868881 | -25.99758942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.9973584 | 147.88691 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 302.244903564453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23965 | 4465 | KILMOREY FALLS | QLD | 148.062548 | -26.968591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.142422 | 148.0382688 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 302.244903564453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9360 | 4465 | MITCHELL | QLD | 147.921117 | -26.33317 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.483056 | 147.966111 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 302.244903564453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23982 | 4465 | MOUNT MOFFATT | QLD | 148.062548 | -26.968591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.142422 | 148.0382688 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 302.244903564453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21144 | 4465 | V GATE | QLD | 147.8117178 | -26.83332366 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.884716 | 147.7999554 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 302.244903564453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21145 | 4465 | WOMALILLA | QLD | 147.8080235 | -26.55357444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.4832798 | 147.7673202 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 302.244903564453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24044 | 4465 | WOMBLEBANK | QLD | 148.062548 | -26.968591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.142422 | 148.0382688 | 30701117720 | Womblebank | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 302.244903564453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9361 | 4467 | MUNGALLALA | QLD | 147.490282 | -26.23368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.4436309 | 147.548676 | 31503140913 | Upper Warrego | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 541.884948730469 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23983 | 4467 | MUNGALLALA SOUTH | QLD | 147.4483979 | -26.76362198 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.4436309 | 147.548676 | 31503140913 | Upper Warrego | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 401.992553710938 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21146 | 4467 | REDFORD | QLD | 147.4099489 | -25.93994518 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -25.9399005 | 147.4099991 | 31503140913 | Upper Warrego | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 544.298034667969 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21147 | 4467 | TYRCONNEL | QLD | 147.5374764 | -26.26329299 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.2632925 | 147.5375071 | 31503140913 | Upper Warrego | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 544.298034667969 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23901 | 4468 | BOATMAN | QLD | 146.833194 | -26.087266 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.0901905 | 146.922732 | 31503140914 | Morven (Qld) | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 442.665222167969 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21148 | 4468 | CLARA CREEK | QLD | 146.9228145 | -26.0902162 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.0901905 | 146.922732 | 31503140914 | Morven (Qld) | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 433.6748046875 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9362 | 4468 | MORVEN | QLD | 147.026276 | -26.600192 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.4148464 | 147.114888 | 31503140914 | Morven (Qld) | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 433.6748046875 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21149 | 4470 | BAKERS BEND | QLD | 146.0999607 | -26.73025809 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7305846 | 146.0985817 | 31503140911 | Charleville | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 275 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9363 | 4470 | CHARLEVILLE | QLD | 145.958063 | -26.208628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4020616 | 146.2453597 | 31503140911 | Charleville | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 346.312835693359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21150 | 4470 | GOWRIE STATION | QLD | 146.4317226 | -26.15513092 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1550655 | 146.4316977 | 31503140911 | Charleville | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 346.312835693359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21151 | 4470 | LANGLO | QLD | 145.7197869 | -26.03523104 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0349712 | 145.7196401 | 31503140911 | Charleville | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 343.275634765625 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21152 | 4470 | MURWEH | QLD | 145.7390909 | -26.93045501 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2260696 | 146.0249982 | 31503140911 | Charleville | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 253.187149047852 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21153 | 4470 | RIVERSLEIGH | QLD | 146.4921875 | -26.85082304 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8506908 | 146.4922971 | 31503140911 | Charleville | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 346.312835693359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24022 | 4470 | SOMMARIVA | QLD | 146.176789 | -26.647239 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -26.7305846 | 146.0985817 | 31503140911 | Charleville | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 286.854553222656 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21154 | 4470 | WARD | QLD | 146.2406534 | -25.68590212 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9252 | 146.147 | 31503140911 | Charleville | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 346.312835693359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9364 | 4471 | CLAVERTON | QLD | 145.892163 | -27.631116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.366937 | 145.964012 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 214.862091064453 | Q3 | | | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | | | |
9365 | 4471 | NARDOO SIDING | QLD | 145.892163 | -27.631116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7477666 | 145.9135867 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | | 214.862091064453 | Q3 | | | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | | | |
9366 | 4472 | BLACKALL | QLD | 145.141177 | -24.784155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4206347 | 145.4672657 | 31503140815 | Blackall | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9367 | 4472 | MOUNT ENNISKILLEN | QLD | 145.141177 | -24.784155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6714563 | 146.0559815 | 31503140815 | Blackall | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9368 | 4474 | ADAVALE | QLD | 144.495283 | -25.666985 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5888103 | 145.0175722 | 31503141104 | Quilpie | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 293.491851806641 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Quilpie | 36150 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9369 | 4475 | CHEEPIE | QLD | 144.975368 | -26.844909 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6292813 | 145.0142027 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Quilpie | 36150 | Maranoa | Rural | | |
9370 | 4477 | AUGATHELLA | QLD | 147.059769 | -25.444837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.7976631 | 146.5854824 | 31503140913 | Upper Warrego | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 585.789489746094 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
24054 | 4477 | CAROLINE CROSSING | QLD | 146.9466 | -25.7054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.7976631 | 146.5854824 | 31503140913 | Upper Warrego | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 455 | | | | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | | | 30090 | Warrego |
23990 | 4477 | NIVE | QLD | 151.9729641 | -28.58716707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.7976631 | 146.5854824 | 31503140913 | Upper Warrego | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 887.053344726563 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21155 | 4477 | UPPER WARREGO | QLD | 147.3189625 | -25.15423668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.1541911 | 147.3196686 | 31503140913 | Upper Warrego | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 585.789489746094 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9371 | 4478 | BAYRICK | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4035325 | 146.0736322 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9372 | 4478 | CALDERVALE | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9227102 | 146.8240188 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9373 | 4478 | LANSDOWNE | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1305968 | 146.1650502 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9374 | 4478 | LUMEAH | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2868141 | 145.6721212 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9375 | 4478 | MACFARLANE | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8886933 | 146.008669 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9376 | 4478 | MINNIE DOWNS | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0859225 | 145.8521471 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9377 | 4478 | SCRUBBY CREEK | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5012798 | 145.610862 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9378 | 4478 | TAMBO | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.883333 | 146.25 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9379 | 4478 | WINDEYER | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5671157 | 146.4031394 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9380 | 4478 | YANDARLO | QLD | 146.399409 | -24.889395 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1252695 | 146.4940385 | 31503140814 | Yandarlo | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Blackall Tambo | 30760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9381 | 4479 | COOLADDI | QLD | 145.397502 | -26.724017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6853236 | 145.5801757 | 31503140902 | Ward | 315031409 | Charleville | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Murweh | 35600 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9382 | 4480 | EROMANGA | QLD | 143.274156 | -26.248504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6687818 | 143.26759 | 31503141104 | Quilpie | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9383 | 4480 | QUILPIE | QLD | 143.274156 | -26.248504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.616667 | 144.266667 | 31503141104 | Quilpie | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9100 | 4481 | FARRARS CREEK | QLD | 141.581266 | -25.377582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1371873 | 141.4275408 | 31503141007 | Windorah | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9101 | 4481 | TANBAR | QLD | 141.581266 | -25.377582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8435025 | 141.922673 | 31503141007 | Windorah | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9102 | 4481 | WINDORAH | QLD | 141.581266 | -25.377582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.420556 | 142.654722 | 31503141007 | Windorah | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9103 | 4482 | BIRDSVILLE | QLD | 139.323274 | -25.60309 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4665415 | 139.2030851 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 72 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Diamantina | 32750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
9104 | 4486 | DIRRANBANDI | QLD | 147.830117 | -28.61221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5821814 | 148.2284415 | 30701117114 | Dirranbandi | 307011171 | Balonne | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Balonne | 30300 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9105 | 4486 | HEBEL | QLD | 147.830117 | -28.61221 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.9726261 | 147.7948372 | 30701117114 | Dirranbandi | 307011171 | Balonne | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Balonne | 30300 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9106 | 4487 | BEGONIA | QLD | 148.408512 | -27.931188 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4621982 | 148.2683052 | 30701117710 | Wycombe | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 214.415557861328 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9107 | 4487 | ST GEORGE | QLD | 148.408512 | -27.931188 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0384663 | 148.5816442 | 30701117710 | Wycombe | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 214.415557861328 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23894 | 4488 | BARGUNYAH | QLD | 147.47786 | -28.031524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -28.0342054 | 147.4772228 | 30701117710 | Wycombe | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 186.973037719727 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23899 | 4488 | BINDEBANGO | QLD | 147.47786 | -28.031524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -28.0342054 | 147.4772228 | 30701117710 | Wycombe | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 186.973037719727 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9108 | 4488 | BOLLON | QLD | 146.990784 | -28.110523 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0342054 | 147.4772228 | 30701117710 | Wycombe | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 186.973037719727 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9109 | 4488 | NEBINE | QLD | 146.990784 | -28.110523 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9955348 | 146.841539 | 30701117710 | Wycombe | 307011177 | Roma Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 186.973037719727 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Maranoa | 34860 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9110 | 4489 | WYANDRA | QLD | 145.655744 | -27.258572 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3280856 | 146.1142253 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9111 | 4490 | BARRINGUN | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8628378 | 145.7913498 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9112 | 4490 | COONGOOLA | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5307311 | 145.6668993 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9113 | 4490 | CUNNAMULLA | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0760962 | 145.6877037 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9114 | 4490 | CUTTABURRA | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7046779 | 145.3928907 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9115 | 4490 | HUMEBURN | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4310783 | 145.2828541 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9116 | 4490 | JOBS GATE | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.8055348 | 146.7204693 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9117 | 4490 | LINDEN | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.9975812 | 146.5620615 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9118 | 4490 | NOORAMA | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.7303741 | 146.2174851 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9119 | 4490 | TUEN | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5290555 | 145.7309511 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9120 | 4490 | WIDGEEGOARA | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3585568 | 146.3143924 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9121 | 4490 | YOWAH | QLD | 145.596265 | -28.418047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.968438 | 144.6346855 | 31503141112 | Wyandra | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 172.984512329102 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9122 | 4491 | EULO | QLD | 145.083656 | -27.91583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1790962 | 145.0493375 | 31503141111 | Yowah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21156 | 4492 | BULLAWARRA | QLD | 143.3368723 | -27.99380024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0558075 | 143.5061034 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 109.18074798584 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21157 | 4492 | BULLOO DOWNS | QLD | 142.8549438 | -28.59712241 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.5930539 | 142.9292822 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 109.18074798584 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23910 | 4492 | CAMERON CORNER | QLD | 141.5712156 | -28.5313903 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -28.0558075 | 143.5061034 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 131.826416015625 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23932 | 4492 | DURHAM | QLD | 141.7722425 | -27.29940596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -28.0558075 | 143.5061034 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 135.641540527344 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21158 | 4492 | DYNEVOR | QLD | 144.1330121 | -28.2963544 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3014517 | 144.1644629 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 109.18074798584 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
23991 | 4492 | NOCCUNDRA | QLD | 143.373975 | -27.783565 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -28.0558075 | 143.5061034 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 161.65007019043 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21159 | 4492 | NOCKATUNGA | QLD | 142.6582072 | -27.84193075 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.7849442 | 142.6114085 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 112.46467590332 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
21160 | 4492 | NORLEY | QLD | 143.7768376 | -27.68466532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.6846487 | 143.7764535 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 142.575637817383 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9123 | 4492 | THARGOMINDAH | QLD | 143.224764 | -28.190899 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.994444 | 143.8229332 | 31503141110 | Thargomindah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 109.18074798584 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Bulloo | 31750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9124 | 4493 | HUNGERFORD | QLD | 144.560358 | -28.941714 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.9972216 | 144.409873 | 31503141111 | Yowah | 315031411 | Far South West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 142.958465576172 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Paroo | 35800 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9125 | 4494 | BUNGUNYA | QLD | 149.606552 | -28.143515 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.428946 | 149.6523957 | 30701117408 | Tarawera | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9126 | 4494 | NORTH BUNGUNYA | QLD | 149.606552 | -28.143515 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.1782917 | 149.5279372 | 30701117408 | Tarawera | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9127 | 4494 | TARAWERA | QLD | 149.606552 | -28.143515 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.0970954 | 149.7205466 | 30701117408 | Tarawera | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9128 | 4496 | NORTH TALWOOD | QLD | 149.267966 | -28.364992 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4866454 | 149.4700493 | 30701117406 | Weengallon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 239.118942260742 | Q3 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9129 | 4496 | SOUTH TALWOOD | QLD | 149.267966 | -28.364992 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6078302 | 149.3292129 | 30701117406 | Weengallon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 239.118942260742 | Q3 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9130 | 4496 | TALWOOD | QLD | 149.267966 | -28.364992 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.48704 | 149.468568 | 30701117406 | Weengallon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 239.118942260742 | Q3 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9131 | 4497 | DAYMAR | QLD | 148.753584 | -28.645485 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6049318 | 149.0286159 | 30701117406 | Weengallon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 174.763061523438 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9132 | 4497 | THALLON | QLD | 148.753584 | -28.645485 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.6390951 | 148.8644026 | 30701117406 | Weengallon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 174.763061523438 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9133 | 4497 | WEENGALLON | QLD | 148.753584 | -28.645485 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.3568657 | 149.0545648 | 30701117406 | Weengallon | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | 174.763061523438 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30090 | Warrego |
9134 | 4498 | KIOMA | QLD | 149.824698 | -28.415979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.2193219 | 149.7805312 | 30701117408 | Tarawera | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9135 | 4498 | TOOBEAH | QLD | 149.824698 | -28.415979 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30701 | Darling Downs (West) - Maranoa | 307 | Darling Downs - Maranoa | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -28.4175022 | 149.8710001 | 30701117408 | Tarawera | 307011174 | Inglewood - Waggamba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Goondiwindi | 33610 | Maranoa | Rural | 30077 | Southern Downs |
9136 | 4500 | BRAY PARK | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.292778 | 152.962222 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9137 | 4500 | BRENDALE | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3281779 | 152.973555 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9138 | 4500 | BRENDALE BC | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3282 | 152.974 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9139 | 4500 | BRENDALE DC | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3177 | 152.987 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9140 | 4500 | CASHMERE | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.283333 | 152.916667 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9141 | 4500 | CLEAR MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.31 | 152.88 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9142 | 4500 | JOYNER | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2774174 | 152.9382447 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9143 | 4500 | STRATHPINE | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3013875 | 152.9882693 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9144 | 4500 | STRATHPINE CENTRE | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3071578 | 152.9911067 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9145 | 4500 | STRATHPINE CITY | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3014 | 152.988 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9146 | 4500 | WARNER | QLD | 152.939438 | -27.307845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.3124259 | 152.9500141 | 31403139436 | Brendale | 314031394 | Strathpine - Brendale | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9147 | 4501 | LAWNTON | QLD | 152.946201 | -27.277628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2838811 | 152.9823835 | 31403139214 | Lawnton | 314031392 | Lawnton | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 21.3199672698975 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9148 | 4502 | FRENCHS FOREST | QLD | 152.966813 | -27.264974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2583 | 152.964 | 31403139325 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30042 | Kurwongbah |
9149 | 4502 | PETRIE | QLD | 152.966813 | -27.264974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2651516 | 152.9706122 | 31403139325 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Dickson | Outer Metropolitan | 30042 | Kurwongbah |
9150 | 4503 | DAKABIN | QLD | 152.993187 | -27.240638 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.222061 | 152.9853264 | 31403139314 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 17.897439956665 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9151 | 4503 | DOHLES ROCKS | QLD | 152.993187 | -27.240638 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2684 | 153.011 | 31403139314 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 17.897439956665 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9152 | 4503 | GRIFFIN | QLD | 152.993187 | -27.240638 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2648676 | 153.0345438 | 31403139314 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 17.897439956665 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9153 | 4503 | KALLANGUR | QLD | 152.993187 | -27.240638 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2507456 | 152.9926509 | 31403139314 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 17.897439956665 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9154 | 4503 | KURWONGBAH | QLD | 152.993187 | -27.240638 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2308 | 152.969 | 31403139314 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 17.897439956665 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9155 | 4503 | MURRUMBA DOWNS | QLD | 152.993187 | -27.240638 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2670888 | 153.0091078 | 31403139314 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 17.897439956665 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9156 | 4503 | WHITESIDE | QLD | 152.993187 | -27.240638 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31403 | Strathpine | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.255 | 152.932 | 31403139314 | Petrie | 314031393 | Petrie | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 17.897439956665 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9157 | 4504 | NARANGBA | QLD | 152.932083 | -27.186624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2015813 | 152.9655318 | 31304137554 | Narangba | 313041375 | Narangba | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30042 | Kurwongbah |
9158 | 4505 | BURPENGARY | QLD | 152.976886 | -27.153669 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1615373 | 152.958072 | 31304137356 | Burpengary East | 313041373 | Deception Bay | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 10.8020620346069 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30057 | Morayfield |
9159 | 4505 | BURPENGARY DC | QLD | 152.976886 | -27.153669 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1562 | 152.973 | 31304137356 | Burpengary East | 313041373 | Deception Bay | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 10.8020620346069 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30057 | Morayfield |
21161 | 4505 | BURPENGARY EAST | QLD | 153.0042078 | -27.14126334 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1416 | 153 | 31304137356 | Burpengary East | 313041373 | Deception Bay | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 10.8020620346069 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30057 | Morayfield |
9160 | 4506 | MOORINA | QLD | 152.936289 | -27.128401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.147222 | 152.873333 | 31304137604 | Moorina (Qld) | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 24.2008571624756 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30057 | Morayfield |
9161 | 4506 | MORAYFIELD | QLD | 152.936289 | -27.128401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1053809 | 152.9476706 | 31304137604 | Moorina (Qld) | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 24.2008571624756 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30057 | Morayfield |
9162 | 4507 | BANKSIA BEACH | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0471396 | 153.1384143 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9163 | 4507 | BELLARA | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0628 | 153.1534 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9164 | 4507 | BONGAREE | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0814 | 153.1569 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9165 | 4507 | BRIBIE ISLAND | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9861003 | 153.1325243 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9166 | 4507 | BRIBIE ISLAND DC | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9861 | 153.133 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9167 | 4507 | BRIBIE ISLAND NORTH | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9055358 | 153.1129233 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9168 | 4507 | WELSBY | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9862294 | 153.1240622 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9169 | 4507 | WHITE PATCH | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.030833 | 153.125556 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9170 | 4507 | WOORIM | QLD | 153.12414 | -26.987776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31301 | Bribie - Beachmere | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.0677 | 153.2033 | 31301136359 | Woorim | 313011363 | Bribie Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9171 | 4508 | DECEPTION BAY | QLD | 153.013716 | -27.181203 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1859323 | 153.0206446 | 31402157910 | North Lakes | 314021579 | North Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30003 | Bancroft |
9172 | 4509 | MANGO HILL | QLD | 153.017319 | -27.232691 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.238333 | 153.028056 | 31402157955 | North Lakes | 314021579 | North Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30062 | Murrumba |
21162 | 4509 | NORTH LAKES | QLD | 153.0138289 | -27.22196846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31402 | North Lakes | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2276597 | 153.0065396 | 31402157955 | North Lakes | 314021579 | North Lakes | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Petrie | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Petrie | Outer Metropolitan | 30062 | Murrumba |
9173 | 4510 | BALINGOOL | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0797 | 152.952 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9174 | 4510 | BEACHMERE | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.13 | 153.052 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9175 | 4510 | BELLMERE | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.089167 | 152.926667 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9176 | 4510 | CABOOLTURE | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.066667 | 152.966667 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
21163 | 4510 | CABOOLTURE BC | QLD | 145.7740021 | -19.7061005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0848 | 152.949 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9177 | 4510 | CABOOLTURE SOUTH | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0961608 | 152.941187 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9178 | 4510 | DONNYBROOK | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27 | 153.066667 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9179 | 4510 | MELDALE | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.033 | 153.072 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9180 | 4510 | MOODLU | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0574799 | 152.9117659 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9181 | 4510 | ROCKSBERG | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.1 | 152.833333 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9182 | 4510 | TOORBUL | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.033333 | 153.1 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9183 | 4510 | UPPER CABOOLTURE | QLD | 152.960273 | -27.070177 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31304 | Narangba - Burpengary | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.11 | 152.9 | 31304137609 | Upper Caboolture | 313041376 | Upper Caboolture | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 319.466674804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9184 | 4511 | GODWIN BEACH | QLD | 153.080799 | -27.077933 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31302 | Caboolture | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.086 | 153.111 | 31301136238 | Ningi | 313011362 | Beachmere - Sandstone Point | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 18.2644348144531 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9185 | 4511 | NINGI | QLD | 153.080799 | -27.077933 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31302 | Caboolture | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.066667 | 153.083333 | 31301136238 | Ningi | 313011362 | Beachmere - Sandstone Point | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 18.2644348144531 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9186 | 4511 | SANDSTONE POINT | QLD | 153.080799 | -27.077933 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31302 | Caboolture | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.083333 | 153.133333 | 31301136238 | Ningi | 313011362 | Beachmere - Sandstone Point | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 18.2644348144531 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9187 | 4512 | BRACALBA | QLD | 152.858311 | -27.022484 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0085427 | 152.84926 | 31303137118 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
9188 | 4512 | WAMURAN | QLD | 152.858311 | -27.022484 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.035887 | 152.86274 | 31303137118 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
9189 | 4512 | WAMURAN BASIN | QLD | 152.858311 | -27.022484 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0472 | 152.826 | 31303137118 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
24150 | 4513 | CORYMBIA | QLD | 152.8666 | -27.0946 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 57.2129096984863 | | | | Moreton Bay | | | | | |
24151 | 4513 | GREENSTONE | QLD | 152.8693 | -27.1105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 38.7053108215332 | | | | Moreton Bay | | | | | |
24152 | 4513 | LILYWOOD | QLD | 152.8987 | -27.1017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 22.6009674072266 | | | | Moreton Bay | | | | | |
24153 | 4513 | WAGTAIL GROVE | QLD | 152.8808 | -27.1048 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 35.3111305236816 | | | | Moreton Bay | | | | | |
24154 | 4513 | WARABA | QLD | 152.8783 | -27.0866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 42.9514465332031 | | | | Moreton Bay | | | | | |
9190 | 4514 | BELLTHORPE | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8442 | 152.7182 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9191 | 4514 | CEDARTON | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.861667 | 152.809722 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9192 | 4514 | COMMISSIONERS FLAT | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8733492 | 152.8267656 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
23926 | 4514 | D’AGUILAR | QLD | 152.715349 | -26.848046 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8442 | 152.7182 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 577.565856933594 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9193 | 4514 | D'AGUILAR | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9778 | 152.802 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9194 | 4514 | DELANEYS CREEK | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0125 | 152.773889 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21166 | 4514 | MOUNT ARCHER | QLD | 152.6632114 | -27.00126073 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9741413 | 152.6620081 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9195 | 4514 | MOUNT DELANEY | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0035993 | 152.7156231 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9196 | 4514 | NEURUM | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.966667 | 152.7 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9197 | 4514 | STANMORE | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9025 | 152.794722 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9198 | 4514 | STONY CREEK | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9268 | 152.7123 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9199 | 4514 | VILLENEUVE | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.961667 | 152.631667 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
24038 | 4514 | WESTVALE | QLD | 152.6129933 | -27.0258447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8442 | 152.7182 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9200 | 4514 | WOODFORD | QLD | 152.760081 | -26.91784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.955 | 152.778 | 31303137122 | Woodford (Qld) | 313031371 | Woodford - D'Aguilar | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Longman | 126.700614929199 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Somerset | 36580 | Longman | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21167 | 4515 | GLENFERN | QLD | 152.6006869 | -26.97065604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9519603 | 152.6109218 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 121.511497497559 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21168 | 4515 | HAZELDEAN | QLD | 152.540382 | -27.03183533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0370615 | 152.5458383 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 174.368942260742 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9201 | 4515 | JIMNA | QLD | 152.503797 | -26.87578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.660833 | 152.464722 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 154.624984741211 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9202 | 4515 | KILCOY | QLD | 152.503797 | -26.87578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9422979 | 152.5620065 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 154.624984741211 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21169 | 4515 | KINGAHAM | QLD | 152.3776757 | -26.54057575 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.5405461 | 152.377718 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 570.37841796875 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21170 | 4515 | MONSILDALE | QLD | 152.3763753 | -26.72138111 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.7087585 | 152.4023593 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 174.368942260742 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21171 | 4515 | MOUNT KILCOY | QLD | 152.5794083 | -26.84105496 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.891632 | 152.5876797 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 174.368942260742 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21172 | 4515 | ROYSTON | QLD | 152.6547687 | -26.92275763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9255709 | 152.6559808 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 174.368942260742 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21173 | 4515 | SANDY CREEK | QLD | 152.6381848 | -26.85258718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9000114 | 152.6258503 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 174.368942260742 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21174 | 4515 | SHEEP STATION CREEK | QLD | 152.4920925 | -26.84934234 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.8573991 | 152.5083922 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 174.368942260742 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21175 | 4515 | WINYA | QLD | 152.5824832 | -26.9377296 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9432947 | 152.5770327 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 174.368942260742 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
21176 | 4515 | WOOLMAR | QLD | 152.4987372 | -26.94116786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31303 | Caboolture Hinterland | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -26.9589859 | 152.5274769 | 31303137017 | Woolmar | 313031370 | Kilcoy | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Blair | 174.368942260742 | Q1 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | Somerset | 36580 | Blair | Provincial | 30063 | Nanango |
9203 | 4516 | ELIMBAH | QLD | 152.957238 | -27.005542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31302 | Caboolture | 313 | Moreton Bay - North | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.0367308 | 152.9607727 | 31302136710 | Elimbah | 313021367 | Elimbah | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Longman | 33.2418670654297 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9204 | 4517 | BEERBURRUM | QLD | 152.987647 | -26.951082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.953469 | 153.0265315 | 31606144111 | Beerburrum | 316061441 | Glass House Mountains | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | 19.3865146636963 | Q1 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30070 | Pumicestone |
9205 | 4518 | GLASS HOUSE MOUNTAINS | QLD | 152.986033 | -26.902425 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9123315 | 152.9323602 | 31606144117 | Glass House Mountains | 316061441 | Glass House Mountains | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | | Q1 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
9206 | 4519 | BEERWAH | QLD | 152.91803 | -26.849388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8573189 | 152.955167 | 31606144103 | Glass House Mountains | 316061441 | Glass House Mountains | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | 50.353214263916 | Q1 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
9207 | 4519 | COOCHIN CREEK | QLD | 152.91803 | -26.849388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9039294 | 153.0702332 | 31606144103 | Glass House Mountains | 316061441 | Glass House Mountains | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | 50.353214263916 | Q1 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
9208 | 4519 | CROHAMHURST | QLD | 152.91803 | -26.849388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8138 | 152.8802 | 31606144103 | Glass House Mountains | 316061441 | Glass House Mountains | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | 50.353214263916 | Q1 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
9209 | 4519 | PEACHESTER | QLD | 152.91803 | -26.849388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.85 | 152.883333 | 31606144103 | Glass House Mountains | 316061441 | Glass House Mountains | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Fisher | 50.353214263916 | Q1 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
21177 | 4520 | ARMSTRONG CREEK | QLD | 152.7947739 | -27.22803309 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.2291232 | 152.8139709 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9210 | 4520 | CAMP MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.395 | 152.873611 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9211 | 4520 | CEDAR CREEK | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.335833 | 152.821944 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9212 | 4520 | CLOSEBURN | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3264 | 152.8649 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9213 | 4520 | DRAPER | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.35 | 152.89 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9214 | 4520 | ENOGGERA RESERVOIR | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4258953 | 152.8807427 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9215 | 4520 | HIGHVALE | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.379 | 152.812 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9216 | 4520 | JOLLYS LOOKOUT | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.410278 | 152.826944 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9217 | 4520 | KOBBLE CREEK | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.266667 | 152.8 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9218 | 4520 | MOUNT GLORIOUS | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.334722 | 152.767222 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9219 | 4520 | MOUNT NEBO | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.397139 | 152.783694 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9220 | 4520 | MOUNT SAMSON | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3036407 | 152.8558773 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9221 | 4520 | SAMFORD | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3711734 | 152.8676421 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9222 | 4520 | SAMFORD VALLEY | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3711734 | 152.8676421 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9223 | 4520 | SAMFORD VILLAGE | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.3732014 | 152.8838197 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9224 | 4520 | SAMSONVALE | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.261944 | 152.858056 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9225 | 4520 | WIGHTS MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.395833 | 152.843889 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9226 | 4520 | YUGAR | QLD | 152.814527 | -27.322775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.346111 | 152.875556 | 31401138730 | Cedar Creek (Moreton Bay - Qld) | 314011387 | Samford Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | 97.8948364257813 | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Brisbane | 31000 | Ryan | Outer Metropolitan | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9227 | 4521 | CAMPBELLS POCKET | QLD | 152.786172 | -27.169774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.078056 | 152.804444 | 31401138421 | Dayboro | 314011384 | Dayboro | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9228 | 4521 | DAYBORO | QLD | 152.786172 | -27.169774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.196196 | 152.82427 | 31401138421 | Dayboro | 314011384 | Dayboro | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9229 | 4521 | KING SCRUB | QLD | 152.786172 | -27.169774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.171944 | 152.825556 | 31401138421 | Dayboro | 314011384 | Dayboro | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9230 | 4521 | LACEYS CREEK | QLD | 152.786172 | -27.169774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2221104 | 152.7325205 | 31401138421 | Dayboro | 314011384 | Dayboro | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9231 | 4521 | MOUNT MEE | QLD | 152.786172 | -27.169774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.074167 | 152.769722 | 31401138421 | Dayboro | 314011384 | Dayboro | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9232 | 4521 | MOUNT PLEASANT | QLD | 152.786172 | -27.169774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.165667 | 152.783833 | 31401138421 | Dayboro | 314011384 | Dayboro | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9233 | 4521 | OCEAN VIEW | QLD | 152.786172 | -27.169774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.126881 | 152.814706 | 31401138421 | Dayboro | 314011384 | Dayboro | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9234 | 4521 | RUSH CREEK | QLD | 152.786172 | -27.169774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31401 | Hills District | 314 | Moreton Bay - South | R2 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -27.2091695 | 152.8723991 | 31401138421 | Dayboro | 314011384 | Dayboro | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dickson | | Q1 | PHN301 | Brisbane North | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30069 | Pine Rivers |
9235 | 4550 | LANDSBOROUGH | QLD | 152.971346 | -26.812085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8259718 | 152.9617842 | 31606144246 | Landsborough (Qld) | 316061442 | Landsborough | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
9236 | 4550 | MOUNT MELLUM | QLD | 152.971346 | -26.812085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.81871 | 152.9264759 | 31606144246 | Landsborough (Qld) | 316061442 | Landsborough | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
9237 | 4551 | AROONA | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.781 | 153.117 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
23892 | 4551 | BANYA | QLD | 153.113173 | -26.775377 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -26.781 | 153.117 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 14.5794725418091 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
21178 | 4551 | BARINGA | QLD | 153.0830469 | -26.81040958 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8071 | 153.077 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
9238 | 4551 | BATTERY HILL | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.779 | 153.129 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
9239 | 4551 | BELLS CREEK | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7928133 | 153.0640406 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
9240 | 4551 | CALOUNDRA | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.799 | 153.133 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13171 | 4551 | CALOUNDRA BC | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.799 | 153.133 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13172 | 4551 | CALOUNDRA DC | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8034 | 153.134 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13173 | 4551 | CALOUNDRA WEST | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8030768 | 153.0929648 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
23920 | 4551 | CORBOULD PARK | QLD | 153.113173 | -26.775377 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -26.781 | 153.117 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 14.5794725418091 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13174 | 4551 | CURRIMUNDI | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.77 | 153.122 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13175 | 4551 | DIAMOND HEAD | QLD | 153.1134 | -26.8383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -31.7011 | 152.77 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 2 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 4 | 4 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13176 | 4551 | DICKY BEACH | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.783 | 153.133 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
23941 | 4551 | GAGALBA | QLD | 153.113173 | -26.775377 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -26.781 | 153.117 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 14.5794725418091 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13177 | 4551 | GOLDEN BEACH | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.823 | 153.118 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13178 | 4551 | KINGS BEACH | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.801 | 153.141 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13179 | 4551 | LITTLE MOUNTAIN | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.781 | 153.094 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13180 | 4551 | MERIDAN PLAINS | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7628122 | 153.0989978 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13181 | 4551 | MOFFAT BEACH | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.791 | 153.139 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
23988 | 4551 | NIRIMBA | QLD | 153.113173 | -26.775377 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -26.781 | 153.117 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 14.5794725418091 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13182 | 4551 | PELICAN WATERS | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.841 | 153.101 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13183 | 4551 | SHELLY BEACH | QLD | 153.088435 | -26.828067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.797 | 153.147 | 31602158130 | Meridan Plains | 316021581 | Meridan Plains - Little Mountain (North) | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 9.65323448181152 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13184 | 4552 | BALD KNOB | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7793 | 152.912 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13185 | 4552 | BALMORAL RIDGE | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.743611 | 152.891389 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13186 | 4552 | BAROON POCKET | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7066 | 152.871 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13187 | 4552 | BOOROOBIN | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8095334 | 152.7774718 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13188 | 4552 | CAMBROON | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6376564 | 152.691634 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13189 | 4552 | CONONDALE | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7435127 | 152.7314369 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13190 | 4552 | CRYSTAL WATERS | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7841964 | 152.7195558 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13191 | 4552 | CURRAMORE | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6937958 | 152.7946596 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13192 | 4552 | ELAMAN CREEK | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7166751 | 152.7741816 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13193 | 4552 | HARPER CREEK | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7556988 | 152.7478359 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13194 | 4552 | MALENY | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7626299 | 152.8522429 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13195 | 4552 | MOUNTAIN VIEW | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7789 | 152.864 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13196 | 4552 | NORTH MALENY | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7304858 | 152.8676421 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13197 | 4552 | REESVILLE | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7527618 | 152.7911833 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13198 | 4552 | WITTA | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7141423 | 152.814706 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13199 | 4552 | WOOTHA | QLD | 152.766898 | -26.734305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7895782 | 152.785303 | 31606144024 | Maleny | 316061440 | Caloundra Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Moreton Bay | 35010 | Longman | Provincial | 30029 | Glass House |
13200 | 4553 | DIAMOND VALLEY | QLD | 153.017962 | -26.771797 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7558779 | 152.9382447 | 31606144245 | Palmview | 316061442 | Landsborough | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | 24.435583114624 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
13201 | 4553 | GLENVIEW | QLD | 153.017962 | -26.771797 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.766667 | 153.016667 | 31606144245 | Palmview | 316061442 | Landsborough | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | 24.435583114624 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
13202 | 4553 | MOOLOOLAH | QLD | 153.017962 | -26.771797 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7607101 | 152.9617842 | 31606144245 | Palmview | 316061442 | Landsborough | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | 24.435583114624 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
13203 | 4553 | MOOLOOLAH VALLEY | QLD | 153.017962 | -26.771797 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7607101 | 152.9617842 | 31606144245 | Palmview | 316061442 | Landsborough | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | 24.435583114624 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
13204 | 4553 | PALMVIEW | QLD | 153.017962 | -26.771797 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7589198 | 153.049345 | 31606144245 | Palmview | 316061442 | Landsborough | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 24.435583114624 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30029 | Glass House |
13205 | 4554 | EUDLO | QLD | 152.965037 | -26.731692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.733333 | 152.966667 | 31606144411 | Ilkley | 316061444 | Palmwoods | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13206 | 4554 | ILKLEY | QLD | 152.965037 | -26.731692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.735308 | 152.9970985 | 31606144411 | Ilkley | 316061444 | Palmwoods | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13207 | 4555 | CHEVALLUM | QLD | 152.95452 | -26.691701 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7 | 152.983333 | 31606144428 | Palmwoods (Qld) | 316061444 | Palmwoods | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 2 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13208 | 4555 | HUNCHY | QLD | 152.95452 | -26.691701 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6824565 | 152.9117659 | 31606144428 | Palmwoods (Qld) | 316061444 | Palmwoods | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13209 | 4555 | LANDERS SHOOT | QLD | 152.95452 | -26.691701 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7132748 | 152.929418 | 31606144428 | Palmwoods (Qld) | 316061444 | Palmwoods | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13210 | 4555 | PALMWOODS | QLD | 152.95452 | -26.691701 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6934789 | 152.9559225 | 31606144428 | Palmwoods (Qld) | 316061444 | Palmwoods | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13211 | 4556 | BUDERIM | QLD | 153.049784 | -26.700379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.685 | 153.053 | 31607154606 | Forest Glen (Qld) | 316071546 | Diddillibah - Rosemount | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13212 | 4556 | FOREST GLEN | QLD | 153.049784 | -26.700379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.673 | 153.001 | 31607154606 | Forest Glen (Qld) | 316071546 | Diddillibah - Rosemount | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13213 | 4556 | KUNDA PARK | QLD | 153.049784 | -26.700379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.665 | 153.034 | 31607154606 | Forest Glen (Qld) | 316071546 | Diddillibah - Rosemount | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13214 | 4556 | MONS | QLD | 153.049784 | -26.700379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.69 | 153.026 | 31607154606 | Forest Glen (Qld) | 316071546 | Diddillibah - Rosemount | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13215 | 4556 | SIPPY DOWNS | QLD | 153.049784 | -26.700379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.723 | 153.084 | 31607154606 | Forest Glen (Qld) | 316071546 | Diddillibah - Rosemount | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13216 | 4556 | TANAWHA | QLD | 153.049784 | -26.700379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.715 | 153.034 | 31607154606 | Forest Glen (Qld) | 316071546 | Diddillibah - Rosemount | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13217 | 4557 | MOOLOOLABA | QLD | 153.113416 | -26.686321 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.682 | 153.118 | 31603142828 | Mooloolaba | 316031428 | Mooloolaba - Alexandra Headland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30050 | Maroochydore |
13218 | 4557 | MOUNTAIN CREEK | QLD | 153.113416 | -26.686321 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.699 | 153.101 | 31603142828 | Mooloolaba | 316031428 | Mooloolaba - Alexandra Headland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30050 | Maroochydore |
13219 | 4558 | COTTON TREE | QLD | 153.075373 | -26.655067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6560928 | 153.0995137 | 31603142753 | Maroochydore | 316031427 | Maroochydore - Kuluin | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13220 | 4558 | KULUIN | QLD | 153.075373 | -26.655067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.657 | 153.059 | 31603142753 | Maroochydore | 316031427 | Maroochydore - Kuluin | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13221 | 4558 | MAROOCHYDORE | QLD | 153.075373 | -26.655067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.65 | 153.1 | 31603142753 | Maroochydore | 316031427 | Maroochydore - Kuluin | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13222 | 4558 | MAROOCHYDORE BC | QLD | 153.075373 | -26.655067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6735 | 153.091 | 31603142753 | Maroochydore | 316031427 | Maroochydore - Kuluin | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13223 | 4558 | MAROOCHYDORE DC | QLD | 153.075373 | -26.655067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.65 | 153.1 | 31603142753 | Maroochydore | 316031427 | Maroochydore - Kuluin | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13224 | 4558 | MAROOCHYDORE SOUTH | QLD | 153.075373 | -26.655067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.65 | 153.1 | 31603142753 | Maroochydore | 316031427 | Maroochydore - Kuluin | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13225 | 4558 | SUNSHINE PLAZA | QLD | 153.075373 | -26.655067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6548593 | 153.0889226 | 31603142753 | Maroochydore | 316031427 | Maroochydore - Kuluin | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13226 | 4559 | DIDDILLIBAH | QLD | 152.965013 | -26.66324 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.65 | 153.033333 | 31607154846 | Woombye | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 29.9329948425293 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13227 | 4559 | KIELS MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.965013 | -26.66324 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.657222 | 153.006667 | 31607154846 | Woombye | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Fairfax | 29.9329948425293 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13228 | 4559 | WEST WOOMBYE | QLD | 152.965013 | -26.66324 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.666667 | 152.933333 | 31607154846 | Woombye | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 29.9329948425293 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13229 | 4559 | WOOMBYE | QLD | 152.965013 | -26.66324 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.666667 | 152.966667 | 31607154846 | Woombye | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 29.9329948425293 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13230 | 4560 | BLI BLI | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.618 | 153.037 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13231 | 4560 | BURNSIDE | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.633333 | 152.933333 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13232 | 4560 | COES CREEK | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.65 | 152.95 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13233 | 4560 | COOLOOLABIN | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5571531 | 152.9071911 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13234 | 4560 | DULONG | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.63985 | 152.9029404 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13235 | 4560 | FLAXTON | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.659167 | 152.869167 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13236 | 4560 | HIGHWORTH | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.615 | 152.926111 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13237 | 4560 | IMAGE FLAT | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6 | 152.933333 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13238 | 4560 | KIAMBA | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5745645 | 152.9029404 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13239 | 4560 | KULANGOOR | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5875152 | 152.9529566 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13240 | 4560 | KUREELPA | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6072093 | 152.9029404 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13241 | 4560 | MAPLETON | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.633333 | 152.866667 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13242 | 4560 | MONTVILLE | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.683333 | 152.883333 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13243 | 4560 | NAMBOUR | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6236983 | 152.9587706 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13244 | 4560 | NAMBOUR BC | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6261 | 152.96 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13245 | 4560 | NAMBOUR DC | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6261 | 152.96 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13246 | 4560 | NAMBOUR WEST | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6236983 | 152.9587706 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13247 | 4560 | PARKLANDS | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6 | 152.966667 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13248 | 4560 | PERWILLOWEN | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6359106 | 152.9235338 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13249 | 4560 | ROSEMOUNT | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6264671 | 152.9970985 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13250 | 4560 | SUNSHINE COAST MC | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6281 | 152.959 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13251 | 4560 | TOWEN MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.917384 | -26.635087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6467915 | 152.9235338 | 31607154851 | Nambour | 316071548 | Nambour | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | 133.330718994141 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13252 | 4561 | BRIDGES | QLD | 152.964814 | -26.531487 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5382462 | 152.9382447 | 31607154722 | Bridges | 316071547 | Eumundi - Yandina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13253 | 4561 | MAROOCHY RIVER | QLD | 152.964814 | -26.531487 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.581944 | 153.017778 | 31607154722 | Bridges | 316071547 | Eumundi - Yandina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13254 | 4561 | NINDERRY | QLD | 152.964814 | -26.531487 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.533333 | 152.983333 | 31607154722 | Bridges | 316071547 | Eumundi - Yandina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13255 | 4561 | NORTH ARM | QLD | 152.964814 | -26.531487 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.516667 | 152.95 | 31607154722 | Bridges | 316071547 | Eumundi - Yandina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13256 | 4561 | VALDORA | QLD | 152.964814 | -26.531487 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.55 | 153 | 31607154722 | Bridges | 316071547 | Eumundi - Yandina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13257 | 4561 | YANDINA | QLD | 152.964814 | -26.531487 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5646783 | 152.9573386 | 31607154722 | Bridges | 316071547 | Eumundi - Yandina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13258 | 4561 | YANDINA CREEK | QLD | 152.964814 | -26.531487 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.533333 | 153.033333 | 31607154722 | Bridges | 316071547 | Eumundi - Yandina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13259 | 4562 | BELLI PARK | QLD | 152.803089 | -26.505863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.516667 | 152.816667 | 31608154954 | Weyba Downs | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13260 | 4562 | DOONAN | QLD | 152.803089 | -26.505863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4400905 | 153.0073364 | 31608154954 | Weyba Downs | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13261 | 4562 | EERWAH VALE | QLD | 152.803089 | -26.505863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.483333 | 152.916667 | 31608154954 | Weyba Downs | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13262 | 4562 | EUMUNDI | QLD | 152.803089 | -26.505863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.483333 | 152.95 | 31608154954 | Weyba Downs | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13263 | 4562 | VERRIERDALE | QLD | 152.803089 | -26.505863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.483333 | 153.016667 | 31608154954 | Weyba Downs | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13264 | 4562 | WEYBA DOWNS | QLD | 152.803089 | -26.505863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31606 | Sunshine Coast Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.45 | 153.05 | 31608154954 | Weyba Downs | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13265 | 4563 | BLACK MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.909206 | -26.425754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.415 | 152.868 | 31903151404 | Carters Ridge | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13266 | 4563 | CARTERS RIDGE | QLD | 152.909206 | -26.425754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4501203 | 152.773543 | 31903151404 | Carters Ridge | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13267 | 4563 | COOROY | QLD | 152.909206 | -26.425754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4182066 | 152.9112573 | 31903151404 | Carters Ridge | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13268 | 4563 | COOROY MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.909206 | -26.425754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.432 | 152.951 | 31903151404 | Carters Ridge | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13269 | 4563 | LAKE MACDONALD | QLD | 152.909206 | -26.425754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.39 | 152.939 | 31903151404 | Carters Ridge | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13270 | 4563 | RIDGEWOOD | QLD | 152.909206 | -26.425754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.457 | 152.834 | 31903151404 | Carters Ridge | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13271 | 4563 | SUNRISE HILLS | QLD | 152.909206 | -26.425754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.424 | 152.885 | 31903151404 | Carters Ridge | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13272 | 4563 | TINBEERWAH | QLD | 152.909206 | -26.425754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.407 | 152.976 | 31903151404 | Carters Ridge | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13273 | 4564 | MARCOOLA | QLD | 153.079239 | -26.612359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6028757 | 153.0660447 | 31603142628 | Twin Waters | 316031426 | Marcoola - Mudjimba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13274 | 4564 | MUDJIMBA | QLD | 153.079239 | -26.612359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.619 | 153.092 | 31603142628 | Twin Waters | 316031426 | Marcoola - Mudjimba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13275 | 4564 | PACIFIC PARADISE | QLD | 153.079239 | -26.612359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.623 | 153.073 | 31603142628 | Twin Waters | 316031426 | Marcoola - Mudjimba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13276 | 4564 | TWIN WATERS | QLD | 153.079239 | -26.612359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.633 | 153.081 | 31603142628 | Twin Waters | 316031426 | Marcoola - Mudjimba | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fairfax | Rural | 30065 | Ninderry |
13277 | 4565 | BOREEN | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.285 | 152.993 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13278 | 4565 | BOREEN POINT | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.285 | 152.993 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13279 | 4565 | COOROIBAH | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3541691 | 152.9970985 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13280 | 4565 | COOTHARABA | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2811094 | 152.9323602 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13281 | 4565 | LAKE COOTHARABA | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2566 | 153.027 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
21179 | 4565 | NOOSA NORTH SHORE | QLD | 153.0442938 | -26.26359445 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3641068 | 153.0541686 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13282 | 4565 | NORTH SHORE | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3641 | 153.054 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13283 | 4565 | RINGTAIL CREEK | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3519903 | 152.936038 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13284 | 4565 | TEEWAH | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2752 | 153.067 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13285 | 4565 | TEWANTIN | QLD | 153.042307 | -26.156837 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.392 | 153.039 | 31608154949 | Cootharaba | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | 4.66891527175903 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13286 | 4566 | MUNNA POINT | QLD | 153.047416 | -26.411731 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3948 | 153.074 | 31605143524 | Noosaville | 316051435 | Noosaville | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13287 | 4566 | NOOSAVILLE | QLD | 153.047416 | -26.411731 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4134913 | 153.0505806 | 31605143524 | Noosaville | 316051435 | Noosaville | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13288 | 4566 | NOOSAVILLE BC | QLD | 153.047416 | -26.411731 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.415 | 153.054 | 31605143524 | Noosaville | 316051435 | Noosaville | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13289 | 4566 | NOOSAVILLE DC | QLD | 153.047416 | -26.411731 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4135 | 153.051 | 31605143524 | Noosaville | 316051435 | Noosaville | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13290 | 4567 | CASTAWAYS BEACH | QLD | 153.096957 | -26.408596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.432 | 153.101 | 31605143721 | Sunshine Beach | 316051437 | Sunshine Beach | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | 22.5021743774414 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13291 | 4567 | LITTLE COVE | QLD | 153.096957 | -26.408596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3856 | 153.096 | 31605143721 | Sunshine Beach | 316051437 | Sunshine Beach | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | 22.5021743774414 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13292 | 4567 | NOOSA HEADS | QLD | 153.096957 | -26.408596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.398 | 153.093 | 31605143721 | Sunshine Beach | 316051437 | Sunshine Beach | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | 22.5021743774414 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13293 | 4567 | SUNRISE BEACH | QLD | 153.096957 | -26.408596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.417 | 153.105 | 31605143721 | Sunshine Beach | 316051437 | Sunshine Beach | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | 22.5021743774414 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13294 | 4567 | SUNSHINE BEACH | QLD | 153.096957 | -26.408596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.407 | 153.105 | 31605143721 | Sunshine Beach | 316051437 | Sunshine Beach | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wide Bay | 22.5021743774414 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13295 | 4568 | FEDERAL | QLD | 152.876607 | -26.313995 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.398 | 152.809 | 31608154953 | Pomona (Qld) | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13296 | 4568 | PINBARREN | QLD | 152.876607 | -26.313995 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.335 | 152.849 | 31608154953 | Pomona (Qld) | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13297 | 4568 | POMONA | QLD | 152.876607 | -26.313995 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3629933 | 152.8559985 | 31608154953 | Pomona (Qld) | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13298 | 4569 | COORAN | QLD | 152.822844 | -26.334574 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3376411 | 152.8088251 | 31608154946 | Cooran | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 78.9098663330078 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13299 | 4570 | AMAMOOR | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3486 | 152.6757 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13300 | 4570 | AMAMOOR CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3828775 | 152.5047815 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13301 | 4570 | ANDERLEIGH | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9897 | 152.6802627 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13302 | 4570 | ARALUEN | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.157 | 152.656 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13303 | 4570 | BANKS POCKET | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1505257 | 152.6721415 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13304 | 4570 | BEENAAM VALLEY | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.187597 | 152.8205871 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13305 | 4570 | BELLA CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4733817 | 152.5643828 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13306 | 4570 | BELLS BRIDGE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1224514 | 152.554868 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13307 | 4570 | BOLLIER | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.472106 | 152.7316536 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13308 | 4570 | BROOLOO | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5 | 152.7 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13309 | 4570 | CALGOA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8637329 | 152.2565647 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13310 | 4570 | CALICO CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3039161 | 152.6442284 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13029 | 4570 | CANINA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1405649 | 152.7500251 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13030 | 4570 | CEDAR POCKET | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2088387 | 152.7911833 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13031 | 4570 | CHATSWORTH | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.144 | 152.614 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13032 | 4570 | COLES CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3558514 | 152.7382671 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13033 | 4570 | COONDOO | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1952564 | 152.8787226 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13034 | 4570 | CORELLA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1101377 | 152.6376179 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13035 | 4570 | CURRA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.066667 | 152.583333 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13036 | 4570 | DAGUN | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.321 | 152.681 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13037 | 4570 | DOWNSFIELD | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0497893 | 152.7287143 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13038 | 4570 | EAST DEEP CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1986886 | 152.7147533 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13039 | 4570 | FISHERMANS POCKET | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1628322 | 152.6060379 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13040 | 4570 | GILLDORA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2981635 | 152.6824263 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13041 | 4570 | GLANMIRE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.226 | 152.696 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13042 | 4570 | GLASTONBURY | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2121376 | 152.5362002 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13043 | 4570 | GLEN ECHO | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9070798 | 152.3905483 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13044 | 4570 | GLENWOOD | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.935 | 152.621 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13045 | 4570 | GOOMBOORIAN | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0733636 | 152.7676633 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13046 | 4570 | GREENS CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1732297 | 152.7500251 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13047 | 4570 | GUNALDA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0145505 | 152.6030487 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13048 | 4570 | GYMPIE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1833529 | 152.6657456 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13049 | 4570 | GYMPIE DC | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1906 | 152.665 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13050 | 4570 | IMBIL | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.45 | 152.683333 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13051 | 4570 | JONES HILL | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.231 | 152.669 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13052 | 4570 | KANDANGA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3854791 | 152.6971197 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13053 | 4570 | KANDANGA CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3969347 | 152.6207256 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13054 | 4570 | KANIGAN | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9479579 | 152.5796026 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13055 | 4570 | KIA ORA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0297904 | 152.7676633 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13056 | 4570 | KYBONG | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.288 | 152.711 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13057 | 4570 | LAGOON POCKET | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2764058 | 152.6824263 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13058 | 4570 | LAKE BORUMBA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5300895 | 152.5142092 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13059 | 4570 | LANGSHAW | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3187816 | 152.5876797 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13060 | 4570 | LONG FLAT | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2628224 | 152.6559808 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13061 | 4570 | LOWER WONGA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1200322 | 152.4540843 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13062 | 4570 | MARODIAN | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8483225 | 152.2932059 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13063 | 4570 | MARYS CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2450135 | 152.5825397 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13064 | 4570 | MCINTOSH CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2625264 | 152.6412904 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13065 | 4570 | MELAWONDI | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.413889 | 152.662222 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13066 | 4570 | MIVA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9488245 | 152.4559187 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13067 | 4570 | MONKLAND | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.21 | 152.686 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13068 | 4570 | MOOLOO | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.291305 | 152.6126472 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13069 | 4570 | MOTHAR MOUNTAIN | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2475928 | 152.7676633 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13070 | 4570 | MUNNA CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8882363 | 152.4654583 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13071 | 4570 | NAHRUNDA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2049767 | 152.6192568 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13072 | 4570 | NEERDIE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0106945 | 152.7431773 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13073 | 4570 | NEUSA VALE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1843425 | 152.8363934 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13074 | 4570 | NORTH DEEP CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0959197 | 152.6912422 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13075 | 4570 | PATERSON | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8890754 | 152.5160992 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13076 | 4570 | PIE CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2314174 | 152.6089753 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13077 | 4570 | ROSS CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0970062 | 152.7500251 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13078 | 4570 | SANDY CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.9 | 152.626 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13079 | 4570 | SCOTCHY POCKET | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9863329 | 152.5377541 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13080 | 4570 | SCRUBBY CREEK | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2208491 | 152.5707917 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13081 | 4570 | SEXTON | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0727335 | 152.5065572 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13082 | 4570 | SOUTHSIDE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.211 | 152.646 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13083 | 4570 | ST MARY | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7712458 | 152.4786677 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13084 | 4570 | TAMAREE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.136 | 152.664 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13085 | 4570 | TANDUR | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.28449 | 152.7617837 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13086 | 4570 | THE DAWN | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.249 | 152.685 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13087 | 4570 | THE PALMS | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1939623 | 152.5854768 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13088 | 4570 | THEEBINE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9579509 | 152.5515252 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13089 | 4570 | TOOLARA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0008 | 152.861 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13090 | 4570 | TOOLARA FOREST | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0007712 | 152.8611568 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13091 | 4570 | TRAVESTON | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3202 | 152.7834 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13092 | 4570 | TUCHEKOI | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4041918 | 152.7617837 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13093 | 4570 | TWO MILE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.172 | 152.635 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13094 | 4570 | UPPER GLASTONBURY | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2708782 | 152.4811992 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13095 | 4570 | UPPER KANDANGA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4141525 | 152.5873125 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13096 | 4570 | VETERAN | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.149 | 152.704 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13097 | 4570 | VICTORY HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.176 | 152.694 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13098 | 4570 | WALLU | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9503839 | 152.9073531 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13099 | 4570 | WIDGEE | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2177004 | 152.4305722 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13100 | 4570 | WIDGEE CROSSING NORTH | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1869987 | 152.617788 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13101 | 4570 | WIDGEE CROSSING SOUTH | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2009039 | 152.6060379 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13102 | 4570 | WILSONS POCKET | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1307438 | 152.8088251 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13103 | 4570 | WOLVI | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1530559 | 152.8382315 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13104 | 4570 | WOOLOOGA | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.984443 | 152.4027261 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13105 | 4570 | WOONDUM | QLD | 152.616943 | -26.153831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2507055 | 152.7312862 | 31905152516 | Kanigan | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30063 | Nanango |
13106 | 4571 | COMO | QLD | 152.931885 | -26.219743 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2170843 | 152.9358567 | 31608154959 | Kin Kin | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 36.3975868225098 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13107 | 4571 | KIN KIN | QLD | 152.931885 | -26.219743 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.265 | 152.868 | 31608154959 | Kin Kin | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 36.3975868225098 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13108 | 4571 | WAHPUNGA | QLD | 152.931885 | -26.219743 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31604 | Nambour - Pomona | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2471 | 152.896 | 31608154959 | Kin Kin | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 36.3975868225098 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Longman | | 30066 | Noosa |
13109 | 4572 | ALEXANDRA HEADLAND | QLD | 153.101997 | -26.671589 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6715056 | 153.1045489 | 31603142825 | Alexandra Headland | 316031428 | Mooloolaba - Alexandra Headland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 19.7426452636719 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30050 | Maroochydore |
13110 | 4573 | COOLUM BEACH | QLD | 153.068303 | -26.516942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5276917 | 153.0736329 | 31608154955 | Peregian Beach | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13111 | 4573 | MARCUS BEACH | QLD | 153.068303 | -26.516942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.449 | 153.101 | 31608154955 | Peregian Beach | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13112 | 4573 | MOUNT COOLUM | QLD | 153.068303 | -26.516942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.566667 | 153.083333 | 31608154955 | Peregian Beach | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13113 | 4573 | PEREGIAN BEACH | QLD | 153.068303 | -26.516942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.480556 | 153.095556 | 31608154955 | Peregian Beach | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13114 | 4573 | PEREGIAN BEACH SOUTH | QLD | 153.068303 | -26.516942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.480556 | 153.095556 | 31608154955 | Peregian Beach | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
21180 | 4573 | PEREGIAN SPRINGS | QLD | 153.0704775 | -26.49491916 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5 | 153.066667 | 31608154955 | Peregian Beach | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13115 | 4573 | POINT ARKWRIGHT | QLD | 153.068303 | -26.516942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5469214 | 153.0979237 | 31608154955 | Peregian Beach | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13116 | 4573 | YAROOMBA | QLD | 153.068303 | -26.516942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31605 | Noosa | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.55 | 153.1 | 31608154955 | Peregian Beach | 316081549 | Noosa Hinterland | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Noosa | 35740 | Fairfax | Rural | 30066 | Noosa |
13117 | 4574 | COOLABINE | QLD | 152.761131 | -26.630369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6023782 | 152.773543 | 31903151402 | Moy Pocket | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13118 | 4574 | GHEERULLA | QLD | 152.761131 | -26.630369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5451427 | 152.7926534 | 31903151402 | Moy Pocket | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13119 | 4574 | KENILWORTH | QLD | 152.761131 | -26.630369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5949499 | 152.7275682 | 31903151402 | Moy Pocket | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13120 | 4574 | KIDAMAN CREEK | QLD | 152.761131 | -26.630369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6392165 | 152.7676633 | 31903151402 | Moy Pocket | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13121 | 4574 | MOY POCKET | QLD | 152.761131 | -26.630369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5273881 | 152.7492902 | 31903151402 | Moy Pocket | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13122 | 4574 | OBI OBI | QLD | 152.761131 | -26.630369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.65 | 152.8 | 31903151402 | Moy Pocket | 319031514 | Gympie Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Fairfax | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Fisher | Rural | 30064 | Nicklin |
13123 | 4575 | BIRTINYA | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.743 | 153.119 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13124 | 4575 | BOKARINA | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.737 | 153.131 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13125 | 4575 | BUDDINA | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.69 | 153.134 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13126 | 4575 | KAWANA WATERS | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.723 | 153.13 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13127 | 4575 | MINYAMA | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.694 | 153.126 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13128 | 4575 | PARREARRA | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.711 | 153.122 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13129 | 4575 | WARANA | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.723 | 153.13 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13130 | 4575 | WARANA BEACH | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7143 | 153.136 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13131 | 4575 | WURTULLA | QLD | 153.119478 | -26.742043 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31603 | Maroochy | 316 | Sunshine Coast | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.757 | 153.126 | 31602142421 | Birtinya | 316021424 | Wurtulla - Birtinya | 31608 | Noosa Hinterland | 316 | Sunshine Coast | 1 | 30 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fisher | 1.03103291988373 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Sunshine Coast | 36720 | Fisher | Rural | 30040 | Kawana |
13132 | 4580 | COOLOOLA | QLD | 152.928987 | -25.891004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0375863 | 153.0352273 | 31903151120 | Cooloola Cove | 319031511 | Cooloola | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30032 | Gympie |
13133 | 4580 | COOLOOLA COVE | QLD | 152.928987 | -25.891004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9857833 | 153.0088712 | 31903151120 | Cooloola Cove | 319031511 | Cooloola | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30032 | Gympie |
13134 | 4580 | TIN CAN BAY | QLD | 152.928987 | -25.891004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9192969 | 153.003278 | 31903151120 | Cooloola Cove | 319031511 | Cooloola | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Longman | | 30032 | Gympie |
13135 | 4581 | EURONG | QLD | 153.097862 | -25.990771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.5125158 | 153.1191346 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Wide Bay | 172.178405761719 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | | 30033 | Hervey Bay |
13136 | 4581 | FRASER ISLAND | QLD | 153.097862 | -25.990771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.2398229 | 153.1325243 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Wide Bay | 172.178405761719 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | | 30033 | Hervey Bay |
13137 | 4581 | INSKIP | QLD | 153.097862 | -25.990771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.8448047 | 153.0567038 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 172.178405761719 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | | 30033 | Hervey Bay |
13138 | 4581 | INSKIP POINT | QLD | 153.097862 | -25.990771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.8448 | 153.057 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 172.178405761719 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | | 30033 | Hervey Bay |
24155 | 4581 | K'GARI | QLD | 153.1488 | -25.2776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | | 33 | Remote Australia | | | | 172.178405761719 | | | | Fraser Coast | 33220 | | | 30033 | Hervey Bay |
13139 | 4581 | ORCHID BEACH | QLD | 153.097862 | -25.990771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -24.9615726 | 153.3199784 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Wide Bay | 172.178405761719 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | | 30033 | Hervey Bay |
13140 | 4581 | RAINBOW BEACH | QLD | 153.097862 | -25.990771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -25.9072651 | 153.0878601 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 172.178405761719 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | | 30033 | Hervey Bay |
13141 | 4600 | BLACK SNAKE | QLD | 152.221081 | -26.055099 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2137051 | 152.2838516 | 31903151511 | Mudlo | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13142 | 4600 | CINNABAR | QLD | 152.221081 | -26.055099 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1473017 | 152.1798476 | 31903151511 | Mudlo | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13143 | 4600 | KILKIVAN | QLD | 152.221081 | -26.055099 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0864233 | 152.2458035 | 31903151511 | Mudlo | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13144 | 4600 | MUDLO | QLD | 152.221081 | -26.055099 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.963041 | 152.2252768 | 31903151511 | Mudlo | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13145 | 4600 | OAKVIEW | QLD | 152.221081 | -26.055099 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0726311 | 152.3150826 | 31903151511 | Mudlo | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13146 | 4601 | BARAMBAH | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3103449 | 152.1120842 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13147 | 4601 | BOONARA | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0769363 | 152.0390522 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13148 | 4601 | BOOUBYJAN | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9697434 | 151.9451656 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13149 | 4601 | GOOMERI | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.183333 | 152.066667 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13150 | 4601 | GOOMERIBONG | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1401559 | 152.0308018 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13151 | 4601 | KINBOMBI | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1577155 | 152.1427725 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13152 | 4601 | MANUMBAR | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3612134 | 152.3029905 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13153 | 4601 | MANYUNG | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.223347 | 151.9925894 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13154 | 4601 | TANSEY | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.017443 | 152.0450785 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13155 | 4601 | WRATTENS FOREST | QLD | 152.012412 | -26.145002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3075538 | 152.344909 | 31903151510 | Goomeri | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 330.290893554688 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | | 30063 | Nanango |
13156 | 4605 | BARLIL | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1830529 | 151.8873664 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13157 | 4605 | BYEE | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1964062 | 151.84019 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13158 | 4605 | CHERBOURG | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2892523 | 151.9568056 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13159 | 4605 | CLOYNA | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1134509 | 151.8350709 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13160 | 4605 | COBBS HILL | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.064457 | 151.9083987 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13161 | 4605 | CROWNTHORPE | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1140704 | 151.926141 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13162 | 4605 | GLENROCK | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0762974 | 151.8018001 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13163 | 4605 | KITOBA | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0702381 | 151.859571 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
21181 | 4605 | MANYUNG | QLD | 152.0113431 | -26.20877744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2233 | 151.993 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13164 | 4605 | MERLWOOD | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1410189 | 151.8674561 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13165 | 4605 | MOFFATDALE | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2822045 | 152.0026178 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13166 | 4605 | MOONDOONER | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.236978 | 152.0083034 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13167 | 4605 | MURGON | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2378436 | 151.9437222 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13168 | 4605 | OAKDALE | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1910878 | 151.9045578 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13169 | 4605 | REDGATE | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2808347 | 152.0129412 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
13170 | 4605 | SILVERLEAF | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1693987 | 151.8021657 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12886 | 4605 | SUNNY NOOK | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1190977 | 151.8954132 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12887 | 4605 | TABLELANDS | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1738624 | 151.923946 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12888 | 4605 | WARNUNG | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1567567 | 151.8350709 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12889 | 4605 | WINDERA | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0318761 | 151.8109398 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12890 | 4605 | WOOROONDEN | QLD | 151.870256 | -26.112408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1299202 | 151.7484341 | 31903151509 | Manyung | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | 285.3525390625 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12891 | 4606 | CHELMSFORD | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2782276 | 151.809843 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12892 | 4606 | FAIRDALE | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.261322 | 151.7702678 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12893 | 4606 | FICKS CROSSING | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2461409 | 151.8880979 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12894 | 4606 | GREENVIEW | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3138558 | 151.8120366 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12895 | 4606 | LEAFDALE | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2465745 | 151.7853901 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12896 | 4606 | MOUNT MCEUEN | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2437951 | 151.7221735 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12897 | 4606 | MP CREEK | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3114445 | 151.7437403 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12898 | 4606 | WHEATLANDS | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2189854 | 151.844578 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12899 | 4606 | WONDAI | QLD | 151.823079 | -26.26117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.316667 | 151.866667 | 31902150621 | Wondai | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 324.861114501953 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12900 | 4608 | CHARLESTOWN | QLD | 151.741338 | -26.35256 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.388896 | 151.8358022 | 31902150702 | Wooroolin | 319021507 | Kingaroy Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12901 | 4608 | CUSHNIE | QLD | 151.741338 | -26.35256 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3386873 | 151.7578282 | 31902150702 | Wooroolin | 319021507 | Kingaroy Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12902 | 4608 | TINGOORA | QLD | 151.741338 | -26.35256 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3600719 | 151.8256542 | 31902150702 | Wooroolin | 319021507 | Kingaroy Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12903 | 4608 | WILKESDALE | QLD | 151.741338 | -26.35256 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3611795 | 151.6736774 | 31902150702 | Wooroolin | 319021507 | Kingaroy Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12904 | 4608 | WOOROOLIN | QLD | 151.741338 | -26.35256 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3998167 | 151.8109398 | 31902150702 | Wooroolin | 319021507 | Kingaroy Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12905 | 4610 | ALICE CREEK | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7629242 | 151.5949172 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12906 | 4610 | BALLOGIE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3674996 | 151.5501032 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12907 | 4610 | BENAIR | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6145612 | 151.6614758 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12908 | 4610 | BOOIE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5510413 | 151.9272385 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12909 | 4610 | BOONENNE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.625423 | 151.790281 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12910 | 4610 | BOYNESIDE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.725361 | 151.5218154 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12911 | 4610 | CHAHPINGAH | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4724305 | 151.391912 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12912 | 4610 | COOLABUNIA | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5866499 | 151.8961448 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12913 | 4610 | CORNDALE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4290622 | 151.8779138 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12914 | 4610 | CRAWFORD | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4983888 | 151.8215424 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12915 | 4610 | DANGORE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4517117 | 151.6068191 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12916 | 4610 | DURONG | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3848165 | 151.3706825 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12917 | 4610 | DURONG SOUTH | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3915558 | 151.2442131 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12918 | 4610 | ELLESMERE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.733646 | 151.7481161 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12919 | 4610 | GOODGER | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6252942 | 151.7971392 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12920 | 4610 | GORDONBROOK | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.53449 | 151.7583019 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12921 | 4610 | HALY CREEK | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6536337 | 151.7550126 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12922 | 4610 | HODGLEIGH | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5842198 | 151.9338238 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12923 | 4610 | INVERLAW | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5917156 | 151.7480686 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12924 | 4610 | IRONPOT | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5792434 | 151.3833611 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12925 | 4610 | KINGAROY | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5309478 | 151.8399968 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12926 | 4610 | KINGAROY DC | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5416 | 151.837 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12927 | 4610 | KUMBIA | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7 | 151.666667 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12928 | 4610 | MANNUEM | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.592786 | 151.6169179 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12929 | 4610 | MEMERAMBI | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4738564 | 151.8284894 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12930 | 4610 | TAABINGA | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5936085 | 151.8292206 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12931 | 4610 | TAABINGA VILLAGE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5936 | 151.829 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12932 | 4610 | WATTLE GROVE | QLD | 151.522575 | -26.576904 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5472647 | 151.6983728 | 31902150925 | Wengenville | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 444.415405273438 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12933 | 4611 | MARSHLANDS | QLD | 151.776012 | -26.176717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1555634 | 151.7513578 | 31902150611 | Wooroonden | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12934 | 4611 | MONDURE | QLD | 151.776012 | -26.176717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1860692 | 151.7835222 | 31902150611 | Wooroonden | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12935 | 4612 | HIVESVILLE | QLD | 151.589811 | -26.004636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.175833 | 151.693056 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 305.662139892578 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12936 | 4612 | KAWL KAWL | QLD | 151.589811 | -26.004636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1885221 | 151.7325403 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 305.662139892578 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12937 | 4612 | KEYSLAND | QLD | 151.589811 | -26.004636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2234629 | 151.7375363 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 305.662139892578 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12938 | 4612 | STONELANDS | QLD | 151.589811 | -26.004636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0847205 | 151.7087789 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 305.662139892578 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12939 | 4612 | WIGTON | QLD | 151.589811 | -26.004636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9651411 | 151.5825169 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 305.662139892578 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12940 | 4613 | ABBEYWOOD | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.110383 | 151.6320736 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12941 | 4613 | BOONDOOMA | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1921725 | 151.2953242 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12942 | 4613 | BRIGOODA | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2545538 | 151.4116127 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12943 | 4613 | COVERTY | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2805412 | 151.4785718 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12944 | 4613 | KINLEYMORE | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1878892 | 151.6461349 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12945 | 4613 | MANAR | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1116 | 151.353 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12946 | 4613 | MELROSE | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2331412 | 151.6924816 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12947 | 4613 | OKEDEN | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2191364 | 151.5047531 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12948 | 4613 | PROSTON | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1604888 | 151.5955069 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12949 | 4613 | SPEEDWELL | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.0327481 | 151.52802 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12950 | 4613 | STALWORTH | QLD | 151.338904 | -26.279772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.1399586 | 151.6118548 | 31902150618 | Wigton | 319021506 | Kingaroy Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 323.042938232422 | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Flynn | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12951 | 4614 | NEUMGNA | QLD | 151.964673 | -26.848329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8658878 | 151.8566455 | 31902150924 | Tarong | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12952 | 4614 | UPPER YARRAMAN | QLD | 151.964673 | -26.848329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8894315 | 151.9063868 | 31902150924 | Tarong | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12953 | 4614 | YARRAMAN | QLD | 151.964673 | -26.848329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.839167 | 151.9775 | 31902150924 | Tarong | 319021509 | Nanango | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | | Q2 | PHN304 | Darling Downs and West Moreton | South Burnett | 36630 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12954 | 4615 | BARKER CREEK FLAT | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6562361 | 151.9464276 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12955 | 4615 | BROOKLANDS | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6944356 | 151.930897 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12956 | 4615 | BULLCAMP | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6407324 | 152.1116931 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12957 | 4615 | EAST NANANGO | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6661836 | 152.0392212 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12958 | 4615 | ELGIN VALE | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4433144 | 152.1926504 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12959 | 4615 | GLAN DEVON | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6468243 | 152.0043395 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12960 | 4615 | JOHNSTOWN | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.3796537 | 152.1146783 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12961 | 4615 | KUNIOON | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6693634 | 151.9100448 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12962 | 4615 | MAIDENWELL | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8569842 | 151.8001576 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12963 | 4615 | NANANGO | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.6776479 | 151.9858696 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12964 | 4615 | PIMPIMBUDGEE | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8927901 | 151.7937576 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12965 | 4615 | RUNNYMEDE | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5432377 | 152.0789112 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12966 | 4615 | SANDY RIDGES | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.5147412 | 152.0125 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12967 | 4615 | SOUTH EAST NANANGO | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7222537 | 152.032632 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12968 | 4615 | SOUTH NANANGO | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7060186 | 151.994566 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12969 | 4615 | TARONG | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.7671918 | 151.8672902 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12970 | 4615 | WATTLE CAMP | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4613711 | 151.9724185 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12971 | 4615 | WENGENVILLE | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.8562797 | 151.6365384 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12972 | 4615 | WYALLA | QLD | 152.010432 | -26.659559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31903 | Gympie - Cooloola | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.4815352 | 152.0639529 | 31903151506 | Wrattens Forest | 319031515 | Kilkivan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Maranoa | 401.420623779297 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Maranoa | Rural | 30063 | Nanango |
12973 | 4620 | ARAMARA | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6022309 | 152.3496617 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12974 | 4620 | BROOWEENA | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6052916 | 152.2688937 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12975 | 4620 | DOONGUL | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5008521 | 152.3667149 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12976 | 4620 | GIGOOMGAN | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7669237 | 152.2287438 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12977 | 4620 | GLENBAR | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7506195 | 152.3498741 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12978 | 4620 | GUNGALOON | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.569064 | 152.4220486 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12979 | 4620 | MALARGA | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7957244 | 152.1156939 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12980 | 4620 | NORTH ARAMARA | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5518328 | 152.3273006 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12981 | 4620 | TEEBAR | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6504274 | 152.1848677 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12982 | 4620 | WOOCOO | QLD | 152.280868 | -25.557047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6909762 | 152.3078993 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Capricornia | | 30051 | Maryborough |
12983 | 4621 | BIGGENDEN | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5125968 | 152.0377569 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12984 | 4621 | BOOMPA | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6166461 | 152.1938612 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12985 | 4621 | COALSTOUN LAKES | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6157511 | 151.9085816 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12986 | 4621 | CORINGA | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3709416 | 151.985539 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12987 | 4621 | DALLARNIL | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3469044 | 152.0641158 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12988 | 4621 | DEGILBO | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4718502 | 151.9850508 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12989 | 4621 | DIDCOT | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4947495 | 151.828855 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12990 | 4621 | GOLDEN FLEECE | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3469806 | 152.1241699 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12991 | 4621 | LAKESIDE | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5342905 | 152.1084221 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12992 | 4621 | WATERANGA | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3911651 | 151.8442562 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12993 | 4621 | WOOWOONGA | QLD | 152.042802 | -25.535828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4798488 | 152.0764152 | 31905152510 | Woocoo | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 129.752548217773 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Flynn | Rural | 30051 | Maryborough |
12994 | 4625 | ARANBANGA | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8152746 | 151.6547836 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12995 | 4625 | BAN BAN | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6791315 | 151.8183144 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12996 | 4625 | BAN BAN SPRINGS | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6791315 | 151.8183144 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12997 | 4625 | BARLYNE | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7380494 | 151.6432685 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12998 | 4625 | BINJOUR | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5175145 | 151.4468306 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12999 | 4625 | BLAIRMORE | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8020204 | 151.9037566 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13000 | 4625 | BON ACCORD | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5775545 | 151.6578231 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13001 | 4625 | BRANCH CREEK | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4354028 | 151.4058862 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13002 | 4625 | BYRNESTOWN | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5438366 | 151.7852183 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13003 | 4625 | CAMPBELL CREEK | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6253094 | 151.7058307 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13004 | 4625 | DEEP CREEK | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6558496 | 151.4732609 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13005 | 4625 | DIRNBIR | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6088347 | 151.5738911 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13006 | 4625 | DUNDARRAH | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6461766 | 151.9106309 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13007 | 4625 | GAYNDAH | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6297014 | 151.6062265 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13008 | 4625 | GINOONDAN | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6024599 | 151.7721346 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13009 | 4625 | GOOROOLBA | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.519733 | 151.8027606 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13010 | 4625 | HARRIET | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7482505 | 151.5829652 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13011 | 4625 | HUMPHERY | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6068206 | 151.4872085 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13012 | 4625 | IDERAWAY | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5933498 | 151.6126271 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13013 | 4625 | MINGO | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3930412 | 151.7794065 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13014 | 4625 | MOUNT DEBATEABLE | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.622993 | 151.5650703 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13015 | 4625 | MOUNT LAWLESS | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5424366 | 151.6536714 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
21182 | 4625 | MOUNT STEADMAN | QLD | 151.7920879 | -25.45420899 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4596 | 151.796 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 98.1498031616211 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13016 | 4625 | PENWHAUPELL | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7440141 | 151.7320944 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13017 | 4625 | PILE GULLY | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7569127 | 151.4875299 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13018 | 4625 | REIDS CREEK | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.527957 | 151.56361 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13019 | 4625 | STOCKHAVEN | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.670723 | 151.8889209 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13020 | 4625 | THE LIMITS | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6770327 | 151.6636768 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13021 | 4625 | TOONDAHRA | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9294203 | 151.4116518 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13022 | 4625 | WAHOON | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8932459 | 151.7209483 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13023 | 4625 | WETHERON | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4617405 | 151.6682336 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13024 | 4625 | WILSON VALLEY | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5725492 | 151.8663366 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13025 | 4625 | WOODMILLAR | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6505008 | 151.5928177 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13026 | 4625 | YENDA | QLD | 151.644182 | -25.571054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4618154 | 151.6591117 | 31902150320 | Yenda (Qld) | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 115.300369262695 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13027 | 4626 | BEERON | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8299533 | 151.2645463 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
13028 | 4626 | BOYNEWOOD | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6422375 | 151.2675304 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12744 | 4626 | BROVINIA | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8956306 | 151.1332793 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12745 | 4626 | CATTLE CREEK | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.498657 | 151.2950354 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12746 | 4626 | COONAMBULA | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5214311 | 151.1148341 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12747 | 4626 | DERRI DERRA | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7297464 | 151.2971465 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12748 | 4626 | DYKEHEAD | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.648932 | 151.0600712 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12749 | 4626 | GLENRAE | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6130864 | 151.3366963 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12750 | 4626 | GURGEENA | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4560926 | 151.3938938 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12751 | 4626 | HAWKWOOD | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7158524 | 150.975424 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12752 | 4626 | MONOGORILBY | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.9880222 | 151.0482271 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12753 | 4626 | MUNDOWRAN | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5299483 | 151.3809373 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12754 | 4626 | MUNDUBBERA | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5875194 | 151.3071601 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
23994 | 4626 | O’BIL BIL | QLD | 151.205469 | -25.813563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -25.8299533 | 151.2645463 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.945434570313 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12755 | 4626 | OBIL BIL | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5548 | 151.278 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
21183 | 4626 | O'BIL BIL | QLD | 151.2536218 | -25.5263036 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5548158 | 151.2781355 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12756 | 4626 | OLD COORANGA | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7444946 | 151.3430617 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12757 | 4626 | PHILPOTT | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5728104 | 151.3609413 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12758 | 4626 | RIVERLEIGH | QLD | 151.105529 | -25.765416 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6080255 | 151.2433963 | 31902150319 | Toondahra | 319021503 | Gayndah - Mundubbera | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 234.40007019043 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Maranoa | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12759 | 4627 | ABERCORN | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1430248 | 151.138092 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12760 | 4627 | CERATODUS | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2900002 | 151.144507 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12761 | 4627 | CHELTENHAM | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6243194 | 150.7962893 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12762 | 4627 | CYNTHIA | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2129112 | 151.1275945 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12763 | 4627 | EIDSVOLD | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3722214 | 151.1215415 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12764 | 4627 | EIDSVOLD EAST | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2060693 | 151.2137107 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12765 | 4627 | EIDSVOLD WEST | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3709357 | 150.6891998 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12766 | 4627 | GROSVENOR | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4525194 | 151.189118 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12767 | 4627 | MALMOE | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4708364 | 151.1792804 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12768 | 4627 | WURUMA DAM | QLD | 150.778657 | -25.350178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1319153 | 150.9744242 | 31902150816 | Wuruma Dam | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 424.873596191406 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12769 | 4630 | BANCROFT | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7693157 | 151.2630722 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12770 | 4630 | BUKALI | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8288704 | 151.144507 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12771 | 4630 | CANIA | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6606746 | 150.9629253 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12772 | 4630 | CANNINDAH | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.848073 | 151.1449941 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12773 | 4630 | COOMINGLAH | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7642775 | 150.8465308 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12774 | 4630 | COOMINGLAH FOREST | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8975835 | 150.9721403 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12775 | 4630 | DALGA | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6214863 | 151.4682538 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12776 | 4630 | GLENLEIGH | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0311885 | 151.0540702 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12777 | 4630 | HARRAMI | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7626078 | 150.6934374 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12778 | 4630 | KALPOWAR | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7345274 | 151.4790428 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12779 | 4630 | KAPALDO | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0364137 | 151.1269667 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12780 | 4630 | LANGLEY | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1100949 | 151.2478062 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12781 | 4630 | MONAL | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6222123 | 151.1259996 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12782 | 4630 | MONTO | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8613749 | 151.1248712 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12783 | 4630 | MOONFORD | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7806992 | 151.0111144 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12784 | 4630 | MULGILDIE | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9825809 | 151.1450531 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12785 | 4630 | MUNGUNGO | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7696608 | 151.1619856 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12786 | 4630 | RAWBELLE | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9765069 | 150.7212598 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12787 | 4630 | SELENE | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0085571 | 151.1654677 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12788 | 4630 | SPLINTER CREEK | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9751956 | 151.2057723 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12789 | 4630 | TELLEBANG | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0396595 | 151.1945813 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12790 | 4630 | THREE MOON | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9076154 | 151.1308531 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12791 | 4630 | VENTNOR | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9104045 | 151.2866081 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12792 | 4630 | YARROL | QLD | 150.975499 | -24.860668 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.133224 | 151.3692761 | 31902151001 | Kalpowar | 319021510 | North Burnett | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12793 | 4650 | ALDERSHOT | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4625 | 152.660833 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12794 | 4650 | ANTIGUA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6259861 | 152.6012646 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12795 | 4650 | AUBINVILLE | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5252 | 152.716 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12796 | 4650 | BADDOW | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5187 | 152.676 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12797 | 4650 | BAUPLE | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8071555 | 152.6049363 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12798 | 4650 | BAUPLE FOREST | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8642003 | 152.7090321 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12799 | 4650 | BEAVER ROCK | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5165472 | 152.7790233 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12800 | 4650 | BIDWILL | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5837707 | 152.7107963 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12801 | 4650 | BIG TUAN | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.689 | 152.832 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12802 | 4650 | BOONOOROO | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6691458 | 152.8944402 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12803 | 4650 | BOONOOROO PLAINS | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5652245 | 152.7456755 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12804 | 4650 | DUCKINWILLA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4093061 | 152.620542 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12805 | 4650 | DUNDATHU | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4676211 | 152.7235706 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12806 | 4650 | DUNMORA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5051282 | 152.5491331 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12807 | 4650 | FERNEY | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6132309 | 152.6207256 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12808 | 4650 | GLENDORF | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.535 | 152.696 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12809 | 4650 | GLENORCHY | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6221643 | 152.6422085 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12810 | 4650 | GOOTCHIE | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.882964 | 152.5895154 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12811 | 4650 | GRAHAMS CREEK | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5712053 | 152.6166864 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12812 | 4650 | GRANVILLE | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5363892 | 152.7265099 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12813 | 4650 | GUNDIAH | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8288892 | 152.5377968 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12814 | 4650 | HILLCREST HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.544 | 152.723 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12815 | 4650 | ISLAND PLANTATION | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4927556 | 152.7265099 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12816 | 4650 | LITTLE TUAN | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.667 | 152.862 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12817 | 4650 | MAAROOM | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6113283 | 152.8714613 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12818 | 4650 | MAGNOLIA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6536374 | 152.6842629 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12819 | 4650 | MARYBOROUGH | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5232627 | 152.6970636 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12820 | 4650 | MARYBOROUGH DC | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5249 | 152.7 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12821 | 4650 | MARYBOROUGH WEST | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5027808 | 152.6677339 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12822 | 4650 | MOUNT STEADMAN | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4596271 | 151.7956768 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12823 | 4650 | MOUNT URAH | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.8103327 | 152.4104128 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12824 | 4650 | MUNGAR | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.59842 | 152.606405 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12825 | 4650 | NETHERBY | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7671135 | 152.5499063 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12826 | 4650 | OAKHURST | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5151339 | 152.6207256 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12827 | 4650 | OWANYILLA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6650618 | 152.5924526 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12828 | 4650 | PALLAS STREET MARYBOROUGH | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5273669 | 152.6971292 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12829 | 4650 | PILERWA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6050201 | 152.5639096 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12830 | 4650 | PIONEERS REST | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6716429 | 152.5711588 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12831 | 4650 | POONA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7180591 | 152.9117659 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12832 | 4650 | PRAWLE | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4926566 | 152.7683683 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12833 | 4650 | ST HELENS | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4859064 | 152.7059363 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
21184 | 4650 | ST MARY | QLD | 152.4832812 | -25.69194225 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7712 | 152.479 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12834 | 4650 | TALEGALLA WEIR | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7775551 | 152.7069201 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12835 | 4650 | TANDORA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4598852 | 152.8213727 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12836 | 4650 | TEDDINGTON | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6408407 | 152.6596536 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12837 | 4650 | THE DIMONDS | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5576199 | 152.8496145 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12838 | 4650 | THINOOMBA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6123456 | 152.492889 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12839 | 4650 | TIARO | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7071519 | 152.6170536 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12840 | 4650 | TINANA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5548 | 152.672 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12841 | 4650 | TINANA SOUTH | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6017343 | 152.695259 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12842 | 4650 | TINNANBAR | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7589611 | 152.9564139 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12843 | 4650 | TUAN | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6896517 | 152.872054 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12844 | 4650 | TUAN FOREST | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.7327586 | 152.8004625 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12845 | 4650 | WALKERS POINT | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5083737 | 152.7500251 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12846 | 4650 | YENGARIE | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5418 | 152.596 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12847 | 4650 | YERRA | QLD | 152.791302 | -25.640978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5929186 | 152.5392803 | 31905152613 | Tinana | 319051526 | Tinana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wide Bay | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gympie | 33620 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12848 | 4655 | BOORAL | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.353889 | 152.889722 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12849 | 4655 | BUNYA CREEK | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3512622 | 152.8345554 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12850 | 4655 | CRAIGNISH | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.285425 | 152.7265099 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12851 | 4655 | DUNDOWRAN | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2947816 | 152.773543 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12852 | 4655 | DUNDOWRAN BEACH | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2706084 | 152.7617837 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12853 | 4655 | ELI WATERS | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2799485 | 152.8088251 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12854 | 4655 | GHOST HILL | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3167 | 152.833 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12855 | 4655 | GREAT SANDY STRAIT | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.6835875 | 152.9441293 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12856 | 4655 | HAPPY VALLEY | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.747894 | 139.4885577 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12857 | 4655 | HERVEY BAY | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2881539 | 152.7676633 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12858 | 4655 | HERVEY BAY DC | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2891 | 152.833 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12859 | 4655 | KAWUNGAN | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2993 | 152.8486 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12860 | 4655 | KINGFISHER BAY | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3925 | 153.03 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
21185 | 4655 | KINGFISHER BAY RESORT | QLD | 153.0338904 | -25.3913788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4227 | 152.917 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12861 | 4655 | NIKENBAH | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3193375 | 152.814706 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12862 | 4655 | PIALBA | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2812998 | 152.8294091 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12863 | 4655 | POINT VERNON | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2571241 | 152.8176466 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12864 | 4655 | RIVER HEADS | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.4033258 | 152.9073457 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12865 | 4655 | SCARNESS | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.285961 | 152.8529363 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12866 | 4655 | SUNSHINE ACRES | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3626257 | 152.785303 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12867 | 4655 | SUSAN RIVER | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.38787 | 152.7624195 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12868 | 4655 | TAKURA | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3177647 | 152.6971197 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12869 | 4655 | TOOGOOM | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2563656 | 152.6914883 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12870 | 4655 | TORQUAY | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.283333 | 152.866667 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12871 | 4655 | URANGAN | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3025 | 152.888611 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12872 | 4655 | URRAWEEN | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2965164 | 152.8235277 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12873 | 4655 | WALLIEBUM | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.458602 | 152.7229387 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12874 | 4655 | WALLIGAN | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3361107 | 152.7617837 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12875 | 4655 | WONDUNNA | QLD | 152.78368 | -25.337998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3198966 | 152.8588185 | 31905152523 | Walkers Point | 319051525 | Maryborough Surrounds - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 78.4641571044922 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12876 | 4659 | BEELBI CREEK | QLD | 152.568678 | -25.266279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2908364 | 152.6442284 | 31905152230 | Burrum Heads | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 5.70082139968872 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12877 | 4659 | BURGOWAN | QLD | 152.568678 | -25.266279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3299942 | 152.6269683 | 31905152230 | Burrum Heads | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 5.70082139968872 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12878 | 4659 | BURRUM | QLD | 152.568678 | -25.266279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.326018 | 152.588414 | 31905152230 | Burrum Heads | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 5.70082139968872 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12879 | 4659 | BURRUM HEADS | QLD | 152.568678 | -25.266279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1867765 | 152.6072765 | 31905152230 | Burrum Heads | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 5.70082139968872 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12880 | 4659 | BURRUM RIVER | QLD | 152.568678 | -25.266279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2809803 | 152.5847425 | 31905152230 | Burrum Heads | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 5.70082139968872 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12881 | 4659 | BURRUM TOWN | QLD | 152.568678 | -25.266279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.326018 | 152.588414 | 31905152230 | Burrum Heads | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 5.70082139968872 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12882 | 4659 | HOWARD | QLD | 152.568678 | -25.266279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3131373 | 152.566516 | 31905152230 | Burrum Heads | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 5.70082139968872 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12883 | 4659 | PACIFIC HAVEN | QLD | 152.568678 | -25.266279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.261116 | 152.5502343 | 31905152230 | Burrum Heads | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 5.70082139968872 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12884 | 4660 | ABINGTON | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2124338 | 152.362383 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12885 | 4660 | APPLE TREE CREEK | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.224722 | 152.235556 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12602 | 4660 | BUXTON | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2038311 | 152.492245 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12603 | 4660 | CHERWELL | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2853014 | 152.4864583 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12604 | 4660 | CHILDERS | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2370037 | 152.2685271 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12605 | 4660 | CORDALBA | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.166667 | 152.216667 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12606 | 4660 | DOOLBI | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2332465 | 152.3037176 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12607 | 4660 | EUREKA | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2558937 | 152.1673919 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12608 | 4660 | FARNSFIELD | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.105468 | 152.2943568 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12609 | 4660 | GOODWOOD | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1143158 | 152.372382 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12610 | 4660 | GREGORY RIVER | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1247463 | 152.2282129 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12611 | 4660 | HORTON | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2373398 | 152.320582 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12612 | 4660 | HUXLEY | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2109 | 152.262 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12613 | 4660 | ISIS CENTRAL | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1919441 | 152.1805803 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12614 | 4660 | ISIS CENTRAL MILL | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1974 | 152.207 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12615 | 4660 | ISIS RIVER | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2393694 | 152.3777857 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12616 | 4660 | KOWBI | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1854 | 152.31 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12617 | 4660 | KULLOGUM | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2769166 | 152.2172197 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12618 | 4660 | LYNWOOD | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1922 | 152.264 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12619 | 4660 | NORTH GREGORY | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0624798 | 152.2465128 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12620 | 4660 | NORTH ISIS | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1674308 | 152.2743917 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12621 | 4660 | PROMISEDLAND | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0600198 | 152.0967884 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12622 | 4660 | REDRIDGE | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1673271 | 152.3345146 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12623 | 4660 | SOUTH ISIS | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2592762 | 152.297852 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12624 | 4660 | WOODGATE | QLD | 152.300968 | -25.189298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1062324 | 152.5619788 | 31905152209 | Howard | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 50.946533203125 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12625 | 4662 | TORBANLEA | QLD | 152.59878 | -25.347212 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.3472258 | 152.5952794 | 31905152229 | Torbanlea | 319051522 | Burrum - Fraser | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Fraser Coast | 33220 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30051 | Maryborough |
12626 | 4670 | ABBOTSFORD | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8310061 | 152.0105317 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12627 | 4670 | ALLOWAY | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9466616 | 152.3682506 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12628 | 4670 | ASHFIELD | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8729039 | 152.3946568 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12629 | 4670 | AVENELL HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8905044 | 152.3667837 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12630 | 4670 | AVOCA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.880556 | 152.306111 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12631 | 4670 | AVONDALE | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7641104 | 152.160798 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12632 | 4670 | BARGARA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8312314 | 152.4592208 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12633 | 4670 | BRANYAN | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9103208 | 152.2685271 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12634 | 4670 | BUCCA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8588002 | 152.1410179 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12635 | 4670 | BUNDABERG | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8669736 | 152.3509714 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12636 | 4670 | BUNDABERG CENTRAL | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8669736 | 152.3509714 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12637 | 4670 | BUNDABERG DC | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8659 | 152.348 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12638 | 4670 | BUNDABERG EAST | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8573165 | 152.3711844 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12639 | 4670 | BUNDABERG NORTH | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8504899 | 152.3506485 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12640 | 4670 | BUNDABERG SOUTH | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8713247 | 152.3594493 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12641 | 4670 | BUNDABERG WEST | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8720828 | 152.3359813 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12642 | 4670 | BURNETT DOWNS | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8957 | 152.277 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12643 | 4670 | BURNETT HEADS | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7769149 | 152.4042539 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12644 | 4670 | CALAVOS | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9389334 | 152.4386754 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12645 | 4670 | COONARR | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9745256 | 152.4496816 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12646 | 4670 | CORAL COVE | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8849899 | 152.4827041 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12647 | 4670 | ELECTRA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9783968 | 152.124746 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12648 | 4670 | ELLIOTT | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9987316 | 152.3715595 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12649 | 4670 | ELLIOTT HEADS | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.916667 | 152.483333 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12650 | 4670 | FAIRYMEAD | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7909939 | 152.3726389 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12651 | 4670 | GIVELDA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9846859 | 152.151274 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12652 | 4670 | GLENFOREST | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8822 | 152.359 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12653 | 4670 | GOOBURRUM | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8282781 | 152.3213153 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12654 | 4670 | INNES PARK | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.868056 | 152.478889 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12655 | 4670 | KALKIE | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8466156 | 152.3858543 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12656 | 4670 | KENSINGTON | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9197361 | 152.3154492 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12657 | 4670 | KEPNOCK | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.876944 | 152.376111 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12658 | 4670 | KINKUNA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9834314 | 152.4124738 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12659 | 4670 | MEADOWVALE | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8139088 | 152.275049 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12660 | 4670 | MILLBANK | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8740103 | 152.3183822 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12661 | 4670 | MON REPOS | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8059147 | 152.4416103 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12662 | 4670 | MOORE PARK | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7092 | 152.256 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
21186 | 4670 | MOORE PARK BEACH | QLD | 152.2383959 | -24.70943272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7092034 | 152.2558919 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12663 | 4670 | MOORLAND | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.792475 | 152.2003646 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
21187 | 4670 | MULLETT CREEK | QLD | 152.0659408 | -24.598349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6346613 | 152.0600885 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12664 | 4670 | NORVILLE | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8950548 | 152.341848 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12665 | 4670 | OAKWOOD | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8497 | 152.292 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12666 | 4670 | PINE CREEK | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0116171 | 152.1693843 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12667 | 4670 | QUNABA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8318228 | 152.4210667 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12668 | 4670 | RUBYANNA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8270982 | 152.3939233 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12669 | 4670 | SANTA FE HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.885 | 152.307 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12670 | 4670 | SHARON | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.874843 | 152.22748 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12671 | 4670 | SOUTH BINGERA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.968333 | 152.218889 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12672 | 4670 | SOUTH KOLAN | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9605558 | 152.1732533 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12673 | 4670 | SVENSSON HEIGHTS | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8872571 | 152.3301147 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12674 | 4670 | THABEBAN | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.904026 | 152.3594493 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12675 | 4670 | WALKERVALE | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8822254 | 152.3594493 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12676 | 4670 | WATALGAN | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6394439 | 152.0285254 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12677 | 4670 | WELCOME CREEK | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7753034 | 152.2743917 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12678 | 4670 | WINDERMERE | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8634 | 152.415 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12679 | 4670 | WINFIELD | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5527367 | 152.0146116 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12680 | 4670 | WOONGARRA | QLD | 152.297855 | -24.88776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8972544 | 152.4210667 | 31901150227 | Walkervale | 319011502 | Walkervale - Avenell Heights | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Hinkler | 20.9512023925781 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Hinkler | Provincial | 30013 | Burnett |
12681 | 4671 | BOOLBOONDA | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0659906 | 151.6936233 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12682 | 4671 | BOOYAL | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2101796 | 152.0333642 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12683 | 4671 | BULLYARD | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9458086 | 152.0399534 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12684 | 4671 | BUNGADOO | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0030809 | 152.0809582 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12685 | 4671 | DALYSFORD | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0192454 | 151.8935844 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12686 | 4671 | DAMASCUS | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9530722 | 151.9587036 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12687 | 4671 | DELAN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0176934 | 152.0458106 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12688 | 4671 | DOUGHBOY | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1374511 | 151.8427497 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12689 | 4671 | DRINAN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0431605 | 152.0106699 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12690 | 4671 | DUINGAL | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1201344 | 151.9995662 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12691 | 4671 | GAETA | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8900131 | 151.5928648 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12692 | 4671 | GIN GIN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.990833 | 151.95 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12693 | 4671 | GOOD NIGHT | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2472096 | 151.979748 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12694 | 4671 | HORSE CAMP | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0711655 | 151.8818801 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12695 | 4671 | KOLONGA | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.761696 | 151.7199635 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12696 | 4671 | LAKE MONDURAN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8760872 | 151.8532871 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12697 | 4671 | MAROONDAN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9561732 | 152.0106699 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12698 | 4671 | MCILWRAITH | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.983333 | 152 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12699 | 4671 | MOLANGUL | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7458503 | 151.5484779 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12700 | 4671 | MONDURAN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9028993 | 151.904192 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12701 | 4671 | MOOLBOOLAMAN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9897647 | 151.8292206 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12702 | 4671 | MORGANVILLE | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1837171 | 151.95724 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12703 | 4671 | MOUNT PERRY | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1801838 | 151.6574578 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12704 | 4671 | MUNGY | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2552942 | 151.4484156 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12705 | 4671 | NEARUM | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.100143 | 151.8436638 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12706 | 4671 | NEW MOONTA | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0286548 | 151.7359699 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12707 | 4671 | REDHILL FARMS | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0203449 | 151.9521174 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12708 | 4671 | SKYRING RESERVE | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0444738 | 151.9638264 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12709 | 4671 | ST AGNES | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.1403608 | 151.9627286 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12710 | 4671 | ST KILDA | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0566327 | 151.9169953 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12711 | 4671 | TAKILBERAN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8993468 | 151.7906757 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12712 | 4671 | TIRROAN | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0046943 | 151.9287019 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12713 | 4671 | WALLAVILLE | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.071389 | 151.999722 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12714 | 4671 | WONBAH | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0543852 | 151.6326214 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12715 | 4671 | WONBAH FOREST | QLD | 151.78942 | -25.07645 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9892111 | 151.6103466 | 31902150817 | Mount Perry | 319021508 | Monto - Eidsvold | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | North Burnett | 35760 | Hinkler | Provincial | 30015 | Callide |
12716 | 4673 | LITTABELLA | QLD | 152.088816 | -24.729644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31901 | Bundaberg | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5999 | 152.123 | 31901149818 | Yandaran | 319011498 | Bundaberg Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 43.7948455810547 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12717 | 4673 | MIARA | QLD | 152.088816 | -24.729644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31901 | Bundaberg | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6736752 | 152.1943374 | 31901149818 | Yandaran | 319011498 | Bundaberg Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 43.7948455810547 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12718 | 4673 | WATERLOO | QLD | 152.088816 | -24.729644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31901 | Bundaberg | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7593235 | 152.0112947 | 31901149818 | Yandaran | 319011498 | Bundaberg Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 43.7948455810547 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12719 | 4673 | YANDARAN | QLD | 152.088816 | -24.729644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31901 | Bundaberg | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7292616 | 152.1010477 | 31901149818 | Yandaran | 319011498 | Bundaberg Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 43.7948455810547 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12720 | 4674 | BAFFLE CREEK | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5019261 | 151.9303333 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12721 | 4674 | BERAJONDO | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6163308 | 151.8430772 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12722 | 4674 | DEEPWATER | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4167872 | 151.9644812 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12723 | 4674 | EULEILAH | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4946204 | 151.8526229 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12724 | 4674 | MOUNT MARIA | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5527401 | 151.8220871 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12725 | 4674 | OYSTER CREEK | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4618308 | 151.8723943 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12726 | 4674 | ROSEDALE | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.630145 | 151.914606 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12727 | 4674 | RULES BEACH | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4685668 | 151.9991188 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12728 | 4674 | TAUNTON | QLD | 151.872531 | -24.688503 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4586968 | 151.7992411 | 31902150409 | Rosedale (Qld) | 319021504 | Gin Gin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Bundaberg | 31820 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12729 | 4676 | GINDORAN | QLD | 151.621961 | -24.632323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5885143 | 151.6120445 | 30805153019 | Lowmead | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 134.354797363281 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12730 | 4676 | LOWMEAD | QLD | 151.621961 | -24.632323 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31902 | Burnett | 319 | Wide Bay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5293108 | 151.7531664 | 30805153019 | Lowmead | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 134.354797363281 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12731 | 4677 | AGNES WATER | QLD | 151.727736 | -24.318471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2125 | 151.903333 | 30805153018 | Agnes Water | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 113.341354370117 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12732 | 4677 | CAPTAIN CREEK | QLD | 151.727736 | -24.318471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2715311 | 151.7707288 | 30805153018 | Agnes Water | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 113.341354370117 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12733 | 4677 | COLOSSEUM | QLD | 151.727736 | -24.318471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3679 | 151.544 | 30805153018 | Agnes Water | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 113.341354370117 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12734 | 4677 | EURIMBULA | QLD | 151.727736 | -24.318471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1095602 | 151.7202062 | 30805153018 | Agnes Water | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 113.341354370117 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12735 | 4677 | MIRIAM VALE | QLD | 151.727736 | -24.318471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3276986 | 151.5592448 | 30805153018 | Agnes Water | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 113.341354370117 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12736 | 4677 | MOUNT TOM | QLD | 151.727736 | -24.318471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3803147 | 151.6738615 | 30805153018 | Agnes Water | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 113.341354370117 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12737 | 4677 | ROUND HILL | QLD | 151.727736 | -24.318471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2570522 | 151.8500249 | 30805153018 | Agnes Water | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 113.341354370117 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12738 | 4677 | SEVENTEEN SEVENTY | QLD | 151.727736 | -24.318471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1613811 | 151.8852075 | 30805153018 | Agnes Water | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 113.341354370117 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12739 | 4678 | BOROREN | QLD | 151.634285 | -24.146903 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2417175 | 151.4954148 | 30805153014 | Bororen | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12740 | 4678 | FORESHORES | QLD | 151.634285 | -24.146903 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1118924 | 151.5011957 | 30805153014 | Bororen | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12741 | 4678 | RODDS BAY | QLD | 151.634285 | -24.146903 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0837819 | 151.6244761 | 30805153014 | Bororen | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12742 | 4678 | TURKEY BEACH | QLD | 151.634285 | -24.146903 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.079722 | 151.6525 | 30805153014 | Bororen | 308051530 | Agnes Water - Miriam Vale | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30013 | Burnett |
12743 | 4680 | BARMUNDU | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1348 | 151.196 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12461 | 4680 | BARNEY POINT | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.846389 | 151.266111 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12462 | 4680 | BEECHER | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9126579 | 151.2044159 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12463 | 4680 | BENARABY | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0102004 | 151.3227666 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12464 | 4680 | BOYNE ISLAND | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9550674 | 151.3369966 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12465 | 4680 | BOYNE VALLEY | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5375915 | 151.3757442 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12466 | 4680 | BOYNEDALE | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2202444 | 151.2958709 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12467 | 4680 | BUILYAN | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.531561 | 151.387299 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12468 | 4680 | BURUA | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9493983 | 151.1985879 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12469 | 4680 | BYELLEE | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.870239 | 151.195674 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12470 | 4680 | CALLEMONDAH | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8596605 | 151.2238867 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12471 | 4680 | CALLIOPE | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0137454 | 151.2078368 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12472 | 4680 | CLINTON | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8775 | 151.22 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12473 | 4680 | CURTIS ISLAND | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7565775 | 151.3103895 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12474 | 4680 | DIGLUM | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1453949 | 151.1893 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12475 | 4680 | GLADSTONE | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8415948 | 151.2497708 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12476 | 4680 | GLADSTONE BC | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8416 | 151.25 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
21188 | 4680 | GLADSTONE CENTRAL | QLD | 151.2479668 | -23.8410967 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8416 | 151.25 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | 4.68324851989746 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12477 | 4680 | GLADSTONE DC | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8417 | 151.244 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
21189 | 4680 | GLADSTONE HARBOUR | QLD | 151.3223565 | -23.81461022 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8735 | 151.376 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12478 | 4680 | GLADSTONE SOUTH | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.861667 | 151.266944 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12479 | 4680 | GLEN EDEN | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9028357 | 151.2627078 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12480 | 4680 | HERON ISLAND | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4422976 | 151.9148004 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12481 | 4680 | HETHERINGTON | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8553 | 151.245 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12482 | 4680 | IVERAGH | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0658691 | 151.386284 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12483 | 4680 | KIN KORA | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.878333 | 151.246389 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12484 | 4680 | KIRKWOOD | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9002144 | 151.2364738 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12485 | 4680 | LITTLEMORE | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4544 | 151.351 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12486 | 4680 | MANY PEAKS | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.543911 | 151.36902 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12487 | 4680 | MOUNT ALMA | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0633931 | 150.9121908 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12488 | 4680 | NAGOORIN | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.356074 | 151.303248 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12489 | 4680 | NEW AUCKLAND | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8839548 | 151.2364738 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
23997 | 4680 | O’CONNELL | QLD | 151.271287 | -23.856785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.1348 | 151.196 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 10.253719329834 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12490 | 4680 | O'CONNELL | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9268881 | 151.2743688 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12491 | 4680 | RIVER RANCH | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9789886 | 151.1577979 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12492 | 4680 | SOUTH END | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7572962 | 151.3101121 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12493 | 4680 | SOUTH GLADSTONE | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.861667 | 151.266944 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12494 | 4680 | SOUTH TREES | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9022357 | 151.2905751 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12495 | 4680 | SUN VALLEY | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8761991 | 151.2583352 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12496 | 4680 | TABLELANDS | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3337657 | 150.8976519 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12497 | 4680 | TANNUM SANDS | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.95 | 151.366667 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12498 | 4680 | TARAGOOLA | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0792974 | 151.2390017 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12499 | 4680 | TELINA | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8875078 | 151.2539627 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12500 | 4680 | TOOLOOA | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.882222 | 151.269167 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12501 | 4680 | UBOBO | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.408779 | 151.322098 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12502 | 4680 | WEST GLADSTONE | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.858333 | 151.245833 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12503 | 4680 | WEST STOWE | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8965266 | 151.143476 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12504 | 4680 | WOODERSON | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9961753 | 151.0929926 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12505 | 4680 | WURDONG HEIGHTS | QLD | 151.917285 | -23.446826 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9777725 | 151.301338 | 30805153913 | West Gladstone | 308051539 | West Gladstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | -0.611752867698669 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12506 | 4694 | ALDOGA | QLD | 151.121567 | -23.832434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8250388 | 151.0686066 | 30805153521 | Yarwun | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 23.425407409668 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12507 | 4694 | TARGINIE | QLD | 151.121567 | -23.832434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7933213 | 151.1039129 | 30805153521 | Yarwun | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 23.425407409668 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
21190 | 4694 | TARGINNIE | QLD | 151.0984104 | -23.72951593 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7933 | 151.104 | 30805153521 | Yarwun | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 16.8049831390381 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12508 | 4694 | YARWUN | QLD | 151.121567 | -23.832434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.830536 | 151.1104655 | 30805153521 | Yarwun | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 23.425407409668 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12509 | 4695 | AMBROSE | QLD | 150.965859 | -23.807115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.788684 | 150.9125544 | 30805153524 | Mount Larcom | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 52.1629753112793 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12510 | 4695 | BRACEWELL | QLD | 150.965859 | -23.807115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8804728 | 150.8997807 | 30805153524 | Mount Larcom | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 52.1629753112793 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12511 | 4695 | DARTS CREEK | QLD | 150.965859 | -23.807115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7594896 | 150.941643 | 30805153524 | Mount Larcom | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 52.1629753112793 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12512 | 4695 | EAST END | QLD | 150.965859 | -23.807115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8606589 | 150.9580886 | 30805153524 | Mount Larcom | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 52.1629753112793 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12513 | 4695 | MACHINE CREEK | QLD | 150.965859 | -23.807115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8362087 | 150.9365521 | 30805153524 | Mount Larcom | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 52.1629753112793 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12514 | 4695 | MOUNT LARCOM | QLD | 150.965859 | -23.807115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.810278 | 150.978333 | 30805153524 | Mount Larcom | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 52.1629753112793 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12515 | 4695 | THE NARROWS | QLD | 150.965859 | -23.807115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6139232 | 150.9541241 | 30805153524 | Mount Larcom | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 52.1629753112793 | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12516 | 4697 | RAGLAN | QLD | 150.81952 | -23.711361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8116708 | 150.7911697 | 30805153513 | Raglan (Qld) | 308051535 | Gladstone Hinterland | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Gladstone | 33360 | Flynn | Rural | 30028 | Gladstone |
12517 | 4699 | BAJOOL | QLD | 150.643168 | -23.657893 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6353354 | 150.5457955 | 30803120605 | Port Alma | 308031206 | Bouldercombe | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12518 | 4699 | PORT ALMA | QLD | 150.643168 | -23.657893 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5832751 | 150.8455875 | 30803120605 | Port Alma | 308031206 | Bouldercombe | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q2 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12519 | 4700 | ALLENSTOWN | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.388889 | 150.502778 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12520 | 4700 | DEPOT HILL | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.391456 | 150.5211357 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12521 | 4700 | FAIRY BOWER | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4144077 | 150.4643809 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12522 | 4700 | GREAT KEPPEL ISLAND | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1783958 | 150.9481887 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12523 | 4700 | PORT CURTIS | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4308044 | 150.51896 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12524 | 4700 | ROCKHAMPTON | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3790772 | 150.510016 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12525 | 4700 | ROCKHAMPTON CITY | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3790772 | 150.510016 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12526 | 4700 | ROCKHAMPTON HOSPITAL | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3799888 | 150.4949437 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12527 | 4700 | THE KEPPELS | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1894396 | 150.9629769 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12528 | 4700 | THE RANGE | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4 | 150.5 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12529 | 4700 | WANDAL | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.366667 | 150.5 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12530 | 4700 | WEST ROCKHAMPTON | QLD | 150.958111 | -23.180174 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3789 | 150.4894 | 30803122222 | Allenstown | 308031222 | The Range - Allenstown | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | 84.7247619628906 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12531 | 4701 | BERSERKER | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.366667 | 150.533333 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12532 | 4701 | CENTRAL QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3264685 | 150.5189408 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12533 | 4701 | FRENCHVILLE | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.35 | 150.55 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12534 | 4701 | GREENLAKE | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0319353 | 150.5563196 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12535 | 4701 | IRONPOT | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2590874 | 150.5994815 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12536 | 4701 | KALKA | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3737 | 150.538 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12537 | 4701 | KAWANA | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.336111 | 150.506389 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12538 | 4701 | KOONGAL | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3656 | 150.5489 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12539 | 4701 | LAKES CREEK | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3623127 | 150.5762635 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12540 | 4701 | LIMESTONE CREEK | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2843542 | 150.5646559 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12541 | 4701 | MOUNT ARCHER | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3333333 | 150.5833333 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12542 | 4701 | NANKIN | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3756389 | 150.6379444 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12543 | 4701 | NERIMBERA | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3996485 | 150.5867147 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12544 | 4701 | NORMAN GARDENS | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3203921 | 150.5298387 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12545 | 4701 | NORTH ROCKHAMPTON | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3730281 | 150.5198494 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12546 | 4701 | OASIS GARDENS | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3371 | 150.528 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12547 | 4701 | PARK AVENUE | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3566899 | 150.5095325 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
21191 | 4701 | RED HILL ROCKHAMPTON | QLD | 150.512323 | -23.378941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3418 | 150.521 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12548 | 4701 | ROCKHAMPTON DC | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3858 | 150.51 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12549 | 4701 | ROCKHAMPTON NORTH | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3751809 | 150.498291 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12550 | 4701 | ROCKHAMPTON SHOPPING FAIR | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3544722 | 150.5224521 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12551 | 4701 | ROCKYVIEW | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2543902 | 150.507357 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12552 | 4701 | SANDRINGHAM | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2562758 | 150.5642932 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12553 | 4701 | THE COMMON | QLD | 150.557538 | -23.354937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.380833 | 150.533056 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12554 | 4702 | ALBERTA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12555 | 4702 | ALSACE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2867245 | 149.2973948 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12556 | 4702 | ALTON DOWNS | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2935334 | 150.3732653 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12557 | 4702 | ANAKIE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.552431 | 147.742796 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
23885 | 4702 | ANAKIE SIDING | QLD | 149.782526 | -24.325475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 95.3818054199219 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
23888 | 4702 | ARCTURUS | QLD | 149.782526 | -24.325475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 95.3818054199219 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12558 | 4702 | ARGOON | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2447908 | 150.4646388 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12559 | 4702 | BALCOMBA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3121579 | 149.6389881 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12560 | 4702 | BANANA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.472222 | 150.128056 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12561 | 4702 | BARALABA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.181944 | 149.813056 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12562 | 4702 | BARNARD | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9886624 | 149.7111757 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12563 | 4702 | BINGEGANG | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1306696 | 149.1565598 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12564 | 4702 | BLACKDOWN | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8799653 | 149.1088612 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12565 | 4702 | BLUFF | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5823028 | 149.0794239 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12566 | 4702 | BOGANTUNGAN | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6463 | 147.293 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12567 | 4702 | BOOLBURRA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.744337 | 149.8168957 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12568 | 4702 | BOULDERCOMBE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.566667 | 150.466667 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12569 | 4702 | BUSHLEY | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5792573 | 150.2975774 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12570 | 4702 | CANAL CREEK | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9779158 | 150.2743921 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12571 | 4702 | CANOONA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0728569 | 150.2407477 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
23911 | 4702 | CARNARVON PARK | QLD | 149.782526 | -24.325475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 95.3818054199219 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12572 | 4702 | CAWARRAL | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2559235 | 150.6633499 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12573 | 4702 | CENTRAL QUEENSLAND MC | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3265 | 150.519 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
23914 | 4702 | CHEESEBOROUGH | QLD | 149.782526 | -24.325475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 95.3818054199219 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12574 | 4702 | COMET | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6053 | 148.545 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
21192 | 4702 | CONSUELO | QLD | 148.5254389 | -24.67517992 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6910498 | 148.3777448 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 240 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12575 | 4702 | COOMOO | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8384125 | 149.5165151 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12576 | 4702 | COOROOMAN | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2590937 | 150.7230219 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
21193 | 4702 | COORUMBENE | QLD | 148.7532966 | -24.55375199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5537336 | 148.7532925 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 255.312225341797 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12577 | 4702 | COOWONGA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.316667 | 150.733333 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12578 | 4702 | DALMA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3980989 | 150.2454535 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12579 | 4702 | DINGO | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6467521 | 149.3343551 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12580 | 4702 | DIXALEA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9948932 | 150.2843379 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12581 | 4702 | DULULU | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8508456 | 150.2541386 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12582 | 4702 | DUMPY CREEK | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9915222 | 150.029432 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
23931 | 4702 | DUNDULA CREEK | QLD | 149.782526 | -24.325475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 95.3818054199219 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12583 | 4702 | ETNA CREEK | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2170358 | 150.4800885 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12584 | 4702 | FERNLEES | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.856348 | 148.123469 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12585 | 4702 | GAINSFORD | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7923074 | 149.7658309 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12586 | 4702 | GARNANT | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1712764 | 150.265721 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12587 | 4702 | GEMFIELDS | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4181 | 147.698 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12588 | 4702 | GINDIE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7158103 | 148.0873359 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12589 | 4702 | GLENROY | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1855872 | 149.817859 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12590 | 4702 | GOGANGO | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6769645 | 150.0205267 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12591 | 4702 | GOOMALLY | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3171722 | 149.2266639 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12592 | 4702 | GOOVIGEN | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0971899 | 150.2765803 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12593 | 4702 | GOOWARRA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6624313 | 149.4068796 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
23947 | 4702 | GORDONSTONE | QLD | 149.782526 | -24.325475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 95.3818054199219 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12594 | 4702 | GRACEMERE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4556202 | 150.4529812 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
23954 | 4702 | HUMBOLDT | QLD | 148.9273284 | -24.26451084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 294.263519287109 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12595 | 4702 | JAMBIN | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.198629 | 150.372192 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12596 | 4702 | JARDINE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0595931 | 150.3844103 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12597 | 4702 | JELLINBAH | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3212792 | 148.8709614 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12598 | 4702 | JOSKELEIGH | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3639875 | 150.7812394 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12599 | 4702 | KABRA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4900116 | 150.4050643 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12600 | 4702 | KALAPA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5016612 | 150.2436429 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12601 | 4702 | KEPPEL SANDS | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.336362 | 150.7784069 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12319 | 4702 | KOKOTUNGO | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1353971 | 149.8630827 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12320 | 4702 | KUNWARARA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0030937 | 150.2682547 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
21194 | 4702 | LOWESBY | QLD | 148.6870871 | -24.33867148 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3386487 | 148.6870658 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12321 | 4702 | MACKENZIE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1279276 | 149.3922285 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12322 | 4702 | MARMOR | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6747743 | 150.712201 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12323 | 4702 | MIDGEE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4894219 | 150.5954906 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12324 | 4702 | MILMAN | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1331678 | 150.4034174 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12325 | 4702 | MIMOSA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2681725 | 149.6089646 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12326 | 4702 | MOONMERA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.579381 | 150.402888 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12327 | 4702 | MORINISH | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2524849 | 150.1654931 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12328 | 4702 | MORINISH SOUTH | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2703286 | 149.9656157 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12329 | 4702 | MOUNT CHALMERS | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.288277 | 150.6422411 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12330 | 4702 | NINE MILE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4385827 | 150.4000735 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12331 | 4702 | PARKHURST | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3046 | 150.5118 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12332 | 4702 | PHEASANT CREEK | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8811208 | 150.1370617 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12333 | 4702 | PINK LILY | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3383516 | 150.4827037 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
21195 | 4702 | PLUM TREE | QLD | 152.250449 | -24.701126 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.135816 | 150.035492 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12334 | 4702 | RANNES | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1016 | 150.12 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
24013 | 4702 | REWAN | QLD | 149.782526 | -24.325475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 95.3818054199219 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12335 | 4702 | RIDGELANDS | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2488046 | 150.2816082 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12336 | 4702 | ROLLESTON | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4633812 | 148.6226549 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12337 | 4702 | ROSSMOYA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0305394 | 150.4830662 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12338 | 4702 | RUBYVALE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.429173 | 147.7156377 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12339 | 4702 | SAPPHIRE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.460556 | 147.71759 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
24018 | 4702 | SAPPHIRE CENTRAL | QLD | 149.782526 | -24.325475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 95.3818054199219 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12340 | 4702 | SHOALWATER | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.4747826 | 150.18431 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12341 | 4702 | SMOKY CREEK | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1311371 | 150.3127841 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12342 | 4702 | SOUTH YAAMBA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2360666 | 150.3349263 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12343 | 4702 | STANAGE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.1347083 | 150.0483566 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12344 | 4702 | STANWELL | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.484438 | 150.32029 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12345 | 4702 | STEWARTON | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5869805 | 148.9609527 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
21196 | 4702 | TARRAMBA | QLD | 150.2639341 | -24.62684644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6268 | 150.264 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12346 | 4702 | THE CAVES | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1747764 | 150.4776285 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
21197 | 4702 | THE GEMFIELDS | QLD | 147.7970146 | -23.53012362 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4181 | 147.698 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12347 | 4702 | THOMPSON POINT | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4880255 | 150.7464929 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
24030 | 4702 | TOGARA | QLD | 148.653806 | -23.9937449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.3135526 | 149.8003012 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 240.219909667969 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12348 | 4702 | TUNGAMULL | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3254922 | 150.6865817 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12349 | 4702 | ULOGIE | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9431609 | 150.5095665 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12350 | 4702 | WALLAROO | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7147943 | 149.6025929 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12351 | 4702 | WESTWOOD | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6263787 | 150.1627257 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12352 | 4702 | WILLOWS | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6630134 | 147.511694 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12353 | 4702 | WILLOWS GEMFIELDS | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6630134 | 147.511694 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12354 | 4702 | WITHERSFIELD | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5792 | 147.564 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12355 | 4702 | WOOLEIN | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2479415 | 150.1598868 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12356 | 4702 | WOOROONA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0123643 | 149.315638 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12357 | 4702 | WOWAN | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9074558 | 150.1947694 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12358 | 4702 | WYCARBAH | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5591769 | 150.2049243 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12359 | 4702 | YALLEROI | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0742 | 145.753 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12360 | 4702 | YARAKA | QLD | 150.885772 | -23.279639 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.883482 | 144.075457 | 30804152826 | Kokotungo | 308041528 | Banana | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 258.112457275391 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | | | Flynn | Rural | 30073 | Rockhampton |
12361 | 4703 | ADELAIDE PARK | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0943343 | 150.6923902 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12362 | 4703 | BANGALEE | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0766 | 150.7847 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 7 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12363 | 4703 | BARLOWS HILL | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1086756 | 150.7432244 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12364 | 4703 | BARMARYEE | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1354506 | 150.6952945 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12365 | 4703 | BARMOYA | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1451456 | 150.5537746 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12366 | 4703 | BAYFIELD | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8372 | 150.64 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12367 | 4703 | BONDOOLA | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1958211 | 150.6865817 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12368 | 4703 | BUNGUNDARRA | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0567293 | 150.6401218 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12369 | 4703 | BYFIELD | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8372067 | 150.640093 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12370 | 4703 | CAUSEWAY LAKE | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1973996 | 150.7879954 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12371 | 4703 | COBRABALL | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1577103 | 150.6485695 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12372 | 4703 | COOEE BAY | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.141944 | 150.755556 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12373 | 4703 | FARNBOROUGH | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0775994 | 150.7228995 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12374 | 4703 | HIDDEN VALLEY | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1638922 | 150.7156265 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12375 | 4703 | INVERNESS | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1131382 | 150.7185313 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12376 | 4703 | KEMP BEACH | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1693 | 150.791 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12377 | 4703 | KINKA BEACH | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2253249 | 150.7911443 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12378 | 4703 | LAKE MARY | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0989493 | 150.6452026 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12379 | 4703 | LAMMERMOOR | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.160833 | 150.763333 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12380 | 4703 | LAMMERMOOR BEACH | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1649 | 150.776 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 7 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12381 | 4703 | MARYVALE | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9652202 | 150.6266947 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12382 | 4703 | MEIKLEVILLE HILL | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1146687 | 150.7461298 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12383 | 4703 | MULAMBIN | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1914202 | 150.8115148 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 7 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12384 | 4703 | MULARA | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1788632 | 150.6410274 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12385 | 4703 | PACIFIC HEIGHTS | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.10045 | 150.7359613 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12386 | 4703 | ROSSLYN | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1711709 | 150.7799085 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12387 | 4703 | STATUE BAY | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1644 | 150.782 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 7 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12388 | 4703 | STOCKYARD | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8131209 | 150.8051784 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12389 | 4703 | TANBY | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2315989 | 150.7562989 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12390 | 4703 | TARANGANBA | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.147778 | 150.755278 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12391 | 4703 | TAROOMBALL | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1709586 | 150.7504879 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12392 | 4703 | WEERRIBA | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.7883469 | 150.6693782 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12393 | 4703 | WOODBURY | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0288874 | 150.6793368 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12394 | 4703 | YEPPOON | QLD | 150.894331 | -23.074563 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.133333 | 150.733333 | 30803122357 | Lammermoor | 308031223 | Yeppoon | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12395 | 4704 | WATTLEBANK | QLD | 150.381164 | -23.135744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1350245 | 150.4580546 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 15.5236482620239 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12396 | 4704 | YAAMBA | QLD | 150.381164 | -23.135744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1333796 | 150.3752576 | 30803121914 | Wattlebank | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 15.5236482620239 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12397 | 4705 | CLARKE CREEK | QLD | 149.719215 | -22.771751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.6370812 | 149.2509959 | 31201133834 | Middlemount | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12398 | 4705 | LOTUS CREEK | QLD | 149.719215 | -22.771751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.4974642 | 149.1758589 | 31201133834 | Middlemount | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12399 | 4705 | MACKENZIE RIVER | QLD | 149.719215 | -22.771751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0252011 | 149.0126369 | 31201133834 | Middlemount | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12400 | 4705 | MARLBOROUGH | QLD | 149.719215 | -22.771751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8215806 | 149.8818477 | 31201133834 | Middlemount | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12401 | 4705 | MOUNT GARDINER | QLD | 149.719215 | -22.771751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9693591 | 149.5238058 | 31201133834 | Middlemount | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12402 | 4706 | OGMORE | QLD | 149.675382 | -22.580866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.6263321 | 149.7487272 | 30803121903 | Stanage | 308031219 | Rockhampton Surrounds - North | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 16.4600353240967 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12403 | 4707 | COLLAROY | QLD | 149.235514 | -22.515013 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.0687775 | 149.2536538 | 31201133827 | The Percy Group | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 206.143905639648 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12404 | 4707 | ST LAWRENCE | QLD | 149.235514 | -22.515013 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.3485681 | 149.535794 | 31201133827 | The Percy Group | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 206.143905639648 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12405 | 4707 | THE PERCY GROUP | QLD | 149.235514 | -22.515013 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.6195 | 151.007 | 31201133827 | The Percy Group | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 206.143905639648 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12406 | 4709 | TIERI | QLD | 148.429161 | -23.059653 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0351671 | 148.343171 | 30801119124 | Tieri | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 216.373962402344 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12407 | 4710 | EMU PARK | QLD | 150.82635 | -23.257223 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2809921 | 150.7998887 | 30803121807 | Tanby | 308031218 | Rockhampton Surrounds - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12408 | 4710 | ZILZIE | QLD | 150.82635 | -23.257223 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.278177 | 150.8093349 | 30803121807 | Tanby | 308031218 | Rockhampton Surrounds - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30041 | Keppel |
12409 | 4711 | GLENDALE | QLD | 150.476229 | -23.252534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2488921 | 150.4740035 | 30803120911 | Glenlee (Qld) | 308031209 | Glenlee - Rockyview | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12410 | 4711 | GLENLEE | QLD | 150.476229 | -23.252534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2644813 | 150.4711036 | 30803120911 | Glenlee (Qld) | 308031209 | Glenlee - Rockyview | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Livingstone | 34530 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12411 | 4712 | DUARINGA | QLD | 149.673726 | -23.69521 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7177729 | 149.6727487 | 30801119003 | Wallaroo (Qld) | 308011190 | Central Highlands - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 5 | Flynn | 74.3737945556641 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12412 | 4713 | WOORABINDA | QLD | 149.430965 | -24.114138 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1327416 | 149.4567101 | 30801119008 | Woorabinda | 308011190 | Central Highlands - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 159.526748657227 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12413 | 4714 | BAREE | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.618 | 150.3905 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12414 | 4714 | BOULDER CREEK | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.682869 | 150.3509892 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12415 | 4714 | FLETCHER CREEK | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.780419 | 150.3586276 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12416 | 4714 | HAMILTON CREEK | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6719644 | 150.3978997 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12417 | 4714 | HORSE CREEK | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6645911 | 150.3819593 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12418 | 4714 | JOHNSONS HILL | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6221268 | 150.4109432 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12419 | 4714 | LEYDENS HILL | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6125526 | 150.4167407 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12420 | 4714 | LIMESTONE | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6319987 | 150.4423271 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12421 | 4714 | MOONGAN | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6045827 | 150.3978997 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12422 | 4714 | MOUNT MORGAN | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6436179 | 150.3965941 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12423 | 4714 | NINE MILE CREEK | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7057952 | 150.4098562 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12424 | 4714 | OAKEY CREEK | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7533085 | 150.350446 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12425 | 4714 | STRUCK OIL | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6197166 | 150.4479062 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12426 | 4714 | THE MINE | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6503264 | 150.3780343 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12427 | 4714 | TROTTER CREEK | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.687168 | 150.356241 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12428 | 4714 | WALMUL | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7206159 | 150.3718777 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12429 | 4714 | WALTERHALL | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.6285117 | 150.3834083 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12430 | 4714 | WURA | QLD | 150.394906 | -23.66268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7832891 | 150.3424782 | 30803121210 | Mount Morgan | 308031212 | Mount Morgan | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Rockhampton | 36370 | Flynn | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
12431 | 4715 | BILOELA | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3976694 | 150.5164324 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12432 | 4715 | CALLIDE | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2891083 | 150.4859554 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12433 | 4715 | CASTLE CREEK | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.8844371 | 150.1805983 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12434 | 4715 | DAKENBA | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3749014 | 150.5058473 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12435 | 4715 | DUMGREE | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2764763 | 150.7121236 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12436 | 4715 | GREYCLIFFE | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.232971 | 150.2915252 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12437 | 4715 | MOUNT MURCHISON | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3669833 | 150.5500193 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12438 | 4715 | ORANGE CREEK | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3384302 | 150.4453692 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12439 | 4715 | PROSPECT | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4239528 | 150.4406578 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12440 | 4715 | TARRAMBA | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6268233 | 150.2639409 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12441 | 4715 | VALENTINE PLAINS | QLD | 150.458694 | -24.393618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3987332 | 150.553971 | 30804152920 | Biloela | 308041529 | Biloela | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12442 | 4716 | LAWGI DAWES | QLD | 150.806049 | -24.483472 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5598441 | 150.7167158 | 30804152832 | Thangool | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 423.363647460938 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12443 | 4716 | THANGOOL | QLD | 150.806049 | -24.483472 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.487222 | 150.574722 | 30804152832 | Thangool | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 423.363647460938 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12444 | 4717 | BLACKWATER | QLD | 148.891333 | -23.632816 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5831866 | 148.8799357 | 30801119023 | Stewarton (Qld) | 308011190 | Central Highlands - East | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12445 | 4718 | BAUHINIA | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5657075 | 149.29576 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12446 | 4718 | DROMEDARY | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5918862 | 149.1330449 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12447 | 4718 | KIANGA | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6289632 | 150.0021006 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12448 | 4718 | MOURA | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5729872 | 149.9746669 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12449 | 4718 | MUNGABUNDA | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6484425 | 149.2940735 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12450 | 4718 | OOMBABEER | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5209447 | 149.5281484 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12451 | 4718 | RHYDDING | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.726991 | 149.5233417 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12452 | 4718 | ROUNDSTONE | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.7960561 | 149.7450851 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12453 | 4718 | WARNOAH | QLD | 149.615027 | -24.675045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.6060758 | 149.8594737 | 30804152834 | Moura | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Woorabinda | 37550 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12454 | 4719 | CAMBOON | QLD | 150.213774 | -24.999569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.033079 | 150.4335252 | 30804152823 | Tarramba | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 206.664291381836 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12455 | 4719 | CRACOW | QLD | 150.213774 | -24.999569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.2931087 | 150.2954051 | 30804152823 | Tarramba | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 206.664291381836 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12456 | 4719 | GLENMORAL | QLD | 150.213774 | -24.999569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9769195 | 149.8798768 | 30804152823 | Tarramba | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 206.664291381836 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12457 | 4719 | ISLA | QLD | 150.213774 | -24.999569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.944617 | 150.0281146 | 30804152823 | Tarramba | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 206.664291381836 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12458 | 4719 | LONESOME CREEK | QLD | 150.213774 | -24.999569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9335622 | 150.0769043 | 30804152823 | Tarramba | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 206.664291381836 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12459 | 4719 | THEODORE | QLD | 150.213774 | -24.999569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30802 | Gladstone - Biloela | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9452242 | 150.0765429 | 30804152823 | Tarramba | 308041528 | Banana | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 206.664291381836 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Banana | 30370 | Flynn | Rural | 30015 | Callide |
12460 | 4720 | EMERALD | QLD | 148.187851 | -23.68492 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.527291 | 148.164573 | 30801119236 | Emerald (Qld) | 308011192 | Emerald | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Flynn | 206 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23972 | 4720 | LOCHINGTON | QLD | 148.161076 | -23.52685 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -23.527291 | 148.164573 | 30801119236 | Emerald (Qld) | 308011192 | Emerald | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Flynn | 181.524276733398 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12178 | 4720 | YAMALA | QLD | 148.187851 | -23.68492 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5774839 | 148.367768 | 30801119236 | Emerald (Qld) | 308011192 | Emerald | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Flynn | 206 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12179 | 4721 | ARGYLL | QLD | 147.17431 | -22.449259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2986957 | 147.4795042 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 344.007141113281 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23897 | 4721 | BELYANDO | QLD | 147.562498 | -23.277321 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -23.2986957 | 147.4795042 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 350.914337158203 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12180 | 4721 | CLERMONT | QLD | 147.17431 | -22.449259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8318856 | 147.6290307 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 344.007141113281 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21198 | 4721 | ELGIN | QLD | 146.685147 | -22.22535188 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.2253 | 146.685 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Capricornia | 244.996017456055 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21199 | 4721 | FRANKFIELD | QLD | 147.1125804 | -22.24561211 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.1896365 | 147.2321669 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 226.628005981445 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21200 | 4721 | GEMINI MOUNTAINS | QLD | 147.8610349 | -22.45140311 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.4840175 | 147.6948373 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 344.007141113281 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21201 | 4721 | KILCUMMIN | QLD | 147.5584469 | -22.31783287 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.3287456 | 147.5226075 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 344.007141113281 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21202 | 4721 | LAGLAN | QLD | 146.2154165 | -22.23008294 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.0614 | 146.235 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Capricornia | 289.694488525391 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12181 | 4721 | PASHA | QLD | 147.17431 | -22.449259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.7799106 | 147.5459483 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 344.007141113281 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
24009 | 4721 | PEAK VALE | QLD | 147.1577669 | -23.10692157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -23.2986957 | 147.4795042 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 367.034698486328 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21203 | 4721 | THERESA CREEK | QLD | 147.6209929 | -23.07744693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9096644 | 147.6135834 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 344.007141113281 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21204 | 4721 | WINCHESTER | QLD | 148.068238 | -22.28935188 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.2894 | 148.069 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 344.007141113281 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21205 | 4721 | WOLFANG | QLD | 147.8150713 | -22.64097825 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.6478704 | 147.861266 | 31201133913 | Clermont | 312011339 | Clermont | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 344.007141113281 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23883 | 4722 | ALBINIA | QLD | 147.41651 | -24.506491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.5340622 | 147.5301155 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 343.877410888672 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21206 | 4722 | BUCKLAND | QLD | 147.5596099 | -24.55877013 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.5340622 | 147.5301155 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 327.463592529297 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21207 | 4722 | CAIRDBEIGN | QLD | 148.1408742 | -24.23842906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2708316 | 148.1503075 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 327.463592529297 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21208 | 4722 | CONA CREEK | QLD | 147.8763572 | -24.23662608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1300236 | 147.9426334 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 327.463592529297 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23975 | 4722 | MANTUAN DOWNS | QLD | 147.41651 | -24.506491 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.5340622 | 147.5301155 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 343.877410888672 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23979 | 4722 | MINERVA | QLD | 147.9331312 | -23.97140298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -24.5340622 | 147.5301155 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 350.0185546875 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21209 | 4722 | NANDOWRIE | QLD | 147.5161049 | -24.34409784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2487324 | 147.6069627 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 327.463592529297 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21210 | 4722 | ORION | QLD | 148.3865369 | -24.20657822 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.2314099 | 148.4110103 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 327.463592529297 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12182 | 4722 | SPRINGSURE | QLD | 147.710806 | -24.367525 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.1146294 | 148.0873686 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 327.463592529297 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21211 | 4722 | WEALWANDANGIE | QLD | 148.0209965 | -24.47115119 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.4711597 | 148.0209902 | 30801119114 | Wealwandangie | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Flynn | 327.463592529297 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21212 | 4723 | BELCONG | QLD | 148.2009804 | -23.02992213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0299189 | 148.2010114 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 234.757522583008 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23904 | 4723 | BUNDOORA | QLD | 148.231917 | -23.010007 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -23.0299189 | 148.2010114 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 247.061706542969 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12183 | 4723 | CAPELLA | QLD | 148.231917 | -23.010007 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0806086 | 148.0242513 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 247.061706542969 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21213 | 4723 | CARBINE CREEK | QLD | 147.7853995 | -23.18786242 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1877971 | 147.7853724 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 244.476867675781 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21214 | 4723 | CHIRNSIDE | QLD | 148.0763891 | -23.15575948 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.108171 | 148.1027675 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 302.337768554688 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23922 | 4723 | COTHERSTONE | QLD | 148.231917 | -23.010007 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -23.0299189 | 148.2010114 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 247.061706542969 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21215 | 4723 | CRINUM | QLD | 148.2703852 | -23.22707928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2818926 | 148.2355242 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 198.695831298828 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23939 | 4723 | FORK LAGOONS | QLD | 148.231917 | -23.010007 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -23.0299189 | 148.2010114 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 247.061706542969 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21216 | 4723 | HIBERNIA | QLD | 147.9028718 | -23.08866069 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1462827 | 147.9031186 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 302.337768554688 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21217 | 4723 | KHOSH BULDUK | QLD | 148.0218188 | -22.99508403 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9786145 | 147.9080891 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 249.99267578125 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21218 | 4723 | LILYVALE | QLD | 148.4356637 | -23.14913315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1511786 | 148.437036 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 302.337768554688 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21219 | 4723 | LOWESTOFF | QLD | 148.0796548 | -22.84635992 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.846247 | 148.0795929 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 311.856262207031 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21220 | 4723 | MOUNT MACARTHUR | QLD | 148.2062742 | -22.89259991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8926041 | 148.2061351 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 318.500671386719 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21221 | 4723 | RETRO | QLD | 147.935334 | -22.8479596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9527785 | 147.8425808 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 302.337768554688 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
24047 | 4723 | WYUNA | QLD | 148.231917 | -23.010007 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30801 | Central Highlands (Qld) | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -23.0299189 | 148.2010114 | 30801119118 | Wyuna (Qld) | 308011191 | Central Highlands - West | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Flynn | 247.061706542969 | Q3 | PHN306 | "Central Queensland | Central Highlands (Qld) | 32270 | Flynn | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12184 | 4724 | ALPHA | QLD | 146.840497 | -23.642723 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.65 | 146.633333 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 379.941589355469 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21222 | 4724 | BEAUFORT | QLD | 146.8813039 | -23.45669256 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4567186 | 146.8813626 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 335.711700439453 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21223 | 4724 | DRUMMONDSLOPE | QLD | 146.5677472 | -24.07865807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.0782835 | 146.5676082 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 501.814514160156 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21224 | 4724 | HOBARTVILLE | QLD | 146.3806504 | -23.35610788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3558294 | 146.3806209 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 393.564788818359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21225 | 4724 | PINE HILL | QLD | 147.1133442 | -23.54869419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5060393 | 147.1053217 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 393.564788818359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21226 | 4724 | PORT WINE | QLD | 147.0596895 | -23.84615355 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.846072 | 147.0596755 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 393.564788818359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
24012 | 4724 | QUETTA | QLD | 146.641074 | -23.649656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -23.65 | 146.633333 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 354.307891845703 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21227 | 4724 | SEDGEFORD | QLD | 146.8205995 | -23.98215541 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9820086 | 146.8205035 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 393.564788818359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21228 | 4724 | SURBITON | QLD | 146.6182351 | -23.13846998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1382319 | 146.6180519 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 393.564788818359 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12185 | 4725 | BARCALDINE | QLD | 145.363533 | -23.610575 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5563211 | 145.293339 | 31503140816 | Barcaldine | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 270.392059326172 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21229 | 4725 | BARCALDINE DOWNS | QLD | 144.9787556 | -23.80189108 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.80181 | 144.9788971 | 31503140816 | Barcaldine | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 270.392059326172 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21230 | 4725 | PATRICK | QLD | 145.2156326 | -23.73624214 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7544762 | 145.2839632 | 31503140816 | Barcaldine | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 270.392059326172 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12186 | 4725 | SALTERN | QLD | 145.363533 | -23.610575 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3546 | 145.08 | 31503140816 | Barcaldine | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 270.392059326172 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21231 | 4725 | TARA STATION | QLD | 144.9428922 | -23.52905633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.529 | 144.943 | 31503140816 | Barcaldine | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 270.392059326172 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12187 | 4726 | ARAMAC | QLD | 145.486391 | -22.536444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9708387 | 145.2427726 | 31503140810 | Barcaldine | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21232 | 4726 | GALILEE | QLD | 145.7695569 | -22.22809929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.2827 | 145.808 | 31503140810 | Barcaldine | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21233 | 4726 | PELICAN CREEK | QLD | 145.3880016 | -22.86094029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9916587 | 145.6127666 | 31503140810 | Barcaldine | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12188 | 4727 | ILFRACOMBE | QLD | 144.616977 | -23.515643 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5933447 | 144.5218074 | 31503141210 | Ilfracombe | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 230.862670898438 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Longreach | 34710 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21234 | 4728 | DUNROBIN | QLD | 146.0994297 | -22.77109111 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.7712653 | 146.0995714 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 407.679473876953 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21235 | 4728 | GARFIELD | QLD | 145.9748232 | -23.25844934 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2582302 | 145.9746308 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 340.139953613281 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12189 | 4728 | JERICHO | QLD | 146.150547 | -22.68504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5881005 | 146.137592 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 340.244171142578 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21236 | 4728 | MEXICO | QLD | 146.1959751 | -23.86725647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8669693 | 146.1957012 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 407.679473876953 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12190 | 4730 | BRIXTON | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.8165 | 143.218 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12191 | 4730 | CAMOOLA | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8990009 | 144.3384691 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12192 | 4730 | CHORREGON | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.7282811 | 143.6200534 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12193 | 4730 | ERNESTINA | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.7212766 | 143.9473605 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
23933 | 4730 | ERNESTINA | QLD | 143.9469108 | -23.72098569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -23.8165 | 143.218 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12194 | 4730 | LONGREACH | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.4403125 | 144.2506199 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12195 | 4730 | MANEROO | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5032482 | 143.7018571 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12196 | 4730 | MORELLA | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9816801 | 143.8639126 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12197 | 4730 | STONEHENGE | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3535 | 143.287 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12198 | 4730 | TOCAL | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9441191 | 143.6648272 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12199 | 4730 | VERGEMONT | QLD | 143.402522 | -23.790711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.5316102 | 143.2031383 | 31503141215 | Longreach (Qld) | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 197.905349731445 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12200 | 4731 | ISISFORD | QLD | 144.26853 | -24.49928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -24.4286407 | 144.2593118 | 31503141209 | Isisford | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 355.852447509766 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Longreach | 34710 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
24098 | 4731 | YARAKA | QLD | 144.2278 | -24.8925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30803 | Rockhampton | 308 | Fitzroy | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -24.4286407 | 144.2593118 | 31503141209 | Isisford | 315031412 | Longreach | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 355.852447509766 | | | | Longreach | 34710 | | | 30031 | Gregory |
12201 | 4732 | MUTTABURRA | QLD | 144.622118 | -22.427636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.5944603 | 144.5479177 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 215.688186645508 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
21237 | 4732 | TABLEDERRY | QLD | 144.5105389 | -22.39476733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.3947132 | 144.5106412 | 31503140808 | Muttaburra | 315031408 | Barcaldine - Blackall | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 215.203689575195 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcaldine | 30410 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12202 | 4733 | CORFIELD | QLD | 143.503025 | -21.771226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.1870756 | 143.2180495 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Winton | 37400 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12203 | 4735 | DIAMANTINA LAKES | QLD | 141.861769 | -22.810583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.9249655 | 141.2051302 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Diamantina | 32750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12204 | 4735 | MIDDLETON | QLD | 141.861769 | -22.810583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.3581165 | 141.5492114 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Diamantina | 32750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12205 | 4735 | OPALTON | QLD | 141.861769 | -22.810583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0046648 | 142.463552 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Diamantina | 32750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12206 | 4735 | WINTON | QLD | 141.861769 | -22.810583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.3913 | 143.0381 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Diamantina | 32750 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12207 | 4736 | JUNDAH | QLD | 143.103133 | -24.936614 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.118917 | 143.2180495 | 31503141007 | Windorah | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Maranoa | 143.957244873047 | Q3 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
12208 | 4737 | ARMSTRONG BEACH | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4463169 | 149.2879366 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12209 | 4737 | BLUE MOUNTAIN | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.487614 | 148.9986546 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12210 | 4737 | CAMPWIN BEACH | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.3798 | 149.307 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12211 | 4737 | COLSTON PARK | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.5883 | 149.071 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12212 | 4737 | FRESHWATER POINT | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4204969 | 149.3077603 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12213 | 4737 | GRASSTREE | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.3468 | 149.282 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12214 | 4737 | PLANE CREEK WEST | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.443 | 149.152 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12215 | 4737 | SARINA | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.416667 | 149.216667 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12216 | 4737 | SARINA BEACH | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.3896153 | 149.2822491 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12217 | 4737 | SARINA RANGE | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.5439011 | 149.1307269 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12218 | 4737 | SHINFIELD | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4692 | 149.147 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12219 | 4737 | SUNNYSIDE | QLD | 149.178072 | -21.43004 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.3441776 | 149.1005882 | 31202135703 | Sunnyside (Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12220 | 4738 | ILBILBIE | QLD | 149.267446 | -21.622237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.6942901 | 149.3965512 | 31202135226 | Koumala | 312021352 | Sarina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 32.5060958862305 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12221 | 4738 | KOUMALA | QLD | 149.267446 | -21.622237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.6178843 | 149.2183143 | 31202135226 | Koumala | 312021352 | Sarina | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 32.5060958862305 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12222 | 4739 | CARMILA | QLD | 149.395052 | -21.930567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.8119895 | 149.3339956 | 31201133811 | Carmila | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
12223 | 4740 | ALEXANDRA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1623216 | 149.0955658 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12224 | 4740 | ALLIGATOR CREEK | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.3363058 | 149.2068238 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12225 | 4740 | ANDERGROVE | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0953499 | 149.1874362 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12226 | 4740 | BAKERS CREEK | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2043875 | 149.1480338 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
23891 | 4740 | BAKERS CREEK | QLD | 149.1581083 | -21.21401663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1623216 | 149.0955658 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | 0.849025249481201 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12227 | 4740 | BALBERRA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.3050722 | 149.1580015 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12228 | 4740 | BALNAGOWAN | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1138793 | 149.0008968 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12229 | 4740 | BEACONSFIELD | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0886525 | 149.1673337 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12230 | 4740 | BELMUNDA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.9487684 | 149.0152358 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12231 | 4740 | BLACKS BEACH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.062778 | 149.1875 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12232 | 4740 | CANELAND | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1384 | 149.178 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12233 | 4740 | CAPE HILLSBOROUGH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.9241608 | 149.0168384 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12234 | 4740 | CHELONA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.257236 | 149.155848 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12235 | 4740 | CONINGSBY | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.113959 | 149.067066 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
24156 | 4740 | CORAL SEA | QLD | 151.7322 | -22.5094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | | | | -76 | | | | Mackay | 34770 | | | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12236 | 4740 | CREMORNE | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1327368 | 149.1874362 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12237 | 4740 | DOLPHIN HEADS | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0397473 | 149.1831282 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12238 | 4740 | DUMBLETON | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1342566 | 149.0754784 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12239 | 4740 | DUNDULA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2008171 | 149.1495467 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12240 | 4740 | DUNNROCK | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2726648 | 149.1651655 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12241 | 4740 | EAST MACKAY | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1510656 | 149.1989248 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12242 | 4740 | EIMEO | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.051667 | 149.173333 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12243 | 4740 | ERAKALA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1305147 | 149.1099161 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12244 | 4740 | FOULDEN | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1406872 | 149.1472345 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12245 | 4740 | GLENELLA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1137769 | 149.1328799 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12246 | 4740 | GRASSTREE BEACH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.3468431 | 149.2822491 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12247 | 4740 | HABANA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.029214 | 149.0696283 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12248 | 4740 | HALF TIDE BEACH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.9667 | 149.958 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12249 | 4740 | HALIDAY BAY | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.9056958 | 148.9865594 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12250 | 4740 | HAY POINT | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2948785 | 149.2561568 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12251 | 4740 | HOMEBUSH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2710872 | 149.0408936 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12252 | 4740 | LOUISA CREEK | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2863 | 149.271 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12253 | 4740 | MACKAY | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1424956 | 149.1821469 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12254 | 4740 | MACKAY BC | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1437 | 149.186 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12255 | 4740 | MACKAY CANELAND | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1384481 | 149.1775501 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12256 | 4740 | MACKAY DC | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1385 | 149.178 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12257 | 4740 | MACKAY EAST | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1511 | 149.199 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12258 | 4740 | MACKAY HARBOUR | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1083749 | 149.2051757 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12259 | 4740 | MACKAY NORTH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.120903 | 149.1816923 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12260 | 4740 | MACKAY SOUTH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1636308 | 149.1816923 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12261 | 4740 | MACKAY WEST | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1494885 | 149.1644622 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12262 | 4740 | MCEWENS BEACH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2360351 | 149.1748717 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12263 | 4740 | MOUNT JUKES | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21 | 148.95 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12264 | 4740 | MOUNT PLEASANT | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1162948 | 149.1587193 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12265 | 4740 | MUNBURA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.3428635 | 149.1424935 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12266 | 4740 | NINDAROO | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0678228 | 149.1300092 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12267 | 4740 | NOORLAH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.642 | 148.585 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12268 | 4740 | NORTH MACKAY | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.120903 | 149.1816923 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12269 | 4740 | OORALEA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1801575 | 149.1443634 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12270 | 4740 | PAGET | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.187089 | 149.1788204 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12271 | 4740 | PLANELLA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.15 | 149.127 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12272 | 4740 | PLANLAND | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -27.562 | 152.424 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12273 | 4740 | RACECOURSE | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.159736 | 149.1357507 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12274 | 4740 | RICHANNA HEIGHTS | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.15 | 149.127 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12275 | 4740 | RICHMOND | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0840479 | 149.1443634 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12276 | 4740 | ROSELLA | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2358731 | 149.155848 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12277 | 4740 | RURAL VIEW | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0628981 | 149.1587193 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12278 | 4740 | SALONIKA BEACH | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.3202 | 149.293 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12279 | 4740 | SANDIFORD | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2296815 | 149.1102748 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12280 | 4740 | SLADE POINT | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.083925 | 149.2104145 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12281 | 4740 | SOUTH MACKAY | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1636308 | 149.1816923 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12282 | 4740 | TE KOWAI | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2011194 | 149.1246812 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12283 | 4740 | TELINA HEIGHTS | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1008 | 149.17 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12284 | 4740 | THE LEAP | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0704 | 149.0194 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12285 | 4740 | TIMBERLANDS | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1379 | 149.179 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12286 | 4740 | WEST MACKAY | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.1494885 | 149.1644622 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12287 | 4740 | WUNDARU | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0865 | 149.06 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12288 | 4740 | YAKAPARI | QLD | 149.059737 | -21.33763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.0668 | 149.009 | 31202135817 | West Mackay | 312021358 | West Mackay | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | -76 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12289 | 4741 | BALL BAY | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.905833 | 148.996667 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12290 | 4741 | BRAMPTON ISLAND | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.8080283 | 149.2736268 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 5 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12291 | 4741 | BRIGHTLY | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.256252 | 148.9059435 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12292 | 4741 | CLAIRVIEW | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.0422664 | 149.4835735 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12293 | 4741 | COPPABELLA | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.9174925 | 148.3591266 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12294 | 4741 | DAYDREAM ISLAND | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2529626 | 148.8144083 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 5 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12295 | 4741 | EPSOM | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.5001057 | 148.8283577 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12296 | 4741 | ETON | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.273452 | 148.9688205 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12297 | 4741 | ETON NORTH | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2192579 | 148.9632648 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12298 | 4741 | EUNGELLA HINTERLAND | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9227577 | 148.422651 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12299 | 4741 | FARLEIGH | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.0896894 | 149.092696 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12300 | 4741 | FLAGGY ROCK | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.9701 | 149.441 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12301 | 4741 | GARGETT | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1446413 | 148.7423708 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12302 | 4741 | HAMPDEN | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.083284 | 148.9550232 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12303 | 4741 | HAZLEDEAN | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.3699083 | 148.940333 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12304 | 4741 | HOOK ISLAND | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.1135349 | 148.9263611 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 5 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12305 | 4741 | KALARKA | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.157464 | 149.527137 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12306 | 4741 | KINCHANT DAM | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2216731 | 148.9138126 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12307 | 4741 | KUTTABUL | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.0484632 | 148.8783674 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12308 | 4741 | LINDEMAN ISLAND | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4447841 | 149.0410504 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 5 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12309 | 4741 | LONG ISLAND | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3438303 | 148.8493704 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 5 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12310 | 4741 | MACKAY MC | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.13 | 149.163 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12311 | 4741 | MOUNT CHARLTON | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9644373 | 148.6937364 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12312 | 4741 | MOUNT CHRISTIAN | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.6167 | 149.317 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12313 | 4741 | MOUNT OSSA | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9525459 | 148.8389741 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12314 | 4741 | MOUNT PELION | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9159399 | 148.8271714 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12315 | 4741 | NORTH ETON | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2192579 | 148.9632648 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12316 | 4741 | OAKENDEN | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.3288573 | 149.0317278 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12317 | 4741 | ORKABIE | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.817419 | 149.36621 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
12318 | 4741 | OWENS CREEK | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1034925 | 148.7070439 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14298 | 4741 | PINNACLE | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1426839 | 148.6937364 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14299 | 4741 | PLEYSTOWE | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1546936 | 149.0181038 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14300 | 4741 | SEAFORTH | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.93056 | 148.9647393 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14301 | 4741 | SOUTH MOLLE | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2687961 | 148.8368814 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 5 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14302 | 4741 | YALBOROO | QLD | 149.271699 | -20.808597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.8844403 | 148.6772018 | 31802148912 | Cungulla | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14303 | 4742 | BURTON | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.632838 | 148.1157116 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14304 | 4742 | EAGLEFIELD | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4971483 | 147.8061595 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14305 | 4742 | ELPHINSTONE | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.5062811 | 148.2149803 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14306 | 4742 | HAIL CREEK | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.5671555 | 148.417057 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14307 | 4742 | KEMMIS | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.6248627 | 148.337402 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
21238 | 4742 | MOUNT BRITTON | QLD | 148.5993005 | -21.44095663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4200805 | 148.6151794 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 394.560180664063 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14308 | 4742 | MT BRITTON | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4201 | 148.615 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14309 | 4742 | NEBO | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.6884985 | 148.6950385 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14310 | 4742 | OXFORD | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.8343102 | 148.8237517 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14311 | 4742 | STRATHFIELD | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.7557975 | 148.5482834 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14312 | 4742 | TURRAWULLA | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1392211 | 148.1807028 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14313 | 4742 | VALKYRIE | QLD | 148.569564 | -21.754127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.0660263 | 148.5807932 | 31201133837 | Nebo | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 216.146362304688 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14314 | 4743 | GLENDEN | QLD | 147.906986 | -21.453727 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.353889 | 148.114444 | 31201133835 | Glenden | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Capricornia | 337 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30011 | Burdekin |
14315 | 4743 | SUTTOR | QLD | 147.906986 | -21.453727 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.3357262 | 147.8932291 | 31201133835 | Glenden | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 337 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30011 | Burdekin |
14316 | 4744 | MORANBAH | QLD | 148.045134 | -22.018392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.0060767 | 148.0397819 | 31201134122 | Moranbah | 312011341 | Moranbah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Capricornia | 222.822189331055 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30011 | Burdekin |
14317 | 4744 | PEAK DOWNS MINE | QLD | 148.045134 | -22.018392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.2549 | 148.18 | 31201134122 | Moranbah | 312011341 | Moranbah | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | 222.822189331055 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30011 | Burdekin |
14318 | 4745 | DYSART | QLD | 148.259592 | -22.497884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.4848385 | 148.2804541 | 31201133838 | Dysart (Qld) | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Flynn | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14319 | 4745 | NORWICH PARK | QLD | 148.259592 | -22.497884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.701 | 148.414 | 31201133838 | Dysart (Qld) | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Flynn | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14320 | 4746 | GERMAN CREEK | QLD | 148.850932 | -22.851944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.9298 | 148.551 | 31201133834 | Middlemount | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Flynn | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14321 | 4746 | MAY DOWNS | QLD | 148.850932 | -22.851944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.6855942 | 148.8714596 | 31201133834 | Middlemount | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Flynn | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14322 | 4746 | MIDDLEMOUNT | QLD | 148.850932 | -22.851944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8196996 | 148.6910372 | 31201133834 | Middlemount | 312011338 | Broadsound - Nebo | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Isaac | 33980 | Flynn | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14323 | 4750 | BUCASIA | QLD | 149.152281 | -21.042567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.035608 | 149.156658 | 31202135415 | Bucasia | 312021354 | Shoal Point - Bucasia | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | 9.81427669525146 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14324 | 4750 | SHOAL POINT | QLD | 149.152281 | -21.042567 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.0093053 | 149.1443634 | 31202135415 | Bucasia | 312021354 | Shoal Point - Bucasia | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 31 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | 9.81427669525146 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14325 | 4751 | GREENMOUNT | QLD | 149.040703 | -21.221858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1871668 | 149.0467877 | 31202135725 | Greenmount (Mackay - Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14326 | 4751 | PALMYRA | QLD | 149.040703 | -21.221858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2089744 | 149.0754784 | 31202135725 | Greenmount (Mackay - Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14327 | 4751 | VICTORIA PLAINS | QLD | 149.040703 | -21.221858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2016577 | 149.0030475 | 31202135725 | Greenmount (Mackay - Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14328 | 4751 | WALKERSTON | QLD | 149.040703 | -21.221858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1587479 | 149.0651926 | 31202135725 | Greenmount (Mackay - Qld) | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14329 | 4753 | DEVEREUX CREEK | QLD | 148.952546 | -21.169015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1111926 | 148.8855294 | 31202135710 | Marian | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 39.4743156433105 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14330 | 4753 | MARIAN | QLD | 148.952546 | -21.169015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.145278 | 148.943056 | 31202135710 | Marian | 312021357 | Walkerston - Eton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 39.4743156433105 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14331 | 4754 | BENHOLME | QLD | 148.832763 | -21.188063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1650973 | 148.8214446 | 31202135121 | Mirani | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
14332 | 4754 | DOWS CREEK | QLD | 148.832763 | -21.188063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.0940779 | 148.7564635 | 31202135121 | Mirani | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
14333 | 4754 | MIA MIA | QLD | 148.832763 | -21.188063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2241319 | 148.838268 | 31202135121 | Mirani | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
14334 | 4754 | MIRANI | QLD | 148.832763 | -21.188063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1620311 | 148.866909 | 31202135121 | Mirani | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
14335 | 4754 | MOUNT MARTIN | QLD | 148.832763 | -21.188063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.098937 | 148.838268 | 31202135121 | Mirani | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
14336 | 4754 | PINEVALE | QLD | 148.832763 | -21.188063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2905809 | 148.8228763 | 31202135121 | Mirani | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
14337 | 4754 | SEPTIMUS | QLD | 148.832763 | -21.188063 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2038923 | 148.7652646 | 31202135121 | Mirani | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30055 | Mirani |
14338 | 4756 | FINCH HATTON | QLD | 148.609682 | -21.126329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1398809 | 148.6348041 | 31202135103 | Finch Hatton | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 122.550735473633 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14339 | 4756 | NETHERDALE | QLD | 148.609682 | -21.126329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1430718 | 148.5336719 | 31202135103 | Finch Hatton | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 122.550735473633 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14340 | 4757 | BROKEN RIVER | QLD | 148.50081 | -21.054268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1645705 | 148.5058262 | 31202135101 | Netherdale | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 552.82666015625 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14341 | 4757 | CREDITON | QLD | 148.50081 | -21.054268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1799067 | 148.555605 | 31202135101 | Netherdale | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 552.82666015625 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14342 | 4757 | DALRYMPLE HEIGHTS | QLD | 148.50081 | -21.054268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.056413 | 148.557842 | 31202135101 | Netherdale | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 552.82666015625 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14343 | 4757 | EUNGELLA | QLD | 148.50081 | -21.054268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1287503 | 148.4883367 | 31202135101 | Netherdale | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 552.82666015625 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14344 | 4757 | EUNGELLA DAM | QLD | 148.50081 | -21.054268 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1653857 | 148.4003887 | 31202135101 | Netherdale | 312021351 | Pioneer Valley | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Capricornia | 552.82666015625 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Capricornia | Provincial | 30055 | Mirani |
14345 | 4798 | CALEN | QLD | 148.737792 | -20.889915 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9 | 148.766667 | 31202135322 | Yalboroo | 312021353 | Seaforth - Calen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14346 | 4798 | MENTMORE | QLD | 148.737792 | -20.889915 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7558426 | 148.7342142 | 31202135322 | Yalboroo | 312021353 | Seaforth - Calen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14347 | 4798 | PINDI PINDI | QLD | 148.737792 | -20.889915 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.8659418 | 148.7377211 | 31202135322 | Yalboroo | 312021353 | Seaforth - Calen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14348 | 4798 | ST HELENS BEACH | QLD | 148.737792 | -20.889915 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.861839 | 148.8064129 | 31202135322 | Yalboroo | 312021353 | Seaforth - Calen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14349 | 4798 | WAGOORA | QLD | 148.737792 | -20.889915 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.865 | 148.731 | 31202135322 | Yalboroo | 312021353 | Seaforth - Calen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14350 | 4799 | BLOOMSBURY | QLD | 148.622011 | -20.720423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6881168 | 148.6236059 | 31202135322 | Yalboroo | 312021353 | Seaforth - Calen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14351 | 4799 | MIDGE POINT | QLD | 148.622011 | -20.720423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31202 | Mackay | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6387552 | 148.6955987 | 31202135322 | Yalboroo | 312021353 | Seaforth - Calen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14352 | 4800 | ANDROMACHE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5619285 | 148.4854816 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14353 | 4800 | BRANDY CREEK | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3372808 | 148.6715715 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14354 | 4800 | BREADALBANE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4199764 | 148.5983143 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14355 | 4800 | CANNON VALLEY | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3147176 | 148.6515552 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14356 | 4800 | CAPE CONWAY | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3971093 | 148.7818104 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14357 | 4800 | CAPE GLOUCESTER | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.1042609 | 148.4883367 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14358 | 4800 | CONWAY | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4646308 | 148.7298479 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14359 | 4800 | CONWAY BEACH | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4712125 | 148.7538171 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14360 | 4800 | CRYSTAL BROOK | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3564253 | 148.4298202 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14361 | 4800 | DINGO BEACH | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0926221 | 148.5015428 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14362 | 4800 | DITTMER | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4150324 | 148.430473 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14363 | 4800 | ERLANDO BEACH | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.1546 | 148.569 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14364 | 4800 | FOXDALE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3566841 | 148.5322438 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14365 | 4800 | GLEN ISLA | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4095255 | 148.6108183 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14366 | 4800 | GOORGANGA CREEK | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5223074 | 148.4630962 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14367 | 4800 | GOORGANGA PLAINS | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4850357 | 148.6531512 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14368 | 4800 | GREGORY RIVER | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2596896 | 148.4615724 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14369 | 4800 | GUNYARRA | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4870426 | 148.5992074 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14370 | 4800 | HAMILTON PLAINS | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3860457 | 148.582954 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14371 | 4800 | HIDEAWAY BAY | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0748502 | 148.4787009 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
23953 | 4800 | HIDEAWAY BAY | QLD | 148.4823653 | -20.08006142 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -20.5619285 | 148.4854816 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 23.5986404418945 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14372 | 4800 | KELSEY CREEK | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4217101 | 148.4829618 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14373 | 4800 | LAGUNA QUAYS | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6065647 | 148.6612055 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14374 | 4800 | LAKE PROSERPINE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3929589 | 148.3601034 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14375 | 4800 | LETHEBROOK | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5444299 | 148.6461942 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14376 | 4800 | MOUNT JULIAN | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3693613 | 148.6058165 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14377 | 4800 | MOUNT MARLOW | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3505805 | 148.6315423 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14378 | 4800 | MOUNT PLUTO | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.312787 | 148.4823541 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14379 | 4800 | MYRTLEVALE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3263817 | 148.55611 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14380 | 4800 | NORTH GREGORY | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.0625 | 152.247 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14381 | 4800 | PALM GROVE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.398303 | 148.6962391 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14382 | 4800 | PAULS POCKET | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4782566 | 148.4459833 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14383 | 4800 | PRESTON | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3823956 | 148.6679969 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14384 | 4800 | PROSERPINE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4049794 | 148.5807646 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14385 | 4800 | RIORDANVALE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2805827 | 148.6401188 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14386 | 4800 | SILVER CREEK | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.4724025 | 148.4777808 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14387 | 4800 | STRATHDICKIE | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3352254 | 148.5943847 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14388 | 4800 | SUGARLOAF | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3101798 | 148.6286836 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14389 | 4800 | THOOPARA | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5848355 | 148.5761675 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14390 | 4800 | WILSON BEACH | QLD | 148.516317 | -20.465423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.475063 | 148.7230577 | 31203136123 | Proserpine | 312031361 | Proserpine | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 54.4838409423828 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14391 | 4801 | HAYMAN ISLAND | QLD | 148.887166 | -20.053296 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.050439 | 148.8891105 | | | | | | | | | 5 | | | 7 | 7 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | | |
14392 | 4802 | AIRLIE BEACH | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2675 | 148.716944 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14393 | 4802 | CANNONVALE | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.278703 | 148.699436 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14394 | 4802 | FLAMETREE | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2680978 | 148.7516709 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14395 | 4802 | JUBILEE POCKET | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2901545 | 148.7287797 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14396 | 4802 | MANDALAY | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2722016 | 148.7387941 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14397 | 4802 | MOUNT ROOPER | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2638669 | 148.7683296 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14398 | 4802 | SHUTE HARBOUR | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2919 | 148.785 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14399 | 4802 | SHUTEHAVEN | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2898 | 148.793 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14400 | 4802 | WHITSUNDAYS | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.1862 | 148.727 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14401 | 4802 | WOODWARK | QLD | 148.989038 | -20.271072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2693221 | 148.6654963 | 31203135932 | Cannonvale | 312031359 | Airlie - Whitsundays | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 5 | Dawson | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30092 | Whitsunday |
14402 | 4803 | HAMILTON ISLAND | QLD | 148.958824 | -20.354067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3518817 | 148.9572514 | | | | | | | | | 4 | | | 7 | 7 | Dawson | 154.389633178711 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mackay | 34770 | Dawson | Rural | | |
14403 | 4804 | COLLINSVILLE | QLD | 147.518462 | -20.867952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.55 | 147.85 | 31201134008 | Springlands | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14404 | 4804 | MOUNT COOLON | QLD | 147.518462 | -20.867952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.290574 | 147.3343192 | 31201134008 | Springlands | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14405 | 4804 | MOUNT WYATT | QLD | 147.518462 | -20.867952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5365582 | 147.5580775 | 31201134008 | Springlands | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14406 | 4804 | NEWLANDS | QLD | 147.518462 | -20.867952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9303015 | 147.8864648 | 31201134008 | Springlands | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14407 | 4804 | SCOTTVILLE | QLD | 147.518462 | -20.867952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5877425 | 147.8373737 | 31201134008 | Springlands | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14408 | 4804 | SPRINGLANDS | QLD | 147.518462 | -20.867952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31201 | Bowen Basin - North | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.533503 | 147.7924061 | 31201134008 | Springlands | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Capricornia | | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14409 | 4805 | BINBEE | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.379617 | 147.886584 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14410 | 4805 | BOGIE | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3068512 | 147.9330949 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14411 | 4805 | BOWEN | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0121024 | 148.246279 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14412 | 4805 | BRISK BAY | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0933333 | 148.2855556 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 7 | 6 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14413 | 4805 | DELTA | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0106137 | 148.1899127 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14414 | 4805 | GUMLU | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.8646624 | 147.6704709 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14415 | 4805 | GUTHALUNGRA | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9241084 | 147.8432604 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14416 | 4805 | MERINDA | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.018881 | 148.165207 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14417 | 4805 | QUEENS BEACH | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.979792 | 148.225762 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14418 | 4805 | ROSE BAY | QLD | 148.457987 | -20.016612 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31203 | Whitsunday | 312 | Mackay | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9901 | 148.267 | 31201134015 | Bowen | 312011340 | Collinsville | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 487.643402099609 | Q3 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Whitsunday | 37340 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14419 | 4806 | ARKENDEITH | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6841 | 147.368 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14420 | 4806 | CARSTAIRS | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6528853 | 147.4570691 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14421 | 4806 | DOWN RIVER | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9246 | 147.372 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14422 | 4806 | FREDERICKSFIELD | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.7400754 | 147.3948649 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
21239 | 4806 | GROPER CREEK | QLD | 147.563116 | -19.6970242 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6914 | 147.529 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14423 | 4806 | GROPER CREEK RESERVE | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6775 | 147.48 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14424 | 4806 | HOME HILL | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6609554 | 147.4138015 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14425 | 4806 | INKERMAN | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6916956 | 147.4694997 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14426 | 4806 | KEEBAH | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.7316 | 147.465 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14427 | 4806 | KIRKNIE | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.797502 | 147.2486917 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14428 | 4806 | OSBORNE | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6852648 | 147.3835591 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14429 | 4806 | RANGEMORE | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9896959 | 147.4038897 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14430 | 4806 | WANGARATTA | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.7621954 | 147.504631 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14431 | 4806 | WUNJUNGA | QLD | 147.416856 | -19.862878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.7988797 | 147.537038 | 31801146125 | Home Hill | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 97.2097854614258 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14432 | 4807 | AIRDMILLAN | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5190273 | 147.496673 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14433 | 4807 | AIRVILLE | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6386798 | 147.3609511 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14434 | 4807 | ALVA | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.508142 | 147.4323791 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14435 | 4807 | AYR | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5685154 | 147.4063861 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14436 | 4807 | CLARE | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.783333 | 147.233333 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
21240 | 4807 | CLAREDALE | QLD | 147.228085 | -19.785442 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.784271 | 147.228267 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14437 | 4807 | DALBEG | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.266667 | 147.3 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14438 | 4807 | EIGHT MILE CREEK | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.303871 | 147.279526 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14157 | 4807 | JARVISFIELD | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5989828 | 147.4697973 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14158 | 4807 | KALAMIA | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5721 | 147.409 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14159 | 4807 | MAIDAVALE | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6082 | 147.358 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14160 | 4807 | MCDESME | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6204437 | 147.4005183 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14161 | 4807 | MILLAROO | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.05 | 147.283333 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14162 | 4807 | MONA PARK | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.726062 | 147.2296411 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14163 | 4807 | MOUNT KELLY | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6750322 | 147.3207294 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14164 | 4807 | MULGRAVE | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9586683 | 147.0416724 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14165 | 4807 | PARKSIDE | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5770458 | 147.4172092 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
21241 | 4807 | RITA ISLAND | QLD | 147.5359409 | -19.63262195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.625555 | 147.5162119 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 7.15138959884644 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14166 | 4807 | RITE ISLAND | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6256 | 147.516 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14167 | 4807 | SWANS LAGOON | QLD | 147.133033 | -19.914965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0286114 | 147.2448107 | 31801146116 | Alva | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Dawson | 64.0054092407227 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14168 | 4808 | BRANDON | QLD | 147.304401 | -19.510071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.555304 | 147.3558976 | 31801146117 | Brandon | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14169 | 4808 | COLEVALE | QLD | 147.304401 | -19.510071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.4965332 | 147.3489427 | 31801146117 | Brandon | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Burdekin | 31900 | Dawson | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14170 | 4809 | BARRATTA | QLD | 147.139821 | -19.53085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5996569 | 147.2882156 | 31801146120 | Jerona | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 8.86190223693848 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14171 | 4809 | CROMARTY | QLD | 147.139821 | -19.53085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.4596082 | 147.0437337 | 31801146120 | Jerona | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 8.86190223693848 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14172 | 4809 | GIRU | QLD | 147.139821 | -19.53085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5353435 | 147.1135473 | 31801146120 | Jerona | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 8.86190223693848 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14173 | 4809 | HORSESHOE LAGOON | QLD | 147.139821 | -19.53085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5702694 | 147.1399262 | 31801146120 | Jerona | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 8.86190223693848 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14174 | 4809 | JERONA | QLD | 147.139821 | -19.53085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.4475017 | 147.2369729 | 31801146120 | Jerona | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 8.86190223693848 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14175 | 4809 | MOUNT SURROUND | QLD | 147.139821 | -19.53085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5754715 | 147.0284587 | 31801146120 | Jerona | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 8.86190223693848 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14176 | 4809 | SHIRBOURNE | QLD | 147.139821 | -19.53085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5789267 | 147.0675028 | 31801146120 | Jerona | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 8.86190223693848 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14177 | 4809 | UPPER HAUGHTON | QLD | 147.139821 | -19.53085 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6394689 | 147.112241 | 31801146120 | Jerona | 318011461 | Burdekin | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Dawson | 8.86190223693848 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30011 | Burdekin |
14178 | 4810 | BELGIAN GARDENS | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2472068 | 146.7931731 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14179 | 4810 | CAPE CLEVELAND | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3538555 | 147.0301409 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14180 | 4810 | CASTLE HILL | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2584 | 146.8005 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14181 | 4810 | NORTH WARD | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.25 | 146.816667 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14182 | 4810 | PALLARENDA | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2 | 146.766667 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14183 | 4810 | RAILWAY ESTATE | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.283333 | 146.816667 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14184 | 4810 | ROWES BAY | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.25 | 146.783333 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
21242 | 4810 | SHELLY BEACH | QLD | 146.7537296 | -19.18453186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.184532 | 146.7537295 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 8.10663414001465 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14185 | 4810 | SOUTH TOWNSVILLE | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.266667 | 146.833333 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
21243 | 4810 | TOWN COMMON | QLD | 146.7425187 | -19.21292787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2311735 | 146.7793011 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 0.482381820678711 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14186 | 4810 | TOWNSVILLE | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2589635 | 146.8169483 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
21244 | 4810 | TOWNSVILLE CITY | QLD | 146.8169484 | -19.25896313 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.259 | 146.817 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14187 | 4810 | TOWNSVILLE DC | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.26 | 146.815 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14188 | 4810 | TOWNSVILLE MC | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.259 | 146.817 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14189 | 4810 | TOWNSVILLE WEST | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.265 | 146.793 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14190 | 4810 | WEST END | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.265 | 146.792778 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14191 | 4810 | YARRAWONGA | QLD | 146.764659 | -19.227783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2513 | 146.798 | 31802149022 | Townsville City | 318021490 | Townsville City - North Ward | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 7.23135185241699 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14192 | 4811 | CLUDEN | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.316667 | 146.833333 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14193 | 4811 | IDALIA | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3 | 146.816667 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14194 | 4811 | JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3239872 | 146.7605092 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14195 | 4811 | MOUNT STUART | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3457078 | 146.7787743 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14196 | 4811 | OAK VALLEY | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.418 | 146.831 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14197 | 4811 | OONOONBA | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.299722 | 146.823056 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14198 | 4811 | ROSENEATH | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3690965 | 146.8356794 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14199 | 4811 | STUART | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.344004 | 146.8424869 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14200 | 4811 | WULGURU | QLD | 146.840325 | -19.323109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3253087 | 146.811438 | 31802149119 | Stuart (Qld) | 318021491 | Wulguru - Roseneath | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Dawson | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14201 | 4812 | CURRAJONG | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.276944 | 146.7775 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14202 | 4812 | GULLIVER | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.282 | 146.7715 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14203 | 4812 | HERMIT PARK | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.283333 | 146.8 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14204 | 4812 | HYDE PARK | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2797 | 146.797 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14205 | 4812 | HYDE PARK CASTLETOWN | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2720941 | 146.7911284 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14206 | 4812 | MUNDINGBURRA | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3 | 146.783333 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14207 | 4812 | MYSTERTON | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2863466 | 146.7931731 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14208 | 4812 | PIMLICO | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2851998 | 146.7875538 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14209 | 4812 | RISING SUN | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2951 | 146.796 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14210 | 4812 | ROSSLEA | QLD | 146.787716 | -19.286635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2985054 | 146.8016026 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14211 | 4813 | LAVARACK BARRACKS | QLD | 146.786368 | -19.338928 | | | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3248 | 146.785 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 257.309783935547 | Q4 | | | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | | |
14212 | 4813 | TOWNSVILLE MILPO | QLD | 146.786368 | -19.338928 | | | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.259 | 146.817 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 257.309783935547 | Q4 | | | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | | |
14213 | 4814 | AITKENVALE | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3016138 | 146.7721024 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14214 | 4814 | AITKENVALE BC | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2977 | 146.761 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14215 | 4814 | ANNANDALE | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3082411 | 146.7917682 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14216 | 4814 | CRANBROOK | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.309 | 146.751 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14217 | 4814 | DOUGLAS | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3222235 | 146.7580578 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14218 | 4814 | GARBUTT | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.266667 | 146.766667 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14219 | 4814 | GARBUTT BC | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2657 | 146.783 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14220 | 4814 | GARBUTT EAST | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.266667 | 146.766667 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14221 | 4814 | HEATLEY | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2877339 | 146.7552492 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14222 | 4814 | MOUNT LOUISA | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2758906 | 146.7355907 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14223 | 4814 | MURRAY | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3212129 | 146.8077553 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14224 | 4814 | THURINGOWA DC | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3148 | 146.724 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14225 | 4814 | VINCENT | QLD | 146.754745 | -19.285821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.287833 | 146.762833 | 31802148510 | Mundingburra | 318021485 | Mundingburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 10.9254789352417 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14226 | 4815 | CONDON | QLD | 146.707586 | -19.372329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.331944 | 146.723611 | 31802148902 | Woodstock (Qld) | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 26.5931243896484 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30084 | Thuringowa |
21245 | 4815 | GRANITE VALE | QLD | 146.6352393 | -19.57916441 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5791 | 146.635 | 31802148902 | Woodstock (Qld) | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Herbert | 519.269348144531 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30084 | Thuringowa |
21246 | 4815 | GUMLOW | QLD | 146.6847302 | -19.35250344 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.354204 | 146.6850587 | 31802148902 | Woodstock (Qld) | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 25.9888305664063 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30084 | Thuringowa |
14227 | 4815 | KELSO | QLD | 146.707586 | -19.372329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.396667 | 146.720556 | 31802148902 | Woodstock (Qld) | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 26.5931243896484 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30084 | Thuringowa |
14228 | 4815 | PINNACLES | QLD | 146.707586 | -19.372329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.4414595 | 146.7108454 | 31802148902 | Woodstock (Qld) | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 26.5931243896484 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30084 | Thuringowa |
14229 | 4815 | RASMUSSEN | QLD | 146.707586 | -19.372329 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.349722 | 146.716389 | 31802148902 | Woodstock (Qld) | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 26.5931243896484 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30084 | Thuringowa |
14230 | 4816 | ALLIGATOR CREEK | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.423889 | 146.945556 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14231 | 4816 | BALGAL BEACH | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.023056 | 146.413611 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21247 | 4816 | BARRINGHA | QLD | 146.7962019 | -19.5377438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5385846 | 146.873986 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14232 | 4816 | BROOKHILL | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.4114651 | 146.852898 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14233 | 4816 | BUCHANAN | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.022733 | 145.9840636 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14234 | 4816 | CALCIUM | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6692123 | 146.8089791 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14235 | 4816 | CARRUCHAN | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.2317606 | 145.9372835 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21248 | 4816 | CLEMANT | QLD | 146.4359428 | -19.11715201 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1171501 | 146.4359427 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 67.430419921875 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14236 | 4816 | CRIMEA | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.8330426 | 146.739766 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21249 | 4816 | CRYSTAL CREEK | QLD | 146.2744573 | -19.01715711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.992171 | 146.3079628 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 440.192108154297 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14237 | 4816 | CUNGULLA | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.4069206 | 147.1097746 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14238 | 4816 | ELLERBECK | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.2350703 | 145.9880781 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14239 | 4816 | GREENVALE | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.0001368 | 144.9781286 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14240 | 4816 | HIDDEN VALLEY | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.1638922 | 150.7156265 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 2 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 3 | 3 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14241 | 4816 | HOMESTEAD | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3612 | 145.657 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14242 | 4816 | JULAGO | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3565327 | 146.8908597 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14243 | 4816 | KENNEDY | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.2214993 | 145.9445593 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14244 | 4816 | MACROSSAN | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0999079 | 146.8887506 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14245 | 4816 | MAJORS CREEK | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.6083008 | 146.9619014 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14246 | 4816 | MALPAS-TRENTON | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9208264 | 142.1581514 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14247 | 4816 | MAXWELTON | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7239 | 142.681 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14248 | 4816 | MINGELA | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.878401 | 146.6257929 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14249 | 4816 | MOUNT ELLIOT | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3979414 | 147.0149961 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14250 | 4816 | MUTARNEE | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.9726982 | 146.2810598 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14251 | 4816 | NELIA | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3439948 | 142.2508045 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14252 | 4816 | NOME | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3676125 | 146.9548653 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14253 | 4816 | PALM ISLAND | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6894285 | 146.5392256 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14254 | 4816 | PALUMA | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.0076254 | 146.1891991 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14255 | 4816 | PENTLAND | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5240452 | 145.3988503 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14256 | 4816 | PRAIRIE | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.8712037 | 144.6026061 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14257 | 4816 | RAVENSWOOD | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.100166 | 146.889323 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14258 | 4816 | REID RIVER | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.7054023 | 146.8521743 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14259 | 4816 | ROLLINGSTONE | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.0406636 | 146.3845213 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21250 | 4816 | ROSS RIVER | QLD | 146.7934243 | -19.45947696 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5279994 | 146.8344496 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14260 | 4816 | SAVANNAH | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3267469 | 141.8514851 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14261 | 4816 | SELLHEIM | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0693418 | 146.2612502 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14262 | 4816 | THE CAPE | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.5271325 | 145.3968336 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14263 | 4816 | TOOMULLA | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.0806227 | 146.4621919 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14264 | 4816 | TOONPAN | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5019312 | 146.870471 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14265 | 4816 | TORRENS CREEK | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7713847 | 145.0146635 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14266 | 4816 | WOODSTOCK | QLD | 146.791529 | -19.787858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.652059 | 146.8537781 | 31802148915 | Toonpan | 318021489 | Townsville - South | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 38.2640800476074 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14267 | 4817 | ALICE RIVER | QLD | 146.652307 | -19.310498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3320775 | 146.6060919 | 31802148616 | Hervey Range | 318021486 | Northern Beaches | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14268 | 4817 | BOHLE PLAINS | QLD | 146.652307 | -19.310498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3141354 | 146.6896533 | 31802148616 | Hervey Range | 318021486 | Northern Beaches | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14269 | 4817 | HERVEY RANGE | QLD | 146.652307 | -19.310498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.347962 | 146.4936982 | 31802148616 | Hervey Range | 318021486 | Northern Beaches | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14270 | 4817 | KIRWAN | QLD | 146.652307 | -19.310498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2967566 | 146.7355907 | 31802148616 | Hervey Range | 318021486 | Northern Beaches | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14271 | 4817 | RANGEWOOD | QLD | 146.652307 | -19.310498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3108179 | 146.6381278 | 31802148616 | Hervey Range | 318021486 | Northern Beaches | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14272 | 4817 | RUPERTSWOOD | QLD | 146.652307 | -19.310498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3217 | 146.599 | 31802148616 | Hervey Range | 318021486 | Northern Beaches | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14273 | 4817 | STABLEFORD | QLD | 146.652307 | -19.310498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3321 | 146.606 | 31802148616 | Hervey Range | 318021486 | Northern Beaches | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14274 | 4817 | THURINGOWA CENTRAL | QLD | 146.652307 | -19.310498 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.316667 | 146.733333 | 31802148616 | Hervey Range | 318021486 | Northern Beaches | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14275 | 4818 | BEACH HOLM | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.183191 | 146.6582465 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14276 | 4818 | BLACK RIVER | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.222 | 146.619 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14277 | 4818 | BLUE HILLS | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2282823 | 146.4707222 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14278 | 4818 | BLUEWATER | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1696862 | 146.5737122 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14279 | 4818 | BLUEWATER PARK | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.210833 | 146.510833 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14280 | 4818 | BOHLE | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2423013 | 146.7243591 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14281 | 4818 | BURDELL | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2481421 | 146.7018998 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14282 | 4818 | BUSHLAND BEACH | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2018468 | 146.6794456 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
21251 | 4818 | COSGROVE | QLD | 146.7141039 | -19.27139928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2713 | 146.713 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 17.0188102722168 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14283 | 4818 | DEERAGUN | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.25 | 146.666667 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14284 | 4818 | INNES | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2528 | 146.682 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14285 | 4818 | JENSEN | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.257222 | 146.640833 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14286 | 4818 | LYNAM | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2713093 | 146.5548513 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14287 | 4818 | MOUNT LOW | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2226979 | 146.6794456 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
21252 | 4818 | MOUNT ST JOHN | QLD | 146.7403725 | -19.25217609 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2529915 | 146.7383988 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 4 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14288 | 4818 | PURONO PARK | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1842 | 146.585 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14289 | 4818 | SAUNDERS BEACH | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.156389 | 146.604167 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14290 | 4818 | SHAW | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2826122 | 146.7047069 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14291 | 4818 | TOOLAKEA | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.146111 | 146.582222 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14292 | 4818 | YABULU | QLD | 146.540275 | -19.23794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1834279 | 146.5861765 | 31802158315 | Deeragun | 318021583 | Deeragun - Jensen | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Herbert | 107.656402587891 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Kennedy | Rural | 30088 | Townsville |
14293 | 4819 | ARCADIA | QLD | 146.831766 | -19.143944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.150278 | 146.866111 | 31802148312 | Horseshoe Bay | 318021483 | Magnetic Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 5 | Herbert | 342.671264648438 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14294 | 4819 | ARCADIA BAY | QLD | 146.831766 | -19.143944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1547 | 146.845 | 31802148312 | Horseshoe Bay | 318021483 | Magnetic Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 5 | Herbert | 342.671264648438 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
21253 | 4819 | FLORENCE BAY | QLD | 146.8727997 | -19.11815984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1181637 | 146.8727797 | 31802148312 | Horseshoe Bay | 318021483 | Magnetic Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 5 | Herbert | 342.671264648438 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14295 | 4819 | HORSESHOE BAY | QLD | 146.831766 | -19.143944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.133333 | 146.85 | 31802148312 | Horseshoe Bay | 318021483 | Magnetic Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 5 | Herbert | 342.671264648438 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14296 | 4819 | MAGNETIC ISLAND | QLD | 146.831766 | -19.143944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1385305 | 146.8338546 | 31802148312 | Horseshoe Bay | 318021483 | Magnetic Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 5 | Herbert | 342.671264648438 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14297 | 4819 | NELLY BAY | QLD | 146.831766 | -19.143944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1546995 | 146.8451668 | 31802148312 | Horseshoe Bay | 318021483 | Magnetic Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 5 | Herbert | 342.671264648438 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
14015 | 4819 | PICNIC BAY | QLD | 146.831766 | -19.143944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1732965 | 146.8339226 | 31802148312 | Horseshoe Bay | 318021483 | Magnetic Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 5 | Herbert | 342.671264648438 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
21254 | 4819 | WEST POINT | QLD | 146.8166793 | -19.13469076 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.1464127 | 146.8026564 | 31802148312 | Horseshoe Bay | 318021483 | Magnetic Island | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 7 | 5 | Herbert | 342.671264648438 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Townsville | 37010 | Herbert | Provincial | 30088 | Townsville |
21255 | 4820 | ALABAMA HILL | QLD | 146.2483755 | -20.08221328 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0821258 | 146.2496246 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14016 | 4820 | BALFES CREEK | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.21297 | 145.909749 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14017 | 4820 | BASALT | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.5245122 | 145.7405281 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14018 | 4820 | BLACK JACK | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.1577478 | 146.0730864 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14019 | 4820 | BREDDAN | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0189787 | 146.3297536 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14020 | 4820 | BROUGHTON | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.1137985 | 146.3044643 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14021 | 4820 | CAMPASPE | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2175825 | 145.9162149 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14022 | 4820 | CHARTERS TOWERS | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0769637 | 146.2601362 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21256 | 4820 | CHARTERS TOWERS CITY | QLD | 146.2601362 | -20.07696378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.077 | 146.26 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 317.157379150391 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21257 | 4820 | COLUMBIA | QLD | 146.2815021 | -20.04978254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0448707 | 146.2761692 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 282.686706542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14023 | 4820 | DOTSWOOD | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9875464 | 146.4392963 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21258 | 4820 | GRAND SECRET | QLD | 146.245218 | -20.07278047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0731103 | 146.2440372 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 326.928588867188 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14024 | 4820 | LLANARTH | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.4682256 | 146.7259385 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21259 | 4820 | MILLCHESTER | QLD | 146.2803637 | -20.09237838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0949569 | 146.2789638 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 297.151214599609 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21260 | 4820 | MOSMAN PARK | QLD | 146.2604909 | -20.09881303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0965538 | 146.2621974 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14025 | 4820 | QUEENTON | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0753227 | 146.2845533 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14026 | 4820 | RICHMOND HILL | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0653033 | 146.2621974 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14027 | 4820 | SEVENTY MILE | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2071357 | 146.2496246 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14028 | 4820 | SOUTHERN CROSS | QLD | 146.275575 | -20.428447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0754748 | 146.2201214 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21261 | 4820 | TOLL | QLD | 146.2546239 | -20.04859254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0504796 | 146.2538153 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21262 | 4820 | TOWERS HILL | QLD | 146.2505114 | -20.09048269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.0899377 | 146.2496246 | 31801146311 | Broughton (Qld) | 318011463 | Dalrymple | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 289.733581542969 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Charters Towers | 32310 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14029 | 4821 | DUTTON RIVER | QLD | 144.218437 | -20.79424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.4791588 | 143.9299478 | 31502140711 | Torrens Creek | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 315.869110107422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Flinders (Qld) | 33200 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14030 | 4821 | HUGHENDEN | QLD | 144.218437 | -20.79424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.85 | 144.2 | 31502140711 | Torrens Creek | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 315.869110107422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Flinders (Qld) | 33200 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
24099 | 4821 | MARATHON | QLD | 143.6782 | -20.8849 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.4791588 | 143.9299478 | 31502140711 | Torrens Creek | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 257.777404785156 | | | | Flinders (Qld) | 33200 | | | 30089 | Traeger |
14031 | 4821 | PORCUPINE | QLD | 144.218437 | -20.79424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.1686638 | 144.3387027 | 31502140711 | Torrens Creek | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 315.869110107422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Flinders (Qld) | 33200 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21263 | 4821 | PRAIRIE | QLD | 144.6827856 | -21.33838836 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -20.8712 | 144.603 | 31502140711 | Torrens Creek | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 315.869110107422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Flinders (Qld) | 33200 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14032 | 4821 | STAMFORD | QLD | 144.218437 | -20.79424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.2669498 | 143.8098158 | 31502140711 | Torrens Creek | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 315.869110107422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Flinders (Qld) | 33200 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14033 | 4821 | TANGORIN | QLD | 144.218437 | -20.79424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -21.5773711 | 144.307111 | 31502140711 | Torrens Creek | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 315.869110107422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Flinders (Qld) | 33200 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21264 | 4822 | ALBION | QLD | 142.604872 | -21.32840736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.3285221 | 142.604985 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14034 | 4822 | BELLFIELD | QLD | 143.164223 | -20.80796 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.362358 | 143.1591148 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21265 | 4822 | BURLEIGH | QLD | 143.0473383 | -20.27407556 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.2605684 | 143.1057767 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21266 | 4822 | CAMBRIDGE | QLD | 142.5863264 | -20.41927169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.3660859 | 142.5859983 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21267 | 4822 | MAXWELTON | QLD | 142.6436913 | -20.8622414 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7238631 | 142.6809629 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14035 | 4822 | NONDA | QLD | 143.164223 | -20.80796 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.680506 | 142.470104 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14036 | 4822 | RICHMOND | QLD | 143.164223 | -20.80796 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7322433 | 143.1436316 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21268 | 4822 | SAXBY | QLD | 142.6631258 | -19.86441527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.8609019 | 142.6496083 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14037 | 4822 | VICTORIA VALE | QLD | 143.164223 | -20.80796 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.4121076 | 142.7140352 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21269 | 4822 | WOOLGAR | QLD | 143.4430132 | -19.97470077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9125246 | 143.4326256 | 31502140710 | Woolgar | 315021407 | Northern Highlands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 172.296020507813 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Etheridge | 33100 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14038 | 4823 | CARPENTARIA | QLD | 141.243755 | -19.214466 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.9789362 | 140.1606972 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 62 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14039 | 4823 | JULIA CREEK | QLD | 141.243755 | -19.214466 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -20.6561047 | 141.7436397 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 62 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14040 | 4823 | KYNUNA | QLD | 141.243755 | -19.214466 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -21.5783215 | 141.9222476 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 62 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14041 | 4823 | MCKINLAY | QLD | 141.243755 | -19.214466 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -21.2740129 | 141.2896943 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 62 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
24100 | 4823 | NELIA | QLD | 141.243755 | -19.214466 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31802 | Townsville | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.9789362 | 140.1606972 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 62 | | | | Burke | 31950 | | | 30089 | Traeger |
14042 | 4823 | STOKES | QLD | 141.243755 | -19.214466 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -18.6681283 | 140.4829578 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 62 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14043 | 4823 | TALDORA | QLD | 141.243755 | -19.214466 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -19.8487478 | 141.3923315 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 62 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14044 | 4823 | WARBURTON | QLD | 141.243755 | -19.214466 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -22.4622563 | 140.8625616 | 31503141006 | Opalton | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 62 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14045 | 4824 | CLONCURRY | QLD | 140.652531 | -20.777471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7068535 | 140.5053246 | 31502140611 | Selwyn (Qld) | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 226.290390014648 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14046 | 4824 | DEVONCOURT STATION | QLD | 140.652531 | -20.777471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1459 | 140.194 | 31502140611 | Selwyn (Qld) | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 226.290390014648 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14047 | 4824 | FOUR WAYS | QLD | 140.652531 | -20.777471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.3395312 | 140.4918297 | 31502140611 | Selwyn (Qld) | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 226.290390014648 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14048 | 4824 | GIDYA | QLD | 140.652531 | -20.777471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.2617848 | 139.7856438 | 31502140611 | Selwyn (Qld) | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 226.290390014648 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14049 | 4824 | KURIDALA | QLD | 140.652531 | -20.777471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.0389119 | 140.4512208 | 31502140611 | Selwyn (Qld) | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 226.290390014648 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14050 | 4824 | OORINDI | QLD | 140.652531 | -20.777471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.693795 | 141.075089 | 31502140611 | Selwyn (Qld) | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 226.290390014648 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
24019 | 4824 | SELWYN | QLD | 140.505319 | -20.704158 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -20.7068535 | 140.5053246 | 31502140611 | Selwyn (Qld) | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 193.816513061523 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14051 | 4824 | THREE RIVERS | QLD | 140.652531 | -20.777471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.029789 | 140.0379329 | 31502140611 | Selwyn (Qld) | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 226.290390014648 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14052 | 4825 | ALEXANDRIA | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.1623216 | 149.0955658 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 3 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14053 | 4825 | ALPURRURULAM | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.9841055 | 137.8472565 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14054 | 4825 | ALROY | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6906 | 138.399 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14055 | 4825 | ANTHONYS LAGOON | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9659 | 135.527 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14056 | 4825 | BARKLY | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6023363 | 138.4781919 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14057 | 4825 | BREAKAWAY | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7258416 | 139.5318179 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14058 | 4825 | BRUNETTE DOWNS | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6906 | 138.399 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14059 | 4825 | BUCKINGHAM | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.2954027 | 139.7319925 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14060 | 4825 | BUSHY PARK | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2534 | 139.736 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14061 | 4825 | CARRANDOTTA | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.1208681 | 138.3882458 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14062 | 4825 | DAJARRA | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.6945536 | 139.5139069 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14063 | 4825 | DUCHESS | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.2836775 | 139.7792093 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14064 | 4825 | FIELDING | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.8326478 | 141.2905198 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14065 | 4825 | FISHER | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7490383 | 139.5320788 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14066 | 4825 | GEORGINA | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.5748275 | 138.8373628 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14067 | 4825 | GUNPOWDER | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.7150502 | 139.3792618 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14068 | 4825 | HAPPY VALLEY | QLD | 139.489 | -20.7469 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.747894 | 139.4885577 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14069 | 4825 | HEALY | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7474612 | 139.5000058 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14070 | 4825 | KALKADOON | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6711395 | 139.4898296 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14071 | 4825 | LANSKEY | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6871165 | 139.4987337 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14072 | 4825 | LAWN HILL | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.645873 | 138.5442739 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14073 | 4825 | MARY KATHLEEN | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7574 | 139.947 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14074 | 4825 | MENZIES | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7180793 | 139.5000058 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14075 | 4825 | MICA CREEK | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7535108 | 139.4911015 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14076 | 4825 | MILES END | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7202445 | 139.486014 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14077 | 4825 | MORNINGTON | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7353634 | 139.4961895 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14078 | 4825 | MOUNT ISA | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7255748 | 139.4927085 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14079 | 4825 | MOUNT ISA BC | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.729 | 139.493 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
21270 | 4825 | MOUNT ISA CITY | QLD | 139.4927075 | -20.72557467 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7256 | 139.493 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14080 | 4825 | MOUNT ISA DC | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.729 | 139.493 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14081 | 4825 | MOUNT ISA EAST | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7255748 | 139.4927085 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14082 | 4825 | OSBORNE MINE | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.0947 | 140.583 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14083 | 4825 | PARKSIDE | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.738101 | 139.4885577 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14084 | 4825 | PIONEER | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7209554 | 139.5101838 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14085 | 4825 | PITURIE | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.47829 | 138.3369153 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14086 | 4825 | RYAN | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.6984927 | 139.5000058 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14087 | 4825 | SOLDIERS HILL | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7054107 | 139.4898296 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14088 | 4825 | SPREADBOROUGH | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7621529 | 139.5000058 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14089 | 4825 | SUNSET | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7111608 | 139.5101838 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14090 | 4825 | THE GAP | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7262892 | 139.4987337 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14091 | 4825 | THE MONUMENT | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.7636176 | 139.9148041 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14092 | 4825 | TOWNVIEW | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7308956 | 139.5063669 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14093 | 4825 | WAVERLEY | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -21.5262698 | 139.0658506 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 5 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14094 | 4825 | WINSTON | QLD | 137.432341 | -21.017327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 70202 | Barkly | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -20.7091506 | 139.4987337 | 70202105507 | Alpurrurulam | 702021055 | Barkly | 70205 | Katherine | 702 | Northern Territory - Outback | 4 | 74 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 218.894332885742 | Q4 | PHN701 | Northern Territory | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 70004 | Barkly |
14095 | 4828 | CAMOOWEAL | QLD | 138.350723 | -19.543752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -19.9206858 | 138.1213302 | 31502140612 | Mount Isa | 315021406 | Mount Isa Surrounds | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 256.054290771484 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Mount Isa | 35300 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14096 | 4829 | AMAROO | QLD | 140.22124 | -23.329938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.2694354 | 139.3378089 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 146.672409057617 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
14097 | 4829 | BEDOURIE | QLD | 140.22124 | -23.329938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.3322136 | 139.4619731 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 146.672409057617 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
14098 | 4829 | BOULIA | QLD | 140.22124 | -23.329938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.911306 | 139.910444 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 146.672409057617 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
14099 | 4829 | MIN MIN | QLD | 140.22124 | -23.329938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8239307 | 140.7493719 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 146.672409057617 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
14100 | 4829 | STURT | QLD | 140.22124 | -23.329938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.3250859 | 138.4052828 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 146.672409057617 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
14101 | 4829 | TOKO | QLD | 140.22124 | -23.329938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.8870583 | 138.8255019 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 146.672409057617 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
14102 | 4829 | WARENDA | QLD | 140.22124 | -23.329938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -22.5009621 | 140.3050976 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 146.672409057617 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
14103 | 4829 | WILLS | QLD | 140.22124 | -23.329938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31503 | Outback - South | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -23.0163808 | 139.9960964 | 31503141008 | Sturt (Qld) | 315031410 | Far Central West | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 146.672409057617 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Barcoo | 30450 | Maranoa | Rural | 30031 | Gregory |
14104 | 4830 | AUGUSTUS DOWNS | QLD | 138.862024 | -17.956336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5801 | 138.88 | 31502140412 | Burketown | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 43.7183227539063 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14105 | 4830 | BURKETOWN | QLD | 138.862024 | -17.956336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.7409635 | 139.5478609 | 31502140412 | Burketown | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 43.7183227539063 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14106 | 4830 | DOOMADGEE | QLD | 138.862024 | -17.956336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9407768 | 138.82695 | 31502140412 | Burketown | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 43.7183227539063 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
23942 | 4830 | GANGALIDDA | QLD | 138.9861855 | -16.96532222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -17.5801 | 138.88 | 31502140412 | Burketown | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 4.44342517852783 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14107 | 4830 | GREGORY | QLD | 138.862024 | -17.956336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6513766 | 139.2529297 | 31502140412 | Burketown | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 43.7183227539063 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14108 | 4830 | GREGORY DOWNS | QLD | 138.862024 | -17.956336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6513766 | 139.2529297 | 31502140412 | Burketown | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 43.7183227539063 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14109 | 4830 | NICHOLSON | QLD | 138.862024 | -17.956336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4229408 | 138.6108766 | 31502140412 | Burketown | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 43.7183227539063 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Burke | 31950 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14110 | 4849 | CARDWELL | QLD | 146.027929 | -18.265652 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.2654956 | 146.0258069 | 30603116139 | Murray Upper | 306031161 | Tully | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Kennedy | 8.15591430664063 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14111 | 4849 | DAMPER CREEK | QLD | 146.027929 | -18.265652 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.3291196 | 146.0497361 | 30603116139 | Murray Upper | 306031161 | Tully | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 8.15591430664063 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14112 | 4849 | HINCHINBROOK | QLD | 146.027929 | -18.265652 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.2921606 | 146.2440175 | 30603116139 | Murray Upper | 306031161 | Tully | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 8.15591430664063 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14113 | 4849 | LUMHOLTZ | QLD | 146.027929 | -18.265652 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.2059242 | 145.8365195 | 30603116139 | Murray Upper | 306031161 | Tully | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 8.15591430664063 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14114 | 4849 | RUNGOO | QLD | 146.027929 | -18.265652 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.5160823 | 146.186497 | 30603116139 | Murray Upper | 306031161 | Tully | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 8.15591430664063 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14115 | 4850 | ABERGOWRIE | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.4408136 | 145.9292659 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14116 | 4850 | ALLINGHAM | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6959902 | 146.3013237 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14117 | 4850 | BAMBAROO | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.871089 | 146.1777127 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14118 | 4850 | BEMERSIDE | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.5606601 | 146.1889148 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14119 | 4850 | BLACKROCK | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6866452 | 146.1756323 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14120 | 4850 | BRAEMEADOWS | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6293548 | 146.2624236 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21272 | 4850 | COOLBIE | QLD | 146.2680446 | -18.90354588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.9124945 | 146.2405453 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14121 | 4850 | CORDELIA | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.5957452 | 146.2590541 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14122 | 4850 | DALRYMPLE CREEK | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.540555 | 146.0447838 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14123 | 4850 | FORESTHOME | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6109184 | 146.2048101 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14124 | 4850 | FORREST BEACH | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.7001034 | 146.2959696 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14125 | 4850 | GAIRLOCH | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.5957952 | 146.1920208 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14126 | 4850 | GARRAWALT | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.5173417 | 145.8405595 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14127 | 4850 | HALIFAX | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.582222 | 146.285278 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14128 | 4850 | HAWKINS CREEK | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.612659 | 146.0940225 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14129 | 4850 | HELENS HILL | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.7692758 | 146.1313138 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14130 | 4850 | INGHAM | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6494046 | 146.1624851 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14131 | 4850 | LANNERCOST | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6060233 | 146.0275945 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14132 | 4850 | LONG POCKET | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.5168108 | 145.9731177 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14133 | 4850 | LUCINDA | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.5312937 | 146.3320088 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14134 | 4850 | MACKNADE | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.5748726 | 146.2557663 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14135 | 4850 | MOUNT FOX | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.8211018 | 145.9086489 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14136 | 4850 | ORIENT | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.795523 | 146.2494884 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14137 | 4850 | PEACOCK SIDING | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6804183 | 145.9966564 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14138 | 4850 | TAYLORS BEACH | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6243722 | 146.3267543 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14139 | 4850 | TOOBANNA | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.7066744 | 146.1447409 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14140 | 4850 | TREBONNE | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.626944 | 146.081111 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14141 | 4850 | UPPER STONE | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.7461958 | 145.9405585 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14142 | 4850 | VALLEY OF LAGOONS | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.8922309 | 145.5651842 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14143 | 4850 | VICTORIA PLANTATION | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6412314 | 146.1921185 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14144 | 4850 | WALLAMAN | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.6743086 | 145.845588 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14145 | 4850 | WHARPS | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.7292598 | 146.062722 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14146 | 4850 | YURUGA | QLD | 146.49572 | -18.552533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.8345268 | 146.1906248 | 31801146520 | Forrest Beach (Qld) | 318011465 | Ingham Surrounds | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 2.07935380935669 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
14147 | 4852 | BINGIL BAY | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.827778 | 146.090833 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14148 | 4852 | CARMOO | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9463543 | 146.0445093 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14149 | 4852 | CLUMP POINT | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8566 | 146.117 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14150 | 4852 | DJIRU | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8531822 | 146.0706859 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14151 | 4852 | DUNK | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9762461 | 146.1690077 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14152 | 4852 | GARNERS BEACH | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8129 | 146.1002779 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14153 | 4852 | MIDGEREE BAR | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8086271 | 146.0866811 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14154 | 4852 | MISSION BEACH | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.869444 | 146.106944 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14155 | 4852 | NARRAGON BEACH | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.848 | 146.105 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
14156 | 4852 | SOUTH MISSION | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9437254 | 146.0895377 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
21273 | 4852 | SOUTH MISSION BEACH | QLD | 146.0860982 | -17.95780486 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9437 | 146.09 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 22.2726230621338 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13875 | 4852 | TAM O'SHANTER | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9093505 | 146.0628539 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13876 | 4852 | WONGALING BEACH | QLD | 146.09996 | -17.830091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9013511 | 146.0920254 | 30603116144 | Mission Beach | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 10.1898708343506 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13877 | 4854 | BILYANA | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.1201074 | 145.8936668 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13878 | 4854 | BIRKALLA | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9152983 | 145.9525652 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13879 | 4854 | BULGUN | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.89341 | 145.9330739 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13880 | 4854 | CARDSTONE | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8358855 | 145.7078363 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13881 | 4854 | DINGO POCKET | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9036348 | 145.8135532 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13882 | 4854 | DJARAWONG | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8681663 | 145.9748462 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13883 | 4854 | EAST FELUGA | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8826352 | 145.9992222 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13884 | 4854 | EURAMO | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.0023149 | 145.9268097 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13885 | 4854 | FELUGA | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8772021 | 145.95535 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13886 | 4854 | HULL HEADS | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9976701 | 146.0586225 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13887 | 4854 | JARRA CREEK | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9413892 | 145.8794942 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
23960 | 4854 | JARRA CREEK | QLD | 145.859931 | -17.9517866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -18.1201074 | 145.8936668 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13888 | 4854 | KOOROOMOOL | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9530376 | 145.702282 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13889 | 4854 | LOWER TULLY | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9906238 | 146.0029832 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13890 | 4854 | MERRYBURN | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9197036 | 145.9748462 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13891 | 4854 | MIDGENOO | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8946863 | 145.9525652 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13892 | 4854 | MOUNT MACKAY | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.938555 | 145.993011 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13893 | 4854 | MUNRO PLAINS | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9440398 | 145.7862975 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13894 | 4854 | MURRAY UPPER | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.0811019 | 145.8502823 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13895 | 4854 | MURRIGAL | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.0463711 | 145.8892336 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13896 | 4854 | ROCKINGHAM | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9985525 | 145.9727571 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13897 | 4854 | SILKY OAK | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9749832 | 145.9449074 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13898 | 4854 | TULLY | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9397555 | 145.9276864 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13899 | 4854 | TULLY HEADS | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.0084486 | 146.0523577 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13900 | 4854 | WALTER HILL | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8227515 | 145.8034934 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13901 | 4854 | WARRAMI | QLD | 145.842063 | -18.020178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.0896402 | 145.8269891 | 30603116141 | Tully | 306031161 | Tully | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 16.4974517822266 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30035 | Hinchinbrook |
13902 | 4855 | DAVESON | QLD | 146.010914 | -17.815378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.7865372 | 146.0232564 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13903 | 4855 | EL ARISH | QLD | 146.010914 | -17.815378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8 | 146 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13904 | 4855 | FRIDAY POCKET | QLD | 146.010914 | -17.815378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8530424 | 146.0060765 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13905 | 4855 | GRANADILLA | QLD | 146.010914 | -17.815378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8455942 | 146.0270885 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
23951 | 4855 | GULNGAI | QLD | 146.021722 | -17.786658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -17.7865372 | 146.0232564 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13906 | 4855 | JAFFA | QLD | 146.010914 | -17.815378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.7818339 | 145.9943465 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13907 | 4855 | MAADI | QLD | 146.010914 | -17.815378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8322622 | 145.9887745 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13908 | 4855 | MARIA CREEKS | QLD | 146.010914 | -17.815378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8026807 | 146.0267401 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13909 | 4855 | SHELL POCKET | QLD | 146.010914 | -17.815378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8157091 | 145.9832029 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 13.9863748550415 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13910 | 4856 | GOOLBOO | QLD | 145.924432 | -17.741424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7245281 | 146.0305724 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 18.03830909729 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13911 | 4856 | JAPOONVALE | QLD | 145.924432 | -17.741424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7217918 | 145.9212419 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 18.03830909729 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13912 | 4856 | MCCUTCHEON | QLD | 145.924432 | -17.741424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7208001 | 146.0560088 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 18.03830909729 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
24157 | 4856 | NO 4 BRANCH | QLD | 145.9709 | -17.7696 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | | | | 35.3191833496094 | | | | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | | | 30034 | Hill |
24158 | 4856 | NO 5 BRANCH | QLD | 146.01 | -17.7245 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | | | | 18.03830909729 | | | | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | | | 30034 | Hill |
13913 | 4856 | NO. 4 BRANCH | QLD | 145.924432 | -17.741424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7493 | 145.968 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 18.03830909729 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13914 | 4856 | NO. 5 BRANCH | QLD | 145.924432 | -17.741424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7233 | 146.011 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 18.03830909729 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13915 | 4856 | SILKWOOD | QLD | 145.924432 | -17.741424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7405194 | 146.0085955 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 18.03830909729 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13916 | 4856 | WALTER LEVER ESTATE | QLD | 145.924432 | -17.741424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7193522 | 145.9709463 | 30603116028 | Silkwood | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 18.03830909729 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13917 | 4857 | SILKWOOD EAST | QLD | 146.059181 | -17.748858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.7470929 | 146.0208179 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | | | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Leichhardt | | | |
13918 | 4858 | COMOON LOOP | QLD | 146.078807 | -17.622583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.563929 | 146.0389343 | 30603116021 | New Harbourline | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13919 | 4858 | ETTY BAY | QLD | 146.078807 | -17.622583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5833474 | 146.0703139 | 30603116021 | New Harbourline | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13920 | 4858 | MARTYVILLE | QLD | 146.078807 | -17.622583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.615417 | 146.0389343 | 30603116021 | New Harbourline | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13921 | 4858 | MOURILYAN | QLD | 146.078807 | -17.622583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5894333 | 146.0535111 | 30603116021 | New Harbourline | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13922 | 4858 | MOURILYAN HARBOUR | QLD | 146.078807 | -17.622583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.586158 | 146.101634 | 30603116021 | New Harbourline | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13923 | 4858 | NEW HARBOURLINE | QLD | 146.078807 | -17.622583 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.6102727 | 146.0610442 | 30603116021 | New Harbourline | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
24159 | 4859 | NO 6 BRANCH | QLD | 145.9546 | -17.5933 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | | | 30603116012 | South Johnstone | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | | | | 17.9070453643799 | | | | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | | | 30034 | Hill |
13924 | 4859 | NO. 6 BRANCH | QLD | 145.959335 | -17.608772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.5959 | 145.965 | 30603116012 | South Johnstone | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 17.9070453643799 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13925 | 4859 | SOUTH JOHNSTONE | QLD | 145.959335 | -17.608772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.5964553 | 145.9943465 | 30603116012 | South Johnstone | 306031160 | Johnstone | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 17.9070453643799 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cassowary Coast | 32260 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13926 | 4860 | BAMBOO CREEK | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5613804 | 145.9859887 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13927 | 4860 | BELVEDERE | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5284762 | 145.9887745 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13928 | 4860 | COCONUTS | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5023971 | 146.0668126 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13929 | 4860 | COOROO LANDS | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.523497 | 145.8968867 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13930 | 4860 | COORUMBA | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5689639 | 145.919154 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13931 | 4860 | COQUETTE POINT | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5271792 | 146.0751778 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13932 | 4860 | CULLINANE | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5107777 | 146.0236048 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13933 | 4860 | DARADGEE | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4730859 | 146.0082778 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13934 | 4860 | EAST INNISFAIL | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5335206 | 146.0347532 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13935 | 4860 | EAST PALMERSTON | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5856136 | 145.8628005 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13936 | 4860 | EATON | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5032384 | 146.0445093 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13937 | 4860 | EUBENANGEE | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4346328 | 145.992257 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13938 | 4860 | FITZGERALD CREEK | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.48504 | 145.9734005 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13939 | 4860 | FLYING FISH POINT | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4953283 | 146.0835437 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13940 | 4860 | GARRADUNGA | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4547 | 146.0063 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13941 | 4860 | GOONDI | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5008429 | 146.0054914 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13942 | 4860 | GOONDI BEND | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.517357 | 146.0110644 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13943 | 4860 | GOONDI HILL | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5287276 | 146.0166377 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13944 | 4860 | HUDSON | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5254901 | 145.9999188 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13945 | 4860 | INNISFAIL | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5226261 | 146.0285223 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13946 | 4860 | INNISFAIL ESTATE | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5186793 | 146.0445093 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13947 | 4860 | JUBILEE HEIGHTS | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4683714 | 146.0288304 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13948 | 4860 | MIGHELL | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5400998 | 146.0222113 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13949 | 4860 | MUNDOO | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.557574 | 146.0194244 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13950 | 4860 | NERADA | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5456831 | 145.8828896 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21274 | 4860 | NGATJAN | QLD | 145.9033414 | -17.49002793 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.497 | 145.91 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13951 | 4860 | NJATJAN | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.5538722 | 153.053693 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 1 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
23995 | 4860 | O’BRIENS HILL | QLD | 145.996277 | -17.56422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -17.5613804 | 145.9859887 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 18.9612979888916 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13952 | 4860 | O'BRIENS HILL | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5109466 | 145.9845958 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13953 | 4860 | PALMERSTON | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5969846 | 145.614822 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13954 | 4860 | PIN GIN HILL | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5651771 | 145.9525652 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13955 | 4860 | SOUTH INNISFAIL | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5434611 | 146.0528724 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13956 | 4860 | STOTERS HILL | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5355248 | 145.9720608 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13957 | 4860 | SUNDOWN | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4989302 | 146.0222113 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13958 | 4860 | UPPER DARADGEE | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5246641 | 145.9657939 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13959 | 4860 | VALETTAS ESTATE | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5227 | 146.028 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13960 | 4860 | VASA VIEWS | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4644726 | 145.963705 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13961 | 4860 | WANJURU | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4482252 | 146.0626774 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13962 | 4860 | WEBB | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.530052 | 146.0500846 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13963 | 4860 | WOOROONOORAN | QLD | 145.888782 | -17.520343 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4433196 | 145.8580888 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 97.5103759765625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13964 | 4861 | BABINDA | QLD | 145.872166 | -17.352821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3407505 | 145.9275798 | 30603115818 | East Russell | 306031158 | Babinda | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13965 | 4861 | BARTLE FRERE | QLD | 145.872166 | -17.352821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4391074 | 145.8857551 | 30603115818 | East Russell | 306031158 | Babinda | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13966 | 4861 | EAST RUSSELL | QLD | 145.872166 | -17.352821 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30603 | Innisfail - Cassowary Coast | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3146343 | 145.9630087 | 30603115818 | East Russell | 306031158 | Babinda | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13967 | 4865 | GOLDSBOROUGH | QLD | 145.782765 | -17.095516 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.1543224 | 145.743667 | 30602114823 | Lamb Range | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 21.1210784912109 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13968 | 4865 | GORDONVALE | QLD | 145.782765 | -17.095516 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0831736 | 145.7961156 | 30602114823 | Lamb Range | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 21.1210784912109 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
21275 | 4865 | GREEN HILL | QLD | 145.8328711 | -17.03089559 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0459352 | 145.8147808 | 30602114823 | Lamb Range | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 22.8745574951172 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13969 | 4865 | KAMMA | QLD | 145.782765 | -17.095516 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.025792 | 145.810762 | 30602114823 | Lamb Range | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 21.1210784912109 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13970 | 4865 | LITTLE MULGRAVE | QLD | 145.782765 | -17.095516 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.1208635 | 145.7031996 | 30602114823 | Lamb Range | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Kennedy | 21.1210784912109 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13971 | 4865 | MERINGA | QLD | 145.782765 | -17.095516 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0778 | 145.775 | 30602114823 | Lamb Range | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 21.1210784912109 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
21276 | 4865 | PACKERS CAMP | QLD | 145.8019067 | -17.02159803 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0390723 | 145.7965689 | 30602114823 | Lamb Range | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 4.48579835891724 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13972 | 4865 | PYRAMID | QLD | 145.782765 | -17.095516 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.1128 | 145.773 | 30602114823 | Lamb Range | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 21.1210784912109 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13974 | 4868 | BAYVIEW HEIGHTS | QLD | 145.729193 | -16.993753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.963 | 145.73 | 30602115712 | Woree | 306021157 | Woree | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 64.2224502563477 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13975 | 4868 | MOUNT SHERIDAN | QLD | 145.729193 | -16.993753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9866642 | 145.7328348 | 30602115712 | Woree | 306021157 | Woree | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 64.2224502563477 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13976 | 4868 | TARRAWARRA | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.647 | 145.436 | 30602115712 | Woree | 306021157 | Woree | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 2 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 64.2224502563477 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13977 | 4868 | WHITE ROCK | QLD | 145.729193 | -16.993753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9745612 | 145.763398 | 30602115712 | Woree | 306021157 | Woree | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 64.2224502563477 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13978 | 4868 | WOREE | QLD | 145.729193 | -16.993753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.95 | 145.75 | 30602115712 | Woree | 306021157 | Woree | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 64.2224502563477 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13979 | 4869 | BENTLEY PARK | QLD | 145.730423 | -17.025592 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.004 | 145.738 | 30602114820 | Wrights Creek (Qld) | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13980 | 4869 | CENTENARY PARK | QLD | 145.730423 | -17.025592 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0055 | 145.742 | 30602114820 | Wrights Creek (Qld) | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13981 | 4869 | EDMONTON | QLD | 145.730423 | -17.025592 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.016667 | 145.75 | 30602114820 | Wrights Creek (Qld) | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13982 | 4869 | MOUNT PETER | QLD | 145.730423 | -17.025592 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0686 | 145.7363074 | 30602114820 | Wrights Creek (Qld) | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13983 | 4869 | TAMARIND GARDENS | QLD | 145.730423 | -17.025592 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0188 | 145.745 | 30602114820 | Wrights Creek (Qld) | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13984 | 4869 | WRIGHTS CREEK | QLD | 145.730423 | -17.025592 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.040981 | 145.772545 | 30602114820 | Wrights Creek (Qld) | 306021148 | Gordonvale - Trinity | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Kennedy | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13985 | 4870 | AEROGLEN | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8846772 | 145.74656 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
21277 | 4870 | BARRON GORGE | QLD | 145.6691953 | -16.88018212 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.880181 | 145.6691959 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 296.492980957031 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13986 | 4870 | BRINSMEAD | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8965157 | 145.7161684 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13987 | 4870 | BUNGALOW | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9386914 | 145.7564509 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13988 | 4870 | CAIRNS | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.918648 | 145.7405497 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13989 | 4870 | CAIRNS CENTRAL | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9252778 | 145.7716667 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13990 | 4870 | CAIRNS CITY | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9185514 | 145.7780548 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13991 | 4870 | CAIRNS DC | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9253 | 145.772 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13992 | 4870 | CAIRNS MC | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.939 | 145.77 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
22830 | 4870 | CAIRNS MCLEOD STREET | QLD | 145.764 | -16.9141 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -16.9141 | 145.764 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13993 | 4870 | CAIRNS NORTH | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9029056 | 145.763398 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13994 | 4870 | CAIRNS ORCHID PLAZA | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9227296 | 145.7772164 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13995 | 4870 | EARLVILLE | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9508397 | 145.7328348 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13996 | 4870 | EARLVILLE BC | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9425 | 145.74 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13997 | 4870 | EDGE HILL | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9007276 | 145.738391 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13998 | 4870 | FRESHWATER | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.883333 | 145.716667 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
13999 | 4870 | KAMERUNGA | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.875909 | 145.6883978 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14000 | 4870 | KANIMBLA | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9231466 | 145.7217235 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14001 | 4870 | LAKE MORRIS | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9497 | 145.707 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
21278 | 4870 | LAMB RANGE | QLD | 145.6820733 | -17.05547916 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9794614 | 145.6769967 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14002 | 4870 | MACKINNON | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9186 | 145.741 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14003 | 4870 | MANOORA | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9160764 | 145.738391 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14004 | 4870 | MANUNDA | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9181834 | 145.7495044 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14005 | 4870 | MARTYNVALE | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9186 | 145.741 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14006 | 4870 | MOOROOBOOL | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.935 | 145.731 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14007 | 4870 | NORTH CAIRNS | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9029056 | 145.763398 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14008 | 4870 | PARRAMATTA PARK | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9264612 | 145.766177 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14009 | 4870 | PORTSMITH | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9405957 | 145.7678798 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14010 | 4870 | REDLYNCH | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9209578 | 145.6967281 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14011 | 4870 | STRATFORD | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8776714 | 145.7314458 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14012 | 4870 | WESTCOURT | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9304876 | 145.7536722 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14013 | 4870 | WHITFIELD | QLD | 145.742303 | -16.923761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30602 | Cairns - South | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8894437 | 145.7328348 | 30602115623 | Whitfield (Qld) | 306021156 | Whitfield - Edge Hill | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | -3492 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30060 | Mulgrave |
14014 | 4871 | ABINGDON DOWNS | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.861145 | 143.2151404 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13734 | 4871 | ALMADEN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.3395537 | 144.6785953 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13735 | 4871 | ALOOMBA | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.107 | 145.832 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21279 | 4871 | AMBER | QLD | 144.2385409 | -17.72028371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7202892 | 144.2385543 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13736 | 4871 | AURUKUN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -13.3549615 | 141.7243877 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13737 | 4871 | BASILISK | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6712705 | 145.9884367 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13738 | 4871 | BELLENDEN KER | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.2771105 | 145.9247217 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13739 | 4871 | BLACKBULL | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.8685756 | 141.7252943 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21280 | 4871 | BOLWARRA | QLD | 144.0416628 | -17.44094682 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.4409206 | 144.0416506 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13740 | 4871 | BOMBEETA | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6757529 | 145.9668306 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13741 | 4871 | BOOGAN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6090516 | 146.0194244 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13742 | 4871 | BRAMSTON BEACH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.3632312 | 146.0183888 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21281 | 4871 | BULLERINGA | QLD | 143.9016447 | -17.61928201 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6193042 | 143.9016014 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13743 | 4871 | CAMP CREEK | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6230946 | 145.9560463 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13744 | 4871 | CHILLAGOE | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.1525138 | 144.5187263 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13745 | 4871 | CLARAVILLE | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.5640101 | 141.7267974 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13746 | 4871 | COEN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -13.9453442 | 143.1992117 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13747 | 4871 | CONJUBOY | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.7190804 | 144.6485661 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13748 | 4871 | CORALIE | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.2050729 | 141.8108663 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13749 | 4871 | COWLEY | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6789019 | 146.0525239 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13750 | 4871 | COWLEY BEACH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6981576 | 146.0976629 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13751 | 4871 | COWLEY CREEK | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6967382 | 146.0333596 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13752 | 4871 | CROYDON | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.2060732 | 142.2435729 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21282 | 4871 | CRYSTALBROOK | QLD | 144.3848431 | -17.46050483 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.4604371 | 144.3848002 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13753 | 4871 | CURRAJAH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.5819643 | 145.9859887 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13754 | 4871 | DEERAL | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.2144236 | 145.9115405 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21283 | 4871 | DESAILLY | QLD | 144.8668872 | -16.41681452 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.4166166 | 144.8696871 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13755 | 4871 | EAST CREEK | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -19.0807147 | 141.7435641 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13756 | 4871 | EAST TRINITY | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.9584366 | 145.8099575 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13757 | 4871 | EDWARD RIVER | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -14.7712067 | 142.3089529 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13758 | 4871 | EINASLEIGH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.5237399 | 144.0902878 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13759 | 4871 | ESMERALDA | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.8526226 | 142.6398315 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13760 | 4871 | FISHERY FALLS | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.1845145 | 145.8968867 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21284 | 4871 | FITZROY ISLAND | QLD | 145.9945252 | -16.93307664 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.9336669 | 145.9943465 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 120.744995117188 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13761 | 4871 | FORSAYTH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.6072713 | 143.7450535 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21285 | 4871 | FOSSILBROOK | QLD | 144.268158 | -17.87347731 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.873495 | 144.268178 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 502.505157470703 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13762 | 4871 | FOUR MILE BEACH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.5192 | 145.473 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13763 | 4871 | GEORGETOWN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.2867281 | 143.4812516 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13764 | 4871 | GERMANTOWN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6425005 | 145.9664902 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13765 | 4871 | GILBERT RIVER | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.2699896 | 142.7391414 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
24101 | 4871 | GILBERTON | QLD | 143.7083 | -19.2751 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30907 | Ormeau - Oxenford | 309 | Gold Coast | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.861145 | 143.2151404 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 513.982116699219 | | | | Carpentaria | 32250 | | | 30089 | Traeger |
13766 | 4871 | GLEN BOUGHTON | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.9441456 | 145.8189943 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13767 | 4871 | GREEN ISLAND | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.7589758 | 145.9743845 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13768 | 4871 | GUNUNA | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.5471467 | 143.2244216 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13769 | 4871 | HELENVALE | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -15.7087 | 145.226 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21286 | 4871 | HURRICANE | QLD | 144.7235719 | -16.62908504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.5313464 | 144.625512 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13770 | 4871 | JULATTEN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.5701955 | 145.3599803 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13771 | 4871 | KARRON | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.5611664 | 141.5993176 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13772 | 4871 | KIDSTON | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.8891 | 144.139 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13773 | 4871 | KOAH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.886 | 145.551 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13774 | 4871 | KOWANYAMA | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -15.4739675 | 141.7452166 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13775 | 4871 | KURRIMINE BEACH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7400447 | 146.1365456 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13776 | 4871 | LAKELAND | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -15.8613689 | 144.8553454 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21287 | 4871 | LAKELAND DOWNS | QLD | 145.7740021 | -19.7061005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -15.8614 | 144.855 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 319.466674804688 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13777 | 4871 | LAURA | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -15.4957511 | 144.1648027 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13778 | 4871 | LOCKHART | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -12.785521 | 143.3065608 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13779 | 4871 | LOWER COWLEY | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6973149 | 146.0776178 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13780 | 4871 | LYNDHURST | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -19.2051057 | 144.3719662 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21288 | 4871 | MACALISTER RANGE | QLD | 145.6348702 | -16.71762977 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.7776116 | 145.6550847 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
23974 | 4871 | MAMU | QLD | 143.185168 | -17.608738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.861145 | 143.2151404 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 173.283020019531 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13781 | 4871 | MENA CREEK | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.668375 | 145.9309857 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13782 | 4871 | MIRIWINNI | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.3968739 | 145.9031488 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21289 | 4871 | MIRRIWINNI | QLD | 145.9189699 | -17.38501354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.3969 | 145.903 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 16.1124477386475 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13783 | 4871 | MORESBY | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6400816 | 146.0333596 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13784 | 4871 | MORNINGTON ISLAND | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.5174872 | 139.4059435 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13785 | 4871 | MOUNT CARBINE | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.5715464 | 145.1955074 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13786 | 4871 | MOUNT MOLLOY | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.674364 | 145.3288655 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21290 | 4871 | MOUNT MULLIGAN | QLD | 145.0229543 | -16.7627129 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.8508278 | 144.8770582 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13787 | 4871 | MOUNT SURPRISE | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.217362 | 144.3570544 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13788 | 4871 | NORTHHEAD | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.7202673 | 143.1721944 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21291 | 4871 | NYCHUM | QLD | 144.4950364 | -16.76546804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.7654289 | 144.495029 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 337.20849609375 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13789 | 4871 | PETFORD | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.3447746 | 144.9300523 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13790 | 4871 | PORMPURAAW | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -14.9000446 | 141.6202424 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13791 | 4871 | PORTLAND ROADS | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -12.9217711 | 143.0232865 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21292 | 4871 | ROOKWOOD | QLD | 144.24717 | -17.0172149 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.0176594 | 144.2472734 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13792 | 4871 | SANDY POCKET | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6566171 | 146.0389343 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13793 | 4871 | SOUTH WELLESLEY ISLANDS | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.0487246 | 139.4165746 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21293 | 4871 | SOUTHEDGE | QLD | 145.2743097 | -16.77109607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.7437192 | 145.3400968 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 401.200134277344 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21294 | 4871 | SPRINGFIELD | QLD | 144.5156919 | -17.93230739 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.9323164 | 144.515704 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 485.141937255859 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13794 | 4871 | SPURGEON | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.2092 | 145.058 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13795 | 4871 | STOCKTON | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.5761303 | 146.0222113 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13796 | 4871 | STRATHMORE | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.3945787 | 142.7336572 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13797 | 4871 | TALAROO | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -18.0561183 | 143.882508 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21295 | 4871 | THORNBOROUGH | QLD | 145.0371532 | -16.96349862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.0127917 | 145.1363848 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13798 | 4871 | UTCHEE CREEK | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.6306888 | 145.919154 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13799 | 4871 | WANGAN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.5728857 | 146.0054914 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13800 | 4871 | WARRUBULLEN | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.7011187 | 146.0119752 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21296 | 4871 | WAUGH POCKET | QLD | 145.924258 | -17.44049495 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.446773 | 145.9386424 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13801 | 4871 | WELLESLEY ISLANDS | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.7252794 | 139.4685032 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13802 | 4871 | WEST WELLESLEY ISLANDS | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.7252794 | 139.4685032 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21297 | 4871 | WOOPEN CREEK | QLD | 145.877686 | -17.46980606 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -17.4736282 | 145.8683647 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13803 | 4871 | YARRABAH | QLD | 145.994075 | -16.934184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -16.9280805 | 145.8720164 | 31502140401 | West Wellesley Islands | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 463.183044433594 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13804 | 4872 | BARRINE | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.2335767 | 145.6190095 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21298 | 4872 | BARWIDGI | QLD | 144.6415088 | -17.66639202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.665967 | 144.6401671 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13805 | 4872 | CAIRNS MC | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9186 | 145.778 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13806 | 4872 | DANBULLA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.20353 | 145.6705954 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13807 | 4872 | DIMBULAH | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.1651825 | 145.0841225 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21299 | 4872 | FORTY MILE | QLD | 144.7311717 | -18.02682862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.9688155 | 144.7638672 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13808 | 4872 | GLEN RUTH | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.0071581 | 145.419838 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13809 | 4872 | GUNNAWARRA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8954347 | 145.0570617 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13810 | 4872 | INNOT HOT SPRINGS | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.7113277 | 145.2635277 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13811 | 4872 | KAIRI | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.216667 | 145.55 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13812 | 4872 | KIRRAMA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.1923688 | 145.5991846 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13813 | 4872 | KOOMBOOLOOMBA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.8166569 | 145.553842 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13814 | 4872 | KOWROWA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8053 | 145.56123 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13815 | 4872 | KURANDA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8167 | 145.633 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13816 | 4872 | LAKE TINAROO | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.1818929 | 145.5635379 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13817 | 4872 | LAKESIDE ESTATE | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -25.5343 | 152.108 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13818 | 4872 | MINNAMOOLKA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.249058 | 145.0374928 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13819 | 4872 | MOUNT GARNET | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.6776722 | 145.1082729 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21300 | 4872 | MUNDERRA | QLD | 144.8818623 | -17.64629156 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.6676347 | 144.8899253 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13820 | 4872 | MUTCHILBA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.1706579 | 145.2107313 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13821 | 4872 | MYOLA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8044 | 145.609 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13822 | 4872 | SILVER VALLEY | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.6248732 | 145.2956887 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13823 | 4872 | TINAROO | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.1879558 | 145.5532018 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13824 | 4872 | WAIRUNA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -18.4361773 | 145.4816126 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13825 | 4872 | WALKAMIN | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.128056 | 145.427778 | 31501140007 | Wrotham | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 3 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13826 | 4873 | BAILEY CREEK | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -24.9474 | 151.079 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13827 | 4873 | BAMBOO | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3784207 | 145.3866097 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13828 | 4873 | BONNIE DOON | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4730183 | 145.3893768 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13829 | 4873 | CAPE TRIBULATION | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.0877894 | 145.4547764 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13830 | 4873 | CASSOWARY | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4971284 | 145.3962764 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13831 | 4873 | COOYA BEACH | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4422588 | 145.4305486 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13832 | 4873 | COW BAY | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2319196 | 145.4562545 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13833 | 4873 | DAGMAR | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.1679284 | 145.2272404 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13834 | 4873 | DAINTREE | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.25 | 145.316667 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13835 | 4873 | DEDIN | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2707961 | 145.1869305 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13836 | 4873 | DIWAN | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2017584 | 145.4049437 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13837 | 4873 | FINLAY VALE | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4602783 | 145.350299 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21301 | 4873 | FINLAYVALE | QLD | 145.3498794 | -16.45863225 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4603 | 145.35 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | -0.0596035830676556 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13838 | 4873 | FOREST CREEK | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2450068 | 145.3972583 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13839 | 4873 | KIMBERLEY | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2576963 | 145.4412773 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21302 | 4873 | LOW ISLES | QLD | 145.565388 | -16.38618344 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3861835 | 145.5653879 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | -0.0596035830676556 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13840 | 4873 | LOWER DAINTREE | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2621436 | 145.3607205 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13841 | 4873 | MIALLO | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3952708 | 145.3696628 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13842 | 4873 | MOSSMAN | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.45 | 145.373333 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13843 | 4873 | MOSSMAN GORGE | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.474417 | 145.348306 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13844 | 4873 | NEWELL | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4277006 | 145.399903 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13845 | 4873 | NOAH | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.1802116 | 145.3491106 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13846 | 4873 | ROCKY POINT | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3924722 | 145.4091648 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13847 | 4873 | SHANNONVALE | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.5027477 | 145.3794606 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21303 | 4873 | SPURGEON | QLD | 145.0575079 | -16.20917434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2091734 | 145.0575026 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 973.175720214844 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13848 | 4873 | STEWART CREEK VALLEY | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2965184 | 145.3067462 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13849 | 4873 | SYNDICATE | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4172258 | 145.3542135 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13850 | 4873 | THORNTON BEACH | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.173092 | 145.4412624 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13851 | 4873 | UPPER DAINTREE | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.2236419 | 145.291888 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13852 | 4873 | WHYANBEEL | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3842492 | 145.3413101 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13853 | 4873 | WONGA | QLD | 145.299094 | -16.230854 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3181162 | 145.4090954 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 32.2253875732422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21304 | 4873 | WONGA BEACH | QLD | 145.4206259 | -16.34703692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3181 | 145.409 | 30604116519 | Port Douglas | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | -0.0596035830676556 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13854 | 4874 | EVANS LANDING | QLD | 142.267938 | -12.533944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.6634828 | 141.8535937 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21305 | 4874 | JARDINE RIVER | QLD | 142.7374815 | -11.30318365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -11.1498528 | 142.6797173 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13855 | 4874 | MAPOON | QLD | 142.267938 | -12.533944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -11.8631882 | 142.1830689 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21306 | 4874 | MISSION RIVER | QLD | 142.377739 | -12.71887526 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.684734 | 141.8867041 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13856 | 4874 | NANUM | QLD | 142.267938 | -12.533944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.641944 | 141.863056 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21307 | 4874 | NAPRANUM | QLD | 141.889719 | -12.682566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.4661601 | 142.1487691 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 20.2865753173828 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13857 | 4874 | ROCKY POINT | QLD | 142.267938 | -12.533944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.6202628 | 141.8866215 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21308 | 4874 | SHELBURNE | QLD | 142.9853326 | -12.01611476 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.0159033 | 142.9850536 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 13.2315034866333 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13858 | 4874 | TRUNDING | QLD | 142.267938 | -12.533944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.6318779 | 141.8707662 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13859 | 4874 | WEIPA | QLD | 142.267938 | -12.533944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.6492936 | 141.8469901 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13860 | 4874 | WEIPA AIRPORT | QLD | 142.267938 | -12.533944 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.6809595 | 141.9239608 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21309 | 4874 | WENLOCK | QLD | 142.6252767 | -12.49857052 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -12.498618 | 142.625174 | 31501140314 | Rocky Point (Weipa - Qld) | 315011403 | Weipa | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 47.1571006774902 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Aurukun | 30250 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13861 | 4875 | BADU ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13862 | 4875 | BANKS ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.1706 | 142.255 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13863 | 4875 | BOIGU | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.27405 | 142.223 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13864 | 4875 | BOIGU ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.27405 | 142.223 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
23907 | 4875 | BURRAR ISLET | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13865 | 4875 | COCONUT ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.0496541 | 143.0694062 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13866 | 4875 | DARNLEY ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.5797002 | 143.7789593 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13867 | 4875 | DAUAN ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.4217358 | 142.5362305 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
23930 | 4875 | DOWAR ISLET | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13868 | 4875 | ERUB | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.5797002 | 143.7789593 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21310 | 4875 | ERUB ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.5797 | 143.779 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
23950 | 4875 | GUIJAR ISLET | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21311 | 4875 | HORN | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.6116 | 142.287 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13869 | 4875 | HORN ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.611642 | 142.2868647 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13870 | 4875 | IAMA | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.90298 | 142.775 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
23956 | 4875 | IAMA ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13871 | 4875 | JERVIS ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.96667 | 142.183 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21312 | 4875 | KERIRI ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.5495 | 142.207 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
24102 | 4875 | KUBIN | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | | | | | | | | 30021 | Cook |
13872 | 4875 | KUBIN VILLAGE | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.235375 | 142.218445 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13873 | 4875 | MABUIAG | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.95532 | 142.183 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13874 | 4875 | MABUIAG ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.9553248 | 142.1832671 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13594 | 4875 | MASIG | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.75164 | 143.408 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21313 | 4875 | MASIG ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.75164 | 143.408 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
23977 | 4875 | MER ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13595 | 4875 | MOA ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.170563 | 142.254972 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13596 | 4875 | MULGRAVE ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13597 | 4875 | MURRAY ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.9186033 | 144.0493904 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21314 | 4875 | PORUMA ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.0497 | 143.069 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21315 | 4875 | PRINCE OF WALES | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.7141 | 142.191 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13598 | 4875 | SAIBAI ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.4051284 | 142.6921001 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13599 | 4875 | STEPHENS ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.5078041 | 143.5459797 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13600 | 4875 | TALBOT ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.27405 | 142.223 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13601 | 4875 | THURSDAY ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.5799169 | 142.2193906 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
24034 | 4875 | UGAR ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13602 | 4875 | WARRABER ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.2082232 | 142.8245693 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21316 | 4875 | WARRABER ISLET | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.2082 | 142.825 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
24037 | 4875 | WAUA ISLET | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -10.116416 | 142.1275481 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13603 | 4875 | YAM ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.9029808 | 142.775032 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13604 | 4875 | YORKE ISLAND | QLD | 143.769211 | -9.584901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -9.7516447 | 143.4081551 | 31501140217 | Badu Island | 315011402 | Torres Strait Islands | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 85.4497604370117 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | | | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13605 | 4876 | BAMAGA | QLD | 142.465399 | -11.33852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -10.8902184 | 142.3893793 | 31501140113 | New Mapoon | 315011401 | Torres | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 48.8700790405273 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Torres | 36950 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13606 | 4876 | INJINOO | QLD | 142.465399 | -11.33852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -10.9057181 | 142.3320329 | 31501140113 | New Mapoon | 315011401 | Torres | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 48.8700790405273 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Torres | 36950 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13607 | 4876 | NEW MAPOON | QLD | 142.465399 | -11.33852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -10.7876753 | 142.4389946 | 31501140113 | New Mapoon | 315011401 | Torres | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 48.8700790405273 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Torres | 36950 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
24011 | 4876 | PUNSAND | QLD | 142.427014 | -10.851692 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -10.8902184 | 142.3893793 | 31501140113 | New Mapoon | 315011401 | Torres | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 73.4751586914063 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Torres | 36950 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13608 | 4876 | SEISIA | QLD | 142.465399 | -11.33852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -10.8500562 | 142.3691038 | 31501140113 | New Mapoon | 315011401 | Torres | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 48.8700790405273 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Torres | 36950 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
24103 | 4876 | SOMERSET | QLD | 142.542 | -10.7739 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -10.8902184 | 142.3893793 | 31501140113 | New Mapoon | 315011401 | Torres | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 48.8700790405273 | | | | Torres | 36950 | | | 30021 | Cook |
13609 | 4876 | UMAGICO | QLD | 142.465399 | -11.33852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 3-Dec-2022 | -10.892789 | 142.3513703 | 31501140113 | New Mapoon | 315011401 | Torres | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 48.8700790405273 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Torres | 36950 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13610 | 4877 | CRAIGLIE | QLD | 145.467604 | -16.535286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.5359366 | 145.4601456 | 30604116520 | Craiglie | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 6.85175228118896 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13611 | 4877 | KILLALOE | QLD | 145.467604 | -16.535286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.4889066 | 145.4198213 | 30604116520 | Craiglie | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 6.85175228118896 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13612 | 4877 | LOW ISLES | QLD | 145.467604 | -16.535286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.3862 | 145.565 | 30604116520 | Craiglie | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 6.85175228118896 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13613 | 4877 | MOWBRAY | QLD | 145.467604 | -16.535286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.5696986 | 145.4755485 | 30604116520 | Craiglie | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 6.85175228118896 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13614 | 4877 | OAK BEACH | QLD | 145.467604 | -16.535286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.591277 | 145.5191857 | 30604116520 | Craiglie | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 6.85175228118896 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13615 | 4877 | PORT DOUGLAS | QLD | 145.467604 | -16.535286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.483611 | 145.465278 | 30604116520 | Craiglie | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 6.85175228118896 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13616 | 4877 | WANGETTI | QLD | 145.467604 | -16.535286 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30604 | Port Douglas - Daintree | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.6579108 | 145.5655666 | 30604116520 | Craiglie | 306041165 | Port Douglas | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 6.85175228118896 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13617 | 4878 | BARRON | QLD | 145.711531 | -16.839378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8583319 | 145.7001993 | 30601114319 | Yorkeys Knob | 306011143 | Yorkeys Knob - Machans Beach | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 3.78477239608765 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13618 | 4878 | CARAVONICA | QLD | 145.711531 | -16.839378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.867222 | 145.688056 | 30601114319 | Yorkeys Knob | 306011143 | Yorkeys Knob - Machans Beach | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 3.78477239608765 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13619 | 4878 | HOLLOWAYS BEACH | QLD | 145.711531 | -16.839378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.842222 | 145.739167 | 30601114319 | Yorkeys Knob | 306011143 | Yorkeys Knob - Machans Beach | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 3.78477239608765 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13620 | 4878 | LAKE PLACID | QLD | 145.711531 | -16.839378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8691 | 145.681 | 30601114319 | Yorkeys Knob | 306011143 | Yorkeys Knob - Machans Beach | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 3.78477239608765 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13621 | 4878 | MACHANS BEACH | QLD | 145.711531 | -16.839378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.855556 | 145.747778 | 30601114319 | Yorkeys Knob | 306011143 | Yorkeys Knob - Machans Beach | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 3.78477239608765 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13622 | 4878 | SMITHFIELD | QLD | 145.711531 | -16.839378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.831389 | 145.690833 | 30601114319 | Yorkeys Knob | 306011143 | Yorkeys Knob - Machans Beach | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 3.78477239608765 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13623 | 4878 | YORKEYS KNOB | QLD | 145.711531 | -16.839378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.812 | 145.721 | 30601114319 | Yorkeys Knob | 306011143 | Yorkeys Knob - Machans Beach | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 3.78477239608765 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13624 | 4879 | BUCHAN POINT | QLD | 145.666474 | -16.789777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.7366 | 145.662 | 30601114250 | Trinity Beach | 306011142 | Trinity Beach - Smithfield | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13625 | 4879 | CLIFTON BEACH | QLD | 145.666474 | -16.789777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.7705376 | 145.6717397 | 30601114250 | Trinity Beach | 306011142 | Trinity Beach - Smithfield | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13626 | 4879 | ELLIS BEACH | QLD | 145.666474 | -16.789777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.7228748 | 145.6757213 | 30601114250 | Trinity Beach | 306011142 | Trinity Beach - Smithfield | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13627 | 4879 | KEWARRA BEACH | QLD | 145.666474 | -16.789777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.7875 | 145.676389 | 30601114250 | Trinity Beach | 306011142 | Trinity Beach - Smithfield | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13628 | 4879 | PALM COVE | QLD | 145.666474 | -16.789777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.74405 | 145.67095 | 30601114250 | Trinity Beach | 306011142 | Trinity Beach - Smithfield | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13629 | 4879 | TRINITY BEACH | QLD | 145.666474 | -16.789777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.783333 | 145.7 | 30601114250 | Trinity Beach | 306011142 | Trinity Beach - Smithfield | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
13630 | 4879 | TRINITY PARK | QLD | 145.666474 | -16.789777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30601 | Cairns - North | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.807488 | 145.7050591 | 30601114250 | Trinity Beach | 306011142 | Trinity Beach - Smithfield | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Cairns | 32080 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30004 | Barron River |
21317 | 4880 | ARRIGA | QLD | 145.2931511 | -17.0488028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0201867 | 145.2934126 | 31501140012 | Biboohra | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 502.454315185547 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13631 | 4880 | BIBOOHRA | QLD | 145.383091 | -16.972341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8649005 | 145.4340817 | 31501140012 | Biboohra | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 623.492492675781 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13632 | 4880 | BILWON | QLD | 145.383091 | -16.972341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8527 | 145.45 | 31501140012 | Biboohra | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 623.492492675781 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21318 | 4880 | CHEWKO | QLD | 145.3734075 | -17.06721287 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0876313 | 145.3619254 | 31501140012 | Biboohra | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 516.41357421875 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21319 | 4880 | GLEN RUSSELL | QLD | 145.2375044 | -16.95931822 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9485708 | 145.2066099 | 31501140012 | Biboohra | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 623.492492675781 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13633 | 4880 | MAREEBA | QLD | 145.383091 | -16.972341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0019368 | 145.4388546 | 31501140012 | Biboohra | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 623.492492675781 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13634 | 4880 | MARYFARMS | QLD | 145.383091 | -16.972341 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.9941 | 145.359 | 31501140012 | Biboohra | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 623.492492675781 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21320 | 4880 | PADDYS GREEN | QLD | 145.3288229 | -16.97139021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.0118775 | 145.3482245 | 31501140012 | Biboohra | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 623.492492675781 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21321 | 4881 | KOAH | QLD | 145.5578365 | -16.91252285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8860142 | 145.5513998 | 30605116818 | Kuranda | 306051168 | Kuranda | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 383.489501953125 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13635 | 4881 | KURANDA | QLD | 145.157257 | -18.028128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -16.816667 | 145.633333 | 30605116818 | Kuranda | 306051168 | Kuranda | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Leichhardt | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21322 | 4881 | MONA MONA | QLD | 145.5429955 | -16.74295055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.7936545 | 145.5621011 | 30605116818 | Kuranda | 306051168 | Kuranda | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21323 | 4881 | SPEEWAH | QLD | 145.6257271 | -16.89087135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -16.8897905 | 145.6134608 | 30605116818 | Kuranda | 306051168 | Kuranda | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Leichhardt | 651.788146972656 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13636 | 4882 | TOLGA | QLD | 145.47284 | -17.202517 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.2031744 | 145.4517071 | 30605116629 | Tolga | 306051166 | Atherton | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | 729.171997070313 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13637 | 4883 | ATHERTON | QLD | 145.476659 | -17.33327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.2660801 | 145.4858599 | 30605116928 | East Barron | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13638 | 4883 | CARRINGTON | QLD | 145.476659 | -17.33327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3026781 | 145.4629274 | 30605116928 | East Barron | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13639 | 4883 | EAST BARRON | QLD | 145.476659 | -17.33327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.2923293 | 145.5524478 | 30605116928 | East Barron | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13640 | 4883 | UPPER BARRON | QLD | 145.476659 | -17.33327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3500508 | 145.539973 | 30605116928 | East Barron | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13641 | 4883 | WONGABEL | QLD | 145.476659 | -17.33327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3244153 | 145.4644694 | 30605116928 | East Barron | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13642 | 4884 | GADGARRA | QLD | 145.7215575 | -17.26633269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -17.2663495 | 145.7214362 | 30605116923 | Yungaburra | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13643 | 4884 | LAKE BARRINE | QLD | 145.6419665 | -17.25623569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -17.2502653 | 145.6523091 | 30605116923 | Yungaburra | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13644 | 4884 | LAKE EACHAM | QLD | 145.6451547 | -17.29482618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -17.284853 | 145.6259459 | 30605116923 | Yungaburra | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13645 | 4884 | YUNGABURRA | QLD | 145.5969857 | -17.27149723 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -17.271111 | 145.583056 | 30605116923 | Yungaburra | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13646 | 4885 | BUTCHERS CREEK | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3080044 | 145.6908274 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13647 | 4885 | GLEN ALLYN | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3858995 | 145.6877037 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13648 | 4885 | JAGGAN | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3932767 | 145.6072189 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13649 | 4885 | KUREEN | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3316915 | 145.5968167 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13650 | 4885 | MALANDA | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3490789 | 145.594043 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13651 | 4885 | NORTH JOHNSTONE | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3288516 | 145.6595951 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13652 | 4885 | PEERAMON | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3112043 | 145.5968167 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13653 | 4885 | TARZALI | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.422547 | 145.6127672 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13654 | 4885 | TOPAZ | QLD | 145.624143 | -17.384187 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4169835 | 145.7189459 | 30605116930 | Malanda | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13655 | 4886 | BEATRICE | QLD | 145.633789 | -17.535676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5499274 | 145.5891892 | 30605116920 | Millaa Millaa | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13656 | 4886 | ELLINJAA | QLD | 145.633789 | -17.535676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.511427 | 145.642997 | 30605116920 | Millaa Millaa | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13657 | 4886 | MAALAN | QLD | 145.633789 | -17.535676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.608332 | 145.5712282 | 30605116920 | Millaa Millaa | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13658 | 4886 | MIDDLEBROOK | QLD | 145.633789 | -17.535676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5604096 | 145.6294143 | 30605116920 | Millaa Millaa | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13659 | 4886 | MILLAA MILLAA | QLD | 145.633789 | -17.535676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5144717 | 145.6044448 | 30605116920 | Millaa Millaa | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13660 | 4886 | MINBUN | QLD | 145.633789 | -17.535676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4728658 | 145.5638845 | 30605116920 | Millaa Millaa | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13661 | 4886 | MOREGATTA | QLD | 145.633789 | -17.535676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4838435 | 145.5936963 | 30605116920 | Millaa Millaa | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13662 | 4886 | MUNGALLI | QLD | 145.633789 | -17.535676 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5518849 | 145.7018652 | 30605116920 | Millaa Millaa | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13663 | 4887 | HERBERTON | QLD | 145.386636 | -17.384931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.383333 | 145.383333 | 31501140008 | Watsonville | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 904.060791015625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13664 | 4887 | IRVINEBANK | QLD | 145.386636 | -17.384931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4326176 | 145.2207422 | 31501140008 | Watsonville | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 904.060791015625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
21324 | 4887 | KALUNGA | QLD | 145.3951374 | -17.45397782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4408938 | 145.3852261 | 31501140008 | Watsonville | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 904.060791015625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13665 | 4887 | MOOMIN | QLD | 145.386636 | -17.384931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3651954 | 145.4066735 | 31501140008 | Watsonville | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 904.060791015625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13666 | 4887 | WATSONVILLE | QLD | 145.386636 | -17.384931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.3550626 | 145.3276567 | 31501140008 | Watsonville | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 904.060791015625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13667 | 4887 | WONDECLA | QLD | 145.386636 | -17.384931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4251524 | 145.436778 | 31501140008 | Watsonville | 315011400 | Tablelands | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 32 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | 904.060791015625 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Mareeba | 34880 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13668 | 4888 | EVELYN | QLD | 145.491052 | -17.499336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5086488 | 145.5032522 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13669 | 4888 | KABAN | QLD | 145.491052 | -17.499336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5213207 | 145.39249 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13670 | 4888 | MILLSTREAM | QLD | 145.491052 | -17.499336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.6558579 | 145.4212304 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 4 | 33 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13671 | 4888 | RAVENSHOE | QLD | 145.491052 | -17.499336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.609167 | 145.483611 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13672 | 4888 | TUMOULIN | QLD | 145.491052 | -17.499336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 30605 | Tablelands (East) - Kuranda | 306 | Cairns | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.5805199 | 145.4633306 | 30605116903 | Ravenshoe | 306051169 | Malanda - Yungaburra | 31905 | Maryborough | 319 | Wide Bay | 3 | 33 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Kennedy | | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Tablelands | 36820 | Kennedy | Rural | 30034 | Hill |
13673 | 4890 | HOWITT | QLD | 141.185062 | -17.741867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.1871499 | 141.5368085 | 31502140411 | Normanton | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 10 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13674 | 4890 | NORMAN | QLD | 141.185062 | -17.741867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.6789764 | 141.0765174 | 31502140411 | Normanton | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 10 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13675 | 4890 | NORMANTON | QLD | 141.185062 | -17.741867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.6742288 | 141.0752403 | 31502140411 | Normanton | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 10 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Croydon | 32600 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
13676 | 4891 | KARUMBA | QLD | 140.92883 | -17.447378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -17.4912391 | 140.8768541 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Kennedy | 2.38523554801941 | Q4 | PHN305 | Western Queensland | Carpentaria | 32250 | Kennedy | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21325 | 4892 | ABINGDON DOWNS | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.8611 | 143.215 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16736 | 4892 | ARBOUIN | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.0617 | 143.995 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21326 | 4892 | ARCHER RIVER | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -13.3478 | 142.527 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16738 | 4892 | AURUKUN | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -13.3573 | 141.728 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16739 | 4892 | BELLEVUE | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.6391 | 144.263 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16740 | 4892 | COEN | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -13.9417 | 143.2 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16741 | 4892 | DIXIE | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -15.4159 | 143.272 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21327 | 4892 | EDWARD RIVER | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -14.7712 | 142.309 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16743 | 4892 | GAMBOOLA | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.555 | 143.668 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16744 | 4892 | GROGANVILLE | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.4 | 144.362 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
24104 | 4892 | GUNUNA | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.8611 | 143.215 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | | | | Napranum | 35670 | | | 30089 | Traeger |
16746 | 4892 | HIGHBURY | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.3054 | 142.897 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21328 | 4892 | HOLROYD RIVER | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -14.4834 | 142.816 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
23958 | 4892 | IRON RANGE | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.8611 | 143.215 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16748 | 4892 | KOWANYAMA | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -15.474 | 141.745 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16749 | 4892 | LAKEFIELD | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -14.8184 | 144.211 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16750 | 4892 | LAURA | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -15.4958 | 144.165 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16751 | 4892 | LIZARD | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -14.7468 | 145.394 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21329 | 4892 | LOCKHART RIVER | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -12.7845 | 143.343 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16753 | 4892 | LYNDSIDE | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.8924 | 143.603 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16754 | 4892 | MARAMIE | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.0363 | 142.288 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21330 | 4892 | MOUNT MULGRAVE | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.2739 | 143.991 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16756 | 4892 | PALMER | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -15.9529 | 143.613 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16757 | 4892 | PORMPURAAW | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -14.9 | 141.62 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16758 | 4892 | RAVENSWORTH | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.2653 | 143.616 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21331 | 4892 | RED RIVER | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.4405 | 143.336 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21332 | 4892 | SOUTH WELLESLEY ISLANDS | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -17.0642 | 139.473 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16761 | 4892 | STAATEN | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.6521 | 142.919 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21333 | 4892 | WELLESLEY ISLANDS | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.7253 | 139.469 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21334 | 4892 | WEST WELLESLEY ISLANDS | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.7225 | 139.158 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16764 | 4892 | WROTHAM | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.6421 | 143.95 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16765 | 4892 | YAGOONYA | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -16.4338 | 141.747 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
16766 | 4892 | YARRADEN | QLD | 143.3735 | -14.6604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31502 | Outback - North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -14.5786 | 143.295 | 31502140408 | Yagoonya | 315021404 | Carpentaria | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 265.105438232422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Napranum | 35670 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30089 | Traeger |
21335 | 4895 | AYTON | QLD | 145.7740021 | -19.7061005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -15.9215 | 145.344 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 319.466674804688 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13677 | 4895 | BLOOMFIELD | QLD | 145.3380453 | -16.04948936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -15.933056 | 145.341389 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 241.327285766602 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13678 | 4895 | COOKTOWN | QLD | 145.180006 | -15.54325984 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -15.4758164 | 145.2470981 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 241.327285766602 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13679 | 4895 | DEGARRA | QLD | 145.3422653 | -15.94342392 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -15.9465623 | 145.3447672 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 29.6937732696533 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21336 | 4895 | HELENVALE | QLD | 145.222621 | -15.707322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -15.708661 | 145.226311 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 132.724578857422 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13680 | 4895 | HOPE VALE | QLD | 145.247184 | -15.15786303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -15.2941987 | 145.1082367 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 241.327285766602 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13681 | 4895 | ROSSVILLE | QLD | 145.2418843 | -15.79626907 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -15.7004789 | 145.2542355 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 241.327285766602 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
21337 | 4895 | STARCKE | QLD | 144.7525301 | -14.76854069 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -14.6674256 | 144.7541453 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 5 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 7 | 7 | Leichhardt | 241.327285766602 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
13682 | 4895 | WUJAL WUJAL | QLD | 145.3121238 | -15.9723604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 31501 | Far North | 315 | Queensland - Outback | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -15.9431248 | 145.3205922 | 31501139629 | Hope Vale | 315011396 | Cape York | 31801 | Charters Towers - Ayr - Ingham | 318 | Townsville | 4 | 34 | Very Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Leichhardt | 241.327285766602 | Q4 | PHN307 | Northern Queensland | Douglas | 32810 | Leichhardt | Rural | 30021 | Cook |
11334 | 9000 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11335 | 9001 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11336 | 9002 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11338 | 9005 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11339 | 9007 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11341 | 9009 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11185 | 9010 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11186 | 9013 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11187 | 9015 | BRISBANE | QLD | 152.823141 | -27.603479 | LVR | LVR | 30504 | Brisbane Inner - West | 305 | Brisbane Inner City | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.4697707 | 153.0251235 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 44.3497924804688 | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11196 | 9464 | NORTHGATE MC | QLD | 153.074982 | -27.397055 | | | 30203 | Nundah | 302 | Brisbane - North | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -27.39 | 153.066 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | Q1 | PHN301 | | Brisbane | 31000 | Griffith | | | |
11197 | 9726 | GOLD COAST MC | QLD | 153.412197 | -28.008783 | | | 30910 | Surfers Paradise | 309 | Gold Coast | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -28.0167 | 153.4 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Moncrieff | | Q1 | PHN303 | | Gold Coast | 33430 | McPherson | | | |
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