Below is a listing of all postcodes in the state of Victoria (VIC), Australia.
ID | Postcode | Locality | State | Longitude | Latitude | Category | Type | SA3 | SA3 Name | SA4 | SA4 Name | Region | Status | Lat (Google) | Long (Google) | SA1 CODE 2021 | SA1 NAME 2021 | SA2 CODE 2021 | SA2 NAME 2021 | SA3 CODE 2021 | SA3 NAME 2021 | SA4 CODE 2021 | SA4 NAME 2021 | RA 2016 | RA 2021 | RA 2021 Name | MMM 2015 | MMM 2019 | CED | Altitude | Charge Zone | PHN Code | PHN Name | LGA Region | LGA Code | Electorate | Electorate Rating | State Electoral Code | State Electroal Name |
4746 | 3000 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8152065 | 144.963937 | 20604150622 | North Melbourne | 206041506 | North Melbourne | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4747 | 3001 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Melbourne | 24600 | Maribyrnong | | | |
4748 | 3002 | EAST MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8161444 | 144.9804594 | 20604111915 | East Melbourne | 206041119 | East Melbourne | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4749 | 3003 | WEST MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.949592 | -37.810871 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8114504 | 144.9253974 | 20604151016 | West Melbourne | 206041510 | West Melbourne - Residential | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 15.3160629272461 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4750 | 3004 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8301583 | 144.9804594 | 20605151429 | Melbourne | 206051514 | St Kilda - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
4751 | 3004 | ST KILDA ROAD CENTRAL | VIC | 144.970161 | -37.844246 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8368 | 144.976 | 20605151429 | Melbourne | 206051514 | St Kilda - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | -3492 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
22851 | 3004 | ST KILDA ROAD MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.976 | -37.8368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -37.8368 | 144.976 | 20605151429 | Melbourne | 206051514 | St Kilda - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | -3492 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
4752 | 3005 | WORLD TRADE CENTRE | VIC | 144.950858 | -37.824608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8226739 | 144.953839 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | | | |
20754 | 3006 | SOUTH WHARF | VIC | 144.9520744 | -37.82528675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.825 | 144.952 | 20605151219 | Southbank | 206051512 | South Melbourne | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 3.33676600456238 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
4753 | 3006 | SOUTHBANK | VIC | 144.965926 | -37.823258 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.829 | 144.957 | 20605151219 | Southbank | 206051512 | South Melbourne | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 3.33676600456238 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
4754 | 3008 | DOCKLANDS | VIC | 144.948039 | -37.814719 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8170652 | 144.9419122 | 20605151104 | Port Melbourne | 206051511 | Port Melbourne Industrial | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 12.555121421814 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4755 | 3010 | UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.961351 | -37.796152 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7983459 | 144.960974 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 44.1643333435059 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | | | |
4756 | 3011 | FOOTSCRAY | VIC | 144.907953 | -37.807101 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7988987 | 144.892357 | 21303135123 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 2.80171084403992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 22907 | Footscray (Western Metropolitan) |
4757 | 3011 | SEDDON | VIC | 144.907953 | -37.807101 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8055831 | 144.891002 | 21303135123 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 2.80171084403992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 22907 | Footscray (Western Metropolitan) |
4758 | 3011 | SEDDON WEST | VIC | 144.907953 | -37.807101 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8053708 | 144.8918846 | 21303135123 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 2.80171084403992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 22907 | Footscray (Western Metropolitan) |
4759 | 3012 | BROOKLYN | VIC | 144.861162 | -37.807135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8173492 | 144.8465361 | 21303135128 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 21.9553852081299 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4760 | 3012 | KINGSVILLE | VIC | 144.861162 | -37.807135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.809 | 144.878 | 21303135128 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 21.9553852081299 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4761 | 3012 | KINGSVILLE WEST | VIC | 144.861162 | -37.807135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.809 | 144.878 | 21303135128 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 21.9553852081299 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4762 | 3012 | MAIDSTONE | VIC | 144.861162 | -37.807135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.783 | 144.878 | 21303135128 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 21.9553852081299 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4763 | 3012 | TOTTENHAM | VIC | 144.861162 | -37.807135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.806 | 144.857 | 21303135128 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 21.9553852081299 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4764 | 3012 | WEST FOOTSCRAY | VIC | 144.861162 | -37.807135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8006709 | 144.8716645 | 21303135128 | West Footscray | 213031351 | West Footscray - Tottenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 21.9553852081299 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4765 | 3013 | YARRAVILLE | VIC | 144.888686 | -37.814183 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.819811 | 144.8813738 | 21303135234 | Yarraville | 213031352 | Yarraville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 16.8368587493896 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4766 | 3013 | YARRAVILLE WEST | VIC | 144.888686 | -37.814183 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8148018 | 144.8852384 | 21303135234 | Yarraville | 213031352 | Yarraville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 16.8368587493896 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4767 | 3015 | NEWPORT | VIC | 144.880556 | -37.838242 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.842 | 144.884 | 21302134442 | Spotswood | 213021344 | Newport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4768 | 3015 | SOUTH KINGSVILLE | VIC | 144.880556 | -37.838242 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8300643 | 144.8703715 | 21302134442 | Spotswood | 213021344 | Newport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4769 | 3015 | SPOTSWOOD | VIC | 144.880556 | -37.838242 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8292454 | 144.8813515 | 21302134442 | Spotswood | 213021344 | Newport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4770 | 3016 | WILLIAMSTOWN | VIC | 144.888461 | -37.863743 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.861 | 144.885 | 21302134635 | Williamstown (Vic.) | 213021346 | Williamstown | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4771 | 3016 | WILLIAMSTOWN NORTH | VIC | 144.888461 | -37.863743 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8517597 | 144.8689963 | 21302134635 | Williamstown (Vic.) | 213021346 | Williamstown | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4772 | 3018 | ALTONA | VIC | 144.812736 | -37.86172 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8631512 | 144.8120218 | 21302134141 | Altona (Vic.) | 213021341 | Altona | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4773 | 3018 | SEAHOLME | VIC | 144.812736 | -37.86172 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.868 | 144.841 | 21302134141 | Altona (Vic.) | 213021341 | Altona | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4774 | 3019 | BRAYBROOK | VIC | 144.854014 | -37.784683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7903679 | 144.8566207 | 21303134748 | Braybrook | 213031347 | Braybrook | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 24307 | Laverton (Western Metropolitan) |
4775 | 3019 | BRAYBROOK NORTH | VIC | 144.854014 | -37.784683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7903679 | 144.8566207 | 21303134748 | Braybrook | 213031347 | Braybrook | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 24307 | Laverton (Western Metropolitan) |
4776 | 3019 | ROBINSON | VIC | 144.854014 | -37.784683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.793488 | 144.860535 | 21303134748 | Braybrook | 213031347 | Braybrook | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 24307 | Laverton (Western Metropolitan) |
4777 | 3020 | ALBION | VIC | 144.829945 | -37.777204 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7755151 | 144.8154448 | 21301157017 | Sunshine West | 213011570 | Derrimut | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 36.3751678466797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4778 | 3020 | GLENGALA | VIC | 144.829945 | -37.777204 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.78827 | 144.8087985 | 21301157017 | Sunshine West | 213011570 | Derrimut | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 36.3751678466797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4779 | 3020 | SUNSHINE | VIC | 144.829945 | -37.777204 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.783657 | 144.8375652 | 21301157017 | Sunshine West | 213011570 | Derrimut | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 36.3751678466797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4780 | 3020 | SUNSHINE NORTH | VIC | 144.829945 | -37.777204 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7645428 | 144.8312453 | 21301157017 | Sunshine West | 213011570 | Derrimut | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 36.3751678466797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4781 | 3020 | SUNSHINE WEST | VIC | 144.8110787 | -37.79809941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.7946685 | 144.818759 | 21301157017 | Sunshine West | 213011570 | Derrimut | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 36.3751678466797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4782 | 3021 | ALBANVALE | VIC | 144.796693 | -37.743361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.746 | 144.765 | 21301133538 | St Albans (Vic.) | 213011335 | St Albans - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 70.4598159790039 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4783 | 3021 | KEALBA | VIC | 144.796693 | -37.743361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7327512 | 144.8238362 | 21301133538 | St Albans (Vic.) | 213011335 | St Albans - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 70.4598159790039 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4784 | 3021 | KINGS PARK | VIC | 144.796693 | -37.743361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.734 | 144.772 | 21301133538 | St Albans (Vic.) | 213011335 | St Albans - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 70.4598159790039 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4785 | 3021 | ST ALBANS | VIC | 144.796693 | -37.743361 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7442306 | 144.7999941 | 21301133538 | St Albans (Vic.) | 213011335 | St Albans - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 70.4598159790039 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4786 | 3022 | ARDEER | VIC | 144.793961 | -37.795937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7776716 | 144.7988921 | 21301156931 | Deer Park | 213011569 | Deer Park | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 39.2066268920898 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4787 | 3022 | DEER PARK EAST | VIC | 144.793961 | -37.795937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7776716 | 144.7988921 | 21301156931 | Deer Park | 213011569 | Deer Park | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 39.2066268920898 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4788 | 3023 | BURNSIDE | VIC | 144.770641 | -37.78272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.753 | 144.754 | 21304146344 | Caroline Springs | 213041463 | Caroline Springs | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 52.1570587158203 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
20755 | 3023 | BURNSIDE HEIGHTS | VIC | 144.755657 | -37.73218752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.727 | 144.76 | 21304146344 | Caroline Springs | 213041463 | Caroline Springs | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 52.1570587158203 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4789 | 3023 | CAIRNLEA | VIC | 144.770641 | -37.78272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7578477 | 144.7913339 | 21304146344 | Caroline Springs | 213041463 | Caroline Springs | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 52.1570587158203 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4790 | 3023 | CAROLINE SPRINGS | VIC | 144.770641 | -37.78272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.745 | 144.74 | 21304146344 | Caroline Springs | 213041463 | Caroline Springs | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 52.1570587158203 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4791 | 3023 | DEER PARK | VIC | 144.770641 | -37.78272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7702749 | 144.7747728 | 21304146344 | Caroline Springs | 213041463 | Caroline Springs | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 52.1570587158203 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4792 | 3023 | DEER PARK NORTH | VIC | 144.770641 | -37.78272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7561 | 144.7735655 | 21304146344 | Caroline Springs | 213041463 | Caroline Springs | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 52.1570587158203 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4793 | 3023 | RAVENHALL | VIC | 144.770641 | -37.78272 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7910708 | 144.7257546 | 21304146344 | Caroline Springs | 213041463 | Caroline Springs | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 52.1570587158203 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
20756 | 3024 | FIELDSTONE | VIC | 144.649936 | -37.75045631 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7472 | 144.649 | 21305159035 | Wyndham Vale | 213051590 | Wyndham Vale - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Lalor | 56.6905975341797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4794 | 3024 | MAMBOURIN | VIC | 144.556552 | -37.899873 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.892471 | 144.5964645 | 21305159035 | Wyndham Vale | 213051590 | Wyndham Vale - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Lalor | 56.6905975341797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
20757 | 3024 | MANOR LAKES | VIC | 144.5812323 | -37.86694209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8734 | 144.582 | 21305159035 | Wyndham Vale | 213051590 | Wyndham Vale - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Lalor | 56.6905975341797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4795 | 3024 | MOUNT COTTRELL | VIC | 144.556552 | -37.899873 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7968182 | 144.6229115 | 21305159035 | Wyndham Vale | 213051590 | Wyndham Vale - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | 56.6905975341797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4796 | 3024 | WYNDHAM VALE | VIC | 144.556552 | -37.899873 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.89 | 144.63 | 21305159035 | Wyndham Vale | 213051590 | Wyndham Vale - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | 56.6905975341797 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4797 | 3025 | ALTONA EAST | VIC | 144.839704 | -37.835562 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8388686 | 144.8346241 | 21302134432 | South Kingsville | 213021344 | Newport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 15.0428400039673 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4798 | 3025 | ALTONA GATE | VIC | 144.839704 | -37.835562 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8277061 | 144.8477003 | 21302134432 | South Kingsville | 213021344 | Newport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 15.0428400039673 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4799 | 3025 | ALTONA NORTH | VIC | 144.839704 | -37.835562 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8388686 | 144.8346241 | 21302134432 | South Kingsville | 213021344 | Newport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 15.0428400039673 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hobsons Bay | 23110 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4811 | 3026 | DERRIMUT | VIC | 144.64209 | -37.91624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7927082 | 144.7715559 | 21305136307 | Laverton North | 213051363 | Laverton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24307 | Laverton (Western Metropolitan) |
4800 | 3026 | LAVERTON NORTH | VIC | 144.774986 | -37.829923 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8280477 | 144.7854874 | 21305136307 | Laverton North | 213051363 | Laverton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24307 | Laverton (Western Metropolitan) |
4801 | 3027 | LAVERTON RAAF | VIC | 144.754147 | -37.932419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8655231 | 144.7613154 | 21305158720 | Williams Landing | 213051587 | Truganina - South East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 16.2057991027832 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 24307 | Laverton (Western Metropolitan) |
20758 | 3027 | WILLIAMS LANDING | VIC | 144.7430155 | -37.86199812 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8615 | 144.744 | 21305158720 | Williams Landing | 213051587 | Truganina - South East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 16.2057991027832 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 24307 | Laverton (Western Metropolitan) |
4802 | 3027 | WILLIAMS RAAF | VIC | 144.754147 | -37.932419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9232 | 144.749 | 21305158720 | Williams Landing | 213051587 | Truganina - South East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | 16.2057991027832 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 24307 | Laverton (Western Metropolitan) |
4803 | 3028 | ALTONA MEADOWS | VIC | 144.777165 | -37.875066 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8715626 | 144.7775818 | 21305136315 | Laverton (Vic.) | 213051363 | Laverton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4804 | 3028 | LAVERTON | VIC | 144.777165 | -37.875066 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8592043 | 144.7704046 | 21305136315 | Laverton (Vic.) | 213051363 | Laverton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4805 | 3028 | SEABROOK | VIC | 144.777165 | -37.875066 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.876 | 144.758 | 21305136315 | Laverton (Vic.) | 213051363 | Laverton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gellibrand | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gellibrand | Inner Metropolitan | 28707 | Williamstown (Western Metropolitan) |
4806 | 3029 | HOPPERS CROSSING | VIC | 144.705831 | -37.837165 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8629027 | 144.6854533 | 21305158834 | Truganina | 213051588 | Truganina - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4807 | 3029 | TARNEIT | VIC | 144.705831 | -37.837165 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8091678 | 144.6672079 | 21305158834 | Truganina | 213051588 | Truganina - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4808 | 3029 | TRUGANINA | VIC | 144.705831 | -37.837165 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8282806 | 144.7082568 | 21305158834 | Truganina | 213051588 | Truganina - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4809 | 3030 | CHARTWELL | VIC | 144.64209 | -37.91624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7935 | 144.764 | 21305158120 | Point Cook | 213051581 | Point Cook - North West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4810 | 3030 | COCOROC | VIC | 144.64209 | -37.91624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9686685 | 144.6215012 | 21305158120 | Point Cook | 213051581 | Point Cook - North West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4812 | 3030 | POINT COOK | VIC | 144.64209 | -37.91624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9178086 | 144.7477259 | 21305158120 | Point Cook | 213051581 | Point Cook - North West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4813 | 3030 | QUANDONG | VIC | 144.64209 | -37.91624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8414477 | 144.5470351 | 21305158120 | Point Cook | 213051581 | Point Cook - North West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4814 | 3030 | WERRIBEE | VIC | 144.64209 | -37.91624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8997995 | 144.6641401 | 21305158120 | Point Cook | 213051581 | Point Cook - North West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4815 | 3030 | WERRIBEE SOUTH | VIC | 144.64209 | -37.91624 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.937 | 144.697 | 21305158120 | Point Cook | 213051581 | Point Cook - North West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
4816 | 3031 | FLEMINGTON | VIC | 144.923403 | -37.79119 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7833035 | 144.9277474 | 20604112129 | Kensington (Vic.) | 206041121 | Kensington (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 4.22009563446045 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4817 | 3031 | KENSINGTON | VIC | 144.923403 | -37.79119 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7941207 | 144.9276659 | 20604112129 | Kensington (Vic.) | 206041121 | Kensington (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 4.22009563446045 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4818 | 3032 | ASCOT VALE | VIC | 144.897221 | -37.774486 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7767444 | 144.9110705 | 21303134937 | Maribyrnong | 213031349 | Maribyrnong | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 2.21517205238342 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 22907 | Footscray (Western Metropolitan) |
4819 | 3032 | HIGHPOINT CITY | VIC | 144.897221 | -37.774486 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7732279 | 144.8893046 | 21303134937 | Maribyrnong | 213031349 | Maribyrnong | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 2.21517205238342 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 22907 | Footscray (Western Metropolitan) |
4820 | 3032 | MARIBYRNONG | VIC | 144.897221 | -37.774486 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7695602 | 144.8820803 | 21303134937 | Maribyrnong | 213031349 | Maribyrnong | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 2.21517205238342 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 22907 | Footscray (Western Metropolitan) |
4821 | 3032 | TRAVANCORE | VIC | 144.897221 | -37.774486 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21303 | Maribyrnong | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.778 | 144.935 | 21303134937 | Maribyrnong | 213031349 | Maribyrnong | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 2.21517205238342 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Maribyrnong | 24330 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 22907 | Footscray (Western Metropolitan) |
4822 | 3033 | KEILOR EAST | VIC | 144.857638 | -37.74107 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7343192 | 144.8566207 | 21001153436 | Keilor East | 210011534 | Keilor East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 65.5374374389648 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 27907 | St Albans (Western Metropolitan) |
4823 | 3034 | AVONDALE HEIGHTS | VIC | 144.86194 | -37.761235 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21001 | Keilor | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7628247 | 144.8648709 | 21001153329 | Avondale Heights | 210011533 | Avondale Heights | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 45.4558715820313 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4824 | 3036 | KEILOR | VIC | 144.82246 | -37.705324 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.712 | 144.831 | 21301134013 | Keilor North | 213011340 | Taylors Lakes | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4825 | 3036 | KEILOR NORTH | VIC | 144.82246 | -37.705324 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.68 | 144.784 | 21301134013 | Keilor North | 213011340 | Taylors Lakes | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4826 | 3037 | CALDER PARK | VIC | 144.780474 | -37.715579 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.679 | 144.762 | 21304157537 | Hillside (Melton - Vic.) | 213041575 | Hillside | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4827 | 3037 | DELAHEY | VIC | 144.780474 | -37.715579 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.719 | 144.777 | 21304157537 | Hillside (Melton - Vic.) | 213041575 | Hillside | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4828 | 3037 | HILLSIDE | VIC | 144.780474 | -37.715579 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.687 | 144.743 | 21304157537 | Hillside (Melton - Vic.) | 213041575 | Hillside | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4829 | 3037 | PLUMPTON | VIC | 144.780474 | -37.715579 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.694 | 144.752 | 21304157537 | Hillside (Melton - Vic.) | 213041575 | Hillside | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4830 | 3037 | SYDENHAM | VIC | 144.780474 | -37.715579 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.702 | 144.767 | 21304157537 | Hillside (Melton - Vic.) | 213041575 | Hillside | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4831 | 3037 | TAYLORS HILL | VIC | 144.780474 | -37.715579 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.715 | 144.751 | 21304157537 | Hillside (Melton - Vic.) | 213041575 | Hillside | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4832 | 3038 | KEILOR DOWNS | VIC | 144.766873 | -37.700454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.722 | 144.803 | 21301134049 | Taylors Lakes | 213011340 | Taylors Lakes | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 113.328323364258 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4833 | 3038 | KEILOR LODGE | VIC | 144.766873 | -37.700454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6982783 | 144.7988921 | 21301134049 | Taylors Lakes | 213011340 | Taylors Lakes | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 113.328323364258 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4834 | 3038 | TAYLORS LAKES | VIC | 144.766873 | -37.700454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6973477 | 144.7811982 | 21301134049 | Taylors Lakes | 213011340 | Taylors Lakes | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 113.328323364258 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4835 | 3038 | WATERGARDENS | VIC | 144.766873 | -37.700454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.699141 | 144.776823 | 21301134049 | Taylors Lakes | 213011340 | Taylors Lakes | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Fraser | 113.328323364258 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Fraser | Inner Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
4836 | 3039 | MOONEE PONDS | VIC | 144.922995 | -37.766184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20603 | Essendon | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7675363 | 144.9198932 | 20603111636 | Moonee Ponds | 206031116 | Moonee Ponds | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4837 | 3040 | ABERFELDIE | VIC | 144.902556 | -37.751845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21001 | Keilor | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.762 | 144.901 | 21001123012 | Essendon West | 210011230 | Niddrie - Essendon West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4838 | 3040 | ESSENDON | VIC | 144.902556 | -37.751845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21001 | Keilor | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7504821 | 144.9143187 | 21001123012 | Essendon West | 210011230 | Niddrie - Essendon West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4839 | 3040 | ESSENDON WEST | VIC | 144.902556 | -37.751845 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21001 | Keilor | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.755 | 144.883 | 21001123012 | Essendon West | 210011230 | Niddrie - Essendon West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
24094 | 3041 | CROSS KEYS | VIC | 144.904815 | -37.731464 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.7263 | 144.897 | 21001123122 | Strathmore (Vic.) | 210011231 | Strathmore | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 75.548942565918 | | | | Moonee Valley | 25060 | | | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
20759 | 3041 | ESSENDON FIELDS | VIC | 144.904815 | -37.731464 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.7263 | 144.897 | 21001123122 | Strathmore (Vic.) | 210011231 | Strathmore | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 75.548942565918 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4840 | 3041 | ESSENDON NORTH | VIC | 144.904815 | -37.731464 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.7383196 | 144.8992556 | 21001123122 | Strathmore (Vic.) | 210011231 | Strathmore | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 75.548942565918 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4841 | 3041 | STRATHMORE | VIC | 144.904815 | -37.731464 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.7358112 | 144.9191456 | 21001123122 | Strathmore (Vic.) | 210011231 | Strathmore | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 75.548942565918 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4842 | 3041 | STRATHMORE HEIGHTS | VIC | 144.904815 | -37.731464 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.713 | 144.897 | 21001123122 | Strathmore (Vic.) | 210011231 | Strathmore | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | 75.548942565918 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moonee Valley | 25060 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4843 | 3042 | AIRPORT WEST | VIC | 144.866305 | -37.727529 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21001 | Keilor | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.726234 | 144.8813526 | 21001153428 | Keilor East | 210011534 | Keilor East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | -3492 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4844 | 3042 | KEILOR PARK | VIC | 144.866305 | -37.727529 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21001 | Keilor | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7200817 | 144.8514577 | 21001153428 | Keilor East | 210011534 | Keilor East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | -3492 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4845 | 3042 | NIDDRIE | VIC | 144.866305 | -37.727529 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21001 | Keilor | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7392692 | 144.8864718 | 21001153428 | Keilor East | 210011534 | Keilor East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | -3492 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
22854 | 3042 | NIDDRIE NORTH | VIC | 144.886 | -37.7393 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21001 | Keilor | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -37.7393 | 144.886 | 21001153428 | Keilor East | 210011534 | Keilor East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Maribyrnong | -3492 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 26107 | Niddrie (Western Metropolitan) |
4846 | 3043 | GLADSTONE PARK | VIC | 144.888368 | -37.691916 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6926696 | 144.8951801 | 21005125019 | Tullamarine | 210051250 | Tullamarine | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
4847 | 3043 | GOWANBRAE | VIC | 144.888368 | -37.691916 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7062908 | 144.8948907 | 21005125019 | Tullamarine | 210051250 | Tullamarine | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
4848 | 3043 | TULLAMARINE | VIC | 144.888368 | -37.691916 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6994841 | 144.8803113 | 21005125019 | Tullamarine | 210051250 | Tullamarine | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | Maribyrnong | Inner Metropolitan | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
4849 | 3044 | PASCOE VALE | VIC | 144.936356 | -37.731138 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.727 | 144.942 | 21003153837 | Pascoe Vale | 210031538 | Pascoe Vale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | 67.5323867797852 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4850 | 3044 | PASCOE VALE SOUTH | VIC | 144.936356 | -37.731138 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7457735 | 144.9384576 | 21003153837 | Pascoe Vale | 210031538 | Pascoe Vale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | 67.5323867797852 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4851 | 3045 | MELBOURNE AIRPORT | VIC | 144.836195 | -37.674739 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6679317 | 144.8401227 | 21005125008 | Tullamarine | 210051250 | Tullamarine | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 104.726623535156 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
4852 | 3046 | GLENROY | VIC | 144.927968 | -37.706578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7062465 | 144.9161373 | 21003153816 | Oak Park | 210031538 | Pascoe Vale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4853 | 3046 | HADFIELD | VIC | 144.927968 | -37.706578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.71 | 144.95 | 21003153816 | Oak Park | 210031538 | Pascoe Vale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4854 | 3046 | OAK PARK | VIC | 144.927968 | -37.706578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.718 | 144.919 | 21003153816 | Oak Park | 210031538 | Pascoe Vale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4855 | 3047 | BROADMEADOWS | VIC | 144.930247 | -37.681105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6860869 | 144.9269889 | 21005124344 | Dallas | 210051243 | Campbellfield - Coolaroo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 21303 | Broadmeadows (Northern Metropolitan) |
4856 | 3047 | DALLAS | VIC | 144.930247 | -37.681105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.668 | 144.94 | 21005124344 | Dallas | 210051243 | Campbellfield - Coolaroo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 21303 | Broadmeadows (Northern Metropolitan) |
4857 | 3047 | JACANA | VIC | 144.930247 | -37.681105 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.687232 | 144.9128564 | 21005124344 | Dallas | 210051243 | Campbellfield - Coolaroo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 21303 | Broadmeadows (Northern Metropolitan) |
4858 | 3048 | COOLAROO | VIC | 144.923609 | -37.653917 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6562333 | 144.9364069 | 21005124730 | Meadow Heights | 210051247 | Meadow Heights | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 136.82600402832 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 23503 | Greenvale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4859 | 3048 | MEADOW HEIGHTS | VIC | 144.923609 | -37.653917 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.65 | 144.922 | 21005124730 | Meadow Heights | 210051247 | Meadow Heights | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 136.82600402832 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 23503 | Greenvale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4860 | 3049 | ATTWOOD | VIC | 144.888492 | -37.673182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.666 | 144.887 | 21005124553 | Attwood | 210051245 | Gladstone Park - Westmeadows | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
4861 | 3049 | WESTMEADOWS | VIC | 144.888492 | -37.673182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6779426 | 144.8843087 | 21005124553 | Attwood | 210051245 | Gladstone Park - Westmeadows | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
4862 | 3050 | ROYAL MELBOURNE HOSPITAL | VIC | 144.95617 | -37.7989153 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7989153 | 144.95617 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 26.0526924133301 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Wills | | | |
4863 | 3051 | HOTHAM HILL | VIC | 144.943559 | -37.8006 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8009 | 144.953 | 20604150639 | North Melbourne | 206041506 | North Melbourne | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 8.05242347717285 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4864 | 3051 | NORTH MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.943559 | -37.8006 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7983816 | 144.9419122 | 20604150639 | North Melbourne | 206041506 | North Melbourne | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 8.05242347717285 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4865 | 3052 | MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY | VIC | 144.948903 | -37.788996 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7983459 | 144.960974 | 20604112422 | Parkville (Vic.) | 206041124 | Parkville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 32.1802024841309 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4866 | 3052 | PARKVILLE | VIC | 144.948903 | -37.788996 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7862363 | 144.9474178 | 20604112422 | Parkville (Vic.) | 206041124 | Parkville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 32.1802024841309 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4867 | 3053 | CARLTON | VIC | 144.966112 | -37.803569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.798389 | 144.9694441 | 20604111750 | Carlton (Vic.) | 206041117 | Carlton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4868 | 3053 | CARLTON SOUTH | VIC | 144.966112 | -37.803569 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.804246 | 144.9660172 | 20604111750 | Carlton (Vic.) | 206041117 | Carlton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 24703 | Melbourne (Northern Metropolitan) |
4869 | 3054 | CARLTON NORTH | VIC | 144.96724 | -37.786971 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.788805 | 144.9719823 | 20607114023 | Carlton North | 206071140 | Carlton North - Princes Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 40.5746612548828 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 21403 | Brunswick (Northern Metropolitan) |
4870 | 3054 | PRINCES HILL | VIC | 144.96724 | -37.786971 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.784 | 144.966 | 20607114023 | Carlton North | 206071140 | Carlton North - Princes Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 40.5746612548828 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 21403 | Brunswick (Northern Metropolitan) |
4871 | 3055 | BRUNSWICK SOUTH | VIC | 144.942222 | -37.763584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20603 | Essendon | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7723275 | 144.9495859 | 20601149621 | Brunswick West | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4596 | 3055 | BRUNSWICK WEST | VIC | 144.942222 | -37.763584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20603 | Essendon | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.761 | 144.9419122 | 20601149621 | Brunswick West | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4597 | 3055 | MOONEE VALE | VIC | 144.942222 | -37.763584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20603 | Essendon | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.761 | 144.9419122 | 20601149621 | Brunswick West | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4598 | 3055 | MORELAND WEST | VIC | 144.942222 | -37.763584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20603 | Essendon | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.754229 | 144.945438 | 20601149621 | Brunswick West | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 26603 | Pascoe Vale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4599 | 3056 | BRUNSWICK | VIC | 144.960108 | -37.766292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20601 | Brunswick - Coburg | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7666099 | 144.9584302 | 20601149628 | Brunswick (Vic.) | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | 45.3728637695313 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21403 | Brunswick (Northern Metropolitan) |
4600 | 3056 | BRUNSWICK LOWER | VIC | 144.960108 | -37.766292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20601 | Brunswick - Coburg | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7666099 | 144.9584302 | 20601149628 | Brunswick (Vic.) | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | 45.3728637695313 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21403 | Brunswick (Northern Metropolitan) |
4601 | 3056 | BRUNSWICK NORTH | VIC | 144.960108 | -37.766292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20601 | Brunswick - Coburg | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7579505 | 144.9638343 | 20601149628 | Brunswick (Vic.) | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | 45.3728637695313 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21403 | Brunswick (Northern Metropolitan) |
4602 | 3057 | BRUNSWICK EAST | VIC | 144.97728 | -37.770012 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20601 | Brunswick - Coburg | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.769412 | 144.9804594 | 20601149627 | Brunswick East | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21403 | Brunswick (Northern Metropolitan) |
4603 | 3057 | LYGON STREET NORTH | VIC | 144.97728 | -37.770012 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20601 | Brunswick - Coburg | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7714 | 144.972 | 20601149627 | Brunswick East | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21403 | Brunswick (Northern Metropolitan) |
20760 | 3057 | SUMNER | VIC | 144.98034 | -37.772232 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20601 | Brunswick - Coburg | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7722 | 144.98 | 20601149627 | Brunswick East | 206011496 | Brunswick - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21403 | Brunswick (Northern Metropolitan) |
4604 | 3058 | BATMAN | VIC | 144.964524 | -37.739901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7345019 | 144.9630404 | 21003123618 | Coburg North | 210031236 | Coburg North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4605 | 3058 | COBURG | VIC | 144.964524 | -37.739901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7412988 | 144.9666108 | 21003123618 | Coburg North | 210031236 | Coburg North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4606 | 3058 | COBURG NORTH | VIC | 144.964524 | -37.739901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.726 | 144.96 | 21003123618 | Coburg North | 210031236 | Coburg North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4607 | 3058 | MERLYNSTON | VIC | 144.964524 | -37.739901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7209299 | 144.9613501 | 21003123618 | Coburg North | 210031236 | Coburg North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4608 | 3058 | MORELAND | VIC | 144.964524 | -37.739901 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21003 | Moreland - North | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7343488 | 144.9666905 | 21003123618 | Coburg North | 210031236 | Coburg North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4609 | 3059 | GREENVALE | VIC | 144.879626 | -37.639887 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6454887 | 144.8841246 | 21005124656 | Greenvale (Vic.) | 210051246 | Greenvale - Bulla | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 23503 | Greenvale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4610 | 3060 | FAWKNER | VIC | 144.967874 | -37.707326 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6969273 | 144.9666905 | 21005124321 | Fawkner | 210051243 | Campbellfield - Coolaroo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21303 | Broadmeadows (Northern Metropolitan) |
4611 | 3060 | FAWKNER EAST | VIC | 144.967874 | -37.707326 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6969273 | 144.9666905 | 21005124321 | Fawkner | 210051243 | Campbellfield - Coolaroo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21303 | Broadmeadows (Northern Metropolitan) |
4612 | 3060 | FAWKNER NORTH | VIC | 144.967874 | -37.707326 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6959697 | 144.9684492 | 21005124321 | Fawkner | 210051243 | Campbellfield - Coolaroo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Wills | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 21303 | Broadmeadows (Northern Metropolitan) |
4613 | 3061 | CAMPBELLFIELD | VIC | 144.956763 | -37.666265 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.665113 | 144.955677 | 21005124343 | Campbellfield | 210051243 | Campbellfield - Coolaroo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 133.802490234375 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 21303 | Broadmeadows (Northern Metropolitan) |
4614 | 3062 | SOMERTON | VIC | 144.932557 | -37.632986 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6332889 | 144.944665 | 21005154406 | Somerton (Vic.) | 210051544 | Roxburgh Park (South) - Somerton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 171.260986328125 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | Calwell | Outer Metropolitan | 23503 | Greenvale (Northern Metropolitan) |
4615 | 3063 | OAKLANDS JUNCTION | VIC | 144.856082 | -37.595015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6117964 | 144.8401227 | 21005144542 | Yuroke | 210051445 | Mickleham - Yuroke | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 226.891220092773 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
4616 | 3063 | YUROKE | VIC | 144.856082 | -37.595015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6 | 144.88 | 21005144542 | Yuroke | 210051445 | Mickleham - Yuroke | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 226.891220092773 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
4617 | 3064 | CRAIGIEBURN | VIC | 144.942199 | -37.546522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.594 | 144.934 | 21005154532 | Roxburgh Park | 210051545 | Roxburgh Park - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 225.330551147461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
4618 | 3064 | DONNYBROOK | VIC | 144.942199 | -37.546522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5476567 | 144.9669338 | 21005154532 | Roxburgh Park | 210051545 | Roxburgh Park - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Calwell | 225.330551147461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
4619 | 3064 | KALKALLO | VIC | 144.942199 | -37.546522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5245635 | 144.955677 | 21005154532 | Roxburgh Park | 210051545 | Roxburgh Park - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 225.330551147461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
4620 | 3064 | MICKLEHAM | VIC | 144.942199 | -37.546522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.562 | 144.874 | 21005154532 | Roxburgh Park | 210051545 | Roxburgh Park - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 225.330551147461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
4621 | 3064 | ROXBURGH PARK | VIC | 144.942199 | -37.546522 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.627 | 144.929 | 21005154532 | Roxburgh Park | 210051545 | Roxburgh Park - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Calwell | 225.330551147461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
4622 | 3065 | FITZROY | VIC | 144.977795 | -37.802608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7974551 | 144.9804594 | 20607114324 | Fitzroy North | 206071143 | Fitzroy North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 33.3987197875977 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4623 | 3066 | COLLINGWOOD | VIC | 144.986906 | -37.804846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8009595 | 144.9873447 | 20607114521 | Clifton Hill | 206071145 | Clifton Hill - Alphington | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 19.6189155578613 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4624 | 3066 | COLLINGWOOD NORTH | VIC | 144.986906 | -37.804846 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8009595 | 144.9873447 | 20607114521 | Clifton Hill | 206071145 | Clifton Hill - Alphington | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 19.6189155578613 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4625 | 3067 | ABBOTSFORD | VIC | 144.998203 | -37.803515 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8023601 | 144.9983623 | 20607114522 | Clifton Hill | 206071145 | Clifton Hill - Alphington | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 18.9807987213135 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4626 | 3068 | CLIFTON HILL | VIC | 144.98622 | -37.790974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7877787 | 145.0002125 | 20607114523 | Clifton Hill | 206071145 | Clifton Hill - Alphington | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4627 | 3068 | FITZROY NORTH | VIC | 144.98622 | -37.790974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7832944 | 144.9838466 | 20607114523 | Clifton Hill | 206071145 | Clifton Hill - Alphington | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Wills | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4628 | 3070 | NORTHCOTE | VIC | 144.999745 | -37.774064 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7736132 | 144.9997396 | 20602150024 | Northcote | 206021500 | Northcote - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 60.5349388122559 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 26203 | Northcote (Northern Metropolitan) |
4629 | 3070 | NORTHCOTE SOUTH | VIC | 144.999745 | -37.774064 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.779531 | 144.996757 | 20602150024 | Northcote | 206021500 | Northcote - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 60.5349388122559 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moreland | 25250 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 26203 | Northcote (Northern Metropolitan) |
4630 | 3071 | THORNBURY | VIC | 145.007006 | -37.759426 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20602 | Darebin - South | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7600493 | 145.0080039 | 20602150022 | Thornbury | 206021500 | Northcote - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 26203 | Northcote (Northern Metropolitan) |
4631 | 3072 | GILBERTON | VIC | 145.005702 | -37.74247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7363 | 144.99 | 20902152630 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 67.7230758666992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4632 | 3072 | NORTHLAND CENTRE | VIC | 145.005702 | -37.74247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7385104 | 145.0300628 | 20902152630 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 67.7230758666992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4633 | 3072 | PRESTON | VIC | 145.005702 | -37.74247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7399362 | 145.0107588 | 20902152630 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 67.7230758666992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4634 | 3072 | PRESTON LOWER | VIC | 145.005702 | -37.74247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7508858 | 144.9877873 | 20902152630 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 67.7230758666992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4635 | 3072 | PRESTON SOUTH | VIC | 145.005702 | -37.74247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7514021 | 145.0023878 | 20902152630 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 67.7230758666992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4636 | 3072 | PRESTON WEST | VIC | 145.005702 | -37.74247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7376921 | 144.9955479 | 20902152630 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 67.7230758666992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4637 | 3072 | REGENT WEST | VIC | 145.005702 | -37.74247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7301 | 144.998 | 20902152630 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 67.7230758666992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4638 | 3072 | SYLVESTER | VIC | 145.005702 | -37.74247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7376 | 145.017 | 20902152630 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 67.7230758666992 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4639 | 3073 | KEON PARK | VIC | 145.005955 | -37.712474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.694627 | 145.0118427 | 20902152633 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 89.3095092773438 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4640 | 3073 | RESERVOIR | VIC | 145.005955 | -37.712474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7118644 | 145.0107588 | 20902152633 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 89.3095092773438 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4641 | 3073 | RESERVOIR EAST | VIC | 145.005955 | -37.712474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7192575 | 145.0215296 | 20902152633 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 89.3095092773438 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4642 | 3073 | RESERVOIR NORTH | VIC | 145.005955 | -37.712474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7118644 | 145.0107588 | 20902152633 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 89.3095092773438 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4643 | 3073 | RESERVOIR SOUTH | VIC | 145.005955 | -37.712474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.730588 | 145.014943 | 20902152633 | Reservoir (Vic.) | 209021526 | Reservoir - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 89.3095092773438 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 27003 | Preston (Northern Metropolitan) |
4644 | 3074 | THOMASTOWN | VIC | 145.006644 | -37.684684 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6837819 | 145.0107588 | 20904153030 | Thomastown | 209041530 | Lalor - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28303 | Thomastown (Northern Metropolitan) |
4645 | 3075 | LALOR | VIC | 145.002679 | -37.66607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6650543 | 145.0107588 | 20904153032 | Lalor | 209041530 | Lalor - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28303 | Thomastown (Northern Metropolitan) |
4646 | 3075 | LALOR PLAZA | VIC | 145.002679 | -37.66607 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.67405 | 145.0364765 | 20904153032 | Lalor | 209041530 | Lalor - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28303 | Thomastown (Northern Metropolitan) |
4647 | 3076 | EPPING | VIC | 145.022137 | -37.643598 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6341341 | 145.016269 | 20904153026 | Lalor | 209041530 | Lalor - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | 137.041168212891 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28303 | Thomastown (Northern Metropolitan) |
4648 | 3076 | EPPING DC | VIC | 145.022137 | -37.643598 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6377 | 145.026 | 20904153026 | Lalor | 209041530 | Lalor - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | 137.041168212891 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28303 | Thomastown (Northern Metropolitan) |
4649 | 3078 | ALPHINGTON | VIC | 145.025853 | -37.778298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.78 | 145.023 | 20607114520 | Fairfield (Vic.) | 206071145 | Clifton Hill - Alphington | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 26203 | Northcote (Northern Metropolitan) |
4650 | 3078 | FAIRFIELD | VIC | 145.025853 | -37.778298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7790074 | 145.0181267 | 20607114520 | Fairfield (Vic.) | 206071145 | Clifton Hill - Alphington | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Cooper | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Cooper | Inner Metropolitan | 26203 | Northcote (Northern Metropolitan) |
4651 | 3079 | IVANHOE | VIC | 145.048573 | -37.772675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7703 | 145.0457 | 20901120118 | Ivanhoe East | 209011201 | Ivanhoe East - Eaglemont | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4652 | 3079 | IVANHOE EAST | VIC | 145.048573 | -37.772675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.772 | 145.066 | 20901120118 | Ivanhoe East | 209011201 | Ivanhoe East - Eaglemont | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4653 | 3079 | IVANHOE NORTH | VIC | 145.048573 | -37.772675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7595762 | 145.0442237 | 20901120118 | Ivanhoe East | 209011201 | Ivanhoe East - Eaglemont | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4654 | 3081 | BELLFIELD | VIC | 145.046401 | -37.743008 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.754 | 145.045 | 20901119936 | Heidelberg Heights | 209011199 | Heidelberg West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4655 | 3081 | HEIDELBERG HEIGHTS | VIC | 145.046401 | -37.743008 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.742 | 145.053 | 20901119936 | Heidelberg Heights | 209011199 | Heidelberg West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4656 | 3081 | HEIDELBERG RGH | VIC | 145.046401 | -37.743008 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7418 | 145.044 | 20901119936 | Heidelberg Heights | 209011199 | Heidelberg West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4657 | 3081 | HEIDELBERG WEST | VIC | 145.046401 | -37.743008 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.744 | 145.047 | 20901119936 | Heidelberg Heights | 209011199 | Heidelberg West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4658 | 3082 | MILL PARK | VIC | 145.065658 | -37.664858 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6649616 | 145.0658766 | 20904122129 | Mill Park | 209041221 | Mill Park - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 25002 | Mill Park (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4659 | 3083 | BUNDOORA | VIC | 145.056223 | -37.701346 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6987006 | 145.0548502 | 20904121718 | Bundoora (Vic.) | 209041217 | Bundoora - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28303 | Thomastown (Northern Metropolitan) |
4660 | 3083 | KINGSBURY | VIC | 145.056223 | -37.701346 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.715 | 145.034 | 20904121718 | Bundoora (Vic.) | 209041217 | Bundoora - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28303 | Thomastown (Northern Metropolitan) |
4661 | 3083 | LA TROBE UNIVERSITY | VIC | 145.056223 | -37.701346 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7206639 | 145.0483389 | 20904121718 | Bundoora (Vic.) | 209041217 | Bundoora - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28303 | Thomastown (Northern Metropolitan) |
4662 | 3084 | BANYULE | VIC | 145.082685 | -37.744406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7436031 | 145.0769045 | 20901120346 | Viewbank | 209011203 | Viewbank - Yallambie | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | 38.2539176940918 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4663 | 3084 | EAGLEMONT | VIC | 145.082685 | -37.744406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7644773 | 145.0628446 | 20901120346 | Viewbank | 209011203 | Viewbank - Yallambie | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | 38.2539176940918 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4664 | 3084 | HEIDELBERG | VIC | 145.082685 | -37.744406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.752695 | 145.0703364 | 20901120346 | Viewbank | 209011203 | Viewbank - Yallambie | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | 38.2539176940918 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4665 | 3084 | ROSANNA | VIC | 145.082685 | -37.744406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7409649 | 145.0683729 | 20901120346 | Viewbank | 209011203 | Viewbank - Yallambie | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | 38.2539176940918 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4666 | 3084 | VIEWBANK | VIC | 145.082685 | -37.744406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.731 | 145.1 | 20901120346 | Viewbank | 209011203 | Viewbank - Yallambie | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | 38.2539176940918 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4667 | 3085 | MACLEOD | VIC | 145.06988 | -37.724398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.714 | 145.066 | 20902120527 | Macleod (Vic.) | 209021205 | Kingsbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4668 | 3085 | MACLEOD WEST | VIC | 145.06988 | -37.724398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7258716 | 145.0709158 | 20902120527 | Macleod (Vic.) | 209021205 | Kingsbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4669 | 3085 | YALLAMBIE | VIC | 145.06988 | -37.724398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.726 | 145.104 | 20902120527 | Macleod (Vic.) | 209021205 | Kingsbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4670 | 3086 | LA TROBE UNIVERSITY | VIC | 145.047012 | -37.721328 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20902 | Darebin - North | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7229498 | 145.0503127 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Cooper | 72.4882583618164 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Darebin | 21890 | Jagajaga | | | |
4671 | 3087 | WATSONIA | VIC | 145.082426 | -37.711787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.708 | 145.083 | 20901120422 | Watsonia North | 209011204 | Watsonia | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | 94.5461273193359 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4672 | 3087 | WATSONIA NORTH | VIC | 145.082426 | -37.711787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7 | 145.081 | 20901120422 | Watsonia North | 209011204 | Watsonia | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | 94.5461273193359 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 23802 | Ivanhoe (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4673 | 3088 | BRIAR HILL | VIC | 145.108339 | -37.700175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.708 | 145.115 | 20903121317 | Greensborough | 209031213 | Plenty - Yarrambat | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4674 | 3088 | GREENSBOROUGH | VIC | 145.108339 | -37.700175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7043698 | 145.1006438 | 20903121317 | Greensborough | 209031213 | Plenty - Yarrambat | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4675 | 3088 | SAINT HELENA | VIC | 145.108339 | -37.700175 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.686 | 145.137 | 20903121317 | Greensborough | 209031213 | Plenty - Yarrambat | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
20761 | 3088 | ST HELENA | VIC | 145.1294801 | -37.68949912 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.686 | 145.137 | 20903121317 | Greensborough | 209031213 | Plenty - Yarrambat | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4676 | 3089 | DIAMOND CREEK | VIC | 145.150369 | -37.667713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6666174 | 145.1541397 | 20903121534 | Diamond Creek | 209031215 | Wattle Glen - Diamond Creek | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4677 | 3090 | PLENTY | VIC | 145.107802 | -37.668408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.670486 | 145.1099967 | 20903121319 | Plenty (Vic.) | 209031213 | Plenty - Yarrambat | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
4678 | 3091 | YARRAMBAT | VIC | 145.136688 | -37.637478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6404295 | 145.1320653 | 20903121325 | Yarrambat | 209031213 | Plenty - Yarrambat | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 178.409072875977 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
4679 | 3093 | LOWER PLENTY | VIC | 145.115208 | -37.73919 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7393287 | 145.112755 | 20901120240 | Lower Plenty | 209011202 | Montmorency - Briar Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4680 | 3094 | MONTMORENCY | VIC | 145.124727 | -37.719759 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7196403 | 145.1237889 | 20901120239 | Montmorency | 209011202 | Montmorency - Briar Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4681 | 3095 | ELTHAM | VIC | 145.158579 | -37.713299 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.715 | 145.158 | 20903121415 | Research | 209031214 | Research - North Warrandyte | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 52.2382354736328 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4682 | 3095 | ELTHAM NORTH | VIC | 145.158579 | -37.713299 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.698 | 145.144 | 20903121415 | Research | 209031214 | Research - North Warrandyte | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 52.2382354736328 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4683 | 3095 | RESEARCH | VIC | 145.158579 | -37.713299 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.707 | 145.18 | 20903121415 | Research | 209031214 | Research - North Warrandyte | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 52.2382354736328 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Banyule | 20660 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4684 | 3096 | WATTLE GLEN | VIC | 145.185826 | -37.670851 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6683887 | 145.1872619 | 20903121536 | Wattle Glen | 209031215 | Wattle Glen - Diamond Creek | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Jagajaga | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Jagajaga | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4685 | 3097 | BEND OF ISLANDS | VIC | 145.224204 | -37.695254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6980733 | 145.2756505 | 20903121417 | Kangaroo Ground | 209031214 | Research - North Warrandyte | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4686 | 3097 | KANGAROO GROUND | VIC | 145.224204 | -37.695254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.686 | 145.216 | 20903121417 | Kangaroo Ground | 209031214 | Research - North Warrandyte | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4687 | 3097 | WATSONS CREEK | VIC | 145.224204 | -37.695254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.67 | 145.258 | 20903121417 | Kangaroo Ground | 209031214 | Research - North Warrandyte | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 22402 | Eltham (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4688 | 3099 | ARTHURS CREEK | VIC | 145.192854 | -37.592101 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.583333 | 145.2 | 20903121219 | Nutfield | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | 126.660316467285 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
4689 | 3099 | COTTLES BRIDGE | VIC | 145.192854 | -37.592101 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.622 | 145.219 | 20903121219 | Nutfield | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | 126.660316467285 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
4690 | 3099 | HURSTBRIDGE | VIC | 145.192854 | -37.592101 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.638889 | 145.195 | 20903121219 | Nutfield | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 126.660316467285 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
4691 | 3099 | NUTFIELD | VIC | 145.192854 | -37.592101 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.603 | 145.181 | 20903121219 | Nutfield | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 126.660316467285 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
4692 | 3099 | STRATHEWEN | VIC | 145.192854 | -37.592101 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.55 | 145.266667 | 20903121219 | Nutfield | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | 126.660316467285 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
4693 | 3101 | COTHAM | VIC | 145.036575 | -37.807397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8086079 | 145.0459578 | 20701152231 | Kew (Vic.) | 207011522 | Kew - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4694 | 3101 | KEW | VIC | 145.036575 | -37.807397 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.803516 | 145.0328017 | 20701152231 | Kew (Vic.) | 207011522 | Kew - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4695 | 3102 | KEW EAST | VIC | 145.05219 | -37.793805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7922797 | 145.0548502 | 20701152230 | Kew East | 207011522 | Kew - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | 44.8523750305176 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4696 | 3103 | BALWYN | VIC | 145.074116 | -37.811738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.808889 | 145.078889 | 20701114735 | Balwyn | 207011147 | Balwyn | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | -3492 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4697 | 3103 | BALWYN EAST | VIC | 145.074116 | -37.811738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.808889 | 145.078889 | 20701114735 | Balwyn | 207011147 | Balwyn | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | -3492 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
20762 | 3103 | DEEPDENE | VIC | 145.0658595 | -37.81141396 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8131 | 145.068 | 20701114735 | Balwyn | 207011147 | Balwyn | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | 55.6428642272949 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4698 | 3103 | DEEPDENE DC | VIC | 145.074116 | -37.811738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8107 | 145.065 | 20701114735 | Balwyn | 207011147 | Balwyn | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | -3492 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
22864 | 3103 | STRADBROKE PARK | VIC | 145.062 | -37.8007 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -37.8007 | 145.062 | 20701114735 | Balwyn | 207011147 | Balwyn | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | -3492 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4699 | 3104 | BALWYN NORTH | VIC | 145.081714 | -37.793695 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7941151 | 145.0879338 | 20703116433 | Mont Albert North | 207031164 | Box Hill North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4700 | 3104 | GREYTHORN | VIC | 145.081714 | -37.793695 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7965604 | 145.0984985 | 20703116433 | Mont Albert North | 207031164 | Box Hill North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4701 | 3105 | BULLEEN | VIC | 145.084806 | -37.772477 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7660476 | 145.0879338 | 20702115628 | Bulleen | 207021156 | Bulleen | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 12.6596412658691 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 21502 | Bulleen (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4702 | 3105 | BULLEEN SOUTH | VIC | 145.084806 | -37.772477 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20901 | Banyule | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7748 | 145.092 | 20702115628 | Bulleen | 207021156 | Bulleen | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 12.6596412658691 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 21502 | Bulleen (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4703 | 3106 | TEMPLESTOWE | VIC | 145.142675 | -37.758335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20702 | Manningham - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7537669 | 145.1486206 | 20702115944 | Templestowe | 207021159 | Templestowe | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 74.24658203125 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4704 | 3107 | TEMPLESTOWE LOWER | VIC | 145.110677 | -37.765225 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20702 | Manningham - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7641408 | 145.1099967 | 20702116033 | Templestowe Lower | 207021160 | Templestowe Lower | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 50.5996589660645 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 21502 | Bulleen (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4705 | 3108 | DONCASTER | VIC | 145.125797 | -37.786429 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7865824 | 145.1210303 | 20702142505 | Doncaster East | 207021425 | Doncaster East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 112.336753845215 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4706 | 3109 | DONCASTER EAST | VIC | 145.161649 | -37.784786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21102 | Manningham - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7883929 | 145.1541397 | 20702142535 | Doncaster East | 207021425 | Doncaster East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4707 | 3109 | DONCASTER HEIGHTS | VIC | 145.161649 | -37.784786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21102 | Manningham - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7887436 | 145.1580383 | 20702142535 | Doncaster East | 207021425 | Doncaster East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4708 | 3109 | THE PINES | VIC | 145.161649 | -37.784786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21102 | Manningham - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7622651 | 145.1686291 | 20702142535 | Doncaster East | 207021425 | Doncaster East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4709 | 3109 | TUNSTALL SQUARE PO | VIC | 145.161649 | -37.784786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21102 | Manningham - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7904 | 145.17 | 20702142535 | Doncaster East | 207021425 | Doncaster East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4711 | 3111 | DONVALE | VIC | 145.186334 | -37.794054 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21102 | Manningham - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7901921 | 145.1872619 | 21102126211 | Donvale | 211021262 | Warrandyte - Wonga Park | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4712 | 3113 | NORTH WARRANDYTE | VIC | 145.204689 | -37.752123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21102 | Manningham - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.726 | 145.216 | 21102126232 | Warrandyte | 211021262 | Warrandyte - Wonga Park | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 78.8804168701172 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4713 | 3113 | WARRANDYTE | VIC | 145.204689 | -37.752123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21102 | Manningham - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.738 | 145.223 | 21102126232 | Warrandyte | 211021262 | Warrandyte - Wonga Park | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | 78.8804168701172 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4714 | 3114 | PARK ORCHARDS | VIC | 145.212599 | -37.778595 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7760752 | 145.2148736 | 21103126801 | Ringwood North | 211031268 | Ringwood North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4715 | 3115 | WONGA PARK | VIC | 145.267586 | -37.736734 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7347069 | 145.2590707 | 21103126534 | Wonga Park | 211031265 | Croydon Hills - Warranwood | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Menzies | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4716 | 3116 | CHIRNSIDE PARK | VIC | 145.313086 | -37.737629 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7373267 | 145.3088196 | 21105127525 | Chirnside Park | 211051275 | Chirnside Park | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 91.3073501586914 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
4717 | 3121 | BURNLEY | VIC | 145.001788 | -37.823303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8296728 | 145.0126479 | 20607151833 | Richmond (Vic.) | 206071518 | Richmond - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 14.5180215835571 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
20763 | 3121 | BURNLEY NORTH | VIC | 145.007098 | -37.826869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8160149 | 145.0089483 | 20607151833 | Richmond (Vic.) | 206071518 | Richmond - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 14.5180215835571 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4718 | 3121 | CREMORNE | VIC | 145.001788 | -37.823303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.83 | 144.993 | 20607151833 | Richmond (Vic.) | 206071518 | Richmond - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 14.5180215835571 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4719 | 3121 | RICHMOND | VIC | 145.001788 | -37.823303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.823 | 144.998 | 20607151833 | Richmond (Vic.) | 206071518 | Richmond - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 14.5180215835571 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4720 | 3121 | RICHMOND EAST | VIC | 145.001788 | -37.823303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8263413 | 144.9972757 | 20607151833 | Richmond (Vic.) | 206071518 | Richmond - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 14.5180215835571 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4721 | 3121 | RICHMOND NORTH | VIC | 145.001788 | -37.823303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8103629 | 144.9924115 | 20607151833 | Richmond (Vic.) | 206071518 | Richmond - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 14.5180215835571 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4722 | 3121 | RICHMOND SOUTH | VIC | 145.001788 | -37.823303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.823 | 144.998 | 20607151833 | Richmond (Vic.) | 206071518 | Richmond - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 14.5180215835571 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4723 | 3121 | VICTORIA GARDENS | VIC | 145.001788 | -37.823303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20607 | Yarra | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8132 | 145.012 | 20607151833 | Richmond (Vic.) | 206071518 | Richmond - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 14.5180215835571 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Yarra | 27350 | Melbourne | Inner Metropolitan | 27103 | Richmond (Northern Metropolitan) |
4724 | 3122 | AUBURN SOUTH | VIC | 145.030602 | -37.822725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8297567 | 145.0438836 | 20701152028 | Hawthorn (Vic.) | 207011520 | Hawthorn - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 23706 | Hawthorn (Southern Metropolitan) |
4725 | 3122 | GLENFERRIE SOUTH | VIC | 145.030602 | -37.822725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8311 | 145.034 | 20701152028 | Hawthorn (Vic.) | 207011520 | Hawthorn - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 23706 | Hawthorn (Southern Metropolitan) |
4726 | 3122 | HAWTHORN | VIC | 145.030602 | -37.822725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8222114 | 145.0328017 | 20701152028 | Hawthorn (Vic.) | 207011520 | Hawthorn - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 23706 | Hawthorn (Southern Metropolitan) |
4727 | 3122 | HAWTHORN NORTH | VIC | 145.030602 | -37.822725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8146746 | 145.0216968 | 20701152028 | Hawthorn (Vic.) | 207011520 | Hawthorn - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 23706 | Hawthorn (Southern Metropolitan) |
4728 | 3122 | HAWTHORN WEST | VIC | 145.030602 | -37.822725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.820148 | 145.0180561 | 20701152028 | Hawthorn (Vic.) | 207011520 | Hawthorn - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 23706 | Hawthorn (Southern Metropolitan) |
4729 | 3123 | AUBURN | VIC | 145.049415 | -37.829752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.830327 | 145.0435616 | 20701115237 | Hawthorn East | 207011152 | Hawthorn East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 23706 | Hawthorn (Southern Metropolitan) |
4730 | 3123 | HAWTHORN EAST | VIC | 145.049415 | -37.829752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8310813 | 145.0520938 | 20701115237 | Hawthorn East | 207011152 | Hawthorn East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 23706 | Hawthorn (Southern Metropolitan) |
4731 | 3124 | CAMBERWELL | VIC | 145.068191 | -37.840867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8334095 | 145.0658766 | 20701115542 | Surrey Hills | 207011155 | Surrey Hills (West) - Canterbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4732 | 3124 | CAMBERWELL NORTH | VIC | 145.068191 | -37.840867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8243246 | 145.0581423 | 20701115542 | Surrey Hills | 207011155 | Surrey Hills (West) - Canterbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
4733 | 3124 | CAMBERWELL SOUTH | VIC | 145.068191 | -37.840867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8334095 | 145.0658766 | 20701115542 | Surrey Hills | 207011155 | Surrey Hills (West) - Canterbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6715 | 3124 | CAMBERWELL WEST | VIC | 145.068191 | -37.840867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8438471 | 145.0540534 | 20701115542 | Surrey Hills | 207011155 | Surrey Hills (West) - Canterbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6716 | 3124 | HARTWELL | VIC | 145.068191 | -37.840867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.84407 | 145.075599 | 20701115542 | Surrey Hills | 207011155 | Surrey Hills (West) - Canterbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6717 | 3124 | MIDDLE CAMBERWELL | VIC | 145.068191 | -37.840867 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8440237 | 145.056869 | 20701115542 | Surrey Hills | 207011155 | Surrey Hills (West) - Canterbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6718 | 3125 | BENNETTSWOOD | VIC | 145.101 | -37.851305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.854515 | 145.118974 | 21205131937 | Burwood (Vic.) | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6719 | 3125 | BURWOOD | VIC | 145.101 | -37.851305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8483275 | 145.1099967 | 21205131937 | Burwood (Vic.) | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6720 | 3125 | SURREY HILLS SOUTH | VIC | 145.101 | -37.851305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8259381 | 145.0972417 | 21205131937 | Burwood (Vic.) | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6721 | 3126 | CAMBERWELL EAST | VIC | 145.075748 | -37.827203 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8251441 | 145.0693815 | 20701115543 | Canterbury (Vic.) | 207011155 | Surrey Hills (West) - Canterbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | 57.6665573120117 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6722 | 3126 | CANTERBURY | VIC | 145.075748 | -37.827203 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8245223 | 145.0741474 | 20701115543 | Canterbury (Vic.) | 207011155 | Surrey Hills (West) - Canterbury | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | 57.6665573120117 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6723 | 3127 | MONT ALBERT | VIC | 145.097236 | -37.825173 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.816111 | 145.11 | 20703116723 | Mont Albert | 207031167 | Surrey Hills (East) - Mont Albert | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | 93.0044326782227 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6724 | 3127 | SURREY HILLS | VIC | 145.097236 | -37.825173 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8259381 | 145.0972417 | 20703116723 | Mont Albert | 207031167 | Surrey Hills (East) - Mont Albert | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | 93.0044326782227 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6725 | 3127 | SURREY HILLS NORTH | VIC | 145.097236 | -37.825173 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8259381 | 145.0972417 | 20703116723 | Mont Albert | 207031167 | Surrey Hills (East) - Mont Albert | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Kooyong | 93.0044326782227 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Boroondara | 21110 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 24006 | Kew (Southern Metropolitan) |
6726 | 3128 | BOX HILL | VIC | 145.122393 | -37.828866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8181073 | 145.1238563 | 20703116358 | Box Hill (Vic.) | 207031163 | Box Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6727 | 3128 | BOX HILL CENTRAL | VIC | 145.122393 | -37.828866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8181073 | 145.1238563 | 20703116358 | Box Hill (Vic.) | 207031163 | Box Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6728 | 3128 | BOX HILL SOUTH | VIC | 145.122393 | -37.828866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.836 | 145.124 | 20703116358 | Box Hill (Vic.) | 207031163 | Box Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6729 | 3128 | HOUSTON | VIC | 145.122393 | -37.828866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8448939 | 145.1300661 | 20703116358 | Box Hill (Vic.) | 207031163 | Box Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6730 | 3128 | WATTLE PARK | VIC | 145.122393 | -37.828866 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8383693 | 145.1056319 | 20703116358 | Box Hill (Vic.) | 207031163 | Box Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6731 | 3129 | BOX HILL NORTH | VIC | 145.125084 | -37.806965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8083033 | 145.125759 | 20703116437 | Box Hill North | 207031164 | Box Hill North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6732 | 3129 | KERRIMUIR | VIC | 145.125084 | -37.806965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8025133 | 145.1326143 | 20703116437 | Box Hill North | 207031164 | Box Hill North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6733 | 3129 | MONT ALBERT NORTH | VIC | 145.125084 | -37.806965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.808056 | 145.113889 | 20703116437 | Box Hill North | 207031164 | Box Hill North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Kooyong | Inner Metropolitan | 21102 | Box Hill (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6734 | 3130 | BLACKBURN | VIC | 145.149653 | -37.81805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8197129 | 145.1530529 | 20703116225 | Blackburn South | 207031162 | Blackburn South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6735 | 3130 | BLACKBURN NORTH | VIC | 145.149653 | -37.81805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8064051 | 145.1586444 | 20703116225 | Blackburn South | 207031162 | Blackburn South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6736 | 3130 | BLACKBURN SOUTH | VIC | 145.149653 | -37.81805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.838 | 145.144 | 20703116225 | Blackburn South | 207031162 | Blackburn South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6737 | 3130 | LABURNUM | VIC | 145.149653 | -37.81805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8211429 | 145.1453744 | 20703116225 | Blackburn South | 207031162 | Blackburn South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6738 | 3131 | BRENTFORD SQUARE | VIC | 145.174489 | -37.817798 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8370056 | 145.1840103 | 21104127129 | Nunawading | 211041271 | Nunawading | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6739 | 3131 | FOREST HILL | VIC | 145.174489 | -37.817798 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8347413 | 145.1727369 | 21104127129 | Nunawading | 211041271 | Nunawading | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6740 | 3131 | NUNAWADING | VIC | 145.174489 | -37.817798 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8184273 | 145.1760206 | 21104127129 | Nunawading | 211041271 | Nunawading | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6741 | 3132 | MITCHAM | VIC | 145.196686 | -37.819222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8219905 | 145.1983055 | 21104127040 | Mitcham (Vic.) | 211041270 | Mitcham (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | 129.772232055664 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6742 | 3132 | MITCHAM NORTH | VIC | 145.196686 | -37.819222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8043443 | 145.1892556 | 21104127040 | Mitcham (Vic.) | 211041270 | Mitcham (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | 129.772232055664 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6743 | 3132 | RANGEVIEW | VIC | 145.196686 | -37.819222 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8043293 | 145.2004016 | 21104127040 | Mitcham (Vic.) | 211041270 | Mitcham (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | 129.772232055664 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6744 | 3133 | VERMONT | VIC | 145.192303 | -37.848786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.838 | 145.198 | 21104127330 | Vermont South | 211041273 | Vermont South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6745 | 3133 | VERMONT SOUTH | VIC | 145.192303 | -37.848786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8565882 | 145.183373 | 21104127330 | Vermont South | 211041273 | Vermont South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
20764 | 3134 | HEATHWOOD | VIC | 145.257929 | -37.823058 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8292 | 145.228 | 21103126823 | Ringwood North | 211031268 | Ringwood North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | 149.231094360352 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6746 | 3134 | RINGWOOD | VIC | 145.232557 | -37.796091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8106372 | 145.2307011 | 21103126823 | Ringwood North | 211031268 | Ringwood North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | 149.231094360352 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6747 | 3134 | RINGWOOD NORTH | VIC | 145.232557 | -37.796091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.799883 | 145.226877 | 21103126823 | Ringwood North | 211031268 | Ringwood North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | 149.231094360352 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6748 | 3134 | WARRANDYTE SOUTH | VIC | 145.232557 | -37.796091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7605268 | 145.2452567 | 21103126823 | Ringwood North | 211031268 | Ringwood North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | 149.231094360352 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6749 | 3134 | WARRANWOOD | VIC | 145.232557 | -37.796091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21104 | Whitehorse - East | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.777 | 145.249 | 21103126823 | Ringwood North | 211031268 | Ringwood North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | 149.231094360352 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Manningham | 24210 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6750 | 3135 | BEDFORD ROAD | VIC | 145.248209 | -37.819594 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8193028 | 145.2439204 | 21103145209 | Ringwood East | 211031452 | Croydon South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6751 | 3135 | HEATHMONT | VIC | 145.248209 | -37.819594 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.83 | 145.242 | 21103145209 | Ringwood East | 211031452 | Croydon South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6752 | 3135 | RINGWOOD EAST | VIC | 145.248209 | -37.819594 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.818 | 145.252 | 21103145209 | Ringwood East | 211031452 | Croydon South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6753 | 3136 | CROYDON | VIC | 145.282396 | -37.779876 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.794384 | 145.2815432 | 21103145213 | Croydon South | 211031452 | Croydon South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6754 | 3136 | CROYDON HILLS | VIC | 145.282396 | -37.779876 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.775 | 145.266 | 21103145213 | Croydon South | 211031452 | Croydon South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6755 | 3136 | CROYDON NORTH | VIC | 145.282396 | -37.779876 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.767 | 145.287 | 21103145213 | Croydon South | 211031452 | Croydon South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6756 | 3136 | CROYDON SOUTH | VIC | 145.282396 | -37.779876 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.814 | 145.271 | 21103145213 | Croydon South | 211031452 | Croydon South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Deakin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Menzies | Outer Metropolitan | 28402 | Warrandyte (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6757 | 3137 | KILSYTH | VIC | 145.313346 | -37.819364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.802 | 145.316 | 21105127720 | Kilsyth | 211051277 | Kilsyth | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 120.772453308105 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6758 | 3137 | KILSYTH SOUTH | VIC | 145.313346 | -37.819364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8296238 | 145.3115843 | 21105127720 | Kilsyth | 211051277 | Kilsyth | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 120.772453308105 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6759 | 3138 | MOOROOLBARK | VIC | 145.322794 | -37.78391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7822365 | 145.3309395 | 21105128147 | Mooroolbark | 211051281 | Mooroolbark | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 22801 | Evelyn (Eastern Victoria) |
6760 | 3139 | BEENAK | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8986154 | 145.6090481 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6761 | 3139 | DON VALLEY | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.761389 | 145.584444 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6762 | 3139 | HODDLES CREEK | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.833 | 145.583 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6763 | 3139 | LAUNCHING PLACE | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.774 | 145.588 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6764 | 3139 | SEVILLE | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.777 | 145.461 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6765 | 3139 | SEVILLE EAST | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.774 | 145.491 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6766 | 3139 | WANDIN EAST | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.811 | 145.453 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6767 | 3139 | WANDIN NORTH | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.769 | 145.411 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6768 | 3139 | WOORI YALLOCK | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.778 | 145.528 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6769 | 3139 | YELLINGBO | VIC | 145.532666 | -37.814506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.81 | 145.51 | 21105128659 | Woori Yallock | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6770 | 3140 | LILYDALE | VIC | 145.363185 | -37.759154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7643547 | 145.3475331 | 21105128127 | Mooroolbark | 211051281 | Mooroolbark | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22801 | Evelyn (Eastern Victoria) |
6771 | 3141 | CHAPEL STREET NORTH | VIC | 144.991264 | -37.840679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20606 | Stonnington - West | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8417659 | 144.9951571 | 20606151624 | South Yarra | 206061516 | South Yarra - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 15.2908477783203 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6772 | 3141 | DOMAIN ROAD PO | VIC | 144.991264 | -37.840679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20606 | Stonnington - West | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8344 | 144.983 | 20606151624 | South Yarra | 206061516 | South Yarra - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 15.2908477783203 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6773 | 3141 | SOUTH YARRA | VIC | 144.991264 | -37.840679 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20606 | Stonnington - West | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.838568 | 144.9914761 | 20606151624 | South Yarra | 206061516 | South Yarra - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 15.2908477783203 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6774 | 3142 | HAWKSBURN | VIC | 145.017732 | -37.84411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8447415 | 145.0022549 | 20606113832 | Toorak | 206061138 | Toorak | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6775 | 3142 | TOORAK | VIC | 145.017732 | -37.84411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20701 | Boroondara | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8432402 | 145.0190242 | 20606113832 | Toorak | 206061138 | Toorak | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6776 | 3143 | ARMADALE | VIC | 145.019393 | -37.858918 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20606 | Stonnington - West | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.857253 | 145.0190242 | 20606113638 | Prahran | 206061136 | Prahran - Windsor | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 49.0853424072266 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6777 | 3143 | ARMADALE NORTH | VIC | 145.019393 | -37.858918 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20606 | Stonnington - West | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8554995 | 145.0206967 | 20606113638 | Prahran | 206061136 | Prahran - Windsor | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 49.0853424072266 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6778 | 3144 | KOOYONG | VIC | 145.034127 | -37.857443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.841944 | 145.035 | 20804119452 | Malvern (Vic.) | 208041194 | Malvern - Glen Iris | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6779 | 3144 | MALVERN | VIC | 145.034127 | -37.857443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8572432 | 145.0341642 | 20804119452 | Malvern (Vic.) | 208041194 | Malvern - Glen Iris | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6780 | 3144 | MALVERN NORTH | VIC | 145.034127 | -37.857443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8517621 | 145.0301857 | 20804119452 | Malvern (Vic.) | 208041194 | Malvern - Glen Iris | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6781 | 3145 | CAULFIELD EAST | VIC | 145.049328 | -37.873557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8791959 | 145.0444397 | 20804119556 | Malvern East | 208041195 | Malvern East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 44.2895164489746 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6782 | 3145 | CENTRAL PARK | VIC | 145.049328 | -37.873557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8683193 | 145.0442351 | 20804119556 | Malvern East | 208041195 | Malvern East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 44.2895164489746 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6783 | 3145 | DARLING | VIC | 145.049328 | -37.873557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.876934 | 145.0593667 | 20804119556 | Malvern East | 208041195 | Malvern East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 44.2895164489746 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6784 | 3145 | DARLING SOUTH | VIC | 145.049328 | -37.873557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8774 | 145.059 | 20804119556 | Malvern East | 208041195 | Malvern East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 44.2895164489746 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6785 | 3145 | MALVERN EAST | VIC | 145.049328 | -37.873557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8773116 | 145.059272 | 20804119556 | Malvern East | 208041195 | Malvern East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 44.2895164489746 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6786 | 3145 | WATTLETREE ROAD PO | VIC | 145.049328 | -37.873557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8638 | 145.041 | 20804119556 | Malvern East | 208041195 | Malvern East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 44.2895164489746 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6787 | 3146 | GLEN IRIS | VIC | 145.057833 | -37.857116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.8577136 | 145.0548502 | 20804119453 | Glen Iris (Vic.) | 208041194 | Malvern - Glen Iris | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 17.9518089294434 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
24095 | 3146 | TOORONGA | VIC | 145.057833 | -37.857116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20804 | Stonnington - East | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.8577136 | 145.0548502 | 20804119453 | Glen Iris (Vic.) | 208041194 | Malvern - Glen Iris | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 17.9518089294434 | | | | Stonnington | 26350 | | | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6788 | 3147 | ASHBURTON | VIC | 145.092946 | -37.867864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.866944 | 145.083056 | 21205131946 | Ashwood | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 68.6807708740234 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6789 | 3147 | ASHWOOD | VIC | 145.092946 | -37.867864 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.867 | 145.103 | 21205131946 | Ashwood | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 68.6807708740234 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Stonnington | 26350 | Higgins | Inner Metropolitan | 24606 | Malvern (Southern Metropolitan) |
6790 | 3148 | CHADSTONE | VIC | 145.090149 | -37.882562 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8819831 | 145.0989646 | 21205131947 | Chadstone | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | 88.7471389770508 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6791 | 3148 | CHADSTONE CENTRE | VIC | 145.090149 | -37.882562 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8858532 | 145.0847703 | 21205131947 | Chadstone | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | 88.7471389770508 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6792 | 3148 | HOLMESGLEN | VIC | 145.090149 | -37.882562 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.885752 | 145.0917386 | 21205131947 | Chadstone | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | 88.7471389770508 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
20765 | 3148 | JORDANVILLE | VIC | 145.112084 | -37.8736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8736 | 145.112 | 21205131947 | Chadstone | 212051319 | Ashwood - Chadstone | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | 88.7471389770508 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6793 | 3149 | MOUNT WAVERLEY | VIC | 145.128118 | -37.880748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8772869 | 145.1265477 | 21205132441 | Mount Waverley | 212051324 | Mount Waverley - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6794 | 3149 | PINEWOOD | VIC | 145.128118 | -37.880748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8886721 | 145.1403684 | 21205132441 | Mount Waverley | 212051324 | Mount Waverley - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6795 | 3149 | SYNDAL | VIC | 145.128118 | -37.880748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8766918 | 145.1494922 | 21205132441 | Mount Waverley | 212051324 | Mount Waverley - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
20766 | 3150 | BRANDON PARK | VIC | 145.168834 | -37.914383 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9145 | 145.169 | 21205132752 | Wheelers Hill | 212051327 | Wheelers Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | 101.373085021973 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6796 | 3150 | GLEN WAVERLEY | VIC | 145.170841 | -37.876968 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8743502 | 145.1668205 | 21205132752 | Wheelers Hill | 212051327 | Wheelers Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | 101.373085021973 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6797 | 3150 | WHEELERS HILL | VIC | 145.170841 | -37.876968 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9067871 | 145.1890123 | 21205132752 | Wheelers Hill | 212051327 | Wheelers Hill | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | 101.373085021973 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6798 | 3151 | BURWOOD EAST | VIC | 145.151119 | -37.85523 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8552869 | 145.1513801 | 20703116627 | Burwood East | 207031166 | Burwood East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 23402 | Glen Waverley (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6799 | 3151 | BURWOOD HEIGHTS | VIC | 145.151119 | -37.85523 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20703 | Whitehorse - West | 207 | Melbourne - Inner East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8552869 | 145.1513801 | 20703116627 | Burwood East | 207031166 | Burwood East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Chisholm | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whitehorse | 26980 | Chisholm | Inner Metropolitan | 23402 | Glen Waverley (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6800 | 3152 | KNOX CITY CENTRE | VIC | 145.221695 | -37.864951 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8688889 | 145.2411111 | 21101144615 | Wantirna South | 211011446 | Boronia | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | 96.1928558349609 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6801 | 3152 | STUDFIELD | VIC | 145.221695 | -37.864951 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8602 | 145.24 | 21101144615 | Wantirna South | 211011446 | Boronia | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | 96.1928558349609 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6802 | 3152 | WANTIRNA | VIC | 145.221695 | -37.864951 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8479567 | 145.2289289 | 21101144615 | Wantirna South | 211011446 | Boronia | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | 96.1928558349609 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6803 | 3152 | WANTIRNA SOUTH | VIC | 145.221695 | -37.864951 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8769518 | 145.2329617 | 21101144615 | Wantirna South | 211011446 | Boronia | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | 96.1928558349609 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6804 | 3153 | BAYSWATER | VIC | 145.270141 | -37.845116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.843 | 145.268 | 21103126327 | Bayswater North | 211031263 | Bayswater North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6805 | 3153 | BAYSWATER NORTH | VIC | 145.270141 | -37.845116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21103 | Maroondah | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.827 | 145.28 | 21103126327 | Bayswater North | 211031263 | Bayswater North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Maroondah | 24410 | Deakin | Outer Metropolitan | 27202 | Ringwood (North-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6806 | 3154 | THE BASIN | VIC | 145.31784 | -37.856009 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8534742 | 145.3198788 | 21105128232 | Sassafras (Vic.) | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | 168.80451965332 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6807 | 3155 | BORONIA | VIC | 145.284418 | -37.861799 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8610682 | 145.2867055 | 21101144654 | Boronia | 211011446 | Boronia | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6808 | 3156 | FERNTREE GULLY | VIC | 145.292895 | -37.917932 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8826855 | 145.2776105 | 21202145326 | Lysterfield South | 212021453 | Endeavour Hills - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Casey | Rural | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6809 | 3156 | LYSTERFIELD | VIC | 145.292895 | -37.917932 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.93 | 145.301 | 21202145326 | Lysterfield South | 212021453 | Endeavour Hills - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Casey | Rural | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6810 | 3156 | LYSTERFIELD SOUTH | VIC | 145.292895 | -37.917932 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.949 | 145.26 | 21202145326 | Lysterfield South | 212021453 | Endeavour Hills - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Casey | Rural | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6811 | 3156 | MOUNTAIN GATE | VIC | 145.292895 | -37.917932 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8901043 | 145.2735662 | 21202145326 | Lysterfield South | 212021453 | Endeavour Hills - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Casey | Rural | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6812 | 3156 | UPPER FERNTREE GULLY | VIC | 145.292895 | -37.917932 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.895 | 145.31 | 21202145326 | Lysterfield South | 212021453 | Endeavour Hills - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Casey | Rural | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6813 | 3158 | UPWEY | VIC | 145.324468 | -37.910077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9039829 | 145.3309395 | 21105128427 | Upwey | 211051284 | Upwey - Tecoma | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6814 | 3159 | MENZIES CREEK | VIC | 145.3892 | -37.921894 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.931 | 145.398 | 21105128201 | Menzies Creek | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6815 | 3159 | SELBY | VIC | 145.3892 | -37.921894 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.914 | 145.369 | 21105128201 | Menzies Creek | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6816 | 3160 | BELGRAVE | VIC | 145.350821 | -37.935097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.912067 | 145.3558 | 21105128423 | Tecoma | 211051284 | Upwey - Tecoma | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6817 | 3160 | BELGRAVE HEIGHTS | VIC | 145.350821 | -37.935097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.923 | 145.34 | 21105128423 | Tecoma | 211051284 | Upwey - Tecoma | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6818 | 3160 | BELGRAVE SOUTH | VIC | 145.350821 | -37.935097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.94 | 145.356 | 21105128423 | Tecoma | 211051284 | Upwey - Tecoma | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6819 | 3160 | TECOMA | VIC | 145.350821 | -37.935097 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.906 | 145.344 | 21105128423 | Tecoma | 211051284 | Upwey - Tecoma | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
6820 | 3161 | CAULFIELD JUNCTION | VIC | 145.019929 | -37.873733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.874538 | 145.0245296 | 20802117758 | Caulfield North | 208021177 | Caulfield - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 37.2892227172852 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21806 | Caulfield (Southern Metropolitan) |
6821 | 3161 | CAULFIELD NORTH | VIC | 145.019929 | -37.873733 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8712631 | 145.0190242 | 20802117758 | Caulfield North | 208021177 | Caulfield - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 37.2892227172852 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21806 | Caulfield (Southern Metropolitan) |
6822 | 3162 | CAULFIELD | VIC | 145.023394 | -37.892139 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.884 | 145.0266 | 20802117843 | Caulfield | 208021178 | Caulfield - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 25.5826740264893 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21806 | Caulfield (Southern Metropolitan) |
6823 | 3162 | CAULFIELD SOUTH | VIC | 145.023394 | -37.892139 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.891 | 145.026 | 20802117843 | Caulfield | 208021178 | Caulfield - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 25.5826740264893 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21806 | Caulfield (Southern Metropolitan) |
6824 | 3162 | HOPETOUN GARDENS | VIC | 145.023394 | -37.892139 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8862817 | 145.010627 | 20802117843 | Caulfield | 208021178 | Caulfield - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 25.5826740264893 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21806 | Caulfield (Southern Metropolitan) |
6825 | 3163 | BOORAN ROAD PO | VIC | 145.057237 | -37.896497 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.896 | 145.036 | 20802118214 | Glen Huntly | 208021182 | Ormond - Glen Huntly | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6826 | 3163 | CARNEGIE | VIC | 145.057237 | -37.896497 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8891994 | 145.0570577 | 20802118214 | Glen Huntly | 208021182 | Ormond - Glen Huntly | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6827 | 3163 | GLEN HUNTLY | VIC | 145.057237 | -37.896497 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8927437 | 145.0410692 | 20802118214 | Glen Huntly | 208021182 | Ormond - Glen Huntly | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6828 | 3163 | MURRUMBEENA | VIC | 145.057237 | -37.896497 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8978307 | 145.070895 | 20802118214 | Glen Huntly | 208021182 | Ormond - Glen Huntly | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6829 | 3164 | DANDENONG SOUTH | VIC | 145.23738 | -38.02243 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.0146698 | 145.2153096 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Isaacs | | | |
6830 | 3165 | BENTLEIGH EAST | VIC | 145.059426 | -37.922369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9174873 | 145.0658766 | 20802142728 | Bentleigh East | 208021427 | Bentleigh East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 20906 | Bentleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6831 | 3165 | COATESVILLE | VIC | 145.059426 | -37.922369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9201018 | 145.0736344 | 20802142728 | Bentleigh East | 208021427 | Bentleigh East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 20906 | Bentleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6832 | 3166 | HUGHESDALE | VIC | 145.089719 | -37.902805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8966159 | 145.0832264 | 21205132656 | Oakleigh | 212051326 | Oakleigh - Huntingdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6833 | 3166 | HUNTINGDALE | VIC | 145.089719 | -37.902805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9074344 | 145.1086176 | 21205132656 | Oakleigh | 212051326 | Oakleigh - Huntingdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6834 | 3166 | OAKLEIGH | VIC | 145.089719 | -37.902805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8990236 | 145.0923305 | 21205132656 | Oakleigh | 212051326 | Oakleigh - Huntingdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6835 | 3166 | OAKLEIGH EAST | VIC | 145.089719 | -37.902805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9085262 | 145.1181383 | 21205132656 | Oakleigh | 212051326 | Oakleigh - Huntingdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6836 | 3167 | OAKLEIGH SOUTH | VIC | 145.087614 | -37.923345 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9193474 | 145.0989646 | 21205132657 | Oakleigh South | 212051326 | Oakleigh - Huntingdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6837 | 3168 | CLAYTON | VIC | 145.12665 | -37.91342 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9211962 | 145.1320653 | 21205156827 | Clayton | 212051568 | Clayton - Central | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | 89.1910858154297 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6838 | 3168 | NOTTING HILL | VIC | 145.12665 | -37.91342 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9048347 | 145.1458611 | 21205156827 | Clayton | 212051568 | Clayton - Central | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | 89.1910858154297 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6839 | 3169 | CLARINDA | VIC | 145.115271 | -37.945149 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.941 | 145.103 | 21204131030 | Clayton South | 212041310 | Clayton South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 21905 | Clarinda (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6840 | 3169 | CLAYTON SOUTH | VIC | 145.115271 | -37.945149 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9388113 | 145.1267061 | 21204131030 | Clayton South | 212041310 | Clayton South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 21905 | Clarinda (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6841 | 3170 | MULGRAVE | VIC | 145.167859 | -37.920945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9267579 | 145.1762197 | 21205132550 | Mulgrave (Vic.) | 212051325 | Mulgrave | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 25505 | Mulgrave (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6842 | 3170 | WAVERLEY GARDENS | VIC | 145.167859 | -37.920945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9367533 | 145.1915757 | 21205132550 | Mulgrave (Vic.) | 212051325 | Mulgrave | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 25505 | Mulgrave (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6843 | 3171 | SANDOWN VILLAGE | VIC | 145.156783 | -37.944608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9348302 | 145.1689511 | 21204131751 | Springvale (Vic.) | 212041317 | Springvale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 25505 | Mulgrave (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6844 | 3171 | SPRINGVALE | VIC | 145.156783 | -37.944608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9473307 | 145.1541397 | 21204131751 | Springvale (Vic.) | 212041317 | Springvale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 25505 | Mulgrave (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6845 | 3172 | DINGLEY VILLAGE | VIC | 145.13465 | -37.975981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9757588 | 145.1226002 | 21204146029 | Springvale South | 212041460 | Noble Park - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 21905 | Clarinda (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6846 | 3172 | SPRINGVALE SOUTH | VIC | 145.13465 | -37.975981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9709927 | 145.1485377 | 21204146029 | Springvale South | 212041460 | Noble Park - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 21905 | Clarinda (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6847 | 3173 | KEYSBOROUGH | VIC | 145.164863 | -38.006771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0042683 | 145.1706992 | 21204156628 | Keysborough | 212041566 | Keysborough - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6848 | 3174 | NOBLE PARK | VIC | 145.17877 | -37.966218 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9650097 | 145.1733926 | 21204146035 | Noble Park | 212041460 | Noble Park - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 29.7529163360596 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Bruce | Outer Metropolitan | 25505 | Mulgrave (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6849 | 3174 | NOBLE PARK EAST | VIC | 145.17877 | -37.966218 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9650097 | 145.1733926 | 21204146035 | Noble Park | 212041460 | Noble Park - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 29.7529163360596 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Bruce | Outer Metropolitan | 25505 | Mulgrave (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6850 | 3174 | NOBLE PARK NORTH | VIC | 145.17877 | -37.966218 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9641212 | 145.1762197 | 21204146035 | Noble Park | 212041460 | Noble Park - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 29.7529163360596 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Bruce | Outer Metropolitan | 25505 | Mulgrave (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6576 | 3175 | BANGHOLME | VIC | 145.208504 | -38.016114 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0453436 | 145.1702424 | 21204156616 | Bangholme | 212041566 | Keysborough - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 15.1385822296143 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6577 | 3175 | DANDENONG | VIC | 145.208504 | -38.016114 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9847811 | 145.2139907 | 21204156616 | Bangholme | 212041566 | Keysborough - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 15.1385822296143 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6578 | 3175 | DANDENONG EAST | VIC | 145.208504 | -38.016114 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9847811 | 145.2139907 | 21204156616 | Bangholme | 212041566 | Keysborough - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 15.1385822296143 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6579 | 3175 | DANDENONG NORTH | VIC | 145.208504 | -38.016114 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9592436 | 145.206837 | 21204156616 | Bangholme | 212041566 | Keysborough - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 15.1385822296143 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6580 | 3175 | DANDENONG SOUTH | VIC | 145.208504 | -38.016114 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0146698 | 145.2153096 | 21204156616 | Bangholme | 212041566 | Keysborough - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 15.1385822296143 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6581 | 3175 | DUNEARN | VIC | 145.208504 | -38.016114 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9675973 | 145.202499 | 21204156616 | Bangholme | 212041566 | Keysborough - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 15.1385822296143 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6582 | 3176 | SCORESBY BC | VIC | 145.23 | -37.8992 | | | | | | | R1 | | -37.8992 | 145.23 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 72.972900390625 | V1 | | | Knox | 23670 | Macnamara | | | |
6583 | 3177 | DOVETON | VIC | 145.237462 | -37.990985 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9876769 | 145.2394075 | 21202129526 | Eumemmerring | 212021295 | Doveton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Bruce | Outer Metropolitan | 25805 | Narre Warren North (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6584 | 3177 | EUMEMMERRING | VIC | 145.237462 | -37.990985 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.999 | 145.247 | 21202129526 | Eumemmerring | 212021295 | Doveton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Bruce | Outer Metropolitan | 25805 | Narre Warren North (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6585 | 3178 | ROWVILLE | VIC | 145.241589 | -37.924431 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9210442 | 145.2424941 | 21101125828 | Rowville | 211011258 | Rowville - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6586 | 3179 | SCORESBY | VIC | 145.222634 | -37.897137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9042587 | 145.220397 | 21101125434 | Scoresby | 211011254 | Knoxfield - Scoresby | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | 59.1296539306641 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6587 | 3180 | KNOXFIELD | VIC | 145.246731 | -37.893263 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21101 | Knox | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8887649 | 145.250782 | 21101125701 | Rowville | 211011257 | Rowville - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Aston | 69.6659469604492 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Aston | Outer Metropolitan | 27405 | Rowville (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6588 | 3181 | PRAHRAN | VIC | 144.995504 | -37.854683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20606 | Stonnington - West | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.852 | 144.998 | 20606113645 | Prahran | 206061136 | Prahran - Windsor | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 22.3074016571045 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6589 | 3181 | PRAHRAN EAST | VIC | 144.995504 | -37.854683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20606 | Stonnington - West | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.852 | 144.998 | 20606113645 | Prahran | 206061136 | Prahran - Windsor | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 22.3074016571045 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6590 | 3181 | WINDSOR | VIC | 144.995504 | -37.854683 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20606 | Stonnington - West | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.854 | 144.988 | 20606113645 | Prahran | 206061136 | Prahran - Windsor | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Higgins | 22.3074016571045 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6591 | 3182 | ST KILDA | VIC | 144.979478 | -37.865322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.864 | 144.982 | 20605151435 | St Kilda West | 206051514 | St Kilda - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 7.36518239974976 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6592 | 3182 | ST KILDA SOUTH | VIC | 144.979478 | -37.865322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8679 | 144.978 | 20605151435 | St Kilda West | 206051514 | St Kilda - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 7.36518239974976 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6593 | 3182 | ST KILDA WEST | VIC | 144.979478 | -37.865322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8604 | 144.9732 | 20605151435 | St Kilda West | 206051514 | St Kilda - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 7.36518239974976 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6594 | 3183 | BALACLAVA | VIC | 144.999026 | -37.869072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.873 | 144.993 | 20802117754 | St Kilda East | 208021177 | Caulfield - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 14.3207473754883 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6595 | 3183 | ST KILDA EAST | VIC | 144.999026 | -37.869072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8626196 | 145.0007064 | 20802117754 | St Kilda East | 208021177 | Caulfield - North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 14.3207473754883 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6596 | 3184 | BRIGHTON ROAD | VIC | 144.984034 | -37.881414 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8765417 | 144.9923384 | 20605151413 | St Kilda (Vic.) | 206051514 | St Kilda - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21206 | Brighton (Southern Metropolitan) |
6597 | 3184 | ELWOOD | VIC | 144.984034 | -37.881414 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.878722 | 144.9859676 | 20605151413 | St Kilda (Vic.) | 206051514 | St Kilda - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21206 | Brighton (Southern Metropolitan) |
6598 | 3185 | ELSTERNWICK | VIC | 145.002571 | -37.891841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8849536 | 145.0059691 | 20802117930 | Elsternwick | 208021179 | Elsternwick | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 8.04000091552734 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21806 | Caulfield (Southern Metropolitan) |
6599 | 3185 | GARDENVALE | VIC | 145.002571 | -37.891841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.899 | 145.007 | 20802117930 | Elsternwick | 208021179 | Elsternwick | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 8.04000091552734 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21806 | Caulfield (Southern Metropolitan) |
6600 | 3185 | RIPPONLEA | VIC | 145.002571 | -37.891841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8784934 | 144.9956077 | 20802117930 | Elsternwick | 208021179 | Elsternwick | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | 8.04000091552734 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 21806 | Caulfield (Southern Metropolitan) |
6601 | 3186 | BRIGHTON | VIC | 144.996329 | -37.915066 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9044002 | 144.9997396 | 20801117231 | Hampton (Vic.) | 208011172 | Hampton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 21206 | Brighton (Southern Metropolitan) |
6602 | 3186 | BRIGHTON NORTH | VIC | 144.996329 | -37.915066 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.903623 | 145.004905 | 20801117231 | Hampton (Vic.) | 208011172 | Hampton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 21206 | Brighton (Southern Metropolitan) |
6603 | 3186 | DENDY | VIC | 144.996329 | -37.915066 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9196902 | 144.9950292 | 20801117231 | Hampton (Vic.) | 208011172 | Hampton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 21206 | Brighton (Southern Metropolitan) |
6604 | 3186 | WERE STREET PO | VIC | 144.996329 | -37.915066 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9255 | 145 | 20801117231 | Hampton (Vic.) | 208011172 | Hampton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 21206 | Brighton (Southern Metropolitan) |
6605 | 3187 | BRIGHTON EAST | VIC | 145.013593 | -37.925371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9179439 | 145.0190242 | 20802117449 | Brighton East | 208021174 | Bentleigh - McKinnon | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 19.9849586486816 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 21206 | Brighton (Southern Metropolitan) |
6606 | 3187 | NORTH ROAD | VIC | 145.013593 | -37.925371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9013216 | 145.019596 | 20802117449 | Brighton East | 208021174 | Bentleigh - McKinnon | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 19.9849586486816 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 21206 | Brighton (Southern Metropolitan) |
6607 | 3188 | HAMPTON | VIC | 145.007238 | -37.938889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.937 | 145.009 | 20801117312 | Sandringham (Vic.) | 208011173 | Sandringham - Black Rock | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6608 | 3188 | HAMPTON EAST | VIC | 145.007238 | -37.938889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.939 | 145.031 | 20801117312 | Sandringham (Vic.) | 208011173 | Sandringham - Black Rock | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6609 | 3188 | HAMPTON NORTH | VIC | 145.007238 | -37.938889 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9394031 | 145.0135139 | 20801117312 | Sandringham (Vic.) | 208011173 | Sandringham - Black Rock | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6610 | 3189 | MOORABBIN | VIC | 145.047802 | -37.942021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9403568 | 145.0576067 | 20803119125 | Moorabbin | 208031191 | Moorabbin - Heatherton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 34.8671455383301 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6611 | 3189 | MOORABBIN EAST | VIC | 145.047802 | -37.942021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9404 | 145.058 | 20803119125 | Moorabbin | 208031191 | Moorabbin - Heatherton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 34.8671455383301 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6612 | 3189 | WISHART | VIC | 145.047802 | -37.942021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9350908 | 145.0495054 | 20803119125 | Moorabbin | 208031191 | Moorabbin - Heatherton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 34.8671455383301 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6613 | 3190 | HIGHETT | VIC | 145.038147 | -37.951394 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9487497 | 145.0410692 | 20803118864 | Highett | 208031188 | Highett (East) - Cheltenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 38.4934616088867 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6614 | 3191 | SANDRINGHAM | VIC | 145.013472 | -37.956585 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9533967 | 145.0135139 | 20801117343 | Sandringham (Vic.) | 208011173 | Sandringham - Black Rock | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6615 | 3192 | CHELTENHAM | VIC | 145.0623 | -37.965655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.964155 | 145.0658766 | 20803118865 | Cheltenham (Vic.) | 208031188 | Highett (East) - Cheltenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6616 | 3192 | CHELTENHAM EAST | VIC | 145.0623 | -37.965655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.964155 | 145.0658766 | 20803118865 | Cheltenham (Vic.) | 208031188 | Highett (East) - Cheltenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6617 | 3192 | CHELTENHAM NORTH | VIC | 145.0623 | -37.965655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9532145 | 145.0629927 | 20803118865 | Cheltenham (Vic.) | 208031188 | Highett (East) - Cheltenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6618 | 3192 | SOUTHLAND CENTRE | VIC | 145.0623 | -37.965655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9583789 | 145.0539188 | 20803118865 | Cheltenham (Vic.) | 208031188 | Highett (East) - Cheltenham | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6619 | 3193 | BEAUMARIS | VIC | 145.031561 | -37.978698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.983 | 145.0434 | 20801117341 | Sandringham (Vic.) | 208011173 | Sandringham - Black Rock | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 19.7592372894287 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6620 | 3193 | BLACK ROCK | VIC | 145.031561 | -37.978698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.972 | 145.021 | 20801117341 | Sandringham (Vic.) | 208011173 | Sandringham - Black Rock | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 19.7592372894287 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6621 | 3193 | BLACK ROCK NORTH | VIC | 145.031561 | -37.978698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.966993 | 145.017093 | 20801117341 | Sandringham (Vic.) | 208011173 | Sandringham - Black Rock | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 19.7592372894287 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6622 | 3193 | CROMER | VIC | 145.031561 | -37.978698 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20801 | Bayside | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9845182 | 145.0450888 | 20801117341 | Sandringham (Vic.) | 208011173 | Sandringham - Black Rock | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | 19.7592372894287 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Bayside (Vic.) | 20910 | Goldstein | Inner Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6623 | 3194 | MENTONE | VIC | 145.067356 | -37.985059 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9812276 | 145.0647654 | 20803119201 | Moorabbin Airport | 208031192 | Moorabbin Airport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6624 | 3194 | MENTONE EAST | VIC | 145.067356 | -37.985059 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9812276 | 145.0647654 | 20803119201 | Moorabbin Airport | 208031192 | Moorabbin Airport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6625 | 3194 | MOORABBIN AIRPORT | VIC | 145.067356 | -37.985059 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9786237 | 145.1017225 | 20803119201 | Moorabbin Airport | 208031192 | Moorabbin Airport | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 27506 | Sandringham (Southern Metropolitan) |
6626 | 3195 | ASPENDALE | VIC | 145.104105 | -38.007024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.025 | 145.104 | 20803119343 | Parkdale | 208031193 | Mordialloc - Parkdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 3.20518827438354 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6627 | 3195 | ASPENDALE GARDENS | VIC | 145.104105 | -38.007024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.022778 | 145.118889 | 20803119343 | Parkdale | 208031193 | Mordialloc - Parkdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 3.20518827438354 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6628 | 3195 | BRAESIDE | VIC | 145.104105 | -38.007024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38 | 145.125 | 20803119343 | Parkdale | 208031193 | Mordialloc - Parkdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 3.20518827438354 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6629 | 3195 | MORDIALLOC | VIC | 145.104105 | -38.007024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9995418 | 145.0940302 | 20803119343 | Parkdale | 208031193 | Mordialloc - Parkdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 3.20518827438354 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6630 | 3195 | MORDIALLOC NORTH | VIC | 145.104105 | -38.007024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9944 | 145.092 | 20803119343 | Parkdale | 208031193 | Mordialloc - Parkdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 3.20518827438354 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6631 | 3195 | PARKDALE | VIC | 145.104105 | -38.007024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.991 | 145.08 | 20803119343 | Parkdale | 208031193 | Mordialloc - Parkdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 3.20518827438354 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6632 | 3195 | WATERWAYS | VIC | 145.104105 | -38.007024 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0147634 | 145.1305169 | 20803119343 | Parkdale | 208031193 | Mordialloc - Parkdale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | 3.20518827438354 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6633 | 3196 | BONBEACH | VIC | 145.122762 | -38.046479 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.062 | 145.12 | 20803118917 | Edithvale | 208031189 | Edithvale - Aspendale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6634 | 3196 | CHELSEA | VIC | 145.122762 | -38.046479 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.051111 | 145.121944 | 20803118917 | Edithvale | 208031189 | Edithvale - Aspendale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6635 | 3196 | CHELSEA HEIGHTS | VIC | 145.122762 | -38.046479 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.047 | 145.137 | 20803118917 | Edithvale | 208031189 | Edithvale - Aspendale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6636 | 3196 | EDITHVALE | VIC | 145.122762 | -38.046479 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.037 | 145.113 | 20803118917 | Edithvale | 208031189 | Edithvale - Aspendale | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25205 | Mordialloc (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6637 | 3197 | CARRUM | VIC | 145.134111 | -38.072748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.076 | 145.122 | 20803118530 | Patterson Lakes | 208031185 | Carrum - Patterson Lakes | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 21705 | Carrum (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6638 | 3197 | PATTERSON LAKES | VIC | 145.134111 | -38.072748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0742262 | 145.1431018 | 20803118530 | Patterson Lakes | 208031185 | Carrum - Patterson Lakes | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 21705 | Carrum (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6639 | 3198 | BELVEDERE PARK | VIC | 145.137811 | -38.103194 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1101715 | 145.1469057 | 21401137541 | Seaford (Vic.) | 214011375 | Seaford (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 1.40342569351196 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23005 | Frankston (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6640 | 3198 | SEAFORD | VIC | 145.137811 | -38.103194 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1021858 | 145.1431018 | 21401137541 | Seaford (Vic.) | 214011375 | Seaford (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 1.40342569351196 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23005 | Frankston (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6641 | 3199 | FRANKSTON | VIC | 145.135961 | -38.162578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1466246 | 145.135722 | 21401137533 | Seaford (Vic.) | 214011375 | Seaford (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 76.1352310180664 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23005 | Frankston (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6642 | 3199 | FRANKSTON EAST | VIC | 145.135961 | -38.162578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1466246 | 145.135722 | 21401137533 | Seaford (Vic.) | 214011375 | Seaford (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 76.1352310180664 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23005 | Frankston (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6643 | 3199 | FRANKSTON HEIGHTS | VIC | 145.135961 | -38.162578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1620052 | 145.1466011 | 21401137533 | Seaford (Vic.) | 214011375 | Seaford (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 76.1352310180664 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23005 | Frankston (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6644 | 3199 | FRANKSTON SOUTH | VIC | 145.135961 | -38.162578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.188 | 145.153 | 21401137533 | Seaford (Vic.) | 214011375 | Seaford (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 76.1352310180664 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23005 | Frankston (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6645 | 3199 | KARINGAL | VIC | 145.135961 | -38.162578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1421518 | 145.1581699 | 21401137533 | Seaford (Vic.) | 214011375 | Seaford (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 76.1352310180664 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23005 | Frankston (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6646 | 3199 | KARINGAL CENTRE | VIC | 145.135961 | -38.162578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1531656 | 145.1655844 | 21401137533 | Seaford (Vic.) | 214011375 | Seaford (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 76.1352310180664 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23005 | Frankston (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6647 | 3200 | FRANKSTON NORTH | VIC | 145.157574 | -38.126458 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1250223 | 145.162419 | 21401137248 | Frankston North | 214011372 | Frankston North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
6648 | 3200 | PINES FOREST | VIC | 145.157574 | -38.126458 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1236271 | 145.1478809 | 21401137248 | Frankston North | 214011372 | Frankston North | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
6649 | 3201 | CARRUM DOWNS | VIC | 145.177905 | -38.092874 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0975353 | 145.1706992 | 21401137065 | Carrum Downs | 214011370 | Carrum Downs | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 17.4874496459961 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 21705 | Carrum (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6650 | 3202 | HEATHERTON | VIC | 145.092698 | -37.960555 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20803 | Kingston | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9529597 | 145.0879338 | 20803119122 | Heatherton | 208031191 | Moorabbin - Heatherton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Isaacs | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Kingston (Vic.) | 23430 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 21905 | Clarinda (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
6651 | 3204 | BENTLEIGH | VIC | 145.036783 | -37.916956 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9224386 | 145.0410079 | 20802142723 | Bentleigh East | 208021427 | Bentleigh East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6652 | 3204 | MCKINNON | VIC | 145.036783 | -37.916956 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.91 | 145.039 | 20802142723 | Bentleigh East | 208021427 | Bentleigh East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6653 | 3204 | ORMOND | VIC | 145.036783 | -37.916956 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.902081 | 145.0410692 | 20802142723 | Bentleigh East | 208021427 | Bentleigh East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6654 | 3204 | PATTERSON | VIC | 145.036783 | -37.916956 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20802 | Glen Eira | 208 | Melbourne - Inner South | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9259677 | 145.0381432 | 20802142723 | Bentleigh East | 208021427 | Bentleigh East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Goldstein | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Glen Eira | 22310 | Hotham | Inner Metropolitan | 26306 | Oakleigh (Southern Metropolitan) |
6655 | 3205 | SOUTH MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.958176 | -37.831693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8338889 | 144.963937 | 20605151231 | South Melbourne | 206051512 | South Melbourne | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6656 | 3205 | SOUTH MELBOURNE DC | VIC | 144.958176 | -37.831693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8301 | 144.957 | 20605151231 | South Melbourne | 206051512 | South Melbourne | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 26906 | Prahran (Southern Metropolitan) |
6657 | 3206 | ALBERT PARK | VIC | 144.95086 | -37.846534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8438609 | 144.9514536 | 20605112832 | Melbourne | 206051128 | Albert Park | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 20106 | Albert Park (Southern Metropolitan) |
6658 | 3206 | MIDDLE PARK | VIC | 144.95086 | -37.846534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.851944 | 144.963056 | 20605112832 | Melbourne | 206051128 | Albert Park | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 20106 | Albert Park (Southern Metropolitan) |
6659 | 3207 | GARDEN CITY | VIC | 144.918044 | -37.832179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8366289 | 144.919805 | 20605151105 | Port Melbourne | 206051511 | Port Melbourne Industrial | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 20106 | Albert Park (Southern Metropolitan) |
6660 | 3207 | PORT MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.918044 | -37.832179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21302 | Hobsons Bay | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8315264 | 144.9226452 | 20605151105 | Port Melbourne | 206051511 | Port Melbourne Industrial | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | Inner Metropolitan | 20106 | Albert Park (Southern Metropolitan) |
6661 | 3211 | LITTLE RIVER | VIC | 144.498479 | -37.943586 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9368044 | 144.4561033 | 21305146843 | Werribee | 213051468 | Werribee - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Lalor | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Lalor | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
6662 | 3212 | AVALON | VIC | 144.422666 | -38.039958 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0569 | 144.423 | 20302104356 | Lara | 203021043 | Lara | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 14.8253507614136 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6663 | 3212 | LARA | VIC | 144.422666 | -38.039958 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0229202 | 144.3964232 | 20302104356 | Lara | 203021043 | Lara | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 14.8253507614136 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6664 | 3212 | POINT WILSON | VIC | 144.422666 | -38.039958 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0425432 | 144.5255221 | 20302104356 | Lara | 203021043 | Lara | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corio | 14.8253507614136 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
16721 | 3213 | ANAKIE | VIC | 144.2894 | -37.9406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -37.9167 | 144.25 | 20302148652 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
16722 | 3213 | BATESFORD | VIC | 144.2779 | -38.091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.0899 | 144.285 | 20302148652 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
20767 | 3213 | LOVELY BANKS | VIC | 144.3223578 | -38.04070313 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.0667 | 144.333 | 20302148652 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
16724 | 3213 | MOORABOOL | VIC | 144.2771 | -38.038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.0697 | 144.295 | 20302148652 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6665 | 3214 | CORIO | VIC | 144.352385 | -38.084781 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0741368 | 144.358638 | 20302148825 | Norlane | 203021488 | Norlane | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 13.3222227096558 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6666 | 3214 | NORLANE | VIC | 144.352385 | -38.084781 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.092 | 144.356 | 20302148825 | Norlane | 203021488 | Norlane | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 13.3222227096558 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6667 | 3214 | NORTH SHORE | VIC | 144.352385 | -38.084781 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.099 | 144.373 | 20302148825 | Norlane | 203021488 | Norlane | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 13.3222227096558 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6668 | 3215 | BELL PARK | VIC | 144.33452 | -38.111002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.11 | 144.338 | 20302148618 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6669 | 3215 | BELL POST HILL | VIC | 144.33452 | -38.111002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1 | 144.328 | 20302148618 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6670 | 3215 | DRUMCONDRA | VIC | 144.33452 | -38.111002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.132 | 144.354 | 20302148618 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6671 | 3215 | GEELONG NORTH | VIC | 144.33452 | -38.111002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1093956 | 144.3521811 | 20302148618 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6672 | 3215 | HAMLYN HEIGHTS | VIC | 144.33452 | -38.111002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.12 | 144.32 | 20302148618 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6673 | 3215 | NORTH GEELONG | VIC | 144.33452 | -38.111002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1093956 | 144.3521811 | 20302148618 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6674 | 3215 | RIPPLESIDE | VIC | 144.33452 | -38.111002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1235549 | 144.3562807 | 20302148618 | Lovely Banks | 203021486 | Corio - Lovely Banks | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 24208 | Lara (Western Victoria) |
6675 | 3216 | BELMONT | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.173 | 144.341 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6676 | 3216 | FRESHWATER CREEK | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1747227 | 144.3139277 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6677 | 3216 | GROVEDALE | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2 | 144.35 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6678 | 3216 | GROVEDALE EAST | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2 | 144.35 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6679 | 3216 | HIGHTON | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.171 | 144.318 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6680 | 3216 | MARSHALL | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2025 | 144.36 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6681 | 3216 | MOUNT DUNEED | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1747227 | 144.3139277 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6682 | 3216 | WANDANA HEIGHTS | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1768917 | 144.3002702 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6683 | 3216 | WAURN PONDS | VIC | 144.334005 | -38.215906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.208813 | 144.2709146 | 20302148758 | Waurn Ponds | 203021487 | Grovedale - Mount Duneed | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 2 | Corio | 41.9172210693359 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
20768 | 3217 | ARMSTRONG CREEK | VIC | 144.3707843 | -38.23413976 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2373 | 144.374 | 20303148919 | Connewarre | 203031489 | Barwon Heads - Armstrong Creek | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Corangamite | 12.9592552185059 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
20769 | 3217 | CHARLEMONT | VIC | 144.3683696 | -38.21558906 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.218 | 144.367 | 20303148919 | Connewarre | 203031489 | Barwon Heads - Armstrong Creek | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corangamite | 12.9592552185059 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6684 | 3217 | DEAKIN UNIVERSITY | VIC | 145.109 | -37.8495 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8474187 | 145.1149861 | 20303148919 | Connewarre | 203031489 | Barwon Heads - Armstrong Creek | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corangamite | 12.9592552185059 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
20770 | 3217 | FRESHWATER CREEK | VIC | 144.249583 | -38.27029834 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2703 | 144.248 | 20303148919 | Connewarre | 203031489 | Barwon Heads - Armstrong Creek | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 12.9592552185059 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
20771 | 3217 | MOUNT DUNEED | VIC | 144.3127944 | -38.24983474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.25 | 144.304 | 20303148919 | Connewarre | 203031489 | Barwon Heads - Armstrong Creek | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Corangamite | 12.9592552185059 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
20772 | 3218 | FYANSFORD | VIC | 144.2894883 | -38.13028025 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1348 | 144.291 | 20302104736 | Fyansford | 203021047 | North Geelong - Bell Park | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 67.5618362426758 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6685 | 3218 | GEELONG WEST | VIC | 144.330986 | -38.138728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.133333 | 144.35 | 20302104736 | Fyansford | 203021047 | North Geelong - Bell Park | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 67.5618362426758 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6686 | 3218 | HERNE HILL | VIC | 144.330986 | -38.138728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1329 | 144.3305 | 20302104736 | Fyansford | 203021047 | North Geelong - Bell Park | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 67.5618362426758 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6687 | 3218 | MANIFOLD HEIGHTS | VIC | 144.330986 | -38.138728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.14 | 144.33 | 20302104736 | Fyansford | 203021047 | North Geelong - Bell Park | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 67.5618362426758 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
20773 | 3218 | MURGHEBOLUC | VIC | 144.1418215 | -38.09450396 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1048 | 144.129 | 20302104736 | Fyansford | 203021047 | North Geelong - Bell Park | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Corio | 79.6367340087891 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
20774 | 3218 | STONEHAVEN | VIC | 144.223441 | -38.1220442 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1288 | 144.25 | 20302104736 | Fyansford | 203021047 | North Geelong - Bell Park | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corio | 67.5618362426758 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6688 | 3219 | BREAKWATER | VIC | 144.389533 | -38.17277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.182 | 144.375 | 20302104537 | Newcomb | 203021045 | Newcomb - Moolap | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 4.9465742111206 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6689 | 3219 | EAST GEELONG | VIC | 144.389533 | -38.17277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.162 | 144.3802 | 20302104537 | Newcomb | 203021045 | Newcomb - Moolap | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 4.9465742111206 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6690 | 3219 | NEWCOMB | VIC | 144.389533 | -38.17277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.17 | 144.396 | 20302104537 | Newcomb | 203021045 | Newcomb - Moolap | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 4.9465742111206 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6691 | 3219 | ST ALBANS PARK | VIC | 144.389533 | -38.17277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1954052 | 144.393187 | 20302104537 | Newcomb | 203021045 | Newcomb - Moolap | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 4.9465742111206 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6692 | 3219 | THOMSON | VIC | 144.389533 | -38.17277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.17 | 144.381 | 20302104537 | Newcomb | 203021045 | Newcomb - Moolap | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 4.9465742111206 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6693 | 3219 | WHITTINGTON | VIC | 144.389533 | -38.17277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.18 | 144.39 | 20302104537 | Newcomb | 203021045 | Newcomb - Moolap | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 4.9465742111206 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6694 | 3220 | BAREENA | VIC | 144.34652 | -38.157038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1540975 | 144.3442725 | 20302104625 | Newtown (Greater Geelong - Vic.) | 203021046 | Newtown (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 25.5449695587158 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6695 | 3220 | GEELONG | VIC | 144.34652 | -38.157038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1499181 | 144.3617186 | 20302104625 | Newtown (Greater Geelong - Vic.) | 203021046 | Newtown (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 25.5449695587158 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6696 | 3220 | NEWTOWN | VIC | 144.34652 | -38.157038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.15 | 144.333 | 20302104625 | Newtown (Greater Geelong - Vic.) | 203021046 | Newtown (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 25.5449695587158 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6697 | 3220 | SOUTH GEELONG | VIC | 144.34652 | -38.157038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1673819 | 144.3658474 | 20302104625 | Newtown (Greater Geelong - Vic.) | 203021046 | Newtown (Vic.) | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Corio | 25.5449695587158 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corio | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6698 | 3221 | ANAKIE | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1636337 | 144.1501922 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6699 | 3221 | BARRABOOL | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1605382 | 144.2484344 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6700 | 3221 | BATESFORD | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0899186 | 144.2847434 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6701 | 3221 | BELLARINE | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.132222 | 144.619722 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6702 | 3221 | CERES | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1590503 | 144.2640892 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 2 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6703 | 3221 | FYANSFORD | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1347924 | 144.2906169 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6704 | 3221 | GEELONG MC | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1499 | 144.362 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6705 | 3221 | GNARWARRE | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1809271 | 144.1620897 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6706 | 3221 | GREY RIVER | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.680556 | 143.835 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6707 | 3221 | KENNETT RIVER | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6657459 | 143.8574394 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6708 | 3221 | LOVELY BANKS | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1636337 | 144.1501922 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6709 | 3221 | MOOLAP | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.183333 | 144.433333 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6710 | 3221 | MOORABOOL | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0697484 | 144.2954452 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6711 | 3221 | MURGHEBOLUC | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1636337 | 144.1501922 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6712 | 3221 | SEPARATION CREEK | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6284182 | 143.8981594 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6713 | 3221 | STAUGHTON VALE | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8396872 | 144.2818364 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6714 | 3221 | STONEHAVEN | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1288448 | 144.2504403 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6435 | 3221 | SUGARLOAF | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6896508 | 143.7993096 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6436 | 3221 | WALLINGTON | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2247017 | 144.510853 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6437 | 3221 | WONGARRA | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6937488 | 143.7720708 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6438 | 3221 | WYE RIVER | VIC | 144.427419 | -38.181608 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6381741 | 143.8899389 | 20302104245 | Waurn Ponds | 203021042 | Highton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 8.32703304290771 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6439 | 3222 | CLIFTON SPRINGS | VIC | 144.572989 | -38.209921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1515545 | 144.5738608 | 20303149039 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6440 | 3222 | CURLEWIS | VIC | 144.572989 | -38.209921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1767277 | 144.5327632 | 20303149039 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6441 | 3222 | DRYSDALE | VIC | 144.572989 | -38.209921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1809329 | 144.5985292 | 20303149039 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6442 | 3222 | MANNERIM | VIC | 144.572989 | -38.209921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.216667 | 144.583333 | 20303149039 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6443 | 3222 | MARCUS HILL | VIC | 144.572989 | -38.209921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.233333 | 144.566667 | 20303149039 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
20775 | 3222 | WALLINGTON | VIC | 144.5118946 | -38.22638039 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2247 | 144.511 | 20303149039 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
20776 | 3223 | BELLARINE | VIC | 144.6217267 | -38.13622989 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1322 | 144.62 | 20303105131 | St Leonards (Vic.) | 203031051 | Portarlington | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Corangamite | 57.3758125305176 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6444 | 3223 | INDENTED HEAD | VIC | 144.668477 | -38.147989 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.138056 | 144.71 | 20303105131 | St Leonards (Vic.) | 203031051 | Portarlington | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Corangamite | 28.0449924468994 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6445 | 3223 | PORTARLINGTON | VIC | 144.668477 | -38.147989 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.116667 | 144.65 | 20303105131 | St Leonards (Vic.) | 203031051 | Portarlington | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Corangamite | 28.0449924468994 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6446 | 3223 | ST LEONARDS | VIC | 144.668477 | -38.147989 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.166667 | 144.716667 | 20303105131 | St Leonards (Vic.) | 203031051 | Portarlington | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Corangamite | 28.0449924468994 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6447 | 3224 | LEOPOLD | VIC | 144.462401 | -38.202905 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1944438 | 144.4670924 | 20302104537 | Newcomb | 203021045 | Newcomb - Moolap | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
20777 | 3224 | MOOLAP | VIC | 144.4248188 | -38.17988326 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20302 | Geelong | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1833 | 144.433 | 20302104537 | Newcomb | 203021045 | Newcomb - Moolap | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6448 | 3225 | POINT LONSDALE | VIC | 144.614191 | -38.271074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.283333 | 144.6 | 20303105216 | Point Lonsdale | 203031052 | Point Lonsdale - Queenscliff | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6449 | 3225 | QUEENSCLIFF | VIC | 144.614191 | -38.271074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2677746 | 144.6286897 | 20303105216 | Point Lonsdale | 203031052 | Point Lonsdale - Queenscliff | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6450 | 3225 | SWAN BAY | VIC | 144.614191 | -38.271074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.225833 | 144.643889 | 20303105216 | Point Lonsdale | 203031052 | Point Lonsdale - Queenscliff | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6451 | 3225 | SWAN ISLAND | VIC | 144.614191 | -38.271074 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2492561 | 144.6801977 | 20303105216 | Point Lonsdale | 203031052 | Point Lonsdale - Queenscliff | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6452 | 3226 | OCEAN GROVE | VIC | 144.523761 | -38.263811 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2573292 | 144.5382417 | 20303149040 | Ocean Grove | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Greater Geelong | 22750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 20508 | Bellarine (Western Victoria) |
6453 | 3227 | BARWON HEADS | VIC | 144.40814 | -38.263052 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2739835 | 144.4862111 | 20303149038 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 12.9316291809082 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6454 | 3227 | BREAMLEA | VIC | 144.40814 | -38.263052 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3 | 144.383333 | 20303149038 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 12.9316291809082 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6455 | 3227 | CONNEWARRE | VIC | 144.40814 | -38.263052 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2640693 | 144.4623088 | 20303149038 | Wallington | 203031490 | Ocean Grove | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 12.9316291809082 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6456 | 3228 | BELLBRAE | VIC | 144.299978 | -38.307545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.333333 | 144.266667 | 20303105353 | Torquay (Vic.) | 203031053 | Torquay | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6457 | 3228 | BELLS BEACH | VIC | 144.299978 | -38.307545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.366944 | 144.284722 | 20303105353 | Torquay (Vic.) | 203031053 | Torquay | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6458 | 3228 | JAN JUC | VIC | 144.299978 | -38.307545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.333333 | 144.3 | 20303105353 | Torquay (Vic.) | 203031053 | Torquay | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6459 | 3228 | TORQUAY | VIC | 144.299978 | -38.307545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.333333 | 144.316667 | 20303105353 | Torquay (Vic.) | 203031053 | Torquay | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6460 | 3230 | ANGLESEA | VIC | 144.176397 | -38.409363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3850062 | 144.1501922 | 20303104910 | Anglesea | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6461 | 3231 | AIREYS INLET | VIC | 144.106892 | -38.459435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.461511 | 144.1057661 | 20303104911 | Aireys Inlet | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20778 | 3231 | BIG HILL | VIC | 144.0079299 | -38.47820971 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.480278 | 144.005 | 20303104911 | Aireys Inlet | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6462 | 3231 | EASTERN VIEW | VIC | 144.106892 | -38.459435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.478048 | 144.0288116 | 20303104911 | Aireys Inlet | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6463 | 3231 | FAIRHAVEN | VIC | 144.106892 | -38.459435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.456111 | 144.085833 | 20303104911 | Aireys Inlet | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6464 | 3231 | MOGGS CREEK | VIC | 144.106892 | -38.459435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.456111 | 144.066944 | 20303104911 | Aireys Inlet | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6465 | 3232 | BIG HILL | VIC | 143.970167 | -38.544977 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4803 | 144.005 | 20303104908 | Lorne (Vic.) | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6466 | 3232 | LORNE | VIC | 143.970167 | -38.544977 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20303 | Surf Coast - Bellarine Peninsula | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.528668 | 143.9324048 | 20303104908 | Lorne (Vic.) | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6467 | 3233 | APOLLO BAY | VIC | 143.671777 | -38.679417 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7551525 | 143.6675853 | 21703147609 | Apollo Bay (Vic.) | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6468 | 3233 | CAPE OTWAY | VIC | 143.671777 | -38.679417 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.8340286 | 143.5240583 | 21703147609 | Apollo Bay (Vic.) | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6469 | 3233 | MARENGO | VIC | 143.671777 | -38.679417 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.776141 | 143.6583166 | 21703147609 | Apollo Bay (Vic.) | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6470 | 3233 | PETTICOAT CREEK | VIC | 143.671777 | -38.679417 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7140382 | 143.7301364 | 21703147609 | Apollo Bay (Vic.) | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6471 | 3233 | SKENES CREEK | VIC | 143.671777 | -38.679417 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7101801 | 143.7098032 | 21703147609 | Apollo Bay (Vic.) | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6472 | 3233 | SKENES CREEK NORTH | VIC | 143.671777 | -38.679417 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6957938 | 143.7206469 | 21703147609 | Apollo Bay (Vic.) | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20779 | 3234 | GREY RIVER | VIC | 143.832394 | -38.6791182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.6806 | 143.835 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 165.927337646484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20780 | 3234 | KENNETT RIVER | VIC | 143.8049086 | -38.63847255 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.6657 | 143.857 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 338.579162597656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20781 | 3234 | SEPARATION CREEK | VIC | 143.8732037 | -38.58813123 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.6284 | 143.898 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 245.41130065918 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
16728 | 3234 | SUGARLOAF | VIC | 143.7961 | -38.69 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.6897 | 143.799 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 245.41130065918 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
16729 | 3234 | WONGARRA | VIC | 143.7986 | -38.6747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.6937 | 143.772 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 283.605682373047 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20782 | 3234 | WYE RIVER | VIC | 143.8493949 | -38.62497369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.6382 | 143.89 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 245.41130065918 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6473 | 3235 | BENWERRIN | VIC | 143.924288 | -38.411964 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4865203 | 143.9130375 | 20303104907 | Wensleydale | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 311.873107910156 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20783 | 3235 | BOONAH | VIC | 143.979689 | -38.42875898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4220465 | 143.960275 | 20303104907 | Wensleydale | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 220.737121582031 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6474 | 3235 | DEANS MARSH | VIC | 143.924288 | -38.411964 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.383333 | 143.883333 | 20303104907 | Wensleydale | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 311.873107910156 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6475 | 3235 | PENNYROYAL | VIC | 143.924288 | -38.411964 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.443056 | 143.876111 | 20303104907 | Wensleydale | 203031049 | Lorne - Anglesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 311.873107910156 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6476 | 3236 | FORREST | VIC | 143.712384 | -38.521903 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.516667 | 143.716667 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6477 | 3236 | MOUNT SABINE | VIC | 143.712384 | -38.521903 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.633889 | 143.742778 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6478 | 3237 | AIRE VALLEY | VIC | 143.474392 | -38.716838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6922736 | 143.5659848 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 246.140930175781 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6479 | 3237 | BEECH FOREST | VIC | 143.474392 | -38.716838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.633333 | 143.566667 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 246.140930175781 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6480 | 3237 | FERGUSON | VIC | 143.474392 | -38.716838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.649 | 143.52 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 246.140930175781 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6481 | 3237 | GELLIBRAND LOWER | VIC | 143.474392 | -38.716838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6846816 | 143.2542289 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 246.140930175781 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6482 | 3237 | WATTLE HILL | VIC | 143.474392 | -38.716838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7551203 | 143.2514948 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 246.140930175781 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6483 | 3237 | WEEAPROINAH | VIC | 143.474392 | -38.716838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6224336 | 143.4935902 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 246.140930175781 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6484 | 3237 | WYELANGTA | VIC | 143.474392 | -38.716838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.700637 | 143.416593 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 246.140930175781 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6485 | 3237 | YUULONG | VIC | 143.474392 | -38.716838 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.747013 | 143.3238806 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 246.140930175781 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6486 | 3238 | GLENAIRE | VIC | 143.429978 | -38.781787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7761059 | 143.4336928 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 23.5997009277344 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6487 | 3238 | HORDERN VALE | VIC | 143.429978 | -38.781787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7746222 | 143.500686 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 23.5997009277344 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6488 | 3238 | JOHANNA | VIC | 143.429978 | -38.781787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7350439 | 143.4101801 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 23.5997009277344 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6489 | 3238 | LAVERS HILL | VIC | 143.429978 | -38.781787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6790443 | 143.3750878 | 21703147606 | Johanna | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 23.5997009277344 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6490 | 3239 | CARLISLE RIVER | VIC | 143.448102 | -38.564014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5183602 | 143.4196309 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6491 | 3239 | CHAPPLE VALE | VIC | 143.448102 | -38.564014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6192303 | 143.2982122 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6492 | 3239 | GELLIBRAND | VIC | 143.448102 | -38.564014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5271333 | 143.5453035 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6493 | 3239 | KENNEDYS CREEK | VIC | 143.448102 | -38.564014 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6051768 | 143.2587937 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6494 | 3240 | BUCKLEY | VIC | 144.174411 | -38.263005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2444345 | 144.0895595 | 20301103614 | Moriac | 203011036 | Winchelsea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 82.3354721069336 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6495 | 3240 | GHERANG | VIC | 144.174411 | -38.263005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.303611 | 144.090556 | 20301103614 | Moriac | 203011036 | Winchelsea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 82.3354721069336 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6496 | 3240 | MODEWARRE | VIC | 144.174411 | -38.263005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.266111 | 144.121944 | 20301103614 | Moriac | 203011036 | Winchelsea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 82.3354721069336 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6497 | 3240 | MORIAC | VIC | 144.174411 | -38.263005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.233333 | 144.166667 | 20301103614 | Moriac | 203011036 | Winchelsea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 82.3354721069336 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6498 | 3240 | MOUNT MORIAC | VIC | 144.174411 | -38.263005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2201027 | 144.191706 | 20301103614 | Moriac | 203011036 | Winchelsea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 82.3354721069336 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6499 | 3240 | PARAPARAP | VIC | 144.174411 | -38.263005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.298889 | 144.183889 | 20301103614 | Moriac | 203011036 | Winchelsea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 82.3354721069336 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 27708 | South Barwon (Western Victoria) |
6500 | 3241 | BAMBRA | VIC | 143.892824 | -38.20363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3667365 | 143.9448801 | 21703147302 | Winchelsea | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6501 | 3241 | OMBERSLEY | VIC | 143.892824 | -38.20363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2042916 | 143.8651496 | 21703147302 | Winchelsea | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6502 | 3241 | WENSLEYDALE | VIC | 143.892824 | -38.20363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3405232 | 144.0419036 | 21703147302 | Winchelsea | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6503 | 3241 | WINCHELSEA | VIC | 143.892824 | -38.20363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2437824 | 143.9943269 | 21703147302 | Winchelsea | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6504 | 3241 | WINCHELSEA SOUTH | VIC | 143.892824 | -38.20363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3225 | 143.983056 | 21703147302 | Winchelsea | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6505 | 3241 | WURDIBOLUC | VIC | 143.892824 | -38.20363 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.289167 | 144.051389 | 21703147302 | Winchelsea | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6506 | 3242 | BIRREGURRA | VIC | 143.740326 | -38.346704 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3300725 | 143.8128803 | 21703147315 | Whoorel | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Surf Coast | 26490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6507 | 3243 | BARWON DOWNS | VIC | 143.82588 | -38.364034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4705238 | 143.767428 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6508 | 3243 | GERANGAMETE | VIC | 143.82588 | -38.364034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.454364 | 143.7253915 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6509 | 3243 | MURROON | VIC | 143.82588 | -38.364034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4205099 | 143.8040591 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6510 | 3243 | WARNCOORT | VIC | 143.82588 | -38.364034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3502737 | 143.7037043 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6511 | 3243 | WHOOREL | VIC | 143.82588 | -38.364034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3695991 | 143.8313244 | 21703147608 | Wye River | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6512 | 3249 | ALVIE | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.244444 | 143.515556 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6513 | 3249 | BALINTORE | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2842302 | 143.5689749 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6514 | 3249 | BARONGAROOK | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4255405 | 143.6176937 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6515 | 3249 | BARONGAROOK WEST | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4388581 | 143.5527423 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6516 | 3249 | BARRAMUNGA | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5770348 | 143.6874429 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6517 | 3249 | CORAGULAC | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.263392 | 143.5365131 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6518 | 3249 | CORUNNUN | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2845425 | 143.4932523 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6519 | 3249 | DREEITE | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1805071 | 143.5135277 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6520 | 3249 | DREEITE SOUTH | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1980372 | 143.482441 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20784 | 3249 | GERANGAMETE | VIC | 143.6947758 | -38.45296591 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4544 | 143.725 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6521 | 3249 | IRREWARRA | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3167164 | 143.6444066 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6522 | 3249 | IRREWILLIPE | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4192398 | 143.4189558 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6523 | 3249 | IRREWILLIPE EAST | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4178071 | 143.4783871 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6524 | 3249 | KAWARREN | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4922351 | 143.5837732 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6525 | 3249 | LARPENT | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3499891 | 143.5094722 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6526 | 3249 | NALANGIL | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3160787 | 143.4662269 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6527 | 3249 | ONDIT | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2420011 | 143.6176937 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6528 | 3249 | PIRRON YALLOCK | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3554705 | 143.4230064 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6529 | 3249 | POMBORNEIT EAST | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2907591 | 143.3889203 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6530 | 3249 | SWAN MARSH | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3543974 | 143.3529978 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6531 | 3249 | TANYBRYN | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.665215 | 143.7142083 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6532 | 3249 | WARRION | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.216667 | 143.566667 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6533 | 3249 | WOOL WOOL | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2316237 | 143.4466395 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6534 | 3249 | YEO | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.244444 | 143.515556 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6535 | 3249 | YEODENE | VIC | 143.557159 | -38.388291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4082948 | 143.7023491 | 21703147610 | Kawarren | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 177.269058227539 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6536 | 3250 | COLAC | VIC | 143.584742 | -38.311513 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3410186 | 143.5854622 | 21703147307 | Yeo | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6537 | 3250 | COLAC EAST | VIC | 143.584742 | -38.311513 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3325068 | 143.6204013 | 21703147307 | Yeo | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6538 | 3250 | COLAC WEST | VIC | 143.584742 | -38.311513 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3315126 | 143.5473322 | 21703147307 | Yeo | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6539 | 3250 | ELLIMINYT | VIC | 143.584742 | -38.311513 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3733285 | 143.5743866 | 21703147307 | Yeo | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6540 | 3251 | BEEAC | VIC | 143.648479 | -38.155186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1772101 | 143.6420207 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20785 | 3251 | CUNDARE | VIC | 143.5923322 | -38.146253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1345 | 143.594 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6541 | 3251 | CUNDARE NORTH | VIC | 143.648479 | -38.155186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1099644 | 143.558644 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6542 | 3251 | EURACK | VIC | 143.648479 | -38.155186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.151946 | 143.7260694 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6543 | 3251 | WEERING | VIC | 143.648479 | -38.155186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1231059 | 143.6354874 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6544 | 3254 | COROROOKE | VIC | 143.52228 | -38.289636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2962142 | 143.5256956 | 21703147312 | Cororooke | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 130.504058837891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6545 | 3260 | BOOKAAR | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1501749 | 143.1309121 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6546 | 3260 | BOSTOCKS CREEK | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3019538 | 143.1164553 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6547 | 3260 | BUNGADOR | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4117481 | 143.3364551 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6548 | 3260 | CAMPERDOWN | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2355272 | 143.1426455 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6549 | 3260 | CARPENDEIT | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3774194 | 143.2672147 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6550 | 3260 | CHOCOLYN | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1923272 | 143.2042487 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6551 | 3260 | GNOTUK | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2027638 | 143.0663826 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6552 | 3260 | KARIAH | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1340766 | 143.2308428 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6553 | 3260 | KOALLAH | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2972927 | 143.2450824 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6554 | 3260 | LESLIE MANOR | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0685783 | 143.3423723 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6555 | 3260 | POMBORNEIT | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2837243 | 143.2984298 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6556 | 3260 | POMBORNEIT NORTH | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2477049 | 143.3197833 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6557 | 3260 | SKIBO | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2066949 | 143.1265412 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6558 | 3260 | SOUTH PURRUMBETE | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3515777 | 143.2016004 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6559 | 3260 | STONYFORD | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3297056 | 143.2806903 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6560 | 3260 | TANDAROOK | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2952728 | 143.200883 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6561 | 3260 | TESBURY | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.29657 | 143.167652 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6562 | 3260 | WEERITE | VIC | 143.244766 | -38.209584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2556751 | 143.2470059 | 21703147525 | Tesbury | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.179244995117 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6563 | 3264 | TERANG | VIC | 142.884394 | -38.232443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2273268 | 142.8955875 | 21703147415 | Terang | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 128.985198974609 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6564 | 3265 | BOORCAN | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.218356 | 143.0448854 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6565 | 3265 | CUDGEE | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.342961 | 142.6227692 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6566 | 3265 | DIXIE | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.3014611 | 142.9287756 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6567 | 3265 | ECKLIN SOUTH | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.3854255 | 142.8989392 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6568 | 3265 | ELLERSLIE | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.1201405 | 142.7171702 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6569 | 3265 | FRAMLINGHAM | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.2557597 | 142.6844137 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6570 | 3265 | FRAMLINGHAM EAST | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.1995625 | 142.7004558 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6571 | 3265 | GARVOC | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.3220322 | 142.8479255 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
24096 | 3265 | GLENORMISTON | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.218356 | 143.0448854 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | | | | Corangamite | 21830 | | | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6572 | 3265 | GLENORMISTON NORTH | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.1325919 | 142.9941905 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6573 | 3265 | GLENORMISTON SOUTH | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.1660705 | 142.9653336 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6574 | 3265 | KOLORA | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.1370979 | 142.9284403 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6575 | 3265 | LAANG | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.3630117 | 142.7980853 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6293 | 3265 | NOORAT | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.2006511 | 142.9364881 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6294 | 3265 | NOORAT EAST | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.1974508 | 142.9760697 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6295 | 3265 | PANMURE | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.3367162 | 142.7352451 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6296 | 3265 | TAROON | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.3237196 | 142.8664846 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6297 | 3265 | THE SISTERS | VIC | 142.952372 | -38.178237 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -38.1985692 | 142.7757012 | 21704147724 | Framlingham | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 152.942443847656 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6298 | 3266 | BULLAHARRE | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.347841 | 143.137301 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6299 | 3266 | COBDEN | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.320519 | 143.0828766 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6300 | 3266 | COBRICO | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2814403 | 143.0220515 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6301 | 3266 | ELINGAMITE | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3730317 | 143.0274236 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6302 | 3266 | ELINGAMITE NORTH | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3334069 | 142.9878141 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6303 | 3266 | GLENFYNE | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4003782 | 142.9861362 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6304 | 3266 | JANCOURT | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3686742 | 143.0942712 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6305 | 3266 | JANCOURT EAST | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3938486 | 143.1366284 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6306 | 3266 | NAROGHID | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2563491 | 143.0620155 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6307 | 3266 | SIMPSON | VIC | 143.133721 | -38.407094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4987977 | 143.2429647 | 21703147604 | Yuulong | 217031476 | Otway | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 139.33219909668 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6308 | 3267 | SCOTTS CREEK | VIC | 143.06073 | -38.466647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.467729 | 143.0781416 | 21703147522 | Scotts Creek (Vic.) | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 74.4355087280273 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6309 | 3268 | AYRFORD | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4208758 | 142.8409151 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6310 | 3268 | BRUCKNELL | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4659878 | 142.9043021 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6311 | 3268 | COORIEMUNGLE | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5459508 | 143.1120852 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6312 | 3268 | COWLEYS CREEK | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5076961 | 143.0347708 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6313 | 3268 | CURDIE VALE | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5083 | 142.899 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6314 | 3268 | CURDIES RIVER | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4503739 | 142.9438661 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
20786 | 3268 | CURDIEVALE | VIC | 142.8644071 | -38.51854992 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5083135 | 142.8994409 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 55.5938301086426 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6315 | 3268 | HEYTESBURY LOWER | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5769004 | 142.9417963 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6316 | 3268 | NEWFIELD | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5591501 | 143.0103947 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6317 | 3268 | NIRRANDA | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.502099 | 142.7829978 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6318 | 3268 | NIRRANDA EAST | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4825115 | 142.8580598 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6319 | 3268 | NIRRANDA SOUTH | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5251704 | 142.7904251 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6320 | 3268 | NULLAWARRE | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4756101 | 142.8131861 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6321 | 3268 | NULLAWARRE EAST | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4756 | 142.813 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
20787 | 3268 | NULLAWARRE NORTH | VIC | 142.7964155 | -38.43795764 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4413 | 142.782 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6322 | 3268 | PAARATTE | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.538399 | 142.9942663 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6323 | 3268 | THE COVE | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4867398 | 142.6974476 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6324 | 3268 | TIMBOON | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.478525 | 142.9734629 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6325 | 3268 | TIMBOON WEST | VIC | 142.908911 | -38.535802 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5501291 | 142.928105 | 21704147722 | Nullawarre North | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 73 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6326 | 3269 | PORT CAMPBELL | VIC | 143.177116 | -38.660637 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6191008 | 142.9961352 | 21703147508 | Port Campbell | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 18.3599033355713 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6327 | 3269 | PRINCETOWN | VIC | 143.177116 | -38.660637 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6724766 | 143.1756455 | 21703147508 | Port Campbell | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 18.3599033355713 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6328 | 3269 | WAARRE | VIC | 143.177116 | -38.660637 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5769405 | 143.0405196 | 21703147508 | Port Campbell | 217031475 | Corangamite - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 18.3599033355713 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6329 | 3270 | PETERBOROUGH | VIC | 142.870164 | -38.602117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5949819 | 142.8793838 | 21704147712 | Peterborough (Vic.) | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 8.73637771606445 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6330 | 3271 | DARLINGTON | VIC | 142.98753 | -37.888549 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0042786 | 143.0129871 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 203.719818115234 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6331 | 3271 | DUNDONNELL | VIC | 142.98753 | -37.888549 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.989819 | 142.966989 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 203.719818115234 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6332 | 3271 | PURA PURA | VIC | 142.98753 | -37.888549 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8157187 | 143.0778056 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 203.719818115234 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6333 | 3272 | MORTLAKE | VIC | 142.853634 | -37.982186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0755216 | 142.8100364 | 21704147715 | Mortlake (Vic.) | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6334 | 3272 | WOORNDOO | VIC | 142.853634 | -37.982186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8974068 | 142.7953267 | 21704147715 | Mortlake (Vic.) | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6335 | 3273 | HEXHAM | VIC | 142.660643 | -37.981249 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9654484 | 142.6814062 | 21704147719 | Hexham (Vic.) | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6336 | 3274 | CARAMUT | VIC | 142.478612 | -37.960778 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9386771 | 142.5105224 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6337 | 3275 | MAILER FLAT | VIC | 142.457611 | -38.301794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2902 | 142.463 | 21704147802 | Yarpturk | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 64.9027328491211 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6338 | 3275 | MAILORS FLAT | VIC | 142.457611 | -38.301794 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2901504 | 142.4625357 | 21704147802 | Yarpturk | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 64.9027328491211 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
20788 | 3276 | MINJAH | VIC | 142.481806 | -38.0538178 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.068626 | 142.4523603 | 21704147711 | Woolsthorpe | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 101.999130249023 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6339 | 3276 | WOOLSTHORPE | VIC | 142.409105 | -38.180923 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1432273 | 142.4249023 | 21704147711 | Woolsthorpe | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 101.999130249023 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6340 | 3277 | ALLANSFORD | VIC | 142.660221 | -38.389835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.386111 | 142.593056 | 21704148031 | Allansford | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 43.0067596435547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6341 | 3277 | MEPUNGA | VIC | 142.660221 | -38.389835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4865907 | 142.676394 | 21704148031 | Allansford | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 43.0067596435547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6342 | 3277 | MEPUNGA EAST | VIC | 142.660221 | -38.389835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4436937 | 142.7185075 | 21704148031 | Allansford | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 43.0067596435547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6343 | 3277 | MEPUNGA WEST | VIC | 142.660221 | -38.389835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4165115 | 142.6483321 | 21704148031 | Allansford | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 43.0067596435547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6344 | 3277 | NARINGAL | VIC | 142.660221 | -38.389835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3968573 | 142.716985 | 21704148031 | Allansford | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 43.0067596435547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6345 | 3277 | NARINGAL EAST | VIC | 142.660221 | -38.389835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3945862 | 142.7840666 | 21704148031 | Allansford | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 43.0067596435547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6346 | 3278 | PURNIM | VIC | 142.624719 | -38.278013 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2910882 | 142.5953418 | 21704147713 | Purnim West | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
20789 | 3278 | PURNIM WEST | VIC | 142.554533 | -38.29668931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2986695 | 142.5585419 | 21704147713 | Purnim West | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6347 | 3279 | BALLANGEICH | VIC | 142.657483 | -38.214555 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1660521 | 142.575836 | 21704147710 | Framlingham East | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6348 | 3279 | WANGOOM | VIC | 142.657483 | -38.214555 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.333333 | 142.583333 | 21704147710 | Framlingham East | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6349 | 3280 | DENNINGTON | VIC | 142.482889 | -38.37884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.355833 | 142.441389 | 21704148035 | Warrnambool | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 23.703218460083 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6350 | 3280 | MINJAH | VIC | 142.482889 | -38.37884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0686 | 142.452 | 21704148035 | Warrnambool | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 23.703218460083 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6351 | 3280 | WARRNAMBOOL | VIC | 142.482889 | -38.37884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3686779 | 142.4982086 | 21704148035 | Warrnambool | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 23.703218460083 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6352 | 3280 | WARRNAMBOOL EAST | VIC | 142.482889 | -38.37884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3686779 | 142.4982086 | 21704148035 | Warrnambool | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 23.703218460083 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6353 | 3280 | WARRNAMBOOL WEST | VIC | 142.482889 | -38.37884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3663341 | 142.466221 | 21704148035 | Warrnambool | 217041480 | Warrnambool - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 23.703218460083 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6354 | 3281 | BUSHFIELD | VIC | 142.630109 | -38.254454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3282508 | 142.5158563 | 21704147915 | Bushfield | 217041479 | Warrnambool - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 96.9133911132813 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6355 | 3281 | GRASSMERE | VIC | 142.630109 | -38.254454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2773243 | 142.5058556 | 21704147915 | Bushfield | 217041479 | Warrnambool - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 96.9133911132813 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6356 | 3281 | WINSLOW | VIC | 142.630109 | -38.254454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2301849 | 142.4618694 | 21704147915 | Bushfield | 217041479 | Warrnambool - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 96.9133911132813 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6357 | 3281 | WOODFORD | VIC | 142.630109 | -38.254454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.316667 | 142.466667 | 21704147915 | Bushfield | 217041479 | Warrnambool - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 96.9133911132813 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6358 | 3282 | ILLOWA | VIC | 142.351658 | -38.268176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3240971 | 142.3940586 | 21704147827 | Southern Cross (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 64.0444107055664 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6359 | 3282 | KOROIT | VIC | 142.351658 | -38.268176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2960425 | 142.3553505 | 21704147827 | Southern Cross (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 64.0444107055664 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6360 | 3283 | CROSSLEY | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3042515 | 142.321598 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6361 | 3283 | KILLARNEY | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3451308 | 142.308467 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6362 | 3283 | KIRKSTALL | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2794244 | 142.3071773 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6363 | 3283 | SOUTHERN CROSS | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2961052 | 142.3992869 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6364 | 3283 | TARRONE | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2718851 | 142.2028458 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6365 | 3283 | TOWER HILL | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3332266 | 142.3537074 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6366 | 3283 | WARRONG | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1836014 | 142.310129 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6367 | 3283 | WILLATOOK | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1318966 | 142.1998589 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6368 | 3283 | YANGERY | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3185532 | 142.4412187 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6369 | 3283 | YARPTURK | VIC | 142.328761 | -38.313434 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2872903 | 142.4305627 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Warrnambool | 26730 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6370 | 3284 | ORFORD | VIC | 142.119266 | -38.270398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1985238 | 142.1295373 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 36.749267578125 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6371 | 3284 | PORT FAIRY | VIC | 142.119266 | -38.270398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3810122 | 142.2292907 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 36.749267578125 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6372 | 3285 | CODRINGTON | VIC | 142.058916 | -38.290199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2561037 | 141.9397094 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 17 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6373 | 3285 | NARRAWONG | VIC | 142.058916 | -38.290199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2173608 | 141.7053755 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 17 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6374 | 3285 | ROSEBROOK | VIC | 142.058916 | -38.290199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3437695 | 142.2664028 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Wannon | 17 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6375 | 3285 | ST HELENS | VIC | 142.058916 | -38.290199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.241239 | 142.0602812 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 17 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6376 | 3285 | TOOLONG | VIC | 142.058916 | -38.290199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3103547 | 142.2303981 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 17 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6377 | 3285 | TYRENDARRA | VIC | 142.058916 | -38.290199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.216667 | 141.783333 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 17 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6378 | 3285 | TYRENDARRA EAST | VIC | 142.058916 | -38.290199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.243369 | 141.8726405 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 17 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6379 | 3285 | YAMBUK | VIC | 142.058916 | -38.290199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3080678 | 142.0413404 | 21704147828 | Rosebrook (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 17 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
20790 | 3286 | CONDAH SWAMP | VIC | 141.8361176 | -37.9711005 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9720069 | 141.8364257 | 21704147826 | Macarthur (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 179.697128295898 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6380 | 3286 | KNEBSWORTH | VIC | 141.963223 | -38.036038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9930783 | 141.8451677 | 21704147826 | Macarthur (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 114.076248168945 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6381 | 3286 | MACARTHUR | VIC | 141.963223 | -38.036038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.027044 | 142.0046427 | 21704147826 | Macarthur (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 114.076248168945 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6382 | 3286 | RIPPONHURST | VIC | 141.963223 | -38.036038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.984035 | 142.1085079 | 21704147826 | Macarthur (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 114.076248168945 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
20791 | 3286 | WARRABKOOK | VIC | 142.0716061 | -37.98614494 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9850408 | 142.0317312 | 21704147826 | Macarthur (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 179.697128295898 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6383 | 3287 | HAWKESDALE | VIC | 142.31953 | -38.059868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0541239 | 142.3048108 | 21704147807 | Minhamite | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.413101196289 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6384 | 3287 | MINHAMITE | VIC | 142.31953 | -38.059868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0073258 | 142.3167774 | 21704147807 | Minhamite | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.413101196289 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6385 | 3289 | GAZETTE | VIC | 142.227754 | -37.893196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9197764 | 142.149764 | 21704147809 | Warrabkook | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 214.054946899414 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
20792 | 3289 | GERRIGERRUP | VIC | 142.1980995 | -37.99193127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9906017 | 142.2154135 | 21704147809 | Warrabkook | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 214.054946899414 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6386 | 3289 | PENSHURST | VIC | 142.227754 | -37.893196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.883333 | 142.283333 | 21704147809 | Warrabkook | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 214.054946899414 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6387 | 3289 | PURDEET | VIC | 142.227754 | -37.893196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9382718 | 142.3694561 | 21704147809 | Warrabkook | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 214.054946899414 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6388 | 3289 | TABOR | VIC | 142.227754 | -37.893196 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8132691 | 142.1918944 | 21704147809 | Warrabkook | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 214.054946899414 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6389 | 3292 | NELSON | VIC | 141.051987 | -38.038873 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0625136 | 141.1198886 | 21701142004 | Nelson (Vic.) | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6390 | 3293 | GLENTHOMPSON | VIC | 142.527253 | -37.655945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6707686 | 142.5338611 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 319.736083984375 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6391 | 3293 | NAREEB | VIC | 142.527253 | -37.655945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8235293 | 142.5404248 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 319.736083984375 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6392 | 3293 | NARRAPUMELAP SOUTH | VIC | 142.527253 | -37.655945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7538261 | 142.6405948 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 319.736083984375 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6393 | 3294 | DUNKELD | VIC | 142.312764 | -37.573978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.65 | 142.35 | 21701142313 | Dunkeld (Vic.) | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6394 | 3294 | KARABEAL | VIC | 142.312764 | -37.573978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5872103 | 142.2333099 | 21701142313 | Dunkeld (Vic.) | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6395 | 3294 | MIRRANATWA | VIC | 142.312764 | -37.573978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4001583 | 142.4075911 | 21701142313 | Dunkeld (Vic.) | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6396 | 3294 | MOUTAJUP | VIC | 142.312764 | -37.573978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6887108 | 142.22243 | 21701142313 | Dunkeld (Vic.) | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6397 | 3294 | VICTORIA POINT | VIC | 142.312764 | -37.573978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5175286 | 142.2586256 | 21701142313 | Dunkeld (Vic.) | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6398 | 3294 | VICTORIA VALLEY | VIC | 142.312764 | -37.573978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5532701 | 142.2852033 | 21701142313 | Dunkeld (Vic.) | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6399 | 3294 | WOODHOUSE | VIC | 142.312764 | -37.573978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8021895 | 142.4591589 | 21701142313 | Dunkeld (Vic.) | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6400 | 3300 | BYADUK NORTH | VIC | 142.013356 | -37.743155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8859808 | 141.9338792 | 21701142317 | Mount Napier | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6401 | 3300 | HAMILTON | VIC | 142.013356 | -37.743155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7455702 | 142.0178976 | 21701142317 | Mount Napier | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6402 | 3301 | BOCHARA | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6993137 | 141.8991762 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6403 | 3301 | BROADWATER | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1376982 | 142.0288242 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6404 | 3301 | BUCKLEY SWAMP | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8582975 | 142.0834692 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6405 | 3301 | BYADUK | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.935171 | 141.9652923 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6406 | 3301 | CROXTON EAST | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7916962 | 142.2104797 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6407 | 3301 | HENSLEY PARK | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6164595 | 142.0182315 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6408 | 3301 | MORGIANA | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7294806 | 141.8367558 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6409 | 3301 | MOUNT NAPIER | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8933333 | 142.0580556 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6410 | 3301 | STRATHKELLAR | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7136721 | 142.0934094 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6411 | 3301 | TAHARA | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7397455 | 141.7209853 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6412 | 3301 | TARRINGTON | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.766667 | 142.1 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6413 | 3301 | WANNON | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6838529 | 141.834445 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6414 | 3301 | WARRAYURE | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7038712 | 142.1889079 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6415 | 3301 | YATCHAW | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8070791 | 142.1320945 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6416 | 3301 | YULECART | VIC | 142.034141 | -38.118855 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.751667 | 141.9560322 | 21704147810 | Orford (Vic.) | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6417 | 3302 | BRANXHOLME | VIC | 141.706379 | -37.847981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8604777 | 141.7988033 | 21701142319 | Branxholme | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 166.627227783203 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6418 | 3302 | GRASSDALE | VIC | 141.706379 | -37.847981 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.845417 | 141.6011181 | 21701142319 | Branxholme | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 166.627227783203 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6419 | 3303 | BREAKAWAY CREEK | VIC | 141.789606 | -37.980868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0137602 | 141.8096919 | 21701142022 | Wallacedale | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6420 | 3303 | CONDAH | VIC | 141.789606 | -37.980868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.963272 | 141.8001231 | 21701142022 | Wallacedale | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6421 | 3303 | CONDAH SWAMP | VIC | 141.789606 | -37.980868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0167 | 141.833 | 21701142022 | Wallacedale | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6422 | 3303 | HOTSPUR | VIC | 141.789606 | -37.980868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9351083 | 141.5350509 | 21701142022 | Wallacedale | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6423 | 3303 | LAKE CONDAH | VIC | 141.789606 | -37.980868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0624522 | 141.8324645 | 21701142022 | Wallacedale | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6424 | 3303 | WALLACEDALE | VIC | 141.789606 | -37.980868 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9480098 | 141.8272844 | 21701142022 | Wallacedale | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6425 | 3304 | BESSIEBELLE | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1598513 | 141.9705844 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6426 | 3304 | DARTMOOR | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9143894 | 141.2730001 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6427 | 3304 | DRIK DRIK | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9751742 | 141.3049902 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6428 | 3304 | DRUMBORG | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0640624 | 141.5426993 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6429 | 3304 | GREENWALD | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9718653 | 141.3642133 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6430 | 3304 | HEYWOOD | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.133333 | 141.6166671 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6431 | 3304 | HOMERTON | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1151185 | 141.7700656 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6432 | 3304 | LYONS | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0076276 | 141.4592277 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6433 | 3304 | MILLTOWN | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0572028 | 141.6915548 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6434 | 3304 | MUMBANNAR | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9251654 | 141.1935887 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6150 | 3304 | MYAMYN | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9877659 | 141.7275765 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6151 | 3304 | WINNAP | VIC | 141.952156 | -38.182084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9469933 | 141.3200604 | 21704147818 | Tyrendarra East | 217041478 | Moyne - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 60.2008972167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6152 | 3305 | ALLESTREE | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.283333 | 141.65 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6153 | 3305 | BOLWARRA | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2844214 | 141.6092866 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6154 | 3305 | CAPE BRIDGEWATER | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3012904 | 141.4062156 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6155 | 3305 | CASHMORE | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3112505 | 141.4824946 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6156 | 3305 | DUTTON WAY | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2985847 | 141.6238774 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6157 | 3305 | GORAE | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2606916 | 141.5967036 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6158 | 3305 | GORAE WEST | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2786096 | 141.5337051 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6159 | 3305 | HEATHMERE | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2178397 | 141.6092063 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6160 | 3305 | MOUNT RICHMOND | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1989932 | 141.3513805 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6161 | 3305 | PORTLAND | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.360895 | 141.6041155 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6162 | 3305 | PORTLAND NORTH | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3068084 | 141.5727929 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6163 | 3305 | PORTLAND WEST | VIC | 141.437227 | -38.235475 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3405909 | 141.5550031 | 21701142235 | Portland (Vic.) | 217011422 | Portland | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 76.508171081543 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 27808 | South-West Coast (Western Victoria) |
6164 | 3309 | DIGBY | VIC | 141.511007 | -37.82644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7888212 | 141.5360368 | 21701142018 | Winnap | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 144.222290039063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6165 | 3310 | MERINO | VIC | 141.549163 | -37.70789 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7117283 | 141.5318089 | 21701142028 | Merino | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6166 | 3310 | TAHARA WEST | VIC | 141.549163 | -37.70789 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7201563 | 141.6221944 | 21701142028 | Merino | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6167 | 3311 | CASTERTON | VIC | 141.229722 | -37.468159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.583333 | 141.4 | 21701142026 | Warrock | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6168 | 3311 | CORNDALE | VIC | 141.229722 | -37.468159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5462099 | 141.3122901 | 21701142026 | Warrock | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6169 | 3311 | HEATH FIELD | VIC | 141.229722 | -37.468159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.58 | 141.15 | 21701142026 | Warrock | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6170 | 3311 | PURALKA | VIC | 141.229722 | -37.468159 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.81 | 141.08 | 21701142026 | Warrock | 217011420 | Glenelg (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Glenelg | 22410 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6171 | 3312 | BAHGALLAH | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6660935 | 141.337186 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6172 | 3312 | BRIMBOAL | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3764603 | 141.3924197 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6173 | 3312 | CARAPOOK | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5191978 | 141.5488547 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6174 | 3312 | CHETWYND | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.336413 | 141.4170098 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6175 | 3312 | DERGHOLM | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3688281 | 141.2080599 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6176 | 3312 | DORODONG | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3326869 | 141.0677289 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6177 | 3312 | DUNROBIN | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5100481 | 141.3991393 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6178 | 3312 | HENTY | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6831695 | 141.5213096 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6179 | 3312 | KILLARA | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7491162 | 141.3925806 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6180 | 3312 | LAKE MUNDI | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5184421 | 141.191549 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6181 | 3312 | LINDSAY | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6660935 | 141.337186 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6182 | 3312 | MUNTHAM | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5925 | 141.541 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6183 | 3312 | NANGEELA | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.48367 | 141.3440668 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6184 | 3312 | POOLAIJELO | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.188264 | 140.9807118 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6185 | 3312 | POWERS CREEK | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1928008 | 141.2930006 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6186 | 3312 | SANDFORD | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5986077 | 141.4775662 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6187 | 3312 | STRATHDOWNIE | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7235636 | 141.1488684 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20793 | 3312 | WANDO BRIDGE | VIC | 141.4238728 | -37.43928729 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4774412 | 141.4253805 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 203.968185424805 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6188 | 3312 | WANDO VALE | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5039809 | 141.4447402 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6189 | 3312 | WARROCK | VIC | 141.365747 | -37.6391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4402645 | 141.3289955 | 21701142315 | Tarrenlea | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 153.625885009766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6190 | 3314 | BULART | VIC | 141.935665 | -37.586718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5305772 | 141.9979873 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 294.773986816406 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6191 | 3314 | CAVENDISH | VIC | 141.935665 | -37.586718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.516667 | 142.033333 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 294.773986816406 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6192 | 3314 | GLENISLA | VIC | 141.935665 | -37.586718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2237827 | 142.1140597 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 294.773986816406 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20794 | 3314 | GRAMPIANS | VIC | 142.329907 | -37.34896421 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3489752 | 142.3299468 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 294.773986816406 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6193 | 3314 | MOORALLA | VIC | 141.935665 | -37.586718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3781755 | 142.1637537 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 294.773986816406 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6194 | 3314 | WOOHLPOOER | VIC | 141.935665 | -37.586718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.368961 | 142.160309 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 294.773986816406 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6195 | 3315 | BRIT BRIT | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4123739 | 141.7416806 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6196 | 3315 | CLOVER FLAT | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5999098 | 141.5527992 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6197 | 3315 | COLERAINE | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6 | 141.7 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6198 | 3315 | COOJAR | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3510534 | 141.6908535 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6199 | 3315 | CULLA | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2167208 | 141.5166504 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6200 | 3315 | GRINGEGALGONA | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3866935 | 141.795834 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6201 | 3315 | GRITJURK | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5726915 | 141.7859374 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6202 | 3315 | HILGAY | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6249601 | 141.6047566 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6203 | 3315 | KONONGWOOTONG | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.516829 | 141.6536374 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6204 | 3315 | MELVILLE FOREST | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5122161 | 141.8203693 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20795 | 3315 | MUNTHAM | VIC | 141.5443271 | -37.5733696 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5925202 | 141.5409665 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6205 | 3315 | NAREEN | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3827172 | 141.5090945 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6206 | 3315 | PARKWOOD | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5673 | 141.866 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6207 | 3315 | PASCHENDALE | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6742833 | 141.5945592 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6208 | 3315 | TAHARA BRIDGE | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7068095 | 141.6264119 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6209 | 3315 | TARRAYOUKYAN | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2946289 | 141.6151117 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6210 | 3315 | TARRENLEA | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6643118 | 141.734498 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6211 | 3315 | WOOTONG VALE | VIC | 141.687516 | -37.408371 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5098752 | 141.7259287 | 21701142322 | Melville Forest | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6212 | 3317 | HARROW | VIC | 141.451647 | -37.166673 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1477475 | 141.5781151 | 21701142307 | Harrow | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 174.011810302734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6213 | 3318 | CHARAM | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9817316 | 141.512051 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6214 | 3318 | CONNEWIRRICOO | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1898525 | 141.4450684 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6215 | 3318 | EDENHOPE | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0307143 | 141.2834751 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6216 | 3318 | JALLAKIN | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0614 | 141.305 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6217 | 3318 | KADNOOK | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2022733 | 141.347999 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6218 | 3318 | LANGKOOP | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0906202 | 141.055046 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6219 | 3318 | MEEREEK | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.08 | 141.08 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6220 | 3318 | PATYAH | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8338499 | 141.2700543 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6221 | 3318 | ULLSWATER | VIC | 141.269571 | -37.025316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40702 | Limestone Coast | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9217721 | 141.4063546 | 21501139310 | Edenhope | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 156.600189208984 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6222 | 3319 | APSLEY | VIC | 141.051389 | -36.873961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9684704 | 141.0829427 | 21501139307 | Neuarpurr | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6223 | 3319 | BENAYEO | VIC | 141.051389 | -36.873961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8507348 | 141.0955096 | 21501139307 | Neuarpurr | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6224 | 3319 | BRINGALBERT | VIC | 141.051389 | -36.873961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8707068 | 141.1415349 | 21501139307 | Neuarpurr | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6225 | 3321 | HESSE | VIC | 143.88056 | -38.087758 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0833159 | 143.8766076 | 21703147305 | Wingeel | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 113.172485351563 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6226 | 3321 | INVERLEIGH | VIC | 143.88056 | -38.087758 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1028946 | 144.0398618 | 21703147305 | Wingeel | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 113.172485351563 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6227 | 3321 | WINGEEL | VIC | 143.88056 | -38.087758 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0991711 | 143.8055806 | 21703147305 | Wingeel | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 113.172485351563 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6228 | 3322 | CRESSY | VIC | 143.743305 | -38.021333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0526438 | 143.6285244 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6229 | 3323 | BERRYBANK | VIC | 143.520934 | -38.026314 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9825676 | 143.4763603 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 149 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6230 | 3323 | DUVERNEY | VIC | 143.520934 | -38.026314 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0253435 | 143.5624895 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 149 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6231 | 3323 | FOXHOW | VIC | 143.520934 | -38.026314 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0465671 | 143.437523 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 149 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6232 | 3324 | LISMORE | VIC | 143.375414 | -37.941939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9552943 | 143.3494538 | 21703147417 | Skipton | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 180.597198486328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6233 | 3324 | MINGAY | VIC | 143.375414 | -37.941939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8355304 | 143.3254271 | 21703147417 | Skipton | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 180.597198486328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6234 | 3324 | MOUNT BUTE | VIC | 143.375414 | -37.941939 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8923481 | 143.3720517 | 21703147417 | Skipton | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 180.597198486328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6235 | 3325 | DERRINALLUM | VIC | 143.185911 | -37.877452 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.948441 | 143.2160297 | 21703147412 | Derrinallum | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6236 | 3325 | LARRALEA | VIC | 143.185911 | -37.877452 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0692613 | 143.2201567 | 21703147412 | Derrinallum | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6237 | 3325 | VITE VITE | VIC | 143.185911 | -37.877452 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.875002 | 143.1753511 | 21703147412 | Derrinallum | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6238 | 3325 | VITE VITE NORTH | VIC | 143.185911 | -37.877452 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7710239 | 143.1988637 | 21703147412 | Derrinallum | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6239 | 3328 | TEESDALE | VIC | 144.043058 | -38.018664 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.022066 | 144.0630048 | 20301103516 | Teesdale (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Corangamite | 143.399703979492 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6240 | 3329 | BARUNAH PARK | VIC | 143.908716 | -37.983701 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0223718 | 143.8556892 | 21703147305 | Wingeel | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
20796 | 3329 | BARUNAH PLAINS | VIC | 143.7726902 | -38.04453757 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0263 | 143.803 | 21703147305 | Wingeel | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6241 | 3329 | SHELFORD | VIC | 143.908716 | -37.983701 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.016667 | 143.966667 | 21703147305 | Wingeel | 217031473 | Colac Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Colac Otway | 21750 | Corangamite | Provincial | 26808 | Polwarth (Western Victoria) |
6242 | 3330 | ROKEWOOD | VIC | 143.758576 | -37.918437 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9359743 | 143.7152249 | 20301103513 | Rokewood Junction | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 183.726379394531 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Wannon | Rural | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6243 | 3331 | BANNOCKBURN | VIC | 144.194625 | -38.049195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.05 | 144.166667 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 105.029205322266 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6244 | 3331 | GHERINGHAP | VIC | 144.194625 | -38.049195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0719517 | 144.2299712 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 105.029205322266 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6245 | 3331 | MAUDE | VIC | 144.194625 | -38.049195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9242637 | 144.1685956 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 105.029205322266 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6246 | 3331 | RUSSELLS BRIDGE | VIC | 144.194625 | -38.049195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.024133 | 144.1909483 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 105.029205322266 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6247 | 3331 | SHE OAKS | VIC | 144.194625 | -38.049195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.916667 | 144.133333 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 105.029205322266 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6248 | 3331 | STEIGLITZ | VIC | 144.194625 | -38.049195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.894512 | 144.1861997 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | 105.029205322266 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6249 | 3331 | SUTHERLANDS CREEK | VIC | 144.194625 | -38.049195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0330078 | 144.2187155 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Corangamite | 105.029205322266 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 23108 | Geelong (Western Victoria) |
6250 | 3332 | LETHBRIDGE | VIC | 144.097178 | -37.944446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9633341 | 144.1065864 | 20301103509 | Lethbridge | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6251 | 3333 | BAMGANIE | VIC | 144.04476 | -37.87179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.914215 | 143.9872451 | 20301103511 | Teesdale (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6252 | 3333 | MEREDITH | VIC | 144.04476 | -37.87179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8459801 | 144.0766524 | 20301103511 | Teesdale (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Corangamite | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6253 | 3334 | BUNGAL | VIC | 144.086089 | -37.75803 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.72556 | 144.1113546 | 20102101204 | Mount Doran | 201021012 | Gordon (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6254 | 3334 | CARGERIE | VIC | 144.086089 | -37.75803 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8133636 | 143.9592552 | 20102101204 | Mount Doran | 201021012 | Gordon (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6255 | 3334 | ELAINE | VIC | 144.086089 | -37.75803 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7682554 | 144.0378201 | 20102101204 | Mount Doran | 201021012 | Gordon (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6256 | 3334 | MORRISONS | VIC | 144.086089 | -37.75803 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7695 | 144.089 | 20102101204 | Mount Doran | 201021012 | Gordon (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6257 | 3334 | MOUNT DORAN | VIC | 144.086089 | -37.75803 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7205393 | 144.0357785 | 20102101204 | Mount Doran | 201021012 | Gordon (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
20797 | 3335 | BONNIE BROOK | VIC | 144.6698898 | -37.69608887 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6914 | 144.66 | 21304157412 | Plumpton (Vic.) | 213041574 | Fraser Rise - Plumpton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 116.597038269043 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
20798 | 3335 | GRANGEFIELDS | VIC | 144.6393305 | -37.7069003 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7054 | 144.639 | 21304157412 | Plumpton (Vic.) | 213041574 | Fraser Rise - Plumpton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 105.591972351074 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
6258 | 3335 | PLUMPTON | VIC | 144.699671 | -37.724141 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6731215 | 144.6630148 | 21304157412 | Plumpton (Vic.) | 213041574 | Fraser Rise - Plumpton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 116.597038269043 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
6259 | 3335 | ROCKBANK | VIC | 144.699671 | -37.724141 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7304579 | 144.652914 | 21304157412 | Plumpton (Vic.) | 213041574 | Fraser Rise - Plumpton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 116.597038269043 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
20799 | 3335 | THORNHILL PARK | VIC | 144.624896 | -37.73029166 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7457 | 144.624 | 21304157412 | Plumpton (Vic.) | 213041574 | Fraser Rise - Plumpton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 116.597038269043 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
16731 | 3336 | AINTREE | VIC | 144.6684 | -37.719 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Added 23-Nov-2018 | -37.7215 | 144.663 | 21304157417 | Fraser Rise | 213041574 | Fraser Rise - Plumpton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 91.522331237793 | V1 | | | Melton | 24650 | McEwen | | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
16732 | 3336 | DEANSIDE | VIC | 144.7041 | -37.7332 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Added 23-Nov-2018 | -37.7215 | 144.663 | 21304157417 | Fraser Rise | 213041574 | Fraser Rise - Plumpton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 91.522331237793 | V1 | | | Melton | 24650 | McEwen | | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
20800 | 3336 | FRASER RISE | VIC | 144.7126219 | -37.70482231 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R1 | Added 26-Aug-2019 | -37.7215 | 144.663 | 21304157417 | Fraser Rise | 213041574 | Fraser Rise - Plumpton | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 91.522331237793 | V1 | | | Melton | 24650 | McEwen | | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
20801 | 3337 | HARKNESS | VIC | 144.5462424 | -37.65724033 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6669 | 144.564 | 21304157721 | Melton (Vic.) | 213041577 | Melton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 169.723159790039 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
6260 | 3337 | KURUNJANG | VIC | 144.571458 | -37.656057 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.672 | 144.585 | 21304157721 | Melton (Vic.) | 213041577 | Melton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 169 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
6261 | 3337 | MELTON | VIC | 144.571458 | -37.656057 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.677 | 144.612 | 21304157721 | Melton (Vic.) | 213041577 | Melton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 169 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
6262 | 3337 | MELTON WEST | VIC | 144.571458 | -37.656057 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.68298 | 144.5500157 | 21304157721 | Melton (Vic.) | 213041577 | Melton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 169 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
6263 | 3337 | TOOLERN VALE | VIC | 144.571458 | -37.656057 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.608056 | 144.593056 | 21304157721 | Melton (Vic.) | 213041577 | Melton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 169 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
6264 | 3338 | BROOKFIELD | VIC | 144.571033 | -37.705529 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6999038 | 144.5382417 | 21305158908 | Wyndham Vale | 213051589 | Wyndham Vale - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 125.086181640625 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
20802 | 3338 | COBBLEBANK | VIC | 144.6008548 | -37.70732038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7062 | 144.602 | 21305158908 | Wyndham Vale | 213051589 | Wyndham Vale - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 112.508338928223 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
6265 | 3338 | EXFORD | VIC | 144.571033 | -37.705529 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7185795 | 144.5349356 | 21305158908 | Wyndham Vale | 213051589 | Wyndham Vale - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Gorton | 125.086181640625 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
6266 | 3338 | EYNESBURY | VIC | 144.571033 | -37.705529 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7471636 | 144.5640379 | 21305158908 | Wyndham Vale | 213051589 | Wyndham Vale - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Gorton | 125.086181640625 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
6267 | 3338 | MELTON SOUTH | VIC | 144.571033 | -37.705529 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.703056 | 144.571944 | 21305158908 | Wyndham Vale | 213051589 | Wyndham Vale - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | 125.086181640625 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
20803 | 3338 | STRATHTULLOH | VIC | 144.5969094 | -37.73398997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7408 | 144.596 | 21305158908 | Wyndham Vale | 213051589 | Wyndham Vale - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 111.081024169922 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
20804 | 3338 | WEIR VIEWS | VIC | 144.5683367 | -37.72870467 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21305 | Wyndham | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.732 | 144.576 | 21305158908 | Wyndham Vale | 213051589 | Wyndham Vale - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Gorton | 112.508338928223 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Wyndham | 27260 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 28607 | Werribee (Western Metropolitan) |
6268 | 3340 | BACCHUS MARSH | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6763789 | 144.4463206 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 1 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6269 | 3340 | BALLIANG | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8622199 | 144.3840601 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6270 | 3340 | BALLIANG EAST | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.793087 | 144.4344864 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6271 | 3340 | COIMADAI | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.604118 | 144.446526 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6272 | 3340 | DARLEY | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.654722 | 144.437222 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 1 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6273 | 3340 | GLENMORE | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7128105 | 144.3122204 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6274 | 3340 | HOPETOUN PARK | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6978954 | 144.5053764 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 1 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6275 | 3340 | LONG FOREST | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.65126 | 144.5053764 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 1 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6276 | 3340 | MADDINGLEY | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6837782 | 144.4089115 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6277 | 3340 | MERRIMU | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6585786 | 144.4725244 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6278 | 3340 | PARWAN | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.716667 | 144.45 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6279 | 3340 | ROWSLEY | VIC | 144.394442 | -37.787135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7216385 | 144.376119 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
20805 | 3340 | STAUGHTON VALE | VIC | 144.2550519 | -37.84038931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8397 | 144.282 | 21304157303 | Parwan | 213041573 | Eynesbury - Exford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 371.196166992188 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Melton | 24650 | Gorton | Outer Metropolitan | 24808 | Melton (Western Victoria) |
6280 | 3341 | DALES CREEK | VIC | 144.308232 | -37.573711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5236148 | 144.3016359 | 21304135345 | Pentland Hills | 213041353 | Bacchus Marsh | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 489.571990966797 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
6281 | 3341 | GREENDALE | VIC | 144.308232 | -37.573711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.566944 | 144.316944 | 21304135345 | Pentland Hills | 213041353 | Bacchus Marsh | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 489.571990966797 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
6282 | 3341 | KOROBEIT | VIC | 144.308232 | -37.573711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5851686 | 144.3412497 | 21304135345 | Pentland Hills | 213041353 | Bacchus Marsh | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 489.571990966797 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
6283 | 3341 | MYRNIONG | VIC | 144.308232 | -37.573711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.616667 | 144.333333 | 21304135345 | Pentland Hills | 213041353 | Bacchus Marsh | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 489.571990966797 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
6284 | 3341 | PENTLAND HILLS | VIC | 144.308232 | -37.573711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6344134 | 144.3451301 | 21304135345 | Pentland Hills | 213041353 | Bacchus Marsh | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Ballarat | 489.571990966797 | V1 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
6285 | 3342 | BALLAN | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6146129 | 144.2415697 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6286 | 3342 | BEREMBOKE | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.783333 | 144.25 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6287 | 3342 | BLAKEVILLE | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5008056 | 144.2105217 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6288 | 3342 | BUNDING | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5452578 | 144.1744187 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6289 | 3342 | COLBROOK | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5312432 | 144.2154229 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6290 | 3342 | DURDIDWARRAH | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8208027 | 144.1733553 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6291 | 3342 | FISKVILLE | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6682785 | 144.2019935 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6292 | 3342 | INGLISTON | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6434828 | 144.2927596 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6010 | 3342 | MOUNT WALLACE | VIC | 144.239102 | -37.651463 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20301 | Barwon - West | 203 | Geelong | R2 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7539679 | 144.225878 | 20301103508 | Steiglitz (Vic.) | 203011035 | Golden Plains - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Golden Plains | 22490 | Corangamite | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6011 | 3345 | GORDON | VIC | 144.123664 | -37.5878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5678296 | 144.1174856 | 20102101217 | Gordon (Vic.) | 201021012 | Gordon (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6012 | 3350 | ALFREDTON | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.555 | 143.8 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6013 | 3350 | BAKERY HILL | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.563 | 143.866 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6014 | 3350 | BALLARAT | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5691087 | 143.8563224 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6015 | 3350 | BALLARAT CENTRAL | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5621587 | 143.8502556 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6016 | 3350 | BALLARAT EAST | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5632 | 143.869 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6017 | 3350 | BALLARAT NORTH | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5397 | 143.8676 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6018 | 3350 | BALLARAT WEST | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5691087 | 143.8563224 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6019 | 3350 | BLACK HILL | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5502577 | 143.875336 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6020 | 3350 | BROWN HILL | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5495 | 143.9125 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6021 | 3350 | CANADIAN | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.576 | 143.877 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6022 | 3350 | EUREKA | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5648 | 143.8822 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6023 | 3350 | GOLDEN POINT | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.574 | 143.868 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6024 | 3350 | INVERMAY PARK | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5305636 | 143.8590384 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6025 | 3350 | LAKE WENDOUREE | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.549 | 143.847 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
20806 | 3350 | LUCAS | VIC | 143.769084 | -37.55411084 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.553 | 143.771 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 432.875274658203 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6026 | 3350 | MOUNT CLEAR | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.602 | 143.868 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6027 | 3350 | MOUNT HELEN | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6297878 | 143.8834861 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6028 | 3350 | MOUNT PLEASANT | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.581 | 143.853 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6029 | 3350 | NERRINA | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.533 | 143.903 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6030 | 3350 | NEWINGTON | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5655288 | 143.8264533 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6031 | 3350 | REDAN | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.577 | 143.844 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6032 | 3350 | SOLDIERS HILL | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.55 | 143.858 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6033 | 3350 | SOVEREIGN HILL | VIC | 143.864505 | -37.571941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5747586 | 143.866045 | 20101148424 | Redan | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 452.243347167969 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6034 | 3351 | BERRINGA | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7760414 | 143.6840179 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6035 | 3351 | BO PEEP | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5310454 | 143.6742331 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6036 | 3351 | CAPE CLEAR | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7609792 | 143.6057911 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6037 | 3351 | CARNGHAM | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5769958 | 143.5639019 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6038 | 3351 | CHEPSTOWE | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6214122 | 143.505079 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6039 | 3351 | HADDON | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.588333 | 143.699444 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6040 | 3351 | HAPPY VALLEY | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7138138 | 143.5936688 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6041 | 3351 | HILLCREST | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6155727 | 143.6339403 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6042 | 3351 | ILLABAROOK | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8321891 | 143.6520525 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6043 | 3351 | LAKE BOLAC | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7112844 | 142.839973 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6044 | 3351 | MININERA | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5954916 | 142.9324641 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6045 | 3351 | MORTCHUP | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6185 | 143.505 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6046 | 3351 | MOUNT EMU | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6045017 | 143.4368657 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6047 | 3351 | NERRIN NERRIN | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7587774 | 143.0146656 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6048 | 3351 | NEWTOWN | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6982548 | 143.6620414 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6049 | 3351 | NINTINGBOOL | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6125783 | 143.7233581 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6050 | 3351 | PIGGOREET | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7317637 | 143.6522212 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6051 | 3351 | PITFIELD | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8299666 | 143.6146479 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6052 | 3351 | ROKEWOOD JUNCTION | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8388883 | 143.7157737 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6053 | 3351 | ROSS CREEK | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.649799 | 143.7694626 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6054 | 3351 | SCARSDALE | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.678333 | 143.676111 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6055 | 3351 | SMYTHES CREEK | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5941229 | 143.7694626 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6056 | 3351 | SMYTHESDALE | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6333464 | 143.6887979 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6057 | 3351 | SNAKE VALLEY | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.611944 | 143.584444 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6058 | 3351 | SPRINGDALLAH | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7465869 | 143.6312323 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6059 | 3351 | STAFFORDSHIRE REEF | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7452902 | 143.7053732 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6060 | 3351 | STREATHAM | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6869179 | 143.1021239 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6061 | 3351 | WALLINDUC | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8634993 | 143.505079 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6062 | 3351 | WESTMERE | VIC | 143.637463 | -37.758248 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6734248 | 142.9566117 | 21704147706 | Woorndoo | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 298.131500244141 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6063 | 3352 | ADDINGTON | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.383333 | 143.683333 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6064 | 3352 | BALLARAT ROADSIDE DELIVERY | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5622 | 143.85 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6065 | 3352 | BARKSTEAD | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4603542 | 144.0865809 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6066 | 3352 | BLOWHARD | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.434517 | 143.7911684 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6067 | 3352 | BOLWARRAH | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5207531 | 144.0830163 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
20807 | 3352 | BONSHAW | VIC | 143.813696 | -37.60335408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6035 | 143.816 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6068 | 3352 | BREWSTER | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5186998 | 143.5200413 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6069 | 3352 | BULLAROOK | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5295427 | 143.9988766 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6070 | 3352 | BUNGAREE | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.557222 | 144.004444 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6071 | 3352 | BUNKERS HILL | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5705876 | 143.7423389 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6072 | 3352 | BURRUMBEET | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5093344 | 143.6783343 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6073 | 3352 | CAMBRIAN HILL | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6438973 | 143.8183092 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6074 | 3352 | CARDIGAN | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.538708 | 143.7457289 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6075 | 3352 | CARDIGAN VILLAGE | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.517945 | 143.7084479 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6076 | 3352 | CHAPEL FLAT | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4779898 | 143.8946145 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6077 | 3352 | CLARENDON | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.701411 | 143.9813542 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6078 | 3352 | CLARETOWN | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5252597 | 144.0357785 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6079 | 3352 | CLARKES HILL | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4968556 | 143.9813542 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6080 | 3352 | CORINDHAP | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8704673 | 143.749458 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6081 | 3352 | DEAN | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4489 | 143.996 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6082 | 3352 | DEREEL | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8247291 | 143.7562257 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6083 | 3352 | DUNNSTOWN | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5985239 | 143.9711539 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6084 | 3352 | DURHAM LEAD | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6882095 | 143.8780526 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6085 | 3352 | ENFIELD | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7255403 | 143.803634 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6086 | 3352 | ERCILDOUNE | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3982205 | 143.6360643 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6087 | 3352 | GARIBALDI | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.738899 | 143.8508908 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6088 | 3352 | GLEN PARK | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5033061 | 143.9355608 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6089 | 3352 | GLENBRAE | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.348341 | 143.56052 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6090 | 3352 | GONG GONG | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5480729 | 143.9351234 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6091 | 3352 | GRENVILLE | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7680894 | 143.8597174 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6092 | 3352 | INVERMAY | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.502394 | 143.8780526 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6093 | 3352 | LAL LAL | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6801093 | 144.0099222 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6094 | 3352 | LAMPLOUGH | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.133333 | 143.5 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6095 | 3352 | LANGI KAL KAL | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3355165 | 143.512844 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6096 | 3352 | LEARMONTH | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4221835 | 143.7120932 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6097 | 3352 | LEIGH CREEK | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5622875 | 143.9623147 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6098 | 3352 | LEXTON | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2792586 | 143.5156517 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6099 | 3352 | MAGPIE | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6275666 | 143.8508908 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6100 | 3352 | MILLBROOK | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6239055 | 144.0685852 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6101 | 3352 | MINERS REST | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4717252 | 143.7911684 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6102 | 3352 | MITCHELL PARK | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5089391 | 143.7747951 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6103 | 3352 | MOLLONGGHIP | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4697126 | 144.0507661 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6104 | 3352 | MOUNT BOLTON | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3721917 | 143.6955732 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6105 | 3352 | MOUNT EGERTON | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.616667 | 144.1 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6106 | 3352 | MOUNT MERCER | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8058431 | 143.864131 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6107 | 3352 | MOUNT MITCHELL | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2805556 | 143.58 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6108 | 3352 | MOUNT ROWAN | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5029337 | 143.8400287 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6109 | 3352 | NAPOLEONS | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.683333 | 143.833333 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6110 | 3352 | NAVIGATORS | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6172482 | 143.9269679 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6111 | 3352 | POOTILLA | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.526444 | 143.9595951 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6112 | 3352 | SCOTCHMANS LEAD | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6667 | 143.85 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6113 | 3352 | SCOTSBURN | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.685556 | 143.938889 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6114 | 3352 | SPRINGBANK | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5235787 | 144.0575587 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6115 | 3352 | SULKY | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4602532 | 143.8508908 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6116 | 3352 | WALLACE | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5608219 | 144.0575587 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6117 | 3352 | WARRENHEIP | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.575 | 143.923 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6118 | 3352 | WATTLE FLAT | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.48539 | 143.9487179 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6119 | 3352 | WAUBRA | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3629556 | 143.6400336 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6120 | 3352 | WEATHERBOARD | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.442239 | 143.6718599 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6121 | 3352 | WERNETH | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9291695 | 143.6241243 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6122 | 3352 | WINDERMERE | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5137 | 143.72 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6123 | 3352 | YENDON | VIC | 143.662387 | -37.482132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6445852 | 143.9650343 | 21703147405 | Werneth | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6124 | 3353 | BALLARAT | VIC | 144.835743 | -37.7778 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -37.5621587 | 143.8502556 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 41.3087272644043 | V2 | PHN206 | | Maribyrnong | 24330 | McEwen | | | |
6125 | 3354 | BAKERY HILL | VIC | 143.867158 | -37.560917 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -37.563 | 143.866 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 436.3388671875 | V2 | PHN206 | | Ballarat | 20570 | Bendigo | | | |
6126 | 3354 | BALLARAT MC | VIC | 143.867158 | -37.560917 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | -37.5622 | 143.85 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 436.3388671875 | V2 | | | Ballarat | 20570 | Bendigo | | | |
6127 | 3355 | LAKE GARDENS | VIC | 143.82561 | -37.530285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.546 | 143.82 | 20101100843 | Mitchell Park (Vic.) | 201011008 | Wendouree - Miners Rest | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6128 | 3355 | MITCHELL PARK | VIC | 143.82561 | -37.530285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5089391 | 143.7747951 | 20101100843 | Mitchell Park (Vic.) | 201011008 | Wendouree - Miners Rest | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6129 | 3355 | WENDOUREE | VIC | 143.82561 | -37.530285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.532 | 143.823 | 20101100843 | Mitchell Park (Vic.) | 201011008 | Wendouree - Miners Rest | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6130 | 3355 | WENDOUREE VILLAGE | VIC | 143.82561 | -37.530285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.532 | 143.823 | 20101100843 | Mitchell Park (Vic.) | 201011008 | Wendouree - Miners Rest | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6131 | 3356 | BONSHAW | VIC | 143.82846 | -37.592283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6034859 | 143.8155947 | 20101148428 | Sebastopol (Vic.) | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 425.437957763672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6132 | 3356 | DELACOMBE | VIC | 143.82846 | -37.592283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.589 | 143.814 | 20101148428 | Sebastopol (Vic.) | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 425.437957763672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6133 | 3356 | SEBASTOPOL | VIC | 143.82846 | -37.592283 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.585278 | 143.839444 | 20101148428 | Sebastopol (Vic.) | 201011484 | Sebastopol - Redan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 425.437957763672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
6134 | 3357 | BUNINYONG | VIC | 143.883416 | -37.653945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6521937 | 143.8943543 | 20101100519 | Buninyong | 201011005 | Buninyong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 447.468017578125 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6135 | 3357 | SCOTSMANS LEAD | VIC | 143.883416 | -37.653945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6667 | 143.85 | 20101100519 | Buninyong | 201011005 | Buninyong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 447.468017578125 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
6136 | 3357 | YARROWEE | VIC | 143.883416 | -37.653945 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20101 | Ballarat | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8405 | 143.925 | 20101100519 | Buninyong | 201011005 | Buninyong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 447.468017578125 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moorabool | 25150 | Ballarat | Provincial | 22608 | Eureka (Western Victoria) |
20808 | 3358 | WINTER VALLEY | VIC | 143.7928013 | -37.58012926 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Added 26-Aug-2019 | -37.4713 | 144.785 | 20101100631 | Winter Valley | 201011006 | Delacombe | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Ballarat | | V2 | | | Ballarat | 20570 | Bendigo | | 28508 | Wendouree (Western Victoria) |
20809 | 3360 | HAPPY VALLEY | VIC | 143.5955266 | -37.72758817 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7138 | 143.594 | 20103101510 | Willowvale (Vic.) | 201031015 | Golden Plains - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6137 | 3360 | LINTON | VIC | 143.51253 | -37.779677 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.683333 | 143.566667 | 20103101510 | Willowvale (Vic.) | 201031015 | Golden Plains - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6138 | 3360 | MANNIBADAR | VIC | 143.51253 | -37.779677 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.767102 | 143.5551093 | 20103101510 | Willowvale (Vic.) | 201031015 | Golden Plains - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6139 | 3360 | PITTONG | VIC | 143.51253 | -37.779677 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6760324 | 143.4476526 | 20103101510 | Willowvale (Vic.) | 201031015 | Golden Plains - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6140 | 3360 | WILLOWVALE | VIC | 143.51253 | -37.779677 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8741173 | 143.4591343 | 20103101510 | Willowvale (Vic.) | 201031015 | Golden Plains - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Corangamite | 21830 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6141 | 3361 | BRADVALE | VIC | 143.373089 | -37.752643 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7902778 | 143.3127046 | 21703147417 | Skipton | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6142 | 3361 | CARRANBALLAC | VIC | 143.373089 | -37.752643 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7039692 | 143.1887679 | 21703147417 | Skipton | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6143 | 3361 | SKIPTON | VIC | 143.373089 | -37.752643 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6847168 | 143.3643289 | 21703147417 | Skipton | 217031474 | Corangamite - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6144 | 3363 | CRESWICK | VIC | 143.88637 | -37.420588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4241222 | 143.8912368 | 20102101103 | Rocklyn | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 588.179260253906 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6145 | 3363 | CRESWICK NORTH | VIC | 143.88637 | -37.420588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3877647 | 143.8838257 | 20102101103 | Rocklyn | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Ballarat | 588.179260253906 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20810 | 3363 | DEAN | VIC | 143.9835358 | -37.45543067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4488929 | 143.9956369 | 20102101103 | Rocklyn | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 588.179260253906 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6146 | 3363 | GLENDARUEL | VIC | 143.88637 | -37.420588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.343607 | 143.7314922 | 20102101103 | Rocklyn | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 588.179260253906 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6147 | 3363 | LANGDONS HILL | VIC | 143.88637 | -37.420588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4142092 | 144.0687916 | 20102101103 | Rocklyn | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 588.179260253906 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6148 | 3363 | MOUNT BECKWORTH | VIC | 143.88637 | -37.420588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3024721 | 143.6884592 | 20102101103 | Rocklyn | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 588.179260253906 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
6149 | 3363 | TOURELLO | VIC | 143.88637 | -37.420588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3534387 | 143.7765841 | 20102101103 | Rocklyn | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 588.179260253906 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ballarat | 20570 | Ballarat | Provincial | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5867 | 3364 | ALLENDALE | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.366667 | 143.933333 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5868 | 3364 | ASCOT | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.399 | 143.803 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5869 | 3364 | BALD HILLS | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4432837 | 143.8291682 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20811 | 3364 | BARKSTEAD | VIC | 144.0999652 | -37.47880506 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4604 | 144.087 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 673.093627929688 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5870 | 3364 | BLAMPIED | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.366667 | 144.05 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5871 | 3364 | BROOMFIELD | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3862675 | 143.905224 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5872 | 3364 | CABBAGE TREE | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4533589 | 143.9012537 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5873 | 3364 | CAMPBELLTOWN | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2154796 | 143.945319 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5874 | 3364 | COGHILLS CREEK | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.381445 | 143.7546247 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20812 | 3364 | GLENDONALD | VIC | 143.8443538 | -37.36045587 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3509 | 143.842 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5875 | 3364 | GLENDONNELL | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3509401 | 143.8420366 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20813 | 3364 | JOYCES CREEK | VIC | 143.9880643 | -37.08856117 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0991 | 143.988 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5876 | 3364 | KINGSTON | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.366667 | 143.95 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5877 | 3364 | KOOROOCHEANG | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2916777 | 144.0228493 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5878 | 3364 | LAWRENCE | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3194672 | 143.9041854 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5879 | 3364 | MOUNT PROSPECT | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3872207 | 144.0553596 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5880 | 3364 | NEWLYN | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.416944 | 143.983056 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5881 | 3364 | NEWLYN NORTH | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3926739 | 144.0031194 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5882 | 3364 | ROCKLYN | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4258647 | 144.0296538 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5883 | 3364 | SMEATON | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.333333 | 143.95 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5884 | 3364 | SMOKEY TOWN | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.398 | 143.919 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20814 | 3364 | SMOKEYTOWN | VIC | 143.9221405 | -37.40001075 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3980354 | 143.9188132 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5885 | 3364 | SPRINGMOUNT | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4130869 | 143.9351234 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5886 | 3364 | STRATHLEA | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1511337 | 143.968434 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5887 | 3364 | ULLINA | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2834 | 143.89 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5888 | 3364 | WERONA | VIC | 143.907186 | -37.334655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2586375 | 144.0419036 | 20202102812 | Yandoit Hills | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 422.566864013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5889 | 3370 | CLUNES | VIC | 143.815613 | -37.252718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.296 | 143.786 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5890 | 3370 | GLENGOWER | VIC | 143.815613 | -37.252718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2201326 | 143.9028461 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5891 | 3370 | MOUNT CAMERON | VIC | 143.815613 | -37.252718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.20832 | 143.826114 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20815 | 3370 | ULLINA | VIC | 143.8880006 | -37.27629787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2834467 | 143.8895993 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Central Goldfields | 21670 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5892 | 3371 | AMHERST | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1560117 | 143.6655871 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5893 | 3371 | BURNBANK | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2340916 | 143.608978 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5894 | 3371 | CARALULUP | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1966231 | 143.638027 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5895 | 3371 | DUNACH | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2213851 | 143.7332293 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5896 | 3371 | EVANSFORD | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2395714 | 143.6249259 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5897 | 3371 | LILLICUR | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.169661 | 143.6285036 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5898 | 3371 | MOUNT GLASGOW | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.205975 | 143.7640371 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20816 | 3371 | RED LION | VIC | 143.7666842 | -37.1766686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1676 | 143.749 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5899 | 3371 | STONY CREEK | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2257726 | 143.6881204 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5900 | 3371 | TALBOT | VIC | 143.635622 | -37.196938 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.166667 | 143.7 | 20103101710 | Red Lion | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 277.978057861328 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5901 | 3373 | BEAUFORT | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4228524 | 143.3703651 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5902 | 3373 | CHUTE | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3385903 | 143.3868959 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5903 | 3373 | CROSS ROADS | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5012181 | 143.2287385 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5904 | 3373 | LAKE GOLDSMITH | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5449406 | 143.3765037 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5905 | 3373 | LAKE WONGAN | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.57943 | 143.1504998 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5906 | 3373 | MAIN LEAD | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.383719 | 143.3744131 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5907 | 3373 | MENA PARK | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5237978 | 143.4951529 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5908 | 3373 | NERRING | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4979997 | 143.4459973 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5909 | 3373 | RAGLAN | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3590952 | 143.3332684 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5910 | 3373 | SHIRLEY | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4370494 | 143.3048546 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5911 | 3373 | STOCKYARD HILL | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5068227 | 143.2833857 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5912 | 3373 | STONELEIGH | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5993616 | 143.2170396 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5913 | 3373 | TRAWALLA | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4402267 | 143.4498966 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5914 | 3373 | WATERLOO | VIC | 143.343429 | -37.457785 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3605915 | 143.4159179 | 21501138707 | Westmere | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
40 | 3374 | GREAT WESTERN | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | | | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -37.1597 | 142.896 | 21501139226 | Great Western | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5915 | 3375 | BALLYROGAN | VIC | 143.143621 | -37.424288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4490043 | 143.1288947 | 21501138708 | Yalla-Y-Poora | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5916 | 3375 | BAYINDEEN | VIC | 143.143621 | -37.424288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3087622 | 143.1583326 | 21501138708 | Yalla-Y-Poora | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5917 | 3375 | BUANGOR | VIC | 143.143621 | -37.424288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3759756 | 143.1581525 | 21501138708 | Yalla-Y-Poora | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5918 | 3375 | MIDDLE CREEK | VIC | 143.143621 | -37.424288 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3971343 | 143.2352199 | 21501138708 | Yalla-Y-Poora | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5919 | 3377 | AMPHITHEATRE | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1878 | 143.468 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5920 | 3377 | ARARAT | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2846464 | 142.9316441 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5921 | 3377 | ARARAT EAST | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2846 | 142.932 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5922 | 3377 | ARMSTRONG | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2112639 | 142.8734706 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5923 | 3377 | BEN NEVIS | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2283 | 143.201 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20817 | 3377 | BULGANA | VIC | 142.9948304 | -37.12975291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.142 | 142.997 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5924 | 3377 | CATHCART | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2951571 | 142.8873059 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5925 | 3377 | CROWLANDS | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1498396 | 143.1093525 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5926 | 3377 | DENICULL CREEK | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3538415 | 142.966476 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5927 | 3377 | DOBIE | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3305233 | 143.0079518 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5928 | 3377 | DUNNEWORTHY | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2 | 143.066667 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5929 | 3377 | EVERSLEY | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1884876 | 143.1759819 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5930 | 3377 | GREAT WESTERN | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.15 | 142.85 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5931 | 3377 | JALLUKUR | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2419 | 142.698 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5932 | 3377 | LANGI LOGAN | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3716628 | 142.9334701 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5933 | 3377 | MAROONA | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4576097 | 142.8557149 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5934 | 3377 | MOUNT COLE | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2549172 | 143.1817858 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5935 | 3377 | MOUNT COLE CREEK | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2049491 | 143.1038499 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5936 | 3377 | MOUNT LONARCH | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2709 | 143.378 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5937 | 3377 | MOYSTON | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3171971 | 142.7587443 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5938 | 3377 | NORVAL | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2531884 | 142.8717953 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5939 | 3377 | RHYMNEY | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2022518 | 142.776705 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5940 | 3377 | ROCKY POINT | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3411016 | 142.8473411 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5941 | 3377 | ROSSBRIDGE | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4852387 | 142.8476761 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20818 | 3377 | SHAYS FLAT | VIC | 143.0871367 | -37.06683249 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0488 | 143.099 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5942 | 3377 | WARRAK | VIC | 142.956916 | -37.231524 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2664718 | 143.147726 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 248.870040893555 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5943 | 3378 | TATYOON | VIC | 142.985403 | -37.528792 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5375885 | 142.9120121 | 21501138708 | Yalla-Y-Poora | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 280.844879150391 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5944 | 3378 | YALLA-Y-POORA | VIC | 142.985403 | -37.528792 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5305453 | 143.1265473 | 21501138708 | Yalla-Y-Poora | 215011387 | Ararat Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 280.844879150391 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5945 | 3379 | BERRAMBOOL | VIC | 142.6833 | -37.7667 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8798 | 149.909 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5946 | 3379 | BORNES HILL | VIC | 142.521439 | -37.534037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5848686 | 142.581128 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5947 | 3379 | CHATSWORTH | VIC | 142.521439 | -37.534037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.875012 | 142.6202813 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5948 | 3379 | MAFEKING | VIC | 142.521439 | -37.534037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4054803 | 142.6429883 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5949 | 3379 | STAVELY | VIC | 142.521439 | -37.534037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6528076 | 142.636565 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5950 | 3379 | WATGANIA | VIC | 142.521439 | -37.534037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4171 | 142.616 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5951 | 3379 | WICKLIFFE | VIC | 142.521439 | -37.534037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6762507 | 142.7075582 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5952 | 3379 | WILLAURA | VIC | 142.521439 | -37.534037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5422738 | 142.7368981 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5953 | 3379 | WILLAURA NORTH | VIC | 142.521439 | -37.534037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21702 | Warrnambool - Otway Ranges | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3658006 | 142.7720207 | 21704147716 | Purdeet | 217041477 | Moyne - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 253.692947387695 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Moyne | 25490 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5954 | 3380 | BELLELLEN | VIC | 142.771159 | -37.0666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1263346 | 142.6824015 | 21501139225 | Stawell | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5955 | 3380 | BRIDGE INN | VIC | 142.771159 | -37.0666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0517769 | 142.7777088 | 21501139225 | Stawell | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5956 | 3380 | MOKEPILLY | VIC | 142.771159 | -37.0666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0975476 | 142.6229598 | 21501139225 | Stawell | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5957 | 3380 | STAWELL | VIC | 142.771159 | -37.0666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0517769 | 142.7777088 | 21501139225 | Stawell | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5958 | 3380 | STAWELL WEST | VIC | 142.771159 | -37.0666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0657005 | 142.7713287 | 21501139225 | Stawell | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5959 | 3380 | WINJALLOK | VIC | 142.771159 | -37.0666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8096038 | 143.1897372 | 21501139225 | Stawell | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5960 | 3381 | BARKLY | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9453536 | 143.2210793 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20819 | 3381 | BELLELLEN | VIC | 142.6925099 | -37.13783665 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1263 | 142.682 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 224.845397949219 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5961 | 3381 | BELLFIELD | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2249895 | 142.4893306 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20820 | 3381 | BLACK RANGE | VIC | 142.7641486 | -37.1348818 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1415 | 142.802 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5962 | 3381 | BOLANGUM | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7216988 | 142.9935072 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5963 | 3381 | CALLAWADDA | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8193211 | 142.8105079 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5964 | 3381 | CAMPBELLS BRIDGE | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9183936 | 142.7833974 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5965 | 3381 | CONCONGELLA | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0371132 | 142.8185427 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5966 | 3381 | DEEP LEAD | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9973752 | 142.6988565 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5967 | 3381 | FYANS CREEK | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0972483 | 142.559209 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5968 | 3381 | GERMANIA | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1716807 | 142.5745556 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5969 | 3381 | GREENS CREEK | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9914497 | 142.8844298 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5970 | 3381 | HALLS GAP | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1467982 | 142.5235245 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5971 | 3381 | ILLAWARRA | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0507405 | 142.6941054 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5972 | 3381 | JOEL JOEL | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0112693 | 143.0005674 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5973 | 3381 | JOEL SOUTH | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.052388 | 143.043542 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5974 | 3381 | KANYA | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7822896 | 142.997717 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5975 | 3381 | LAKE FYANS | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1489308 | 142.6423203 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5976 | 3381 | LAKE LONSDALE | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0406989 | 142.6296304 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5977 | 3381 | LUBECK | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.78179 | 142.51819 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20821 | 3381 | MOKEPILLY | VIC | 142.6448077 | -37.09290738 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0975 | 142.623 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 201.728363037109 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5978 | 3381 | MORRL MORRL | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8592194 | 142.9345285 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20822 | 3381 | MOUNT DRYDEN | VIC | 142.5318605 | -37.04638597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0564 | 142.546 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5979 | 3381 | PARADISE | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9453536 | 143.2210793 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5980 | 3381 | POMONAL | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.192222 | 142.608889 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5981 | 3381 | ROSTRON | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7831782 | 143.1798234 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5982 | 3381 | WAL WAL | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7625152 | 142.7144956 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5983 | 3381 | WALLALOO | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7549828 | 142.8215559 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5984 | 3381 | WALLALOO EAST | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7864641 | 142.9066485 | 21501139216 | Zumsteins | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 200.733123779297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20823 | 3384 | BARKLY | VIC | 143.2173081 | -36.93829078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9454 | 143.221 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 278.875061035156 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20824 | 3384 | CONCONGELLA | VIC | 142.8740132 | -37.04625762 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0371 | 142.819 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 250.835327148438 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5985 | 3384 | FRENCHMANS | VIC | 143.126344 | -37.000261 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9948297 | 143.1934791 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 250.835327148438 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20825 | 3384 | JOEL JOEL | VIC | 142.9867746 | -37.01984772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0113 | 143.001 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 219.060897827148 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20826 | 3384 | JOEL SOUTH | VIC | 142.9994761 | -37.06314423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0524 | 143.044 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 250.835327148438 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5986 | 3384 | LANDSBOROUGH | VIC | 143.126344 | -37.000261 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0084966 | 143.1336987 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 250.835327148438 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5987 | 3384 | LANDSBOROUGH WEST | VIC | 143.126344 | -37.000261 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0165724 | 143.0569768 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 250.835327148438 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5988 | 3384 | NAVARRE | VIC | 143.126344 | -37.000261 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9001275 | 143.1134295 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 250.835327148438 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5989 | 3384 | SHAYS FLAT | VIC | 143.126344 | -37.000261 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0488452 | 143.0994844 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 250.835327148438 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20827 | 3384 | TULKARA | VIC | 143.0484349 | -36.94387585 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9559 | 143.035 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 222.138092041016 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5990 | 3384 | WATTLE CREEK | VIC | 143.126344 | -37.000261 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9600019 | 143.123011 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 250.835327148438 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5991 | 3385 | DADSWELLS BRIDGE | VIC | 142.647565 | -36.904185 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.915833 | 142.511111 | 21501139414 | Murtoa | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 168.179916381836 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20828 | 3385 | DEEP LEAD | VIC | 142.7110642 | -36.99999967 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9974 | 142.699 | 21501139414 | Murtoa | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Wannon | 168.179916381836 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5992 | 3385 | GLENORCHY | VIC | 142.647565 | -36.904185 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.904436 | 142.6610422 | 21501139414 | Murtoa | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 168.179916381836 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5993 | 3385 | LEDCOURT | VIC | 142.647565 | -36.904185 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9988105 | 142.5582083 | 21501139414 | Murtoa | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 168.179916381836 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20829 | 3385 | LUBECK | VIC | 142.5335742 | -36.73975806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7818 | 142.518 | 21501139414 | Murtoa | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 147.150756835938 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5994 | 3385 | RIACHELLA | VIC | 142.647565 | -36.904185 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8392195 | 142.6790085 | 21501139414 | Murtoa | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 168.179916381836 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20830 | 3385 | ROSES GAP | VIC | 142.4561838 | -36.97419597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9626 | 142.451 | 21501139414 | Murtoa | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 168.179916381836 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20831 | 3385 | WAL WAL | VIC | 142.616484 | -36.81909176 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7625 | 142.714 | 21501139414 | Murtoa | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 168.179916381836 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20832 | 3387 | BOLANGUM | VIC | 142.9814278 | -36.71744157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7217 | 142.994 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 195 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20833 | 3387 | CALLAWADDA | VIC | 142.7940368 | -36.82285865 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8193 | 142.811 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 195 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20834 | 3387 | CAMPBELLS BRIDGE | VIC | 142.7959945 | -36.92542526 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9184 | 142.783 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 195 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20835 | 3387 | GERMANIA | VIC | 142.7584938 | -36.97659863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9858 | 142.777 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | 195 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20836 | 3387 | GREENS CREEK | VIC | 142.9444988 | -36.93245666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9914 | 142.884 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 206.211563110352 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20837 | 3387 | KANYA | VIC | 142.9860744 | -36.77318828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7823 | 142.998 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 200.2021484375 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5995 | 3387 | MARNOO | VIC | 142.876262 | -36.666391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6707129 | 142.8717953 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 147.747360229492 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20838 | 3387 | MARNOO WEST | VIC | 142.7794333 | -36.71153166 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.712 | 142.804 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 195 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20839 | 3387 | MORRL MORRL | VIC | 142.8949426 | -36.86638119 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8592 | 142.935 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 195 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20840 | 3387 | WALLALOO | VIC | 142.9016653 | -36.74801665 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.755 | 142.822 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 168.478851318359 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20841 | 3387 | WALLALOO EAST | VIC | 142.9089779 | -36.80559338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7865 | 142.907 | 21501139212 | Wattle Creek | 215011392 | Stawell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 195 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5996 | 3388 | BANYENA | VIC | 142.693946 | -36.597861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6112868 | 142.8590647 | 21501139413 | Rupanyup | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5997 | 3388 | RUPANYUP | VIC | 142.693946 | -36.597861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6304407 | 142.6310313 | 21501139413 | Rupanyup | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
5998 | 3390 | KEWELL | VIC | 142.487468 | -36.583744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.469398 | 142.3989371 | 21501139415 | Sheep Hills | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 138.670989990234 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5999 | 3390 | MURTOA | VIC | 142.487468 | -36.583744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6144503 | 142.4698649 | 21501139415 | Sheep Hills | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 138.670989990234 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6000 | 3391 | BRIM | VIC | 142.446015 | -36.092132 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0562538 | 142.4252353 | 21501139403 | Willenabrina | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20842 | 3392 | BOOLITE | VIC | 142.6792298 | -36.34199038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3422 | 142.666 | 21501139415 | Sheep Hills | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 116.267349243164 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6001 | 3392 | MINYIP | VIC | 142.677858 | -36.430131 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4577308 | 142.5942441 | 21501139415 | Sheep Hills | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 121.532516479492 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6002 | 3392 | SHEEP HILLS | VIC | 142.677858 | -36.430131 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3399974 | 142.5275256 | 21501139415 | Sheep Hills | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 121.532516479492 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
6003 | 3393 | AILSA | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3314292 | 142.3613812 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
6004 | 3393 | ANGIP | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.103026 | 142.229857 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
6005 | 3393 | AUBREY | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.259206 | 142.2361379 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
6006 | 3393 | BANGERANG | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1907317 | 142.5333024 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
6007 | 3393 | CANNUM | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2862041 | 142.222762 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
6008 | 3393 | CRYMELON | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1542452 | 142.2686813 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
6009 | 3393 | KELLALAC | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3911966 | 142.3763086 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5723 | 3393 | LAH | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1183472 | 142.3896186 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5724 | 3393 | WARRACKNABEAL | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.252755 | 142.3919552 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5725 | 3393 | WILKUR | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.097631 | 142.680171 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5726 | 3393 | WILLENABRINA | VIC | 142.387341 | -36.257725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0176226 | 142.2097632 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 113.917137145996 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5727 | 3395 | BEULAH | VIC | 142.441984 | -35.918885 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.938056 | 142.42 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Mallee | 87.0839538574219 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5728 | 3395 | KENMARE | VIC | 142.441984 | -35.918885 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9098771 | 142.1737382 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | 87.0839538574219 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20843 | 3395 | REEDY DAM | VIC | 142.6453073 | -35.9579551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9408 | 142.638 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 99.8495941162109 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20844 | 3395 | ROSEBERY | VIC | 142.4214713 | -35.83347402 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8349 | 142.422 | 21503140011 | Wilkur | 215031400 | Buloke | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Mallee | 87.0839538574219 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5729 | 3396 | HOPETOUN | VIC | 142.329159 | -35.7157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7360202 | 142.318772 | 21501139421 | Hopetoun (Vic.) | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Mallee | 80.863166809082 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5730 | 3396 | HOPEVALE | VIC | 142.329159 | -35.7157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.808189 | 142.239395 | 21501139421 | Hopetoun (Vic.) | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Mallee | 80.863166809082 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5731 | 3396 | YARTO | VIC | 142.329159 | -35.7157 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.498482 | 142.271805 | 21501139421 | Hopetoun (Vic.) | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 80.863166809082 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5732 | 3399 | JUNG | VIC | 142.357023 | -36.608521 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.6289 | 142.336 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 5 | 5 | | | V2 | PHN206 | | Horsham | 23190 | Wannon | | | |
5733 | 3399 | LONGERENONG | VIC | 142.357023 | -36.608521 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.6813 | 142.351 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 5 | 5 | | | V2 | PHN206 | | Horsham | 23190 | Wannon | | | |
5734 | 3400 | BRIMPAEN | VIC | 142.203729 | -36.725245 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0255 | 142.206 | 21501138837 | Horsham | 215011388 | Horsham | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5735 | 3400 | HORSHAM | VIC | 142.203729 | -36.725245 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7204107 | 142.1806128 | 21501138837 | Horsham | 215011388 | Horsham | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5736 | 3400 | HORSHAM WEST | VIC | 142.203729 | -36.725245 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.73657 | 142.2098067 | 21501138837 | Horsham | 215011388 | Horsham | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5737 | 3400 | ST HELENS PLAINS | VIC | 142.203729 | -36.725245 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8109 | 142.456 | 21501138837 | Horsham | 215011388 | Horsham | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5738 | 3400 | WARTOOK | VIC | 142.203729 | -36.725245 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7204 | 142.181 | 21501138837 | Horsham | 215011388 | Horsham | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5739 | 3400 | WONWONDAH EAST | VIC | 142.203729 | -36.725245 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7204 | 142.181 | 21501138837 | Horsham | 215011388 | Horsham | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5740 | 3400 | WONWONDAH SOUTH | VIC | 142.203729 | -36.725245 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7204 | 142.181 | 21501138837 | Horsham | 215011388 | Horsham | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Horsham | 23190 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5741 | 3401 | BLACKHEATH | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4877414 | 142.3244986 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20845 | 3401 | BRIMPAEN | VIC | 142.2041883 | -37.03953686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0254527 | 142.2064967 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 197.090270996094 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5742 | 3401 | BUNGALALLY | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8027444 | 142.2822128 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5743 | 3401 | CHERRYPOOL | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1332658 | 142.1673332 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5744 | 3401 | CLEAR LAKE | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9182 | 141.883 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5745 | 3401 | CONNANGORACH | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9609 | 142.024 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5746 | 3401 | DAHLEN | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6467 | 142.144 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5747 | 3401 | DOOEN | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6852722 | 142.2375085 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5748 | 3401 | DOUGLAS | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0419 | 141.741 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5749 | 3401 | DRUNG | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7468786 | 142.2961114 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5750 | 3401 | GREEN LAKE | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7936 | 142.294 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5751 | 3401 | GYMBOWEN | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7259438 | 141.5620039 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5752 | 3401 | HAVEN | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.75 | 142.183333 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5753 | 3401 | HORSHAM | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7188618 | 142.1962316 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5754 | 3401 | JALLUMBA | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9311 | 141.947 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5755 | 3401 | JILPANGER | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9317 | 141.665 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20846 | 3401 | JUNG | VIC | 142.3388059 | -36.57669756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6288597 | 142.3363938 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5756 | 3401 | KALKEE | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6058625 | 142.2583468 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5757 | 3401 | KANAGULK | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1708998 | 141.8090951 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5758 | 3401 | KARNAK | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8387468 | 141.5067129 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5759 | 3401 | LAHARUM | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9806285 | 142.2931785 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20847 | 3401 | LONGERENONG | VIC | 142.3445593 | -36.68413291 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.681282 | 142.3510265 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 132.751052856445 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5760 | 3401 | LOWER NORTON | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8042581 | 142.0355956 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5761 | 3401 | MCKENZIE CREEK | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7816741 | 142.1638346 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5762 | 3401 | MIGA LAKE | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.88 | 141.647 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5763 | 3401 | MITRE | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6599 | 141.694 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5764 | 3401 | MOCKINYA | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9424388 | 142.1517138 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5765 | 3401 | MURRA WARRA | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4820399 | 142.2244577 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5766 | 3401 | NORADJUHA | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.84 | 141.972 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5767 | 3401 | NURCOUNG | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6770462 | 141.6419409 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5768 | 3401 | NURRABIEL | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9392697 | 142.0430608 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5769 | 3401 | PIMPINIO | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.583333 | 142.116667 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5770 | 3401 | QUANTONG | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7580965 | 142.0555986 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5771 | 3401 | REMLAW | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7134 | 142.116 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5772 | 3401 | RIVERSIDE | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7255562 | 142.2443444 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
24016 | 3401 | ROCKLANDS | VIC | 142.0507182 | -37.2749188 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.4877414 | 142.3244986 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 220.836059570313 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20848 | 3401 | ST HELENS PLAINS | VIC | 142.4320005 | -36.78558459 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8109299 | 142.4555403 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 149.434356689453 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5774 | 3401 | TELANGATUK EAST | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1005419 | 141.9662845 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5775 | 3401 | TOOAN | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8013 | 141.805 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5776 | 3401 | TOOLONDO | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9891122 | 141.9401606 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5777 | 3401 | VECTIS | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7327045 | 142.0854571 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20849 | 3401 | WAIL | VIC | 142.0867071 | -36.52995528 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5622497 | 142.0690586 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 136 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5778 | 3401 | WALLUP | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3605162 | 142.2450086 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20850 | 3401 | WARTOOK | VIC | 142.3452363 | -37.0307138 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0546115 | 142.3436634 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5779 | 3401 | WOMBELANO | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0157 | 141.594 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5780 | 3401 | WONWONDAH | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9172614 | 142.2579613 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5781 | 3401 | ZUMSTEINS | VIC | 141.940832 | -36.881534 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1187871 | 142.3842357 | 21701142320 | Vasey | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 208.126556396484 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5782 | 3402 | HORSHAM | VIC | 142.666302 | -37.164183 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.7188618 | 142.1962316 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | | Ararat | 20260 | Wannon | | | |
5783 | 3407 | BALMORAL | VIC | 141.948371 | -37.298061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2516966 | 141.8235525 | 21701142321 | Wootong Vale | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 236.131561279297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5784 | 3407 | ENGLEFIELD | VIC | 141.948371 | -37.298061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3471879 | 141.8100348 | 21701142321 | Wootong Vale | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 236.131561279297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5785 | 3407 | GATUM | VIC | 141.948371 | -37.298061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3987376 | 141.9293628 | 21701142321 | Wootong Vale | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 236.131561279297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5786 | 3407 | PIGEON PONDS | VIC | 141.948371 | -37.298061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2947285 | 141.6699251 | 21701142321 | Wootong Vale | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 236.131561279297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5787 | 3407 | VASEY | VIC | 141.948371 | -37.298061 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21701 | Glenelg - Southern Grampians | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3693981 | 141.872913 | 21701142321 | Wootong Vale | 217011423 | Southern Grampians | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 236.131561279297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Southern Grampians | 26260 | Wannon | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20851 | 3409 | ARAPILES | VIC | 141.8632367 | -36.72484337 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7168536 | 141.8782814 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 175.050018310547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20852 | 3409 | CLEAR LAKE | VIC | 141.8934852 | -36.93658009 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9181646 | 141.883318 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 157.496429443359 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20853 | 3409 | DOUGLAS | VIC | 141.7107285 | -37.03897482 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0419203 | 141.7410906 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 164.141448974609 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20854 | 3409 | DUCHEMBEGARRA | VIC | 141.9140027 | -36.60694604 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.622668 | 141.9676075 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 175.050018310547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5788 | 3409 | GRASS FLAT | VIC | 141.89695 | -36.667303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6779656 | 141.8453393 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 175.050018310547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20855 | 3409 | JILPANGER | VIC | 141.7461966 | -36.91000699 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9316644 | 141.6651808 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 183.812530517578 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20856 | 3409 | MIGA LAKE | VIC | 141.6408336 | -36.85914305 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8800354 | 141.6469519 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 173.564315795898 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20857 | 3409 | MITRE | VIC | 141.7727332 | -36.71831242 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7335815 | 141.7173604 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 127.60033416748 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5789 | 3409 | NATIMUK | VIC | 141.89695 | -36.667303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7458317 | 141.9352015 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 175.050018310547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20858 | 3409 | NORADJUHA | VIC | 141.9194993 | -36.84799315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8400041 | 141.9722382 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 154.055389404297 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20859 | 3409 | TOOAN | VIC | 141.7810211 | -36.80951649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8013265 | 141.8050723 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 140.201324462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
20860 | 3409 | WOMBELANO | VIC | 141.570286 | -37.02197072 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0157088 | 141.5935724 | 21501139304 | Wombelano | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 175.050018310547 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5790 | 3412 | GOROKE | VIC | 141.366071 | -36.658804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6744115 | 141.4939853 | 21501139309 | Goroke | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5791 | 3413 | MINIMAY | VIC | 141.201068 | -36.699331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7496038 | 141.2114934 | 21501139307 | Neuarpurr | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 130.285614013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5792 | 3413 | NEUARPURR | VIC | 141.201068 | -36.699331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7038896 | 140.9802231 | 21501139307 | Neuarpurr | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 130.285614013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5793 | 3413 | OZENKADNOOK | VIC | 141.201068 | -36.699331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8245518 | 141.3414454 | 21501139307 | Neuarpurr | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 130.285614013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5794 | 3413 | PERONNE | VIC | 141.201068 | -36.699331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7403549 | 141.3106525 | 21501139307 | Neuarpurr | 215011393 | West Wimmera | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 130.285614013672 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5795 | 3414 | ANTWERP | VIC | 142.093883 | -36.388628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2838951 | 142.0251828 | 21501139028 | Dimboola | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 131.784088134766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5796 | 3414 | DIMBOOLA | VIC | 142.093883 | -36.388628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.453243 | 142.0290523 | 21501139028 | Dimboola | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 131.784088134766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5797 | 3414 | TARRANYURK | VIC | 142.093883 | -36.388628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2127522 | 142.0340184 | 21501139028 | Dimboola | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 131.784088134766 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5799 | 3415 | MIRAM | VIC | 141.339702 | -36.352459 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3811882 | 141.3784817 | 21501139010 | Miram | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5800 | 3415 | YARRUNGA | VIC | 141.339702 | -36.352459 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5841 | 150.434 | 21501139010 | Miram | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5801 | 3418 | BROUGHTON | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1486994 | 141.3473436 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5802 | 3418 | GERANG GERUNG | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3689875 | 141.87965 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5803 | 3418 | GLENLEE | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2465889 | 141.8101803 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5804 | 3418 | KIATA | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4187348 | 141.7529589 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5805 | 3418 | LAWLOIT | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4638485 | 141.4627924 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5806 | 3418 | LITTLE DESERT | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5025841 | 141.7612263 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5807 | 3418 | LORQUON | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1522698 | 141.7587967 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5808 | 3418 | NETHERBY | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1414772 | 141.6629929 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5809 | 3418 | NHILL | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3327981 | 141.6503461 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5810 | 3418 | YANAC | VIC | 141.538074 | -36.074144 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.094225 | 141.4601664 | 21501139030 | Little Desert | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 139.200332641602 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5811 | 3419 | KANIVA | VIC | 141.101929 | -36.226015 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3672353 | 141.2213044 | 21501139018 | Kaniva | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5812 | 3420 | LILLIMUR | VIC | 141.017332 | -36.41273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4180671 | 141.0785379 | 21501139009 | Serviceton | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5813 | 3420 | SERVICETON | VIC | 141.017332 | -36.41273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3292839 | 141.0022207 | 21501139009 | Serviceton | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5814 | 3420 | TELOPEA DOWNS | VIC | 141.017332 | -36.41273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1255456 | 141.1121661 | 21501139009 | Serviceton | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | West Wimmera | 26890 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5815 | 3423 | JEPARIT | VIC | 141.940764 | -36.13191 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.134382 | 141.9791849 | 21501139017 | Jeparit | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5816 | 3423 | LAKE HINDMARSH | VIC | 141.940764 | -36.13191 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0548 | 141.916 | 21501139017 | Jeparit | 215011390 | Nhill Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24408 | Lowan (Western Victoria) |
5817 | 3424 | ALBACUTYA | VIC | 141.930872 | -35.727789 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7395619 | 141.9661831 | 21501139404 | Yaapeet | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | 84.5176696777344 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5818 | 3424 | RAINBOW | VIC | 141.930872 | -35.727789 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9008 | 141.997 | 21501139404 | Yaapeet | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | 84.5176696777344 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5819 | 3424 | YAAPEET | VIC | 141.930872 | -35.727789 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7064354 | 142.0228094 | 21501139404 | Yaapeet | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Mallee | 84.5176696777344 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
5820 | 3427 | DIGGERS REST | VIC | 144.707974 | -37.643461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6153848 | 144.6862995 | 21004154030 | Diggers Rest | 210041540 | Sunbury - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | McEwen | Rural | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
5821 | 3427 | PLUMPTON | VIC | 144.707974 | -37.643461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21304 | Melton - Bacchus Marsh | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6154 | 144.686 | 21004154030 | Diggers Rest | 210041540 | Sunbury - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Gorton | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Brimbank | 21180 | McEwen | Rural | 28107 | Sydenham (Western Metropolitan) |
5822 | 3428 | BULLA | VIC | 144.811494 | -37.591069 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21005 | Tullamarine - Broadmeadows | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6342319 | 144.7961441 | 21005124621 | Bulla (Vic.) | 210051246 | Greenvale - Bulla | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 123.999519348145 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
5823 | 3429 | SUNBURY | VIC | 144.728973 | -37.56762 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21004 | Sunbury | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.581111 | 144.713889 | 21004154126 | Sunbury | 210041541 | Sunbury - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
5824 | 3429 | WILDWOOD | VIC | 144.728973 | -37.56762 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21004 | Sunbury | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5718 | 144.7935 | 21004154126 | Sunbury | 210041541 | Sunbury - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
5825 | 3430 | CLARKEFIELD | VIC | 144.806632 | -37.494056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21004 | Sunbury | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.497542 | 144.8071366 | 21004124004 | Wildwood | 210041240 | Sunbury | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Hume | 23270 | McEwen | Rural | 28007 | Sunbury (Western Metropolitan) |
5826 | 3431 | RIDDELLS CREEK | VIC | 144.69202 | -37.474551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21004 | Sunbury | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4525468 | 144.6753231 | 21002123409 | Riddells Creek | 210021234 | Riddells Creek | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mcewen | 342.851684570313 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5827 | 3432 | BOLINDA | VIC | 144.792581 | -37.448455 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.439438 | 144.7741635 | 21002123503 | Clarkefield | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5828 | 3433 | MONEGEETTA | VIC | 144.752095 | -37.413302 | | | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3991 | 144.78 | 21002123502 | Monegeetta | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5829 | 3434 | CHEROKEE | VIC | 144.750796 | -37.35388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.383333 | 144.633333 | 21002123524 | Romsey | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 482.393463134766 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5830 | 3434 | KERRIE | VIC | 144.750796 | -37.35388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3803808 | 144.6698355 | 21002123524 | Romsey | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 482.393463134766 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5831 | 3434 | ROMSEY | VIC | 144.750796 | -37.35388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3506332 | 144.7428496 | 21002123524 | Romsey | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 482.393463134766 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5832 | 3434 | SPRINGFIELD | VIC | 144.750796 | -37.35388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3230084 | 144.8181305 | 21002123524 | Romsey | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 482.393463134766 | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5833 | 3435 | BENLOCH | VIC | 144.743358 | -37.179453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2029416 | 144.6862995 | 21002123516 | Lancefield | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 440.927551269531 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5834 | 3435 | GOLDIE | VIC | 144.743358 | -37.179453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2591504 | 144.7961441 | 21002123516 | Lancefield | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 440.927551269531 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5835 | 3435 | LANCEFIELD | VIC | 144.743358 | -37.179453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2769748 | 144.728396 | 21002123516 | Lancefield | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 440.927551269531 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5836 | 3435 | NULLA VALE | VIC | 144.743358 | -37.179453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1897923 | 144.7460094 | 21002123516 | Lancefield | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 440.927551269531 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5837 | 3437 | BULLENGAROOK | VIC | 144.513018 | -37.501619 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.516667 | 144.483333 | 21002123230 | Gisborne | 210021232 | Gisborne | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5838 | 3437 | GISBORNE | VIC | 144.513018 | -37.501619 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.49 | 144.588889 | 21002123230 | Gisborne | 210021232 | Gisborne | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5839 | 3437 | GISBORNE SOUTH | VIC | 144.513018 | -37.501619 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.538611 | 144.606389 | 21002123230 | Gisborne | 210021232 | Gisborne | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5840 | 3438 | NEW GISBORNE | VIC | 144.602032 | -37.457528 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4618532 | 144.620463 | 21002123232 | New Gisborne | 210021232 | Gisborne | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5841 | 3440 | MACEDON | VIC | 144.546151 | -37.413377 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4205517 | 144.5546793 | 21002123310 | Macedon | 210021233 | Macedon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5842 | 3441 | MOUNT MACEDON | VIC | 144.603892 | -37.399224 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3981393 | 144.5985292 | 21002123307 | Mount Macedon | 210021233 | Macedon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN201 | North Western Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5843 | 3442 | ASHBOURNE | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.386944 | 144.446111 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5844 | 3442 | CADELLO | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3033974 | 144.5272851 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5845 | 3442 | CARLSRUHE | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.283333 | 144.5 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5846 | 3442 | COBAW | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.266667 | 144.633333 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5847 | 3442 | HANGING ROCK | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.334892 | 144.5944289 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5848 | 3442 | HESKET | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.35 | 144.616667 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5849 | 3442 | NEWHAM | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.316667 | 144.6 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5850 | 3442 | ROCHFORD | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.316667 | 144.683333 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5851 | 3442 | WOODEND | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3613204 | 144.5244238 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5852 | 3442 | WOODEND NORTH | VIC | 144.548846 | -37.330661 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3259093 | 144.5382417 | 21002123520 | Rochford | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 570.715515136719 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Moorabool | 25150 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5853 | 3444 | BARFOLD | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.091944 | 144.506111 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5854 | 3444 | BAYNTON | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1661839 | 144.6996603 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5855 | 3444 | BAYNTON EAST | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.119812 | 144.7138406 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5856 | 3444 | EDGECOMBE | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1870105 | 144.4615766 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5857 | 3444 | GLENHOPE | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0778252 | 144.6080076 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5858 | 3444 | GREENHILL | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1865671 | 144.4338719 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5859 | 3444 | KYNETON | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.233333 | 144.45 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5860 | 3444 | KYNETON SOUTH | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3015246 | 144.4554192 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5861 | 3444 | LANGLEY | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1429091 | 144.510853 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5862 | 3444 | LAURISTON | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.25 | 144.383333 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5863 | 3444 | LYAL | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9427818 | 144.4714979 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5864 | 3444 | METCALFE EAST | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1525633 | 144.4509725 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5865 | 3444 | MIA MIA | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0026231 | 144.5663247 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
5866 | 3444 | MYRTLE CREEK | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9397607 | 144.435599 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7844 | 3444 | PASTORIA | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1813812 | 144.6369172 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7845 | 3444 | PASTORIA EAST | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1813812 | 144.6369172 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7846 | 3444 | PIPERS CREEK | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.245262 | 144.5491997 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7847 | 3444 | REDESDALE | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0012974 | 144.4937398 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7848 | 3444 | SIDONIA | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1538327 | 144.5497737 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7849 | 3444 | SPRING HILL | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.296477 | 144.3576473 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7850 | 3444 | TYLDEN | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3194005 | 144.4052024 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7851 | 3444 | TYLDEN SOUTH | VIC | 144.544716 | -37.171788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3522349 | 144.3767821 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 539.179321289063 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mitchell | 24850 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7852 | 3446 | DRUMMOND NORTH | VIC | 144.374338 | -37.184831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2 | 144.283333 | 20202103025 | Malmsbury | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | 452.340850830078 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7853 | 3446 | MALMSBURY | VIC | 144.374338 | -37.184831 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.188889 | 144.385 | 20202103025 | Malmsbury | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 452.340850830078 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7854 | 3447 | TARADALE | VIC | 144.322487 | -37.157744 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1465105 | 144.3576473 | 20202102815 | Taradale (Vic.) | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 442.816650390625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7855 | 3448 | ELPHINSTONE | VIC | 144.387629 | -37.075364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1 | 144.333333 | 20202102823 | Elphinstone (Vic.) | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | 410.674102783203 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7856 | 3448 | METCALFE | VIC | 144.387629 | -37.075364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1286977 | 144.4148693 | 20202102823 | Elphinstone (Vic.) | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 410.674102783203 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7857 | 3448 | SUTTON GRANGE | VIC | 144.387629 | -37.075364 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9622534 | 144.3457864 | 20202102823 | Elphinstone (Vic.) | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 410.674102783203 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7858 | 3450 | CASTLEMAINE | VIC | 144.214903 | -37.061635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.058136 | 144.2185006 | 20202102727 | Castlemaine | 202021027 | Castlemaine | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | 281.971496582031 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7859 | 3450 | MOONLIGHT FLAT | VIC | 144.214903 | -37.061635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0632272 | 144.2456637 | 20202102727 | Castlemaine | 202021027 | Castlemaine | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | 281.971496582031 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7860 | 3451 | BARKERS CREEK | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0050906 | 144.221785 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7861 | 3451 | CAMPBELLS CREEK | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1 | 144.2 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7862 | 3451 | CHEWTON | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.083333 | 144.266667 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7863 | 3451 | CHEWTON BUSHLANDS | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0783424 | 144.2893459 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7864 | 3451 | FARADAY | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0500963 | 144.3077816 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7865 | 3451 | FRYERSTOWN | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1432659 | 144.2549754 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7866 | 3451 | GLENLUCE | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1959366 | 144.2405462 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7867 | 3451 | GOLDEN POINT | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0665813 | 144.2756927 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7868 | 3451 | GOWER | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0284764 | 144.1011245 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7869 | 3451 | GUILDFORD | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1496144 | 144.1754128 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7870 | 3451 | IRISHTOWN | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.15 | 144.233333 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7871 | 3451 | MCKENZIE HILL | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0686692 | 144.1801852 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7872 | 3451 | MUCKLEFORD | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0693505 | 144.1537927 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7873 | 3451 | TARILTA | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1863125 | 144.188367 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7874 | 3451 | VAUGHAN | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1602076 | 144.2211029 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7875 | 3451 | WOODBROOK | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0113 | 144.198 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7876 | 3451 | YAPEEN | VIC | 144.21419 | -37.125338 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1284806 | 144.1617791 | 20202102826 | Barkers Creek | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7877 | 3453 | HARCOURT | VIC | 144.281488 | -36.950365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37 | 144.25 | 20202102819 | Harcourt | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7878 | 3453 | HARCOURT NORTH | VIC | 144.281488 | -36.950365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9404173 | 144.2850068 | 20202102819 | Harcourt | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7879 | 3453 | RAVENSWOOD | VIC | 144.281488 | -36.950365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.866435 | 144.2080832 | 20202102819 | Harcourt | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7880 | 3453 | RAVENSWOOD SOUTH | VIC | 144.281488 | -36.950365 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9523424 | 144.2364525 | 20202102819 | Harcourt | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7881 | 3458 | BARRYS REEF | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4562523 | 144.3193914 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7882 | 3458 | BLACKWOOD | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4834268 | 144.3026601 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7883 | 3458 | FERN HILL | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3753075 | 144.4232713 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7884 | 3458 | LERDERDERG | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4378983 | 144.2813213 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7885 | 3458 | LITTLE HAMPTON | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3673463 | 144.2920769 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7886 | 3458 | NEWBURY | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4262018 | 144.2866151 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7887 | 3458 | NORTH BLACKWOOD | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.416667 | 144.366667 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7888 | 3458 | TRENTHAM | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.383333 | 144.316667 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7889 | 3458 | TRENTHAM EAST | VIC | 144.33471 | -37.424116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4051772 | 144.4013907 | 20202103110 | Trentham East | 202021031 | Woodend | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7890 | 3460 | BASALT | VIC | 144.144216 | -37.351704 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3088919 | 144.1038619 | 20102101123 | Musk | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Ballarat | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7891 | 3460 | DAYLESFORD | VIC | 144.144216 | -37.351704 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20102 | Creswick - Daylesford - Ballan | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.35 | 144.15 | 20102101123 | Musk | 201021011 | Daylesford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hepburn | 22910 | Ballarat | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7892 | 3461 | BULLARTO | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3990211 | 144.2125766 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7893 | 3461 | BULLARTO SOUTH | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4233362 | 144.2187155 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7894 | 3461 | CLYDESDALE | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1708854 | 144.0902405 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7895 | 3461 | COOMOORA | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3318362 | 144.1965497 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7896 | 3461 | DENVER | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.285937 | 144.2866151 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7897 | 3461 | DRUMMOND | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.238144 | 144.3091473 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7898 | 3461 | DRY DIGGINGS | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2965675 | 144.1556446 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7899 | 3461 | EGANSTOWN | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3562379 | 144.0773023 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7900 | 3461 | ELEVATED PLAINS | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2950318 | 144.1311117 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7901 | 3461 | FRANKLINFORD | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.238838 | 144.0922835 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7902 | 3461 | GLENLYON | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.25 | 144.25 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7903 | 3461 | HEPBURN | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3118233 | 144.125661 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7904 | 3461 | HEPBURN SPRINGS | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3147502 | 144.1474662 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7905 | 3461 | KORWEINGUBOORA | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4491886 | 144.1382841 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7906 | 3461 | LEONARDS HILL | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4203807 | 144.1203075 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7907 | 3461 | LYONVILLE | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3918627 | 144.2628847 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7908 | 3461 | MOUNT FRANKLIN | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2707306 | 144.1663956 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7909 | 3461 | MUSK | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.372 | 144.193 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7910 | 3461 | MUSK VALE | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3823929 | 144.1338372 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7911 | 3461 | PORCUPINE RIDGE | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2950055 | 144.1931402 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7912 | 3461 | SAILORS FALLS | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3912224 | 144.120451 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7913 | 3461 | SAILORS HILL | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3585315 | 144.125661 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7914 | 3461 | SHEPHERDS FLAT | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2750015 | 144.1222545 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7915 | 3461 | SPARGO CREEK | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4775151 | 144.153047 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7916 | 3461 | STRANGWAYS | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1428024 | 144.0902405 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7917 | 3461 | WHEATSHEAF | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3274143 | 144.2217727 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7918 | 3461 | YANDOIT | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2 | 144.1 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7919 | 3461 | YANDOIT HILLS | VIC | 144.170995 | -37.287848 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2156138 | 144.0575587 | 20202103006 | Spring Hill (Vic.) | 202021030 | Kyneton | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Ballarat | 499.466949462891 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Bendigo | Provincial | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
7920 | 3462 | GREEN GULLY | VIC | 144.053611 | -37.083561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1185054 | 144.1011374 | 20202102820 | Welshmans Reef | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 240.075546264648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7921 | 3462 | JOYCES CREEK | VIC | 144.053611 | -37.083561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0991451 | 143.9878151 | 20202102820 | Welshmans Reef | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 240.075546264648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7922 | 3462 | MUCKLEFORD SOUTH | VIC | 144.053611 | -37.083561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1047021 | 144.1178262 | 20202102820 | Welshmans Reef | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | 240.075546264648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7923 | 3462 | NEWSTEAD | VIC | 144.053611 | -37.083561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.105278 | 144.065 | 20202102820 | Welshmans Reef | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 240.075546264648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7924 | 3462 | SANDON | VIC | 144.053611 | -37.083561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1713818 | 144.0531998 | 20202102820 | Welshmans Reef | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 240.075546264648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7925 | 3462 | WELSHMANS REEF | VIC | 144.053611 | -37.083561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20202 | Heathcote - Castlemaine - Kyneton | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0663518 | 144.0405424 | 20202102820 | Welshmans Reef | 202021028 | Castlemaine Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 240.075546264648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7926 | 3463 | BARINGHUP | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9605286 | 143.9813554 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7927 | 3463 | BARINGHUP WEST | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9792699 | 143.9028461 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7928 | 3463 | BRADFORD | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9292943 | 144.0883677 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7929 | 3463 | EASTVILLE | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8892268 | 143.9792459 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20861 | 3463 | GOWER | VIC | 144.0988962 | -37.02851213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0285 | 144.101 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7930 | 3463 | LAANECOORIE | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8270468 | 143.8796572 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7931 | 3463 | MALDON | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9980464 | 144.0685988 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7932 | 3463 | NEEREMAN | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9196596 | 143.9551761 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7933 | 3463 | NUGGETTY | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.960016 | 144.0582395 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7934 | 3463 | PERKINS REEF | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9875311 | 144.0729356 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7935 | 3463 | PORCUPINE FLAT | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9625622 | 144.1196762 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7936 | 3463 | SHELBOURNE | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8470309 | 144.0725362 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7937 | 3463 | TARRENGOWER | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0043939 | 144.017406 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7938 | 3463 | WALMER | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9714618 | 144.1501922 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7939 | 3463 | WOODSTOCK WEST | VIC | 144.05651 | -36.957983 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.821607 | 144.0034717 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 276.446319580078 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7940 | 3464 | CARISBROOK | VIC | 143.841414 | -37.019811 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0150311 | 143.8454596 | 20103101711 | Moolort | 201031017 | Maryborough Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7941 | 3465 | ADELAIDE LEAD | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0838207 | 143.679125 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7942 | 3465 | ALMA | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.027222 | 143.677778 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7943 | 3465 | BOWENVALE | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9961863 | 143.698961 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7944 | 3465 | BUNG BONG | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.066667 | 143.616667 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7945 | 3465 | COTSWOLD | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1542638 | 143.8865426 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7946 | 3465 | CRAIGIE | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0952972 | 143.7820105 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7947 | 3465 | DAISY HILL | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1132303 | 143.7261205 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7948 | 3465 | FLAGSTAFF | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.05 | 143.775 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7949 | 3465 | GOLDEN POINT | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0922807 | 143.7626808 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7950 | 3465 | HAVELOCK | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9604672 | 143.7720261 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7951 | 3465 | HOMEBUSH | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0198599 | 143.5456416 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7952 | 3465 | MAJORCA | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1283598 | 143.79049 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7953 | 3465 | MARYBOROUGH | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0473301 | 143.7446068 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7954 | 3465 | MOOLORT | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0509897 | 143.9262883 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7955 | 3465 | MOONLIGHT FLAT | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.050679 | 143.6819188 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7956 | 3465 | NATTE YALLOCK | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9365449 | 143.4678223 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7957 | 3465 | RATHSCAR | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9788504 | 143.5666075 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7958 | 3465 | RATHSCAR WEST | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0137796 | 143.4875086 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7959 | 3465 | RODBOROUGH | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1020285 | 143.8828158 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7960 | 3465 | SIMSON | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9948936 | 143.7748884 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7961 | 3465 | TIMOR | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.984167 | 143.709167 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7962 | 3465 | TIMOR WEST | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9642713 | 143.6698303 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7963 | 3465 | WAREEK | VIC | 143.611335 | -37.021478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0145003 | 143.6111837 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7964 | 3467 | AVOCA | VIC | 143.412675 | -37.105993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0638618 | 143.4554195 | 20103101306 | Avoca (Vic.) | 201031013 | Avoca | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7965 | 3467 | MOYREISK | VIC | 143.412675 | -37.105993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0638618 | 143.4554195 | 20103101306 | Avoca (Vic.) | 201031013 | Avoca | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7966 | 3468 | AMPHITHEATRE | VIC | 143.379493 | -37.261481 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1878175 | 143.4682535 | 20103101404 | Waterloo (Vic.) | 201031014 | Beaufort | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7967 | 3468 | MOUNT LONARCH | VIC | 143.379493 | -37.261481 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2709113 | 143.3784013 | 20103101404 | Waterloo (Vic.) | 201031014 | Beaufort | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7968 | 3469 | ELMHURST | VIC | 143.280627 | -37.172964 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.183333 | 143.25 | 20103101404 | Waterloo (Vic.) | 201031014 | Beaufort | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 322.962341308594 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7969 | 3469 | GLENLOFTY | VIC | 143.280627 | -37.172964 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1245667 | 143.1968444 | 20103101404 | Waterloo (Vic.) | 201031014 | Beaufort | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 322.962341308594 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7970 | 3469 | GLENLOGIE | VIC | 143.280627 | -37.172964 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2351516 | 143.2830487 | 20103101404 | Waterloo (Vic.) | 201031014 | Beaufort | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 322.962341308594 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7971 | 3469 | GLENPATRICK | VIC | 143.280627 | -37.172964 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1356779 | 143.3391976 | 20103101404 | Waterloo (Vic.) | 201031014 | Beaufort | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 322.962341308594 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7972 | 3469 | NOWHERE CREEK | VIC | 143.280627 | -37.172964 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20103 | Maryborough - Pyrenees | 201 | Ballarat | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.124108 | 143.2958532 | 20103101404 | Waterloo (Vic.) | 201031014 | Beaufort | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Wannon | 322.962341308594 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Pyrenees | 25990 | Wannon | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7973 | 3472 | BET BET | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9217288 | 143.7531872 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7974 | 3472 | BETLEY | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9182683 | 143.7965958 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7975 | 3472 | BROMLEY | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8857797 | 143.7891332 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7976 | 3472 | DUNLUCE | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9316623 | 143.600774 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7977 | 3472 | DUNOLLY | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.85 | 143.733333 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7978 | 3472 | EDDINGTON | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8984001 | 143.831487 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7979 | 3472 | GOLDSBOROUGH | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8207524 | 143.670169 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7980 | 3472 | INKERMAN | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7919234 | 143.6772813 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7981 | 3472 | MCINTYRE | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6871859 | 143.6620414 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7982 | 3472 | MOLIAGUL | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7176149 | 143.671849 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7983 | 3472 | MOUNT HOOGHLY | VIC | 143.657638 | -36.864952 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9038149 | 143.663396 | 20203103308 | Wehla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 224.064239501953 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7702 | 3475 | ARCHDALE | VIC | 143.51213 | -36.70633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8345009 | 143.5307957 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7703 | 3475 | ARCHDALE JUNCTION | VIC | 143.51213 | -36.70633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8725115 | 143.5147379 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7704 | 3475 | BEALIBA | VIC | 143.51213 | -36.70633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8139252 | 143.535837 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7705 | 3475 | BURKES FLAT | VIC | 143.51213 | -36.70633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6460383 | 143.5388796 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7706 | 3475 | COCHRANES CREEK | VIC | 143.51213 | -36.70633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6909213 | 143.5862259 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7707 | 3475 | EMU | VIC | 143.51213 | -36.70633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.722585 | 143.406515 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7708 | 3475 | LOGAN | VIC | 143.51213 | -36.70633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21501 | Grampians | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6173657 | 143.4736579 | 21501139107 | Stuart Mill | 215011391 | St Arnaud | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Northern Grampians | 25810 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7 | 3477 | AVON PLAINS | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.5508 | 142.925 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
8 | 3477 | BEAZLEYS BRIDGE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.702 | 143.164 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
9 | 3477 | CARAPOOEE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.7202 | 143.298 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
10 | 3477 | CARAPOOEE WEST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.7325 | 143.267 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
11 | 3477 | COONOOER BRIDGE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.4712 | 143.319 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
12 | 3477 | COONOOER WEST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.4077 | 143.25 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
13 | 3477 | DALYENONG | VIC | 143.4180029 | -36.8061787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -36.8214 | 143.414 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
14 | 3477 | GOOROC | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.4841 | 143.193 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
15 | 3477 | GOWAR EAST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.5716 | 143.38 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
16 | 3477 | GRAYS BRIDGE | VIC | 142.8997503 | -36.61840529 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -36.6184 | 142.9 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
17 | 3477 | GRE GRE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.6646 | 143.149 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
18 | 3477 | GRE GRE NORTH | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.5645 | 143.055 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
19 | 3477 | GRE GRE SOUTH | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.6631 | 143.012 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20 | 3477 | KOOREH | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.6432 | 143.415 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
21 | 3477 | MARNOO EAST | VIC | 142.9563966 | -36.65690656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -36.6635 | 142.959 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
22 | 3477 | MOOLERR | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.6361 | 143.163 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
23 | 3477 | MOYREISK | VIC | 143.412675 | -37.105993 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.8666 | 143.338 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
24 | 3477 | PARADISE | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.8317 | 143.109 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
25 | 3477 | REDBANK | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.936 | 143.324 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
26 | 3477 | ROSTRON | VIC | 142.7154 | -36.988914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.7832 | 143.18 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
27 | 3477 | SLATY CREEK | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.5731 | 143.271 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
28 | 3477 | ST ARNAUD EAST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.6146 | 143.314 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
29 | 3477 | ST ARNAUD NORTH | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.5743 | 143.215 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
30 | 3477 | STUART MILL | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.8057 | 143.286 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
31 | 3477 | SUTHERLAND | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.5586 | 143.184 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
32 | 3477 | SWANWATER | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.531 | 143.087 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
33 | 3477 | TOTTINGTON | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.7687 | 143.103 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
34 | 3477 | TRAYNORS LAGOON | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.5807 | 142.981 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
35 | 3477 | WINJALLOK | VIC | 142.771159 | -37.0666 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -36.8096 | 143.19 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
36 | 3477 | YORK PLAINS | VIC | 142.9166939 | -36.58743626 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 AUSPOST | -36.5874 | 142.917 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7709 | 3478 | AVON PLAINS | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5508207 | 142.9246631 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7710 | 3478 | BEAZLEYS BRIDGE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7020334 | 143.1636178 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7711 | 3478 | BERRIMAL WEST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4896 | 143.433 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7712 | 3478 | CARAPOOEE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7201734 | 143.2978752 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7713 | 3478 | CARAPOOEE WEST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7324712 | 143.2668778 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7714 | 3478 | COONOOER BRIDGE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4711528 | 143.318772 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7715 | 3478 | COONOOER WEST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4076896 | 143.2502265 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7716 | 3478 | DARKBONEE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0021 | 143.283 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7717 | 3478 | DOOBOOBETIC | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3846219 | 143.159244 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7718 | 3478 | ELBERTON | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | 34.1112 | -82.8671 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7719 | 3478 | GOOROC | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4841066 | 143.1931374 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7720 | 3478 | GOWAR EAST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5715571 | 143.3801482 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7721 | 3478 | GRE GRE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.664558 | 143.1494741 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7722 | 3478 | GRE GRE NORTH | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5644744 | 143.0547935 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7723 | 3478 | GRE GRE SOUTH | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.663093 | 143.01198 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7724 | 3478 | KOOREH | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6432108 | 143.4152429 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7725 | 3478 | MEDLYN | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6020932 | 143.2631762 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7726 | 3478 | MITCHELLS HILL | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.61 | 143 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7727 | 3478 | MOOLERR | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6360613 | 143.1625254 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7728 | 3478 | MOONAMBEL | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9879818 | 143.319609 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7729 | 3478 | PERCYDALE | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0383525 | 143.401068 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7731 | 3478 | SLATY CREEK | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5730551 | 143.2709202 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7732 | 3478 | ST ARNAUD | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.616618 | 143.2603641 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7733 | 3478 | ST ARNAUD EAST | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.614622 | 143.31439 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7734 | 3478 | ST ARNAUD NORTH | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5743217 | 143.2146832 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7735 | 3478 | STUART MILL | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8057343 | 143.2861142 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7736 | 3478 | SUTHERLAND | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5406796 | 143.1896917 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7737 | 3478 | SWANWATER | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.53101 | 143.086542 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7738 | 3478 | TANWOOD | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0166617 | 143.364164 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7739 | 3478 | TOTTINGTON | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7687376 | 143.103172 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7740 | 3478 | TRAYNORS LAGOON | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.580721 | 142.9811028 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7741 | 3478 | TULKARA | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9558572 | 143.0349787 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7742 | 3478 | WARRENMANG | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0322669 | 143.3014138 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7743 | 3478 | YAWONG HILLS | VIC | 143.230699 | -36.688551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4873208 | 143.3510805 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 301.296966552734 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7744 | 3480 | AREEGRA | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2803801 | 142.7065456 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7745 | 3480 | BANYENONG | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2609932 | 143.0430383 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7746 | 3480 | BOOLITE | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3422079 | 142.6663706 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7747 | 3480 | CARRON | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2838631 | 142.7439213 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7748 | 3480 | COPE COPE | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4595313 | 142.964233 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7749 | 3480 | CORACK | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1989563 | 143.026752 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7750 | 3480 | CORACK EAST | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1676174 | 143.1091543 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7751 | 3480 | DONALD | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3694068 | 142.9819619 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20862 | 3480 | GIL GIL | VIC | 143.0409276 | -36.32166578 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3361978 | 143.0752857 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 118 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20863 | 3480 | JEFFCOTT | VIC | 143.1383586 | -36.31902453 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.274215 | 143.139624 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 159.659484863281 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20864 | 3480 | JEFFCOTT NORTH | VIC | 143.0680468 | -36.26284609 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2505994 | 143.0905746 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7752 | 3480 | LAEN | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4313084 | 142.8135209 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7753 | 3480 | LAEN EAST | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3981546 | 142.9022519 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7754 | 3480 | LAEN NORTH | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3558441 | 142.8253033 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7755 | 3480 | LAKE BULOKE | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.263595 | 142.9707014 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7756 | 3480 | LAWLER | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3857774 | 142.7522709 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7757 | 3480 | LITCHFIELD | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2951068 | 142.8156034 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7758 | 3480 | RICH AVON | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4449884 | 142.9077278 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7759 | 3480 | RICH AVON EAST | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4799327 | 142.9184342 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7760 | 3480 | RICH AVON WEST | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5021331 | 142.8074951 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7761 | 3480 | SWANWATER WEST | VIC | 142.968057 | -36.31227 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5358402 | 142.9935811 | 21503140021 | Donald | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 115.6640625 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7762 | 3482 | MASSEY | VIC | 142.766588 | -36.17028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2332465 | 142.8954072 | 21503140016 | Watchem West | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7763 | 3482 | MORTON PLAINS | VIC | 142.766588 | -36.17028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.084012 | 142.8668064 | 21503140016 | Watchem West | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7764 | 3482 | WARMUR | VIC | 142.766588 | -36.17028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0862874 | 142.7549562 | 21503140016 | Watchem West | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7765 | 3482 | WATCHEM | VIC | 142.766588 | -36.17028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1545324 | 142.8617484 | 21503140016 | Watchem West | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7766 | 3482 | WATCHEM WEST | VIC | 142.766588 | -36.17028 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2008239 | 142.7700132 | 21503140016 | Watchem West | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7767 | 3483 | BALLAPUR | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9721684 | 142.7503873 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7768 | 3483 | BIRCHIP | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9833179 | 142.9145594 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7769 | 3483 | BIRCHIP WEST | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0436803 | 142.8076291 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7770 | 3483 | CURYO | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8092938 | 142.7648698 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7771 | 3483 | JIL JIL | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8218762 | 142.976087 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7772 | 3483 | KARYRIE | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9702789 | 142.8416475 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7773 | 3483 | KINNABULLA | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8927605 | 142.7960957 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7774 | 3483 | MARLBED | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8151223 | 142.8576993 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7775 | 3483 | NARRAPORT | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.015576 | 143.056305 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7776 | 3483 | REEDY DAM | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.940798 | 142.6380623 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7777 | 3483 | WHIRILY | VIC | 142.890804 | -35.901765 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8960701 | 142.9772969 | 21503140018 | Birchip | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7778 | 3485 | BANYAN | VIC | 142.671962 | -35.711533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6103603 | 142.8198735 | 21503140017 | Willangie | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7779 | 3485 | WATCHUPGA | VIC | 142.671962 | -35.711533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7451698 | 142.6401908 | 21503140017 | Willangie | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7780 | 3485 | WILLANGIE | VIC | 142.671962 | -35.711533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7563129 | 142.8384183 | 21503140017 | Willangie | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7781 | 3485 | WOOMELANG | VIC | 142.671962 | -35.711533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.683333 | 142.666667 | 21503140017 | Willangie | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7782 | 3487 | LASCELLES | VIC | 142.616079 | -35.515627 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5546022 | 142.5959129 | 21501139419 | Woomelang | 215011394 | Yarriambiack | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 74.7189636230469 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Yarriambiack | 27630 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7783 | 3488 | SPEED | VIC | 142.427118 | -35.435634 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3897214 | 142.4362235 | 21503140003 | Tyrrell Downs | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 83.9606552124023 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20865 | 3488 | TURRIFF | VIC | 142.4522756 | -35.47089941 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4989 | 142.494 | 21503140003 | Tyrrell Downs | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 83.9606552124023 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7784 | 3488 | TURRIFF EAST | VIC | 142.427118 | -35.435634 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4475891 | 142.5840699 | 21503140003 | Tyrrell Downs | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 83.9606552124023 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7785 | 3489 | TEMPY | VIC | 142.425302 | -35.332477 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3151716 | 142.4039296 | 21502139811 | Walpeup | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20866 | 3490 | BIG DESERT | VIC | 141.4849679 | -35.62103426 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40703 | Murray and Mallee | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6209 | 141.485 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7786 | 3490 | BOINKA | VIC | 142.206711 | -34.911674 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40703 | Murray and Mallee | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2044399 | 141.5929146 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7787 | 3490 | KULWIN | VIC | 142.206711 | -34.911674 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40703 | Murray and Mallee | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9868269 | 142.5936157 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20867 | 3490 | MITTYACK | VIC | 142.6222683 | -35.15426089 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40703 | Murray and Mallee | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1565 | 142.658 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20868 | 3490 | MURRAY-SUNSET | VIC | 141.4764416 | -34.70931565 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40703 | Murray and Mallee | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0396 | 141.72 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7788 | 3490 | OUYEN | VIC | 142.206711 | -34.911674 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40703 | Murray and Mallee | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0725808 | 142.3187749 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7789 | 3490 | TORRITA | VIC | 142.206711 | -34.911674 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40703 | Murray and Mallee | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1248266 | 141.9391395 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7790 | 3490 | TUTYE | VIC | 142.206711 | -34.911674 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 40703 | Murray and Mallee | 407 | South Australia - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2844072 | 141.4966948 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Hindmarsh | 22980 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7791 | 3491 | PATCHEWOLLOCK | VIC | 142.218273 | -35.434099 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.394936 | 142.1063337 | 21502139811 | Walpeup | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 72 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7792 | 3494 | CARWARP | VIC | 142.348315 | -34.486406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4593153 | 142.2033193 | 21502139807 | Colignan | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7793 | 3494 | COLIGNAN | VIC | 142.348315 | -34.486406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.55 | 142.383333 | 21502139807 | Colignan | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7794 | 3494 | IRAAK | VIC | 142.348315 | -34.486406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.416667 | 142.316667 | 21502139807 | Colignan | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7795 | 3494 | NANGILOC | VIC | 142.348315 | -34.486406 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4741667 | 142.3513591 | 21502139807 | Colignan | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7796 | 3496 | CARDROSS | VIC | 142.144177 | -34.287804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3 | 142.15 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 92.6629638671875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7797 | 3496 | CULLULLERAINE | VIC | 141.592628 | -34.277724 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1905541 | 141.6192258 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 39.1075592041016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20869 | 3496 | LINDSAY POINT | VIC | 141.596797 | -34.089735 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1 | 141.017 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.6629638671875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7798 | 3496 | MERINGUR | VIC | 141.334798 | -34.389148 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3883964 | 141.3354325 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.6629638671875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7799 | 3496 | MERRINEE | VIC | 141.801957 | -34.370179 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3837902 | 141.6997043 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.6629638671875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7800 | 3496 | MURRAY LOCK NO 9 | VIC | 141.597936 | -34.192418 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3907 | 141.431 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 35.3179130554199 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7801 | 3496 | NEDS CORNER | VIC | 141.326064 | -34.130253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.274805 | 141.263471 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 29.2179794311523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7802 | 3496 | RED CLIFFS | VIC | 142.187995 | -34.307094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.3075 | 142.188056 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 92.6629638671875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7803 | 3496 | SUNNYCLIFFS | VIC | 142.186246 | -34.286644 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2877089 | 142.1863316 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 92.6629638671875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7804 | 3496 | WERRIMULL | VIC | 141.388479 | -34.386949 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.4115116 | 141.4462452 | 21502139917 | Red Cliffs | 215021399 | Red Cliffs | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.6629638671875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7805 | 3498 | IRYMPLE | VIC | 142.172516 | -34.238385 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2495272 | 142.159382 | 21502139524 | Irymple (Vic.) | 215021395 | Irymple | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7806 | 3500 | MILDURA | VIC | 142.154161 | -34.1931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2151229 | 142.1169401 | 21502147032 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7807 | 3500 | MILDURA EAST | VIC | 142.154161 | -34.1931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2151229 | 142.1169401 | 21502147032 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7808 | 3500 | MILDURA WEST | VIC | 142.154161 | -34.1931 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1794783 | 142.1513862 | 21502147032 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7810 | 3501 | HATTAH | VIC | 142.100896 | -34.243279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.7711842 | 142.38679 | 21502139815 | Mildura | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7811 | 3501 | KOORLONG | VIC | 142.100896 | -34.243279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2479402 | 142.0423986 | 21502139815 | Mildura | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7812 | 3501 | MILDURA CENTRE PLAZA | VIC | 142.100896 | -34.243279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2085418 | 142.1401443 | 21502139815 | Mildura | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7813 | 3501 | MILDURA SOUTH | VIC | 142.100896 | -34.243279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2134642 | 142.1273099 | 21502139815 | Mildura | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7814 | 3501 | NICHOLS POINT | VIC | 142.100896 | -34.243279 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2076592 | 142.2018502 | 21502139815 | Mildura | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7815 | 3502 | MILDURA | VIC | 145.25835 | -37.972887 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -34.2080167 | 142.1245535 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 73.4637603759766 | V2 | PHN205 | | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Farrer | | | |
7816 | 3505 | BIRDWOODTON | VIC | 142.004192 | -34.180532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.196389 | 142.058611 | 21502147004 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 54 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7817 | 3505 | CABARITA | VIC | 142.004192 | -34.180532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2 | 142.083 | 21502147004 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 54 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7818 | 3505 | MERBEIN | VIC | 142.004192 | -34.180532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1613339 | 142.0475029 | 21502147004 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 54 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7819 | 3505 | MERBEIN SOUTH | VIC | 142.004192 | -34.180532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.2188002 | 142.0301484 | 21502147004 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 54 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7820 | 3505 | MERBEIN WEST | VIC | 142.004192 | -34.180532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.165556 | 142.008333 | 21502147004 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 54 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7821 | 3505 | WARGAN | VIC | 142.004192 | -34.180532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1996653 | 141.9939074 | 21502147004 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 54 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7822 | 3505 | YELTA | VIC | 142.004192 | -34.180532 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.1372058 | 142.0228245 | 21502147004 | Mildura | 215021470 | Mildura - South | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Mallee | 54 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7823 | 3506 | COWANGIE | VIC | 141.385876 | -35.204199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1766811 | 141.3679914 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7824 | 3507 | WALPEUP | VIC | 142.035659 | -35.120596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.115573 | 142.0639245 | 21502139811 | Walpeup | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7825 | 3509 | LINGA | VIC | 141.680385 | -35.155031 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1696885 | 141.6967912 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7826 | 3509 | UNDERBOOL | VIC | 141.680385 | -35.155031 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1707397 | 141.808038 | 21502139812 | Underbool | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7827 | 3512 | CARINA | VIC | 141.121226 | -35.39199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2141613 | 141.0951097 | 21502139814 | Murrayville | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | 104.309722900391 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7828 | 3512 | MURRAYVILLE | VIC | 141.121226 | -35.39199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.262222 | 141.183333 | 21502139814 | Murrayville | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | 104.309722900391 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20870 | 3512 | PANITYA | VIC | 141.0200955 | -35.12099315 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.238 | 140.991 | 21502139814 | Murrayville | 215021398 | Mildura Surrounds | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Mallee | 104.309722900391 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mildura | 24780 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7829 | 3515 | MARONG | VIC | 144.062915 | -36.729444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.733333 | 144.133333 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20871 | 3515 | SHELBOURNE | VIC | 144.0636842 | -36.84708994 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.847 | 144.073 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7830 | 3515 | WILSONS HILL | VIC | 144.062915 | -36.729444 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7284144 | 144.1077024 | 20203103306 | Woodstock West | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7831 | 3516 | BRIDGEWATER | VIC | 144.041722 | -36.607616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6047192 | 143.9405609 | 20203103303 | Yarraberb | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7832 | 3516 | BRIDGEWATER NORTH | VIC | 144.041722 | -36.607616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5547664 | 143.9983577 | 20203103303 | Yarraberb | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7833 | 3516 | BRIDGEWATER ON LODDON | VIC | 144.041722 | -36.607616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6047192 | 143.9405609 | 20203103303 | Yarraberb | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7834 | 3516 | DERBY | VIC | 144.041722 | -36.607616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6593499 | 144.0078813 | 20203103303 | Yarraberb | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7835 | 3516 | LEICHARDT | VIC | 144.041722 | -36.607616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6812208 | 144.1144787 | 20203103303 | Yarraberb | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7836 | 3516 | YARRABERB | VIC | 144.041722 | -36.607616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6048366 | 144.0383058 | 20203103303 | Yarraberb | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7837 | 3517 | BEARS LAGOON | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3439954 | 143.9748939 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7838 | 3517 | BRENANAH | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5576225 | 143.6992998 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7839 | 3517 | BULLABUL | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.616 | 143.893 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7840 | 3517 | GLENALBYN | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4886713 | 143.7189525 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7841 | 3517 | INGLEWOOD | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.576389 | 143.868889 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7842 | 3517 | JARKLIN | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2391629 | 143.9708139 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7843 | 3517 | KINGOWER | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.602269 | 143.7785224 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7560 | 3517 | KURTING | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5381593 | 143.8257746 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7561 | 3517 | POWLETT PLAINS | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4730372 | 143.845799 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7562 | 3517 | RHEOLA | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6464456 | 143.7013326 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7563 | 3517 | SALISBURY WEST | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5024066 | 143.969794 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7564 | 3517 | SERPENTINE | VIC | 143.886832 | -36.483116 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4113541 | 143.9793141 | 20203103322 | Inglewood (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 126.803779602051 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7565 | 3518 | BERRIMAL | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4821643 | 143.5022376 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7566 | 3518 | BORUNG | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.308012 | 143.8037198 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7567 | 3518 | FENTONS CREEK | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5562359 | 143.5647819 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7568 | 3518 | FERNIHURST | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.245004 | 143.8736382 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7569 | 3518 | FIERY FLAT | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3982072 | 143.7901508 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7570 | 3518 | KURRACA | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5035155 | 143.6173553 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7571 | 3518 | KURRACA WEST | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5202438 | 143.5598436 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7572 | 3518 | MYSIA | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2033155 | 143.7708834 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7573 | 3518 | NINE MILE | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4612141 | 143.4179432 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7574 | 3518 | RICHMOND PLAINS | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3866606 | 143.5331803 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7575 | 3518 | SKINNERS FLAT | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3593165 | 143.5970521 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7576 | 3518 | WEDDERBURN | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.416667 | 143.616667 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7577 | 3518 | WEDDERBURN JUNCTION | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.435249 | 143.6891367 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7578 | 3518 | WEHLA | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.601821 | 143.6454503 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7579 | 3518 | WOOLSHED FLAT | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3116753 | 143.6781281 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7580 | 3518 | WOOSANG | VIC | 143.586215 | -36.474937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3056843 | 143.4505249 | 21503140009 | Yeungroon East | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 207.522857666016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7581 | 3520 | KINYPANIAL | VIC | 143.810786 | -36.405771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.353301 | 143.7520153 | 20203103311 | Wedderburn Junction | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7582 | 3520 | KORONG VALE | VIC | 143.810786 | -36.405771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3557749 | 143.695912 | 20203103311 | Wedderburn Junction | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7583 | 3520 | SOUTH KINYPANIAL | VIC | 143.810786 | -36.405771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3533 | 143.752 | 20203103311 | Wedderburn Junction | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7584 | 3521 | PYALONG | VIC | 144.912693 | -37.090071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0989702 | 144.851121 | 20401106009 | Pyalong | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7585 | 3522 | EMU FLAT | VIC | 144.747197 | -37.050037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.122134 | 144.752773 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 391.312652587891 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
20872 | 3522 | GLENHOPE EAST | VIC | 144.7011112 | -37.07349322 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0704 | 144.706 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 391.312652587891 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7586 | 3522 | TOOBORAC | VIC | 144.747197 | -37.050037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0884579 | 144.7554106 | 20401106010 | Tooborac | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 391.312652587891 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7587 | 3523 | ARGYLE | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9470859 | 144.7227565 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7588 | 3523 | COSTERFIELD | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.866095 | 144.7817187 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7589 | 3523 | DERRINAL | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9051176 | 144.557682 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7590 | 3523 | HEATHCOTE | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.916667 | 144.7 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7591 | 3523 | HEATHCOTE SOUTH | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0221951 | 144.7082568 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7592 | 3523 | KNOWSLEY | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8255256 | 144.5849219 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7593 | 3523 | LADYS PASS | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8260392 | 144.6862995 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7594 | 3523 | MOORMBOOL WEST | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8382977 | 144.8610895 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7595 | 3523 | MOUNT CAMEL | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8311507 | 144.7309063 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7596 | 3523 | REDCASTLE | VIC | 144.768359 | -36.837461 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7704954 | 144.7611153 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7597 | 3525 | BARRAKEE | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2914398 | 143.4666497 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7598 | 3525 | BUCKRABANYULE | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3391603 | 143.5965629 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7599 | 3525 | CHARLTON | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2678624 | 143.3510486 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20873 | 3525 | CHIRRIP | VIC | 143.1280301 | -36.16805671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1675 | 143.157 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 109.147888183594 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20874 | 3525 | GRANITE FLAT | VIC | 143.1316318 | -36.21412082 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1945016 | 143.1342358 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 110 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7600 | 3525 | JEFFCOTT | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2742 | 143.14 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7601 | 3525 | JEFFCOTT NORTH | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2506 | 143.091 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7602 | 3525 | LAKE MARMAL | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0761482 | 143.5395558 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7603 | 3525 | NAREEWILLOCK | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1840109 | 143.4206435 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7604 | 3525 | TEDDYWADDY | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1986681 | 143.3390004 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7605 | 3525 | TEDDYWADDY WEST | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1914693 | 143.2074942 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7606 | 3525 | TERRAPPEE | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1575077 | 143.5747227 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7607 | 3525 | WOOROONOOK | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2633328 | 143.1997051 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7608 | 3525 | WYCHITELLA | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2468803 | 143.5503753 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7609 | 3525 | WYCHITELLA NORTH | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2050299 | 143.6297904 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7610 | 3525 | YEUNGROON | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3796429 | 143.2924834 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7611 | 3525 | YEUNGROON EAST | VIC | 143.364316 | -36.2835 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3294282 | 143.4213853 | 21503140012 | Charlton (Vic.) | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 133.511276245117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7612 | 3527 | BUNGULUKE | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.067963 | 143.3808229 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7613 | 3527 | DUMOSA | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9439979 | 143.2331487 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7614 | 3527 | GLENLOTH | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.141508 | 143.3403702 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7615 | 3527 | GLENLOTH EAST | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0633484 | 143.4479313 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20875 | 3527 | JERUK | VIC | 143.4513232 | -36.00182588 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0138 | 143.426 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20876 | 3527 | NINYEUNOOK | VIC | 143.4213318 | -35.95739202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9574 | 143.421 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20877 | 3527 | TEDDYWADDY | VIC | 143.3240251 | -36.19508429 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1987 | 143.339 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20878 | 3527 | TEDDYWADDY WEST | VIC | 143.2226665 | -36.19667451 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1915 | 143.207 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 116.028739929199 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7616 | 3527 | THALIA | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0917817 | 143.1322198 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7617 | 3527 | TOWANINNY | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8695891 | 143.3196996 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7618 | 3527 | TOWANINNY SOUTH | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9138937 | 143.3591023 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7619 | 3527 | WYCHEPROOF | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.077645 | 143.2271185 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7620 | 3527 | WYCHEPROOF SOUTH | VIC | 143.241334 | -36.07096 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1381074 | 143.1797045 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 107.142990112305 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7621 | 3529 | KALPIENUNG | VIC | 143.232677 | -35.824259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8374233 | 143.2631343 | 21503140019 | Warne | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7622 | 3529 | NULLAWIL | VIC | 143.232677 | -35.824259 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8508477 | 143.1747947 | 21503140019 | Warne | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7623 | 3530 | CULGOA | VIC | 143.152747 | -35.701439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7178452 | 143.1040248 | 21503140019 | Warne | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 83.3060836791992 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20879 | 3530 | SUTTON | VIC | 142.9735632 | -35.73285433 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7329 | 142.974 | 21503140019 | Warne | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 83.3060836791992 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20880 | 3530 | WANGIE | VIC | 143.2608071 | -35.691824 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6918 | 143.261 | 21503140019 | Warne | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 83.3060836791992 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7624 | 3530 | WARNE | VIC | 143.152747 | -35.701439 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7767774 | 143.1063157 | 21503140019 | Warne | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 83.3060836791992 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7625 | 3531 | BERRIWILLOCK | VIC | 142.943814 | -35.616408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6392202 | 142.9909246 | 21503140017 | Willangie | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7626 | 3531 | BOIGBEAT | VIC | 142.943814 | -35.616408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5622958 | 142.9364681 | 21503140017 | Willangie | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7627 | 3531 | SPRINGFIELD | VIC | 142.943814 | -35.616408 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6512854 | 142.9170407 | 21503140017 | Willangie | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7628 | 3533 | BIMBOURIE | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3120424 | 142.7691482 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7629 | 3533 | LAKE TYRRELL | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3479943 | 142.8321695 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7630 | 3533 | MITTYACK | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1564547 | 142.6579563 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20881 | 3533 | MYALL | VIC | 142.7557043 | -35.53651946 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5365 | 142.756 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7631 | 3533 | NANDALY | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.309015 | 142.7003871 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7632 | 3533 | NINDA | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4422222 | 142.7246975 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7633 | 3533 | NYARRIN | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.38806 | 142.6858801 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20882 | 3533 | PIER MILAN | VIC | 142.6920283 | -35.23730832 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2373 | 142.692 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7634 | 3533 | SEA LAKE | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5055413 | 142.8526896 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20883 | 3533 | STRATEN | VIC | 142.5763552 | -35.37975184 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3797 | 142.576 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20884 | 3533 | TYENNA | VIC | 142.5758665 | -35.32433058 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3047 | 142.615 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 65.9666290283203 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7635 | 3533 | TYRRELL | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.454687 | 142.9628175 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7636 | 3533 | TYRRELL DOWNS | VIC | 142.839304 | -35.384557 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3215442 | 142.9405394 | 21503140015 | Sea Lake | 215031400 | Buloke | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 44.3191909790039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7637 | 3537 | BARRAPORT | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0307362 | 143.6965895 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7638 | 3537 | BARRAPORT WEST | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0175961 | 143.5344625 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7639 | 3537 | BOORT | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1169559 | 143.7250526 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7640 | 3537 | CANARY ISLAND | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0104707 | 143.8733361 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7641 | 3537 | CATUMNAL | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.076324 | 143.6183305 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7642 | 3537 | GREDGWIN | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9728747 | 143.6244804 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7643 | 3537 | LEAGHUR | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9833393 | 143.7948997 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7644 | 3537 | MINMINDIE | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0297692 | 143.7462434 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7645 | 3537 | YANDO | VIC | 143.744455 | -36.079335 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0888202 | 143.8003273 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.0121078491211 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7646 | 3540 | CANNIE | VIC | 143.45008 | -35.89277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7545959 | 143.4441754 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.9559478759766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7647 | 3540 | NINYEUNOOK | VIC | 143.45008 | -35.89277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9573887 | 143.421335 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.9559478759766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7648 | 3540 | OAKVALE | VIC | 143.45008 | -35.89277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9300673 | 143.5432638 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.9559478759766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7649 | 3540 | QUAMBATOOK | VIC | 143.45008 | -35.89277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.849937 | 143.5233295 | 21503140109 | Quambatook | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.9559478759766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7650 | 3542 | COKUM | VIC | 143.406398 | -35.700788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7546836 | 143.2568631 | 21503140108 | Tittybong | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 98.7909469604492 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7651 | 3542 | LALBERT | VIC | 143.406398 | -35.700788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6732662 | 143.3740654 | 21503140108 | Tittybong | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 98.7909469604492 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20885 | 3542 | TITTYBONG | VIC | 143.363426 | -35.75270861 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7527 | 143.363 | 21503140108 | Tittybong | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 90.5758514404297 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7652 | 3542 | TITYBONG | VIC | 143.406398 | -35.700788 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7527007 | 143.3634186 | 21503140108 | Tittybong | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 98.7909469604492 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20886 | 3544 | CHINANGIN | VIC | 143.1754083 | -35.51717216 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5235843 | 143.1831744 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 69.9322891235352 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7653 | 3544 | GOWANFORD | VIC | 143.14445 | -35.487989 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4191942 | 143.1922414 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 62.187068939209 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20887 | 3544 | MURNUNGIN | VIC | 143.2411218 | -35.61436535 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6506681 | 143.2859904 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 92.8189086914063 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20888 | 3544 | SPRINGFIELD | VIC | 143.1143327 | -35.57476437 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5747 | 143.114 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 68.6730499267578 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7654 | 3544 | ULTIMA | VIC | 143.14445 | -35.487989 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4743019 | 143.2608146 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 62.187068939209 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20889 | 3544 | ULTIMA EAST | VIC | 143.3741381 | -35.43230862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4398974 | 143.4032942 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 62.187068939209 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7655 | 3544 | WAITCHIE | VIC | 143.14445 | -35.487989 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3723473 | 143.1291611 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 62.187068939209 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Buloke | 21270 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7656 | 3546 | BOLTON | VIC | 142.850456 | -35.060163 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.967947 | 142.8799207 | 21503140513 | Manangatang | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 59.8265228271484 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7657 | 3546 | CHINKAPOOK | VIC | 142.850456 | -35.060163 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1909919 | 142.9480585 | 21503140513 | Manangatang | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 59.8265228271484 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7658 | 3546 | COCAMBA | VIC | 142.850456 | -35.060163 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1169363 | 142.8945483 | 21503140513 | Manangatang | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 59.8265228271484 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20890 | 3546 | GERAHMIN | VIC | 142.79978 | -35.17251379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1725068 | 142.7997774 | 21503140513 | Manangatang | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 59.8265228271484 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7659 | 3546 | MANANGATANG | VIC | 142.850456 | -35.060163 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.044592 | 142.8825176 | 21503140513 | Manangatang | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 59.8265228271484 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7660 | 3546 | TUROAR | VIC | 142.850456 | -35.060163 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1546104 | 143.1350595 | 21503140513 | Manangatang | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 59.8265228271484 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7661 | 3546 | WINNAMBOOL | VIC | 142.850456 | -35.060163 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9605247 | 142.7675567 | 21503140513 | Manangatang | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 59.8265228271484 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7662 | 3549 | ANNUELLO | VIC | 142.820973 | -34.766049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.9069376 | 142.8676911 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7663 | 3549 | BANNERTON | VIC | 142.820973 | -34.766049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6792687 | 142.8430709 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7664 | 3549 | HAPPY VALLEY | VIC | 142.820973 | -34.766049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6630957 | 142.7185075 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7665 | 3549 | LIPAROO | VIC | 142.820973 | -34.766049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.7834895 | 142.5563713 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7666 | 3549 | ROBINVALE | VIC | 142.820973 | -34.766049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.5885119 | 142.777553 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20891 | 3549 | ROBINVALE IRRIGATION DISTRICT SECTION B | VIC | 142.789595 | -34.612077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.6175 | 142.784722 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20892 | 3549 | ROBINVALE IRRIGATION DISTRICT SECTION C | VIC | 142.730687 | -34.626246 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.620833 | 142.729167 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 70.7611541748047 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20893 | 3549 | ROBINVALE IRRIGATION DISTRICT SECTION D | VIC | 142.75566 | -34.636393 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.637778 | 142.756944 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 66.1929779052734 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20894 | 3549 | ROBINVALE IRRIGATION DISTRICT SECTION E | VIC | 142.759585 | -34.664554 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.665556 | 142.758611 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 76.8315963745117 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7667 | 3549 | TOL TOL | VIC | 142.820973 | -34.766049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.649784 | 142.8473788 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
20895 | 3549 | WANDOWN | VIC | 142.9427595 | -34.82232378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8223212 | 142.9427616 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7668 | 3549 | WEMEN | VIC | 142.820973 | -34.766049 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.77225 | 142.6523403 | 21503140507 | Wemen | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 67.7464141845703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7669 | 3550 | BENDIGO | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7570157 | 144.2793906 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7670 | 3550 | BENDIGO SOUTH | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7764913 | 144.2982905 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7671 | 3550 | DIAMOND HILL | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8227939 | 144.269834 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7672 | 3550 | EAST BENDIGO | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7430053 | 144.3193914 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7673 | 3550 | FLORA HILL | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7793071 | 144.2948079 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7674 | 3550 | IRONBARK | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7555238 | 144.2634067 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7675 | 3550 | KENNINGTON | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.768937 | 144.305733 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7676 | 3550 | LONG GULLY | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7425683 | 144.256582 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7677 | 3550 | NORTH BENDIGO | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7359634 | 144.2784231 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7678 | 3550 | QUARRY HILL | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.766667 | 144.283333 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7679 | 3550 | SANDHURST EAST | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7304 | 144.263 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7680 | 3550 | SPRING GULLY | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7976791 | 144.2866151 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7681 | 3550 | STRATHDALE | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7632753 | 144.3166595 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7682 | 3550 | TYSONS REEF | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7458 | 144.289 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7683 | 3550 | WEST BENDIGO | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7529342 | 144.2456637 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7684 | 3550 | WHITE HILLS | VIC | 144.285267 | -36.764269 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.733333 | 144.3 | 20201102520 | White Hills (Vic.) | 202011025 | White Hills - Ascot | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7685 | 3551 | ARNOLD | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6723618 | 143.8186485 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7686 | 3551 | ARNOLD WEST | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6848161 | 143.7816296 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7687 | 3551 | ASCOT | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.711109 | 144.332462 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7688 | 3551 | AXE CREEK | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8363648 | 144.3938706 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7689 | 3551 | AXEDALE | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7768707 | 144.5040073 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7690 | 3551 | BAGSHOT | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6736721 | 144.3870348 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7691 | 3551 | BAGSHOT NORTH | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.599462 | 144.4263487 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7692 | 3551 | BENDIGO FORWARD | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.757 | 144.279 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7693 | 3551 | CORNELLA | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7126769 | 144.7723228 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20896 | 3551 | CREEK VIEW | VIC | 144.6456354 | -36.59845103 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6975 | 144.328 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7694 | 3551 | EMU CREEK | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8485227 | 144.3521811 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7695 | 3551 | EPPALOCK | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8512465 | 144.4561033 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7696 | 3551 | EPSOM | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7 | 144.316667 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7697 | 3551 | HUNTLY | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.664933 | 144.3289536 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7698 | 3551 | HUNTLY NORTH | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6173012 | 144.335443 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7699 | 3551 | JUNORTOUN | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7778248 | 144.379516 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7700 | 3551 | KIMBOLTON | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9256864 | 144.5307089 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20897 | 3551 | LAKE EPPALOCK | VIC | 144.5982185 | -36.88282226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8732 | 144.568 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 183.795486450195 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7701 | 3551 | LLANELLY | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7268475 | 143.8166126 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7419 | 3551 | LOCKWOOD | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8154802 | 144.1610974 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7420 | 3551 | LOCKWOOD SOUTH | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8547498 | 144.1624607 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7421 | 3551 | LONGLEA | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7551182 | 144.4232713 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7422 | 3551 | MAIDEN GULLY | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.743 | 144.209 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7423 | 3551 | MANDURANG | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.818843 | 144.3129238 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7424 | 3551 | MANDURANG SOUTH | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.856513 | 144.2748086 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7425 | 3551 | MINTO | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.02646 | 150.8507 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7426 | 3551 | MOSQUITO CREEK | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.85 | 144.48 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7427 | 3551 | MURPHYS CREEK | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7296066 | 143.7918468 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7428 | 3551 | MYOLA | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6134918 | 144.6914452 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7429 | 3551 | MYOLA EAST | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6587963 | 144.710029 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
20898 | 3551 | MYRTLE CREEK | VIC | 144.4059296 | -36.93636806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9358 | 144.404 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 268.091369628906 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7430 | 3551 | NEWBRIDGE | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7728183 | 143.9085663 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7431 | 3551 | PAINSWICK | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7890012 | 143.7441454 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7432 | 3551 | PILCHERS BRIDGE | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9374754 | 144.3713146 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7433 | 3551 | SEDGWICK | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8799469 | 144.311879 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7434 | 3551 | STRATHFIELDSAYE | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8 | 144.366667 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7435 | 3551 | TARNAGULLA | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7670418 | 143.8274714 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7436 | 3551 | TOOLLEEN | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7408124 | 144.6960512 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7437 | 3551 | WAANYARRA | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8308412 | 143.8471568 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7438 | 3551 | WELLSFORD | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6885938 | 144.3901108 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7439 | 3551 | WOODSTOCK ON LODDON | VIC | 144.457937 | -36.78137 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7705999 | 143.987135 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 188.783584594727 | V2 | PHN206 | Western Victoria | Mount Alexander | 25430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7440 | 3552 | BENDIGO | VIC | 145.011924 | -37.825288 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.7570157 | 144.2793906 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | | Yarra | 27350 | Nicholls | | | |
7441 | 3554 | BENDIGO DC | VIC | 144.279 | -36.757 | | | | | | | R3 | | -36.757 | 144.279 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | | | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | | | |
7442 | 3555 | BIG HILL | VIC | 144.245239 | -36.777226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8335675 | 144.2394389 | 20201102245 | Golden Square | 202011022 | Kangaroo Flat - Golden Square | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7443 | 3555 | GOLDEN GULLY | VIC | 144.245239 | -36.777226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7901441 | 144.2647717 | 20201102245 | Golden Square | 202011022 | Kangaroo Flat - Golden Square | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7444 | 3555 | GOLDEN SQUARE | VIC | 144.245239 | -36.777226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.766667 | 144.25 | 20201102245 | Golden Square | 202011022 | Kangaroo Flat - Golden Square | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7445 | 3555 | KANGAROO FLAT | VIC | 144.245239 | -36.777226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.783333 | 144.233333 | 20201102245 | Golden Square | 202011022 | Kangaroo Flat - Golden Square | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7446 | 3555 | LANSELL PLAZA | VIC | 144.245239 | -36.777226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8104086 | 144.2424245 | 20201102245 | Golden Square | 202011022 | Kangaroo Flat - Golden Square | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7447 | 3555 | SPECIMEN HILL | VIC | 144.245239 | -36.777226 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20201 | Bendigo | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7660043 | 144.2486143 | 20201102245 | Golden Square | 202011022 | Kangaroo Flat - Golden Square | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Bendigo | Provincial | 20804 | Bendigo West (Northern Victoria) |
7448 | 3556 | CALIFORNIA GULLY | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7303149 | 144.2620417 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7449 | 3556 | CAMPBELLS FOREST | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5985124 | 144.1151013 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7450 | 3556 | COMET HILL | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6478 | 144.194 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7451 | 3556 | EAGLEHAWK | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.716667 | 144.25 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7452 | 3556 | EAGLEHAWK NORTH | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6907216 | 144.256582 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7453 | 3556 | JACKASS FLAT | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.716667 | 144.283333 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7454 | 3556 | MYERS FLAT | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7100539 | 144.1829124 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7455 | 3556 | SAILORS GULLY | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.70346 | 144.2320179 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7456 | 3556 | SEBASTIAN | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5937109 | 144.2077977 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7457 | 3556 | WHIPSTICK | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6513497 | 144.2779112 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7458 | 3556 | WOODVALE | VIC | 144.178282 | -36.656422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6748291 | 144.2122356 | 20203103210 | Sebastian | 202031032 | Bendigo Surrounds - North | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 158.853530883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 27308 | Ripon (Western Victoria) |
7459 | 3557 | BARNADOWN | VIC | 144.576787 | -36.63511 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6558714 | 144.515303 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 149.793045043945 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7460 | 3557 | FOSTERVILLE | VIC | 144.576787 | -36.63511 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6967411 | 144.4992156 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 149.793045043945 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7461 | 3557 | GOORNONG | VIC | 144.576787 | -36.63511 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6432507 | 144.4930553 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 149.793045043945 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7462 | 3557 | MUSKERRY | VIC | 144.576787 | -36.63511 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7091607 | 144.5294528 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 149.793045043945 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7463 | 3557 | MUSKERRY EAST | VIC | 144.576787 | -36.63511 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.676699 | 144.621357 | 21601141003 | Toolleen | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 149.793045043945 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7464 | 3558 | BURNEWANG | VIC | 144.638363 | -36.51553 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4859172 | 144.6285047 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 137.901489257813 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7465 | 3558 | COROP WEST | VIC | 144.638363 | -36.51553 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4803585 | 144.78584 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 137.901489257813 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7466 | 3558 | CREEK VIEW | VIC | 144.638363 | -36.51553 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6975214 | 144.3282345 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 137.901489257813 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7467 | 3558 | ELMORE | VIC | 144.638363 | -36.51553 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4967919 | 144.6087925 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 137.901489257813 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7468 | 3558 | HUNTER | VIC | 144.638363 | -36.51553 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4180047 | 144.5305377 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 137.901489257813 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
20899 | 3558 | RUNNYMEDE | VIC | 144.6702395 | -36.54452949 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5192 | 144.624 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 137.901489257813 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7469 | 3559 | AVONMORE | VIC | 144.805307 | -36.570077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5381814 | 144.533448 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 112.069610595703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20900 | 3559 | BURRAMBOOT | VIC | 144.8317218 | -36.53002718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5326 | 144.786 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 109.633712768555 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7470 | 3559 | COLBINABBIN | VIC | 144.805307 | -36.570077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6083452 | 144.7724465 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 112.069610595703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7471 | 3559 | COROP | VIC | 144.805307 | -36.570077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4803585 | 144.78584 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 112.069610595703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20901 | 3559 | GOBARUP | VIC | 144.8712631 | -36.67769551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6804 | 144.919 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 112.069610595703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7472 | 3559 | LYNDALE | VIC | 144.805307 | -36.570077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.543 | 144.829 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 112.069610595703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7473 | 3559 | MAYREEF | VIC | 144.805307 | -36.570077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5211 | 144.488 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 112.069610595703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7474 | 3559 | RUNNYMEDE | VIC | 144.805307 | -36.570077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.519214 | 144.6238907 | 21601141005 | Runnymede (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 112.069610595703 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Bendigo | 22620 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7475 | 3561 | BALLENDELLA | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3032416 | 144.6446873 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7476 | 3561 | BAMAWM | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2615783 | 144.5971586 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7477 | 3561 | BAMAWM EXTENSION | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2117228 | 144.6069692 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20902 | 3561 | BONN | VIC | 144.7181934 | -36.40526528 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4099 | 144.733 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7478 | 3561 | DIGGORA | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3508478 | 144.5855088 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7479 | 3561 | DIGGORA WEST | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.354517 | 144.50504 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7480 | 3561 | FAIRY DELL | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3350888 | 144.7460094 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7481 | 3561 | NANNEELLA | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3195848 | 144.7775976 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7482 | 3561 | ROCHESTER | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.366667 | 144.7 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7483 | 3561 | ROCHESTER WEST | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.366667 | 144.7 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7484 | 3561 | THE SETTLEMENT | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4067818 | 144.5763899 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7485 | 3561 | TIMMERING | VIC | 144.709543 | -36.321109 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3712313 | 144.8542145 | 21601140911 | Rochester (Vic.) | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7486 | 3562 | TORRUMBARRY | VIC | 144.46276 | -36.062544 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0471946 | 144.5437205 | 21601140811 | Torrumbarry | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 90.7757415771484 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7487 | 3563 | LOCKINGTON | VIC | 144.515589 | -36.256251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2606223 | 144.4999001 | 21601140803 | Lockington | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20903 | 3564 | BAMAWM EXTENSION | VIC | 144.6014151 | -36.18096611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2117 | 144.607 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 104.021224975586 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7488 | 3564 | CAMPASPE WEST | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1207246 | 144.7451914 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7489 | 3564 | ECHUCA | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1459548 | 144.7448007 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7490 | 3564 | ECHUCA EAST | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1459548 | 144.7448007 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7491 | 3564 | ECHUCA SOUTH | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1403771 | 144.7468558 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7492 | 3564 | ECHUCA VILLAGE | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1492855 | 144.8181305 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7493 | 3564 | ECHUCA WEST | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1731205 | 144.6912948 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7494 | 3564 | KANYAPELLA | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1091548 | 144.8700277 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7495 | 3564 | MCEVOYS | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1149809 | 144.6314321 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7496 | 3564 | PATHO | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9890135 | 144.4266907 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7497 | 3564 | PATHO WEST | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9890135 | 144.4266907 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7498 | 3564 | ROSLYNMEAD | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1318366 | 144.5554762 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7499 | 3564 | SIMMIE | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1454112 | 144.7478793 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7500 | 3564 | WHARPARILLA | VIC | 144.728806 | -36.168997 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0900709 | 144.6581754 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Nicholls | 100.63272857666 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7501 | 3565 | KOTTA | VIC | 144.511713 | -36.182336 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.186252 | 144.5327632 | 21601140808 | Roslynmead | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7502 | 3566 | GUNBOWER | VIC | 144.383334 | -35.945748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9553896 | 144.3576473 | 21601140812 | Gunbower | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7503 | 3567 | HORFIELD | VIC | 144.262942 | -35.931669 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.879573 | 144.2245137 | 21503140118 | Leitchville | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7504 | 3567 | LEITCHVILLE | VIC | 144.262942 | -35.931669 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9065246 | 144.3016359 | 21503140118 | Leitchville | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7505 | 3568 | BURKES BRIDGE | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8544786 | 144.3245139 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7506 | 3568 | COHUNA | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8149095 | 144.2095074 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7507 | 3568 | CULLEN | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.797159 | 144.1595323 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7508 | 3568 | DALTONS BRIDGE | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8284695 | 144.2899818 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7509 | 3568 | GANNAWARRA | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8021206 | 144.215646 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7510 | 3568 | KEELY | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8543258 | 144.2429343 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7511 | 3568 | MACORNA NORTH | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8582737 | 144.1069684 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7512 | 3568 | MCMILLANS | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8544278 | 144.1754128 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7513 | 3568 | MEAD | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8125556 | 144.1202411 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7514 | 3568 | MINCHA WEST | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8911006 | 144.1409921 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7515 | 3568 | WEE WEE RUP | VIC | 144.184089 | -35.809462 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8647979 | 144.3012123 | 21503140123 | Teal Point | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7516 | 3570 | AUCHMORE | VIC | 144.28053 | -36.515303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4377995 | 144.137372 | 20203103305 | Serpentine (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 127.752334594727 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7517 | 3570 | DRUMMARTIN | VIC | 144.28053 | -36.515303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4304903 | 144.4113046 | 20203103305 | Serpentine (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 127.752334594727 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7518 | 3570 | KAMAROOKA | VIC | 144.28053 | -36.515303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4873812 | 144.3848445 | 20203103305 | Serpentine (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 127.752334594727 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7519 | 3570 | NEILBOROUGH | VIC | 144.28053 | -36.515303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5844691 | 144.2408874 | 20203103305 | Serpentine (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 127.752334594727 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7520 | 3570 | RAYWOOD | VIC | 144.28053 | -36.515303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.544166 | 144.1890489 | 20203103305 | Serpentine (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Bendigo | 127.752334594727 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7521 | 3570 | SUMMERFIELD | VIC | 144.28053 | -36.515303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4377995 | 144.137372 | 20203103305 | Serpentine (Vic.) | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Bendigo | 127.752334594727 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7522 | 3571 | DINGEE | VIC | 144.206865 | -36.36819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3872318 | 144.2067793 | 20203103312 | Tandarra | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 109 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7523 | 3571 | KAMAROOKA NORTH | VIC | 144.206865 | -36.36819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4040332 | 144.313752 | 20203103312 | Tandarra | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 109 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7524 | 3571 | POMPAPIEL | VIC | 144.206865 | -36.36819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3429072 | 144.0920889 | 20203103312 | Tandarra | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 109 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7525 | 3571 | TANDARRA | VIC | 144.206865 | -36.36819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4370245 | 144.2269013 | 20203103312 | Tandarra | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 109 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7526 | 3571 | YALLOOK | VIC | 144.206865 | -36.36819 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4003 | 144.211 | 20203103312 | Tandarra | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 109 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 20704 | Bendigo East (Northern Victoria) |
7527 | 3572 | MILLOO | VIC | 144.257135 | -36.266642 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3389754 | 144.3870348 | 21601140802 | Tennyson (Vic.) | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7528 | 3572 | PIAVELLA | VIC | 144.257135 | -36.266642 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3147326 | 144.3248554 | 21601140802 | Tennyson (Vic.) | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7529 | 3572 | PRAIRIE | VIC | 144.257135 | -36.266642 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2983314 | 144.2330412 | 21601140802 | Tennyson (Vic.) | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7530 | 3572 | TENNYSON | VIC | 144.257135 | -36.266642 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3188171 | 144.4416393 | 21601140802 | Tennyson (Vic.) | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7531 | 3573 | CALIVIL | VIC | 144.297958 | -36.164865 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2892964 | 144.097732 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7532 | 3573 | MITIAMO | VIC | 144.297958 | -36.164865 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.215708 | 144.2379564 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7533 | 3573 | PINE GROVE | VIC | 144.297958 | -36.164865 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.225239 | 144.4688326 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7534 | 3573 | PINE GROVE EAST | VIC | 144.297958 | -36.164865 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.225239 | 144.4688326 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7535 | 3573 | TERRICK TERRICK EAST | VIC | 144.297958 | -36.164865 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.06368 | 144.3389956 | 21601140813 | Terrick Terrick East | 216011408 | Lockington - Gunbower | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7536 | 3575 | BALD ROCK | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0765 | 144.128 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7537 | 3575 | GLADFIELD | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.082739 | 143.9427543 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7538 | 3575 | JUNGABURRA | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0752645 | 144.2952505 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7539 | 3575 | LODDON VALE | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9810436 | 143.9882376 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7540 | 3575 | MINCHA | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0015099 | 144.0286331 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7541 | 3575 | MOLOGA | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1513389 | 144.1812078 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7542 | 3575 | PYRAMID HILL | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0556784 | 144.1341779 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7543 | 3575 | SYLVATERRE | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0873022 | 144.2380732 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7544 | 3575 | TERRICK TERRICK | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0831717 | 144.2849737 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7545 | 3575 | YARRAWALLA | VIC | 144.159028 | -36.055725 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1305222 | 144.0674299 | 20203103320 | Pyramid Hill | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7546 | 3576 | DURHAM OX | VIC | 143.917515 | -36.128029 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20203 | Loddon - Elmore | 202 | Bendigo | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1415403 | 143.9324048 | 20203103317 | Yarrawalla | 202031033 | Loddon | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Loddon | 23940 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7547 | 3579 | APPIN | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8847165 | 143.8522489 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7548 | 3579 | APPIN SOUTH | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9137268 | 143.8831737 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7549 | 3579 | BAEL BAEL | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7156502 | 143.7509641 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20904 | 3579 | BEAUCHAMP | VIC | 143.6250386 | -35.62576908 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6119647 | 143.5989591 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7550 | 3579 | BENJEROOP | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4988701 | 143.8288607 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7551 | 3579 | BUDGERUM EAST | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7701957 | 143.6518434 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7552 | 3579 | CAPELS CROSSING | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6196211 | 143.912358 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7553 | 3579 | DINGWALL | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7974653 | 143.8651496 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7554 | 3579 | EAST YEOBURN | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.711 | 144.001 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7555 | 3579 | FAIRLEY | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.685656 | 143.7967605 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7556 | 3579 | GONN CROSSING | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.507575 | 143.9269679 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7557 | 3579 | KERANG | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7409643 | 143.9261931 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7558 | 3579 | KERANG EAST | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7724872 | 144.0381604 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7559 | 3579 | KOROOP | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7337783 | 144.0196288 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7277 | 3579 | LAKE MERAN | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.871045 | 143.8111838 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7278 | 3579 | MACORNA | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9417669 | 143.9410112 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7279 | 3579 | MEERING WEST | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9062046 | 143.7276218 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7280 | 3579 | MILNES BRIDGE | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.808852 | 144.0932497 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7281 | 3579 | MURRABIT | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5250292 | 143.9539977 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7282 | 3579 | MURRABIT WEST | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5039675 | 143.884505 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7283 | 3579 | MYALL | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.587992 | 144.0177462 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7284 | 3579 | MYSTIC PARK | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5835707 | 143.7582729 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7285 | 3579 | NORMANVILLE | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8090963 | 143.7597716 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7286 | 3579 | PINE VIEW | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8086557 | 143.6647948 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7287 | 3579 | REEDY LAKE | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6843388 | 143.8632822 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7288 | 3579 | SANDHILL LAKE | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7385962 | 143.6894419 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7289 | 3579 | TEAL POINT | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6709241 | 144.0879034 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7290 | 3579 | TRAGOWEL | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8562703 | 144.0069262 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7291 | 3579 | WANDELLA | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.7575877 | 143.8529276 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7292 | 3579 | WESTBY | VIC | 143.769445 | -35.767974 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6334872 | 143.9472405 | 21503140213 | Kerang | 215031402 | Kerang | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 94.3175888061523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7293 | 3580 | KOONDROOK | VIC | 144.094672 | -35.639761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6445701 | 144.1174856 | 21503140113 | Westby | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7294 | 3581 | BEAUCHAMP | VIC | 143.78521 | -35.628333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6026 | 143.802 | 21503140112 | Wandella (Vic.) | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 78 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7295 | 3581 | LAKE CHARM | VIC | 143.78521 | -35.628333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.6026039 | 143.8020236 | 21503140112 | Wandella (Vic.) | 215031401 | Gannawarra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 78 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7296 | 3583 | TRESCO | VIC | 143.66458 | -35.509635 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5135995 | 143.6827007 | 21503140505 | Winlaton | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7297 | 3584 | LAKE BOGA | VIC | 143.637617 | -35.431026 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4334504 | 143.6211297 | 21503140521 | Lake Boga | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 71.7300491333008 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7298 | 3584 | TRESCO WEST | VIC | 143.637617 | -35.431026 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4807596 | 143.6310599 | 21503140521 | Lake Boga | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 71.7300491333008 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7299 | 3585 | CASTLE DONNINGTON | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4185703 | 143.6044718 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7300 | 3585 | CHILLINGOLLAH | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2627454 | 143.0529175 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7301 | 3585 | FISH POINT | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4312527 | 143.7061484 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7302 | 3585 | GOSCHEN | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4728269 | 143.45621 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7303 | 3585 | KUNAT | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5140079 | 143.5379778 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7304 | 3585 | MEATIAN | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.5735971 | 143.3402073 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7306 | 3585 | NOWIE | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.369287 | 143.2714994 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7307 | 3585 | NYRRABY | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2216153 | 143.2238262 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7308 | 3585 | PIRA | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.254167 | 143.365278 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20905 | 3585 | POLISBET | VIC | 143.1473395 | -35.27926115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2907707 | 143.1276769 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7309 | 3585 | SPEEWA | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2202715 | 143.5175835 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7310 | 3585 | SWAN HILL | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3396318 | 143.5524803 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7311 | 3585 | SWAN HILL PIONEER | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3476 | 143.564 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20906 | 3585 | SWAN HILL WEST | VIC | 143.3980395 | -35.35616986 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3784905 | 143.4409182 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7312 | 3585 | WINLATON | VIC | 143.336906 | -35.348388 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4828459 | 143.7515463 | 21503140506 | Ultima East | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 86.0723419189453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Gannawarra | 22250 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7313 | 3586 | BULGA | VIC | 143.792594 | -35.114021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3048165 | 143.345083 | 21503140515 | Tyntynder South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7315 | 3586 | MURRAWEE | VIC | 143.792594 | -35.114021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.298333 | 143.518056 | 21503140515 | Tyntynder South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7316 | 3586 | MURRAYDALE | VIC | 143.792594 | -35.114021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2875 | 143.558333 | 21503140515 | Tyntynder South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7317 | 3586 | PENTAL ISLAND | VIC | 143.792594 | -35.114021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.3985004 | 143.6573007 | 21503140515 | Tyntynder South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7318 | 3586 | TYNTYNDER | VIC | 143.792594 | -35.114021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2396695 | 143.5527423 | 21503140515 | Tyntynder South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7319 | 3586 | TYNTYNDER SOUTH | VIC | 143.792594 | -35.114021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.286944 | 143.518056 | 21503140515 | Tyntynder South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7320 | 3586 | ULTIMA EAST | VIC | 143.792594 | -35.114021 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.4399 | 143.403 | 21503140515 | Tyntynder South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Farrer | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7321 | 3588 | WOORINEN SOUTH | VIC | 143.470325 | -35.29429 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2972762 | 143.4446136 | 21503140519 | Woorinen South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7322 | 3589 | WOORINEN | VIC | 143.441248 | -35.228436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.281667 | 143.465556 | 21503140519 | Woorinen South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7323 | 3589 | WOORINEN NORTH | VIC | 143.441248 | -35.228436 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2473621 | 143.4455358 | 21503140519 | Woorinen South | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7324 | 3590 | BEVERFORD | VIC | 143.493525 | -35.235708 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.2285875 | 143.4662269 | 21503140520 | Beverford | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7325 | 3591 | VINIFERA | VIC | 143.394092 | -35.202209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.205935 | 143.4014055 | 21503140504 | Woorinen North | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7326 | 3594 | NYAH | VIC | 143.346028 | -35.138155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1526896 | 143.3582223 | 21503140523 | Nyah | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7327 | 3595 | NYAH WEST | VIC | 143.351682 | -35.202752 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1832549 | 143.3366401 | 21503140522 | Nyah West | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | 80.2765502929688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7328 | 3596 | MIRALIE | VIC | 143.327682 | -35.123806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1279032 | 143.3230237 | 21503140502 | Wood Wood | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7329 | 3596 | TOWAN | VIC | 143.327682 | -35.123806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.1707576 | 143.1903815 | 21503140502 | Wood Wood | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7330 | 3596 | WOOD WOOD | VIC | 143.327682 | -35.123806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.113333 | 143.349444 | 21503140502 | Wood Wood | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7331 | 3597 | KENLEY | VIC | 143.189786 | -34.965359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.870833 | 143.3329313 | 21503140508 | Narrung (Vic.) | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7332 | 3597 | KOOLOONONG | VIC | 143.189786 | -34.965359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8719155 | 143.1404956 | 21503140508 | Narrung (Vic.) | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7333 | 3597 | LAKE POWELL | VIC | 143.189786 | -34.965359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.7149836 | 142.9040698 | 21503140508 | Narrung (Vic.) | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7334 | 3597 | NARRUNG | VIC | 143.189786 | -34.965359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.790356 | 143.2365866 | 21503140508 | Narrung (Vic.) | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7335 | 3597 | NATYA | VIC | 143.189786 | -34.965359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.8935781 | 143.3123474 | 21503140508 | Narrung (Vic.) | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7336 | 3597 | PIANGIL | VIC | 143.189786 | -34.965359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.0739274 | 143.3300801 | 21503140508 | Narrung (Vic.) | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7337 | 3599 | BOUNDARY BEND | VIC | 143.143231 | -34.729742 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21503 | Murray River - Swan Hill | 215 | North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -34.7507483 | 143.1104044 | 21503140508 | Narrung (Vic.) | 215031405 | Swan Hill Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mallee | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Swan Hill | 26610 | Mallee | Rural | 24904 | Mildura (Northern Victoria) |
7338 | 3607 | TABILK | VIC | 145.179762 | -36.839707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8378153 | 145.1706992 | 20401105802 | Wahring | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 133.288040161133 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7339 | 3608 | BAILIESTON | VIC | 145.095753 | -36.740713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7650657 | 145.0541611 | 20401105814 | Nagambie | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 130.910552978516 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7340 | 3608 | GOULBURN WEIR | VIC | 145.095753 | -36.740713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7291107 | 145.1789802 | 20401105814 | Nagambie | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 130.910552978516 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7341 | 3608 | GRAYTOWN | VIC | 145.095753 | -36.740713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8525999 | 144.9288711 | 20401105814 | Nagambie | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 130.910552978516 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7342 | 3608 | KIRWANS BRIDGE | VIC | 145.095753 | -36.740713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.737345 | 145.1366924 | 20401105814 | Nagambie | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 130.910552978516 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7343 | 3608 | MITCHELLSTOWN | VIC | 145.095753 | -36.740713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8116106 | 145.0693227 | 20401105814 | Nagambie | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 130.910552978516 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7344 | 3608 | NAGAMBIE | VIC | 145.095753 | -36.740713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7802263 | 145.1528312 | 20401105814 | Nagambie | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 130.910552978516 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7345 | 3608 | WAHRING | VIC | 145.095753 | -36.740713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7114471 | 145.2677056 | 20401105814 | Nagambie | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 130.910552978516 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7346 | 3608 | WIRRATE | VIC | 145.095753 | -36.740713 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7704345 | 144.9820408 | 20401105814 | Nagambie | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 130.910552978516 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7347 | 3610 | DHURRINGILE | VIC | 145.229349 | -36.577628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5169122 | 145.2431847 | 21603141915 | Dhurringile | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 124.600425720215 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7348 | 3610 | MOORILIM | VIC | 145.229349 | -36.577628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6150597 | 145.2915424 | 21603141915 | Dhurringile | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 124.600425720215 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7349 | 3610 | MURCHISON | VIC | 145.229349 | -36.577628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.616667 | 145.216667 | 21603141915 | Dhurringile | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 124.600425720215 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7350 | 3610 | MURCHISON EAST | VIC | 145.229349 | -36.577628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6203401 | 145.2590707 | 21603141915 | Dhurringile | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 124.600425720215 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7351 | 3610 | MURCHISON NORTH | VIC | 145.229349 | -36.577628 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.563245 | 145.2590707 | 21603141915 | Dhurringile | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 124.600425720215 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7352 | 3612 | MOORA | VIC | 145.019312 | -36.575936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.589908 | 144.9429445 | 21601141014 | Whroo | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 163.702774047852 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7353 | 3612 | RUSHWORTH | VIC | 145.019312 | -36.575936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6265235 | 145.0672551 | 21601141014 | Whroo | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 163.702774047852 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7354 | 3612 | WANALTA | VIC | 145.019312 | -36.575936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6198474 | 144.9243653 | 21601141014 | Whroo | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 163.702774047852 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7355 | 3612 | WARANGA | VIC | 145.019312 | -36.575936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5330855 | 145.0621488 | 21601141014 | Whroo | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 163.702774047852 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
20907 | 3612 | WARANGA SHORES | VIC | 145.0911963 | -36.54807055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5316 | 145.069 | 21601141014 | Whroo | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 114 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7356 | 3612 | WHROO | VIC | 145.019312 | -36.575936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7098029 | 145.0307349 | 21601141014 | Whroo | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 163.702774047852 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7357 | 3614 | TOOLAMBA | VIC | 145.30098 | -36.479193 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4999437 | 145.3357789 | 21603141926 | Toolamba West | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 115.851844787598 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
20908 | 3614 | TOOLAMBA WEST | VIC | 145.2688853 | -36.48360219 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4841221 | 145.2645969 | 21603141926 | Toolamba West | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 115.851844787598 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7358 | 3616 | COOMA | VIC | 145.145217 | -36.464118 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4189846 | 145.0607078 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7359 | 3616 | GILLIESTON | VIC | 145.145217 | -36.464118 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.342575 | 145.2124572 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7360 | 3616 | GIRGARRE EAST | VIC | 145.145217 | -36.464118 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4399934 | 145.0603633 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7361 | 3616 | HARSTON | VIC | 145.145217 | -36.464118 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4677867 | 145.0955173 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7362 | 3616 | MOOROOPNA NORTH WEST | VIC | 145.145217 | -36.464118 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3551321 | 145.24696 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7363 | 3616 | TATURA | VIC | 145.145217 | -36.464118 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4366557 | 145.2328259 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7364 | 3616 | TATURA EAST | VIC | 145.145217 | -36.464118 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4379073 | 145.2977618 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7365 | 3616 | TOOLAMBA WEST | VIC | 145.145217 | -36.464118 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4644 | 145.168 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
20909 | 3616 | WARANGA | VIC | 145.068314 | -36.49176389 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4927 | 145.069 | 21603141928 | Tatura | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 113.677688598633 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7366 | 3617 | BYRNESIDE | VIC | 145.178369 | -36.423823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4005389 | 145.1706992 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 112.963020324707 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7367 | 3618 | MERRIGUM | VIC | 145.125014 | -36.37708 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3624013 | 145.1706992 | 21603141917 | Merrigum | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 108.962554931641 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7368 | 3619 | KYABRAM | VIC | 144.936295 | -37.659566 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.3139409 | 145.0468064 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 139.459243774414 | V2 | PHN205 | | Moreland | 25250 | Nicholls | | | |
7369 | 3620 | KYABRAM | VIC | 145.082735 | -36.284584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3139409 | 145.0468064 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20910 | 3620 | KYABRAM SOUTH | VIC | 145.0857804 | -36.38493145 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3790246 | 145.0720796 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7370 | 3620 | LANCASTER | VIC | 145.082735 | -36.284584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3 | 145.116667 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7371 | 3620 | MOUNT SCOBIE | VIC | 145.082735 | -36.284584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3505556 | 144.9727778 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7372 | 3620 | ST GERMAINS | VIC | 145.082735 | -36.284584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1802397 | 145.1474292 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7373 | 3620 | TARIPTA | VIC | 145.082735 | -36.284584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.26 | 145.05 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7374 | 3620 | WYUNA | VIC | 145.082735 | -36.284584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1990403 | 145.0650959 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7375 | 3620 | WYUNA EAST | VIC | 145.082735 | -36.284584 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2369485 | 145.1027567 | 21603141916 | Kyabram South | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7376 | 3621 | KOYUGA SOUTH | VIC | 144.961183 | -36.206055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2331845 | 144.9832134 | 21601140729 | Yambuna | 216011407 | Kyabram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 99.8678207397461 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7377 | 3621 | KY VALLEY | VIC | 144.961183 | -36.206055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2836761 | 145.0108596 | 21601140729 | Yambuna | 216011407 | Kyabram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 99.8678207397461 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7378 | 3621 | KY WEST | VIC | 144.961183 | -36.206055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.299005 | 144.9648878 | 21601140729 | Yambuna | 216011407 | Kyabram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 99.8678207397461 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
20911 | 3621 | KYVALLEY | VIC | 145.0055758 | -36.28071633 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2837 | 145.011 | 21601140729 | Yambuna | 216011407 | Kyabram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 99.8678207397461 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7379 | 3621 | TONGALA | VIC | 144.961183 | -36.206055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2455668 | 144.9577866 | 21601140729 | Yambuna | 216011407 | Kyabram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 99.8678207397461 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7380 | 3621 | YAMBUNA | VIC | 144.961183 | -36.206055 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1244798 | 144.9801151 | 21601140729 | Yambuna | 216011407 | Kyabram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Nicholls | 99.8678207397461 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7381 | 3622 | CORNELIA CREEK | VIC | 144.87573 | -36.231961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2466264 | 144.8358882 | 21601140902 | Strathallan | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 3 | Nicholls | 100 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7382 | 3622 | KOYUGA | VIC | 144.87573 | -36.231961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.234256 | 144.9026948 | 21601140902 | Strathallan | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Nicholls | 100 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7383 | 3622 | STRATHALLAN | VIC | 144.87573 | -36.231961 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2449977 | 144.8184741 | 21601140902 | Strathallan | 216011409 | Rochester | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Nicholls | 100 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 25604 | Murray Plains (Northern Victoria) |
7384 | 3623 | CARAG CARAG | VIC | 144.976813 | -36.461381 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.45697 | 144.9236773 | 21601141012 | Stanhope (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 106.521820068359 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7385 | 3623 | STANHOPE | VIC | 144.976813 | -36.461381 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4388545 | 144.9883506 | 21601141012 | Stanhope (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 106.521820068359 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7386 | 3623 | STANHOPE SOUTH | VIC | 144.976813 | -36.461381 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4916967 | 145.0410187 | 21601141012 | Stanhope (Vic.) | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 106.521820068359 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7387 | 3624 | GIRGARRE | VIC | 144.965763 | -36.410186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21601 | Campaspe | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4031385 | 144.9501708 | 21601141010 | Girgarre | 216011410 | Rushworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 106.748313903809 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Campaspe | 21370 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7388 | 3629 | ARDMONA | VIC | 145.260653 | -36.287306 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.383333 | 145.3 | 21603141929 | Ardmona | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 106.219688415527 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7389 | 3629 | COOMBOONA | VIC | 145.260653 | -36.287306 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2562044 | 145.2625246 | 21603141929 | Ardmona | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 106.219688415527 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7390 | 3629 | MOOROOPNA | VIC | 145.260653 | -36.287306 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.383333 | 145.35 | 21603141929 | Ardmona | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 106.219688415527 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7391 | 3629 | MOOROOPNA NORTH | VIC | 145.260653 | -36.287306 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3301679 | 145.302945 | 21603141929 | Ardmona | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 106.219688415527 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7392 | 3629 | UNDERA | VIC | 145.260653 | -36.287306 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2352558 | 145.2270858 | 21603141929 | Ardmona | 216031419 | Shepparton Surrounds - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 106.219688415527 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7393 | 3630 | BENARCH | VIC | 145.403176 | -36.380853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4616 | 145.558 | 21603159440 | Shepparton | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 115 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7394 | 3630 | BRANDITT | VIC | 145.403176 | -36.380853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3601935 | 145.4019719 | 21603159440 | Shepparton | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 115 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7395 | 3630 | CANIAMBO | VIC | 145.403176 | -36.380853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4572843 | 145.6197031 | 21603159440 | Shepparton | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 115 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7396 | 3630 | COLLIVER | VIC | 145.403176 | -36.380853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4016861 | 145.4012972 | 21603159440 | Shepparton | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 115 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7397 | 3630 | DUNKIRK | VIC | 145.403176 | -36.380853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3695676 | 145.4089502 | 21603159440 | Shepparton | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 115 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7398 | 3630 | SHEPPARTON | VIC | 145.403176 | -36.380853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.383333 | 145.4 | 21603159440 | Shepparton | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 115 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7399 | 3630 | SHEPPARTON SOUTH | VIC | 145.403176 | -36.380853 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.383333 | 145.4 | 21603159440 | Shepparton | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 115 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7400 | 3631 | ARCADIA | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.5315858 | 145.3456866 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7401 | 3631 | ARCADIA SOUTH | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.5735787 | 145.3520475 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
24097 | 3631 | BRANDITT | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.5315858 | 145.3456866 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | | | | Strathbogie | 26430 | | | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7402 | 3631 | COSGROVE | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.3573136 | 145.6210903 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7403 | 3631 | COSGROVE SOUTH | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.4233265 | 145.6474522 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7404 | 3631 | GRAHAMVALE | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.35 | 145.433333 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7405 | 3631 | KARRAMOMUS | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.5264916 | 145.4641232 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7406 | 3631 | KIALLA | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.441 | 145.43 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7407 | 3631 | KIALLA EAST | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.4594256 | 145.4776641 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7408 | 3631 | KIALLA WEST | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.4737441 | 145.3917982 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7409 | 3631 | LEMNOS | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.35 | 145.466667 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7410 | 3631 | ORRVALE | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.4126671 | 145.4526995 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7411 | 3631 | PINE LODGE | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.3500634 | 145.5586858 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7412 | 3631 | SHEPPARTON EAST | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.3883321 | 145.480396 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7413 | 3631 | SHEPPARTON NORTH | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.3299937 | 145.4008446 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7414 | 3631 | TAMLEUGH WEST | VIC | 145.526693 | -36.428694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -36.5484 | 145.531 | 21603159434 | Shepparton East | 216031594 | Shepparton - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | 121.079559326172 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7415 | 3632 | SHEPPARTON | VIC | 145.603242 | -36.544462 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.383333 | 145.4 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | | | |
7416 | 3633 | CONGUPNA | VIC | 145.46296 | -36.307936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2927129 | 145.480396 | 21603141805 | Congupna | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7417 | 3634 | BUNBARTHA | VIC | 145.440315 | -36.224186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2409082 | 145.3537565 | 21603141809 | Marungi | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7418 | 3634 | INVERGORDON SOUTH | VIC | 145.440315 | -36.224186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1453 | 145.591 | 21603141809 | Marungi | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7134 | 3634 | KATANDRA | VIC | 145.440315 | -36.224186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2081387 | 145.6019917 | 21603141809 | Marungi | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7135 | 3634 | KATANDRA WEST | VIC | 145.440315 | -36.224186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2260077 | 145.5690835 | 21603141809 | Marungi | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7136 | 3634 | MARIONVALE | VIC | 145.440315 | -36.224186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2582022 | 145.5525484 | 21603141809 | Marungi | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7137 | 3634 | MARUNGI | VIC | 145.440315 | -36.224186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.193889 | 145.531389 | 21603141809 | Marungi | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7138 | 3634 | TALLYGAROOPNA | VIC | 145.440315 | -36.224186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2456008 | 145.4240988 | 21603141809 | Marungi | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7139 | 3634 | ZEERUST | VIC | 145.440315 | -36.224186 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2702014 | 145.3973329 | 21603141809 | Marungi | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7140 | 3635 | KAARIMBA | VIC | 145.30827 | -36.142596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1399798 | 145.2943066 | 21602141320 | Wunghnu | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7141 | 3635 | MUNDOONA | VIC | 145.30827 | -36.142596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1748407 | 145.3565226 | 21602141320 | Wunghnu | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7142 | 3635 | WUNGHNU | VIC | 145.30827 | -36.142596 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1576304 | 145.4243197 | 21602141320 | Wunghnu | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7143 | 3636 | DRUMANURE | VIC | 145.479471 | -36.093878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1480316 | 145.4945938 | 21602141337 | Numurkah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7144 | 3636 | INVERGORDON | VIC | 145.479471 | -36.093878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1313962 | 145.6023644 | 21602141337 | Numurkah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7145 | 3636 | NARING | VIC | 145.479471 | -36.093878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0711365 | 145.5739362 | 21602141337 | Numurkah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7146 | 3636 | NUMURKAH | VIC | 145.479471 | -36.093878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0883415 | 145.442323 | 21602141337 | Numurkah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7147 | 3637 | WAAIA | VIC | 145.329026 | -36.050686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0549166 | 145.3122755 | 21602141327 | Waaia | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 107.515068054199 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7148 | 3637 | YALCA | VIC | 145.329026 | -36.050686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.925 | 145.333056 | 21602141327 | Waaia | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 107.515068054199 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7149 | 3638 | KOTUPNA | VIC | 145.246572 | -36.03202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1483333 | 145.1334448 | 21602141336 | Nathalia | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 104.088020324707 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7150 | 3638 | NATHALIA | VIC | 145.246572 | -36.03202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.058333 | 145.203611 | 21602141336 | Nathalia | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 104.088020324707 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7151 | 3638 | YIELIMA | VIC | 145.246572 | -36.03202 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9237539 | 145.1907129 | 21602141336 | Nathalia | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 104.088020324707 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7152 | 3639 | BARMAH | VIC | 145.047253 | -36.021295 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0175 | 144.965278 | 21602141338 | Barmah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 100.488876342773 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7153 | 3639 | LOWER MOIRA | VIC | 145.047253 | -36.021295 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0632474 | 145.0250582 | 21602141338 | Barmah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 100.488876342773 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7154 | 3639 | PICOLA | VIC | 145.047253 | -36.021295 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0113631 | 145.1324102 | 21602141338 | Barmah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 100.488876342773 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7155 | 3639 | PICOLA WEST | VIC | 145.047253 | -36.021295 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9668967 | 145.0669104 | 21602141338 | Barmah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 100.488876342773 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7156 | 3640 | KATUNGA | VIC | 145.486015 | -36.00978 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0111562 | 145.4693163 | 21602141308 | Katunga | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7157 | 3641 | BEARII | VIC | 145.428306 | -35.89718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9 | 145.333333 | 21602141335 | Strathmerton | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 109.621101379395 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7158 | 3641 | MYWEE | VIC | 145.428306 | -35.89718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8513318 | 145.5105258 | 21602141335 | Strathmerton | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 109.621101379395 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7159 | 3641 | STRATHMERTON | VIC | 145.428306 | -35.89718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9401904 | 145.4762409 | 21602141335 | Strathmerton | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 109.621101379395 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7160 | 3641 | ULUPNA | VIC | 145.428306 | -35.89718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.8354844 | 145.4531112 | 21602141335 | Strathmerton | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 109.621101379395 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7161 | 3643 | COBRAM | VIC | 145.631874 | -35.955363 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -35.966667 | 145.65 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 115 | V2 | PHN205 | | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | | | |
7163 | 3644 | COBRAM | VIC | 145.632682 | -35.945353 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.966667 | 145.65 | 21602141326 | Yarroweyah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 114.750961303711 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Berrigan | 10650 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7164 | 3644 | COBRAM EAST | VIC | 145.632682 | -35.945353 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.968929 | 145.7140853 | 21602141326 | Yarroweyah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 114.750961303711 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Berrigan | 10650 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7165 | 3644 | KOONOOMOO | VIC | 145.632682 | -35.945353 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.888682 | 145.5750049 | 21602141326 | Yarroweyah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 114.750961303711 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Berrigan | 10650 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7166 | 3644 | MUCKATAH | VIC | 145.632682 | -35.945353 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0007918 | 145.6197031 | 21602141326 | Yarroweyah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 114.750961303711 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Berrigan | 10650 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7167 | 3644 | YARROWEYAH | VIC | 145.632682 | -35.945353 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.933333 | 145.55 | 21602141326 | Yarroweyah | 216021413 | Numurkah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 114.750961303711 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Berrigan | 10650 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7168 | 3646 | DOOKIE | VIC | 145.704042 | -36.247446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3117549 | 145.7104485 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127.740127563477 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7169 | 3646 | MOUNT MAJOR | VIC | 145.704042 | -36.247446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3645428 | 145.704712 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127.740127563477 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7170 | 3646 | NALINGA | VIC | 145.704042 | -36.247446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4351273 | 145.7304041 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127.740127563477 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
20913 | 3646 | WAGGARANDALL | VIC | 145.7669016 | -36.24491655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.251944 | 145.800556 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127.740127563477 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7171 | 3646 | WATTVILLE | VIC | 145.704042 | -36.247446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -26.2239 | 28.3009 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127.740127563477 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7172 | 3646 | YABBA NORTH | VIC | 145.704042 | -36.247446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.216389 | 145.689722 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127.740127563477 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7173 | 3646 | YABBA SOUTH | VIC | 145.704042 | -36.247446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2824397 | 145.6950058 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127.740127563477 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7174 | 3646 | YOUANMITE | VIC | 145.704042 | -36.247446 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1839147 | 145.6807625 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127.740127563477 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7175 | 3647 | DOOKIE COLLEGE | VIC | 145.704473 | -36.385331 | LVR | LVR | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3969441 | 145.6967281 | 21603141810 | Nalinga | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 183.829162597656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
7176 | 3649 | KATAMATITE | VIC | 145.688671 | -36.082665 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0527793 | 145.6835389 | 21602141209 | Katamatite East | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7177 | 3649 | KATAMATITE EAST | VIC | 145.688671 | -36.082665 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0110345 | 145.7484624 | 21602141209 | Katamatite East | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7178 | 3658 | BROADFORD | VIC | 145.111854 | -37.241401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2110528 | 145.063089 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 475.922637939453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
23917 | 3658 | CLONBINANE | VIC | 145.1574765 | -37.35670207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -37.2110528 | 145.063089 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 602.826843261719 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
7180 | 3658 | FLOWERDALE | VIC | 145.111854 | -37.241401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3190608 | 145.3288655 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 475.922637939453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
7181 | 3658 | HAZELDENE | VIC | 145.111854 | -37.241401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3632656 | 145.2789336 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 475.922637939453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
7182 | 3658 | REEDY CREEK | VIC | 145.111854 | -37.241401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2652467 | 145.1486206 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 475.922637939453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
7183 | 3658 | STRATH CREEK | VIC | 145.111854 | -37.241401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2365 | 145.2212 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 475.922637939453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
20914 | 3658 | SUGARLOAF CREEK | VIC | 145.0277018 | -37.12839823 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1339 | 145.038 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 202.760955810547 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
7184 | 3658 | SUNDAY CREEK | VIC | 145.111854 | -37.241401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2441508 | 145.0438252 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 475.922637939453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
7185 | 3658 | TYAAK | VIC | 145.111854 | -37.241401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2209691 | 145.1431018 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 475.922637939453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
7186 | 3658 | WATERFORD PARK | VIC | 145.111854 | -37.241401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3006634 | 145.0665658 | 20904122424 | Waterford Park | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 475.922637939453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
7187 | 3659 | SUGARLOAF CREEK | VIC | 145.07088 | -37.110344 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1338836 | 145.0383133 | 20401106006 | Tallarook | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 201.758026123047 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7188 | 3659 | TALLAROOK | VIC | 145.07088 | -37.110344 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1126329 | 145.1155133 | 20401106006 | Tallarook | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 201.758026123047 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7189 | 3660 | CAVEAT | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0557415 | 145.4824736 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7190 | 3660 | DROPMORE | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0340431 | 145.4164353 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7191 | 3660 | DYSART | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0434842 | 145.1032715 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7192 | 3660 | HIGHLANDS | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1016951 | 145.3927933 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
20915 | 3660 | HILLDENE | VIC | 145.0457777 | -37.03704373 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0395 | 145.038 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7193 | 3660 | KERRISDALE | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1761808 | 145.2542355 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7194 | 3660 | KOBYBOYN | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0460551 | 145.227921 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7195 | 3660 | NORTHWOOD | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9482551 | 145.1044805 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7196 | 3660 | SEYMOUR | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0160797 | 145.1619887 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7197 | 3660 | SEYMOUR SOUTH | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0291548 | 145.1446034 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7198 | 3660 | TRAWOOL | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1089414 | 145.215564 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7199 | 3660 | WHITEHEADS CREEK | VIC | 145.257867 | -37.035925 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0266674 | 145.2576892 | 20401106208 | Strath Creek | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7200 | 3661 | SEYMOUR | VIC | 146.535346 | -38.195993 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -37.0160797 | 145.1619887 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN601 | | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Parkes | | | |
20916 | 3662 | PUCKAPUNYAL | VIC | 144.9486555 | -36.9356483 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9514 | 144.917 | 20401106011 | Puckapunyal | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 206.2216796875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7201 | 3662 | PUCKAPUNYAL MILPO | VIC | 144.960214 | -36.939204 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9976 | 145.026 | 20401106011 | Puckapunyal | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 182.001968383789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7202 | 3663 | MANGALORE | VIC | 145.158863 | -36.910878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9383316 | 145.1596592 | 20401105810 | Mangalore (Vic.) | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7203 | 3664 | AVENEL | VIC | 145.298203 | -36.927251 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9 | 145.233333 | 20401105811 | Upton Hill | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 332.740112304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
20917 | 3664 | UPTON HILL | VIC | 145.4034627 | -36.89547953 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8873 | 145.409 | 20401105811 | Upton Hill | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 480.528839111328 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7204 | 3665 | LOCKSLEY | VIC | 145.357627 | -36.844091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8520512 | 145.3399273 | 20401105811 | Upton Hill | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 198.938125610352 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7205 | 3665 | LONGWOOD | VIC | 145.357627 | -36.844091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8488197 | 145.4080574 | 20401105811 | Upton Hill | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 198.938125610352 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7206 | 3665 | PRANJIP | VIC | 145.357627 | -36.844091 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7191775 | 145.3554853 | 20401105811 | Upton Hill | 204011058 | Nagambie | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 198.938125610352 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7207 | 3666 | BALMATTUM | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7132029 | 145.6543908 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7208 | 3666 | CREIGHTON | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7742293 | 145.4916348 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7209 | 3666 | CREIGHTONS CREEK | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8567727 | 145.5337363 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7210 | 3666 | EUROA | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.75 | 145.566667 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7211 | 3666 | GOORAM | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9107466 | 145.6002839 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7212 | 3666 | KELVIN VIEW | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8213209 | 145.6682696 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7213 | 3666 | KITHBROOK | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8147407 | 145.7390855 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
20918 | 3666 | LONGWOOD EAST | VIC | 145.4559546 | -36.8382328 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8524 | 145.451 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7214 | 3666 | MIEPOLL | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.673863 | 145.4838586 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7215 | 3666 | MOGLONEMBY | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6901911 | 145.5597255 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7216 | 3666 | MOLKA | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6968268 | 145.3651672 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
20919 | 3666 | PRANJIP | VIC | 145.3825696 | -36.73207618 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7192 | 145.355 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 143.760269165039 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7217 | 3666 | RIGGS CREEK | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6690989 | 145.591616 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7218 | 3666 | RUFFY | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9262697 | 145.5032522 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7219 | 3666 | SHEANS CREEK | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.772379 | 145.6376697 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7220 | 3666 | STRATHBOGIE | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.879426 | 145.7113079 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7221 | 3666 | TARCOMBE | VIC | 145.565512 | -36.786777 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.025124 | 145.3624009 | 20401106007 | Whiteheads Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 200.395858764648 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7222 | 3669 | BOHO | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6787636 | 145.7752094 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7223 | 3669 | BOHO SOUTH | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7972508 | 145.7929572 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7224 | 3669 | CREEK JUNCTION | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.818865 | 145.8138652 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7225 | 3669 | EARLSTON | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5370029 | 145.6918687 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7226 | 3669 | GOWANGARDIE | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4962518 | 145.7271278 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7227 | 3669 | KOONDA | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.495663 | 145.7446421 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7228 | 3669 | MARRAWEENEY | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7602995 | 145.7474205 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7229 | 3669 | TAMLEUGH | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5764428 | 145.5753227 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7230 | 3669 | TAMLEUGH NORTH | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5198021 | 145.580869 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
20920 | 3669 | UPOTIPOTPON | VIC | 145.8003272 | -36.49668169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5249 | 145.768 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7231 | 3669 | VIOLET TOWN | VIC | 145.708668 | -36.625333 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21603 | Shepparton | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6372041 | 145.7141065 | 21603141813 | Violet Town | 216031418 | Shepparton Surrounds - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 172.637161254883 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Nicholls | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7232 | 3670 | BADDAGINNIE | VIC | 145.852449 | -36.623748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5986338 | 145.8739293 | 20402106405 | Warrenbayne | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7233 | 3670 | TARNOOK | VIC | 145.852449 | -36.623748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5440788 | 145.8737829 | 20402106405 | Warrenbayne | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7234 | 3670 | WARRENBAYNE | VIC | 145.852449 | -36.623748 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6801239 | 145.9382944 | 20402106405 | Warrenbayne | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Strathbogie | 26430 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7235 | 3671 | BENALLA | VIC | 145.420691 | -36.385144 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.5462177 | 145.963353 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 4 | 4 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Parkes | | | |
7236 | 3672 | BENALLA | VIC | 145.977761 | -36.554936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6181709 | 145.9804173 | 20402106329 | Benalla | 204021063 | Benalla | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Indi | 173.506607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Benalla | 21010 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7237 | 3672 | BENALLA WEST | VIC | 145.977761 | -36.554936 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5556311 | 145.9733001 | 20402106329 | Benalla | 204021063 | Benalla | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Indi | 173.506607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Benalla | 21010 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
7238 | 3673 | BENALLA | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5462 | 145.963 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7239 | 3673 | BROKEN CREEK | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4324114 | 145.8861029 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7240 | 3673 | GOOMALIBEE | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4955067 | 145.8767117 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7241 | 3673 | KILFEERA | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6115 | 146.113 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7242 | 3673 | LAKE MOKOAN | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4641 | 146.021 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7243 | 3673 | LIMA | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7500283 | 145.9504767 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7244 | 3673 | LIMA EAST | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7795957 | 145.9644013 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7245 | 3673 | LIMA SOUTH | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8209276 | 146.0041043 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7246 | 3673 | LURG | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5828157 | 146.1623601 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7247 | 3673 | MOLYULLAH | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7084797 | 146.1735254 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7248 | 3673 | MOORNGAG | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7233487 | 146.0452061 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7249 | 3673 | SAMARIA | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8090593 | 146.070298 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7250 | 3673 | SWANPOOL | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7625013 | 145.999449 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7251 | 3673 | TATONG | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7126488 | 146.1009752 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7252 | 3673 | UPOTIPOTPON | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5248655 | 145.7682613 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7253 | 3673 | UPPER LURG | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5693712 | 146.182688 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7254 | 3673 | UPPER RYANS CREEK | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6386279 | 146.1931616 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7255 | 3673 | WINTON | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5179166 | 146.0843236 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7256 | 3673 | WINTON NORTH | VIC | 146.062514 | -36.669929 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4700488 | 146.1381795 | 20402106409 | Winton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7257 | 3675 | BOWEYA | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2159557 | 146.1265609 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7258 | 3675 | BOWEYA NORTH | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2159557 | 146.1265609 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7259 | 3675 | GLENROWAN | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4468841 | 146.2321651 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7260 | 3675 | GLENROWAN WEST | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5461163 | 146.1530661 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7261 | 3675 | GRETA | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5586809 | 146.262896 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7262 | 3675 | GRETA SOUTH | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6313773 | 146.2391485 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7263 | 3675 | GRETA WEST | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5219436 | 146.2268784 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7264 | 3675 | HANSONVILLE | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5928571 | 146.2573078 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7265 | 3675 | MOUNT BRUNO | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3209075 | 146.1550012 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7266 | 3675 | TAMINICK | VIC | 146.266835 | -36.565078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4030874 | 146.1665469 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 189.991226196289 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7267 | 3676 | WANGARATTA | VIC | 146.338612 | -36.341245 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.3682777 | 146.3172149 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 3 | 3 | Indi | 145.004943847656 | V2 | PHN307 | | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | | | |
7268 | 3677 | APPIN PARK | VIC | 146.330564 | -36.358017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3428863 | 146.3002551 | 20402106721 | Wangaratta South | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | 153.940246582031 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7269 | 3677 | WANGARATTA | VIC | 146.330564 | -36.358017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3742363 | 146.3264849 | 20402106721 | Wangaratta South | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | 153.940246582031 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7270 | 3677 | WANGARATTA WEST | VIC | 146.330564 | -36.358017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.35412 | 146.3044445 | 20402106721 | Wangaratta South | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | 153.940246582031 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7271 | 3677 | YARRUNGA | VIC | 146.330564 | -36.358017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3718147 | 146.317749 | 20402106721 | Wangaratta South | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | 153.940246582031 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7272 | 3678 | BOBINAWARRAH | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5119792 | 146.4782938 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7273 | 3678 | BOORHAMAN | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2319711 | 146.3048179 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7274 | 3678 | BOORHAMAN EAST | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1502928 | 146.2932875 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7275 | 3678 | BOWSER | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.30639 | 146.3628409 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7276 | 3678 | BYAWATHA | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2872867 | 146.4730626 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6993 | 3678 | CARBOOR | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6023424 | 146.5133073 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6994 | 3678 | CHESHUNT | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7981846 | 146.427897 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6995 | 3678 | CHESHUNT SOUTH | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.921498 | 146.4220082 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6996 | 3678 | DOCKER | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5262151 | 146.3831224 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6997 | 3678 | DOCKERS PLAINS | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2945672 | 146.3385323 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6998 | 3678 | EAST WANGARATTA | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.358964 | 146.385437 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6999 | 3678 | EDI | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6387619 | 146.4193903 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7000 | 3678 | EDI UPPER | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7181217 | 146.4698925 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7001 | 3678 | EVERTON | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4274862 | 146.5343216 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7002 | 3678 | EVERTON UPPER | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.397199 | 146.5413273 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7003 | 3678 | KILLAWARRA | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2642952 | 146.2475293 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7004 | 3678 | KING VALLEY | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.694722 | 146.401667 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7005 | 3678 | LACEBY | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4339973 | 146.3160003 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7006 | 3678 | LONDRIGAN | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3379002 | 146.4371315 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7007 | 3678 | MARKWOOD | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4695354 | 146.5056032 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7008 | 3678 | MEADOW CREEK | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6136561 | 146.4656921 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7009 | 3678 | MILAWA | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.433333 | 146.433333 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7010 | 3678 | NORTH WANGARATTA | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3285622 | 146.3663374 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7011 | 3678 | OXLEY | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4349409 | 146.3554145 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7012 | 3678 | OXLEY FLATS | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3984929 | 146.3957459 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7013 | 3678 | PEECHELBA | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2 | 146.233333 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7014 | 3678 | PEECHELBA EAST | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1754934 | 146.2569585 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7015 | 3678 | ROSE RIVER | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8352482 | 146.5795179 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7016 | 3678 | TARRAWINGEE | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.39 | 146.449722 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7017 | 3678 | WABONGA | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0332642 | 146.5509974 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7018 | 3678 | WALDARA | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.318486 | 146.2873482 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7019 | 3678 | WANGANDARY | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3265068 | 146.2370535 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7020 | 3678 | WANGARATTA FORWARD | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3683 | 146.317 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7021 | 3678 | WANGARATTA SOUTH | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3913281 | 146.2594033 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7022 | 3678 | WHITLANDS | VIC | 146.482439 | -36.68892 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7752812 | 146.3635402 | 21602141204 | Peechelba | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7023 | 3682 | BORALMA | VIC | 146.428656 | -36.174271 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2465182 | 146.404078 | 20402106708 | Eldorado | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | 169.836456298828 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7024 | 3682 | LILLIPUT | VIC | 146.428656 | -36.174271 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1506796 | 146.445966 | 20402106708 | Eldorado | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 169.836456298828 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7025 | 3682 | NORONG | VIC | 146.428656 | -36.174271 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.072901 | 146.320194 | 20402106708 | Eldorado | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 169.836456298828 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7026 | 3682 | SPRINGHURST | VIC | 146.428656 | -36.174271 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.183333 | 146.466667 | 20402106708 | Eldorado | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 169.836456298828 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7027 | 3683 | CHILTERN | VIC | 146.604622 | -36.180787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.15 | 146.6 | 20403107009 | Chiltern | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 209.421981811523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7028 | 3683 | CHILTERN VALLEY | VIC | 146.604622 | -36.180787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1478692 | 146.5584937 | 20403107009 | Chiltern | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 209.421981811523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7029 | 3683 | CORNISHTOWN | VIC | 146.604622 | -36.180787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1030334 | 146.5609463 | 20403107009 | Chiltern | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 209.421981811523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7030 | 3683 | INDIGO | VIC | 146.604622 | -36.180787 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1761 | 146.584 | 20403107009 | Chiltern | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 209.421981811523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7031 | 3685 | BOORHAMAN NORTH | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0937184 | 146.2234366 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7032 | 3685 | BRIMIN | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0670425 | 146.3047796 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7033 | 3685 | BROWNS PLAINS | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0554544 | 146.6366569 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20921 | 3685 | CARLYLE | VIC | 146.4848179 | -36.00913619 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.013283 | 146.4754933 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7034 | 3685 | DUGAYS BRIDGE | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0595 | 146.3 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7035 | 3685 | GOORAMADDA | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9971399 | 146.5809197 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7036 | 3685 | GREAT SOUTHERN | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0835088 | 146.4889087 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7037 | 3685 | LAKE MOODEMERE | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0555906 | 146.3894175 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7038 | 3685 | NORONG CENTRAL | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0826 | 146.333 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7039 | 3685 | PRENTICE NORTH | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.03 | 146.5 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7040 | 3685 | RUTHERGLEN | VIC | 146.470638 | -36.056449 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.055556 | 146.4625 | 20403107005 | Browns Plains (Vic.) | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Indi | 162.006607055664 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7041 | 3687 | CARLYLE | VIC | 146.415927 | -36.018771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0163 | 146.439 | 20402106512 | Wahgunyah | 204021065 | Rutherglen | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7042 | 3687 | WAHGUNYAH | VIC | 146.415927 | -36.018771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9852648 | 146.4383942 | 20402106512 | Wahgunyah | 204021065 | Rutherglen | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7043 | 3688 | BARNAWARTHA | VIC | 146.717193 | -36.119195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.112928 | 146.655462 | 20403107008 | Indigo Valley | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | Indi | 204.365447998047 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7044 | 3688 | BARNAWARTHA NORTH | VIC | 146.717193 | -36.119195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0655 | 146.745 | 20403107008 | Indigo Valley | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 204.365447998047 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7045 | 3688 | INDIGO UPPER | VIC | 146.717193 | -36.119195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2381 | 146.793 | 20403107008 | Indigo Valley | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 204.365447998047 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7046 | 3688 | INDIGO VALLEY | VIC | 146.717193 | -36.119195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1773993 | 146.7464131 | 20403107008 | Indigo Valley | 204031070 | Chiltern - Indigo Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 204.365447998047 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7047 | 3689 | WODONGA | VIC | 144.989793 | -37.67576 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.1240938 | 146.8817639 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | | Darebin | 21890 | Indi | | | |
7048 | 3690 | WEST WODONGA | VIC | 146.864361 | -36.135717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1242129 | 146.8574235 | 20403149239 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 182.218856811523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wodonga | 27170 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7049 | 3690 | WODONGA | VIC | 146.864361 | -36.135717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1240938 | 146.8817639 | 20403149239 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 182.218856811523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wodonga | 27170 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7050 | 3690 | WODONGA PLAZA | VIC | 146.864361 | -36.135717 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1209858 | 146.8823254 | 20403149239 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 182.218856811523 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wodonga | 27170 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7051 | 3691 | ALLANS FLAT | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2870441 | 146.9263742 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20922 | 3691 | BANDIANA | VIC | 146.9307559 | -36.13591208 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1479 | 146.927 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7052 | 3691 | BARANDUDA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1933366 | 146.9496305 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20923 | 3691 | BARNAWARTHA NORTH | VIC | 146.7480309 | -36.08708986 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.065526 | 146.745223 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7053 | 3691 | BELLBRIDGE | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.098056 | 147.058889 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7054 | 3691 | BERRINGAMA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2164826 | 147.6541763 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7055 | 3691 | BETHANGA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1374717 | 147.0837049 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7056 | 3691 | BONEGILLA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1304904 | 146.9865317 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7057 | 3691 | BUNGIL | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0473064 | 147.342353 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7058 | 3691 | CASTLE CREEK | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1888471 | 146.8254903 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7059 | 3691 | CORAL BANK | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6134912 | 147.1036831 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7060 | 3691 | DEDERANG | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4738806 | 147.0175042 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7061 | 3691 | EBDEN | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1415988 | 147.0136321 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7062 | 3691 | GATEWAY ISLAND | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.096 | 146.897 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7063 | 3691 | GLEN CREEK | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4412799 | 146.9358703 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7064 | 3691 | GUNDOWRING | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3479927 | 147.0752513 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7065 | 3691 | HUME WEIR | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1716037 | 147.0353982 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7066 | 3691 | HUON CREEK | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.152069 | 146.8124847 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7067 | 3691 | KANCOONA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5942273 | 147.000254 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7068 | 3691 | KANCOONA SOUTH | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5961 | 146.999 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7069 | 3691 | KERGUNYAH | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3415784 | 147.0076483 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20924 | 3691 | KERGUNYAH SOUTH | VIC | 147.0284111 | -36.42880742 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4268421 | 147.0361627 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7070 | 3691 | KIEWA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2732078 | 147.019899 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7071 | 3691 | KILLARA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1385938 | 146.952051 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7072 | 3691 | LENEVA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2330793 | 146.8374363 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7073 | 3691 | LONE PINE | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2374 | 146.966 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7074 | 3691 | LUCYVALE | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2836195 | 147.6208862 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7075 | 3691 | MONGANS BRIDGE | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5896586 | 147.1003269 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7076 | 3691 | MOUNT ALFRED | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.986 | 147.619 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20926 | 3691 | OSBORNES FLAT | VIC | 146.9091366 | -36.32062937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3087971 | 146.8933207 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 249.956604003906 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7077 | 3691 | RUNNING CREEK | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5313566 | 147.0479616 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7078 | 3691 | STAGHORN FLAT | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2667509 | 146.9457191 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7079 | 3691 | TALGARNO | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0658326 | 147.2208225 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7080 | 3691 | TANGAMBALANGA | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.233333 | 147.033333 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7081 | 3691 | THOLOGOLONG | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9689949 | 147.4036985 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7082 | 3691 | UPPER GUNDOWRING | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4916755 | 147.0710248 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7083 | 3691 | WODONGA FORWARD | VIC | 147.880991 | -36.027154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1241 | 146.882 | 20403149227 | Wodonga | 204031492 | Wodonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 626.977416992188 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Albury | 10050 | Farrer | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7084 | 3694 | BANDIANA | VIC | 146.919493 | -36.150678 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1479054 | 146.9269017 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wodonga | 27170 | Indi | | | |
7085 | 3694 | BANDIANA MILPO | VIC | 146.919493 | -36.150678 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1432044 | 146.9213861 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 2 | 2 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wodonga | 27170 | Indi | | | |
7086 | 3695 | CHARLEROI | VIC | 147.123674 | -36.304285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2896032 | 147.1242215 | 20403107510 | Sandy Creek (Vic.) | 204031075 | Yackandandah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7087 | 3695 | HUON | VIC | 147.123674 | -36.304285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2061236 | 147.0468626 | 20403107510 | Sandy Creek (Vic.) | 204031075 | Yackandandah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7088 | 3695 | RED BLUFF | VIC | 147.123674 | -36.304285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | 40.1784886 | -122.2358302 | 20403107510 | Sandy Creek (Vic.) | 204031075 | Yackandandah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7089 | 3695 | SANDY CREEK | VIC | 147.123674 | -36.304285 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3581428 | 147.131622 | 20403107510 | Sandy Creek (Vic.) | 204031075 | Yackandandah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7090 | 3697 | TAWONGA | VIC | 147.17925 | -36.68753 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6673311 | 147.168985 | 20403106927 | Tawonga South | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 406.346466064453 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7091 | 3698 | TAWONGA SOUTH | VIC | 147.149468 | -36.722034 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7629 | 147.135 | 20403106931 | Tawonga South | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 390.005950927734 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7092 | 3699 | BOGONG | VIC | 147.299257 | -36.844307 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8025742 | 147.2241735 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1650.6640625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7093 | 3699 | FALLS CREEK | VIC | 147.299257 | -36.844307 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8658814 | 147.2869802 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1650.6640625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7094 | 3699 | MOUNT BEAUTY | VIC | 147.299257 | -36.844307 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7358203 | 147.1768206 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1650.6640625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20927 | 3699 | NELSE | VIC | 147.3656102 | -36.83390754 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8325 | 147.36 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1425.30114746094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
7095 | 3700 | BULLIOH | VIC | 147.35527 | -36.335898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1937039 | 147.3858095 | 20403107220 | Tallangatta Valley | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 309.698150634766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
20928 | 3700 | GEORGES CREEK | VIC | 147.2581548 | -36.15063277 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1614173 | 147.2652758 | 20403107220 | Tallangatta Valley | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 309.698150634766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7096 | 3700 | JARVIS CREEK | VIC | 147.35527 | -36.335898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1713405 | 147.218909 | 20403107220 | Tallangatta Valley | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 309.698150634766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7097 | 3700 | TALLANGATTA | VIC | 147.35527 | -36.335898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2194035 | 147.1933136 | 20403107220 | Tallangatta Valley | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 309.698150634766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7098 | 3700 | TALLANGATTA EAST | VIC | 147.35527 | -36.335898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2023799 | 147.304922 | 20403107220 | Tallangatta Valley | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 309.698150634766 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7099 | 3701 | DARTMOUTH | VIC | 147.476819 | -36.638769 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5324694 | 147.4961766 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7100 | 3701 | ESKDALE | VIC | 147.476819 | -36.638769 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4526584 | 147.2403405 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7101 | 3701 | FERNVALE | VIC | 147.476819 | -36.638769 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -27.4595799 | 152.663801 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7102 | 3701 | GRANITE FLAT | VIC | 147.476819 | -36.638769 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7044 | 147.342 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7103 | 3701 | GRANYA | VIC | 147.476819 | -36.638769 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.048535 | 147.2695104 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7104 | 3701 | MITTA MITTA | VIC | 147.476819 | -36.638769 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4923219 | 147.3583041 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20929 | 3701 | OLD TALLANGATTA | VIC | 147.249954 | -36.20193851 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2024 | 147.249 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7105 | 3701 | SHELLEY | VIC | 147.476819 | -36.638769 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1869359 | 147.5444299 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20930 | 3701 | TALLANDOON | VIC | 147.2207049 | -36.40132656 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3966 | 147.249 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20931 | 3701 | TALLANGATTA SOUTH | VIC | 147.2815733 | -36.32413828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2978 | 147.235 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 217.09587097168 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7106 | 3701 | TALLANGATTA VALLEY | VIC | 147.476819 | -36.638769 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2909123 | 147.3941583 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 969.865478515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Indi | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7107 | 3704 | KOETONG | VIC | 147.49344 | -36.132613 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1192035 | 147.5306312 | 20403107219 | Tintaldra | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7108 | 3705 | CUDGEWA | VIC | 147.769911 | -36.322884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1622621 | 147.8026919 | 20403107219 | Tintaldra | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7109 | 3705 | NARIEL VALLEY | VIC | 147.769911 | -36.322884 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1623 | 147.803 | 20403107219 | Tintaldra | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7110 | 3707 | BIGGARA | VIC | 148.037958 | -36.586316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3200378 | 148.0371007 | 20502108001 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021080 | Alps - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1178.62768554688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Eden-Monaro | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7112 | 3707 | COLAC COLAC | VIC | 148.037958 | -36.586316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2274141 | 147.8481414 | 20502108001 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021080 | Alps - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1178.62768554688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Eden-Monaro | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7113 | 3707 | CORRYONG | VIC | 148.037958 | -36.586316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1966523 | 147.9023498 | 20502108001 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021080 | Alps - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1178.62768554688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Eden-Monaro | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20932 | 3707 | NARIEL VALLEY | VIC | 147.9286148 | -36.58238379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3208467 | 147.8261046 | 20502108001 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021080 | Alps - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1107.82421875 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Eden-Monaro | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7114 | 3707 | THOWGLA VALLEY | VIC | 148.037958 | -36.586316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2392066 | 147.9478634 | 20502108001 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021080 | Alps - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1178.62768554688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Eden-Monaro | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20933 | 3707 | TOM GROGGIN | VIC | 148.0805746 | -36.59561902 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5955377 | 148.0805353 | 20502108001 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021080 | Alps - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1178.62768554688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Eden-Monaro | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7115 | 3707 | TOWONG | VIC | 148.037958 | -36.586316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1303027 | 147.9752136 | 20502108001 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021080 | Alps - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1178.62768554688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Eden-Monaro | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7116 | 3707 | TOWONG UPPER | VIC | 148.037958 | -36.586316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2049032 | 148.0291763 | 20502108001 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021080 | Alps - East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1178.62768554688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | East Gippsland | 22110 | Eden-Monaro | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
7117 | 3708 | TINTALDRA | VIC | 147.942058 | -36.070928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0660058 | 147.9048938 | 20403107219 | Tintaldra | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 282.283020019531 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7118 | 3709 | BURROWYE | VIC | 147.667373 | -36.035908 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0183679 | 147.5444299 | 20403107210 | Walwa | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 397.505889892578 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7119 | 3709 | GUYS FOREST | VIC | 147.667373 | -36.035908 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0745295 | 147.6456757 | 20403107210 | Walwa | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 397.505889892578 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
20934 | 3709 | MOUNT ALFRED | VIC | 147.6313053 | -36.00067772 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9859729 | 147.6192928 | 20403107210 | Walwa | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 397.505889892578 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
20935 | 3709 | PINE MOUNTAIN | VIC | 147.8327575 | -36.01189247 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9872127 | 147.8342647 | 20403107210 | Walwa | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 397.505889892578 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7120 | 3709 | WALWA | VIC | 147.667373 | -36.035908 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9642807 | 147.6814535 | 20403107210 | Walwa | 204031072 | Towong | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 397.505889892578 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Towong | 26670 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
7121 | 3711 | BUXTON | VIC | 145.682161 | -37.41047 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.430404 | 145.702282 | 20401105417 | Narbethong | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 376.973999023438 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7122 | 3712 | RUBICON | VIC | 145.839057 | -37.3209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.298904 | 145.8283795 | 20401105409 | Thornton (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 866.407287597656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7123 | 3712 | THORNTON | VIC | 145.839057 | -37.3209 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2605102 | 145.8349846 | 20401105409 | Thornton (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 866.407287597656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7124 | 3713 | EILDON | VIC | 145.90623 | -37.241527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2342952 | 145.897646 | 20401105717 | Mountain Bay | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7125 | 3713 | LAKE EILDON | VIC | 145.90623 | -37.241527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1200442 | 145.8968867 | 20401105717 | Mountain Bay | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
20936 | 3713 | TAYLOR BAY | VIC | 145.880225 | -37.20794843 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2094 | 145.878 | 20401105717 | Mountain Bay | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 319.822052001953 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7126 | 3714 | ACHERON | VIC | 145.687889 | -37.210538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2729634 | 145.7040584 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7127 | 3714 | ALEXANDRA | VIC | 145.687889 | -37.210538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1943946 | 145.7080742 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7128 | 3714 | CATHKIN | VIC | 145.687889 | -37.210538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1550013 | 145.5777492 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7129 | 3714 | CRYSTAL CREEK | VIC | 145.687889 | -37.210538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2735215 | 145.6366011 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
20937 | 3714 | DEVILS RIVER | VIC | 145.8060118 | -37.18897433 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1906 | 145.784 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7130 | 3714 | FAWCETT | VIC | 145.687889 | -37.210538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1098593 | 145.7081721 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7131 | 3714 | KORIELLA | VIC | 145.687889 | -37.210538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1712677 | 145.6720867 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
20938 | 3714 | MAINTONGOON | VIC | 145.7781021 | -37.13112911 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1383 | 145.759 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 368.20703125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7132 | 3714 | TAGGERTY | VIC | 145.687889 | -37.210538 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3160872 | 145.7316571 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
20939 | 3714 | WHANREGARWEN | VIC | 145.6196525 | -37.2189348 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2225 | 145.6 | 20401105416 | Alexandra (Vic.) | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 198.087905883789 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
7133 | 3715 | ANCONA | VIC | 145.739419 | -36.985747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9483706 | 145.8463301 | 20401105702 | Woodfield | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 322.218170166016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6851 | 3715 | MERTON | VIC | 145.739419 | -36.985747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.983333 | 145.716667 | 20401105702 | Woodfield | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 322.218170166016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6852 | 3715 | WOODFIELD | VIC | 145.739419 | -36.985747 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0772946 | 145.8113478 | 20401105702 | Woodfield | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 322.218170166016 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6853 | 3717 | FLOWERDALE | VIC | 145.435776 | -37.286611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3190608 | 145.3288655 | 20401106210 | Flowerdale (Vic.) | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Indi | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6854 | 3717 | GHIN GHIN | VIC | 145.435776 | -37.286611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.137096 | 145.3745044 | 20401106210 | Flowerdale (Vic.) | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Indi | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6855 | 3717 | GLENBURN | VIC | 145.435776 | -37.286611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4198646 | 145.4457768 | 20401106210 | Flowerdale (Vic.) | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Indi | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6856 | 3717 | HOMEWOOD | VIC | 145.435776 | -37.286611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1920857 | 145.3302481 | 20401106210 | Flowerdale (Vic.) | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Indi | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6857 | 3717 | KILLINGWORTH | VIC | 145.435776 | -37.286611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1869104 | 145.4124348 | 20401106210 | Flowerdale (Vic.) | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Indi | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6858 | 3717 | LIMESTONE | VIC | 145.435776 | -37.286611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2404661 | 145.4945938 | 20401106210 | Flowerdale (Vic.) | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Indi | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6859 | 3717 | MURRINDINDI | VIC | 145.435776 | -37.286611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3618407 | 145.53928 | 20401106210 | Flowerdale (Vic.) | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Indi | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6860 | 3717 | YEA | VIC | 145.435776 | -37.286611 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2229373 | 145.4070195 | 20401106210 | Flowerdale (Vic.) | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mitchell | 24850 | Indi | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6861 | 3718 | MOLESWORTH | VIC | 145.54096 | -37.144067 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1696241 | 145.5136433 | 20401106209 | Murrindindi | 204011062 | Yea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 363.070098876953 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6862 | 3719 | GOBUR | VIC | 145.608491 | -37.041215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0120101 | 145.6275226 | 20401105406 | Yarck | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 241.265197753906 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6863 | 3719 | KANUMBRA | VIC | 145.608491 | -37.041215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0446471 | 145.7043648 | 20401105406 | Yarck | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 241.265197753906 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6864 | 3719 | TERIP TERIP | VIC | 145.608491 | -37.041215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0241763 | 145.5293823 | 20401105406 | Yarck | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 241.265197753906 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6865 | 3719 | YARCK | VIC | 145.608491 | -37.041215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0967252 | 145.6030578 | 20401105406 | Yarck | 204011054 | Alexandra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 241.265197753906 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6866 | 3720 | BONNIE DOON | VIC | 145.850304 | -37.017241 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0207039 | 145.8690603 | 20401105703 | Bonnie Doon (Vic.) | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6867 | 3722 | BARWITE | VIC | 146.253268 | -37.202634 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9850215 | 146.1789907 | 20401105724 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6868 | 3722 | MANSFIELD | VIC | 146.253268 | -37.202634 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0625288 | 146.0821493 | 20401105724 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6869 | 3722 | MIRIMBAH | VIC | 146.253268 | -37.202634 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1103367 | 146.396505 | 20401105724 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 204011057 | Mansfield (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6870 | 3723 | ARCHERTON | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8970666 | 146.2620743 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6871 | 3723 | BARJARG | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9242225 | 145.995043 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6872 | 3723 | BOOROLITE | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1355776 | 146.2181999 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6873 | 3723 | BRIDGE CREEK | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9540594 | 146.1205023 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6874 | 3723 | DELATITE | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1400757 | 146.1648024 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20940 | 3723 | ENOCHS POINT | VIC | 146.1186202 | -37.41855045 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4226 | 146.101 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 703.979125976563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6875 | 3723 | GAFFNEYS CREEK | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5011312 | 146.2066412 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6876 | 3723 | GOUGHS BAY | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1646432 | 146.0689038 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6877 | 3723 | HOWES CREEK | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1234786 | 146.0051431 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6878 | 3723 | HOWQUA | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2263406 | 146.1870498 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6879 | 3723 | HOWQUA HILLS | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1921242 | 146.3262019 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6880 | 3723 | HOWQUA INLET | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.232544 | 146.1337552 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6881 | 3723 | JAMIESON | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2977261 | 146.1609645 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6882 | 3723 | KEVINGTON | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.344075 | 146.1365429 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20941 | 3723 | KNOCKWOOD | VIC | 146.2594778 | -37.42570709 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4295 | 146.23 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6883 | 3723 | MACS COVE | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.20912 | 146.1421265 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6884 | 3723 | MAINDAMPLE | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.024348 | 145.9588312 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6885 | 3723 | MATLOCK | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5890036 | 146.168466 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6886 | 3723 | MERRIJIG | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0831709 | 146.2745848 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6887 | 3723 | MOUNT BULLER | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1467949 | 146.4489704 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6888 | 3723 | MOUNTAIN BAY | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1973138 | 146.0987923 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6889 | 3723 | NILLAHCOOTIE | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8751645 | 145.9999188 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6890 | 3723 | PIRIES | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1593256 | 146.127394 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6891 | 3723 | SAWMILL SETTLEMENT | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1192184 | 146.3656381 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6892 | 3723 | TOLMIE | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9387389 | 146.2433388 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6893 | 3723 | WOODS POINT | VIC | 146.256507 | -36.894465 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.569722 | 146.254167 | 20505109901 | Wrathung | 205051099 | Alps - West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 947.123657226563 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6894 | 3724 | MANSFIELD | VIC | 146.076832 | -37.053108 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -37.0625288 | 146.0821493 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 5 | 5 | Indi | 322 | V2 | PHN302 | | Mansfield | 24250 | Indi | | | |
6895 | 3725 | BOXWOOD | VIC | 145.937326 | -36.414359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.308272 | 145.7884151 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 180.433349609375 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
6896 | 3725 | CHESNEY VALE | VIC | 145.937326 | -36.414359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4135912 | 146.0870297 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 180.433349609375 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
6897 | 3725 | GOORAMBAT | VIC | 145.937326 | -36.414359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4391452 | 145.9393385 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 180.433349609375 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
6898 | 3725 | MAJOR PLAINS | VIC | 145.937326 | -36.414359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3530478 | 145.7797428 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 180.433349609375 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
6899 | 3725 | STEWARTON | VIC | 145.937326 | -36.414359 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4337384 | 145.7932767 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 180.433349609375 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Nicholls | Rural | 27604 | Shepparton (Northern Victoria) |
6900 | 3726 | BUNGEET | VIC | 145.960209 | -36.332254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2864353 | 146.0531617 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.091003417969 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Benalla | 21010 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
6901 | 3726 | BUNGEET WEST | VIC | 145.960209 | -36.332254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3602582 | 146.0135026 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.091003417969 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Benalla | 21010 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
6902 | 3726 | DEVENISH | VIC | 145.960209 | -36.332254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3464064 | 145.9045405 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.091003417969 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Benalla | 21010 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
6903 | 3726 | THOONA | VIC | 145.960209 | -36.332254 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3305143 | 146.0852867 | 20402106403 | Stewarton (Vic.) | 204021064 | Benalla Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 162.091003417969 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Benalla | 21010 | Indi | Rural | 22704 | Euroa (Northern Victoria) |
6904 | 3727 | ALMONDS | VIC | 145.957776 | -36.242443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2442306 | 146.0560088 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6905 | 3727 | LAKE ROWAN | VIC | 145.957776 | -36.242443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.269722 | 145.966944 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6906 | 3727 | PELLUEBLA | VIC | 145.957776 | -36.242443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1998005 | 146.0037499 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6907 | 3727 | ST JAMES | VIC | 145.957776 | -36.242443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2799892 | 145.8920165 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6908 | 3727 | WAGGARANDALL | VIC | 145.957776 | -36.242443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2519 | 145.801 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6909 | 3727 | YUNDOOL | VIC | 145.957776 | -36.242443 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2602668 | 145.8216946 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6910 | 3728 | BOOMAHNOOMOONAH | VIC | 145.959015 | -36.148922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1379842 | 146.0803668 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 129 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6911 | 3728 | TUNGAMAH | VIC | 145.959015 | -36.148922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1575347 | 145.8697558 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 129 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6912 | 3728 | WILBY | VIC | 145.959015 | -36.148922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.157778 | 146.015833 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 129 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6913 | 3728 | YOUARANG | VIC | 145.959015 | -36.148922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.1666207 | 145.7929293 | 21602141206 | Yarrawonga South | 216021412 | Moira | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 129 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6914 | 3730 | BATHUMI | VIC | 145.974755 | -36.051782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.038333 | 146.084722 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6915 | 3730 | BOOSEY | VIC | 145.974755 | -36.051782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0030907 | 145.7964042 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6916 | 3730 | BUNDALONG | VIC | 145.974755 | -36.051782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.02935 | 146.1302674 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6917 | 3730 | BUNDALONG SOUTH | VIC | 145.974755 | -36.051782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.096111 | 146.189444 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20942 | 3730 | BURRAMINE | VIC | 145.882739 | -36.00973295 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.9976137 | 145.9184581 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 121.72868347168 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20943 | 3730 | BURRAMINE SOUTH | VIC | 145.856688 | -36.07318482 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0782522 | 145.8665293 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 122.802116394043 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6918 | 3730 | ESMOND | VIC | 145.974755 | -36.051782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.078056 | 146.181667 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6919 | 3730 | TELFORD | VIC | 145.974755 | -36.051782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0926718 | 145.9295937 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6920 | 3730 | YARRAWONGA | VIC | 145.974755 | -36.051782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0271135 | 145.9990577 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Nicholls | 127 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6921 | 3730 | YARRAWONGA SOUTH | VIC | 145.974755 | -36.051782 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21602 | Moira | 216 | Shepparton | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.0897829 | 146.0481851 | 21602141421 | Yarrawonga (Vic.) | 216021414 | Yarrawonga | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Nicholls | 127 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Moira | 24900 | Nicholls | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6922 | 3732 | MOYHU | VIC | 146.313751 | -36.686814 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5783046 | 146.3785017 | 20402106729 | Whitlands | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 520.27978515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6923 | 3732 | MYRRHEE | VIC | 146.313751 | -36.686814 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7142444 | 146.3392412 | 20402106729 | Whitlands | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 520.27978515625 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6924 | 3733 | WHITFIELD | VIC | 146.316338 | -36.812087 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.748307 | 146.4160017 | 20402106729 | Whitlands | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6925 | 3735 | BOWMANS FOREST | VIC | 146.603574 | -36.515712 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4694093 | 146.6377088 | 20402106715 | Whorouly | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 184.330718994141 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6926 | 3735 | WHOROULY | VIC | 146.603574 | -36.515712 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4896569 | 146.5726463 | 20402106715 | Whorouly | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 184.330718994141 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6927 | 3735 | WHOROULY EAST | VIC | 146.603574 | -36.515712 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5319958 | 146.6387726 | 20402106715 | Whorouly | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 184.330718994141 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6928 | 3735 | WHOROULY SOUTH | VIC | 146.603574 | -36.515712 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5695356 | 146.6037123 | 20402106715 | Whorouly | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 184.330718994141 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6929 | 3736 | MYRTLEFORD | VIC | 146.479489 | -36.455136 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -36.5555446 | 146.7237861 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 5 | 5 | Indi | 164.358047485352 | V2 | PHN205 | | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | | | |
6930 | 3737 | ABBEYARD | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0213248 | 146.7640653 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6931 | 3737 | BARWIDGEE | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5098367 | 146.7770185 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6932 | 3737 | BUFFALO RIVER | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.618382 | 146.6815213 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6933 | 3737 | DANDONGADALE | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.911853 | 146.6999205 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6934 | 3737 | GAPSTED | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5140692 | 146.6562952 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20944 | 3737 | HAVILAH | VIC | 146.8967591 | -36.623195 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6270079 | 146.8912838 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6935 | 3737 | HAVILLAH | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.627 | 146.891 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6936 | 3737 | MERRIANG | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.571194 | 146.690672 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6937 | 3737 | MERRIANG SOUTH | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6077258 | 146.6683632 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6938 | 3737 | MUDGEGONGA | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4684985 | 146.8683621 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6939 | 3737 | MYRTLEFORD | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5555446 | 146.7237861 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6940 | 3737 | NUG NUG | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6663602 | 146.6958662 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6941 | 3737 | ROSEWHITE | VIC | 146.82759 | -36.554037 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.5870913 | 146.8430584 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20945 | 3737 | SELWYN | VIC | 146.9999008 | -37.06713454 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0671106 | 146.9998845 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20946 | 3737 | WONNANGATTA | VIC | 146.8156764 | -37.13823976 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1382413 | 146.8156708 | 20403107115 | Myrtleford | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 414.431823730469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6942 | 3738 | OVENS | VIC | 146.75397 | -36.587922 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6120774 | 146.7749116 | 20403107107 | Ovens | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6943 | 3739 | EUROBIN | VIC | 146.864194 | -36.641016 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.6332007 | 146.8423556 | 20403107107 | Ovens | 204031071 | Myrtleford | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6944 | 3740 | BUCKLAND | VIC | 146.834561 | -36.731686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7500523 | 146.8796103 | 20403106926 | Wandiligong | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6945 | 3740 | MOUNT BUFFALO | VIC | 146.834561 | -36.731686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7833333 | 146.7833333 | 20403106926 | Wandiligong | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6946 | 3740 | POREPUNKAH | VIC | 146.834561 | -36.731686 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.694433 | 146.9264143 | 20403106926 | Wandiligong | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6947 | 3741 | BRIGHT | VIC | 147.063163 | -36.962316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7321521 | 146.9836221 | 20403106929 | Hotham Heights | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1050.41491699219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6948 | 3741 | FREEBURGH | VIC | 147.063163 | -36.962316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7731846 | 147.0302412 | 20403106929 | Hotham Heights | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1050.41491699219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6949 | 3741 | GERMANTOWN | VIC | 147.063163 | -36.962316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7449398 | 147.0197923 | 20403106929 | Hotham Heights | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1050.41491699219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6950 | 3741 | HARRIETVILLE | VIC | 147.063163 | -36.962316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8886692 | 147.0650375 | 20403106929 | Hotham Heights | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1050.41491699219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6951 | 3741 | HOTHAM HEIGHTS | VIC | 147.063163 | -36.962316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9940351 | 147.1520733 | 20403106929 | Hotham Heights | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1050.41491699219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6952 | 3741 | MOUNT HOTHAM | VIC | 147.063163 | -36.962316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9753 | 147.133 | 20403106929 | Hotham Heights | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1050.41491699219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6953 | 3741 | SMOKO | VIC | 147.063163 | -36.962316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8184901 | 147.0610439 | 20403106929 | Hotham Heights | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 1050.41491699219 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6954 | 3744 | WANDILIGONG | VIC | 146.95979 | -36.788479 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.7907956 | 146.9773826 | 20403106926 | Wandiligong | 204031069 | Bright - Mount Beauty | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6955 | 3746 | ELDORADO | VIC | 146.51767 | -36.31396 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20402 | Wangaratta - Benalla | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3225392 | 146.5280168 | 20402106708 | Eldorado | 204021067 | Wangaratta Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Indi | 248.53450012207 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6956 | 3747 | BAARMUTHA | VIC | 146.725705 | -36.361056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3981 | 146.66 | 20403106812 | Beechworth | 204031068 | Beechworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6957 | 3747 | BEECHWORTH | VIC | 146.725705 | -36.361056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3533015 | 146.6877247 | 20403106812 | Beechworth | 204031068 | Beechworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6958 | 3747 | HURDLE FLAT | VIC | 146.725705 | -36.361056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.389 | 146.744 | 20403106812 | Beechworth | 204031068 | Beechworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6959 | 3747 | MURMUNGEE | VIC | 146.725705 | -36.361056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4436817 | 146.6573474 | 20403106812 | Beechworth | 204031068 | Beechworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6960 | 3747 | SILVER CREEK | VIC | 146.725705 | -36.361056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3779 | 146.727 | 20403106812 | Beechworth | 204031068 | Beechworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6961 | 3747 | STANLEY | VIC | 146.725705 | -36.361056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4059155 | 146.7526731 | 20403106812 | Beechworth | 204031068 | Beechworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6962 | 3747 | WOOLSHED | VIC | 146.725705 | -36.361056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.3094381 | 146.6154638 | 20403106812 | Beechworth | 204031068 | Beechworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
6963 | 3747 | WOORAGEE | VIC | 146.725705 | -36.361056 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.2951735 | 146.6912281 | 20403106812 | Beechworth | 204031068 | Beechworth | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Wangaratta | 26700 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20947 | 3749 | BRUARONG | VIC | 146.8638108 | -36.42031113 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.4246056 | 146.9068284 | 20403107512 | Yackandandah | 204031075 | Yackandandah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
6964 | 3749 | YACKANDANDAH | VIC | 146.842075 | -36.357399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20403 | Wodonga - Alpine | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.313056 | 146.839167 | 20403107512 | Yackandandah | 204031075 | Yackandandah | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Indigo | 23350 | Indi | Rural | 20604 | Benambra (Northern Victoria) |
6965 | 3750 | WOLLERT | VIC | 145.005578 | -37.596078 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5891893 | 144.9942305 | 20904143753 | Wollert | 209041437 | Wollert | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | 198.330322265625 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6966 | 3751 | WOODSTOCK | VIC | 145.052904 | -37.554655 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5365105 | 145.0603633 | 20904122522 | Woodstock (Vic.) | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 1 | Mcewen | 206.12483215332 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6967 | 3752 | MORANG SOUTH | VIC | 145.074353 | -37.619102 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.651389 | 145.089563 | 20904143635 | South Morang | 209041436 | South Morang - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6968 | 3752 | SOUTH MORANG | VIC | 145.074353 | -37.619102 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6377485 | 145.082419 | 20904143635 | South Morang | 209041436 | South Morang - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Scullin | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6969 | 3753 | BEVERIDGE | VIC | 144.959512 | -37.476474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4822825 | 144.9832134 | 20904122512 | Beveridge | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 1 | Mcewen | 261.548645019531 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Whittlesea | 27070 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6970 | 3754 | DOREEN | VIC | 145.112985 | -37.593554 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.605 | 145.146 | 20904153223 | Mernda | 209041532 | Mernda - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 165.850891113281 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6971 | 3754 | MERNDA | VIC | 145.112985 | -37.593554 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5892795 | 145.103791 | 20904153223 | Mernda | 209041532 | Mernda - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 165.850891113281 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | Scullin | Outer Metropolitan | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6972 | 3755 | YAN YEAN | VIC | 145.142035 | -37.563905 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5474779 | 145.1486206 | 20904122503 | Yan Yean | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 183 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6973 | 3756 | CHINTIN | VIC | 144.956641 | -37.41233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3906207 | 144.8344934 | 21002123517 | Darraweit Guim | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 343.509582519531 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6974 | 3756 | DARRAWEIT GUIM | VIC | 144.956641 | -37.41233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4 | 144.9 | 21002123517 | Darraweit Guim | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 343.509582519531 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6975 | 3756 | HIDDEN VALLEY | VIC | 144.956641 | -37.41233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3952162 | 144.9903551 | 21002123517 | Darraweit Guim | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 343.509582519531 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6976 | 3756 | UPPER PLENTY | VIC | 144.956641 | -37.41233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4238058 | 145.0603633 | 21002123517 | Darraweit Guim | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | 343.509582519531 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6977 | 3756 | WALLAN | VIC | 144.956641 | -37.41233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4066923 | 144.9798236 | 21002123517 | Darraweit Guim | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | 343.509582519531 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6978 | 3756 | WALLAN EAST | VIC | 144.956641 | -37.41233 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.417287 | 145.007146 | 21002123517 | Darraweit Guim | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | 343.509582519531 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6979 | 3757 | BRUCES CREEK | VIC | 145.182221 | -37.469784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5191073 | 145.125666 | 20904122528 | Whittlesea | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6980 | 3757 | EDEN PARK | VIC | 145.182221 | -37.469784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.489 | 145.07 | 20904122528 | Whittlesea | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6981 | 3757 | HUMEVALE | VIC | 145.182221 | -37.469784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.497 | 145.175 | 20904122528 | Whittlesea | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6982 | 3757 | KINGLAKE CENTRAL | VIC | 145.182221 | -37.469784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.493954 | 145.325409 | 20904122528 | Whittlesea | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6983 | 3757 | KINGLAKE WEST | VIC | 145.182221 | -37.469784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.466667 | 145.233333 | 20904122528 | Whittlesea | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6984 | 3757 | PHEASANT CREEK | VIC | 145.182221 | -37.469784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.483333 | 145.283333 | 20904122528 | Whittlesea | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6985 | 3757 | WHITTLESEA | VIC | 145.182221 | -37.469784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.513889 | 145.113889 | 20904122528 | Whittlesea | 209041225 | Whittlesea | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6986 | 3758 | HEATHCOTE JUNCTION | VIC | 145.052552 | -37.354647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3853254 | 145.0438252 | 20904122423 | Heathcote Junction | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 4 | Mcewen | 415.611236572266 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Mitchell | 24850 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6987 | 3758 | WANDONG | VIC | 145.052552 | -37.354647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20904 | Whittlesea - Wallan | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.336023 | 145.0399797 | 20904122423 | Heathcote Junction | 209041224 | Wallan | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | 415.611236572266 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Mitchell | 24850 | McEwen | Rural | 28804 | Yan Yean (Northern Victoria) |
6988 | 3759 | PANTON HILL | VIC | 145.247277 | -37.650385 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6400391 | 145.2424941 | 20903121220 | Panton Hill | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
24021 | 3760 | SMITHS GULLY | VIC | 145.288344 | -37.6269998 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -37.6267001 | 145.2867055 | 20903121204 | Smiths Gully | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | 220.389862060547 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6990 | 3761 | ST ANDREWS | VIC | 145.292381 | -37.585625 | | | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.592 | 145.281 | 20903121207 | St Andrews (Vic.) | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
6991 | 3762 | BYLANDS | VIC | 144.936707 | -37.354143 | | | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3564 | 144.972 | 21002123501 | Springfield (Macedon Ranges - Vic.) | 210021235 | Romsey | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 2 | Mcewen | 424.032653808594 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | McEwen | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
6992 | 3763 | KINGLAKE | VIC | 145.353378 | -37.521863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.518382 | 145.3591263 | 20903121210 | Kinglake | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8960 | 3763 | MOUNT SLIDE | VIC | 145.353378 | -37.521863 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20903 | Nillumbik - Kinglake | 209 | Melbourne - North East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5550514 | 145.3760672 | 20903121210 | Kinglake | 209031212 | Panton Hill - St Andrews | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Indi | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8961 | 3764 | FORBES | VIC | 144.900644 | -37.263736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3078202 | 144.8841246 | 20401106008 | Sugarloaf Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
8962 | 3764 | GLENAROUA | VIC | 144.900644 | -37.263736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0580067 | 144.9618719 | 20401106008 | Sugarloaf Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
8963 | 3764 | HIGH CAMP | VIC | 144.900644 | -37.263736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1932159 | 144.8937671 | 20401106008 | Sugarloaf Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
8964 | 3764 | KILMORE | VIC | 144.900644 | -37.263736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3016566 | 144.9497232 | 20401106008 | Sugarloaf Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
8965 | 3764 | KILMORE EAST | VIC | 144.900644 | -37.263736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2930364 | 144.9811479 | 20401106008 | Sugarloaf Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
8966 | 3764 | MORANDING | VIC | 144.900644 | -37.263736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2360979 | 144.9501708 | 20401106008 | Sugarloaf Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
8967 | 3764 | TANTARABOO | VIC | 144.900644 | -37.263736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2372199 | 144.8250025 | 20401106008 | Sugarloaf Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
8968 | 3764 | WILLOWMAVIN | VIC | 144.900644 | -37.263736 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21002 | Macedon Ranges | 210 | Melbourne - North West | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.25543 | 144.8717467 | 20401106008 | Sugarloaf Creek | 204011060 | Seymour Surrounds | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Mcewen | | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Macedon Ranges | 24130 | Nicholls | Rural | 24504 | Macedon (Northern Victoria) |
8969 | 3765 | MONTROSE | VIC | 145.346621 | -37.814771 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8083883 | 145.353065 | 21105128217 | Sassafras (Vic.) | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 193.32958984375 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8970 | 3766 | KALORAMA | VIC | 145.384955 | -37.817818 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8194936 | 145.3862638 | 21105128230 | Silvan | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8971 | 3767 | MOUNT DANDENONG | VIC | 145.347505 | -37.839387 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8421584 | 145.3420015 | 21105128229 | Mount Dandenong | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8972 | 3770 | COLDSTREAM | VIC | 145.416004 | -37.708784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.734 | 145.383 | 21105128521 | Gruyere | 211051285 | Wandin - Seville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 81.8260192871094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22801 | Evelyn (Eastern Victoria) |
8973 | 3770 | GRUYERE | VIC | 145.416004 | -37.708784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.734 | 145.45 | 21105128521 | Gruyere | 211051285 | Wandin - Seville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 81.8260192871094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22801 | Evelyn (Eastern Victoria) |
8974 | 3770 | YERING | VIC | 145.416004 | -37.708784 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7002209 | 145.3582514 | 21105128521 | Gruyere | 211051285 | Wandin - Seville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 81.8260192871094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22801 | Evelyn (Eastern Victoria) |
8975 | 3775 | CHRISTMAS HILLS | VIC | 145.365993 | -37.642852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6515 | 145.3173 | 21105127634 | Yarra Glen | 211051276 | Healesville - Yarra Glen | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 136.869613647461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8976 | 3775 | DIXONS CREEK | VIC | 145.365993 | -37.642852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6 | 145.416667 | 21105127634 | Yarra Glen | 211051276 | Healesville - Yarra Glen | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 136.869613647461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8977 | 3775 | STEELS CREEK | VIC | 145.365993 | -37.642852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.594 | 145.374 | 21105127634 | Yarra Glen | 211051276 | Healesville - Yarra Glen | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 136.869613647461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8978 | 3775 | TARRAWARRA | VIC | 145.365993 | -37.642852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6469756 | 145.4363814 | 21105127634 | Yarra Glen | 211051276 | Healesville - Yarra Glen | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 136.869613647461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8979 | 3775 | YARRA GLEN | VIC | 145.365993 | -37.642852 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.648889 | 145.371944 | 21105127634 | Yarra Glen | 211051276 | Healesville - Yarra Glen | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 136.869613647461 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Nillumbik | 25710 | McEwen | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8980 | 3777 | BADGER CREEK | VIC | 145.513804 | -37.606088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.685 | 145.538 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 425.810974121094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8981 | 3777 | CASTELLA | VIC | 145.513804 | -37.606088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.524722 | 145.433333 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | 425.810974121094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8982 | 3777 | CHUM CREEK | VIC | 145.513804 | -37.606088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.606 | 145.488 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Casey | 425.810974121094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8983 | 3777 | HEALESVILLE | VIC | 145.513804 | -37.606088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.656111 | 145.513889 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 425.810974121094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8984 | 3777 | HEALESVILLE MAIN STREET | VIC | 145.513804 | -37.606088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6565 | 145.515 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 425.810974121094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8985 | 3777 | HEALESVILLE POST SHOP | VIC | 145.513804 | -37.606088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6541 | 145.515 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 425.810974121094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8986 | 3777 | MOUNT TOOLEBEWONG | VIC | 145.513804 | -37.606088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.702 | 145.572 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 4 | Casey | 425.810974121094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8987 | 3777 | TOOLANGI | VIC | 145.513804 | -37.606088 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.533333 | 145.466667 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | 425.810974121094 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Murrindindi | 25620 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8988 | 3778 | FERNSHAW | VIC | 145.623011 | -37.537492 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.616115 | 145.6383617 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Indi | 526.878540039063 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8989 | 3778 | NARBETHONG | VIC | 145.623011 | -37.537492 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5233314 | 145.6710457 | 21105128609 | Wesburn | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 526.878540039063 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8990 | 3779 | CAMBARVILLE | VIC | 145.784751 | -37.539267 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6105261 | 146.0129789 | 20401106101 | Toorongo | 204011061 | Upper Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 878.261657714844 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8991 | 3779 | MARYSVILLE | VIC | 145.784751 | -37.539267 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20401 | Upper Goulburn Valley | 204 | Hume | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5083939 | 145.7474205 | 20401106101 | Toorongo | 204011061 | Upper Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Indi | 878.261657714844 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Indi | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
8992 | 3781 | COCKATOO | VIC | 145.487862 | -37.938471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.935 | 145.492 | 21201128953 | Nangana | 212011289 | Emerald - Cockatoo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | 186.414627075195 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Menzies | | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8993 | 3781 | MOUNT BURNETT | VIC | 145.487862 | -37.938471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9767584 | 145.5145727 | 21201128953 | Nangana | 212011289 | Emerald - Cockatoo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | 186.414627075195 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Menzies | | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8994 | 3781 | NANGANA | VIC | 145.487862 | -37.938471 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.866667 | 145.533333 | 21201128953 | Nangana | 212011289 | Emerald - Cockatoo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | La Trobe | 186.414627075195 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Menzies | | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8995 | 3782 | AVONSLEIGH | VIC | 145.433024 | -37.938068 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.925 | 145.481944 | 21201128952 | Avonsleigh | 212011289 | Emerald - Cockatoo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8996 | 3782 | CLEMATIS | VIC | 145.433024 | -37.938068 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9322058 | 145.4222435 | 21201128952 | Avonsleigh | 212011289 | Emerald - Cockatoo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8997 | 3782 | EMERALD | VIC | 145.433024 | -37.938068 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.933056 | 145.436944 | 21201128952 | Avonsleigh | 212011289 | Emerald - Cockatoo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8998 | 3782 | MACCLESFIELD | VIC | 145.433024 | -37.938068 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.883 | 145.477 | 21201128952 | Avonsleigh | 212011289 | Emerald - Cockatoo | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
8999 | 3783 | GEMBROOK | VIC | 145.596576 | -37.947379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9524044 | 145.6023644 | 21201128953 | Nangana | 212011289 | Emerald - Cockatoo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 5 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Menzies | | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9000 | 3785 | TREMONT | VIC | 145.316734 | -37.885138 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8782906 | 145.3171139 | 21105128228 | Tremont | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 275.480010986328 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9001 | 3786 | FERNY CREEK | VIC | 145.332431 | -37.878188 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8759058 | 145.3309395 | 21105128401 | Upwey | 211051284 | Upwey - Tecoma | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 534.945617675781 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9002 | 3787 | SASSAFRAS | VIC | 145.350888 | -37.866786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8645935 | 145.353065 | 21105128225 | Sassafras (Vic.) | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 520.453857421875 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9003 | 3787 | SASSAFRAS GULLY | VIC | 145.350888 | -37.866786 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8622113 | 145.3538556 | 21105128225 | Sassafras (Vic.) | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 520.453857421875 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Knox | 23670 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9004 | 3788 | OLINDA | VIC | 145.377128 | -37.848036 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8532703 | 145.3751961 | 21105128230 | Silvan | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9005 | 3789 | SHERBROOKE | VIC | 145.357336 | -37.889767 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8963853 | 145.3641298 | 21105128231 | Sherbrooke | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 461.936828613281 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9006 | 3791 | KALLISTA | VIC | 145.379622 | -37.896917 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9051015 | 145.4111713 | 21105128231 | Sherbrooke | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 374.528259277344 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9007 | 3792 | THE PATCH | VIC | 145.405388 | -37.89424 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8887708 | 145.3973329 | 21105128209 | The Patch | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9008 | 3793 | MONBULK | VIC | 145.429715 | -37.874533 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8689357 | 145.4360858 | 21105128212 | Olinda (Vic.) | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | 214.610977172852 | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9009 | 3795 | SILVAN | VIC | 145.430311 | -37.836663 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8342877 | 145.4305486 | 21105128230 | Silvan | 211051282 | Mount Dandenong - Olinda | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25101 | Monbulk (Eastern Victoria) |
9010 | 3796 | MOUNT EVELYN | VIC | 145.384922 | -37.786977 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7791563 | 145.3917982 | 21105128326 | Mount Evelyn | 211051283 | Mount Evelyn | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22801 | Evelyn (Eastern Victoria) |
9011 | 3797 | GILDEROY | VIC | 145.786343 | -37.867809 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.851396 | 145.7249828 | 21105128657 | Yarra Junction | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9012 | 3797 | GLADYSDALE | VIC | 145.786343 | -37.867809 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.816667 | 145.65 | 21105128657 | Yarra Junction | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9013 | 3797 | POWELLTOWN | VIC | 145.786343 | -37.867809 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.865 | 145.753 | 21105128657 | Yarra Junction | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9014 | 3797 | THREE BRIDGES | VIC | 145.786343 | -37.867809 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.833333 | 145.683333 | 21105128657 | Yarra Junction | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9015 | 3797 | YARRA JUNCTION | VIC | 145.786343 | -37.867809 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.779 | 145.606 | 21105128657 | Yarra Junction | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9016 | 3799 | BIG PATS CREEK | VIC | 145.818512 | -37.727566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7638978 | 145.750833 | 21105128653 | East Warburton | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | 366.790863037109 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9017 | 3799 | EAST WARBURTON | VIC | 145.818512 | -37.727566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7370439 | 145.7421233 | 21105128653 | East Warburton | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | 366.790863037109 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9018 | 3799 | MCMAHONS CREEK | VIC | 145.818512 | -37.727566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6980957 | 145.8360275 | 21105128653 | East Warburton | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | 366.790863037109 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9019 | 3799 | MILLGROVE | VIC | 145.818512 | -37.727566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7448481 | 145.6507039 | 21105128653 | East Warburton | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | 366.790863037109 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9020 | 3799 | REEFTON | VIC | 145.818512 | -37.727566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6687532 | 145.8535353 | 21105128653 | East Warburton | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | 366.790863037109 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9021 | 3799 | WARBURTON | VIC | 145.818512 | -37.727566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7525378 | 145.6948397 | 21105128653 | East Warburton | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Casey | 366.790863037109 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9022 | 3799 | WESBURN | VIC | 145.818512 | -37.727566 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.767 | 145.647 | 21105128653 | East Warburton | 211051286 | Yarra Valley | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Casey | 366.790863037109 | V1 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 22304 | Eildon (Northern Victoria) |
9023 | 3800 | MONASH UNIVERSITY | VIC | 145.134935 | -37.910545 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21205 | Monash | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9105599 | 145.1362485 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Hotham | | V1 | PHN202 | Eastern Melbourne | Monash | 24970 | Isaacs | | | |
9024 | 3802 | ENDEAVOUR HILLS | VIC | 145.255599 | -37.971763 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9780214 | 145.2590707 | 21202145436 | Endeavour Hills | 212021454 | Endeavour Hills - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 65.4468841552734 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Bruce | Outer Metropolitan | 25805 | Narre Warren North (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9025 | 3803 | HALLAM | VIC | 145.265524 | -38.009435 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0069505 | 145.2756505 | 21202145434 | Hallam | 212021454 | Endeavour Hills - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Bruce | Outer Metropolitan | 25805 | Narre Warren North (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9026 | 3804 | NARRE WARREN EAST | VIC | 145.325994 | -37.980059 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.961 | 145.367 | 21202145503 | Narre Warren | 212021455 | Narre Warren - North East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 94.3417510986328 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25805 | Narre Warren North (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9027 | 3804 | NARRE WARREN NORTH | VIC | 145.325994 | -37.980059 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.982 | 145.314 | 21202145503 | Narre Warren | 212021455 | Narre Warren - North East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Bruce | 94.3417510986328 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Casey | Rural | 25805 | Narre Warren North (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9028 | 3805 | FOUNTAIN GATE | VIC | 145.304198 | -38.037026 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0175584 | 145.3038409 | 21203145837 | Narre Warren South | 212031458 | Narre Warren South - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9029 | 3805 | NARRE WARREN | VIC | 145.304198 | -38.037026 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0302499 | 145.3032906 | 21203145837 | Narre Warren South | 212031458 | Narre Warren South - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9030 | 3805 | NARRE WARREN SOUTH | VIC | 145.304198 | -38.037026 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.055 | 145.303 | 21203145837 | Narre Warren South | 212031458 | Narre Warren South - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9031 | 3806 | BERWICK | VIC | 145.349488 | -38.025018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0309443 | 145.3437469 | 21202155425 | Berwick | 212021554 | Berwick - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Menzies | | 25805 | Narre Warren North (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9032 | 3806 | HARKAWAY | VIC | 145.349488 | -38.025018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.999 | 145.344 | 21202155425 | Berwick | 212021554 | Berwick - South West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Menzies | | 25805 | Narre Warren North (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9033 | 3807 | BEACONSFIELD | VIC | 145.371635 | -38.048316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.049 | 145.371 | 21202155308 | Beaconsfield (Vic.) | 212021553 | Berwick - South East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | 54.0709686279297 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Monash | | 21005 | Berwick (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9034 | 3807 | GUYS HILL | VIC | 145.371635 | -38.048316 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21202 | Casey - North | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.017 | 145.386 | 21202155308 | Beaconsfield (Vic.) | 212021553 | Berwick - South East | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | 54.0709686279297 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Monash | | 21005 | Berwick (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
9035 | 3808 | BEACONSFIELD UPPER | VIC | 145.42327 | -38.002518 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9982063 | 145.4237893 | 21201154635 | Guys Hill | 212011546 | Beaconsfield - Officer | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Menzies | | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9036 | 3808 | DEWHURST | VIC | 145.42327 | -38.002518 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9844362 | 145.4665466 | 21201154635 | Guys Hill | 212011546 | Beaconsfield - Officer | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Menzies | | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9037 | 3809 | OFFICER | VIC | 145.406887 | -38.069094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0611204 | 145.415089 | 21201155016 | Officer | 212011550 | Pakenham - North West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | 30.4336376190186 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9038 | 3809 | OFFICER SOUTH | VIC | 145.406887 | -38.069094 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1003957 | 145.4132472 | 21201155016 | Officer | 212011550 | Pakenham - North West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 2 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 2 | La Trobe | 30.4336376190186 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9039 | 3810 | PAKENHAM | VIC | 145.472514 | -38.04658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.073568 | 145.4851308 | 21201155254 | Pakenham | 212011552 | Pakenham - South West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9040 | 3810 | PAKENHAM SOUTH | VIC | 145.472514 | -38.04658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.134338 | 145.5025595 | 21201155254 | Pakenham | 212011552 | Pakenham - South West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9041 | 3810 | PAKENHAM UPPER | VIC | 145.472514 | -38.04658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0034676 | 145.5025595 | 21201155254 | Pakenham | 212011552 | Pakenham - South West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9042 | 3810 | RYTHDALE | VIC | 145.472514 | -38.04658 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.15 | 145.456 | 21201155254 | Pakenham | 212011552 | Pakenham - South West | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | La Trobe | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9043 | 3812 | MARYKNOLL | VIC | 145.565304 | -38.070135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.032 | 145.602 | 21201155114 | Pakenham | 212011551 | Pakenham - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | La Trobe | 42.4616317749023 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9044 | 3812 | NAR NAR GOON | VIC | 145.565304 | -38.070135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.081944 | 145.575 | 21201155114 | Pakenham | 212011551 | Pakenham - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | La Trobe | 42.4616317749023 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9045 | 3812 | NAR NAR GOON NORTH | VIC | 145.565304 | -38.070135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.019 | 145.551 | 21201155114 | Pakenham | 212011551 | Pakenham - South East | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | La Trobe | 42.4616317749023 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
9046 | 3813 | TYNONG | VIC | 145.634339 | -38.064252 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.083333 | 145.616667 | 21201154723 | Tynong North | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Monash | 114.703079223633 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9047 | 3813 | TYNONG NORTH | VIC | 145.634339 | -38.064252 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0345542 | 145.6294143 | 21201154723 | Tynong North | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Monash | 114.703079223633 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9048 | 3814 | CORA LYNN | VIC | 145.669112 | -38.10718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.145278 | 145.605833 | 21201154727 | Garfield | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Monash | 39.793399810791 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9049 | 3814 | GARFIELD | VIC | 145.669112 | -38.10718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0999051 | 145.6800684 | 21201154727 | Garfield | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Monash | 39.793399810791 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9050 | 3814 | GARFIELD NORTH | VIC | 145.669112 | -38.10718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.05 | 145.683333 | 21201154727 | Garfield | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Monash | 39.793399810791 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9051 | 3814 | VERVALE | VIC | 145.669112 | -38.10718 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.133333 | 145.666667 | 21201154727 | Garfield | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 39.793399810791 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9052 | 3815 | BUNYIP | VIC | 145.726311 | -38.01378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1000508 | 145.7189396 | 21201154726 | Tonimbuk | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 110.556632995605 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9053 | 3815 | BUNYIP NORTH | VIC | 145.726311 | -38.01378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0738337 | 145.7467832 | 21201154726 | Tonimbuk | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 110.556632995605 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9054 | 3815 | IONA | VIC | 145.726311 | -38.01378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.15 | 145.683333 | 21201154726 | Tonimbuk | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 110.556632995605 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9055 | 3815 | TONIMBUK | VIC | 145.726311 | -38.01378 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0206756 | 145.7182515 | 21201154726 | Tonimbuk | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 110.556632995605 | V2 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9056 | 3816 | LABERTOUCHE | VIC | 145.787991 | -38.043542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0306894 | 145.805379 | 21201154716 | Vervale | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 71.9122619628906 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9057 | 3816 | LONGWARRY | VIC | 145.787991 | -38.043542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1110794 | 145.7663288 | 21201154716 | Vervale | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 71.9122619628906 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9058 | 3816 | LONGWARRY NORTH | VIC | 145.787991 | -38.043542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0759968 | 145.763398 | 21201154716 | Vervale | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 71.9122619628906 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9059 | 3816 | MODELLA | VIC | 145.787991 | -38.043542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.183333 | 145.716667 | 21201154716 | Vervale | 212011547 | Bunyip - Garfield | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 71.9122619628906 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9060 | 3818 | ATHLONE | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2386755 | 145.758535 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9061 | 3818 | DROUIN | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1353835 | 145.8487441 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9062 | 3818 | DROUIN EAST | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1195925 | 145.8885379 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9063 | 3818 | DROUIN SOUTH | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1814401 | 145.8134331 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9064 | 3818 | DROUIN WEST | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0866074 | 145.8523685 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9065 | 3818 | HALLORA | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.263584 | 145.8356799 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9066 | 3818 | JINDIVICK | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.033333 | 145.9 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9067 | 3818 | RIPPLEBROOK | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2001 | 145.7725 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9068 | 3818 | TARAGO | VIC | 145.867337 | -38.096289 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0598 | 145.912 | 20501107920 | Torwood | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9069 | 3820 | BONA VISTA | VIC | 145.922212 | -38.207476 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2075076 | 145.963705 | 20501107955 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9070 | 3820 | LILLICO | VIC | 145.922212 | -38.207476 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1232002 | 145.963705 | 20501107955 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9071 | 3820 | WARRAGUL | VIC | 145.922212 | -38.207476 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1537515 | 145.9297824 | 20501107955 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9072 | 3821 | BRANDY CREEK | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1006308 | 145.9163703 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20948 | 3821 | BRAVINGTON | VIC | 145.9226127 | -38.08301804 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0837116 | 145.9219378 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9073 | 3821 | BULN BULN | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.083333 | 145.933333 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9074 | 3821 | BULN BULN EAST | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.07216 | 146.0082778 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9075 | 3821 | CROSSOVER | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0664599 | 145.9635748 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9076 | 3821 | ELLINBANK | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2555216 | 145.9247217 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9077 | 3821 | FERNDALE | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3112721 | 145.9233883 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9078 | 3821 | LARDNER | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2156486 | 145.8746249 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9079 | 3821 | NAYOOK | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9151 | 145.93 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9080 | 3821 | NEERIM JUNCTION | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9227 | 145.968 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9081 | 3821 | NEERIM NORTH | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9167 | 146 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9082 | 3821 | NILMA | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1704499 | 145.9720608 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9083 | 3821 | NILMA NORTH | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1349479 | 146.013851 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9084 | 3821 | ROKEBY | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.066667 | 145.933333 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9085 | 3821 | SEAVIEW | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2828086 | 145.9170662 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9086 | 3821 | SHADY CREEK | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0989012 | 146.0452061 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9087 | 3821 | TETOORA ROAD | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2786747 | 145.8885379 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20949 | 3821 | TORWOOD | VIC | 145.8742873 | -38.25783442 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2624 | 145.875 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9088 | 3821 | WARRAGUL SOUTH | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2181003 | 145.9247217 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9089 | 3821 | WARRAGUL WEST | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1692678 | 145.8829724 | 20501107952 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 161.035247802734 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9090 | 3822 | CLOVERLEA | VIC | 145.989901 | -38.194379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2566511 | 146.0002671 | 20501107936 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9091 | 3822 | DARNUM | VIC | 145.989901 | -38.194379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.183333 | 146.016667 | 20501107936 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9092 | 3822 | GAINSBOROUGH | VIC | 145.989901 | -38.194379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2266319 | 145.9720608 | 20501107936 | Warragul | 205011079 | Warragul | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9093 | 3823 | ALLAMBEE | VIC | 146.065656 | -38.210382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2905436 | 146.0196656 | 20503109012 | Wild Dog Valley (Vic.) | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 93.4243545532227 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9094 | 3823 | YARRAGON | VIC | 146.065656 | -38.210382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2 | 146.066667 | 20503109012 | Wild Dog Valley (Vic.) | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 93.4243545532227 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9095 | 3823 | YARRAGON SOUTH | VIC | 146.065656 | -38.210382 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2363402 | 146.0814874 | 20503109012 | Wild Dog Valley (Vic.) | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 93.4243545532227 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9096 | 3824 | CHILDERS | VIC | 146.16397 | -38.245649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3017794 | 146.1086461 | 20501107821 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 205011078 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9097 | 3824 | NARRACAN | VIC | 146.16397 | -38.245649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.264013 | 146.2370535 | 20501107821 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 205011078 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9098 | 3824 | THORPDALE SOUTH | VIC | 146.16397 | -38.245649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3336714 | 146.1400336 | 20501107821 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 205011078 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
9099 | 3824 | TRAFALGAR | VIC | 146.16397 | -38.245649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2 | 146.15 | 20501107821 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 205011078 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8818 | 3824 | TRAFALGAR EAST | VIC | 146.16397 | -38.245649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1556929 | 146.1923698 | 20501107821 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 205011078 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8819 | 3824 | TRAFALGAR SOUTH | VIC | 146.16397 | -38.245649 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.242203 | 146.1700361 | 20501107821 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 205011078 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8820 | 3825 | ABERFELDY | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7206048 | 146.3885869 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8821 | 3825 | AMOR | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9393673 | 146.4104044 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20950 | 3825 | BOOLA | VIC | 146.4605642 | -38.0485774 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0485684 | 146.4605619 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8822 | 3825 | CARINGAL | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9935883 | 146.3457099 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8823 | 3825 | COALVILLE | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2402733 | 146.2649916 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8824 | 3825 | COOPERS CREEK | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9886448 | 146.4243982 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8825 | 3825 | ERICA | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9756695 | 146.3768277 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8826 | 3825 | FUMINA | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.95 | 146.116667 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8827 | 3825 | FUMINA SOUTH | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.95 | 146.116667 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8828 | 3825 | HERNES OAK | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2172515 | 146.30971 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8829 | 3825 | HILL END | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.01021 | 146.1511962 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8830 | 3825 | JACOB CREEK | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0053348 | 146.4104044 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20951 | 3825 | JERICHO | VIC | 146.2288747 | -37.66622391 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6662128 | 146.22889 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8831 | 3825 | MOE | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.172222 | 146.267778 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8832 | 3825 | MOE SOUTH | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.214256 | 146.2426404 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8833 | 3825 | MOONDARRA | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0240777 | 146.370883 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8834 | 3825 | NEWBOROUGH | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1760805 | 146.2985284 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8835 | 3825 | NEWBOROUGH EAST | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1760805 | 146.2985284 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8836 | 3825 | RAWSON | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.95 | 146.4 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8837 | 3825 | TANJIL | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9447547 | 146.229387 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8838 | 3825 | TANJIL SOUTH | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1082873 | 146.2411224 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20952 | 3825 | THALLOO | VIC | 146.3086546 | -38.08561743 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.087191 | 146.3069145 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 133.199478149414 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8839 | 3825 | THALOO | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0872 | 146.307 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8840 | 3825 | THOMSON | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9933595 | 146.7419452 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20953 | 3825 | TOOMBON | VIC | 146.4393424 | -37.72124292 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.721192 | 146.4393167 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8841 | 3825 | WALHALLA | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9382725 | 146.4507298 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20954 | 3825 | WALHALLA EAST | VIC | 146.5807798 | -37.9325509 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9326 | 146.581 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8842 | 3825 | WESTBURY | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1413053 | 146.2202946 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8843 | 3825 | WILLOW GROVE | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0690534 | 146.1623601 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8844 | 3825 | YALLOURN | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1802756 | 146.3182719 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8845 | 3825 | YALLOURN NORTH | VIC | 146.342932 | -37.978862 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1596163 | 146.3612622 | 20505110114 | Yangoura | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Monash | 443.731781005859 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8846 | 3831 | NEERIM | VIC | 146.013136 | -37.993258 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.966667 | 145.95 | 20501107722 | Neerim North | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 266.096862792969 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8847 | 3831 | NEERIM EAST | VIC | 146.013136 | -37.993258 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9622559 | 146.0006153 | 20501107722 | Neerim North | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 266.096862792969 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8848 | 3831 | NEERIM SOUTH | VIC | 146.013136 | -37.993258 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.016667 | 145.966667 | 20501107722 | Neerim North | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 266.096862792969 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
37 | 3832 | NAYOOK | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -37.9151442 | 145.9302897 | 20501107722 | Neerim North | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
38 | 3832 | NEERIM JUNCTION | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -37.9227365 | 145.9677767 | 20501107722 | Neerim North | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
39 | 3832 | NEERIM NORTH | VIC | 145.945214 | -37.919937 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20501 | Baw Baw | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 | -37.916667 | 146 | 20501107722 | Neerim North | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20955 | 3833 | ADA | VIC | 145.851865 | -37.84222154 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8422187 | 145.8518624 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8849 | 3833 | BAW BAW | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7865626 | 146.0696009 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8850 | 3833 | BAW BAW VILLAGE | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8414614 | 146.2580015 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20956 | 3833 | GENTLE ANNIE | VIC | 145.8366168 | -37.93840381 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9383977 | 145.8366147 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8851 | 3833 | ICY CREEK | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.883333 | 146.1 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8852 | 3833 | LOCH VALLEY | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8402239 | 145.9977047 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8853 | 3833 | MT BAW BAW | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8383333 | 146.2736111 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8854 | 3833 | NOOJEE | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.883333 | 146 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8855 | 3833 | PIEDMONT | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8938569 | 145.9442113 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8856 | 3833 | TANJIL BREN | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.824722 | 146.1775 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8857 | 3833 | TOORONGO | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7755298 | 146.0868854 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8858 | 3833 | VESPER | VIC | 146.077886 | -37.829347 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21105 | Yarra Ranges | 211 | Melbourne - Outer East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8742225 | 146.0640244 | 20501107718 | Gentle Annie | 205011077 | Mount Baw Baw Region | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 856.670349121094 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Yarra Ranges | 27450 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8859 | 3835 | THORPDALE | VIC | 146.175271 | -38.290637 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2926842 | 146.1812023 | 20501107817 | Thorpdale | 205011078 | Trafalgar (Vic.) | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 251.490585327148 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8860 | 3840 | DRIFFIELD | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.285052 | 146.296432 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8861 | 3840 | HAZELWOOD | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3133743 | 146.3621416 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8862 | 3840 | HAZELWOOD NORTH | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.265189 | 146.4851099 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8863 | 3840 | HAZELWOOD SOUTH | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3148097 | 146.4663922 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8864 | 3840 | JEERALANG | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3655463 | 146.4386213 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8865 | 3840 | JEERALANG JUNCTION | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3436308 | 146.4104044 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8866 | 3840 | MARYVALE | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1988052 | 146.3932648 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8867 | 3840 | MID VALLEY | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2364581 | 146.4289502 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8868 | 3840 | MORWELL | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2275886 | 146.4146185 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8869 | 3840 | MORWELL EAST | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2275886 | 146.4146185 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8870 | 3840 | MORWELL UPPER | VIC | 146.424457 | -38.245215 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2275886 | 146.4146185 | 20504109638 | Traralgon | 205041096 | Morwell | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8871 | 3841 | GIPPSLAND MC | VIC | 147.463 | -37.5832 | | | | | | | R3 | | -37.5832 | 147.463 | | | | | | | | | 3 | | | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | | | Wellington | 26810 | Parkes | | | |
8872 | 3842 | CHURCHILL | VIC | 146.414358 | -38.315452 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3219988 | 146.4160017 | 20504109436 | Churchill (Vic.) | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8873 | 3844 | BLACKWARRY | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4193287 | 146.606259 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8874 | 3844 | CALLIGNEE | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.323816 | 146.5796363 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8875 | 3844 | CALLIGNEE NORTH | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3200613 | 146.6040519 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
20957 | 3844 | CALLIGNEE SOUTH | VIC | 146.6035417 | -38.38048482 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3756 | 146.614 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8876 | 3844 | CARRAJUNG | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.366667 | 146.683333 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
20958 | 3844 | CARRAJUNG LOWER | VIC | 146.7391131 | -38.39234478 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3825 | 146.761 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 220.491195678711 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
20959 | 3844 | CARRAJUNG SOUTH | VIC | 146.7999955 | -38.38123128 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3871 | 146.799 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8877 | 3844 | FLYNN | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1707159 | 146.7117693 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8878 | 3844 | FLYNNS CREEK | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.260963 | 146.6377088 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8879 | 3844 | KOORNALLA | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3267086 | 146.5322429 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8880 | 3844 | LOY YANG | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.255137 | 146.6126403 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
20960 | 3844 | MOUNT TASSIE | VIC | 146.5618972 | -38.38862898 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3886276 | 146.5618976 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 636.648559570313 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8881 | 3844 | TRARALGON | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2033531 | 146.519786 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8882 | 3844 | TRARALGON EAST | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1836514 | 146.5825806 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8883 | 3844 | TRARALGON SOUTH | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2986311 | 146.5368986 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8884 | 3844 | TYERS | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.15 | 146.466667 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8885 | 3844 | WILLUNG SOUTH | VIC | 146.607101 | -38.316869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.337633 | 146.7222533 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 259.099151611328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 25401 | Morwell (Eastern Victoria) |
8886 | 3847 | HIAMDALE | VIC | 146.772991 | -38.166213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2643115 | 146.7554393 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 24.194393157959 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8887 | 3847 | NAMBROK | VIC | 146.772991 | -38.166213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0532922 | 146.8388418 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 24.194393157959 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8888 | 3847 | ROSEDALE | VIC | 146.772991 | -38.166213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.15 | 146.783 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 24.194393157959 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8889 | 3847 | WILLUNG | VIC | 146.772991 | -38.166213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2448484 | 146.8037101 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 24.194393157959 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20961 | 3847 | WILLUNG SOUTH | VIC | 146.8251888 | -38.32561417 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3376 | 146.722 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 225.483825683594 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8890 | 3850 | GIFFARD | VIC | 147.106181 | -38.224191 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3676479 | 147.1613237 | 20505110334 | Sale | 205051103 | Sale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8891 | 3850 | GUTHRIDGE | VIC | 147.106181 | -38.224191 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1075 | 147.082 | 20505110334 | Sale | 205051103 | Sale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8892 | 3850 | SALE | VIC | 147.106181 | -38.224191 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1026004 | 147.073027 | 20505110334 | Sale | 205051103 | Sale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8893 | 3850 | SALE NORTH | VIC | 147.106181 | -38.224191 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1026004 | 147.073027 | 20505110334 | Sale | 205051103 | Sale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8894 | 3850 | WURRUK | VIC | 147.106181 | -38.224191 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1077891 | 147.0280652 | 20505110334 | Sale | 205051103 | Sale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8895 | 3851 | AIRLY | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0279745 | 147.1149275 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8896 | 3851 | BUNDALAGUAH | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0307598 | 147.0217285 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8897 | 3851 | CLYDEBANK | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0463162 | 147.1474819 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8898 | 3851 | COBAINS | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0791967 | 147.1231644 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8899 | 3851 | DARRIMAN | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4036751 | 146.839377 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8900 | 3851 | DUTSON | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1738558 | 147.2074198 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8901 | 3851 | DUTSON DOWNS | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2032935 | 147.3193881 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8902 | 3851 | FLAMINGO BEACH | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.270311 | 147.3129258 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8903 | 3851 | FULHAM | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0779833 | 146.9541617 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20962 | 3851 | GIFFARD | VIC | 147.099754 | -38.38411874 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3676 | 147.161 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8904 | 3851 | GIFFARD WEST | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3506013 | 146.9896989 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8905 | 3851 | GLOMAR BEACH | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2989768 | 147.2762157 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8906 | 3851 | GOLDEN BEACH | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2280947 | 147.3757681 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8907 | 3851 | KILMANY | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1140626 | 146.9077363 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8908 | 3851 | LAKE WELLINGTON | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0904946 | 147.317466 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8909 | 3851 | LOCH SPORT | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0739783 | 147.5419531 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8910 | 3851 | LONGFORD | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.164167 | 147.086944 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8911 | 3851 | MONTGOMERY | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.051866 | 147.0713502 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8912 | 3851 | MYRTLEBANK | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0664383 | 147.0168002 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8913 | 3851 | PARADISE BEACH | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1992076 | 147.4033451 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8914 | 3851 | PEARSONDALE | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1343526 | 147.0134889 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8915 | 3851 | SEACOMBE | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1194501 | 147.4402167 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8916 | 3851 | SEASPRAY | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2936345 | 147.1467693 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8917 | 3851 | SOMERTON PARK | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0976286 | 147.0973977 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8918 | 3851 | STRADBROKE | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2720244 | 147.0569376 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8919 | 3851 | THE HEART | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1028369 | 147.1693375 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8920 | 3851 | THE HONEYSUCKLES | VIC | 147.084398 | -38.035548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3529876 | 147.2190598 | 20505110406 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 14.5889396667481 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20963 | 3852 | EAST SALE | VIC | 147.1414369 | -38.10361729 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1054 | 147.141 | 20505110013 | Sale | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8921 | 3852 | EAST SALE RAAF | VIC | 147.134356 | -38.106731 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1054893 | 147.1233541 | 20505110013 | Sale | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20964 | 3852 | SALE EAST RAAF | VIC | 147.134356 | -38.106731 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1055 | 147.123 | 20505110013 | Sale | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8922 | 3853 | SALE | VIC | 146.059953 | -38.095569 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -38.1026004 | 147.073027 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 165.838607788086 | V2 | PHN204 | | Baw Baw | 20830 | Parkes | | | |
8923 | 3854 | GLENGARRY | VIC | 146.596877 | -38.12413 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1352566 | 146.5637493 | 20505110201 | Toongabbie (Vic.) | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 44.4541969299316 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Gippsland | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8924 | 3854 | GLENGARRY NORTH | VIC | 146.596877 | -38.12413 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.088238 | 146.5749622 | 20505110201 | Toongabbie (Vic.) | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 3 | Gippsland | 44.4541969299316 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Gippsland | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8925 | 3854 | GLENGARRY WEST | VIC | 146.596877 | -38.12413 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1520709 | 146.5245143 | 20505110201 | Toongabbie (Vic.) | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 44.4541969299316 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Gippsland | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8926 | 3856 | TOONGABBIE | VIC | 146.672206 | -38.063907 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0326139 | 146.5392256 | 20505110201 | Toongabbie (Vic.) | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 56.8328018188477 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Gippsland | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8927 | 3857 | COWWARR | VIC | 146.694894 | -38.018616 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0132354 | 146.6850587 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20965 | 3858 | ARBUCKLE | VIC | 146.8291658 | -37.3690401 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.369 | 146.829 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20966 | 3858 | BILLABONG | VIC | 146.80983 | -37.24480987 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2589 | 146.828 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20967 | 3858 | BURAGWONDUC | VIC | 146.7706256 | -37.49088696 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4909 | 146.771 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20968 | 3858 | CROOKAYAN | VIC | 146.6214281 | -37.48411474 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4841 | 146.621 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8928 | 3858 | DAWSON | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9680283 | 146.6951743 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8929 | 3858 | DENISON | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0254826 | 146.8423556 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20969 | 3858 | GILLUM | VIC | 146.7352987 | -37.7535504 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7535 | 146.735 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8930 | 3858 | GLEN FALLOCH | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6691937 | 146.6472521 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20970 | 3858 | GLENFALLOCH | VIC | 146.6296585 | -37.69372058 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6692 | 146.647 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8931 | 3858 | GLENMAGGIE | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9163753 | 146.7461215 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8932 | 3858 | HEYFIELD | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9827396 | 146.7911606 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20971 | 3858 | HOWITT PLAINS | VIC | 146.685872 | -37.20631423 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2063 | 146.686 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8933 | 3858 | LICOLA | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5735428 | 146.6245602 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8934 | 3858 | LICOLA NORTH | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5148998 | 146.5518033 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20972 | 3858 | REYNARD | VIC | 146.6252375 | -37.35595129 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3559 | 146.625 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 831.340026855469 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20973 | 3858 | SARGOOD | VIC | 146.7389535 | -37.58636148 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5864 | 146.739 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 644.624938964844 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8935 | 3858 | SEATON | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9380632 | 146.684357 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8936 | 3858 | TAMBORITHA | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4334758 | 146.7101069 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8937 | 3858 | WINNINDOO | VIC | 146.576101 | -37.821756 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0598736 | 146.7629732 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20974 | 3858 | WORROWING | VIC | 146.7419767 | -37.66889173 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6689 | 146.742 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20975 | 3858 | YANGOURA | VIC | 146.5677589 | -37.82195914 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.822 | 146.568 | 20505110210 | Winnindoo | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 758.849487304688 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Mansfield | 24250 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8938 | 3859 | MAFFRA WEST UPPER | VIC | 146.848259 | -37.886136 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8729822 | 146.817681 | 20505110119 | Tinamba | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8939 | 3859 | MEWBURN PARK | VIC | 146.848259 | -37.886136 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9529871 | 146.9390043 | 20505110119 | Tinamba | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8940 | 3859 | NEWRY | VIC | 146.848259 | -37.886136 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.905059 | 146.900704 | 20505110119 | Tinamba | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8941 | 3859 | TINAMBA | VIC | 146.848259 | -37.886136 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9655346 | 146.919692 | 20505110119 | Tinamba | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8942 | 3859 | TINAMBA WEST | VIC | 146.848259 | -37.886136 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9329967 | 146.8497352 | 20505110119 | Tinamba | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8943 | 3860 | BOISDALE | VIC | 146.805175 | -37.571707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8840703 | 146.9945377 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8944 | 3860 | BRIAGOLONG | VIC | 146.805175 | -37.571707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.822072 | 147.0717292 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8945 | 3860 | BUSHY PARK | VIC | 146.805175 | -37.571707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8381502 | 147.0030727 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8946 | 3860 | COONGULLA | VIC | 146.805175 | -37.571707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8863058 | 146.7854467 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20976 | 3860 | KOOROOL | VIC | 146.9425755 | -37.72619419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7262 | 146.943 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 478.816589355469 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8947 | 3860 | MAFFRA | VIC | 146.805175 | -37.571707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9619053 | 146.9886238 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20977 | 3860 | MONOMAK | VIC | 146.8250006 | -37.78389869 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7239 | 146.793 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20978 | 3860 | MOROKA | VIC | 146.9388373 | -37.48991548 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4899 | 146.939 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1230.35021972656 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20979 | 3860 | NAP NAP MARRA | VIC | 146.8458785 | -37.57861321 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5786 | 146.846 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8948 | 3860 | NUNTIN | VIC | 146.805175 | -37.571707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2243721 | 146.4301419 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 3 | 3 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8949 | 3860 | RIVERSLEA | VIC | 146.805175 | -37.571707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0032475 | 146.9457191 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20980 | 3860 | TOOLOME | VIC | 147.0534386 | -37.61645458 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6165 | 147.053 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8950 | 3860 | VALENCIA CREEK | VIC | 146.805175 | -37.571707 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8236211 | 146.9766789 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20981 | 3860 | WOOLENOOK | VIC | 147.0446286 | -37.69783613 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7295 | 147.062 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20982 | 3860 | WRATHUNG | VIC | 146.9492264 | -37.59554693 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5955 | 146.949 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20983 | 3860 | WRIXON | VIC | 146.8512398 | -37.68351367 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6835 | 146.851 | 20505110138 | Maffra (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 1456.92687988281 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20984 | 3862 | BUDGEE BUDGEE | VIC | 147.130018 | -37.55304411 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5459 | 147.096 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8951 | 3862 | CASTLEBURN | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.576172 | 147.179993 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8952 | 3862 | COBBANNAH | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.705174 | 147.3162797 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20985 | 3862 | COWA | VIC | 147.1868903 | -37.39966422 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3889 | 147.18 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8953 | 3862 | CROOKED RIVER | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3140719 | 147.1018714 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8954 | 3862 | DARGO | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4619237 | 147.2510078 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8955 | 3862 | HAWKHURST | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.419557 | 147.1189167 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20986 | 3862 | HOLLANDS LANDING | VIC | 147.4640889 | -38.04993542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.048 | 147.461 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8956 | 3862 | LLOWALONG | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9113511 | 147.0361627 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8957 | 3862 | MEERLIEU | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0071158 | 147.3856872 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20987 | 3862 | MIOWERA | VIC | 147.0748445 | -37.4711505 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.48 | 147.153 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 712.203674316406 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20988 | 3862 | MOORNAPA | VIC | 147.1704522 | -37.69919183 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.628 | 147.203 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8958 | 3862 | MUNRO | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9318234 | 147.2007191 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8959 | 3862 | PERRY BRIDGE | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0044156 | 147.2652758 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8679 | 3862 | STOCKDALE | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8097884 | 147.1622868 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8680 | 3862 | STRATFORD | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.966667 | 147.083333 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8681 | 3862 | WATERFORD | VIC | 147.228456 | -37.597551 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.516238 | 147.201491 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
20989 | 3862 | WONGUNGARRA | VIC | 147.0451171 | -37.25564455 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3442 | 147.153 | 20505110133 | Stratford (Vic.) | 205051101 | Maffra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 487.92578125 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Gippsland | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8682 | 3864 | FERNBANK | VIC | 147.341513 | -37.860878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8151682 | 147.3291671 | 20502108224 | Woodglen | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8683 | 3864 | GLENALADALE | VIC | 147.341513 | -37.860878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7510906 | 147.3266955 | 20502108224 | Woodglen | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8684 | 3864 | THE FINGERBOARD | VIC | 147.341513 | -37.860878 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8199648 | 147.304453 | 20502108224 | Woodglen | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8685 | 3865 | LINDENOW | VIC | 147.455946 | -37.796743 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7994292 | 147.468383 | 20502108202 | Walpa | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 22.5033493041992 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8686 | 3869 | JUMBUK | VIC | 146.359836 | -38.364689 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3747997 | 146.4051598 | 20504109437 | Yinnar | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 98.0101699829102 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8687 | 3869 | YINNAR | VIC | 146.359836 | -38.364689 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.316667 | 146.316667 | 20504109437 | Yinnar | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 5 | Gippsland | 98.0101699829102 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8688 | 3869 | YINNAR SOUTH | VIC | 146.359836 | -38.364689 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.383333 | 146.383333 | 20504109437 | Yinnar | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 98.0101699829102 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8689 | 3870 | BOOLARRA | VIC | 146.319351 | -38.437946 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.383333 | 146.266667 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 219.884262084961 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8690 | 3870 | BOOLARRA SOUTH | VIC | 146.319351 | -38.437946 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.419077 | 146.2666008 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 219.884262084961 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8691 | 3870 | BUDGEREE | VIC | 146.319351 | -38.437946 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4201593 | 146.3411655 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 219.884262084961 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8692 | 3870 | BUDGEREE EAST | VIC | 146.319351 | -38.437946 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.45 | 146.38 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 219.884262084961 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
20994 | 3870 | GRAND RIDGE | VIC | 146.3992787 | -38.47229711 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4431454 | 146.3184541 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 377.203796386719 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8693 | 3870 | JOHNSTONES HILL | VIC | 146.319351 | -38.437946 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3804 | 146.291 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 219.884262084961 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8694 | 3870 | MIRBOO EAST | VIC | 146.319351 | -38.437946 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3950602 | 146.1498411 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 219.884262084961 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8695 | 3871 | ALLAMBEE RESERVE | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3022517 | 146.0528724 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8696 | 3871 | ALLAMBEE SOUTH | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3485607 | 146.1086461 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
20995 | 3871 | BAROMI | VIC | 146.1775109 | -38.40304542 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4024468 | 146.1770148 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8697 | 3871 | DARLIMURLA | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4148139 | 146.2122654 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8698 | 3871 | DELBURN | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3188255 | 146.2264351 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8699 | 3871 | DOLLAR | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5573 | 146.176 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8700 | 3871 | LIMONITE | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4187 | 146.237 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8701 | 3871 | MIRBOO | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3950602 | 146.1498411 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8702 | 3871 | MIRBOO NORTH | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3950602 | 146.1498411 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8703 | 3871 | TARWIN EAST | VIC | 146.158866 | -38.42207 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20504 | Latrobe Valley | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.405 | 146.181 | 20504109409 | Mirboo | 205041094 | Churchill | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 171.858917236328 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8704 | 3873 | GORMANDALE | VIC | 146.708775 | -38.298267 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3016024 | 146.6738329 | 20505110206 | Willung | 205051102 | Rosedale | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8705 | 3874 | CARRAJUNG SOUTH | VIC | 146.836248 | -38.514438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3871131 | 146.7991439 | 20505110411 | Woodside Beach | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 58.785530090332 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8706 | 3874 | CHERRILONG | VIC | 146.836248 | -38.514438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.58 | 146.88 | 20505110411 | Woodside Beach | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 58.785530090332 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8707 | 3874 | MCLOUGHLINS BEACH | VIC | 146.836248 | -38.514438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.608611 | 146.903889 | 20505110411 | Woodside Beach | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Gippsland | 58.785530090332 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8708 | 3874 | WOODSIDE | VIC | 146.836248 | -38.514438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5206202 | 146.8950786 | 20505110411 | Woodside Beach | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 58.785530090332 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8709 | 3874 | WOODSIDE BEACH | VIC | 146.836248 | -38.514438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5452519 | 146.9745677 | 20505110411 | Woodside Beach | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 58.785530090332 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8710 | 3874 | WOODSIDE NORTH | VIC | 146.836248 | -38.514438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4219075 | 146.8226797 | 20505110411 | Woodside Beach | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 58.785530090332 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8711 | 3875 | BAIRNSDALE | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.833333 | 147.616667 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20996 | 3875 | BANKSIA PENINSULA | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.94900419 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9518 | 147.674 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 26.2286338806152 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8712 | 3875 | BENGWORDEN | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9749719 | 147.4629594 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8713 | 3875 | BROADLANDS | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8468121 | 147.6799159 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8714 | 3875 | BULLUMWAAL | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6716417 | 147.5657205 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8715 | 3875 | CALULU | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7818188 | 147.5193106 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8716 | 3875 | CLIFTON CREEK | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7114587 | 147.691206 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8717 | 3875 | DEPTFORD | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5662068 | 147.6883849 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8718 | 3875 | EAST BAIRNSDALE | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8361684 | 147.6495717 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20997 | 3875 | EASTWOOD | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.81289131 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8134 | 147.63 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 21.697940826416 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8719 | 3875 | ELLASWOOD | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7837112 | 147.5751417 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8720 | 3875 | FAIRY DELL | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6887426 | 147.7573626 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8721 | 3875 | FLAGGY CREEK | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7553132 | 147.4796981 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8722 | 3875 | FORGE CREEK | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9311827 | 147.6141587 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8723 | 3875 | GOON NURE | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9767763 | 147.5871797 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8724 | 3875 | GRANITE ROCK | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7573323 | 147.6722422 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8725 | 3875 | HILLSIDE | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.826996 | 147.5366825 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8726 | 3875 | HOLLANDS LANDING | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.048 | 147.461 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8727 | 3875 | IGUANA CREEK | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7524046 | 147.3644833 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8728 | 3875 | LINDENOW SOUTH | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8261072 | 147.4388572 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8729 | 3875 | LUCKNOW | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8115088 | 147.6779106 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20998 | 3875 | MARTHAVALE | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.44431597 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4443 | 147.508 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8730 | 3875 | MELWOOD | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7417323 | 147.5051616 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8731 | 3875 | MERRIJIG | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7074693 | 147.5375304 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8732 | 3875 | MOUNT TAYLOR | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7322467 | 147.5893027 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8733 | 3875 | NEWLANDS ARM | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9277583 | 147.692083 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
20999 | 3875 | RYANS | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.55196002 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5519 | 147.474 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8734 | 3875 | SARSFIELD | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7438718 | 147.7686461 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8735 | 3875 | TABBERABBERA | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5480156 | 147.4014224 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8736 | 3875 | WALPA | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7939691 | 147.3892119 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8737 | 3875 | WATERHOLES | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6486269 | 147.719636 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
21000 | 3875 | WENTWORTH | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.30864369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3086 | 147.488 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 720.402648925781 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8738 | 3875 | WOODGLEN | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7749385 | 147.3892119 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8739 | 3875 | WUK WUK | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7563119 | 147.4309105 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8740 | 3875 | WY YUNG | VIC | 147.63201 | -37.826032 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8035174 | 147.6191276 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 17.1043434143066 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8741 | 3878 | EAGLE POINT | VIC | 147.680121 | -37.898544 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9067566 | 147.6779106 | 20502108617 | Raymond Island | 205021086 | Paynesville | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8742 | 3880 | BOOLE POOLE | VIC | 147.727389 | -37.914728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8993247 | 147.7902372 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8743 | 3880 | OCEAN GRANGE | VIC | 147.727389 | -37.914728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9968555 | 147.6893783 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8744 | 3880 | PAYNESVILLE | VIC | 147.727389 | -37.914728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.9112576 | 147.7123335 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8745 | 3880 | RAYMOND ISLAND | VIC | 147.727389 | -37.914728 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.916667 | 147.733333 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8746 | 3882 | NICHOLSON | VIC | 147.764385 | -37.812017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8071978 | 147.7573 | 20502108301 | Raymond Island | 205021083 | Lake King | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 32.3831024169922 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
21001 | 3885 | BRUMBY | VIC | 148.0696953 | -37.01610136 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0161 | 148.07 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8747 | 3885 | BRUTHEN | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7135193 | 147.8339017 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8748 | 3885 | BUCHAN | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5121541 | 148.165845 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8749 | 3885 | BUCHAN SOUTH | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.539995 | 148.1239027 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8750 | 3885 | BUTCHERS RIDGE | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2471181 | 148.2507284 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8751 | 3885 | GELANTIPY | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.147539 | 148.2526703 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8752 | 3885 | MOSSIFACE | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7451219 | 147.8197188 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8753 | 3885 | MURRINDAL | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3987231 | 148.2152799 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8754 | 3885 | SUGGAN BUGGAN | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9406813 | 148.3478487 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8755 | 3885 | TAMBO UPPER | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7718005 | 147.8116993 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8756 | 3885 | TIMBARRA | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4912025 | 147.9333322 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8757 | 3885 | W TREE | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3217231 | 148.238042 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8758 | 3885 | WISELEIGH | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7125989 | 147.7913421 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8759 | 3885 | WULGULMERANG | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0087952 | 148.2747684 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8760 | 3885 | WULGULMERANG EAST | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0982656 | 148.2544511 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8761 | 3885 | WULGULMERANG WEST | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2249496 | 148.1086105 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8762 | 3885 | YALMY | VIC | 148.118511 | -37.291807 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4809794 | 148.281616 | 20502108515 | Wulgulmerang West | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8763 | 3886 | NEWMERELLA | VIC | 148.426851 | -37.770977 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7514308 | 148.42875 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 60.4971199035645 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8764 | 3887 | LAKE TYERS | VIC | 148.116641 | -37.757895 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8396304 | 148.1238154 | 20502108518 | Toorloo Arm | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8765 | 3887 | NOWA NOWA | VIC | 148.116641 | -37.757895 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7343937 | 148.0867723 | 20502108518 | Toorloo Arm | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8766 | 3887 | WAIREWA | VIC | 148.116641 | -37.757895 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7175268 | 148.1639603 | 20502108518 | Toorloo Arm | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8767 | 3888 | BENDOC | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1347462 | 148.9105482 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8768 | 3888 | BETE BOLONG | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7092607 | 148.3937975 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8769 | 3888 | BETE BOLONG NORTH | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5892422 | 148.290893 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8770 | 3888 | BONANG | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1764711 | 148.6825219 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8771 | 3888 | BRODRIBB RIVER | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7784742 | 148.5439613 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8772 | 3888 | CABANANDRA | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0999706 | 148.6910549 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8773 | 3888 | CAPE CONRAN | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7927389 | 148.7188591 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8774 | 3888 | CORRINGLE | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7824449 | 148.4433762 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
21002 | 3888 | DEDDICK VALLEY | VIC | 148.4725251 | -37.05839205 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0804727 | 148.4112283 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 442.209259033203 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
21003 | 3888 | DELEGATE RIVER | VIC | 148.812726 | -37.10937561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0634 | 148.798 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8775 | 3888 | DELEGATE RIVER EAST | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0634036 | 148.7979127 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8776 | 3888 | DELLICKNORA | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.114129 | 148.671541 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8777 | 3888 | GOONGERAH | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.35 | 148.7 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8778 | 3888 | HAYDENS BOG | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1049248 | 148.8696613 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8779 | 3888 | JARRAHMOND | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6902765 | 148.4156549 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8780 | 3888 | LOCHEND | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7404294 | 148.5052663 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8781 | 3888 | MARLO | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.796 | 148.531 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8782 | 3888 | MARTINS CREEK | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -32.55 | 151.616667 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 2 | 2 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8783 | 3888 | NURRAN | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.396581 | 148.5912894 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8784 | 3888 | OMEO VALLEY | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9546793 | 147.6360481 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8785 | 3888 | ORBOST | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7028259 | 148.4653469 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8786 | 3888 | SIMPSONS CREEK | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7450776 | 148.3523807 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8787 | 3888 | TOSTAREE | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7503304 | 148.189648 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8788 | 3888 | TUBBUT | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1051517 | 148.6354972 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8789 | 3888 | WAYGARA | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.750452 | 148.3186102 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8790 | 3888 | WOMBAT CREEK | VIC | 148.660943 | -37.39051 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7573077 | 148.2891394 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 374.822845458984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8791 | 3889 | BELL BIRD CREEK | VIC | 148.873952 | -37.610841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6535 | 148.814 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 138.644454956055 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
21004 | 3889 | BELLBIRD CREEK | VIC | 148.814786 | -37.63819699 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6535235 | 148.8137548 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 204.981048583984 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8792 | 3889 | BEMM RIVER | VIC | 148.873952 | -37.610841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7590189 | 148.9606122 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 138.644454956055 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8793 | 3889 | CABBAGE TREE CREEK | VIC | 148.873952 | -37.610841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6983515 | 148.715807 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 138.644454956055 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8794 | 3889 | CLUB TERRACE | VIC | 148.873952 | -37.610841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5187171 | 148.9303017 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 138.644454956055 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8795 | 3889 | COMBIENBAR | VIC | 148.873952 | -37.610841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4059446 | 149.008783 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 138.644454956055 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8796 | 3889 | ERRINUNDRA | VIC | 148.873952 | -37.610841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4648602 | 148.7505879 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 5 | Gippsland | 138.644454956055 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8797 | 3889 | MANORINA | VIC | 148.873952 | -37.610841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6725526 | 148.7936448 | 20502108517 | Newmerella | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 138.644454956055 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8798 | 3890 | BULDAH | VIC | 149.217216 | -37.566489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2788614 | 149.1440045 | 20502108512 | Tonghi Creek | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 101.381126403809 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8799 | 3890 | CANN RIVER | VIC | 149.217216 | -37.566489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.566667 | 149.15 | 20502108512 | Tonghi Creek | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 101.381126403809 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8800 | 3890 | CHANDLERS CREEK | VIC | 149.217216 | -37.566489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.334385 | 149.2043105 | 20502108512 | Tonghi Creek | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 101.381126403809 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8801 | 3890 | NOORINBEE | VIC | 149.217216 | -37.566489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5096536 | 149.1705795 | 20502108512 | Tonghi Creek | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 101.381126403809 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8802 | 3890 | NOORINBEE NORTH | VIC | 149.217216 | -37.566489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.424735 | 149.1942574 | 20502108512 | Tonghi Creek | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 101.381126403809 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8803 | 3890 | TAMBOON | VIC | 149.217216 | -37.566489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7989269 | 149.2752202 | 20502108512 | Tonghi Creek | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 101.381126403809 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8804 | 3890 | TONGHI CREEK | VIC | 149.217216 | -37.566489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5619138 | 149.0618209 | 20502108512 | Tonghi Creek | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 101.381126403809 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8805 | 3890 | WEERAGUA | VIC | 149.217216 | -37.566489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5621735 | 149.1960526 | 20502108512 | Tonghi Creek | 205021085 | Orbost | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 101.381126403809 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8806 | 3891 | GENOA | VIC | 149.538907 | -37.567684 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4510835 | 149.696092 | 20502108521 | Wroxham | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 4 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8807 | 3891 | GIPSY POINT | VIC | 149.538907 | -37.567684 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4835989 | 149.673809 | 20502108521 | Wroxham | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 4 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8808 | 3891 | MARAMINGO CREEK | VIC | 149.538907 | -37.567684 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4323557 | 149.6308682 | 20502108521 | Wroxham | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 4 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8809 | 3891 | WALLAGARAUGH | VIC | 149.538907 | -37.567684 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3427729 | 149.6726338 | 20502108521 | Wroxham | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8810 | 3891 | WANGARABELL | VIC | 149.538907 | -37.567684 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3898326 | 149.511036 | 20502108521 | Wroxham | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 4 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8811 | 3891 | WINGAN RIVER | VIC | 149.538907 | -37.567684 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5346078 | 149.3921944 | 20502108521 | Wroxham | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 4 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8812 | 3891 | WROXHAM | VIC | 149.538907 | -37.567684 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3425735 | 149.4808994 | 20502108521 | Wroxham | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 4 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8813 | 3892 | MALLACOOTA | VIC | 149.909868 | -37.563775 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.5130708 | 149.7718067 | 20502108522 | Mallacoota | 205021085 | Orbost | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 4 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 6 | 6 | Gippsland | 38.9455833435059 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8814 | 3893 | DOUBLE BRIDGES | VIC | 147.866067 | -37.495349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.6278133 | 147.8483965 | 20502108223 | Wentworth (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8815 | 3893 | STIRLING | VIC | 147.866067 | -37.495349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4518888 | 147.7101041 | 20502108223 | Wentworth (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8816 | 3893 | TAMBO CROSSING | VIC | 147.866067 | -37.495349 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.4960033 | 147.8548453 | 20502108223 | Wentworth (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8817 | 3895 | DOCTORS FLAT | VIC | 147.887515 | -37.379331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2996064 | 147.740283 | 20502108220 | Timbarra (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8538 | 3895 | ENSAY | VIC | 147.887515 | -37.379331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3820435 | 147.8151071 | 20502108220 | Timbarra (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8539 | 3895 | ENSAY NORTH | VIC | 147.887515 | -37.379331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.323719 | 147.837458 | 20502108220 | Timbarra (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8540 | 3895 | REEDY CREEK | VIC | 147.887515 | -37.379331 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2652467 | 145.1486206 | 20502108220 | Timbarra (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
21005 | 3895 | REEDY FLAT | VIC | 147.916566 | -37.40606605 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3997 | 147.913 | 20502108220 | Timbarra (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8541 | 3896 | BINDI | VIC | 147.707962 | -37.264671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1429517 | 147.8151071 | 20502108223 | Wentworth (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 308.991424560547 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8542 | 3896 | BROOKVILLE | VIC | 147.707962 | -37.264671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.3125256 | 147.640009 | 20502108223 | Wentworth (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 308.991424560547 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8543 | 3896 | NUNNIONG | VIC | 147.707962 | -37.264671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2241522 | 147.9541666 | 20502108223 | Wentworth (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 308.991424560547 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8544 | 3896 | SWIFTS CREEK | VIC | 147.707962 | -37.264671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.250278 | 147.712222 | 20502108223 | Wentworth (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 308.991424560547 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8545 | 3896 | TONGIO | VIC | 147.707962 | -37.264671 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1875811 | 147.7253954 | 20502108223 | Wentworth (Vic.) | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 308.991424560547 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8546 | 3898 | ANGLERS REST | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9939045 | 147.4819571 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8547 | 3898 | BINGO | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0162321 | 147.5748824 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8548 | 3898 | BINGO MUNJIE | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0162321 | 147.5748824 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8549 | 3898 | BUNDARA | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9778224 | 147.3397643 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8550 | 3898 | CASSILIS | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.2109679 | 147.5988028 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8551 | 3898 | COBUNGRA | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0881747 | 147.403641 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8552 | 3898 | DINNER PLAIN | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0238277 | 147.2413889 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8553 | 3898 | GLEN VALLEY | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8805567 | 147.4694437 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8554 | 3898 | GLEN WILLS | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8368292 | 147.4971151 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8555 | 3898 | HINNOMUNJIE | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.0180032 | 147.6490239 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8556 | 3898 | OMEO | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.1 | 147.6 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
21006 | 3898 | OMEO VALLEY | VIC | 147.6157209 | -36.94711928 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9547 | 147.636 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8557 | 3898 | SHANNONVALE | VIC | 147.464799 | -37.066169 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9334829 | 147.4231349 | 20502108211 | Tongio | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 550.958068847656 | V2 | PHN205 | Murray | Alpine | 20110 | Indi | Rural | 26404 | Ovens Valley (Northern Victoria) |
8558 | 3900 | BENAMBRA | VIC | 147.826143 | -36.88053 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9180065 | 147.7736105 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 810.930053710938 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Snowy Valleys | 17080 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8559 | 3900 | COBBERAS | VIC | 147.826143 | -36.88053 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.8515428 | 148.0918337 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 810.930053710938 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Snowy Valleys | 17080 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8560 | 3900 | UPLANDS | VIC | 147.826143 | -36.88053 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -36.9009009 | 147.8708157 | 20502108209 | Omeo Valley | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 810.930053710938 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Snowy Valleys | 17080 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8561 | 3902 | BUMBERRAH | VIC | 147.814894 | -37.797042 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7900179 | 147.8339099 | 20502108216 | Johnsonville | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 55.8540115356445 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8562 | 3902 | JOHNSONVILLE | VIC | 147.814894 | -37.797042 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8177196 | 147.8044654 | 20502108216 | Johnsonville | 205021082 | Bruthen - Omeo | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 55.8540115356445 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8563 | 3903 | SWAN REACH | VIC | 147.867533 | -37.811303 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8097254 | 147.8594587 | 20502108406 | Tambo Upper | 205021084 | Lakes Entrance | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8564 | 3904 | METUNG | VIC | 147.839367 | -37.881041 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20502 | Gippsland - East | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8600459 | 147.8367484 | 20502108428 | Metung | 205021084 | Lakes Entrance | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 32.2328109741211 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8565 | 3909 | KALIMNA | VIC | 147.970237 | -37.821921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.866369 | 147.9673981 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 102.038360595703 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8566 | 3909 | KALIMNA WEST | VIC | 147.970237 | -37.821921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8479661 | 147.9297636 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 102.038360595703 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8567 | 3909 | LAKE BUNGA | VIC | 147.970237 | -37.821921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8616357 | 148.0384692 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 102.038360595703 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8568 | 3909 | LAKE TYERS BEACH | VIC | 147.970237 | -37.821921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8606804 | 148.0669106 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 102.038360595703 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8569 | 3909 | LAKES ENTRANCE | VIC | 147.970237 | -37.821921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8511185 | 147.995821 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 102.038360595703 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8570 | 3909 | NUNGURNER | VIC | 147.970237 | -37.821921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8552118 | 147.8992133 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 102.038360595703 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8571 | 3909 | NYERIMILANG | VIC | 147.970237 | -37.821921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.8710154 | 147.921537 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Gippsland | 102.038360595703 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8572 | 3909 | TOORLOO ARM | VIC | 147.970237 | -37.821921 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -37.7894568 | 148.0505559 | 20505110007 | Seacombe | 205051100 | Longford - Loch Sport | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 102.038360595703 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | East Gippsland | 22110 | Gippsland | Rural | 23201 | Gippsland East (Eastern Victoria) |
8573 | 3910 | LANGWARRIN | VIC | 145.198328 | -38.156369 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1608986 | 145.1927835 | 21401137455 | Langwarrin | 214011374 | Langwarrin | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | 75.443229675293 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8574 | 3911 | BAXTER | VIC | 145.169556 | -38.196908 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.196 | 145.157 | 21402138535 | Baxter | 214021385 | Somerville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 49.4210205078125 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Flinders | Rural | 25301 | Mornington (Eastern Victoria) |
8575 | 3911 | LANGWARRIN SOUTH | VIC | 145.169556 | -38.196908 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.189 | 145.189 | 21402138535 | Baxter | 214021385 | Somerville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 49.4210205078125 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Flinders | Rural | 25301 | Mornington (Eastern Victoria) |
8576 | 3912 | PEARCEDALE | VIC | 145.227373 | -38.217991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.203 | 145.231 | 21402138546 | Somerville (Vic.) | 214021385 | Somerville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 10.5357189178467 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8577 | 3912 | SOMERVILLE | VIC | 145.227373 | -38.217991 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.226 | 145.177 | 21402138546 | Somerville (Vic.) | 214021385 | Somerville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 10.5357189178467 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8578 | 3913 | TYABB | VIC | 145.166426 | -38.262273 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2651079 | 145.1706992 | 21402138543 | Tyabb | 214021385 | Somerville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8579 | 3915 | HASTINGS | VIC | 145.136622 | -38.305806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.306 | 145.189 | 21402137958 | Hastings (Vic.) | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 25301 | Mornington (Eastern Victoria) |
8580 | 3915 | TUERONG | VIC | 145.136622 | -38.305806 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3 | 145.105 | 21402137958 | Hastings (Vic.) | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 25301 | Mornington (Eastern Victoria) |
8581 | 3916 | MERRICKS | VIC | 145.050587 | -38.415199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.39 | 145.089 | 21402137818 | Point Leo | 214021378 | Flinders | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8582 | 3916 | POINT LEO | VIC | 145.050587 | -38.415199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.421 | 145.075 | 21402137818 | Point Leo | 214021378 | Flinders | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8583 | 3916 | SHOREHAM | VIC | 145.050587 | -38.415199 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.427 | 145.05 | 21402137818 | Point Leo | 214021378 | Flinders | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8584 | 3918 | BITTERN | VIC | 145.155546 | -38.339871 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3329437 | 145.165179 | 21402137937 | Bittern | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 48.2406158447266 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8585 | 3919 | CRIB POINT | VIC | 145.199777 | -38.352327 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3534427 | 145.1983055 | 21402137945 | Crib Point | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8586 | 3920 | FLINDERS NAVAL DEPOT | VIC | 145.19304 | -38.38752 | | | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3943 | 145.209 | 21402137940 | Hmas Cerberus | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 31.9579639434814 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8587 | 3920 | HMAS CERBERUS | VIC | 145.19304 | -38.38752 | | | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3943 | 145.209 | 21402137940 | Hmas Cerberus | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 31.9579639434814 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
21007 | 3921 | ELIZABETH ISLAND | VIC | 145.3687444 | -38.41571044 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4168 | 145.369 | 20503108801 | French Island | 205031088 | French Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 6 | Flinders | 0 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8588 | 3921 | FRENCH ISLAND | VIC | 145.367079 | -38.419488 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3489348 | 145.3364703 | 20503108801 | French Island | 205031088 | French Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 6 | Flinders | 0 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8589 | 3921 | TANKERTON | VIC | 145.367079 | -38.419488 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.387343 | 145.291498 | 20503108801 | French Island | 205031088 | French Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 6 | Flinders | 0 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Unincorporated Vic | 29399 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8590 | 3922 | COWES | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.451111 | 145.241944 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8591 | 3922 | SILVERLEAVES | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.453056 | 145.264722 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8592 | 3922 | SMITHS BEACH | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5006654 | 145.2563077 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8593 | 3922 | SUMMERLANDS | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.511111 | 145.146111 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8594 | 3922 | SUNDERLAND BAY | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5016289 | 145.272887 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8595 | 3922 | SUNSET STRIP | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4958178 | 145.2659786 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8596 | 3922 | SURF BEACH | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5090925 | 145.2949976 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8597 | 3922 | VENTNOR | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4834062 | 145.1727694 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8598 | 3922 | WIMBLEDON HEIGHTS | VIC | 145.231974 | -38.482182 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4799767 | 145.2328259 | 20503109144 | Cowes | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8599 | 3923 | RHYLL | VIC | 145.293632 | -38.465552 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4724137 | 145.2756505 | 20503109115 | Rhyll | 205031091 | Phillip Island | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8600 | 3925 | CAPE WOOLAMAI | VIC | 145.379683 | -38.528213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.526111 | 145.336944 | 20503109338 | San Remo (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 54.3377456665039 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8601 | 3925 | CHURCHILL ISLAND | VIC | 145.379683 | -38.528213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4997104 | 145.33812 | 20503109338 | San Remo (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 54.3377456665039 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8602 | 3925 | NEWHAVEN | VIC | 145.379683 | -38.528213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5125 | 145.358333 | 20503109338 | San Remo (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 54.3377456665039 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8603 | 3925 | SAN REMO | VIC | 145.379683 | -38.528213 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5254247 | 145.3768484 | 20503109338 | San Remo (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 54.3377456665039 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8604 | 3926 | BALNARRING | VIC | 145.094502 | -38.355231 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.371 | 145.118 | 21402137957 | Merricks Beach | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8605 | 3926 | BALNARRING BEACH | VIC | 145.094502 | -38.355231 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3889938 | 145.1182718 | 21402137957 | Merricks Beach | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8606 | 3926 | MERRICKS BEACH | VIC | 145.094502 | -38.355231 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.398 | 145.106 | 21402137957 | Merricks Beach | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8607 | 3926 | MERRICKS NORTH | VIC | 145.094502 | -38.355231 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.354 | 145.075 | 21402137957 | Merricks Beach | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8608 | 3927 | SOMERS | VIC | 145.153269 | -38.383368 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3793743 | 145.165179 | 21402137956 | Somers | 214021379 | Hastings - Somers | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 13.795618057251 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 23601 | Hastings (Eastern Victoria) |
8609 | 3928 | MAIN RIDGE | VIC | 144.975131 | -38.407828 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4018779 | 144.9721978 | 21402137813 | Main Ridge | 214021378 | Flinders | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | 138.617950439453 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8610 | 3929 | FLINDERS | VIC | 144.976673 | -38.460965 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4574538 | 144.9721978 | 21402137816 | Flinders (Vic.) | 214021378 | Flinders | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | 129.050064086914 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8611 | 3930 | KUNYUNG | VIC | 145.093743 | -38.195017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1912818 | 145.0789201 | 21402138144 | Mount Eliza | 214021381 | Mount Eliza | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 25301 | Mornington (Eastern Victoria) |
8612 | 3930 | MOUNT ELIZA | VIC | 145.093743 | -38.195017 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1952209 | 145.0879338 | 21402138144 | Mount Eliza | 214021381 | Mount Eliza | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Dunkley | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Dunkley | Outer Metropolitan | 25301 | Mornington (Eastern Victoria) |
8613 | 3931 | MORNINGTON | VIC | 145.049503 | -38.230038 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2277083 | 145.0603633 | 21402159223 | Mornington (Vic.) | 214021592 | Mornington - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 32.6450691223145 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 25301 | Mornington (Eastern Victoria) |
8614 | 3933 | MOOROODUC | VIC | 145.096992 | -38.261168 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2501593 | 145.1265477 | 21402138547 | Moorooduc | 214021385 | Somerville | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 25301 | Mornington (Eastern Victoria) |
8615 | 3934 | MOUNT MARTHA | VIC | 145.031598 | -38.2783 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.287039 | 145.016269 | 21402138240 | Mount Martha | 214021382 | Mount Martha | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8616 | 3936 | ARTHURS SEAT | VIC | 145.007626 | -38.326447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.352 | 144.953 | 21402137725 | Dromana | 214021377 | Dromana | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8617 | 3936 | DROMANA | VIC | 145.007626 | -38.326447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.338 | 144.965 | 21402137725 | Dromana | 214021377 | Dromana | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8618 | 3936 | SAFETY BEACH | VIC | 145.007626 | -38.326447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.322 | 144.986 | 21402137725 | Dromana | 214021377 | Dromana | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8619 | 3937 | RED HILL | VIC | 145.01994 | -38.373694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.355 | 145.016 | 21402137815 | Shoreham | 214021378 | Flinders | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | 218.728103637695 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8620 | 3937 | RED HILL SOUTH | VIC | 145.01994 | -38.373694 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.384 | 145.024 | 21402137815 | Shoreham | 214021378 | Flinders | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | 218.728103637695 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8621 | 3938 | MCCRAE | VIC | 144.931834 | -38.354321 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3562816 | 144.9336544 | 21402138450 | Rosebud | 214021384 | Rosebud - McCrae | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8622 | 3939 | BONEO | VIC | 144.900413 | -38.42776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.413 | 144.888 | 21402138465 | Rosebud | 214021384 | Rosebud - McCrae | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | 59.7362289428711 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8623 | 3939 | CAPE SCHANCK | VIC | 144.900413 | -38.42776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.461 | 144.905 | 21402138465 | Rosebud | 214021384 | Rosebud - McCrae | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Flinders | 59.7362289428711 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8624 | 3939 | FINGAL | VIC | 144.900413 | -38.42776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.421111 | 144.861111 | 21402138465 | Rosebud | 214021384 | Rosebud - McCrae | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 59.7362289428711 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8625 | 3939 | ROSEBUD | VIC | 144.900413 | -38.42776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.356 | 144.918 | 21402138465 | Rosebud | 214021384 | Rosebud - McCrae | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 59.7362289428711 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8626 | 3939 | ROSEBUD PLAZA | VIC | 144.900413 | -38.42776 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3615692 | 144.8913632 | 21402138465 | Rosebud | 214021384 | Rosebud - McCrae | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 59.7362289428711 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
21008 | 3940 | CAPEL SOUND | VIC | 144.8754149 | -38.37363083 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3745 | 144.879 | 21402138470 | Capel Sound | 214021384 | Rosebud - McCrae | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 9.04032230377197 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8627 | 3940 | ROSEBUD WEST | VIC | 144.873115 | -38.383367 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3745 | 144.879 | 21402138470 | Capel Sound | 214021384 | Rosebud - McCrae | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | 9.04032230377197 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8628 | 3941 | RYE | VIC | 144.827203 | -38.396077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.377 | 144.838 | 21402138347 | Tootgarook | 214021383 | Point Nepean | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8629 | 3941 | ST ANDREWS BEACH | VIC | 144.827203 | -38.396077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.419 | 144.83 | 21402138347 | Tootgarook | 214021383 | Point Nepean | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8630 | 3941 | TOOTGAROOK | VIC | 144.827203 | -38.396077 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.374 | 144.849 | 21402138347 | Tootgarook | 214021383 | Point Nepean | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8631 | 3942 | BLAIRGOWRIE | VIC | 144.768301 | -38.367874 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3645949 | 144.7686693 | 21402138319 | Blairgowrie | 214021383 | Point Nepean | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8632 | 3943 | SORRENTO | VIC | 144.739101 | -38.345527 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3477833 | 144.746696 | 21402138348 | Sorrento (Vic.) | 214021383 | Point Nepean | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8633 | 3944 | PORTSEA | VIC | 144.692708 | -38.321871 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.32 | 144.713 | 21402138341 | Portsea | 214021383 | Point Nepean | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Flinders | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Mornington Peninsula | 25340 | Flinders | Rural | 26001 | Nepean (Eastern Victoria) |
8634 | 3945 | BELLVIEW | VIC | 145.697053 | -38.381582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | 30.4615858 | -87.3149742 | 20503109320 | Woodleigh (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 178.705718994141 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8635 | 3945 | JEETHO | VIC | 145.697053 | -38.381582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4130762 | 145.7251956 | 20503109320 | Woodleigh (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 178.705718994141 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8636 | 3945 | KROWERA | VIC | 145.697053 | -38.381582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4419698 | 145.6642077 | 20503109320 | Woodleigh (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 178.705718994141 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8637 | 3945 | LOCH | VIC | 145.697053 | -38.381582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3738374 | 145.6877037 | 20503109320 | Woodleigh (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 178.705718994141 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8638 | 3945 | WOODLEIGH | VIC | 145.697053 | -38.381582 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3954374 | 145.6335765 | 20503109320 | Woodleigh (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 178.705718994141 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8639 | 3946 | BENA | VIC | 145.723537 | -38.448155 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4506894 | 145.7245012 | 20503108917 | Whitelaw | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 146.106079101563 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8640 | 3950 | KARDELLA SOUTH | VIC | 145.812945 | -38.435217 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4584478 | 145.8746249 | 20503108925 | Korumburra | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 195.186599731445 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8641 | 3950 | KORUMBURRA | VIC | 145.812945 | -38.435217 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4378364 | 145.8150854 | 20503108925 | Korumburra | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 195.186599731445 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8642 | 3950 | KORUMBURRA SOUTH | VIC | 145.812945 | -38.435217 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4661814 | 145.8470086 | 20503108925 | Korumburra | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 195.186599731445 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8643 | 3950 | STRZELECKI | VIC | 145.812945 | -38.435217 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3416551 | 145.902453 | 20503108925 | Korumburra | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 195.186599731445 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8644 | 3950 | WHITELAW | VIC | 145.812945 | -38.435217 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4360763 | 145.7717353 | 20503108925 | Korumburra | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 195.186599731445 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8645 | 3951 | ARAWATA | VIC | 145.798419 | -38.47372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3950636 | 145.8892336 | 20503109013 | Wooreen | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8646 | 3951 | FAIRBANK | VIC | 145.798419 | -38.47372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4078396 | 145.919154 | 20503109013 | Wooreen | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8647 | 3951 | JUMBUNNA | VIC | 145.798419 | -38.47372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4623193 | 145.7762516 | 20503109013 | Wooreen | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8648 | 3951 | KARDELLA | VIC | 145.798419 | -38.47372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.421149 | 145.8746249 | 20503109013 | Wooreen | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8649 | 3951 | KONGWAK | VIC | 145.798419 | -38.47372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5174647 | 145.7096128 | 20503109013 | Wooreen | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8650 | 3951 | MOYARRA | VIC | 145.798419 | -38.47372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4800272 | 145.7217235 | 20503109013 | Wooreen | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8651 | 3951 | OUTTRIM | VIC | 145.798419 | -38.47372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5116349 | 145.7696509 | 20503109013 | Wooreen | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8652 | 3951 | RANCEBY | VIC | 145.798419 | -38.47372 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3790882 | 145.8364124 | 20503109013 | Wooreen | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8653 | 3953 | BERRYS CREEK | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.41889 | 146.080755 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8654 | 3953 | BOOROOL | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4463913 | 146.0378905 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8655 | 3953 | HALLSTON | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.363981 | 146.0207222 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8656 | 3953 | KOOROOMAN | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4840904 | 146.042782 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8657 | 3953 | LEONGATHA | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4740327 | 145.9436663 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8658 | 3953 | LEONGATHA NORTH | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4196665 | 145.9692754 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8659 | 3953 | LEONGATHA SOUTH | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5330704 | 145.906628 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8660 | 3953 | MARDAN | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4779623 | 146.0953967 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8661 | 3953 | MOUNT ECCLES | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3691862 | 145.9808134 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8662 | 3953 | MOUNT ECCLES SOUTH | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4146119 | 145.9929535 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8663 | 3953 | NERRENA | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4925267 | 146.011761 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8664 | 3953 | RUBY | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4358301 | 145.919154 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8665 | 3953 | TRIDA | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.327028 | 145.9769353 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8666 | 3953 | WILD DOG VALLEY | VIC | 145.995174 | -38.460127 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3669582 | 145.9454696 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 47.5624351501465 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
21009 | 3953 | WOOREEN | VIC | 146.0204631 | -38.40506851 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4023 | 146.038 | 20503109029 | Leongatha | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | 111.190887451172 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8667 | 3954 | KOONWARRA | VIC | 145.937973 | -38.550379 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5615123 | 145.9469958 | 20503109014 | Koonwarra | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8668 | 3956 | DUMBALK | VIC | 145.955341 | -38.597018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.533889 | 146.094444 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8669 | 3956 | DUMBALK NORTH | VIC | 145.955341 | -38.597018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.504782 | 146.159569 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8670 | 3956 | MEENIYAN | VIC | 145.955341 | -38.597018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5835106 | 146.013851 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
21010 | 3956 | MIDDLE TARWIN | VIC | 145.927163 | -38.66471384 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6773 | 145.923 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 27.0944442749023 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8671 | 3956 | MIRBOO SOUTH | VIC | 145.955341 | -38.597018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3950602 | 146.1498411 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8672 | 3956 | TARWIN | VIC | 145.955341 | -38.597018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7377901 | 145.9087155 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
21011 | 3956 | TARWIN LOWER | VIC | 145.9119412 | -38.77338675 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7377901 | 145.9087155 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8673 | 3956 | VENUS BAY | VIC | 145.955341 | -38.597018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.683333 | 145.8 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8674 | 3956 | WALKERVILLE | VIC | 145.955341 | -38.597018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.8249059 | 145.9696236 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
21012 | 3956 | WALKERVILLE NORTH | VIC | 145.9993437 | -38.84261489 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.8419 | 145.999 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 18.1570129394531 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8675 | 3956 | WALKERVILLE SOUTH | VIC | 145.955341 | -38.597018 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.8611677 | 145.9978291 | 20503109019 | Mirboo | 205031090 | Leongatha | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 49.5291328430176 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8676 | 3957 | GRASSY SPUR | VIC | 146.126718 | -38.589302 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6203815 | 146.108203 | 20503108716 | Stony Creek (South Gippsland - Vic.) | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 143.716110229492 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8677 | 3957 | STONY CREEK | VIC | 146.126718 | -38.589302 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5941498 | 146.1030672 | 20503108716 | Stony Creek (South Gippsland - Vic.) | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 143.716110229492 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8678 | 3958 | BUFFALO | VIC | 145.987059 | -38.673841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6765966 | 146.013851 | 20503108719 | Middle Tarwin | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8399 | 3958 | BUFFALO CREEK | VIC | 145.987059 | -38.673841 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6592993 | 146.0196197 | 20503108719 | Middle Tarwin | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8400 | 3959 | FISH CREEK | VIC | 146.066529 | -38.734636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7043519 | 146.087727 | 20503108725 | Fish Creek | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8401 | 3959 | HODDLE | VIC | 146.066529 | -38.734636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6878834 | 146.1282062 | 20503108725 | Fish Creek | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8402 | 3959 | SANDY POINT | VIC | 146.066529 | -38.734636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.8256023 | 146.134104 | 20503108725 | Fish Creek | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8403 | 3959 | WARATAH BAY | VIC | 146.066529 | -38.734636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.79999 | 146.0640244 | 20503108725 | Fish Creek | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8404 | 3959 | WARATAH NORTH | VIC | 146.066529 | -38.734636 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.770885 | 146.073309 | 20503108725 | Fish Creek | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8405 | 3960 | BENNISON | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6707482 | 146.2733747 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8406 | 3960 | BOOLARONG | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5813154 | 146.2387806 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8407 | 3960 | FOSTER | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.65 | 146.2 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8408 | 3960 | FOSTER NORTH | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5974169 | 146.1700361 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8409 | 3960 | GUNYAH | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5256055 | 146.2551168 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8410 | 3960 | MOUNT BEST | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5879921 | 146.2985284 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8411 | 3960 | RUMBUG | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5792 | 146.195 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8412 | 3960 | SHALLOW INLET | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.8166667 | 146.1666667 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8413 | 3960 | TIDAL RIVER | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -39.0317235 | 146.3213055 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8414 | 3960 | TURTONS CREEK | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5539398 | 146.2279754 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8415 | 3960 | WILSONS PROMONTORY | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.9588559 | 146.3682269 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8416 | 3960 | WONGA | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5988034 | 146.2475293 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8417 | 3960 | WOORARRA WEST | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5919298 | 146.2175017 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8418 | 3960 | YANAKIE | VIC | 146.360412 | -39.140761 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.8071478 | 146.2223893 | 20503109201 | Wilsons Promontory | 205031092 | Wilsons Promontory | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 10.2339715957642 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8419 | 3962 | AGNES | VIC | 146.359804 | -38.60357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6577757 | 146.3819528 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8420 | 3962 | CHRISTIES | VIC | 146.3929 | -38.5328 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -35.135 | 138.477 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8421 | 3962 | GRAND RIDGE | VIC | 146.359804 | -38.60357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6183 | 146.349 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8422 | 3962 | TOORA | VIC | 146.359804 | -38.60357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6597789 | 146.3041191 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8423 | 3962 | TOORA NORTH | VIC | 146.359804 | -38.60357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6183432 | 146.3488562 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8424 | 3962 | WONYIP | VIC | 146.359804 | -38.60357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5773275 | 146.3789259 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8425 | 3962 | WOORARRA | VIC | 146.359804 | -38.60357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5717941 | 146.3893475 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8426 | 3962 | WOORARRA EAST | VIC | 146.359804 | -38.60357 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6040803 | 146.3768277 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8427 | 3964 | PORT FRANKLIN | VIC | 146.278804 | -38.685115 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6847281 | 146.2733747 | 20503108711 | Toora (Vic.) | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 8.39899826049805 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8428 | 3965 | PORT WELSHPOOL | VIC | 146.472132 | -38.693437 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.692708 | 146.4775937 | 20503108709 | Welshpool (Vic.) | 205031087 | Foster | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 4.19969415664673 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8429 | 3966 | BINGINWARRI | VIC | 146.436583 | -38.630568 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5970662 | 146.4544127 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8430 | 3966 | HAZEL PARK | VIC | 146.436583 | -38.630568 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6357142 | 146.3880186 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8431 | 3966 | WELSHPOOL | VIC | 146.436583 | -38.630568 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.666667 | 146.433333 | 20505110404 | Wonyip | 205051104 | Yarram | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 3 | 22 | Outer Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8432 | 3967 | HEDLEY | VIC | 146.507929 | -38.647562 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6705951 | 146.5392256 | 20505110407 | Woodside (Vic.) | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 23.2379207611084 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Wellington | 26810 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8433 | 3971 | ALBERTON | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.616667 | 146.666667 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8434 | 3971 | ALBERTON WEST | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6 | 146.590556 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8435 | 3971 | BALOOK | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4312045 | 146.5425534 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8436 | 3971 | BAROMI | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4024 | 146.177 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8437 | 3971 | CALROSSIE | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5015718 | 146.6682205 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8438 | 3971 | DEVON NORTH | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5188799 | 146.6436701 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8439 | 3971 | GELLIONDALE | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6277438 | 146.604753 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8440 | 3971 | HIAWATHA | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5385525 | 146.4730429 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8441 | 3971 | HUNTERSTON | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5994635 | 146.7829884 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8442 | 3971 | JACK RIVER | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.570278 | 146.553889 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8443 | 3971 | LANGSBOROUGH | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.649903 | 146.6710267 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8444 | 3971 | MACKS CREEK | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4790153 | 146.6426181 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8445 | 3971 | MADALYA | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5083216 | 146.4989502 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8446 | 3971 | MANNS BEACH | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6450517 | 146.7755155 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8447 | 3971 | PORT ALBERT | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.665278 | 146.688333 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8448 | 3971 | ROBERTSONS BEACH | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6544922 | 146.7282198 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
21013 | 3971 | SNAKE ISLAND | VIC | 146.5237607 | -38.74476124 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.7704 | 146.545 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 4 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 6 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8449 | 3971 | STACEYS BRIDGE | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5603115 | 146.5287173 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8450 | 3971 | TARRA VALLEY | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4671826 | 146.5802188 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8451 | 3971 | TARRAVILLE | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6280474 | 146.7204985 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 3 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8452 | 3971 | WON WRON | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4610555 | 146.7082159 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8453 | 3971 | YARRAM | VIC | 146.815723 | -38.631942 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20505 | Wellington | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.565594 | 146.6751045 | 20505110416 | Yarram | 205051104 | Yarram | 21502 | Mildura | 215 | North West | 2 | 23 | Remote Australia | 5 | 5 | Gippsland | 0.590170323848724 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | | | Gippsland | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8454 | 3975 | LYNBROOK | VIC | 145.231114 | -38.05354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.05 | 145.252 | 21204156405 | Lyndhurst (Vic.) | 212041564 | Dandenong - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8455 | 3975 | LYNDHURST | VIC | 145.231114 | -38.05354 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0704681 | 145.2424941 | 21204156405 | Lyndhurst (Vic.) | 212041564 | Dandenong - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Isaacs | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8456 | 3976 | HAMPTON PARK | VIC | 145.264296 | -38.043995 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.0349647 | 145.2756505 | 21203156227 | Hampton Park | 212031562 | Hampton Park - West | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 47.4305763244629 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Casey | 21610 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
21014 | 3977 | BOTANIC RIDGE | VIC | 145.2695101 | -38.1466398 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.144 | 145.267 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8457 | 3977 | CANNONS CREEK | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.213 | 145.315 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8458 | 3977 | CRANBOURNE | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.105 | 145.279 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8459 | 3977 | CRANBOURNE EAST | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1163346 | 145.307612 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8460 | 3977 | CRANBOURNE NORTH | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.07 | 145.291 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8461 | 3977 | CRANBOURNE SOUTH | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1581064 | 145.2535448 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8462 | 3977 | CRANBOURNE WEST | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1021731 | 145.2535448 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8463 | 3977 | DEVON MEADOWS | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.162 | 145.303 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8464 | 3977 | FIVE WAYS | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1671 | 145.32 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8465 | 3977 | JUNCTION VILLAGE | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.132 | 145.293 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
21015 | 3977 | SANDHURST | VIC | 145.2086871 | -38.08209438 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.081 | 145.207 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8466 | 3977 | SKYE | VIC | 145.268888 | -38.135253 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21401 | Frankston | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | R1 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.119 | 145.2 | 21401137632 | Sandhurst | 214011376 | Skye - Sandhurst | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | 17.9073390960693 | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Frankston | 22170 | Holt | Outer Metropolitan | 25905 | Narre Warren South (South-Eastern Metropolitan) |
8467 | 3978 | CARDINIA | VIC | 145.384606 | -38.135009 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.147 | 145.423 | 21203155826 | Clyde (Vic.) | 212031558 | Cranbourne East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 2 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 2 | 2 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
8468 | 3978 | CLYDE | VIC | 145.384606 | -38.135009 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.132 | 145.327 | 21203155826 | Clyde (Vic.) | 212031558 | Cranbourne East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
8469 | 3978 | CLYDE NORTH | VIC | 145.384606 | -38.135009 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1062834 | 145.3484256 | 21203155826 | Clyde (Vic.) | 212031558 | Cranbourne East - South | 21402 | Mornington Peninsula | 214 | Mornington Peninsula | 1 | 20 | Major Cities of Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 26501 | Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) |
8470 | 3979 | ALMURTA | VIC | 145.591284 | -38.44818 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4723141 | 145.6211838 | 20503109309 | Krowera | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 71.701171875 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8471 | 3979 | GLEN ALVIE | VIC | 145.591284 | -38.44818 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5287872 | 145.6488124 | 20503109309 | Krowera | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 71.701171875 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8472 | 3979 | KERNOT | VIC | 145.591284 | -38.44818 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4401032 | 145.6200499 | 20503109309 | Krowera | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 71.701171875 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8473 | 3979 | KORRINE | VIC | 145.591284 | -38.44818 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5131586 | 145.6419624 | 20503109309 | Krowera | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 71.701171875 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8474 | 3980 | BLIND BIGHT | VIC | 145.356937 | -38.204448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2138627 | 145.339912 | 21203130822 | Warneet | 212031308 | Pearcedale - Tooradin | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 1 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 1 | 1 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8475 | 3980 | TOORADIN | VIC | 145.356937 | -38.204448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.211111 | 145.38 | 21203130822 | Warneet | 212031308 | Pearcedale - Tooradin | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8476 | 3980 | WARNEET | VIC | 145.356937 | -38.204448 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21203 | Casey - South | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.224 | 145.309 | 21203130822 | Warneet | 212031308 | Pearcedale - Tooradin | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Holt | | V1 | PHN203 | South Eastern Melbourne | Cardinia | 21450 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8477 | 3981 | BAYLES | VIC | 145.575 | -38.207298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.182 | 145.575 | 21201154826 | Koo Wee Rup | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 2 | Monash | | V1 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8478 | 3981 | CATANI | VIC | 145.575 | -38.207298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.183333 | 145.65 | 21201154826 | Koo Wee Rup | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V1 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8479 | 3981 | DALMORE | VIC | 145.575 | -38.207298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.19 | 145.425 | 21201154826 | Koo Wee Rup | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Monash | | V1 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8480 | 3981 | HEATH HILL | VIC | 145.575 | -38.207298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.244 | 145.692 | 21201154826 | Koo Wee Rup | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V1 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8481 | 3981 | KOO WEE RUP | VIC | 145.575 | -38.207298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.198 | 145.489 | 21201154826 | Koo Wee Rup | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 2 | 2 | Monash | | V1 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8482 | 3981 | KOO WEE RUP NORTH | VIC | 145.575 | -38.207298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.1486911 | 145.5385871 | 21201154826 | Koo Wee Rup | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 3 | 2 | Monash | | V1 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8483 | 3981 | YANNATHAN | VIC | 145.575 | -38.207298 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.233333 | 145.633333 | 21201154826 | Koo Wee Rup | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V1 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8484 | 3984 | ADAMS ESTATE | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4256676 | 145.5323505 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8485 | 3984 | CALDERMEADE | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2380228 | 145.576448 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8486 | 3984 | CORINELLA | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4242265 | 145.463777 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8487 | 3984 | CORONET BAY | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.433333 | 145.45 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8488 | 3984 | GRANTVILLE | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4 | 145.533333 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8489 | 3984 | JAM JERRUP | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3217802 | 145.5204241 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8490 | 3984 | LANG LANG | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.266667 | 145.566667 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8491 | 3984 | LANG LANG EAST | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2728983 | 145.6523091 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8492 | 3984 | MONOMEITH | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2155589 | 145.5378941 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8493 | 3984 | PIONEER BAY | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3805015 | 145.5503685 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8494 | 3984 | QUEENSFERRY | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4193115 | 145.5011741 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8495 | 3984 | TENBY POINT | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4146878 | 145.473471 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8496 | 3984 | THE GURDIES | VIC | 145.563979 | -38.312647 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3863916 | 145.5659261 | 21201154824 | Lang Lang | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8497 | 3987 | NYORA | VIC | 145.689142 | -38.309048 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 21201 | Cardinia | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3054452 | 145.6800684 | 21201154819 | Nyora (Vic.) | 212011548 | Koo Wee Rup | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 98.220817565918 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8498 | 3988 | MOUNTAIN VIEW | VIC | 145.811863 | -38.313447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.2975183 | 145.850207 | 20503108916 | Poowong North | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 204.496307373047 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8499 | 3988 | POOWONG | VIC | 145.811863 | -38.313447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.35 | 145.75 | 20503108916 | Poowong North | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 204.496307373047 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8500 | 3988 | POOWONG EAST | VIC | 145.811863 | -38.313447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.3182611 | 145.8264786 | 20503108916 | Poowong North | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 204.496307373047 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8501 | 3988 | POOWONG NORTH | VIC | 145.811863 | -38.313447 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.286259 | 145.7911919 | 20503108916 | Poowong North | 205031089 | Korumburra | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 204.496307373047 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Baw Baw | 20830 | Monash | Rural | 25701 | Narracan (Eastern Victoria) |
8502 | 3989 | ST HELIER | VIC | -2.10323 | 49.1805 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | | | | | R3 | Updated 25-Jan-2020 | 49.1805 | -2.10323 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 15.4713544845581 | V2 | | | Mildura | 24780 | Monash | | | |
8503 | 3990 | GLEN FORBES | VIC | 145.501279 | -38.455399 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4399786 | 145.5247285 | 20503109310 | Tenby Point | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 19.4145393371582 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8504 | 3991 | BASS | VIC | 145.466781 | -38.483041 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4734903 | 145.4582381 | 20503109338 | San Remo (Vic.) | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 9.99390506744385 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8505 | 3992 | BLACKWOOD FOREST | VIC | 145.534315 | -38.569135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.496757 | 145.613081 | 20503109313 | West Creek | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 6.91779565811157 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8506 | 3992 | DALYSTON | VIC | 145.534315 | -38.569135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5648841 | 145.5342757 | 20503109313 | West Creek | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 6.91779565811157 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8507 | 3992 | RYANSTON | VIC | 145.534315 | -38.569135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.4993994 | 145.5912693 | 20503109313 | West Creek | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 6.91779565811157 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8508 | 3992 | WEST CREEK | VIC | 145.534315 | -38.569135 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5522052 | 145.6294143 | 20503109313 | West Creek | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 6.91779565811157 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8509 | 3995 | ANDERSON | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5227147 | 145.4526995 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8510 | 3995 | ARCHIES CREEK | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.548056 | 145.563611 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8511 | 3995 | CAPE PATERSON | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6717 | 145.6198 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8512 | 3995 | HARMERS HAVEN | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6549515 | 145.5774025 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8513 | 3995 | HICKSBOROUGH | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.592247 | 145.5896427 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8514 | 3995 | KILCUNDA | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5498 | 145.4761 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8515 | 3995 | LANCE CREEK | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5514088 | 145.6540438 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8516 | 3995 | NORTH WONTHAGGI | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6089501 | 145.5911028 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8517 | 3995 | POWLETT RIVER | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5787598 | 145.5332945 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8518 | 3995 | SOUTH DUDLEY | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5899957 | 145.5774025 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8519 | 3995 | ST CLAIR | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5778035 | 145.6552581 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8520 | 3995 | WATTLE BANK | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5739972 | 145.6994958 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8521 | 3995 | WONTHAGGI | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6089501 | 145.5911028 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 4 | 4 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8522 | 3995 | WOOLAMAI | VIC | 145.630713 | -38.578071 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.5133112 | 145.4921696 | 20503109366 | Cape Paterson | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | 18.6499786376953 | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | Bass Coast | 20740 | Monash | Rural | 20301 | Bass (Eastern Victoria) |
8523 | 3996 | INVERLOCH | VIC | 145.745609 | -38.629561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6334 | 145.7278 | 20503109368 | Inverloch | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 4 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
8524 | 3996 | POUND CREEK | VIC | 145.745609 | -38.629561 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20503 | Gippsland - South West | 205 | Latrobe - Gippsland | R3 | Updated 6-Feb-2020 | -38.6041152 | 145.8628005 | 20503109368 | Inverloch | 205031093 | Wonthaggi - Inverloch | 21704 | Warrnambool | 217 | Warrnambool and South West | 2 | 21 | Inner Regional Australia | 5 | 5 | Monash | | V2 | PHN204 | Gippsland | South Gippsland | 26170 | Monash | Rural | 23301 | Gippsland South (Eastern Victoria) |
11287 | 8001 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Queenscliffe | 26080 | Macnamara | | | |
11288 | 8002 | EAST MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.813 | 144.985 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN201 | | Yarra | 27350 | Macnamara | | | |
11289 | 8003 | COLLINS STREET EAST | VIC | 144.957 | -37.8183 | | | | | | | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -37.8183 | 144.957 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 10.8261299133301 | V1 | | | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | | | |
11290 | 8004 | ST KILDA ROAD | VIC | 145.4689942 | -36.5587997 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -37.8427922 | 144.9777066 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Macnamara | | V1 | | | Greater Shepparton | 22830 | Macnamara | | | |
11291 | 8005 | WORLD TRADE CENTRE | VIC | 144.950858 | -37.824608 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | 40.7127431 | -74.0133795 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | V1 | PHN201 | | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | | | |
11292 | 8006 | ABECKETT STREET | VIC | 144.9593062 | -37.8097006 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -37.8097006 | 144.9593062 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | | V1 | | | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | | | |
11293 | 8007 | COLLINS STREET WEST | VIC | 144.957 | -37.8183 | | | | | | | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -37.8183 | 144.957 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 10.8261299133301 | V1 | | | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | | | |
11294 | 8008 | ST KILDA ROAD CENTRAL | VIC | 144.970161 | -37.844246 | | | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -37.8428 | 144.978 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11295 | 8009 | FLINDERS LANE | VIC | 144.964531 | -37.817201 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -37.8171831 | 144.9645822 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | | V1 | | | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | | | |
11296 | 8010 | LAW COURTS | VIC | 146.293728 | -38.185857 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -37.4713077 | 144.7851531 | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | 3 | 2 | | | V1 | | | Latrobe (Vic.) | 23810 | Macnamara | | | |
88 | 8011 | LITTLE LONSDALE STREET | VIC | 144.9617461 | -37.8113144 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | | | | | R1 | Updated 4-Dec-2022 | -37.8113144 | 144.9617461 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 14.2255477905273 | V1 | | | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | | | |
89 | 8012 | DOCKLANDS | VIC | 144.948039 | -37.814719 | | | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 25-Mar-2020 SA3 | -37.819 | 144.947 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 12.555121421814 | V1 | PHN203 | | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | | | |
11297 | 8045 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11298 | 8051 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11301 | 8066 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11302 | 8069 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11303 | 8070 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11304 | 8071 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11307 | 8102 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11309 | 8107 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11311 | 8111 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11312 | 8120 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
11313 | 8205 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | -37.8136276 | 144.9630576 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 27.3321876525879 | V1 | PHN203 | | Port Phillip | 25900 | Macnamara | | | |
24164 | 8383 | MELBOURNE | VIC | 144.9825846 | -37.81443733 | LVR | LVR | 20605 | Port Phillip | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 27.3321876525879 | | | | Mildura | | | | | |
24130 | 8438 | SUNSHINE WEST | VIC | 144.8110787 | -37.79809941 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 36.3751678466797 | | | | South Gippsland | | | | | |
24131 | 8511 | SUNSHINE WEST | VIC | 144.8110787 | -37.79809941 | LVR | LVR | 21301 | Brimbank | 213 | Melbourne - West | R1 | Updated 17-Mar-2024 AUSPOST | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 36.3751678466797 | | | | South Gippsland | | | | | |
11331 | 8785 | DANDENONG | VIC | 145.208504 | -38.016114 | Post Office Boxes | Post Office Boxes | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.9847811 | 145.2139907 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.1385822296143 | V1 | PHN203 | | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | Isaacs | | | |
24132 | 8785 | DANDENONG SOUTH | VIC | 145.208504 | -38.016114 | LVR | LVR | 21204 | Dandenong | 212 | Melbourne - South East | R1 | Updated 2-Dec-2022 | -37.9847811 | 145.2139907 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | | 15.1385822296143 | | | | Greater Dandenong | 22670 | | | | |
23878 | 9999 | NORTH POLE | VIC | 144.956776 | -37.817403 | Delivery Area | Delivery Area | 20604 | Melbourne City | 206 | Melbourne - Inner | R1 | Added 1-July-2021 | -37.8152065 | 144.963937 | | | | | | | | | 1 | | | 1 | 1 | Melbourne | 15.2447509765625 | | | | Melbourne | 24600 | Macnamara | | | |
I make this information freely available, and use it for my own client projects and experiments. However, if you feel you'd like to help me out, a donation to the charity my wife and I run would be greatly appreciated!
We work hard to provide education scholarships and healthcare services in Uganda (Africa), and any support is appreciated!
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